View Full Version : Can we consolidate away threads?

Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:03:04 PM
I'm considering the idea of just stickying a big thread in OOC that will inform of any absences or such, so that all these clownshoes will stop posting their own clutter and have a neat little package for it. Thoughts?

Aug 21st, 2003, 12:06:48 PM
They're barely noticable. It's not as if it's a daily thing, is it? And define clutter. Half the threads in there could be deemed clutter by someone.

Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:09:20 PM
They seem to happen fairly regularly, and unlike other threads, they follow a predictable pattern of "HAY GUZ, I'M NOT GONNA BE HERE CUZ _______(INSERT IRRELEVANT REASON HERE)______. OK THX BAIBAI"

It's also borderline attention whoring in some regards. Plus, doing this would be able to keep a handle on who is/isn't currently around, because as I said, its a frequent occurrence.

Aug 21st, 2003, 12:15:43 PM
Birthday threads are all identical too. Should they be merged?

EDIT - Just to repost what I would do about away threads:

If something like this would to occur, I'd reccomend this. The following are fine:

- When someone will be away for a weekend or more
- "Acts of god", eg computer fried, parents have disallowed Net access.
- Admin threads (Not Mods, ADMINS. If an admin will be on less, it is more important)

While what aren't:

- Less than a weekend holidays
- "I'll be on less" threads

If something fits in both categories, then it is fine, can be posted. But what this does is removes the threads which are for nothing periods or where it doesn't make much of an impace, while allowing the theads to exist.

Aug 21st, 2003, 06:32:28 PM
I wish.... It's 90% spam.

I think it is fine the way the FAQ says. I mean, even though I don't give a care about when people leave (since they will be back), others may. I just don't like it when someone uses a goodbye thread for stupid purposes, like gaining sympathy for stupid ooc/ic baggage/drama. We kind-of encompassed that in the FAQ, which is what made Xazor's goodbye threads against the FAQ. She always adds in there some bit about the OOC BS.

I had to post a thread like that once, in here. Had I not been staff I wouldn't have bothered. Since I was, I thought I should tell y'all incase you needed something.

We tell people in the FAQ to realize that people will post in turn... WHEN THEY CAN. You shouldn't have to worry about telling people in the first place.

I would strongly encourage mailing lists. Didn't someone say that you could mass PM people?

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 22nd, 2003, 11:52:30 AM
Mailing list are a good idea ... there is a way to mass PM your buddy list I believe

Aug 25th, 2003, 12:14:47 AM
Yes, mass PMing only works with like 5 accounts at a time to save on host server resources/load, and it has to be to people on your buddy list.

I'm not a big fan of these types of threads either, but I don't really see consolidating the topics into one working. I don't mind the idea, but people as a general rule like to have such things be personal enough to have their own thread for it.

Maybe just before school starts and ends it might not be a bad idea to give it a try, and start a single thread for the "back to school" or "going home from school" gang, but other than those two times I dunno, and even that may not be received well.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:28:14 AM
I say, leave well enough alone. :)

Sanis Prent
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:24:34 AM
Alright, well it was worth the effort to see what the consensus was.