View Full Version : Done (open - LV possibly?)

Salem Ave
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:16:34 AM
The vampire strode through the halls of the Palace unhindered. He was a little worn and his body carried a few new scorings, but he had done as asked. He had gone out into Coruscant at large, to the Dead Sector and to the slums, and fought with Jedi, both mentally and physically. His deed was done and now he was here to claim his prize – his passage into the ranks of the Sith Order.

Lady Vader
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:13:52 PM
*LV greeting Salem at the entrance to the Palace, looking over his weary body. Yes, he had indeed seen plenty of action, and from his fatigue, it was Jedi action.*

I see you have come back. Tell me of your ventures.

Salem Ave
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:35:20 PM
“I causssed a rrriot in a bar when three Jedi entered, then continued to delude the lightsiders into thinking I was a law-enforcer. The youngest, a Padawan, I then abducted and lead the others on a chasse for him, concluded in my fighting saber to saber with a Jedi Master.”

Salem had taken most of his wear and tear in this particular part of the outing.

“They had sssome sorrrt of dragon with them.”

Lady Vader
Sep 2nd, 2003, 11:13:20 AM
*LV nodded. She'd heard and breifly seen the dragon-being the Jedi had. Of course, he would be no match against Shenraun. She smiled. That would be a fight she'd enjoy watching.*

*She came out of her thought and regarded Salem.*

You've done well, it would seem. And while you did not know it, my informers had told me of your ventures before you came to see me. I am impressed with your skill.

*He didn't look too happy that he had been shadowed, but then he wasn't going to complain as she had just complimented him. She took a breath, letting it out slowly.*

I think it is time to honor what we had stated earlier and bring you into the fold known at the Sith Order.

Salem Ave
Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:36:53 PM
Salem inclined his head very slightly.

“Thank you, Missstrrress. It will be pleasing once again be a part of the Order,” he replied.

“Hasss much changed in my absence?”

A pang of guilt struck Salem, as he wondered if the wayward traitors had caused some fatal blow.

Lady Vader
Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:19:16 PM
If things have changed, they have been for the better.

*She gave Salem a sidelong glance, a slow smile creeping on her lips.*

Would you like me to escort you to your new room, or would you like to make house here in the grand entry way?

Salem Ave
Sep 7th, 2003, 05:12:13 AM
“I’ll take the essscort,” he replied, with a curt nod, “I’m not one for unnecessary grrrandeur.”

He began to walk with Lady Vader.

“I am pleasssed to hear that things are well. I was foolisssh to everrr leave.”

Lady Vader
Sep 11th, 2003, 05:04:27 PM
*LV shrugged.*

You had to do what you felt you had to do.

*She looked at him.*

But you have proven to the Order that you are ready to come back into it's fold.

*They went down the long shifting hallways, into a lift, and up to the second floor. There she lead him to a room that was somewhat sparsly furnished with whatever he had left behind.*

And we even kept some of your old stuff too.

Salem Ave
Sep 12th, 2003, 10:29:31 AM
Salem looked around, frowning slightly. All of his books were still on Koros Major. The room looked bare without them. The windows were still boarded up, thankfully, although some of his ‘additions’ to the decorations on the wall had been removed. Still, he would have time to refurbish. With a curt nod, he looked down to Lady Vader.

“Mossst excellent. I rrrequire a short rest and afterrr that I ssshall return to my forrrrrmer duties.”

Lady Vader
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:23:13 PM
Very well.

*LV turned, walking towards the door. But before she stepped through, she turned back once more.*

Welcome back, Salemn.

*And then she left.*