View Full Version : Defense for Destiny, Offense for Ariel (Combat Training!)

Aug 20th, 2003, 08:59:02 AM
Zeke sits at the top of the cargo hold, upon a stack of speeder parts destined for Thyferra. The Knight sighs heavily, getting his act together. His Padawans are undertrained. He's been neglecting them as his duties on board the ship have mounted, and has shoved off all his work onto other crew members to make a day just for training them. He now owes roughly 50 credits to roughly 15 people, but it's worth it, in his eyes. Rognan's sick, so he has to work with just Destiny, Ariel, and Janus. Which is fine; b'cuz Janus has had all the training Zeke knows to give. The winged Padawan will be assisting him as they follow up on Ariel's combat training, and begin on Destiny's.

Ariel Kendryck
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:03:54 AM
“Hey!” :D

A voice calls out from down below, where Ariel is standing looking up at Zeke perched on the tall pile of bits and pieces. The Padawan gives a little wave.

“You sent me for?”

Aug 21st, 2003, 12:54:29 PM
"Or I sent for you, yeah. We gotta finish your combat training and start Destiny's. Janus knows most of the stuff he needs to know, so he'll get to play teacher's assistant. You get to try and beat the stuffings out of him."

Janus Riddyl
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:43:41 AM
"Beat the stuffings out of me?" He said from the far end of the cargo hold. I don't like the sound of that... But teacher's assistant, that I like." He finished and smiled.

Ariel Kendryck
Aug 23rd, 2003, 03:53:26 AM
Ariel looked over to the winged Padawan. He looked pretty tough and she didn’t really fancy her chances against him.

“… Is he going to be fighting back against us?” o_O

Janus Riddyl
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:39:32 PM
Janus looked at his master with a questioned look on his face. He was as clueless as Ariel, he knew about helping Zeke, but he really didn't know the details.

Aug 24th, 2003, 04:50:51 PM
"Ariel, remember how when we taught you defense I just let Dad wail on you with the fastest strikes he could do? Well, you get to do that to Janus. Janus will defend himself, and you hafta try and get past his defense and bop him one. If you succeed, he gets to try and break your defense. You'll trade roles like that until I decide you're done."

Janus Riddyl
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:03:49 AM
Janus nodded his head in understanding. "Will we be using lightsabers?" He asked.

Destiny Stormrider
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:04:12 PM
"Lightsabers? I don't like the sound of that! I don't even have one!"

Destiny had been quiet until now, which was rare, but she finally spoke up.

"Am I supposed to sit, watch what they're doing and learn from that?"

Aug 27th, 2003, 03:01:56 PM
"No sabers. I didn't think to raid the Academy for them, and I'm not sure what the procedure is to make the practice ones. So, I have these."

He tosses three practice swords down, made of a very sturdy material.

"They're strong enough not to break, and they don't hurt much beyond a small sting. I used to play with 'em when I was a kid."

The Knight hops down, flourishing his own weapon.

"Destiny is paired with me. We'll run the same drill that they are. Ariel and Janus, go find an open space anywhere in the cargo bay and practice. Destiny and I will do our drill here."

Janus Riddyl
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:12:04 PM
Janus walked to the far end of the cargo bay, practice sword in hand, without coming too close to the wall. Due to the size of his wings, more room was needed.

Janus was a little nervous but he kept assuring himself he'd be alright. He was very aware that his bones were indeed hollow and broke much more easier than a normal human. With proper defense techniques, of which he knew, he would be just fine. "Okay, then. Um... Go ahead when your ready, Ariel."

Ariel Kendryck
Sep 9th, 2003, 12:25:31 PM
Ariel smiled nervously as she and Janus got into a good clear area. She tested her sword in her hand, giving it a few swings back and forth. She allowed the winged Padawan to ready himself before lunging out cautiously at him.

Janus Riddyl
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:11:46 PM
He took the appropiate defensive stance and nodded to Ariel. "Ok then." He tapped his sword against hers and waited for her to move from there.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2003, 04:45:45 PM
Destiny picked up the last sword and held the handle tightly. It was the first time she had a sword in her hands, and it felt good! She lift it carefully and let in back down. Then she moved it sideward.

"I like this!"

Destiny kept playing around with the sword, waiting for Zeke to give her further instructions.

Sep 16th, 2003, 06:38:18 AM
"Glad to hear it," Zeke replies. "I'm going to strike at you. I'll call the blow as I make it, so as to give you a little head start. Once you're getting the hang of it I'm going to shut up, and we'll go freestyle like an actual spar. And, just so's ya know, you are allowed to use the Force."

Zeke settles into a stance, One foot in front of the other, feet spread apart in a stable stance with the tip of the blade at his eye level, holding the hilt by his waist.

"You can just copy my stance, if you want..."

Destiny Stormrider
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:25:12 PM
Destiny imitates Zeke. Her body was now parallel to his and she held the sword tightly. She looked at him straight in the eyes. She was concentrated on what she was doing, something rare for her.

"Ok, I'm ready!"

Oct 10th, 2003, 10:31:48 AM
Zeke's eyes flick over her stance.

"Okay. Ready...go!"

Zeke's natural strikes will never match the speed of his father's, but he manages to make a rather speedy blow towards her left shoulder.