View Full Version : A little something to think about.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:54:27 PM
cotton=made from cellulose=doesnt dissolve in water=holds water=what cellulose is in our body=yeaah

You know what this means, right? WE'RE MADE OF COTTON!

Morgan Evanar
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:56:38 PM
No, we aren't. Cellulose = plant fiber. No plant fiber in me except for the yummies.

Figrin D'an
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:10:04 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
cotton=made from cellulose=doesnt dissolve in water=holds water=what cellulose is in our body=yeaah

You know what this means, right? WE'RE MADE OF COTTON!

That kind of logic is about as reasonable as this:

It is hot in Arizona.
People live in Arizona.
It is hot on the sun.
Therefore, people live on the sun.


Ryan Pode
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:14:35 PM
Figrin is right. Everybody knows the gnomes live on the sun.

Aug 25th, 2003, 02:15:57 PM
But imagine if it WERE true! You could make midgets by throwing people into the laundry! ^__________^

Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:17:12 PM
Yay for theories and proofs. *waves banner*

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:11:50 PM
Indeed. I just thought it was funny.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 25th, 2003, 04:20:51 PM
Cows eat grass
Cows like grass
Humans eat cows
Hence, we like eating grass.

We could make these for days on end...:lol

Aug 26th, 2003, 08:11:48 PM
In gifted I actually had a class in 4th or 5th, that was basicly all we did.

Oh. and we had the weird circle things that I forgot what they're called. like three circles overlapping.

Park Kraken
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:53:20 PM
We can swim
Whales can swim
We = Whales
And thus the theory of evolution was born.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:08:30 PM
I like dancing a lot.
Strippers dance a lot!
Therefore I must be a stripper.


Aug 27th, 2003, 01:16:46 AM
Hand grenades contain Iron
Broccoli contains Iron
Therefore broccoli is explosive.

Seteth Morters
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:33:55 AM
That explains the mess in the toilet then.

paper = trees
cocoa beans = trees
cocoa beans = chocolate
chocolate = yummy
Therefore paper = yummy.

I'm off to eat the Thesaurus.

Hayes Muirso
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:34:56 AM
This logic is the best logic ever :D

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 27th, 2003, 04:15:15 PM
*climbs onto soapbox*

Why don't we learn stuff like THIS in school?

We could be eating our dictionaries, but noooooo....

We've gotta learn formulas that we'll never use. For instance, why the hell are there negative numbers? As soon as you make a physical object's size below zero, guess what?!?!?

It doesn't exist anymore!!! :p

So why do we have to know about -45, or -13? We're not gonna go up to somebody and tell them: my house is -3 blocks from here! We're gonna tell them that it's three blocks the other direction. :D

*huffs and puffs*

*Gets off his soapbox*

...That said, I'm liking Precalculus...:lol