View Full Version : A Bringer of Bad News

Jamo Jakatta
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:05:59 AM
"Jamo, this is Daiquiri. The whole crew is welcome to join the wake I’m having at Volfstadt in three days time. Who? Vega. Daiquiri out."

Jakatta quirked a brow. He’d just received the message (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8239) from Fascinataru and it seemed like it was going to be his duty to deliver the news to the rest of the crew on the base. He’d only met Vega once, so he didn’t really feel anything about his being dead – except perhaps giddy at the thought of getting sloshed at a wake party. It didn’t seem very likely that a Sith Lord would fall like that, but why would Daiquiri lie?

Jamo hopped up out of his seat and wandered into one of the mess halls. He pulled out a handheld communications unit of his own creation and held it up to his mouth.

“Hear ye, hear ye – thee base is invited to ye olde wake of the right-honorable Lord Van-Derveld, esquire. To be held in three days time on... Faskin... Fa... Daiquiri's planet! Bring your own beer.”

The message went over the tannoy and into the various offices and the transmission cut off as Jamo sat down to get something to eat, humming something about ‘ding dong’.

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:36:25 PM
Hera practically fell off her chair as the overhead comm blurted out the astonishing news.

"What the....? Get Jamo" the dumbfounded crewman looked blankly at Hera.

"Get Jamo!! Oh forget it! I'll go myself."

She strode from the room. What kind of message is that to blast over the system? No warning, no hint, just hammerblow a person over the head.

Striding down the corridor, her cloak billowing about her form, the Sith burst into the communications room.

"Jamo! What the frell are you talking about? Vega's not dead. Daiq would have told me." He looked at her doubtfully. "Ok, you're right, she might not have being banished and all, but are you sure that message is authentic?"

Hera's consternation was clear. This was shocking news, both for Vega himself, and for Daiquiri, his new wife and her dear friend. Despite recent episodes.

"Are you sure!" she demanded.

Jamo Jakatta
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:30:24 AM
Jamo gave a non-committal shrug.

“I don’t know? She messaged the base, I answered, she told me to pass it on.”

He looked up at Hera expectantly, slurping noisily on the drink in his hand. When she said nothing, he added.

“Go see for your self. Like I said, party at casa Van-Derveld in his honor. I’m sure they’ll have rum.”

Aug 26th, 2003, 06:08:13 AM
Brown eyes narrowed at the news being given. No way....the pooch bought it? the thought ran through his mind. Ezra couldn't believe that. Someone knocked off the lupine? He pulled his grease smeared upper torso out of the cramped compartment he was presently in and listened to the rest of the message coming across via station comm system.

...esquire. To be held in three days time on... Faskin... Fa... Daiquiri's planet! Bring your own beer.”

Sunuva.....he was capped!! Daiquiri wouldn't lie about that. Three days huh? Looks like he was going to pay respects to one of his adversaries. He wiped his hands on the rag he kept by his tools ,then tossed it aside and pulled his flightsuit from around his waist and zipped it up properly.

"Well now, need to see what Im gonna wear for this."

Aug 26th, 2003, 09:37:21 PM
Not that she doubted Jamo - the kid was a whiz and for someone to dupe him when it came to anything technical would probably take odds of one to three thousand seven hundred and twenty.

But she had to see it for herself, such was her incomprehension of the news.

And sure enough, it originated from Fascinataru, from Daiqs own line.

Hera slumped into her chair, shaking her head in disbelief and, yes, greif. She had only known Vega a short time, but she liked him (despite his massive ego) and she respected him as a darksider. And for Daiquiri.....this was just so wrong. Hera wanted to call her, console her. But how could she after they parted so bitterly. Anyway, what needed to be said between them would be better to say face to face.

Coding a response herself, the Faene Mistress forwarded a short reply.

"Acknowledged. ShadowFaene sends condolences. Will attend."