View Full Version : Exploring(open)
Ace McCloud
Aug 24th, 2003, 09:32:59 PM
Ace had decided to take a look around the Academy, as no one had given him a tour. He found his way to what seemed to be the combat training area, as he saw many jedi sparring and such. He gripped his saber without reliezing it. He watched those who were fighting, with a close eye. He had never really been very good at fighting with a light saber. What he had learned was from the Sith. But he didn't train much in it, and for the most part only used his saber for killing innocent.
He clutched his saber with a great strength, thinking about what he had done in the past. This saber was no good, he could no longer fight with it.
He tried to surpress his anger. He could not act out of hate and anger, it was no longer his way. He slowly walked over to the nearest window, very tense. He pressed the button on the window, opening it.
He turned his hand over, to get one last look at his light saber. After a moment of reflecting, he brought his hand back and threw the saber out the window as hard as he could with a grunt.
He gathered his composure again, with a sigh. He closed his eyes, as they burned, and pressed the button to close the window again.
Sep 7th, 2003, 08:09:26 AM
She had watched him, watched him struggle within himself, his tenseness, his restrained emotions showing easily to the woman's trained senses.
And amused look passed over her face as he threw the saber out the window, then faded as she stepped towards him, halting about 2 meters behind him... plenty of room for her if he chose to react poorly.
"Now... do you go out and get the saber, or do I throw you out the window and then you get the saber?"
She stook there looking calmly at him, mirrored glasses covering her eyes, , her red hair pulled back... and awash in the force, as if she had it drawn to her at all times.
Ace McCloud
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:48:32 PM
He had not felt her presense and she almost startled him, perhaps because of what he had been doing, but he heard her as she walked up.
He stood there, without turning around right away.
"I perfer neither..." he said, trying to be somewhat respectfull, for he could be speaking to a Jedi Master. He slowly turned around, pulling his dark hood back over her head. He looked her straight in the Mirrored glasses. His eyes were flaming red, and when he saw them in the reflection of the glasses he had to quickly turn away and close his eyes. Everytime he seemed to look at his own eyes when they were red or flaming, it shot extreme pain through his body and his eyes burned.
"That saber does not belong to me anymore. It is filled with evillness and hate," he said, looking away from her, with his eyes closed trying to sooth the burning.
Sep 10th, 2003, 09:48:13 PM
"So, you decided to throw it out the window, rather than chuck it in an incinerator, or put it in the lost and found, and let whoever it belongs to pick it up?"
She shook her head slightly.
"Even worse if it's as you beleive, filled with evillness and hate. Take a look around you. Look at all the young minds who seek training here. Think of what impact it may have on them. All actions have consiquences. Would you like someone else to bear the consiquences of your actions?"
Ace McCloud
Sep 10th, 2003, 10:05:46 PM
"It belonged to me at one time. The easiest way for me was the window. And it won't have any Impact on anyone but me. I lost a weapon, but I also healed a burden. I don't see how anyone could bear the consequences of my actions," he said with a sigh. What was she talking about? He just threw his lightsaber out of the window. It was important to him, she couldn't understand and didn't really need to. In no way it could affect anyone else, well unless if it hit someone on the way down.
Sep 10th, 2003, 11:24:58 PM
Or if they tripped over it, or if someone unready picked it up and tried to repair it improperly and it took off thier hands when they tried to ignite it.
"Having a weapon means little. In fact, I've never built a lightaber." This said dispite the fact one hung from her belt. "But wht if someone picked it up, and tried to use the weapon, after fixing it..."
Ace McCloud
Sep 11th, 2003, 06:34:36 PM
"I don't think that it would remain intact. And if they tried to use it. Well either they would hurt themselves or we would have another criminal on our hands. They make the choice, I don't make it for them." By now his eyes had stopped burning and returned back to their normal blue color. He turned back around to face her.
Sep 11th, 2003, 08:14:11 PM
"Oh they make thier own choices. But what would be the burden on you, to know you made it that much easier to walk down that path?
"Or does everyone's actions in your world only relate to themselves?"
Ace McCloud
Sep 11th, 2003, 10:21:16 PM
"Do not speak to me about that path, for I have walked it. Have my actions had an effect on others? I suppose, but most of the time I didn't care. Did others actions have an affect on me? Hah, they made me who I am today..." He said, looking away again.
Sep 12th, 2003, 07:37:25 AM
"and would you cause another to walk upon the journey you have walked, needlessly?
"Careless. A Jedi is responsible for their actions, wither they thought them through or not. And I had been informed you wished to learn of the Jedi."
Ace McCloud
Sep 13th, 2003, 01:19:12 AM
He paused for a second, seeing her point.
"I see. And yes I do. However as you can see how I have just been proved wrong, it will not be an easy task."
Sep 13th, 2003, 07:34:57 AM
She let out a soft laugh... not mocking, just mldly amused at the profound truth he spoke.
"Few things are Mr. McCloud, at least, those tasks which are worth one's time."
He hadn't spoken his name, and yet, she knew it... there was the question of just who she was however.
"I will assume however, that you are not going to be chased off by my words, and the difficulty of the task."
Ace McCloud
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:36:37 PM
Ace smirked, "I can't remember the last time I gave up on something."
Sep 13th, 2003, 04:50:16 PM
"Sooo... does that mean that you've got a bad memory, or simply unwilling to give up?"
She was clearly taunting him playfully.
"It will be nice to teach one like that."
Ace McCloud
Sep 13th, 2003, 07:44:52 PM
Ace chuckled, turning back towards her.
"Maybe, maybe not. I could prove to be a little bit defiant..." Ace said. He was speaking a little different than he had to the council, for he was somewhat 'testing' this jedi that was his assumed Master. He had to know her if he wanted to learn from her. So far she had proven her wisdom.
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:50:13 PM
"So be it. Nobody ever said that you need to accept everything from a teacher without question... question everything. Learn not only what you're taught, but the why's behind it. Think for yourself."
Ace McCloud
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:19:34 PM
She was smarter than he thought.
"Aye," he said in acceptance.
"No doubt you know me, but I however, do not know you."
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:05:43 AM
"Not many do, to tell the truth. I'm Tujk, and if you haven't gathered it yet,, I will be your teacher."
Ace McCloud
Sep 14th, 2003, 12:26:03 PM
"Aye. Nice to meet you Tujk," he said. Greeting people was something he never liked but had been taught to do it out of respect. He bowed slightly then put his hand out for a handshake.
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:27:06 PM
She took his hand and shook it firmly.
"Nice to make your aquatance as well."
Ace McCloud
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:46:59 PM
", what now?" Ace said after that ackward moment.
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:30:46 PM
"What now? That's simple enough. you tell me what you know of the Jedi."
Ace McCloud
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:41:45 AM
"Good question..." Ace mumbled as he began to think on this topic.
He tried to recall what the jedi had said to him when he was trying to get into the order. "Terran Starek told me 'A Jedi trains his mind and body in the Force so that he is prepared to defend himself and others in the pursuit of Peace and Justice equally.' The jedi are keepers of peace and defenders. Very different from myself in some ways. For I enjoy fighting, sometimes even seeking out combat. And as for peace, I believe it is worth fighting for, even if I may not see it in my lifetime. The Jedi are people of peace and serenity, they see the force as a burden, rather than a gift."
Ace McCloud
Sep 20th, 2003, 07:35:28 PM
Ace turned his attention to two fighters, sparring with their light sabers. He waited for her to speak.
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:16:52 PM
(sorry for the delay... life's been odd of late)
"mmm. Well, that means you don't know too much." She held up her hand to delay any arguement. "Which isn't a bad thing, it means there's less to unlearn."
She considered her next words.
"A lot of that is what people think a Jedi should be... not nessisarly information about the Jedi.
"The Jedi, at the heart of things, are people who study the force, or rather, study the force andwrok in harmony with it. Fish who swim with the current if you will."
Ace McCloud
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:00:34 PM
OOC: Its fine I understand. You could check your inbox and reply to my PMs though =P
"mmm. Well, that means you don't know too much." She held up her hand to delay any arguement. "Which isn't a bad thing, it means there's less to unlearn."
Ace nodded and let her speak. She looked on the good side, that was a good thing.
"A lot of that is what people think a Jedi should be... not nessisarly information about the Jedi.
"The Jedi, at the heart of things, are people who study the force, or rather, study the force andwrok in harmony with it. Fish who swim with the current if you will."
"That's all? If so, I didn't miss by much..."
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:02:30 PM
OOC: Erk. Not used to getting PM's. I'll keep an eye out for them from here on in. Sorry about that.
She chuckled softly.
"Well, what you did was hit on what individual Jedi are. Which varies from person to person. I for instance focus on learning and understanding, while others, like my teacher, focus on combat and defending people.
"None of these ways are wrong, but you'll have to learn what path you need to follow within the framework that is the Jedi. That framework is what I will teach you, give you the building blocks."
She pushed her glasses up slightly, regarding him.
"If you've no questions, I'll try to get into some more interesting subjects..."
Ace McCloud
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:05:47 PM
"No questions, thanks you," he said as he bowed his head slightly. Her words were wise. But how would she teach him? Would she teach him to learn and understand? Or to be more of a fighter. He hoped to be both...
Oct 4th, 2003, 09:02:59 AM
"Alright then. So, I've explained about the Jedi... but as I said, that's something that you'll have to explore more for yourself, as you learn."
She sat crosslegged on the mats and waved a hand to Ace, indicating him to sit across from her.
"But, as I mentioned, Jedi study the Force, and that is something that I can teach... and in fact, it's something that's best to have someone stand beside you. Mistakes can be... dangerious, if not handled correctly."
She extended a hand, letting her mind relax and focus on the force flowing through her, around her, wrapping it around an inactive remote, and brining it though the air, letting it hover near them. A very simple demonstation of what one can do with the force.
"So tell me, what do you know of the force?"
Ace McCloud
Oct 4th, 2003, 02:53:58 PM
Ace sat across from her as she talked and demonstrated her link with the force.
Ace reached out with his hands, however not relaxing his mind. The darkside began to flow through him and she could feel it when he used his powers with the force. The remote began to crush and grind until it was very compact. An aura of darkness flowed around Ace as he crushed the ball with the force, but then relaxed himself and the aura disappeared.
He nodded to the small ball now floating over to his hand. He knew much about the force, he had grown up with it. However, it was evil. It was the darkside and every time he used it, everyone around him could feel it, except him. He didn't really notice.
Oct 5th, 2003, 07:42:42 AM
She looked at him calmly, unflinching as Ace extended the power of the darkside of the remote...
and Ace would notice something, as he tied to crush the remote, it was harder than it should be to do so... as if something was putting some form of resistance to his attack.
"I asked a question... one I rather would like and awnser to it, rather than a childish display of power. If that's all you know, then I would say it's very little."
Ace McCloud
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:26:12 AM
"I know how to wield it...much more than that no," Ace said
Oct 8th, 2003, 07:43:14 AM
She grinned slightly.
"You're going to learn more than you want to about the force before all is said in done.
"The force is unique... it not only surounds us, like the air we breath, but it's within us, within everything... within living things it seems stronger, be it plant or animal as well as the inanimate... rocks, metal, droids and starships. Everything is connected through the force, it is the web that weaves us all together."
Ace McCloud
Oct 8th, 2003, 05:04:08 PM
"I relieze that, for I can feel it and knowing this is how I wield it and how I survive. However not all can use it, as I found out. It is a gift to us."
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:34:21 PM
"A gift, a curse, or simply blind chance. Nobody has ever truely figured out what it is.
"But, no, not all can use it... and many who do use it, missuse it for thier own gain, rather than for the benifit of all. Which is why unfortantly Jedi are pressd into battle at times."
Ace McCloud
Oct 20th, 2003, 01:02:43 PM
"Right, but battle is not always bad. I know that the jedi believe in keeping the peace. I do as well, but as for peace from fighting - I'm not so sure. But I understand," Ace said, agreeing with his master. He didn't know what else there was to discuss. He was eager to get started in lessons.
"Anything else?" He added.
Nov 6th, 2003, 09:15:21 PM
"But it is rarely good, as it often either reults in death, or prolonged hostilities.
"Peace from fighting, is an impossiblilty. At best, it's only a cease in hostilities.
"Anything else? Much actually. But first... relax, take a breath, hold it, and let it out slowly, letting your worries, your fear, your arnger flow from you. And repeat, until your at peace."
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