View Full Version : Just Another Day

Jamo Jakatta
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:26:49 AM
“You’re looking pretty good.”

“Yup, that’s a… nice outfit.”

“It’s a shame you don’t talk much.”

Jamo smirked. Before him, a woman stood in a black bodysuit. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and her sharp blue eyes were staring forward with an odd lifelessness. He gave her a light pat on the shoulder, to which she did not react. Another little tap, this time on the opposite shoulder, and still no reaction.

“...Alright fine,” he sighed and shook his head, “Go sit down.”

The bio-mecha assassin droid twisted sharply and moved into the corner of the room before freezing. Some color drained from her eyes, as she shut herself down. Jamo, slouching back down into the seat as his desk, pushed aside some empty food cartons and drinks cups finding his laptop beneath it all.

While booting it up he fumbled about and found a tall cup of something sugary which he slurped on through a straw. On the screen in front of him, there was a loading screen. After about five minutes a small grainy image appeared, that looked like the feed from a security camera. It was a live stream from one of the rooms within the Fortress, where a camera had been affixed to the top corner of one wall (hopefully quite discreelty). It was the room of…

Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:33:41 AM
Remkah was flexing in front of the mirror. He twisted this way, that way, arms tensed and hands fisted to make an arc infront of his body.

A few moments of this and the Base Captain snatched his black t-shirt back up and pulled it over his head in disgust. In his mind, he still looked pale and scrawny compared to that giant Ahron. Wiry Hera called him. Taut was how Daiq described him, but these failed to convince him.

He found his cigarettes tossed carelessly on the bed, the lighter beneath the pillow and lit himself a smoke.

Exhaling smoke up toward the ceiling, he consoled himself.

"Least I'm still bigger than Jamo..Better lookin' too."

Jamo Jakatta
Aug 23rd, 2003, 02:02:41 AM
“Oh, change the channel, Mom.”

Jamo clicked at something on the screen once, then twice, then began furiously mashing the keyboard with the palm of his hand. It looked like he was stuck with Remkah TV for a while.

"Least I'm still bigger than Jamo..Better lookin' too."

Jakatta shook his head and looked back over his shoulder at Synthia. She was 6’2” and totally dwarfed him at his somewhat embarrassing height of 5’4”. Even his droid looked more imposing than he did. But then it wasn’t his job to be physically threatening.

A mischievious smile grew on his lips.

He pushed his slurpee aside and began rattling away on the keyboard. Access codes were over rided as Jamo slipped his way silently into the Fortresses controls for the mundane and everyday systems. First, the fire alarm – it was set to trigger off sprinklers, and if the captain was going to smoke…


… then he’d have to pay the price. Four spinning turrets popped out of the ceiling tiles in Remkah’s room, dousing the whole place in ice-cold water.

Aug 23rd, 2003, 03:42:54 PM
Leaping off the bed, Remkah didnt fail to deliver the anticipated peel of expletives as Jamo watched on.

"Damn it! Fracking krolp systems aint worth kriff! Drok it all to bloody hell"

How did that happen? His rooms sensors were callibrated for a smoking suite. He had seen to it himself. If some one had been tampering with....."JAMO!!"

Damn that sugar-slurping techno-toothpick!

Water streamed off his head, plastering his black hair to his forehead while he searched the room for signs of the Faene's electronics whiz's infiltration.

Up in the far righthand corner, high up over his side beaureu where he kept his best girlie mags (luckily they were IN the beaureu and escaped the deluge) a blinking redlight betrayed the silent watcher behind it.

The Base Captain came and stood underneath it, pointing his fingers up at the lens (still with the remaining butt of his smoke in hand, the rest havning dropped off upon becoming limp, then waterlogged and breaking off at the nub to fall on the floor).

It was as if Remkah could see him as Jamo watched the swarthy pirate eyeball him via remote feed.

"Your'e a deadman, Jamo"

Jamo Jakatta
Aug 24th, 2003, 03:46:43 AM
Jamo was laughing, but at the same time he was panicking. It was a funny mixture of emotions, to be in hysterics at yet at the same time fear for your life. He twisted up out of his chair and skidded to a halt in front of his droid.

“Wake up! Up!” he knocked on the side of her head and the leggy blonde opened her eyes all of a sudden. She stared down at Jamo, her head tilting forwards so that she could see him.


“I need you to go get changed – got put something skimpy on!”

The assassin droid stared at him blankly.


She turned and stalked away stiffly. Jamo had acquired, over time, a small wardrobe for her, much to shopkeeper’s amusement. Among these were an oddly large number of lingerie items, which Jamo denied were for his own pleasure. While Jakatta scrambled through some things on his desk, the bio-mecha changed herself and emerged after a few minutes in a little lace teddy.


“Shh, shh, not now I need to-… helloooo.”

His search for the ‘fembot’ program had been paused momentarily as he was left with his tongue hanging out at the sight of his creation. He uploaded the new protocols through a socket in the back of Synthia’s neck, and immediately her posture became a lot more suggestive. Jamo grinned.

“Alright, you’re expecting a visitor. Get ready.”

“But Master,” her voice had changed too – it was deeper and husky now, “aren’t we going to play?”

“No, no!” Jamo waved his hands frantically, “Just go sit down and wait.”

Jamo made for a hidden compartment he had built into the room, which was already a maze as it was. He stopped on his way there and called back.

“And don’t tell anyone I’m here!”

And then disappeared.

Aug 24th, 2003, 04:01:43 AM
While her maker ferreted his way into some tiny little hideaway, Synthia began to adjust to her new programming. The previous program had been a basic one, just design to allow her to move and to articulate speech. This one was a good deal more complicated. There were images flashing before her eyes of diagrams and charts, pictures and video clips. Sound bites rang in her ears, all of which were tailored to prepare her for her current role.


The videos were mostly from seedy old holo-vids, as were the sounds – she could now officially moan three hundred and forty six different ways. She may not have been able to adjust her appearance, but she could certainly try and make herself seem as appealing as possible with this database in mind.

Down onto the leather couch she sat, pulling her wavy blonde hair down out of its bun. She crossed her legs and pulled the hem of the teddy up just enough to show a little thigh. She pursed her lips into a sultry pout and then froze – entirely still in her current position.

Aug 25th, 2003, 09:26:23 PM
Jamo's room was one flight up and down the end of the hall.

Remkah's anger left no patience for the turbolift, but instead drove him up the one flight of stairs and along the gleaming corridor.

He hit the "override" sequence to Jamo's suites, (being Base Captain had some advantages) and quite literally hurled himself into the young technicians rooms.

But he did not find Jamo there waiting for him.

He found someone quite different.

And quite unexpected.

Realising far too late that there was a nearly naked, very beautiful woman - who at first glance he mistook for Hera (easy mistake when one notices blonde hair long legs shapely thighs and the face last). He pulled himself up short, the water still clinging from his shoes from the continuous downward dripping of his clothing accommodated his sliding and ignoble crash to the floor.

Blinking stupidly, Remkah was suddenly quite at a loss for the reason he had arrived with such chaotic delivery in the first place.

"whhh...." was all he could formulate to say.

Aug 26th, 2003, 03:33:53 AM
The woman did not seem at all bothered by the unceremonious arrival of the Base Captain. She maintained the smoldering half-pout and come-hither stare. Synthia parted her lips and, in a very deliberate voice, spoke. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was stunned, Remkah might have noticed the little mechanical ticks to some of her movements.

“Hello, Mister Remkah. I’ve been expecting you.”

She rose to her feet, still tall even with the absence of heels. One hand rested casually against her hip.

“Please, sit. Can I get you something to drink?”

Aug 26th, 2003, 09:26:48 PM
...oh god....

Her legs seemed to go on forever, and Remkah gulped as he looked up. Synthia was stunning and perfectly built..

Rem pushed himself up from the floor looking around the room for the redhaired techie, but with no luck.

"Er...no drink, thanks Miss. JAMO! Get in here."

Aug 30th, 2003, 02:42:49 AM
“I’m sorry, Mister Remkah, but Jamo isn’t here right now. Would you like to leave a message?”

You had to hand it to Jamo – he’d done a bang-up job making Synthia. She looked totally human and even had a bit of warmth in her skin thanks to some little solar cells in her scalp. All in all, a pretty efficient machine.

Aug 30th, 2003, 06:28:13 PM
"No...I dont want to leave a message"

His tone was surly now. He'd come in here lookin to exact his pound of flesh on the crafty technician, and instead, ended on his ass and at the mercy of a babe-bot.

Taking a moment now, Remkah took a good look at Synthia.

Murmering lowly half to himself.

"He's done a fine job with you..."

Even her skin flushed red with the warmth of her body. Amazing.

Her revealing lingere had fallen open a little wider than was safe, and so Remkah reached his hand gently to tug it closed.

"Do you have a name?"

Sep 1st, 2003, 06:00:38 AM

There was attempted irony in the name. She was a synthetic being, after all.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to sit and have a drink, Mister Remkah? I’m sure Jamo will be back soon.”

Sep 4th, 2003, 09:43:03 PM
He was still staring, though, in all honesty he couldnt really say he was trying not to.

Synthia was gorgeous. Every man's dream, pretty much. Except she could probly snap yer neck like a dry twig. But then..so many of the women these days could.

Except Brielle.

Well, she probably could with one of her fancy cop-defence-moves. But she wouldnt do it just for fun.

He pulled his mind from thoughts of Brielle Acaana. As he so often had to do lately.

Looking back at the lovely blonde, he smiled, finally thawing a little from his cold and angry manner.

"Sure...yeah ok. One drink."

Sep 8th, 2003, 12:26:53 PM
“Rum?” she smiled, a glass already in her hand.

Slinking over to one of the cupboards in the room, she went to open it went suddenly something made a sort of coughing noise from inside. Synthia stopped short and turned, making a beeline for a cupboard on the other side of the room.

“Noisy neighbors.”

Sep 11th, 2003, 09:17:41 PM
Sitting in one of the comfortable leather chairs, Remkah looked keenly at the cupboard avoided quickly by Synthia.

"We should look into that."

Synthia turned about quickly, her optic lenses picking up the shrinking of Remkah's pupils instantly. He was suspicious.

"Noisy neighbours, I mean. We should look into that." he elaborated.

Sep 13th, 2003, 08:54:17 AM
“I’m sure they’ll quiet down soon.”

Inside the cupboard, Jamo squirmed about and held his breath.

“If not, we’ll just have to make some of our own noise to drown theirs out.”

Sep 20th, 2003, 05:15:15 PM
Synthia handed him the rum, and Remkah took a moment to pull his eyes from the "noisy" cupboard.

He sipped it slyly, and then a slow sardonic grin creased his face.

He put the glass aside and stood up, looking into Synthia's eyes. He moved deliberately closer to her and brushed his fingers along her cheek.

Speaking, he lifted his voice enough so the cupboard's occupant could hear him.

"This may take a while...Hours...maybe all night."

His grin broadened.

"And all day after that"

Sep 27th, 2003, 01:56:13 PM
Synthia went to drink what was held in her hand – following the routine of this type of situation. Unfortunately, she was not complete in this department. The liquid sloshed into her throat and she seemed to freeze up for a moment. Her eyes glazed and jaw tightened. Without her lips moving, she said:

“Erro-error. Re-re-re-boot system immeadiately.”

The glass hit the floor and shattered.

Sep 27th, 2003, 02:29:05 PM
Remkah was slightly alarmed.

Kicking the cupboard door that hid Jamo, the Base Captain urged him to come out.

"You better get out here - your toaster's gonna blow"

Jamo Jakatta
Sep 27th, 2003, 02:30:50 PM
Inside, Jamo flinched. He had heard Synthia and feared the worst. If he wasn’t able to get out and help her, she might fry entirely and ruin months of work – but it seemed Remkah had found him out and there was no sense in hiding any longer. On his hands and knees he crawled out of his hideaway and rushed to his ‘bots side, fussing over her.

“What did you do, you dren for brains?”

Sep 27th, 2003, 02:35:58 PM
Remkah watched Jamo over the younger man's shoulder as he worked to rectify the problem

"Shoddy workmanship"
He volunteered dryly.

Jamo Jakatta
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:21:57 AM
“Shoddy my arse!”

Jamo twisted around as Synthia seemed to have calmed down.

“What do you think you’re doing bargin in here uninvited while I was busy fixing the … the uh… heaters…. HUH!?”

Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:22:59 PM
Remkah stared at Jamo hard.

What a punk.

"You're a punk, Jamo"

Synthia beside them made a whirring noise, and Jamo tweaked some more to correct things as Remkah watched on with interest.

Rem fished his smokes up from his shirt pocket, but they were destroyed by the water, and so he stuffed them back down again with a curse.

"I want your crap outta my room by the morning."

He said it with a finality that brooked no argument.

But instead of that ending the visit, the Base Captain went over and looked at some of the half-worked gadgets Jamo had sprawled out on a counter.

Jamo Jakatta
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:55:43 AM
“It’s all there for security reasons, Captain. Say one of your precious … lighters goes missing, how are you going to know who stole it? Beat the dren out of everyone until-…”

His voice trailed away, as he began lost in something small, circular and whirring inside Synthia’s now open chest plate.

“… until you find someone who fesses up?”

He slapped the spanner he held in one hand into the other, and looked back to Remkah.

“If you want, I can get you, eh heh, feeds of the other room… right to your holoscreen. Any room in the base. Even Hera’s.”

With his last words, Jamo grinned and, had Remkah been close enough he would have nudged him in the side and gave a little wink.

Oct 9th, 2003, 10:04:53 PM
Remkah didnt like the sound of Jamo's security. Sure, have intruder detectors..but cameras in private quarters. Not bloody likely.

He narrowed his eyes at the hyper techi much like a man would when a bawdy joke was made at his sisters expense.

"She know about those camera's, Jamo?"

Jamo Jakatta
Oct 27th, 2003, 06:39:10 AM
“Oh yeah. She plays up to them.”

Jamo grinned, like a small boy who had recently discovered the wonders of the opposite sex and would burst into fits of giggles at the word ‘bottom’.

“Puts on a private show… sometimes every night. It’s well worth the monthly fee, I can guarantee you that, my friend.”

Nov 1st, 2003, 12:05:13 AM
Remkah looked at him, not quite sure whether to believe him or not. Though..that did sound very much like Hera - the woman had a healthy self-image, that was for sure.

He got ready to leave, grumbling as he fished about his person and remembered his sodden wet cigarettes.

"Just be sure to have them out of my room first thing tomorrow. Thats an order."

Jamo Jakatta
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:09:04 AM
“Sure, sure, Captain.”

He crossed his arms tightly over his chest, and began to rock from his toes to his heels. Suddenly he seemed like he was going to fall backwards, as a thought struck him.

“Oh-! And hey… if you ever want to see Synthia again, I can arrange a private meeting for you two. She does house calls!”

Nov 2nd, 2003, 06:39:07 PM
Color rose to Remkah's cheeks at the unexpected offer Jamo made. He wasnt used to placing "orders" such as that.

In his immediate embarressment, he mumbled something about "Ill let you know"

And, with a last quick look over at the beautiful Synthetic, Remkah turned to leave Jamo's room.