View Full Version : The Only Power Is In The Dark....

Illidan Stormcrow
Aug 20th, 2003, 02:55:28 PM
A lot of people ask me: Are you crazy, or just plain evil? You know what I say? Yes.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

Illidan stared intently at the drops of water dripping from the stalactite, down onto the stalagmite. He had been doing this for thousands of years. Anyone who saw him would think him to be crazy. But the Sith, especially the Lords, would recognize what he was doing. Illidan felt the darkside emanating strongly from the stalactite stalagmite duo. Illidan also recognzied what the presence was. It was a Force clock, and Illidan had used most of his remaining power to set its timer.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drip. Drop.

There! Illidan had noticed the inconsitancy in the dripping. He kept calm though, for over the thousands of years he had thought he had noticed it millions of times. Using what little Force powers he had left, he used a memory enhancement ability, replaying the moment over and over again. The Sith's calm left him. It hadn't been a trick of the mind. The timer had gone off. That meant the Sith empire was nearly rebuilt, and Illidan could once again travel to the surface.

The Sith traveled for days across the gargauntuan underground cavern, finally coming to the hole he had entered the cavern through. Swearing in every ancient language he knew, Illidan realized he had no power left to activate a levitation spell. The timer had drained most of it. Sighing, he began climbing. Illidan was very close to the core of the world he was on. Probably closer than any living being could get without burning up. The immense heat did not bother Illidan, however. He was undead, and a little heat didn't bother him.

For two years he climbed. The planet was indeed very large. Two years, but it didn't effect him. He needed neither food nor water. In this time Illidan fought with the darkside, trying to regain his former power. At the end of the two years, he had not come close to winning. It seems he would have to learn all over again. That didn't matter, though. The Sith empire was back, if not still secretive, and his remaining powers should enable him to find the Order, for it was probably the biggest darkside presence in the galaxy.


Another 5 years had passed, and Illidan had managed to comandeer a spaceship, learn most of the technology, and pilot it to the general direction of the new Sith Order. Though he was finally going to be back among fellow Sith, Illidan felt no excitement. He was undead, and had very little feelings other than anger, hatred, and rage. The only reason that he was a Sith was because that was the ultimate form of those three emotions.

The undead Sith landed on a planet unknown to him. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that it was the home planet of the Sith Order. That was his goal, to find the Sith Order. It took another couple of days, but he finally stood at the entranceway of the building that housed his goal. Pushing the doors opened, he entered a dark room. It was definatly fitting, Illidan thought. A dark room to house the darkside.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 11:53:12 PM
Southstar watched from the darkness not making an effort to hide, but one would have a hard time finding him anyway; unless they were to use the Force. He watched for a moment then spoke, "Welcome. What brings you to the Sith Order?"

Illidan Stormcrow
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:47:38 PM
"What brings me to the Sith Order? Do not ask such foolish questions. I know you are adept. You can sense the Force within me, even though it has been weakened over the last hundred years or two. I had rather not expected the drain to be so drastic. I suppose I am no more powerful than even the most novice in the Black Arts. But I am forgetting myself again. That happens so often now...."

His voice was gravelly, and he would sound like an old man if it was not for the venom and hatred in his tone. Illidan Stormcrow hated many things. That was the way of the Sith. But however hateful he was, he was just as impatient. And he had been sitting in a dank, dark cave doing nothing for longer than anyone could imagine. It was more than enough to make him just a bit cranky.

"Forgive me. You see, I haven't been in contact with anyone for a long, long while. I was one of the original Sith. One of the first to abandon the foolish ways of the light and take up the true way of the Force. I'm most likely dead by now. I found that I really didn't care after the first hundred years. But the darkside will not let me lay down and rest for a long, long time yet...."

Dec 2nd, 2003, 03:11:48 PM
"No problem." Southstar said quietly and shifted his feet. He looked at the old man for a moment and studied his appearence.

"So here you are.." Southstar guess a little with his next words. "To re-join the Sith." He paused for a moment for Illidan to interject if Southstar had been terribly wrong.

"Perhaps you could just give me a brief overview of your history. Toss in why you see yourself as fit to re-join the fight against the Jedi."

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 4th, 2004, 02:31:17 PM
OOC: Woah. Completely forgot about this guy. Really sorry about this. Hopefully Southstar is still around.


"Yes, here I am." Illidan spread his arms out wide in response to the Sith's pause.

"I am Illidan Stormcrow," he began after Southstar was done speaking, "Don't bother looking it up in any of your records. I always preferred secrecy. Where was I? Oh yes. I am Illidan Stormcrow, former Sith Lord of the ancient Sith Empire. It is a common thought that only the Sith Lord Darth Bane escaped the Great Hyperspace War with his life, but there were others. I myself was on a secret mission behind enemy lines when the last battle took place. There had been no Sith left to get word to me that the war was over, and when I finally found out months later I had no idea what to do.

It is also a common thought that the Jedi raided and destroyed all of the Sith artifacts previous to the War, but there were secret places. Secret places where hundreds of artifacts lay undisturbed by the Jedi scum. I went to one of these places and retrieved a Sith Holocron. The Holocrons, as you probably know, hold valuable information about the Sith and their powers. This one in particular kept many of the Empire's secrets about life preservation.

In my time, I was a powerful Sith Lord. Mere life preservation wasn't good enough for me. Instead, I chose a spell that invoked the powers of the undead upon myself. The rewards were enormous, but the consequences....disastrous. I wasted much of my power invoking this spell. I was then but as powerful as some of the Empire's meagerest of Sith Knights had been. Still, I wasn't finished. I was faced with the problem of the Jedi. What if they found me before the Sith arose again? What if they slew me? I couldn't take the chance.

I found a deep cavern within the core of a long dead planet. In there, I found two towered cones. A slactite...and a stalagmite...I imbued them with the power of the darkside and formed them into a time clock. When was the timer set? To when the darkside energies rivaled the power that they had in the old days. The timer went off seven years ago, and in seven years I have managed to make my way here.

That is my story, young Sith. And what was that other question you asked? Why do I see myself fit to re-join the Sith. That is all that is left in me. I am nothing but Sith now. There are no emotions beyond hate, anger, and rage left inside me. I serve no other purpose but to kill through the Force."

Apr 5th, 2004, 01:09:20 PM
He nodded his head in approval. As of late it could safely be assumed that anyone who approached the doors of the Sith Order was a complete buffoon. Southstar silently thanked the Force that Illidan was intelligent.

"You seem to be worthy of entrance, but I am not completely sure. You are very old and the times are changing, are you obsolete?" before Illidan could reply he asked another question. "Of what use are you to The Sith Order?"

OOC: Still around :)

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 5th, 2004, 03:15:28 PM
OOC: Great! *leaves for another six months* Just kidding. ;)


At first, Illidan didn't seem to hear the Sith. It was the first time he had repeated his story to himself since he had hibernated. Mulling over the words, he struggled once more with himself to regain some of his former power. It was no use. He was far too weak in the Force. Perhaps when he relearned enough to become a Lord...still, the possibility was slim.

"Am I obsolete?" Illidan asked, his voice strangely calm. By all rights he should be enraged at the Sith. He was an ancient Sith of old! His ancestor! What right did he have to pass judgement upon him?! But no, Illidan realized. That was their way. The only way to better the Sith Order. If he had been Southstar, he would be questioning as well, "No. Not yet. Not by a long shot. While my former powers have long escaped me, I do remember many ancient secrets of the ancient Empire. None of them I can very well understand, but maybe the Lords here might be able to make some sense of them.

And just because I am ancient doesn't mean I am stupid. I spent the last five years trying to find my way here. The other two were spent climing out of that accursed pit. I have had plenty of time to study galactic history. The Jedi numbers are growing, young Sith. It looks like you need all the help you can get, if I may make so bold a statement. Forgive me if my words sound arrogant, but the power of the Darkside is nothing if there are not enough wielders to control it, just as a sword is nothing if the wielder is not strong enough to hold it."

EDIT - OOC: Just a side note. I really don't intend on loading my character up with tons of old powers or facts about the old Sith Empire. I know that'd be God Moding.

Apr 6th, 2004, 11:37:57 AM
"The Sith Order is desperate for nobody's help." Southstar said, a hint of anger was in his voice, but he let it die down. For a second he mused the advantages of allowing Illidan into the order, then the cons. Was this man truely worthy? He began to walk around Illidan, examining him.

"You're an old man and, no doubt, have had plenty of time to think. But what have you been thinking about all those years in your hiding pit?" Southstar didn't let Illidian respond. "Were you scheming and plotting your own rise to power? For all I know, you're intentions could be to destroy the Sith Order from within." He stopped walking at stared at Illidan as he accused him. "We would surely crush your feeble attempt, but that's besides the point. Loyalty and commitment is expected from the members of the Order; that is if we let you in. Are you loyal? Would you commit to the Sith Order?"

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 6th, 2004, 01:58:22 PM
"Forgive my..." Illidan paused, "Misuse of words...

Do not think my age has any effect on me anymore. I am undead, doomed to walk forever this galaxy. I am no longer frail nor weak, but strong and powerful. Of course, my sheer physical strength is no match for the Force.

Yes, I would commit to the Sith Order. Do you know why? Do you have any idea why, with my lust for power, I desire order among the ranks of the Sith? Because I have seen it happen before, young Sith. I have seen what happens to those who take on the throne, and to those who defend it. You are wise, though you choose not to show it openly. I can tell. You know what happened to the Sith of old. In their lust for power, they slaughtered each other.

What you fail to realize is that I witnessed it. I witnessed the Sith, driven mad by their inner desires, almost drive their entire species into extinction. I will commit, and I will be loyal, because I know that the consequences of success are equal to the consequences of failure when committing treason."

Apr 9th, 2004, 09:19:36 AM
Clearly the man did know what he was talking about. ""Based upon your words and the lack of notion in the Force that you are lying, I do believe that you will be loyal to the Order. But just for future reference, all traitors are killed." Southstar said and smiled. He began walking to a large locked door and motioned for Illidan to follow. "I believe you will be most useful to the Order." He continued and withdrew a key. He inserted it into the old lock and turned.

"Welcome Illidan." He said over the loud creaking of the door. "I suggest you find yourself a room and aquint yourself with the other members. Also, you may want to speak with the Elders about your unique story."

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 9th, 2004, 04:43:36 PM
"Of course," Illidan replied, grinning a devilish grin.

As the door slowly creaked open, his grin widened until it was finally akin to a manic smile. After years and years of waiting, he was finally back home. After years and years of waiting, he was finally a Sith once more. For the moment, his power did not concern him. For he was a patient man, as were all undead. He had an inifinite amount of time and more to regain his old powers, barring death by murder.

Turning back to Southstar, his brow furrowed.

"I am afraid I did not catch your name, young Sith," Illidan said in his gravelly voice, "You are?"

Apr 20th, 2004, 03:33:49 PM
"My name is Southstar, I'm a knight within the order." Southstar replied. "If you happen to need assitance in almost anything, I'd be willing to help."