View Full Version : A River of Emotions

Faith Lerf
Aug 23rd, 2003, 04:36:43 PM
After several weeks, Faith finally was able to bring herself to write River. She sat down at her dest and pulled out paper and a pen. She sighed as she began.

Dearest River. Oh How I miss you and your children. I have not been able to experience that joy since you left. I miss you so, but I do understand why you are gone, you have to follow your Master.

She looked at that letter and crumbled it up. That's not what she wanted River to know, she didn't want him to know how miserable she was, she didn't want to cause him any guilt. She looked at his dagger that was laying beside her. Faith picked it up and ran her finger along the blade, accidently cutting herself. She cursed quietly as she put it down and pulled out another sheet of paper.

Dear River,
I trust you and your children are doing well. I have been very busy with classes and such so I have not had much free time. This past couple weeks have been very differnt, not being able to see Hunter, Ry-Obi or you. It has been a big change for me, but I am getting used to it.
I know that last night was not the best and I thank you for the letter, and your dagger. You do not know how much that meant to me. I carry it with me always.

She sighed as tears fell down her cheeks.

I hope to see you again sometime and I am willing to wait. I hope you know that. I guess that's all I have to say right now. I hope to hear back from you soon.
All my love,
Faith Lerf

She folded the letter and placed it in an envelope and sealed it. Faith wiped her eyes as she got ready to go mail the letter. She placed River's dagger in her pouch and left the room.

River Kincaid
Aug 24th, 2003, 04:06:05 AM
River received the letter a few days later. He sighed deeply as he read it. He felt guilty for leaving the way he had, but it had been for the best. Any other way, would have proved nothing more than to put her in more pain.

Getting out a pencil and paper of his own, he wrote:

My dearest Faith,

My heart aches to see you, but I know that it isn't possible. I must remain away for the time being. I know the change is hard, it's hard for me as well.

The children miss you dearly, as do I. They are both well and thriving in our new life. Perhaps, soon I can come see you again, but I'm not sure when that will be possible.

I know my dagger is in good hands and I'm very glad you liked it.
Please take care of yourself, I'll love you always!!!


With yet another deep sigh, River folded the letter and placed it in an envelope. He sent it later that night...

Faith Lerf
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:07:45 AM
My dearest Faith,
My heart aches to see you, but I know that it isn't possible. I must remain away for the time being. I know the change is hard, it's hard for me as well.
The children miss you dearly, as do I. They are both well and thriving in our new life. Perhaps, soon I can come see you again, but I'm not sure when that will be possible.
I know my dagger is in good hands and I'm very glad you liked it.
Please take care of yourself, I'll love you always!!!

Faith read the letter she recieved several days. She couldn't bring herself to write back then, the pain still pierced too deep. She left the letter and the dagger on her desk and went into her room for a nap. The pain still flowed strong for Faith and the anger still boiled up from time to time, but she seemed to keep it under control.

Several hours later after Faith woke up she returned to her desk and began to write.

I'm glad to hear the children are well. I wish the best for them. How is Hunter doing? Is she progressing any? Is Ry-Obi doing well in his training? Tell them both I said "hi."
The change is difficult, but it's one we have to bear, for now. Somtimes the days seem pointless, but then I think of the future of us and everything seems to be okay again. I hope that you write me back soon. I love you.

She sealed the letter and placed it in her pouch to be mailed later that day.

River Kincaid
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:18:40 AM
Originally posted by Faith Lerf

I'm glad to hear the children are well. I wish the best for them. How is Hunter doing? Is she progressing any? Is Ry-Obi doing well in his training? Tell them both I said "hi."
The change is difficult, but it's one we have to bear, for now. Somtimes the days seem pointless, but then I think of the future of us and everything seems to be okay again. I hope that you write me back soon. I love you.

River winced at the letter he received, things were changing for him. He and Xazor were becoming closer than a normal Master/Padawan bond. He didn't write back for over a week.


I'm so sorry, I've not written. Things have been so hectic lately, our training is going very well, for all of us. Hunter is doing better with her telepathy, she still won't talk. Life here is good, I hope to see you soon.

Love, River

It was harder to write this time, but he did and he sent it later during the night.

Faith Lerf
Aug 24th, 2003, 11:50:25 AM
When Faith finally recieved the letter she became angry, it had taken over two weeks when the last letter arrived in several days. River didn't express his normal emotion and that bothered Faith. She wasn't feeling the best right then, she had recently gotten sick and was still trying to recover from it. She picked up a pen and wrote a quick, very curt and sarcastic responce back.

It's so good to hear from you after all this time. I'm glad training is going well and I hope it continues to progress. Have a nice life.

Faith sealed it and was about to go and send the letter as she got sick again. She ran to her 'fresher. After she got out, she went to send the letter right away.

River Kincaid
Aug 24th, 2003, 12:08:20 PM
River had read the letter and sighed deeply. He was torn, by a woman that he couldn't have...possibly ever. And a woman that was right here with him, Xazor.

But, he'd given Faith his blade an offer of his love, but he was so confused. What was happening to him?

Reluctantly, he wrote her back...


Please, I beg of you don't be angry. My life is confusing enough without that, I love you and I always will. But, our lives are so different right now, it'll take time for us to get back together. Somehow, I knew it would come to this, but we must be strong. It will get better, I promise.

Love always, River

Faith Lerf
Aug 24th, 2003, 12:38:53 PM
Faith recieved the letter and tossed it onto her desk. It wasn't till the next day when she read it. It was hard to believe River after everything that he'd put her through the last month or so. She didn't even take the time to write him back then, it wouldn't been until the next week after her doctor's visit when she would write River.

River Kincaid
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:21:25 PM
The distance between them was far beyond what River had ever wanted to imagine as he still awaited Faith's letter. There were no clear answers for this, only emotions. And River had begun to wonder if those emotions were enough to keep them together.

Faith Lerf
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:54:08 PM
After Faith's doctor visit she went write home to write a letter to River. The tone of her writing had changed as had her feelings for River. She stay down and began a letter. After writing several lines she threw it away, so she started another letter. She didn't know how to tell River, she didn't know what to say. Six letters later, Faith decided to just send him a letter, not telling him their news.

Dear River,
I'm sorry I haven't written you lately. I've been very tied up. I hope that you and your family are doing well. I still hold true to you and I just wanted to let you know I'll always stay true to you. I miss you and I hope that one day soon our paths will be able to cross.
All my love.
Forever yours,

Faith quickly sealed the letter up and sent it before she changed her mind.

River Kincaid
Aug 28th, 2003, 04:43:29 AM
River read the letter and sighed. Things were stillsomewhat distant between the two of them. He needed to get things cleared up with her and it had been way to long since there last encounter.


I need to see you, Friday night at the Bar and Grill at 7pm. Hope to see you then.

Loves always, River

Faith Lerf
Aug 28th, 2003, 05:00:21 AM
Faith excitedly read River's letter. He was going to come to her! How exciting. She looked down at her stomach and a frown formed on her face. She wasn't very big at all, but she still want River to notice yet. She sighed as she made plans to meet with River Friday night.