View Full Version : In desperate need of something to do (open)

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 20th, 2003, 08:55:08 PM
My name is Paegxis. Paegxis Pragmaa, daughter of a wealthy former-Senator. Daddy was nearly assassinated after the passing of an important bill...he resigned afterward. A pacemaker and a breathing device keep him alive now. He won't let me go out anymore, or let Mom go to her bingo games anymore. Daddy's the only one with anything to do at home; he has a hobby tinkering with hovercrafts. Some of his designs have been big hits, and the constant income we receive keeps us in this high-level Coruscant mansion.

It's an okay house I guess. It's too big for just the three of us, but Mommy loves it and refuses to move. She spends her days cleaning and decorating and bustling about the house...her little project, she calls it. So I guess she's occupied too.

That leaves me...home schooled, with no friends...sick of the holonet and holovision, sitting on this balcony high above the surface of the planet...


The sound echoes for a bit before fading. Some people walking below look up, and a crazy idea just hits me all of a sudden. I stand up on the railing of the balcony, and the crowd below gasps. They think I'm going to jump! Now that I think about it, maybe I will...perhaps some hunky Jedi will catch me! But on the other hand, maybe not...what a hard decision. Either way, it might be kinda fun.

"I'm going to jump off the balcony!" I shout back into the house. The people below begin to yell, but Mom and Daddy don't seem to mind. They're too busy with their own fun to care, I suppose. "One, two, THREE!" I fall from the balcony, shutting my eyes and letting fate take its course.

Aug 21st, 2003, 09:25:43 AM
Bastalek slowly drove down the lightly crowded Coruscant residential streets. It was the rich side of town that he had only ever seen in his imagination and on his way to the work in the inner city. Although it was the same large metal buildings, it felt cleaner, and it sure beat the rusted out tenaments Bastalek had known so well. As he continued down the street, a large group of people had gathered around the largest house in visible distance, doing what seemed to be gasping and admiring the house as they crooked their necks upward. Taking a closer look at the house he said, "Hm, nice place, but it aint nothin to gawk at. Geez, you'd think no one in this town had to work." As Bastalek passed the back of the crowd they all gasped and turned to his swoop. Starring blankly into the scared mob through his dark blue tinted sunglasses, he began to speak, "What are you lookin--"

As he spoke something crashed upon his shoulders, tearing his digits from the handlebars, and pulling his back down to the rear seat of the swoop. Instantly the drastic weight transfer caused the nose of the bike to point straight upward. Instinctively, Bastalek's thighs and legs tightened clutching the seat and incidently, hitting the throttle. The swoop quickly jolted skyward, making an upside down "U" in the air before it started it's nose dive to the lower sections of the city. Straining to lift his head against the breakneck wind, Bastalek squinted down twisting his body and spinning the swoop between the bustling traffic. With a great difficulty his hands climbed back to the bars of the bike, and pulled his body back upright. The unexpected "Cargo" was now rapped around his chest.

Once upright in the saddle of the diving swoop, it became evident that the ground was approaching at rapid pace. Quickly Bastalek wrenched the bikes nose upward, sending the swoop hurtling through a narrow alley way. As he hit the brakes in a panic, the bike instantly spun side ways catching the wall and flinging the passengers further down the alley. Bastalek's body stiffened and his forearms shot up over his face in reflex as he began to slide along the rough alley.

Once his eyes opened everything was over, and motionless. All that could be heard was the speeder engines from above, and the occasional honking of a horn. Every muscle that was tense collapsed as he laid there in the alley. Looking back at his path of travel, he could see a long streak of blood that led to his forearms, which were no longer covered by his jacket, they were now rather bare, and gushing blood onto the warm asphalt. Trying to get up Bastalek had little succesion as he realized what ever had landed on him was still attached.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 21st, 2003, 02:29:12 PM
The entire experience is a blur for me; I had my eyes shut the whole time. When I hit Bastalek I wrapped my arms around him, holding tightly and wishing I hadn't decided to do something as foolish as jump off the balcony.

When everything stops, I open my eyes. I've got scraped knees and knuckles from the landing in the alley. A sigh escapes my lips as I look to my rescuer.

"Oh! Are you alright?"

He's not moving...oh no...I killed him!

"Speak to me! Please!" I sob as tears well up in my eyes.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:40:31 AM
Bastalek gradually flipped his body over, struggling to breath and collect himself as his arms continued to bleed. His eyes clenched as he used the wall as a crutch in order to trudge his way off the ground. Letting out a grunt of heavy pain, he spoke to himself, "God *Gasp* What the hell was that all about? I've never heard of a swoop pulling any crap like that before." Bastalek's eyes turned slugigshly towards the crying that presently knelt on the asphault below. "You gotta kinding me..... Ugh, don't move. I got some things to take care of before I deal with you, now stay there and ...*grunt*... don't go anywhere."

With that said Bastalek stumbled down the alleyway, following the dark smear of blood towards the now trashed swoop. With every limped and trudged step the shooting pains got worse as did the magnitude of blood dripping down his hands. Finally reaching the downed bike, Bastalek took his right hand and opened one of the back compartments on the swoop, revealing a leather satchel within. Flicking open the top of the bag he quickly took out a few moderately clean rags along with a roll of thick silver tape. After a moment time and a few tricky hand motions the rags were rapped tightly to his forearms, forming a rudimentary bandage.

As he set the roll of tape onto the reckage, he looked to the young girl, "*Sigh* You alright? Get over here so I can get better look at you and maybe figure out what the hell that was back there."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:19:41 PM
He's hurt, and it's my fault! Why did I have to do something so stupid as jump off the balcony? I hardly hear him as he calls me to him, standing by his wrecked swoop. I fidget with my hands as I approach him, biting my lip and looking worriedly to him to try and read his expression.

"I...I'm not hurt...are you alright? I'm sorry about your swoop bike..."

Aug 22nd, 2003, 05:31:30 PM
Bastalek took a pack of cigarettes from his jacket as he leaned slowly against the wall. His eyes sized the girl up for the first time all together. She appeared to be young, and was covered head to toe in clothing likely made of expensive fabrics. After lighting and taking a smoke from his cigarette he spoke in an obviously frustrated tone. "I'm just peachy cupcake, especially knowing that you're *sorry* about my ride. Geez! What the hell was a kid like you doing anyways?" As he let out a long and tired *sigh*, Bastalek realized how uncoth he had just been, and held his right hand out saying, "Want a smoke kid? It'll calm you're nerves and help out with the pain from those scratches."

As he stood there a thought flashed through his mind. Sithspit. What are you gonna do with this kid? You can't just leave her here. Hell, from the looks of things she wont last ten minutes down here. Ugh, I thought gamblers were supposed to have good luck, no wonder you're broke.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:09:58 PM
I shake my head to decline his offer, biting my lip harder as I look over the decimated bike. He's mad at me, and rightfully so. It's all my fault that his swoop is destroyed.

"I...I don't know what to tell you..." I stutter at last, deciding to answer his question about what I was doing. "I just decided I would jump and see what happened..." I feel absolutely horrible. "I know it was wrong of me...I'm sorry," I sob, trying not to cry. "I just didn't think...it's my fault. I'll pay you back somehow!"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:14:18 PM
As the words "jump and see what happened" left the girls mouth Bastalek's left hand with the cigarette clasped his forehead, and with it the girls eyes glossed over and started overflowing with tears. He stuttered as he precariously tried to diffuse the situation "Wait! Just.... Just chill for a second alright? I'm trying to think, and crying isn't gonna get us anywhere." A silence passed between the two as Bastalek's left hand ran through his uncut brown hair. Suddenly, his head raised and gazed into the stars far above the cityscape into the sun as it glinted off of his deep hazel green eyes. After a moment he took a puff from his smoke, and the sound of sniffling began to pierce his ears.

Bastalek's stuble covered chin slowly lowered, looking down at the still pouting girl. "Alright, why don't you tell me your name and..... and God! Aren't you a little young to be leaping into the streets like that?"

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:06:19 PM
I blink away my tears and sniffle, feeling ashamed and pathetic as I lower my eyes away from his. I can't look him in the eye. I've put him through too much.

"My name is Paegxis Pragmaa..."

I don't have an answer to his second question. I do, but...oh, he'll hate me worse than he does...

Aug 24th, 2003, 08:30:27 AM
With a puff of his cigarette Bastalek began to rub his eyes as if he didn't beleive what he saw. After a moment his eyes reopened, re-exposing the young girl, with tear stained cheeks. "You stopped crying, good." With a warm, although obviously fake, smile on his face he continued, "Alright, pag... Paegxis? Is that how you pronounce it? Ok, in any event don't.... Don't worry about the swoop for now, because there isn't much we can do to fix it. Alright, now as for getting back to the upper levels, there isn't much I can do as my ride is trashed and I sold the distress signal that was installed on it. So, unless I'm missing something, we're gonna have to walk."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:06:05 PM
I nod solemnly.


I'm not about to admit that I don't know where anything in Coruscant is. I haven't left the house since Daddy was almost killed...that was ten years ago.

"Well..." I begin, trying to sound somewhat brave, "Let's go..."

Aug 25th, 2003, 03:16:39 PM
Bastalek sighed and looked back at Paegxis with a half worried look tattooed on his face. "Alright, lets head out. Just hang close and don't wander off, this isn't the friendliest place to get lost in." As he uttered those words he gently set his hand on paexis' shoulder and continued down the alley away from the crashed swoop. The thoughts that roamed about his mind his stomach tremble with uneasiness. God, this is more akward then my first date. Look at yourself, the best con-man in six sectors and here you are walking some kid home. Not only that, you managed to find the worst place possible to take her through. Hell, the gangs don't even need to know about the bounty on your head to take a peice out of you. The imperials are even to afraid to come down this far, and you've got some imagination if you think you can find a cop down here. It's a mystery how you manage to screw yourself like this.

The sun seemed to barely reach through the dense smog of the industrial section, creating an ominous dark orange light for the two to bask in as they continued towards the lowering sun. The thick light almost ignited Bastalek's sunglasses as they were shinning like stars in a dark sky. The alley itself seemed completely abandoned, the only sounds to be heard the pairs footsteps and the ocasional scurrying rat. After awhile Bastalek turned to the young girl next to him and broke the long silence. "So.... Paegxis, we've got a hellova long time before we get where we need to be going, how about you speak up and tell me your story. You never did tell me how old you were, so how about you get started with that?"

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 25th, 2003, 06:33:08 PM
I guess normally I'd have brushed his hand from my shoulder, but I don't mind the guiding hand at all. It's comforting somehow...it makes me feel less miserable.

"I'm eighteen, and will be nineteen in twenty-three days. I'm home schooled, so I don't have many friends, and I don't get out much either..."

Aug 25th, 2003, 07:32:10 PM
Time seemed to speed up as the two trotted along, speaking quietly. As the alley came to another end, Bastalek stopped paegxis with his hand and peered out before proceeding acrossed. Although he was familiar with the area due to his days of smuggling and the unsavory meeting places that had to be arranged to assure privacy, it didn't make him forget the fire fights that happened at the drop of hat. Once sure the path is clear he gave the young girl a slight tug and they moved on acrossed the street.

After listening to Paegxis' response to the inquiry, he paused for a moment and then replied. "Hm, eighteen huh? Not a bad a age to be, but it's not unheard of for the rich and famous to go a little daft. So, if I've got this figured right, you jumped because you were just bored with it? I suppose it makes sense when you say you haven't been out that much. Well kid, if you want my opinion there isn't much out there on Coruscant to see, you should go someplace nice like Naboo or Corellia."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 25th, 2003, 08:15:20 PM
I simply nod my head, blushing a bright scarlet as my shame and embarassment increase themselves. But at least he's not yelling at me like I thought he would...he's even suggested me some alternatives to jumping off balconies. There's one little problem though...

"I...I don't have the money to visit other planets. Mommy and Daddy don't like to travel...they're very uncooperative when I ask to do something outside the house. They're afraid I'll be hurt or kidnapped and used as leverage to steal all their riches away."

Aug 26th, 2003, 07:26:52 PM
Bastalek's eyes seemed locked on the path ahead of the two wanderers as he began chuckled and spoke. "Well, I guess there isn't much you can do about that is there?" Despite how bad the senario had stepped off, it was now playing itself out as good as anyone could've hoped. The quiet at this level of Coruscant was unheard of, even to the rats that seemed to scurry about every ten feet. As his eyes stared intently into the barely visible sun that hid behind the horizen, Bastalek realized that all the quiet serenity that he walked through could change in a heart beat when that sun left sight.

Trying to stay on top of things, and most of all keep the girl calm and too quiet to stirr up attention he let the thought simply linger in the back of his mind. hmph, at least she isn't crying anymore. Sithspit, I can't stand that sound.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:44:09 PM
"No...I guess not...I don't want to go home though..."

I sigh, looking shyly sideways out of the corner of my eye.

"Um...do you know where we are?"

Aug 27th, 2003, 03:06:57 PM
Bastalek glanced over and to Paegxis with a look of surprize and bewilderment. "You don't..... Want to go home? Kid, trust for a sec here, there is no place better then a nice place like you got on Coruscant. It sure beats the hell out of one the craptastic apartments in the tenaments. *sigh* And yeah, I know where were headed, there's a lift a few klicks that way, but the way things are starting to look....." Bastalek paused for a moment and stared intently into the now barely visible sun. After a brief "From the looks of things were not gonna make it 'fore the sun goes under, so I'm guessing we're staying here for the night..."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:18:40 PM
I don't have an answer for his advice. Yes, my home is very safe and comfortable, but...I can't stand it there! My parents neglect me and leave me to keep myself busy with holonet and holovision! They're horrible, and I refuse to back and live with them! His next few comments almost go unheard as I let myself vent silently at my parents, except for the last part...

From the looks of things were not gonna make it 'fore the sun goes under, so I'm guessing we're staying here for the night..."

"Um...what do you mean we have to stay here for the night? Where are we staying at?"

Aug 28th, 2003, 08:11:40 PM
Bastalek gimaced as he peeked out into the next dank street looking for signs of activity. Gradually slipping back he spoke in a low soft tone. "Ok, follow me and be real quiet. The place we're staying at isn't exactly couture, but it'll be a hell of a lot safer then crashing on the street corner." With that said Bastalek walked out onto the side walk and began pace faster. The rather dank street looked as if it hadn't seen sunlight in years, everthing had the same dull shine that came from the layer of grease or mold that had grown on it. It seemed that almost every ten feet some sort of junk pile that was originally a speeder or other contraption layed dormant next to the walkway.

After a moment the wayward couple came to what must've been an old shop of a sort, that had been abandoned some time ago. As they came upon the door the street lights flickered on, giving the street an even more ominous appearance. Realizing quickly by means of trial and error it didn't take long to figure out the door was locked. Bastalek looked up and down the street as he slid one of his pistols out of his jacket. With a single shot into the knob the door swung open. The loud blaster shot echoed through the street, sounding as if it could even reach the top levels of Coruscant. With a preocuppied look he spoke, "Inside, and be quick about it." With that he continued into the front room of the shop and looked around.

Directly across from him was a counter with a small office in back, a wall with large translucent windows being the only barrier between the two. In the corner of the right and left walls was a door sized opening that led to the landing of a set of stairs. On the right wall was a unisex bathroom door. Aside from those, the entire room was completely vacant with a thick layer of dust over it. Without turning Bastalek addressed Paegxis, "Go upstairs and look for some blankets, sheets, pillows etc... Anything like that. I'll figure a way to lock this joint back up." With that he continued towards the back room.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 28th, 2003, 08:44:03 PM
Bastalek's pace is too fast; I find myself jogging to keep up. By the time we've reached the small shop I'm quite out of breath.


I don't get to finish asking what he means to do about the lock; he simply shoots it off the door. I suppress a suprised squeak as the blaster's report echoes through the cavernous streets. I hadn't known he was armed. I follow him inside, looking about with a sort of shocked awe as he gives me another command.

"Go upstairs and look for some blankets, sheets, pillows etc... Anything like that."

Oh no...I have to sleep in this building with him! What if he...but he wouldn't...would he? I head cautiously up the stairs, listening hard for him in the back room. I can't shake the sudden dread in my stomach at all, and it just gets worse as I spot myself in an ancient mirror. I've chosen one of my more form-fitting sleeveless shirts and a pair of pants that cling tightly to my hips and legs.

"I hate myself..." I mutter to my reflection. "Why did I have to do something so stupid?"

Aug 31st, 2003, 05:42:59 PM
After watching Paegxis pace up the front stairs Bastalek walked behind the counter and haulted. Kneeling down he grasped a dusty door stop that had most likely sat dormant for years. After a few minutes of rumaging through the drawers on the long counter all he had come up with was a replacement blaster battery, a large nail, and some generic adhesive tape. Seeing no real alternative, Bastalek trudged over to the front door and proceeded to nail the door stop under it, adding "Meh, it's better then nothin'....."

With that done Bastalek's shoulders fell and he began to trudge up the stairs, reflecting in his mind upon the situation at hand. Ugh, how did you let this happen? Not only are you going to crash in this death trap, but you've got some incompetant teen to drag around durring it all. Sithspit, you should've left her at the swoop.. Once at the top of the stairs Bastalek caught sight of Paegxis, staring blankly into an old mirror. "Hey, have you found any of that crap I asked for earlier?" Once noticing that classic expression of dejection on her face he set his left forearm against the wall and corrected himself, "Alright, look kid. I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk or something, but just try to see where I'm coming from here. I'm not used to having a kid tag along with my every step, especially when I'm as frustrated as this. So... do me a favor and just gimmie a little break here, alright?"

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:50:48 PM
I nod slightly, turning to look for the blankets and pillows he wanted me to find. In an old chest of drawers I discover some old, moth-eaten blankets, but pillows seem out of the question.

"There aren't any pillows, Mister..."

Sep 1st, 2003, 07:06:38 PM
Bastalek laughed as she spoke that last word. "Ha, that's a good joke. Don't call me mister, I'm only 23, far too young to be a mister just yet. So just call me Bast or Bastalek or somethin, I don't care." With that said, Bastalek walked to the opening into the room and glanced around before entering it completely. It wasn't much different then the room on the first floor. Almost completely empty, save for an old single person bed and dresser.

Once fully in the room Bastalek looked back to Paegxis and spoke. "Damn kid, for someone that wants to get out of the house you sure aren't very curious of strangers. Hell, I've barely gotten two words out of you. Now come'on here, speak up. it makes me nervous when people I don't talk."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 1st, 2003, 09:12:56 PM
"It's just...it's just that I'm afraid you're mad at me," I admit quietly. "I ruined your swoop bike, and its my fault we're in this mess..."

I sit on the edge of the bed, holding the bundle of blankets tightly to my chest, burying my face in them as I try not to cry again.

"I'm just so scared...I've never been alone like this before."

Sep 3rd, 2003, 03:54:54 PM
Bastalek sighed and looked akwardly to the ground as Paegxis barrried her face into the sheets. The left side of his lips stretched backward creating a confused but aware expression. As she continued to speak his stomach dropped and felt empty as he realized the burning truth of it all. Every word that escaped her mouth described what the last seven years had been to him. There were never any friends, or relatives, just the job and the road. It felt like decades had passed since he last thought of how long it had been since he started running from the bounty hunters. And although he wanted to make her feel better by saying it, it wouldn't help her nerves any by telling the truth at this point.

After a moment had passed Bastalek shuffled slowly over to the bed and set himself next to Paegxis without taking so much as a glance at her. His hazel green eyes glinted as he rested his elbows atop his knees and gently clasped his wrists together. At that moment sound didn't seem to exist as Bastalek remained still with his eyes forward and unwavering. "Paegxis, you're going to have to trust that I know your problem backwards and forwards..... But you're also gonna have to understand that there isn't anything I can do to help. I mean think about my position here. When I take you back your family is probably going to suspect me of foul play as it is...... If I don't take you back they'll put a bounty out for our discovery....." Bastalek's head slowly turned to the girl who was hiding her face in the old sheets, and let his left arm find it's way around her. "Hey, just try not to be scared, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 3rd, 2003, 09:56:38 PM
The arm around my shoulders is too much to bear. I push the sheets aside and cling to Bastalek, crying on his trenchcoat-clad shoulder. It feels good to cry...it makes my predicament hurt less, somehow.

Sep 4th, 2003, 07:26:27 PM
Once it happened everything seemed to stop. His heart ceased to beat and his lungs wouldn't breath. As the two sat together on the bed, Paegxis clutching Bastalek he sat motionless with one idea rushing around his mind. What... is she... doing? As he sat perfectly motionless in surprize, Bastalek watched the event unfold from the corner of his eyes. As his eyes slowly turned to face the girl that was crying into his chest he realized what was wrong. This had never happened before, and it made almost want to run away from it for lack of any better idea. After an instant Bastalek came back from his trance and turned his head shifted his body around.
Gently setting his right arm around her, Bastalek lowered his head and whispered softly into her ear. "shhhhh.... Please don't cry, I hate it when you cry. Shhhh, I'm gonna get you back."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 7th, 2003, 08:51:31 PM
I sniffle a little and go quiet, but tears still flow freely.

"I'm sorry..."

Sep 8th, 2003, 07:22:23 PM
Bastalek slowly ran his hand through the young girl's hair and softly tilted her head back and peered into her eyes. Gently his free hand rose and wiped a tear away from Paegxis's cheek.

"It's alright, don't worry about anything right now. All you need to think about presently is not crying and going to sleep."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 9th, 2003, 10:18:29 PM
I nod and pull away from him, unfolding one of the blankets and shaking it out.

"Okay...I'll try to sleep."

I look nervously over to him.

"Um...where are you going to sleep, sir?"

Sep 10th, 2003, 07:33:17 PM
Bastalek, smirked and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index fingure. Removing his hand from his eyes a genuine smile was revealed on his face. "Forget already kid? I'm not a sir, you can call me Bastalek or if that's too long, Bast'll do just fine. I didn't kidnap you so you can say my name with out quivering. And...." Bastalek took a quick glance around the room, his eyes stopping on the corner just beyond the foot of the bed to his right. "Well, that spot *points* should be good, not for my back but for the night."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 10th, 2003, 09:41:21 PM
"Okay then..." I still feel a little apprehensive though. "Sleep well, Mist...Bastalek..."

The bed is remarkably comfortable for being so old and underused. I spread the old, moth-eaten blanket over myself and curl into a ball, turning my back to Bastalek and looking to the weathered wall.

Sep 11th, 2003, 06:00:22 PM
As Paegxis rolled over Bastalek remained perched on the edge of the bed. His bones seemed to ache and throb with exhaustion at the mere thought movement. Sitting in the complete silence the room seemed to get darker through his tiring eyes. With a low groan the tired shell of man stood up and trudged over to the nearest corner. Slouching against the wall Bastalek sluggishly lowered himself to ground and reached into his aging jacket. After a moment of rumaging he pulled out a weathered pack of cigarettes with a lighter fastened within the cellophane wrapping. Planting one them onto his dry lips he thumbed at the lighter a few times until a flame was produced.

Taking a deep breath through the filter Bastalek looked upwards and let the fumes shoot from his mouth as he removed the cigarette with his two fingers. Gradually his face sank back down and let out a exhausted sigh. " I don't know how you did it Bastalek, but you've put yourself in another place where you could get stiffed with any wrong move. *sigh* Worse things have come from better plans, so it can't be all bad. And..... At least this time I've got some company...." Bastalek's eyes floated over the young girl that faced the wall on the left. From his perspective he could barely make out her eyes, they were blue. Deep blue, or at least that's the color he made out in the now moon lit room. Before his face turned to the moon that barely shinned through to the low level of coruscant, he smilled at Paegixis. Now, looking into the white ball hanging in the blurred sky, Bastalek exhailed some more smoke and said, "Hm, another paper moon."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 11th, 2003, 09:56:44 PM
I shut my eyes with a sigh, shutting out the sound of him murmuring and the smell of the smoke. Daddy smokes; I've grown used to it by now.

"I was trying to make it better..." I mutter, thinking of my old situation. "It's the same as it was though..."

I feel so bitter. Nothing's changed.

Sep 14th, 2003, 08:45:36 PM
In the calm room Paegixis's mumbling caught Bastalek's ear. As he exhailed he turned and faced her. "You alright over there Paegxis? If there's something you wanna say, don't be afraid to well..... talk I guess. Anywho, I'm right here if you need something."

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:13:56 PM
I shake my head, drawing my blanket tighter around myself. I don't want to talk to anybody. I just want to be left alone.