View Full Version : Little boys have big egos (open)

Kwiet Ideya
Aug 21st, 2003, 05:17:14 PM
Kwiet Ideya is small for being five years old. Bigger kids used to pick on him, but that was before they taught him how to stand up for himself. They taught him to throw good, and taught him how to jump really super high. They made him a good fighter, and he'll take down anyone who don't agree!

Take this punching bag for instance. He hits it, and it pops back up to defy him. He hits it again, and it pops right back up...

"Stoopud BILLAIN!"

Kwiet's nemesis just won't die!!! So he tackles it and starts to roll around, wrestling it into submission, only to have it pop right back up with him perched atop its head.


What's he supposed to do NOW?

Aug 23rd, 2003, 06:01:52 PM
"I's teech you ta dispect a mans beer, you fr-*hick*"

"Sir, j-just go back to your drinking.. I didn't mean any disrespect..."

Char turned a corner slowly, looking back over her shoulder at the huge oaf staggering out of the local drinking-joint. Hoping quietly that the idiot hadn't spotted her, she bumped into something.. solid.. or...uh... something.

"Oh CRAP!" She meeped loudly, twirling around and sliding down into a crouch, ready to assault.. a kid on a balloon? She blinked, "Urp... uhm.. Sorry there..."

Kwiet Ideya
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:12:39 PM
Kwiet clings tighter to his punching bag, shutting his eyes until the wobbling stops. As badly as he wants to get down, he's also afraid to fall off it.


But before he can further vent his frustration, he sees who it is looking at him. A MOMMY! Oooh, she's a cat mommy!

"I seen you peoples!" he says brightly. "You're a...a...a Stizercat!"

The word he's saying is "Cizerack", but little mouths mispronounce big words.

Aug 24th, 2003, 05:02:41 PM
Char relaxed up slightly, her felineqsue ears turned torward the boy. "Sitzer-what? I'm not a sitzerack... I'm Char!"

And as her sentence closed, the burley hulk stinking of spoiled alcohol turned the corner.. or fell... was pretty tought to decide what he did. But Char's attention was locked on the boy, "Do you need s'help getting off... that?"

Kwiet Ideya
Aug 26th, 2003, 05:09:35 PM
"Nuh uh! I can do it myself!"

Despite this, he doesn't move or make any attempt at getting down. He's still too nervous about falling to make a move.

Aug 26th, 2003, 05:17:00 PM
Char's ears perked forward for a breif second, then relaxed down slowly. She straightened up, clasping her hands in her lap for a moment, studying Kwiet until the lightbulb in her mind lit as bright as solarflares. This was the child that the beast wanted!

"Are you suuuuure?"

Kwiet Ideya
Aug 27th, 2003, 09:08:25 AM
"Yyyyeeeeeessss!" he whines, little feet scrabbling agains the doll as he fights to keep his balance atop it. There's a guy sneakin' up the mommy...Kwiet doesn't like him. Clinging tightly with one arm, he takes a throwing star from his belt and, ever so carefully, re-arranges himself atop the punching dummy. Now if he tries to mess with the mommy, Kwiet can save her!