View Full Version : Questions regarding Xazor's leaving of GJO

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 24th, 2003, 10:47:20 PM
1. Does Xazor have another Jedi character?

2. How will the situation of her padawans be resolved? Will they be reassigned? Will they all leave? Or should that be handled on an individual basis?

EDIT: Has Marcus also left GJO? I can't remember. If so, I guess the above questions apply for him also.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 24th, 2003, 10:56:01 PM
Okay, just because I'm a detail nut, I've got a few questions too. Now, nobody take this personal, because I'd need to know these things if I were to have left as well.

First, if someone leaves the GJO, then does their security clearance and keycards get deactivated so that they can no longer gain entry to private parts of the order such as the Academy, the Grounds, and Avalon (the physical place of it, not the forum)?

Second, if someone has left the order, and then shows up in certain areas, how is that to be handled? If it is know that they have left, should their presence be reported to security? Not knowing what this paerson might have done after leaving, the threat of Darskide infiltration would be a large concern on my mind.

Third, can I have Xazor's stereo? I mean, if she's not using it...

Figrin D'an
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:00:47 PM
Originally posted by Sejah Haversh
First, if someone leaves the GJO, then does their security clearance and keycards get deactivated so that they can no longer gain entry to private parts of the order such as the Academy, the Grounds, and Avalon (the physical place of it, not the forum)?

Yes, yes, and yes. Their IC access in removed, and the security system will no longer recognize any security codes linked to said person.

Second, if someone has left the order, and then shows up in certain areas, how is that to be handled? If it is know that they have left, should their presence be reported to security? Not knowing what this paerson might have done after leaving, the threat of Darskide infiltration would be a large concern on my mind.

Security would be aware of it, and the Council would be notified.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:02:51 PM
So what do we do in regards to OOC access?

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:02:57 PM
1. Pretty good point there.

2. Guess that would be case-by-case scenario. If somebody left and then wandered back, it would be taken a little easier than someone who left, destroyed some planets, ate some babies, etc. I guess the default would be "Uh, what are you doing?" and maybe a tentative "Welcome back"

3. The correct answer is Ebay.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:04:42 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
So what do we do in regards to OOC access?

This is what I'm trying to discern by asking if they have established Jedi here. If so, then its alright...because plenty of alternate names are allowed in, due to the poster having at least one account that is a qualifying Jedi. But if they don't have such characters, then I guess that would need to be taken care of?

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:07:13 PM
It seems logical that leaving IC would also give up OOC powers/access, unless of course they had another character that was justly entitled to said powers.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:09:05 PM
Xazor also has Anthony Scott, so her access here should remain.

Marcus I'm not sure of. He has sais he has a vew other characters that we don't know are him, but, in this case, I think we ought to know.

Figrin D'an
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:09:27 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
It seems logical that leaving IC would also give up OOC powers/access, unless of course they had another character that was justly entitled to said powers.

That has been the policy for a while. GJO member character = access. No GJO member character = no access.

James Prent
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:13:48 PM
*coff* I don't have access with any secondary or primary names except for the name that is a Jedi. I don't see why I'm treated so much differently than everyone else...or why not everyone is treated like I am.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:14:28 PM
Ok so that question is answered in regard to Xaz. Thanks :)

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:15:40 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
*coff* I don't have access with any secondary or primary names except for the name that is a Jedi. I don't see why I'm treated so much differently than everyone else...or why not everyone is treated like I am.

Then ask a GJO mod for it? :)

Figrin D'an
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:16:31 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
*coff* I don't have access with any secondary or primary names except for the name that is a Jedi. I don't see why I'm treated so much differently than everyone else...or why not everyone is treated like I am.

If you want access with another account, PM myself or Morg.

James Prent
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:36:02 AM
I was informed by Mark that no non-Jedi names were allowed. So I never asked, because I believed him.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:20:45 AM
Xazor also has Anthony Scott

ah what.. have you looked at his sig? member of the Shrine? not quite a Jedi.

Aug 25th, 2003, 02:41:41 AM
Oh. Well, guess the question's still open ^_^;

Aug 25th, 2003, 03:30:18 AM
So what do we do in regards to OOC access?

It's no one else's business who has access and who doesnt except for GJO mods. You Ryla, have that ability to decide for yourself. The OOC running of the board is not and will not be up for discussion. It is up to the people I or Yog in the past have asked to come on board, their decisions are final and even if I disagree with them, I'll support them unless its so horifically out of shape......

My rules I use for access I use and I dont bend for anyone. Others may do things differently.

1) Jedi or Jedi allied character only.

Than means only for me for example, I have only allowed Tohmahawk and Elessar as my active characters in. NO others. I play by my own rules. And just because someone's being anal about it, Elessar is both allied (even if GJO isnt IC aware of it) and also highly interested what goes on, even if he's not 'listed'.


And if you also really want to know, though I dont see why I should even tell anyone as it's my own business, I do have other Jedi characters. One of them's even active. So does Xazor. So do others. It's no one's real business to know as long as they are not breaking infiltration rules.

2) Strictly OOC names.

The only exception is for a strictly OOC name that someone uses commonly. That's the only reason I've set "Marcus" to see Avalon.

Also, once someone has access in here, they have to go Dark Side to lose it. I'm not THAT anal retentive.

So yers James, my answer stands. I do not give access except as above.

* shrug *

But other mod may see it differently, they are all allowed to work as they see fit.

I'll onlly get into a violent uproar if access is granted by a non GJO mod or if someone gets truly anal about taking access away.

Aug 25th, 2003, 03:37:58 AM
Hmph that came across as rather abrupt. Dont worry, I'll be back in the usual idiot mood after I get this fucking network fixed.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:38:08 AM
It's no one's real business to know as long as they are not breaking infiltration rules.

But it would be nice to know for the sake of this issue, really.

Aug 25th, 2003, 03:40:33 AM
Originally posted by Marcus
Than means only for me for example, I have only allowed Tohmahawk and Elessar as my active characters in. NO others. I play by my own rules. And just because someone's being anal about it, Elessar is both allied (even if GJO isnt IC aware of it) and also highly interested what goes on, even if he's not 'listed'.

Are you saying that these accounts are given access to OOC, or are you saying that the actual characters should have IC access?

Aug 25th, 2003, 03:56:13 AM
If they should logically have IC access, then OOC access follows. DT and FMH could never gain access, so I simply dont grant it.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 25th, 2003, 05:48:29 AM
Yet a lot of other people have access. I didn't grant many accounts access. I only have access with this account, maybe my West account.

For some other people like Chuckles, De'Ville or Rie? I don't see why its a big deal. Or even myself. I just have a lot of of bookmarks and <3 <3 Mozzy's PW manager.

I sort of see that as a non issue, as they all have Jedi characters. Its not like they're going to post IC with em (being non Jedi characters) or anything.

The line in the sand seems to be squiggly.

Aug 25th, 2003, 06:17:38 AM
. It is up to the people I or Yog in the past have asked to come on board, their decisions are final and even if I disagree with them, I'll support them unless its so horifically out of shape......

You have your way, I've got mine. Neither is rigther or wronger (And fuck off potential grammar nazis, I'm tired and had enough of stupid Blaster worms :p ) than the other. It's always been up to the invidiual mod to make the call and unless they did soemthign truly stupid, I would not quibble.

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:28:18 AM
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, why would Marcus and Tohmahawk have IC access to restricted areas?

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:49:48 AM

Well, considering Tohmahawk only like helped provide Arcan IV and guarded the Jedi, plus continues to support and guard if needed, that might just have gained some trust and the right to be about if he so needed to?

And Elessar only just gives training and support and advice if needed, plus also has family here, let alone all he's done and continues to do quietly without drawing attention to himself for GJO's benifit?

(sarcasm) Hey, not much reason at all (/sarcasm)

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:56:37 AM
Well, they aren't Jedi of the GJO, so I don't think other laurels would really apply for regular IC access, IMO.

Under that logic, every NRSF member could also have such access, or even further, whatever allies the GJO might have, however shifty those sands might be. Strictly from seeing it as a precedent, it may be a little inappropriate, at least without tacit approval from the Council in some manner.

Aug 25th, 2003, 09:35:14 AM

I'm rapidly running out of patience here. The answers I should not have to spell out and I am disgusted and offended I'm about to. I have, over the entire life of the GJO done the right thing IC and OOC by them and right now, if you dont like my answer, tough. I've been quite resonable and logical in this, if you care to even begin to think it out.

Tohamahwk was the leader of the NRSF, has come before the Council, is known by the Council and has actually done much to be allowed in. HIS access goes back well before the Jedi even got to Arcan IV., even before the mess of plotlines. In other Words, HIS access has been allowed well before Anbira came back to the Jedi.

And Elessar might well have buried his past and made himself scarce and doing things differently, but I guess those who know him wouldnt be too worried to see him, in fact be rather glad to know elessar hasn't abandoned GJO and is still concerned about it? Oh, there's only also he needs to speak to Jedi he knows, to access records and archives, to train others too, for he does have someone he is training here. . Oh and also he has ways and means of moving about and get in if he wishes. His reasons for burying himself were not to leave, but to hide his connections to family, so as to protect them or more precisely, her. He knows anyone outside of the Jedi linking him to Evenstar would be a disaster for her, especially if the crims Elessar is targeting works it out. There are other reasons why Elessar would seek to bury links and history, those I shouldnt have to give, it can be worked out.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:44:56 AM
Tohamahwk was the leader of the NRSF, has come before the Council, is known by the Council

Not the current Council? Wouldn't it be up to them who has IC access into areas. The NRSF doesn't have anything to do with the Jedi, that has been established numerous times when people have brought up wanting their Jedi to join them (the NRSF), so I don't see why members of the NRSF should be privy to restricted Jedi information.

Aug 25th, 2003, 09:47:44 AM
Were the two ever given IC access by the council? Yes you've posted there, but the only justification that I've seen is that nothing has been said of it thus far. Ex post facto isn't applied here.

One reason is that your storylines have trended on the incredibly complicated, and it makes sifting through for answers very difficult.

Aug 25th, 2003, 09:54:19 AM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Not the current Council? Wouldn't it be up to them who has IC access into areas. The NRSF doesn't have anything to do with the Jedi, that has been established numerous times when people have brought up wanting their Jedi to join them (the NRSF), so I don't see why members of the NRSF should be privy to restricted Jedi information.

Well Tohmahawk isn't even in the NRSF anymore. I think he's just a NR general now? (not sure) Even still, the point still stands I suppose.

Aug 25th, 2003, 09:56:00 AM

I've honesty fucking had enough of this.

Think! THINK! Why would Tohmahawk come in? To browse Jedi shit he doesnt care about? Check out Lion's Gungan porn collection? Go through Madam Tarkin's undies?

OR maybe he comes in here to address security and safety issues, as that's actually part of his job????????????

He doesnt give a rip about your information, he's only interested in protecting your ass.

Aug 25th, 2003, 10:03:23 AM
That really is beside the point, though.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 25th, 2003, 10:30:27 AM
I guess the problem is that, given the current rule of no GJO character = No access, we need to assess just where, exactly, does the line of GJO character end and alied character begin?

I do see the logic in keeping the access for the characters who have a justified reason, and it sounds to me that what you have described, Mark, is a justified reason. We'd have more reason to be worried about this if access issues were causing a problem regarding infiltration, and they're not, so far as I know.

You Ryla, have that ability to decide for yourself.

Yes, but I'd rather be on board with everyone else so as not to cause any dissagreements. :)

Pierce Tondry
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:48:52 PM
I'm not part of the Council or anything, but I think a pertinent question to this issue is "Has Tohmahawk been RPed doing something as far as GJO security issues are concerned?"

If so, I think that would curb some of the arguements and qualify Tohmahawk as a character with a pertinent reason to have access. If not, I think a case can be made for non-access.

General Tohmahawk
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:19:47 PM
I believe I've already stated yes to that.


Figrin D'an
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:21:46 PM
I think the very fact that different mods and admins see the issue of access differently is a legitimate enough reason to discuss this as a staff and set some firm rules on the matter. Confusion and perceived contradiction will only lead to further problems.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:32:07 PM
THM: Then post some links and/or thread titles as support for your argument instead of getting hot and bothered. That's just silly.

Fig: That sounds like a good idea.

Just as a general statement, my Evil Hobgoblin name had access to Avalon at some point and I think still does. I don't make IC posts with it, I only use it to check and or post to this OOC forum when I was logged into that name already. If this is deemed unacceptable in the near future, I certainly don't mind Hob's access being removed. I only ask that someone shoot me a post or PM about it to let me know.

William Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:57:43 PM
I was informed by Mark that no non-Jedi names were allowed. So I never asked, because I believed him.

Hogwash. Many of us have not only our Jedi, but other characters with access to the private forums here (granted, they're used to just check forums and post OOC stuff). I see no reason why you shouldn't. Drop me a PM if you want any names added to the list.

Just as a general statement, my Evil Hobgoblin name had access to Avalon at some point and I think still does. I don't make IC posts with it, I only use it to check and or post to this OOC forum when I was logged into that name already. If this is deemed unacceptable in the near future, I certainly don't mind Hob's access being removed. I only ask that someone shoot me a post or PM about it to let me know.

Same with me. If some time down the line it is deemed that only Jedi characters are to be allowed into private forums, a warning (in the form of a PM like Tondry suggested) would be nice. (Of course, removing acces to all those names would be a pain and a half. :x)

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:01:08 PM
Well, here's another question, just for contemplation. Is the restricted section the only way to get messages to and from the council? For example, could such matters be discussed somewhere on the grounds or elsewhere? Do allied characters with no other allegiance to the GJO have no other way to contact us?

It does make sense to have other characters allowed, purely for convenience and not switching accounts. However, it does make sense IC to only allow Jedi in to these areas. I mean, it's not like we've got the secrets of the universe stored under our council seats, but it's just the precedent we're setting here, and it does reflect on how closely we watch our rules.

William Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 04:01:41 PM
If I may... I believe (and for convenience sakes) that it really doesn't make a hoot of difference whether an active Jedi (say myself) has not only access with my Jedi character, but also some of the other characters I play. It's not so much for IC purposes, but just conevience so I'm not thinking "Ok, which account am I in? Do I have to change it just to view a certain forum?" etc.

(Just for the record, and this may not mean much to others, but it would irritate me to have to constantly be changing accounts just to be able to get in somewhere to see if any posting was required of me.)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 25th, 2003, 08:25:26 PM

The question was about me, not about anyone else -- cannot I not answer it myself?!

Yes, I have left the GJO. Yes, I have other characters that are members of the GJO. Yes, I will be pissed if my access to these forums are revoked seeing as though I've contributed a lot to this community and I am still a member (just not with Xazor).

Yes, I am an ally to the GJO. No, I am not a Dark Sider. No I did not become a Sith or Dark Jedi. I am still a Jedi -- a Jedi Knight and a Warrior.

Yes I left the GJO for personal OOC reasons as well as IC ones. No, it isn't anything you can change. No, I will not disclose who my other characters are. If you have not figured it out by now, obviously you don't deserve to know.

No, Anthony Scott is no longer a Jedi. Yes, he is a member of The Shrine. Yes, I have many other active Jedi accounts and no, I will not infiltrate for any purpose. Yes, I have Sith and Dark Jedi characters, but no -- I have never ever infiltrated nor do I feel inclined to.

I thought some of you knew me better than this. Thanks a lot -- again, I feel betrayed by those who have called me their friend.

BTW, WTF is this being brought up for in the public spotlight? Funny -- when others have left the Order, it isn't made into a big frelling deal -- but OMG, when Xazor does, it is. It's looked upon as a chance to push me further out of the community. Wow, a chance to block her from another forum or two so that we can be childish and tell secrets and lies about her.

Nice. Sorry Charley, isn't gonna happen.

Thanks for sticking up for me again, Mark -- seems like your the only one.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 25th, 2003, 08:47:21 PM
Your overdramatic reaction isn't apreciated. Charley is continuing a line of inquiry I began, so please, point the gun at the right man. Obviously, I wasn't aware you had other Jedi characters: I wouldn't have said anything if I was.

Yes I left the GJO for personal OOC reasons as well as IC ones. No, it isn't anything you can change. No, I will not disclose who my other characters are. If you have not figured it out by now, obviously you don't deserve to know. I'm sure I could find out if I really wanted to know. But you're not the only person affected by this. If you weren't so focused on yourself, you'd realize that.

BTW, WTF is this being brought up for in the public spotlight? Funny -- when others have left the Order, it isn't made into a big frelling deal -- but OMG, when Xazor does, it is. Your access hadn't been removed yet. We were seeing if it was prudent to do so. The inquiry branched out into other relevant matters now being discussed by the staff.

It's looked upon as a chance to push me further out of the community. Wow, a chance to block her from another forum or two so that we can be childish and tell secrets and lies about her. I'm have my share of character flaws: talking behind someone's back isn't one of them.

If you want to continue your self-focused tirade about how the world hates you, feel free. But I won't respond with a measure of restraint next time.

Figrin D'an
Aug 25th, 2003, 08:49:14 PM
Originally posted by Xazor Elessar

The question was about me, not about anyone else -- cannot I not answer it myself?!

Yes, I have left the GJO. Yes, I have other characters that are members of the GJO. Yes, I will be pissed if my access to these forums are revoked seeing as though I've contributed a lot to this community and I am still a member (just not with Xazor).

Yes, I am an ally to the GJO. No, I am not a Dark Sider. No I did not become a Sith or Dark Jedi. I am still a Jedi -- a Jedi Knight and a Warrior.

Yes I left the GJO for personal OOC reasons as well as IC ones. No, it isn't anything you can change. No, I will not disclose who my other characters are. If you have not figured it out by now, obviously you don't deserve to know.

No, Anthony Scott is no longer a Jedi. Yes, he is a member of The Shrine. Yes, I have many other active Jedi accounts and no, I will not infiltrate for any purpose. Yes, I have Sith and Dark Jedi characters, but no -- I have never ever infiltrated nor do I feel inclined to.

I thought some of you knew me better than this. Thanks a lot -- again, I feel betrayed by those who have called me their friend.

BTW, WTF is this being brought up for in the public spotlight? Funny -- when others have left the Order, it isn't made into a big frelling deal -- but OMG, when Xazor does, it is. It's looked upon as a chance to push me further out of the community. Wow, a chance to block her from another forum or two so that we can be childish and tell secrets and lies about her.

Nice. Sorry Charley, isn't gonna happen.

Thanks for sticking up for me again, Mark -- seems like your the only one.

Cut it with the attitude. This was a legitimate question and no one is insulting or degrading you. It also has provided for a discussion on this policy as it pertains to the rest of the community.

I'm going to suggest that you devulge at least one of your other Jedi accounts that has Avalon access, for the purposes of confirmation. Your line of "If you have not figured it out by now, obviously you don't deserve to know" is completely invalid, as not everyone around here keeps track of all of your RP ventures.

This thread has been warned. The next person who gets out of line is going be taking a vacation from OOC for a few days.

James Prent
Aug 25th, 2003, 11:03:14 PM
I would suggest the 'divulging' of other Jedi characters be done via a PM to Figrin, as so to keep her secrecy.

Personally I'm never any good at keeping who else I RP a secret, so I interchange them in OOC many times. And as many people have already said (yes I've seen all your 'evil' names posting in here in an OOC fashion) it is simply a hassle to have to sign into one paticular name to view one paticular forum. Which is why I'd love Lilaena De'Ville to have access to avalon simply so I can read in here without having to log out and in again.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:26:27 AM
I don't see why people need characters to be secret in the first place.

I agree with AB on having other names in here. Tho I'm on this one most of the time, I'd not like to have to switch between it and another anytime I thought there might be something in here someone wanted me to post to. Probably a little petty but eh :mneh

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:46:38 AM
I agree with you... it's never been a real issue with me to keep tings secret. The only reason I could see that working is if people had a certain preconception of you regarding one character, but for the most part, that's pretty rare around here. (at least what I've seen)

And, wonderfully enough, it's really, really easy to change accounts on this board. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:54:44 AM
Yes but they don't call me lethargic belargic for nothing :mneh

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:55:16 AM

Yes, they do call you that for nothing... doing nothing. ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 26th, 2003, 02:03:09 AM
I want to retort but... too lazy to come up with something

*shakesfist weakly!*

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2003, 05:34:30 AM
I don't really know where I stand on this issue. It's a valid topic for discussion but perhaps one that could've been approached with more delicacy. At times, this thread has reminded me of a witch hunt rather than a discussion.

The Temple is for Jedi only as far as I am concerned and the question of whether or not General Tohmahawk's IC access is appropriate should really be set aside until it is decided which accounts are allowed access at all. If it were only Jedi accounts then no other non-Jedi accounts would be at risk of slipping IC into restiricted areas, ie. the temple. GJO is quite a big group, as such I would recommend a Jedi account only policy, it would make things far more simple. This would mean that an account such as General Tohmahawk or Xazor Elessar would no longer have access. Naturally their other Jedi characters would be allowed OOC and IC access to items within the temple.

When it comes to Marcus' IC access, I have no idea because unlike Xazor's character, I've no idea if he's left officially or whatever. That should be clarified but I'd strongly suggest the removal of any other non-Jedi accounts for thew purpose of avoiding contradiction and promoting clarity. In a case such as this it should be all or nothing, not a bit here and a bit there.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 26th, 2003, 06:11:21 AM
I question why this thread was even started when over the two years I have been a member, not a single other person's access has been questioned. It has always appeared to me that access has been quite relaxed as the point of GJO was a community of roleplayers, not a clique. I thought the policy was to be very open and to have an attitude of "Well, we'll keep the seat warm, even if your leaving". When did this change? If it has, I will be disappointed, it is one thing I have appreciated, even if I do not participate much.

If this in fact is a group of open and welcoming players and this attitude is encouraged, I see no need for any policy changes.

In the end it matters not to me personally, I have just one character.

Aug 26th, 2003, 06:47:03 AM
I don't see why people need characters to be secret in the first place.

Well, its really user prerogative. They may have genuine reasons why, or they might just like trying to be anonymous. However, in cases of restricted access areas, I think there's a due reason to notify mod-type people of that particular area, but still in a way that is discreet and can overall keep confidentiality.

The Temple is for Jedi only as far as I am concerned and the question of whether or not General Tohmahawk's IC access is appropriate should really be set aside until it is decided which accounts are allowed access at all. If it were only Jedi accounts then no other non-Jedi accounts would be at risk of slipping IC into restiricted areas, ie. the temple. GJO is quite a big group, as such I would recommend a Jedi account only policy, it would make things far more simple. This would mean that an account such as General Tohmahawk or Xazor Elessar would no longer have access. Naturally their other Jedi characters would be allowed OOC and IC access to items within the temple.

When it comes to Marcus' IC access, I have no idea because unlike Xazor's character, I've no idea if he's left officially or whatever. That should be clarified but I'd strongly suggest the removal of any other non-Jedi accounts for thew purpose of avoiding contradiction and promoting clarity. In a case such as this it should be all or nothing, not a bit here and a bit there.

Well, my inference was to IC access removed, not necessarily restricting accounts from access. That part was more or less procedural, seeing as I've seen cases of people leaving the group and having their access terminated until a point when they might return. Mainly, I'm more concerned about how the character recognition stands than anything. There are consequences to leaving, and one is that, at the very least, you've got to stop at the security desk now like all the tourists :)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:54:02 AM

This is just a witch hunt. I won't divulge my characters unless it's through PM. Even then, I still find it awefully scetchy to do so. An Admin could easily trace my IP and find out who else I play.


Oh, and well said Helenias. :)

Morgan Evanar
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:14:36 AM
Today 08:11:21 AM Post #51

I question why this thread was even started when over the two years I have been a member, not a single other person's access has been questioned. It has always appeared to me that access has been quite relaxed as the point of GJO was a community of roleplayers, not a clique. I thought the policy was to be very open and to have an attitude of "Well, we'll keep the seat warm, even if your leaving". When did this change? If it has, I will be disappointed, it is one thing I have appreciated, even if I do not participate much.

If this in fact is a group of open and welcoming players and this attitude is encouraged, I see no need for any policy changes.

In the end it matters not to me personally, I have just one character. Most people are forthcoming and either have their access pulled automatically when they leave, or they let a mod discreetly know of any alt characters.

I gave up my moderatorship to go to TSO. I lost all private forum access to GJO. It was an in-character ploy, but the fact of the matter was that I was now in the other dugout.

This is just a witch hunt. I won't divulge my characters unless it's through PM. Even then, I still find it awefully scetchy to do so. An Admin could easily trace my IP and find out who else I play. Bye. See you in two days.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:14:51 AM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
Well, my inference was to IC access removed, not necessarily restricting accounts from access. That part was more or less procedural, seeing as I've seen cases of people leaving the group and having their access terminated until a point when they might return. Mainly, I'm more concerned about how the character recognition stands than anything. There are consequences to leaving, and one is that, at the very least, you've got to stop at the security desk now like all the tourists :)

I understand your point and agree with it as far as IC character recognisation and security protocols are concerned. What I was saying about account access is say General Tohmahawk is disallowed having IC access to the temple, which as far as I am concerned should be the case as the character is not a Jedi(like I said, it should be all or nothing with regards to IC access to the temple). However in allowing said account access to the temple, even if it is for only OOC purposes, there is the risk of the character slipping into an IC role thus fudging up the whole Jedi only system once again. So in Mark's case, his Marcus(Jedi) account has IC and OOC access which negates the need to have the Tohmahawk account for extra OOC access.

This should stand for all members of GJO, of course, there are some accounts - like my Dru one or the Agent Charley one - which don't risk slipping into IC mode within the temple as they are only OOC accounts in the first place. Nevertheless, the principle would stand and regardless, we would be left with our Jedi only accounts for Temple access and nothing more. I think this is fair and would erradicate any added risk of characters roleplaying in places they shouldn't be allowed to.

Helenias: I understand what you mean when you talk about the fact that no other members access has ever been discussed when they left, hence my witch hunt remark, however that is not to say that the issues are unnacceptable or invalid for discussion. My standing on the matter is that if they character is a Jedi and a member of GJO then the account is entitled to the appropriate forum access and the character is entitled to the appropriate security access. As for other accounts, there's no need for them to have access save for the convenience which is an expendable luxury for the sake of maintaining clarity as to which characters/accounts have access to the temple and which do not.

Perhaps a roll call is in order for all accounts with access to these restricted forums which would include the questions:

1. Is the character for this account a Jedi character?


2. Is the Jedi character a member of GJO?

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:40:11 AM
Very well said, Loki. :)

I realize that from the outside looking in, this sure looks as if the mods are trying to jump down certain people's throats. We're not. We've noticed that, in many other cases, there is a discrepancy between what is said in the rules and what is done. This is not done with any intent to be elitist (because we've never forced someone to leave) not is it meant to be aimed at any one particular person. It's just that this issue has been up in the air for a while and we need to address it now.

In regards to being a community, how does enforcing our rules change the community aspect? Do we not still have many, many other forums specifically for those without restricted access? Of course we still will let people back who have a reason to be back, that hasn't changed. :)

Soolin Anjhurin
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:48:05 AM
Okay, gonna make this short and sweet. And everyone else in here should put up their petition/vote to the counci for an official ruling to be made yea or nay.

I only have one account with access to GJO private forums. Soolin Anjhurin, Jedi Knight. That's it, that's all. And I put my vote in the hat that's all non-mods/admins should have access with. period. Maybe an ooc account too if it's known, so that the player can lurk/browse across the board. Like my Kitty McQuade acccount. but that's it.

Sene Unty
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:51:34 AM
I say only Jedi and certain OOC characters should be allowed in these forums. That is all. I agree with Kitty.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:57:23 AM
Only Jedi and OOC accounts is a-ok by me.

William Belargic
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:40:25 AM
I can live with that, I suppose.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:22:08 AM
I agree with Kitty. Though i'm not going to argue or take sides, my first though would be; not a jedi, you dont get into locked areas. IC or Out. If your not in the GJO what concerns do you have WITH GJO?. Im mearly pointing out my opinion, though i agree with Kitty and ze elf :)

Aug 26th, 2003, 11:31:15 AM
Wasn't what I was suggesting, but I suppose I can live with that :)

Figrin D'an
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:23:06 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
Very well said, Loki. :)

I realize that from the outside looking in, this sure looks as if the mods are trying to jump down certain people's throats. We're not. We've noticed that, in many other cases, there is a discrepancy between what is said in the rules and what is done. This is not done with any intent to be elitist (because we've never forced someone to leave) not is it meant to be aimed at any one particular person. It's just that this issue has been up in the air for a while and we need to address it now.

To expand upon this idea....

We've discovered a lot of inconsistancies regarding policy since the writing of our new FAQ was undertaken. There are a lot of fuzzy areas dangling about that really need to be addressed, and this access issue is one of those. The staff is currently in discussion on this, and a decision will be rendered soon.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 26th, 2003, 04:42:47 PM
What I was saying about account access is say General Tohmahawk is disallowed having IC access to the temple, which as far as I am concerned should be the case as the character is not a Jedi(like I said, it should be all or nothing with regards to IC access to the temple). However in allowing said account access to the temple, even if it is for only OOC purposes, there is the risk of the character slipping into an IC role thus fudging up the whole Jedi only system once again. So in Mark's case, his Marcus(Jedi) account has IC and OOC access which negates the need to have the Tohmahawk account for extra OOC access.

The one thing that is highly irritating right now is that 'Hawk has had access since we were on pub1, he has had a highly involved relationship with the Jedi, even before I got into the nonsense of clones and alt id's. 'Hawk began in Dec 1999, has evolved and been rail gunning attackers in the B&G ever since. Pity I made a balls of the character with alt id.

BUT be that as it may, it's in discussion with admins.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 26th, 2003, 04:52:31 PM
It has always been my honest opinion that for locked doors, only authorized personnel should have keys.

In this instance, it is my thought that only those who are GJO members as a Jedi character should be allowed access to Avalon, but OOC only aliases should be onaky as long as that player has an active Jedi account.

This is not meant to belittle anyone, but is simply a suggestion. Those who are not Jedi have no business in Avalon, and should someone outside the GJO need to contact the council, they can PM the council and ask that way. I know I did that before I was a Jedi.

I feel this is a valid question, and though it may not have been addressed in the past, I do not feel its current upcoming is out of place at all. It started out as natural curiosity, and should be able to be ended without emotion becoming a factor here.

Soolin Anjhurin
Aug 26th, 2003, 05:59:04 PM
I feel jedi only needs to mean JEDI ONLY. No exceptions. Otherwise change it to Jedi, Friends & Sidekicks Only.

James Prent
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:36:17 PM
Then someone take away the other alt ID's access, 'cause I'm tired of being the only one who has to switch accounts to see in here. :cry

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2003, 05:53:53 AM
Originally posted by James Prent
Then someone take away the other alt ID's access, 'cause I'm tired of being the only one who has to switch accounts to see in here. :cry

(Raises hand)

You're not the only one. :p

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 27th, 2003, 09:59:37 AM
I just noticed.


Looks like this has been a rule all along :) (check the sticky thread)

Figrin D'an
Aug 28th, 2003, 08:39:04 PM
The staff has decided that only Jedi accounts, in good standing with the group, will be allowed access to the Avalon and OOC forums. There will be an annoucement thread detailing more of this, as we will be trimming the access list considerably.

Aug 28th, 2003, 09:43:27 PM
I noticed when I couldn't log into here with Vymes. Understood :)

Azhure Darkstone
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:06:27 PM
The logical way to sort this special permission issue out is to look at the rule and if grey areas don't work, then we should go back to black and white - thus the new ruling which I agree with.
If we do allow special permission some other rules regarding special permission should set up which cannot be manipulated, or there are no rules regarding special permission at all.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:15:20 AM
The easiest way to deal with these grey areas, as you so aptly term them, is to not give access unless there is a clear reason with clear background info and is also agreed upon by the magical powers-that-be.

Which is what we're doing. :D

Jakob Burton
Sep 4th, 2003, 06:54:59 PM
Um, I'd like to bring to everyone's attention again a question in this thread that was asked by Anibra that did not get answered here (if it was answered elsewhere, my bad, didn't know and I'm asking anyhow) :

What about Xazor's Padawans? Are we to be stuck in the Masterless Padawans' Classes or are we to be, so to speak, "adopted?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 4th, 2003, 07:39:15 PM
We'll obtain a list from her sometime soon and find a place for you all, whether it is with a new master or in a class untill you can find a new master. :)

As you can probably tell, we have a bit of a Knight/Master shortage at the moment, so it may take a bit.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2003, 08:46:27 AM
I PMed all (I thought) of Xazor's Padawan's some time ago about what could potentially be done, sorry if I missed you out Jakob.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:08:57 AM
Sorry didnt see the last few posts till now.

I can take on a few of Xazors Padawans untill the Master/Knight shortage blows over if thats helps?

Morgan Evanar
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:41:34 AM
I PMed all (I thought) of Xazor's Padawan's some time ago about what could potentially be done, sorry if I missed you out Jakob. Did any PM you back?

Chaos Alexander
Sep 7th, 2003, 01:04:55 AM
My opinion

No chars should be allowed in the Privite areas liek Avolon if they are not GJO. They have no reason to post there, why the hell shoudl they be allowed to get in then? I don't care if it is Hawk....or anyone else. Allied or not. The char is not a GJO member. Simple as that.

OOC like this area is different IMO. Most people have access with most of thier chars here. If someone has a IC char here and lets someone know somehow (PM or Post) then it would be no different than what most are doin'.

I think that only the IC areas should be looked at. ALL accounts that are not GJO IC should be removed from privitie areas.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 7th, 2003, 01:39:12 AM
We already went over this, but thank you for your contribution. For the sake of not loosing out minds and keeping track of accounts, Avalon in both OOC and IC forms are available only to Jedi.