View Full Version : Lets have a look.

Nayala Palain
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:13:16 PM
Shall, we? Yes indeed Athena wanted to look around. She was a member of TSO but that was not going all as well as she had hoped. But then again when you dont know half of the people its kinda hard.

So in search of her dearest friend and one of her sisters. The sith Master smiled and travled to the bar. Where she was told she just might find the people she was in search of. Her ebony black cloak wrapped tight around her and her face covered in darkness she smiled and ordered her normal drink.

' Red Wine for ya miss. "

She nodded and took the glass and wandered off for a table.

OW outcast
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:29:34 PM
Why did so many good-looking human women have to walk through this joint OW wondered. What was three-foot duro to do, I mean he didn't have the time to great every one of them. For this lady though he made an exception.

The three foot green duro who was off duty as bartender this night made his way to Athena. She was an intriguing woman with what seemed to be a dark side to her much like Hera and Daiq.

"Can I help Ma’am? I'm OW outcast employee of this place."

The woman had to look down to notice the midget Duro. He held an innocent child like grin on his small mouth that was offset by his huge black almond eyes.

Nayala Palain
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:38:31 AM
The eyes said everything. Interesting to her enough for a converstaion.

" Ooh so you work here Mister OW. Well my name is Athena and I am in search of Hera Drencast or Daiquri Van-Derveld, my sister. "

She motioned for the gentle man to join her at the table she was sitting at.

Aug 24th, 2003, 12:19:30 PM
Sitting in his dimly lit corner of the joint, Shadow Faene's watch dog keot his dark eyes on the newly arrived female. Lovely as they came, but even beauty held danger. Right hand covering half his angelic face, his left casually turned his glass of rum as was his habit. Hmmmm...sister? Niether Hera nor Daiquiri mentioned a sister.....unless" Eyes narrowed at the thought. Yes, they were connected in the use of the darkside , the boss and Daiq were....so this was a fellow darksider. Hmmmm....interesting...I'll just keep watch on her...you never know with these kriffing force users Another thought to himself.

Sipping his drink again, he watched OW work his "magic" and that made the bouncer smirk. The little guy did try, and that goes to saying something. Ezra on the other hand, was an entirely different being all together....angelic features, nice eye candy...but held something deeper that very very few could understand or tolerate. Which was why he was always by himself doing his job. The duro however, was neither, So he had one up on Ezra with that.

"Never a dull moment with that one."

OW outcast
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:07:47 AM
"Ah many people come here in search of them two. Lots of people don't find what there looking for an even more end up getting hurt. I figure you can handle yourself though. I figure you will be one of the lucky few."

OW was talking serious now but it came off as kind of a warning you give children with a threat that doesn't really mean anything. The Duro wanted the lady to reach her goal much like all the other fine ladies that had come her but he had seen to many fail or worse end up on Hera and Daiqs bad side.

"You claim to be there sister I'm guessing in the dark arts. I had an uncle once who could use the force; he blew himself up though poor uncle Ernest. Anyway is there any proof you can give me that will assure me you’re not a threat to this place. I mean I would like let you go on just your good looks and nice attitude but you see that guy over there."

OW pointed over to Ezra.

"He wouldn't like it if I did that and the boss ladies might torture me. So you see I trust you but he more then likely doesn't so if you could do anything to ease this process along it would be much appreciated."

Nayala Palain
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:28:19 PM
She turned slightly and looked upon the man the other had pointed too. She smiled slightly and nodded to the man.

" Hera is my sister of Darkness but now Daiquri, she is just my sister. Same as Dalethira of the black hand is. Now as for making things simpler then the best thing to do is here..."

The Sith Master removed all her weapons even the ones she knew they had not seen when they looked her over.
2 single bladed sabers.
1 light whip.
10 daggers.
2 blasters.
4 vibro blades.

" Touch the whip and someone will die. "

And then placed her cloak on the table top. Standing and turning for the people here to see, she was now unarmed. Or well about as Unarmed as a Sith master could be.

" Happy? "

The best part was that she was wearing her normal fighting gear tight black leather pants and top, gloves and boots.

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:45:48 PM
Her personal contact-comm flashed and pulsated on her hip.

Hera tilted her head back up at Remkah who was labouring on the "Evader" bringing some much needed repair and overhaul maitnanence on the speedy craft.

"I'll be back in a while to help finish this Remkah - something's up at Poseidon's. Or perhaps its just another goodlooking redhead smuggler OW wants to toss in the lockup"

The base Captain chuckled slightly. He'd seen that first redhead, and didn't blame the duro one bit.

"I got it..no need to hurry back."

Nodding, the Faene Mistress turned, and calling one of her crew over, instructed him to bring the small shuttle, he was taking her into town.

Aug 25th, 2003, 10:47:16 PM
A smirk played on his face, that little bugger was smooth! Ezra chuckled to himself as the beauty got up and "modeled" for them. He himself wouldnt have done that but hey, he wasnt about to argue about seeing that physique. He nodded to her as if sayin Ok, thats enough and then took a sip. Keeping an eye on her yet, "not" keeping an eye on her.

OW outcast
Aug 25th, 2003, 11:49:01 PM
odded, as he was very happy as to how well this was going. The woman seemed as though she was here for exactly what she stated.

"I'm surprised he didn't want me to pat you down to make sure." OW said jokingly "Anyway I don't think Hera is around but I think she will be back shortly. As for Daiq well she is kind of restrict from this place here and Hera got into a little fight. Until Hera gets back maybe me and you can sit and chat maybe you can give me some stories about the bosses that I can use against them as Blackmail.' OW put on his angelic child like

Nayala Palain
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:33:20 PM
She looked at OW in an odd manner.

" Hera is near closer then you think. Shes on her way. I can feel her. And as for my sister Daiq I think she is planning the loss of her Beloved Vega yes?....."

The Sith Master then turned and eyed the little one next to her.

" Sitting and chatting sure, information on my sisters NO WAY. I just might have to string you up by your boots for such actions. "

Athena looked over at the other man and watched him silently...He was there for more then just a bouncer. But what she was not sure.

OW outcast
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:59:51 PM
"Well yeah there is that sad fact that her husband did die. I didn't mention it because I didn't feel it was my place to do so if in fact you are her sister."

OW a light smile on his face he had only seen Vega once and they never really talked. Daiq was a friend and higher-ranking personal though and OW felt badly for her loss.

"So no information about the bosses eh. Oh well I guess I will have to find another way to blackmail them." OW said jokingly. "So where are you from Athena?"

Aug 27th, 2003, 08:27:49 PM
Sipping the rum he held in his hand, brown eyes slowly averted to hold her own. With the tumbler still touching his lips, he casually winked at her. The glass was then placed back on the table as he leaned back in the booth. His unruly hair falling partially over his face, but not enough to hide the grin he now wore.

Nayala Palain
Aug 28th, 2003, 11:15:18 AM
She was still looking at the other man when she noticed the wink and the smile. She looked down for a moment then back up once more. He was still looking at her. So the Sith Master finally gave in and spoke via the force to the man, with deathly elegant eyes.... ones that could steal anothers soul...

please join me at the table with OW.

She then looked at OW and smiled once more.

" I have known Vega for the longest time, and I was rather upset to hear of his passing. I have come to make sure my sister is alright. "

OW outcast
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:38:36 AM
" I barely knew Vega, I heard he kind of had a big ego but he wasn't the worst person you could meet. I mean he had to have had a good heart Daiq fell for him."

OW gave a small smile and noted that Ezra and Athena where giving each other those eyes. You know those eyes where your looking at person while pretend you’re not actually looking at them.

"He is a vampire you know?"

Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:44:51 PM
Sliding out of the booths confines, Ezra made his way to the two across the room. Jerking his head back quickly, his wavy long hair flipped back over to reveal his light complexion on his face. Stopping at the table next to her, he slightly bowed at the waist yet kept his eyes on hers. A smile played on his lips.

" You requested my company madame?"

Sep 4th, 2003, 09:53:21 PM
Entering the bar from a side entrance, Hera scanned the room quickly to see what the call from OW was all about.

It took her a moment to locate the little duro..him being so vertically challenged and all..

But there he was...chatting up some woman, and Ezra just now joining them.

From behind, Hera couldnt tell who it was that was sitting there with them, but inside, a familiarity touched at her senses, which intensified as she walked closer.

"I do beleive we have a lady in our midst" she said smiling as she came up around Athena's chair.

Nayala Palain
Sep 5th, 2003, 12:33:37 PM
Athena sat there and listened to the Guro talk about one of her best friends in the best way the man could. Then she looked at Ezura as he got closer to the table.

" Why not its easier to talk that way... and no OW I didnt know he was a Vamp... not all bad. I like most Vamps. "

The it hit the Master a signature that only one had. It was faint for the longest time. Then it got closer and closer.. finally

"I do beleive we have a lady in our midst" It was her voice and the power it held...


Athena jumped from her chair and towards the direction Hera's voice came from.

" Buy the emperors black bones how are you my dear. And as for a lady how dare you insult my talents. LADY! pish. "

Sep 6th, 2003, 03:02:51 PM
Hera laughed and wrapped Athena in a hug.

"Well.."Lady" always was a dirty word - you know I mean it in the worst possible way"

Hera took a seat, joining their table as she asked Athena,

"What brings you to our humble Inn?"

OW outcast
Sep 6th, 2003, 11:47:15 PM
"She came for the OW special." OW stated with a sly smile.

Sep 7th, 2003, 12:53:06 AM
"Is that what you call it?"

Ezra said to the duro with a smirk. OW was a character alright, but Ezra liked him none the less. He and Remkah were the vampyre's closest friends here at the fortress. Hera was slowly coming around and soon would be added to that list. He looked at the Faene mistress as she sat down.

"I'll be right back with your rum Hera."

Nayala Palain
Sep 7th, 2003, 11:26:41 AM
" You still drink Rum dear dear dear. I guess you still play Sabacc too? "

She looked at the little Duro and then just looked back to her friend.

" I just got back from god knows what I was doing. But I have been away from TSO and all of the people I know. And well I missed my other Mistress of the Darkside. "

Athena looked at Ezra as he left to get the drink for Hera.

" He looks familar but I dont know where from. Was he ever with the Shrine? "

Sep 8th, 2003, 11:05:41 PM
Returning with her tumbler, Ezra placed her rum before her and stood off to her left behind her. His eyes on Athena. The pleasant grin still showed on his face. He locked the fingers of his hands behind his back and stood relaxed.

OW outcast
Sep 10th, 2003, 12:07:25 AM
OW was all out of smart butt comments at this time so held his tongue and listened to Hera and Athena. OW noted Ezra's relaxed look there was the target of his next comment.

"Ezra while your playing Bar wench there would you please get me a glass of brandy." OW said jokingly with a smile.

Nayala Palain
Sep 10th, 2003, 10:47:01 AM
" Ezra will you please tell me where the actual bar keep is. I would like a glass of wine. " She noticed the relaxed feeling of the man as he stood near by Hera and OW. As if he was almost smiling...

Sep 10th, 2003, 12:11:26 PM
" The actual barkeep is standing right here with us."

The vampyre looked over at OW and wagged his finger at the little man. Then a smirk showed and he turned back to Athena.

"But I will be more than happy to get your drink. And also a glass of milk for the wee one here."

He chuckled as he walked past OW and patted his head. A few moments passed and Ezra returned with a fluted glass filled halfway with some wine. Placing it in front of the woman, Ezra turned and placed a glass of milk before OW with a snicker as the duro probably thought he was joking before......he wasn't.

"All of you enjoy."

Sep 11th, 2003, 09:06:08 PM
Hera accepted the rum from Ezra with a "thanks" as she continued conversation with Athena.

"Some things never change" she said, in reference to the rum and the sabaac. "Some things never should" she added with a wink.

"The sabaac - I haven't had much time for of late, but I intend to show one of my crew here the ropes - Ahron - the guy is going to be a natural. A visit to TSO Sataih HighRoller barge is on the agenda for sometime soon."

Ezra returned once more with Athena's wine.. and OW's milk.,, which prompted another reply. "Ezra is lately from Saurron's service, Athena. The Shrine, as you know, has strong ties with the Coven. It is that association you may know him from."

OW outcast
Sep 11th, 2003, 10:25:53 PM
OW glared at his glass of milk thinking only thoughts of revenge on Ezra. Soon enough he would pay the bloodsucker back he thought with an evil yet still very angelic looking smile. He listens in on the conversation paying no attention to Ezra’s remark about lazy bartender. OW shuddered at bit at the name of the coven and the shrine knowing of their vampire inhabitants. Now Ezra was a vampire but he was different to OW for some reason, OW really didn't know why he just was. He like Ezra even if he was mean with the milk trick.

“Yeah Ezra is one of them Blood suckers, why just the other day he was sucking on a dead rat.”

Sep 11th, 2003, 11:24:01 PM
A chuckle sounded to the right of OW as Ezra leaned in and placed a glass of brandy to replace the glass of milk. He patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Is that what you call the woman you sat with that night? Well I did you a favor then."

He laughed and took the milk back to the bar and returned to stand at Hera's left. Relaxed as he was before.

Nayala Palain
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:19:05 PM
Athena almost spit out her wine after just taking a sip from it. She smiled and shook her head.

" He indeed looks very close of the coven.. I have not seen the members in so long. But that is another matter. So going to the Hight roller.... My I escort you upon Corellia? "

(OOC I so love the CT thanks)

Sep 14th, 2003, 06:28:05 PM
"That would be very kind of you Athena, thankyou"

Hera agreed with a smile.


Nayala Palain
Sep 17th, 2003, 11:01:41 AM
" Wonderful Dear, now when will you be going? " The Sith female asked... she would offer for the Fane mistress to use one of TSO ships that AThena brought but more then likely Hera would use her own ship. Not that Athena minded...

" And who all will be going with you? "

Sep 19th, 2003, 07:56:39 PM
"As soon as I am able to free myself up here, we will go. Ahron Harresh will accompany us. He is a complete novice at Sabaac."

Here, Hera grinned wickedly.

"I intend to ammend that fact"

Nayala Palain
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:55:45 PM
" I remember when you taught me how to play Sabacc... It was to say interesting. "

She looked around just to see who all was still in the Bar type atmostphere.

" So when do I get to meet this man..Ahron? "

Sep 21st, 2003, 09:06:29 PM
"He should be coming off duty sometime soon" Hera checked her wrist chrono to confirm.

"Often the crew make their way here to Poseidon's for something to eat at the end of their day. But of course, that is generally speaking."

Hera smiled, apologetcially.

"Forgive me Athena, you must be tired from your journey. Would you like to freshen up, or perhaps eat and then rest?"

Nayala Palain
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:59:52 PM
She thought about it for a second. Then a smile crossed her lips...

" Indeed that would be wonderful Hera. And while I am doing that you can speak to OW about asking old friends for the information he could use as Black Mail upon you. Stir up the darkside juice a little for ya. "

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:20:16 PM
Hera feigned innocence.

"Aint nothin for him to know."

She grinned slyly.

"About me anyhow...now you on the other hand..."

Oct 1st, 2003, 04:18:36 AM
Ezra chimed in as the two traded words.

" Shall I get one of the guest suites ready for her?"

He asked Hera as he took a step forward.

Nayala Palain
Oct 19th, 2003, 02:17:50 AM
Athena smiled at Ezra for the thought of placing her somewhere to rest.

" I can stay on my ship if its to much trouble Hera. You know me. "

Oct 19th, 2003, 11:22:25 PM
"Never any trouble, Athena. You are always welcome"

Hera's smile was genuine, and Ezra couldnt stop himself from raising an eyebrow - such smiles being so rare.

"Ezra - send word ahead that Athena will be staying. If you dont mind, you can take her over to the Base."

Oct 20th, 2003, 08:37:04 PM
Nodding in compliance, Ezra pulled out a commlink and got in touch with the base personel. After instructing then on preparing a room for the guest, he clicked it off and slipped it back into his belt. With that, he turned to face Athena.

"Your room is being prepared as we speak, and at your leisure of course, will I escort you there. Please, take your time."

He went to sit at the bar, facing them so he could see when Athena would signal her readinerss to retire to her room.