View Full Version : Finger Printin' Good (Kaimana)

Brielle Acaana
Aug 19th, 2003, 03:11:29 PM
Her foot tapped on the floorboard of the cruiser, matching the rhythm of her fingers drumming on the steering wheel.

Forensics Specialist Brielle Acaana was bored beyind belief. Her bi-annual chore of having to fulfill a weeks worth of living the life of a beat cop was once more upon her and she sighed with impatience. four more days to go and then she could return to her small but well loved laboratory.

The first three days had been uneventful as she patroled the upper levels of the city. Today however, she was many stories lower, right along the mid-section. The Watch officer had given out directions to sight-seers, written a couple of tickets for littering and one for lane-jumping.

Her cruiser was snugged in to a parking space, nose facing out so that she could tear off after someone if need be. Brielle kept her gaze moving, skimming over store fronts and eyeballing the pedestrians on the walkways.

She paused as she caught sight of a young girl - teenager probably - approaching the doors of a reputable weapons shop. The kid paused, looking left and right then entered quickly.

Reaching down Brielle turned up the volume to her speakers.

Aug 20th, 2003, 12:11:59 AM
Kaimana turned to check behind her, just to make sure. She didn't see much, well nothing that was of any importance to her. She fingered at the blaster she wore in its holster on her right leg. She needed a new blaster, this one had been through more than its fair share of fights.

Living on the street wasn't her favorite thing, but it was what she was doing now. She pushed open the door and smiled what she thought was a nice respectable smile. The man behind the counter looked at her, and then she saw his eyes show disrespect at her clothing. Today she wore gray cargo pants and a long sleeve black shirt with the arms rolled up to just above her elbows.

"Do you have any good scout blasters?" Kaimana stated simply to the man. He eyed her once more, "Sure, if you've got the money to show for it." She sighed and rolled her eyes, putting a little bit more effort into talking to him, "Look, I have the money just show me the blaster." She saw him hesitate and realized she would have to be ready for a fight. After a few seconds he turned and went to the back of the store.

Kaimana clenched her jaw, It's been how many times and I still can't get rid of that feeling in my stomach... That empty pit.. I know its wrong, but I gots to survive...

As he came out, he handed her an extremely nice sporty scout blaster. She pulled out her own and smiled. "Thanks." She turned around and started walking out of the store, "Hey wait!" The man shouted at her back as she sprinted from the store. She grinned lopsidedly to herself, "It worked once again. I wonder how I do it."

Brielle Acaana
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:42:17 PM
Experience had put Brielle on alert and instinct had her foot already pressing down on the pedal. The Watch cruiser leaped from its notch and shot across the traffic lanes, diving to avoid a collision.

Yanking hard at the controls, Acaana brought the cruiser up and around to the far side, flipping the sirens on as an afterthought. The thieves head snapped back, taking in the police vehicle bearing down on her. Being this close, the Watch officer could see features that were definitely female.

Her hand snatched the mic from its holder and she barked her location at the dispatcher.

"This is cruiser 6381. Im on the perp outside of Bullseye Weaponry on Cresendo Avenue. Be advised that Im exiting the vehicle. Acaana out."

She came to a quick stop and opened the cruiser door, while drawing her blaster but keeping it out of sight.

"You - hold it right there!"

Aug 21st, 2003, 12:37:56 AM
"And there goes my clean getaway," Kaimana muttered under her breath as she made a desperate turn to the left to avoid the cruiser. She pulled out her newly acquired blaster and held it in her right hand, but didn't shoot... yet. "Ain't there some other kid you could go harass?" She yelled over her shoulder as she turned right into an alley way.

Ideas ran through her head, but none seemed like they would make an escape possible. She sprinted as fast as she could down the alley, only to stop at a solid wall. "The one alley I choose, is the one alley that is closed off." She swore under her breath as she turned around to face her unwanted company.

Drawing her blaster Kaimana yelled at the approaching figure, "Stay back! I'm not afraid to use this!" She knelt down, and braced her left elbow on her right knee and aimed at the figure. "I don't want to hurt you!" Don't come any closer... I really don't want to hurt you...

Her finger waited on the trigger, her palms sweating. "This is not how the day was supposed to go." Kaimana found herself thinking about how she was going to try to reason her stealing a gun. What would a cop care that she needed it to survive? Would they even care that she was homeless? Probably not, she figured, why would they?

Brielle Acaana
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:18:39 PM
Frelling wonderful - shes running! Now, Ive got to get hot and sweaty chasing her down.........WHOA!!

The Watch officer had dashed from the cruiser (after making sure to remove the keys) and sped after the stickied-fingered, mouthy kid. Brielle had taken the same left turn and was barreling full steam down the alley, ready to hook a right when it occured that she no longer heard footsteps ahead of her.

Brielle tried to stop, the soles of her shoes digging at the pavement but the debris littering the ground had other plans and she went skidding past the relative safety of the corner. Dragging her hands on the duracrete to slow down, her legs pumped as she scrambled back around the edge of the alley. In those few split seconds, she had seen enough to know that playing it cool was the best way to go.

"Stay back! I'm not afraid to use this! I don't want to hurt you!"

Riiiight. Then why dont you put it away?

"That makes two of us - Id hate for you to hurt me, too! And Im pretty sure that you dont want me to hurt you. Lets be smart here.......how about you slide that blaster to me?"

Aug 21st, 2003, 10:45:04 PM
"Wait! Let me get this right. You want me to slide you my only form of protection? So that way you can just snap some stun cuffs on me and take me away? Is that the deal?" Kaimana took a few cautious steps forward. The only way she was going to get rid of this blaster, was to be shot. Of course, she thought to herself, I still have my other blaster...

Kaimana shook her head, not a good plan. "I think I'll have to say no to that one. The only way you're getting this is to shoot me." She grinned lopsidedly, this wasn't going too bad now. I mean, all in all, this could be going a lot worse.

"How're you going to explain the death of a seventeen year old girl? Huh?" She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her left arm. How come nothing goes as planned?

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 21st, 2003, 11:09:11 PM
The moment Brielle had hit the comm, I was off my beat, twisting down the skylanes of East Coco and rising a good sixty levels. On a swingaround, I could see the action playing out below. Foot pursuit. Brielle was a good cop, but all cops had their strong suits. She was in forensics for a reason, because she was better in a lab than on a beat.

I cursed, and dropped my car down behind an old durasteel reprocessing plant. Steam rolled up exhaust vents like ghosts on a moonlit night as I hopped out, rounding around to the back alley to cut the girl off at the pass.

Her attention was rightly diverted at Brielle, but now she'd gone and done something stupid. The gun was held white-knucle style, the kind of grip somebody used with nothing to lose. It didn't look good. From here, it was a boiling crescendo of shouting matches until somebody blinked and somebody died. I'd seen it all before, played out in a million faces.

"Hoping I won't have to, kid."

I leveled off my blaster at Kaimana's six. She was covered from both sides.

"I've had to do it too many times before. Ease off the trigger slowly. It ain't worth dyin for."

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:01:32 AM
Great, just great. Another chance to show Vymes my ineptitude in the field.

The last time she and her commander had worked together was the day that her own father, Senator Acaana, had been murdered and right before her very eyes. Things had gone from bad to worse and Brielle herself had been injured. Hera DrenKast was still at large but Brielle had vowed to spend the rest of her life bringing her to justice - if thats what it took.

Vymes was a great cop and there wasnt another officer on the Watch that she'd rather have at her back when the chips were down. He was rough and gruff to be sure but beneath that dishelved exterior beat a heart of gold.

The perps voice was calm but Acaana detected a hint of panic in it. This situation needed to be diffused before someone - namely the kid - wound up face down on the permacrete.

"Look kiddo, this isnt making my day either, you know? There are other things Id rather be doing and one of them isnt filling out a report on how I was forced to kill some kid in an alley."

Long moments passed as she and Vymes strained to hear sounds of movement, trying to guess what the girl would dod next.

"I know for a fact that shiney new blaster in your hand isnt your only form of protection....youve still got your other one. I saw it when you ran out of the shop. So yeah, youre going to be in trouble either way here....either dead or with those cuffs you sound so fond of. Personally, Id toss us the guns, turn yourself in and after we get you back to the station, I promise to bring you a lunch from Dexter's.....its a great place to eat if you can stand the grease. Whaddaya say, kid?"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:09:42 AM
Kaimana almost laughed, "What do I think? I think that any way that involves stun cuffs doesn't work with me." After years on the street since she had left Grinder she wasn't about to go into police custody. That just wasn't how she would go out.

"You're right, I gots another blaster. But you're wrong, there ain't no way I'll give it back." Her words started to come out faster and she shuffled a few more steps backward so that her back rested against the wall.

"You think I want to get taken away? You think thats what my purpose is in life?" Kaimana paused for a minute, almost as to add more of a delay than to let the words sink in. "I don't, no matter what people say. Someday I'll be a jedi."

At this point, Kaimana actually laughed out loud. "This just isn't making your day is it? I could actually go on for a while about my life. At least I would have some company and people to talk to. Although not in the perfect situation, I still have company." This time she took a second not for a time delay, but to take a breath. Her last words had all come slurred out of her mouth.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:20:15 AM
"What is your purpose in life, then? How do you get there if you're dead. If thats what we wanted, then don't you think we'd have done it by now?"

It was a ploy to take the steam out of the situation, and maybe buy us all some breathing room from the situation.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:36:22 AM
"Let me tell you something about Jedi - they dont act like this. I speak from experience. I know three of them personally and none of them would rob a store at gun point and then threaten to kill a cop. And by the way...I dont carry stun cuffs!"

Jedi?! Was this kid crazy? How did she ever think being a Jedi was in the cards for her? She didnt sound like she was high but with some of these new drugs, it was hard to tell.

"What do you think, Commander? If she gives up now and comes along easy, maybe we could give Master Evanar a call. Perhaps he could come by and talk to her?"

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:41:42 AM
"I dunno, she sounds a bit crazy."

A little bit of "good cop, bad cop" always seemed to work in a pinch.

"If that's what you'd rather do, I guess I can look the other way on paperwork though."

Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:45:13 AM
Kaimana was growing impatient. Maybe she would just try to run past the female officer. It was probably her best bet. She stood up, careful to do it slowly and without a sound. She did one trick that she had learned in her years on the street. With a twitch of her hand a sound came from behind the female cop.

This is my chance! Kaimana, using the sound as a diversion decided to run. Make a break for it, however anyone wanted to say it. But she wasn't about to get cuffed and brought in.

Run. Hard. Don't give in to your exhaustion. She turned the corner hard, hoping the female would have turned to face the sound. If not she sent out what she called just "an air push" in the direction of the female. If it took her off guard it would send the officer sprawling.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:57:57 AM
Officer Acaanas head and gun both whipped around at the same time as something like a rock dropping sounded behind her. Had it been another Watch officer, they would have verbally alerted her but as it was, Brielle had expected an accomplice to be creeping up.

There was nothing and no place for anyone to hide. Just as she started to swing back to face the corner, she heard the pounding footsteps and reacted the only way she knew how as the girl tore around the corner.

Brielle threw herself backwards, or rather something did and she hit the 'crete hard. Not so hard that she couldnt reach up and get one hand wrapped in the girls pant leg. Bringing up her other arm to fling around the same leg, the perp kicked out, knocking the blaster from Acaanas hand.

It was a mixed blessing. Brielle was now unarmed but she had both hands free and put them to good use as she hung on for dear life.

"Vymes, hurry! Ive got her!"

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:01:03 AM
It went from calm to storm in a blink of an eye, and all hell broke loose. It had taken a second of recognition to keep from squeezing the trigger. In that span, things had gone from an armed standoff, to a foot pursuit, and to a close quarters engagement. Brielle held on for dear life, and I holstered my weapon, wrapping up Kaimana with both arms and wrangling her to the ground, so that her head and shoulders pressed against duracrete.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:05:27 AM
Kaimana fought hard against the male officer, trying with all her strength to get loose. I'm never listening to my dumb ideas again. As her face was pressed hard on the duracrete she remembered her second blaster. Feeling for it in her pocket she held her hand open, "And now for the finale." With another twitch of the hand her blaster came into the air and she grabbed it with her hand. As it was in her back pocket this was all made fairly easy and it was good, because she lacked control over moving objects. Wish that wasn't my last trick...

"Let me go."

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:08:12 AM
I saw the unthinkable, as the blaster in her back pocket seemed to slide into her grasp. Fortunately for me, I had leverage on her, and in her present position, it made it impossible for her to wield the weapon. I balled up a fist and punched into the inside of her wrist, jamming the nerves and for a moment, causing her hand to go limp, which allowed me to remove the blaster.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:27:45 AM
Peering up through the girls legs, Brielle had to admit that this was one of the strangest positions she had yet to find herself in during an arrest.

Vymes whipped out his cuffs and with a grimace, Acaana saw that they were stunners. Had she been able to reach her own. she would have asked her commander to use them instead. Too bad, so sad for the perp.

He bodily hauled the girl to her feet and planted her face first against the alley wall. Climbing to her feet, Brielle brushed her uniform off as she went to retrieve the three blasters, slipping hers back into the holster.

Vymes simply nodded to her as she walked beside him, his expression unreadable. Coming back out to the walkway, the younger officer moved ahead, holding the door to the back of her cruiser open, stepping aside as Vymes shoved the girl inside and closed the door behind her.

The commanders dark eyes grazed over her.

"Want me to follow you?"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:33:56 AM
Kaimana felt that it would do her no good to struggle now that she was in the car. "Maybe it'll be warmer there, ya never know," she found herself muttering under her breath. She leaned back against the seat heavily, sighed once and closed her eyes. She clenched her jaw and tried to make it so the cuffs weren't locking her right shoulder in such a stiff position. It wouldn've been fine if her right shoulder hadn't been always bothering her. She'd injured it while working for Grinder, actually because she hadn't done something. THat was how she injured it now that she thought back on it.

Kaimana found herself smiling despite her present situation. "Wonder what mess he's found himself in now?" Again she talked to herself, trying to forget the situation and people around her.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:35:38 AM
"I'll follow you."

It was an implied statement, and left the girl's fate up to Brielle. She seemed sincere about wanting to haul the perp in to see the Jedi. I couldn't be bothered. Part of me still thought the wizards were up to something, and I never would fully trust them. Still, Brielle wasn't quite so cynical, and in a situation like this, I doubted it could hurt.

I paced my way back to my squad speeder, lighting up a bedraggled-looking cigar.

"Lead the way."

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:46:41 AM
"Yessir, Commander."

Sliding behind the wheel, Brielle pulled the key out of her pocket and started the cruiser. Edging into the traffic lane, she glanced in the rearview mirror and as good as his word, there was Vymes right behind.

Easing from lane to lane, she used the mirror to study the girl who was still muttering to herself.

"Do you have a name or shall I keep calling you 'kiddo'?"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:53:51 AM
Kaimana snapped her head up, staring at the eyes in the mirror. "Kaimana." She didn't add anymore information, though there was no more information to give. The only things she had to tell her who she was, was the ring she wore on the chain around her neck. "I didn't want to hurt anyone," she muttered to herself more than to the officer. The officer could care less, Kaimana knew that from experience.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:38:39 AM

“But I just want-”


“Can’t I at least-”


Dirka Burckharf, Sergeant of the City Watch was not only disliked by the criminals of Coruscant, but by her own co-workers. She had, over time, developed a look that practically burnt holes in whoever it was angled it, and right now she was using it on one of the Corporals who had approached her. She would just stand, arms folded over her chest, and stare. No one could bring themselves to return the gaze for longer than a minute or so before they just gave up and went away.

It all suited Dirka fine. She had patience and courtesy for her superiors only. She was not here to make friends or to smile prettily, she was here to uphold the law, and that was all that mattered. Commander Vymes, one of the people she respected the most, was out currently, which explained why she was stood statue-still near within the entrance to the Watch house.

The only thing that moved were her eyes, scanning back and forth to spot any misconducts. After all, even Watchmen could slip up sometimes.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:18:05 PM
"Kaimana. Nice name. Where are you from? I dont hear much of an accent."

Another lane change was coming up and Bri picked up some speed, swooping in front of another vehicle and getting angry shouts in return. She flipped the sirens on for a quick '!WhoopWhoop!', then shut them off.

"Im from here, myself. Grew up on the other side of the city."

Aug 24th, 2003, 03:33:00 AM
Kaimana didn't lift her eyes, keeping them glued to the floor of the cruiser. "Around. I'm from around." Now that she was actually in the cruiser and had a few mintues to think about things, she was an idiot. Being the kid she always was, Kaimana decided to keep her mouth shut and not talk at all about her past. It wouldn't do anyone any good. The one thing she knew at this point in time, was the fact that the officer wouldn't give a damn about the reasons she needed the gun.

Christian Dekker
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:19:59 PM
'Paper work, paper work, frickin' paper work!' Dekker said slapping a file down under his arm as he carried it. It had been a while since he walked the halls of the City Watch HQ. Nearly 3 months in fact. He had been on quite a assignment undercover, smuggerlers on Nar Shadda transporting to Coruscant. No doubt they were caught and banged up.

He had returned as a Sergeant though, promoted of course. And what a fine cop he was to...At least he thought so. Dekkers head was the size of a over grown hutt, if that was possible. He was the best in his opinion, and with his self confessed good looks, how could the women resist?

All except Brielle, who even now, after all this time of teasing eathother would allow nothing of the sort. heh, women. Tease, tease, tease, but no action, so typically female. So typically Brielle. He had to admit, the woman, Brielle, was a fine specimen of the female gender, possibly the best in the Coruscant force, but would she allow anything?...pfft, fat bloody chance.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf however, quite an intellect, very pretty but of course to dominant for Dekkers taist. He could clearly imagine her idea of making love was the satisfying crack of a leather wip slapping against a mans buttox...no tar..not on Dekkers butt at least. No no, to snappy was Burckharf , pun intended.

However he strode up towards her...Carefully.

' Quite snappy today eh Sergeant Dirka Burckharf?' Dekker smiled, a side smile, lopsided. ' I hear ole' Vymesy' and Brielle are hauling in another,i make that between them 3 today,racking up quite a score! ' The Sergeant continued standing beside the woman looking out through the doors.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 24th, 2003, 10:02:20 PM
Brielle heaved a sigh. Why do I even try to talk to them? They dont care and they dont listen. Another quick glance in the mirror at the girl. She looked miserable. One more try.

"So, what sounds good for lunch? Ive been wanting one of those spicy meat wrapped things - you know, with the veggies all rolled up inside. How does that sound to you?"

Aug 25th, 2003, 01:36:13 AM
Kaimana's head snapped up at the mention of food. "I... I don't have any money." She looked again at the mirror, trying to read the woman's thoughts through her eyes. She sighed as she realized it was to no effect. "I had to you know..." Why am I telling her this? She asked herself, Cause you're screwed already. No harm done in tellin' the truth. "And I didn't want to hurt you." She meant every bit of it, she didn't want to hurt anyone, didn't mean to hurt anyone. Just needed to survive, did what she needed to survive.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:56:11 AM
"I didnt think you wanted to hurt me or the commander. But waving a stolen blaster around at cops isnt the smartest thing you could have done, hmm?"

Two more quick lane changes and then they were almost there. Brielle could see the old, weary looking building ahead.

"If you'd given me the chance and tossed your guns down, I would have taken you back to the shop to see what the store owner wanted to do. A few of them are like me - those who make mistakes usually deserve second chances."

Signaling a turn, Acaana steered the cruiser down into the parking garage with Vymes pulling into his private space.

Turning the motor off, Brielle shifted in her seat to look the girl in the eyes.

"I would have had you work for the owner, if he were agreeable and put you up at my place. you could have paid your debt to him while making some money on the side and not had to pay out for room and board."

Pushing open the drivers' side door, Bri steps out and opens the door for Kaimana, hooking a hand through one elbow and steadying her as she exited the vehicle.

"Dont worry about lunch. Im buying."

Aug 25th, 2003, 02:02:28 AM
And I didn't stand down because..? Kaimana sighed, "Cause you're too stubborn," she mutterd to herself. "Well what if... Umm... There's no way out is there?" She looked up at the officer, her eyes showing her frightened emotions. She gulped and attempted to rotate her shoulder, trying to hold back a grimace.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:08:31 AM
"Now, probably not. You refused to give up your weapons and we had to take you by force. I'll speak with the commander and see what can be done. But youre going to have to do more talking that what youve been doing. Last name, age, etc."

Brielle guided her along through the garage and into the main part of the stationhouse. Easing their way past other officers, criminals and local crazies, Bri walked Kai down to the booking area. With a nod of her head, Acaana indicated a seat and fixed her with a stern look.

"Stay there while I go order lunch."

Aug 25th, 2003, 02:15:34 AM
Kaimana nodded, "Yes ma'am." She let her mind wander as the female officer went to get the food. Last name? She swore, this was gonna be a problem. Age. Big problem.

Problem one. She didn't know her last name, only the person's name enscribed on her ring. Problem two. She had no idea how old she was, how was she to know? She'd been abandoned.

"Umm... oh boy..."

Brielle Acaana
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:22:57 AM
Rounding a corner, Brielle stood there for a couple of minutes just wayching to see what Kaimana would do. A staisfied smile creased her lips as the girl sat there showing no intention of running.

Picking up a nearby comm, she called in the promised lunch and returned back to the desk. Bending over, she removed the cuffs Vymes had put on the girl and tossed them on the paper-strewn, untidy desk top. How did Nobbei ever find anything like this?

"Now....lets see.....fingerprints first......"

Aug 27th, 2003, 01:35:37 AM
Kaimana raised a quizical eyebrow, "Why do you need my fingerprints?" She could feel her heart beating faster, and could tell she was nervous by the way she kept fidding with the edge of her shirt. "I... I just needed the blaster to survive..." she said to the female officer, and then under her breath said, "that is if you even care." Most likely not. She answered herself in her head, why would she even care? No reason, she had never given anyone the reason to care about her. Why should she start now?

Brielle Acaana
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:52:29 AM
"Everyone who gets arested gets printed...no exceptions. Now where does Nobbei keep the ink pad?"

Rifling through the untidy mess of Nob's desk, Brielle smiled inwardly. The Watch had datapads that scanned fingerprints in an instance but that would have been too easy. She wanted Kaimana to learn from this experience and the longer she had to sit in that chair, the more she would reconsider what she had done. In theory.

"Aha! Here it is!"

Pulling out the inkpad and forms, Brielle smiled over at Kai.

"I'll need your hands for this. Just be sure not to scratch your nose until its over and we can get your hands washed."

Commander Zemil Vymes
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:16:45 AM
She'd decided on the station, and I was glad she did. As much as the Jedi might be helpful in this situation, I didn't fully trust them to be of any use. Besides, I wasn't about to negotiate with someone who had just been in an armed standoff. They lost that bargaining chip when the gun went up.

I kept my distance, though...and let Brielle do her work from Nobbei's office. I meandered my way through the main areas, nodding to Sergeant Dekker as he passed. Good kid. Attitude problem, but that never stopped anyone from doing their job. Returning my cigar to the gap between my teeth, I paused by my office, pilfering a two-hour old doughnut from a nearby box, before disappearing through the door.

I settled in, but before doing so, opened the blinds just enough to keep a discreet eye on Brielle and the kid. Not that I had anything to worry about.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:19:46 AM
Something loomed behind Brielle.

“Finger printing petty thieves?” a voice asked, “Isn’t that a little beyond you, Acaana?”

Aug 29th, 2003, 10:18:16 PM
Kaimana stood up, getting into something that most likely wasn't her business. "I'm not a petty thief." She wanted to stand up for the female officer who had brought her in, she didn't know why but the lady had been nice. Not been too brutal on her, in a way she was almost understanding.

Brielle Acaana
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:09:15 PM
Unceremoniously, Bri reached over and pulled Kaimana down by the hem of her shirt. She spared a glance at Kai but refused to look at Dirka.

"You....sit! Dirka......be gone before someone drops a house on you."

The latter was in reference to an old holovid she had watched as a girl but it was fitting. Burckharf was a witch - moody, dour, snappish - you name it, she fit the mold. The two Watch officers didnt like each other and hadnt from the moment Dirka walked into the stationhouse. Professionalism won out over petty dislike and only barbed quips passed between the ladies no and then.

"Kaimana, give me your right hand."

Taking each finger in turn, Brielle rolled them on the ink pad then carefully transferred the prints onto the paper. She did the same with Kai's left hand and soon they were done. Brielle blew on the paper to help the ink dry then stood up, gesturing for the girl to follow.

"Lets get the ink washed off you.....us. Looks like I wasnt as careful as I thought."

Acaana's hands were dotted with ink blotches, too and she led the way to the public restrooms. Burckharf was standing just to one side of the hall as they passed by and Brielle paused, flicking a figertip across Dirka's cheek.

"You had something on your face, there."

Giving Kai a sidelong glance not to blow the secret, the officer and the perp entered the washroom, leaving Dirka in the hall with a black ink streak on her face.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Sep 1st, 2003, 06:34:56 AM
Dirka frowned and thought she smelt something funny, literally. Looking back to Dekker – who she had flat out ignored earlier – she saw he was grinning.

“What are you looking at, Christian?”

Christian Dekker
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:02:29 AM
' Buttox, Sergeant Burckharf...' Dekker said frankly his grin turned to a full smile bearing his pearly white teeth. He spoke as he continued to place some files he was working on into the correct order in the fileing cabinet. With Dekker it was difficult to understand if the man was joking or he was being a pig.

' We have some fine butts in here today, and i for one am glad to take in the very beautiful view. Stuck in my office all day often results in me being restricted to nice butts...such as looking at Cadet Foringtonns all day. And whoa what a-'

He then caught sight of Dirka' face and he shut up rather quickly. She could of been the only one in the force to make him shut up, if looks could only kill, Dekker would have been dead a long time ago of the hands of Dirka.

He waved his hand ' Nevermind...' He placed the last file in the cabinet and closed it. ' So who do we have here?' he took a quick sneak peek at the file next to Brielle and smiled.

'Welcome to our little home Kaimana' He smiled genuinly this time and gave a nodd. It was rare he was genuinly nice but somtimes Dekker could be.

Sep 2nd, 2003, 12:19:49 AM
Kaimana nodded, a lopsided grin emerging onto her face. She stuffed her inked hands into her pockets, not caring that her pants got black stains on them. Slowly her grin faded and she turned to face Brielle. "With the finger prints... It can tell you who I am?" She silently hoped that it would, maybe she could sometime find out her real last name. That'd be great.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:57:43 AM
“You are disgusting, Dekker,”

Dirka replied dryly, before stalking off into her office like a storm lightly brewed.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:34:49 AM
"It will only tell us something if your prints are already in the database. Are they?"

Drying her hands, Brielle looked down at the girl, noticing the hesitation before she replied.

Sep 3rd, 2003, 10:13:22 AM
Kaimana scratched her head, "I.. I don't think they are..." She let her shoulders slump somewhat, she had for a minute hoped that she would even find out what her last name was. She had the ring around her neck, but that just said her name. Guess some things are better left unsaid... She shrugged, trying to comfort herself with that thought.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:50:51 PM
"C'mon. Back to the desk with us and just maybe we can finish up before lunch arrives."

Fishing out the appropiate papers, Bri looked expectantly at Kaimana.

"I still need that last name."

Sep 5th, 2003, 12:57:05 AM
Kaimana looked to the ground, "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know my last name?" She probably wouldn't Kaimana figured, but she couldn't lie and give out some random last name. "How was your childhood?" kaimana almost laughed, it wasn't everyday an officer was asked that question. But that was kaimana's curiosity, never under control.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:02:42 PM
"Well, lets see what we can do with what we have."

Spinning in the chair, Brielle scanned the paper then turned back to answer Kai's question.

"I had an absolutely wonderful childhood. Loving parents who were indulgent yet firm in the most gentle of ways. Who taught me to always do what I knew was the right thing and to follow my heart."

Somehow Bri doubted that Kaimana's was as good.

"What about yours?"

Sep 5th, 2003, 02:14:04 PM
Kaimana shrugged, "Not what I would have wanted." Kaimana didn't exactly want to go into detail of her past, but if it would keep her out of a ton of trouble anything was worth a try. "I dunno what happened with my parents, and I was taken in by an abusive man... I left him and went to the streets." She shrugged and avoided looking into Brielle's eyes. She wasn't proud of her upbringing, but she was proud of herself to have surivived so long on the street.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:48:57 PM
Poor kid. Sounds like its been tough for her.

"youve been doing something right to have stayed alive this long. Oh, good! Lunch!"

Fishing a credit chit from her pocket, Acaana paid the delivery boy then cleaned a large spot off on Nob's desk before handing the food over to Kai.

"Tuck in, kiddo - its best while its hot!"

Brielle didnt waste time. Holding her wrap tightly, she bit, chewed and swallowed until the bite was gone, then washed it down with the large drink that came with the food.

"How are you liking that?"

Sep 5th, 2003, 02:52:20 PM
Kaimana ate the food slowly, not used to all the food. It wasn't much, but she was only used to a meal or two every few days. Her stomach was kind of making her eat it slowly. "It's fine, thanks." She chewed and looked thoughtfully around the room. "Can I go?" She couldn't help it, she felt uncomfortable in the middle of this building. "I won't do that again, but I want to leave." Her mind raced for idea's on what would sound like an ok plan. "I'll give the blaster back and I'll give him some money that I get..." She almost said 'I want to go home' but that wouldn't be true, she had no where to go really. She just did not like this building or the people surrounding her.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:59:03 PM
"Kaimana, you know you cant leave. You commited armed robbery which is prosecutable and could get you some serious time..."

At the girls startled and frightened look, Brielle held up a hand.

"Could doesnt mean will. Like I told you earlier, I want to talk this over with my commander and the store owner. And I havent contacted the Jedi I was speaking of before. You are going to have to cool your jets and just relax for a while, understand?"

Sep 5th, 2003, 03:02:26 PM
Kaimana sighed, "Yes ma'am." She took a deep breath, "Can I at least go for a walk?" She knew it was only her fault that she was in this situation, but she was starting to just get overwhelmed in general. She folded her arms over her chest and clenched her jaw looking at Brielle. "Tell me, if you were living on the streets and needed a means of protection. What would you do?" She wanted to just stand up and go for her walk whether Brielle liked it or not, but she would wait and see what the female officer's answer was.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 5th, 2003, 09:45:35 PM
"I cant answer that because I really dont know. And 'no', you may not go for a walk. Im taking you to a holding cell while I go and speak to Commander Vymes and you are going to have to deal with that. Im bending over backwards for you, kiddo, so youre going to have to cut me some slack while I work on your problem."

Sep 6th, 2003, 12:45:34 AM
Kaimana sighed and looked down to the ground again. "Can you take me for a walk then? I need to get outta here for a few minutes... Please." She knew she had messed up, but she was only a kid and there was only so much she could handle before she lost control. "I didn't hurt anyone..."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:05:22 AM
Brielle took a deep breath and settled back into the chair, her frank stare centered on her charge.

"This is it, Kaimana. A turning point for you. And you have a choice to make, right here and right now. Either suck it up and show some discipline and keep yourself out of more trouble for the next few hours, or - youre going to find yourself in the main tank with several other women and wearing those stun cuffs you like so well."

Acaana canted her head as one brow went on the rise.

"Which is it going to be?"

Sep 6th, 2003, 01:09:09 AM
Kaimana sighed, "I'll suck it up." She looked up and noticed Brielle looking at her and immidiately looked at the ground. She remained quiet, jaw locked and eyes on the ground. It wasn't her place to talk apparently.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:20:11 AM
"Thank you."

Officer Acaana meant that in all sincereity. Having to run and fight once with this girl today had been enough. She rose to her feet and motioned for Kai to do the same.

"This way."

Kaimana kept her head tucked and eyes down as Brielle walked her back to a small cell, one she had all to herself. Locking her in, the officer reassured the girl.

"This may take some time to convince my boss but dont panic. I'll be around, alright?"

Sep 6th, 2003, 01:25:03 AM
Kaimana nodded, "Easier said than done." She sat in the middle of the floor as Brielle walked away, needing to do something, anything to release her emotions. She knew she couldn't hurt anyone else, and she knew she couldn't attempt an escape. She stood up, pacing for a little bit. She clenched her fist, "I'm an idiot. For getting caught. Needed the gun, wouldn't have lasted long without it..." Her fist lashed out and hit the duracrete wall, splitting the skin covering her knuckles immidiately. She sat down again, leaning against the wall and resting her hand in her lap. She closed her eyes, ignored her surroundings, ignored her pain, and ignored her frustration and fell asleep.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:33:53 AM
Looking into his office, Acaana was rather amazed that the commander wasnt there. No one seemed to know exactly where he had gotten off to.

She knew that Kaimana would be pacing the cell by now and while the kid needed to learn some patience, Bri didnt want her flipping out, either. Perhaps now was the time to call the Jedi she had told Kai about.

Shuffling through her pouch, she locates the number she had written down from before, while she had been assissting Vymes and Jedi Master Evanar on a case.

Wandering back to Nobbei's desk, Brielle places the call, tapping her fingertips on the desk until someone picks up the other end.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2003, 08:03:13 PM
The call had been weird. Then again, the entirety of the Coco District Watch was weird. It was an odd job, and Morgan supposed you had to fit into it.

The Jedi Master was a law abiding citizen for the most part, and generally set a good example. But he sped terribly. Once he was clocked going twice the speed limit, and explained to the patrol that he was crusing. The patrol was flabbergasted after he said he normally went faster. The difference was that he had the reflexes (and prediction abilities) along with the vechile to handle it, so Morgan didn't consider it to be reckless at all. Besides, he always used his signals.

The station itself was chaos. There was yelling, grunting, datapads hitting desks, and overuse of the word "frell" by both sides of the law.

"Could I speak to Forensics Officer Acaana, please." An officer pushing an swearing twi-leki ignored him. Morgan looked around the room, but everyone was either busy or pretending really well.

After fifteen minutes, he strode up to an overweight Gungan's desk, who was doing his damndest to ignore the two meters of Jedi Master.

"Excuse me." The Gungan continued to ignore him.

"Yeah, so I managed to get the..." THUNK! Every single item on his desk jumped an inch from the impact of Morgan's fist.

"I need to speak to Forensics Officer Acaana."

"D..down the hall." A fat finger pointed.

"Thank you." I really need to get off Coruscant for a while.

Morgan walked down the hall, fighting to keep up his good spirit. Coruscant could be very draining.

He looked into each room, looking for the Forensics Officer, but no one was really any help. Morgan sighed.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 12th, 2003, 08:17:32 PM
Waving her hand to get his attention hadnt helped. Everytime she did, someone taller stepped in front and blocked his view of the shorter female.

As badly as she hated to yell out loud and possibly breach some polite protocol of the Order, she took the risk. The hall was simply too crowded to reach him and Brielle was afraid that he would leave before she got his attention.

"Master Evanar! Master Evanar, this way!"

Hopping up and down to make her hand seen, she finally caught his eye.

Sep 13th, 2003, 11:13:32 AM
Kaimana lifted her head, she'd dozed for about ten minutes. It wasn't much, but it was definitely well needed. She looked down at her hand, the knuckles were bloody and sore...very sore. She lifted her shirt a little bit, and wiped off a majority of the blood off her hand and onto the shirt. She didn't stand up, but she looked towards the door of the cell, almost past the door of the cell as she...felt someone strong approaching. That's....weird. Definitely weird.

She decided to ignore the sense, figuring it was just another prisoner being brought in. She opened and closed her fist, wincing with the pain. "I love how I just lash out at something when I'm angry or frustrated," she said sarcastically, she knew it was something she had to work on. She needed to work on it now or she'd end up punching the wall again. She wiped her hand off on her shirt again and put the hand behind her back. Hidden from view so that no one would be able to see it, completely forgetting about the blood on her shirt.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:55:51 AM
Morgan looked into the cell, noting the reddish smear near the teen. He faintly smelled blood, and could see some slowly oxidizing on Kaimana's shirt. She was of an indeteriminate teenage age, about 1.5 meters, short cut hair (good for a street fight) and dirty clothes. She didn't smell wonderful. Morgan guessed she got her last shower about two days ago, probably by slipping in through someone's window.

Mentally, he winced in sympathy: there probably wasn't much skin on her knuckles. In the minute he had found Brielle, she had explained that Kaimana had been living on the street until she had made a very bad decision by pulling a stolen blaster on an officer. Officer Acaana also explained about some unusual events in the fight.

Morgan decided that the kid should be as comfortable as possible before he really talked to her.
"Do you want some bandages for your hand?"

Sep 14th, 2003, 04:07:55 AM
kaimana looked up, surprised that he had noticed her hand. "No, I'm fine." She didn't stand up to greet him, the events of the day finally seeping in. "Who're you?" She finally stood up, keeping her hand in her pocket to avoid it from view. With her other hand, she rubbed her cheek further spreading a smear of ink she had on her cheek.

Her face was dirty, her clothes ripped. She wasn't what one would call presentable. Kaimana shrugged, she didn't care at all. She'd just be back on the streets soon and life would go back to normal.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:44:00 PM
"Kaimana, this is Jedi Master Morgan Evanar."

She watched as Kai's gaze shifted from her back to the man who was still looking her over. Brielle now addressed the Jedi.

"If Commander Vymes and the shop owner would agree to it, I would take Kaimana home with me for a few days - as long as I had her word on a few rules, first."

Sep 14th, 2003, 03:32:38 PM
Kaimana didn't know what to say to Brielle. She'd love to do that, "Really?" She smiled, a true big smile. Her eyes watched the two of them, studying there gestures and expressions. She figured now was probably the best time to be quiet, before she messed up something good.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:03:15 PM
Morgan arched an eyebrow, and motioned for Brielle to follow him. Once they were a few cells down, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

"Are you sure this is wise? From your description she's already figured out how to use the Force in combat. She swiped a blaster and didn't back down when confronted. I realize that she's probably had it very rough, but..." he sighed.

"...what are you going to do with her after a few days? In the end, its up to you. Be careful, Officer Acaana." They walked back to Kaimana's cell.

"Kaimana, Officer Acaana tells me you put up quite a fight. Would you explain to me how you got here?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 14th, 2003, 11:31:13 PM
Brielle nodded at his words. He was right, of course about everything. But it didnt change her mind.

"I understand what youre saying, Master Evanar and of course, youre completely right. I just cant help feeling that with some kindness and a firm hand to guide her, Kaimana will come around."

The young Watch officer looked down.

"Ive made a fool of myself for lesser things, Master Evanar. This time its for a good cause."

Sep 15th, 2003, 10:08:48 AM
Kaimana shrugged, looking at the ground and avoided both of their eyes. "My blaster... It wasn't doin' so good. And when you're on the street... I mean..." She sighed, trying to figure out was she was trying to say. "When you're on the street, you gotta have a weapon. You gotta have a weapon or you'll die." She shrugged again, rubbing the two of her shoe on the floor. She pulled her fist out of her pocket, it was definitely starting to hurt. "I had to get a gun, and I got one from that store. But I never pulled the gun on the store owner. I swear!" She looked up at both of the people in front of her, hoping to find some understanding in their eyes. If there was any, she couldn't find it.

"I just kinda... put emphasis on the words and he basically gave me the gun..." She sighed, That all sounded so much better in my head. I'm screwed.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 15th, 2003, 08:46:08 PM
"I see." Morgan kept his jaw from falling open. Kaimana was already using the Force beyond the scope of most early Padawans. Normally, it was something subtle, or unconcious. It seemed that she knew what she was doing...

"I believe you. Kaimana, I'm sure you've figured out that most people can't just ask for a blaster and have someone hand it to them." The girl was undoubtly Force sensitive. He pulled a folding chair off the wall and sat down.

"You were in a bad situation, and mixed up with some dangerous people, no? I understand what thats like. Not from your situation, exactly, but I understand why you might want a blaster." Kai nodded, although she was slightly skeptical.

Morgan smiled.

"Kaimana, I think you'll be fine once Brielle gets your out of that cell. This isn't going to be easy for either of you." He stood up, and replaced the chair against the wall.

The Jedi Master handed Brielle a small data card. "This has my personal comm frequency and encryption. If either of you need anything, at any time, let me know."

"I hope I'll see you again soon, Kaimana. And let Brielle clean up your knuckles."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:31:10 AM
Brielle followed the lanky Jedi Master back to the main doors, his datacard still clutched firmly in her hand.

"Master Evanar, there is one more thing, please."

The Jedi turned then, pinpointing her with his catlike gaze.

"I hate to ask you for another favor after youve so kindly came and spoke with Kaimana, but this goes hand in hand. I know you have your doubts about my being able to control the girl and I wouldnt ask you to speak falsely...."

The Watch officer cast about in her mind for an easier way to present her dilemma though admittedly, she already knew there wasnt one.

"Would you accompany me to Commander Vymes office? I havent spoken to him concerning this yet and I thought perhaps with your lended weight to the matter, he might not dismiss the idea so readily."

Morgan Evanar
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:40:09 PM
"I don't think Vymes likes me, from the little bit I've been around him." Brielle sort of gave him an odd look.

"Then again, I'm not sure he likes anyone. Lead the way, Officer Acaana." Morgan said with a smile. "I think this is going to take some pulling, and I hope my word helps."

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 16th, 2003, 10:54:49 PM

I responded gruffly to the knock at my door, which slowly opened. Brielle was back...and with Jedi Master Morgan Evanar, no less. Days like this needed to have their sugar replaced with rat poison.

"Gun-wielding hood rats and Jedi Masters in the same day. I just might be on a holo show with a camera floating behind my shoulder."

My eyes narrowed on instinct, and I chomped down on my cigar.

"But, I figure its all tied together, right Brielle?"

I told her it was her call, and I meant it. I wasn't changing my tune. Didn't mean I had to like it. In professional terms, I'd agreed to disagree.

"Coffee, Master Jedi?"

I gestured to a simmering pot of tar in the corner of my office. For my sake, I hoped he said no.

Sep 17th, 2003, 10:03:51 PM
Kaimana watched as the two of them entered and leaned against the wall with one foot up bracing herself. "Wow..." She didn't have much else to say, much else to do. She'd have to try to behave, wouldn't be smart to upset an officer. "Thanks... A lot..." She said to herself since they'd already left the room.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 17th, 2003, 10:32:03 PM
Vymes was a great guy, once youd gotten past the gruff tone, chopped words and rough exterior. Brielle was still somewhat surprised when he agreed to her request. Now, accompanied by Jedi Master Evanar - who wisely declined the coffee - the pair departed the commanders office and she walked the Jedi to the outter doors of the stationhouse.

"Why am I feeling a certain amount of trepidation?"

Officer Acaana smiled up at the much taller male.

"Isnt there a saying, 'Be careful what you wish for, you may get it'?"

The Jedi returned his a faint smile of his own.

"Id say you got it in spades, Brielle. You have my card - dont hesitate to call, like I said."

She shook the Jedi's hand as she saw him out.

"I will and thank you again, Master Evanar."

A curt nod and he was gone in a swirl of robes. Blowing out a cleansing breath, she stood and watched the traffic flow beyond the Watch building.

Youve let yourself in for it now, Acaana. What are you going to do first?

Going and telling Kaimana the news would be high on the agenda, so thats what she did. Approaching the cell door, Brielle keyed it open and stood back.

"Are you going to stand there all day or come home with me?"

Sep 17th, 2003, 10:37:10 PM
Kaimana raised her eyes and looked at Brielle for a second before pushing herself off the wall. "Coming. Definitely coming." She fell into step behind Brielle, keeping her eyes low to the ground and her hands in her pocket. Her mind was swarming with thoughts of the past. "Here goes nothing..." she muttered under her breath and looked straight forward, still hesitant to talk to Brielle.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 17th, 2003, 10:49:06 PM
Brielle paused before the door that led down to the stationhouse garage.

"Real quick...before we go out those doors, Im going to lay down some ground rules - they will be followed, else you'll be right back here. That is rule Number One."

Kai glanced at her, back to the floor and nodded.

"Rule Number Two: Always refer back to rule Number One before doing anything questionable. You understand both rules?"

Kaimana looked up at Brielle again, her expression puzzled.

"Only two rules?"

"For now, yes. It all depends on you, Kaimana as to how many you need. Follow the first two and thats all you'll need."

Sep 17th, 2003, 10:54:09 PM
Kaimana listened carefully and was a bit taken aback that there was only two rules. She asked about it, and was shocked with her answer. "I.. I'll just need those two rules." She thought for a minute and thought about what she had just said. "I can try to just need those two rules..." She rubbed her shoulder, it was inflamed and she could tell. She was actually pretty surprised that it had waited this long to start really throbbing. She stuck her injured hand into her pocket and rubbed her shoulder with her other hand. "Thanks"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 17th, 2003, 10:57:32 PM
"Kaimana...not 'try'...you will. End of story. Now, do we walk out this door together or do I go home alone?"

Brielle's gaze was frank and straight forward.

Sep 17th, 2003, 11:02:06 PM
Kaimana gulped, "I'm comin'." She sighed, "This is gunna be tough," she muttered once again under her breath. She winced slightly as she applied pressure to a knot that happened to be on the skin right beside her scar. "You guys do this kinda thing every day?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 17th, 2003, 11:11:28 PM
Brielle wasnt ignoring Kaimana's discomfort, she just couldnt do anything about it right this second. Once they reached her suites, the forensics officer would call her family doctor, who still made housecalls.

"From what Ive heard, this is only the third time its been allowed. Are you charmed, Kai?"

Brielle lightly teased the younger girl as they left the main building and descended into the garage.

A ride through average traffic still took almost 30 minutes until the Watch officer steered her vehicle into its slot in the small rooftop parking area. Emerging onto the penthouse floor via the lift, Bri led the girl to her door, after swiping it with her keycard, then adding a few numbers on the security pad.

"Welcome to your new home."

Sep 18th, 2003, 10:29:34 PM
Kaimana wasn't sure if she was charmed yet but she stood mouth hanging open at "her new home." She closed her mouth and ran a hand through her hair. "Whoa... thats... whoa." She stood looking at the place, "This would be a key target to rob..." She thought for a minute about what she had just said, "If I was still doing that stuff I mean."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:15:04 PM
Brielle's quip was dry.

"Not unless you want shot."

The forensics officer waved a hand, indicating her home.

"Let me give you a quick tour then you can get cleaned up before the doctor gets here. This obviously is the living room (http://www.claystephens.com/cly_ro22.jpg). Through here is the kitchen (http://www.omnitekkitchendesigns.com/kitchens/kitchens_photo2.htm) and the adjoining dining room. (http://www.mfathereeinteriors.com/images/mainimage.jpg) Toward the back here, is the combination family room and pool house (http://www,helfand-enterprises.com/GardenWalkInn/images/garden_walk_room2.jpe) and on outside - there - is the swimming pool (http://www.mcds.gov.sg/web/images/sprt_pic_swimmingpools1.jpg). Lets go back this way."

Brielle lead Kai back toward the living room, waving her hand again off to one side.

"Thats the main floor bathroom but our rooms and baths are up here."

Up the graceful stairway (http://www.ksmarbella.com/dreamhomes/IMG/v19_01w/v19_1w_4.jpg) they trod until at the top, it split off two directions.

"Down this way is the guest room (http://www.dutchboy.com/data/inspiration/index/bedrooms/room.jpg). You can have either one you wish but I thought you might prefer this one (http://www.hotcarib.com/Stlucia/trop/cappav2.JPG) instead. Your bath is through the door on the other side of the bed. Which ever you choose is fine with me. Now, back this way is my bedroom (http://www.fabulous-homes.com/crystal/bedroom2.jpg)."

Pausing, Brie ran a critical eye over the bedspread and curtains.

"I never really liked this color scheme. I think Im going to change it, soon. Umm, through there is the master bath (http://www.mjpdesign.com/images/lifespan_bath.jpg)....and...I think that covers pretty much everything."

Turning to look at her new roommate, Brielle pointed back the way they had come.

"While you take a shower, I'll call the doctor then dig up something you can wear for tonight. Tomorrow, we go shopping."

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:53:25 PM
Kaimana looked around the house, awestruck to say the least. "I don't need a doc." She chose the first bedroom, for some reason liking it more plain and easy. "I don't know if its my place to ask... But can you just get me like cargo pants and a shirt? That's really what I like to wear." She went off to take a shower, wiping most of the dirt and other things off herself.

Stepping out of the bathroom about five minutes later she pulled on her old clothes out of habit. She dried her hair, which ended up in a spikeball. After that she went and sat by the window in the master bedroom, just looking out at the view. She was content just sitting there, being alone and quiet and well she didn't much like the fact that she was still wet, but not everything can be perfect. She grinned lopsidedly once and rubbed her shoulder again.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 01:14:30 PM
"I didnt ask if you wanted a doctor, now did I?"

Brie had made the call and her doctor was on his way as they spoke. She tossed Kai the shirt and pants.

"Just make due for tonight with these and come down once youre changed. I'll get a little something going for dinner while we wait for the doc, alright?"

Sep 21st, 2003, 02:05:35 PM
'Yes ma'am." Kaimana stood up slowly, grabbing the shirt and pants and walking to the room she would soon call her own. She changed quickly and came down to the kitchen. "Thanks for the clothes."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:10:38 PM
"Youre very welcome."

Brie was rattling pots and pans as she prepared to cook a simple stir-fry and rice.

"I have a lady that comes in once a week - does my grocery shopping, light cleaning, laundry...all that good stuff. I wouldnt want you to be worried when you see someone else in here."

Acaana looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Of course, it could always be my mother. She has a key cared, too but rarely uses it."

She held the spoon out to Kai.

"Keep this stirred while I set the table, please."

Sep 21st, 2003, 02:14:47 PM
Kaimana hestitantly reached out and grabbed the spoon and stirred...whatever it was that was in the bowl. "Sure..." She looked over into the bowl and sniffed the air, making a face. "What is it?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:22:06 PM
"Stir-fry. Veggies, meat and rice with sauce added, if you want. Its very good, quite nutritious and extremely easy to make. Do you like milk? Or would you rather have tea or fruit juice with dinner?"

The table was now set properly and Brie stood beside Kai, watching as she finished cooking the meal.

"Good job. Thats about all there is to it."

Sep 21st, 2003, 02:51:40 PM
Kaimana shrugged and hurriedly handed the spoon to Brielle. "Water's fine..." She moved away from the stove and stood in the middle of the kitchen, unsure of what she was supposed to do.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:55:33 PM
Ladleing the food onto the dishes, Brie nodded to one of the cabinets.

"Glasses are up there, tea - for me, please - is in the 'fridge and you can get water from there or the faucet."

She set the plates at the kitchen bar and hopped up on a stool, waiting for Kai.

Sep 21st, 2003, 06:41:59 PM
"Uh....ok..." Kaimana got the cups and poured herself water and Brielle some tea. She gave Brielle her cup and sat a stool away from Brielle, looking down at her food. Taking a sip of her water she leaned back in her chair. "i'm not hungry."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 06:52:01 PM
"Will you just trust me on this? Its good, really. If you dont like it, we'll find you something else."

Brie poured some teriyaki sauce over her meal and mixed it all together, smiling at Kai's expression. Forking a bite into her mouth, she almost spit it back out as Kaimana winced, the look on her young face clearly saying 'eww! I cant believe youre eating that!'.

Covering her mouth with her hand, the Watch officer finished chewing and swallowed, washing it down with a drink of tea.

"Just try it, Kai. One good bite, thats all I ask."

Sep 21st, 2003, 06:54:34 PM
"Yes ma'am." Kaimana looked down at the food and took a bite. It wasn't a great tasting thing, which was fairly remarkable since Kaimana was a very picky eater. "I'm not hungry..." She felt like walking the town for some reason, preferably before the doctor got here. "I'm going for a walk." She dropped off her chair and looked over to Brielle first. "I'll be back later." She started walking over to the door.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:20:21 PM
"Umm..no. Youre staying here, with me. If you dont like this food, go through the 'fridge and get what you want. This is your home too, now."

Picking up here plate, Brie follows Kai into the living room.

"Why dont we sit down and watch some 'vids until the doctor gets here? It shouldnt be too long, now."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:31:26 AM
Kaimana shook her head, "I'd rather go out for a walk." She sighed, "You said that as soon as we got out of there, I could go for a walk." She moved over to the door of Brielle's place, reaching her hand out to open the door. She couldn't really feel comfortable being cooped up all day.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 22nd, 2003, 10:25:49 AM
"I said that, yes and you still can but I really want you to wait for the physician. After that, you can go, alright?"

Brie patted the seat close to her.

"C'mon. Chill for a while."

Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:40:49 AM
Kaimana sighed, probably more dramatically than it needed to be. She sat down besides Brielle and stared in front of her. Her hand started up to rub her shoulder, but Kaimana forced herself to ignore it. "Umm....Right then..."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:56:32 PM
Green eyes cut sideways at the girl beside her, noting the movement.


Kai opened her mouth the protest but was stopped by the chirpping of the comm. It was the doctor, whom Brielle buzzed up and greeted at the door with a hug.

"B'Nolk, its wonderful to see you again! Please, come in. Id like you to meet my new roommate, Kaimana. Kai, this is my doctor and a long time family friend, Dr. B'Nolk."

Short and stubby, with twinkling gray eyes, the older man greeted the girl jovially, with the assurance that she was in good hands.

A quick routine checkup was done, with positive results until he Brielle started telling him about Kaimana's shoulder pain.

Nodding, he set about dressing the busted knuckles then looked the girl in the eye.

"If youre anything like that one standing beside you, then Im going to have to ask a hundred and one questions on how you hurt yourself. Id much rather you come out and tell me."

Sep 24th, 2003, 10:30:09 AM
Kaimana shrugged, "I dunno." Of course she knew, but she had a hard time just opening up to him. Just cause Brielle trusted him didn't mean anything. "Must've been hurt when her," she motioned at Brielle, "partner twisted it." She looked back to Brielle, "Now can I go for my walk? I let him see me."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:26:05 PM
Brielle's expression remained calm and the slight smile on her lips didnt fade but the look in her eye told another story - one that Kaimana could read all too well.

"The longer it takes you to cooperate...."

Sep 25th, 2003, 02:17:52 AM
Kaimana glared at her, but her expression softened as she realized Brielle was only trying to help. "It's just an old wound acting up..." For some reason kaimana was almost hesitant to get rid of the scar and random pains. It served as a reminder of her past, not one of the most pleasant, but a reminder none the less. "When I was pinned, just inflamed it more... Rotator cuff thingy."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 25th, 2003, 08:51:42 PM
Doctor B'Nolk finished his exam, careful not to further aggravate the already tender area of the girls shoulder.

Having learned a few tricks in his many years of practice, the physician took full advantage of Brielle's attention catching look and painlessly jabbed Kaimana with an injection - over and done with before the younger female could object.

"Nothing strenous for a couple of days: no lifting, pulling, pushing or swinging the arm. Just enough movement for dressing and showering and it should be as good as new."

Brielle laughed at the mixed expression of indignation and surprise fighting for dominance on Kai's face.

"Alright, you can take your walk now but I want you back here in one hour."

Sep 27th, 2003, 01:38:35 AM
Kaimana rolled her eyes at the doctor's advise. As soon as Brielle said she could go, Kaimana was out the door with a sweatshirt in her hand. "Be back later." As she left the building, she went and found a quiet spot and sat down. It was an isolated street so she sat down on the curb. She pulled on her sweatshirt, bringing the hood over her head. "This should be...interesting..."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 27th, 2003, 10:56:56 AM
Doctor B'Nolk and Brielle sat and talked for a while, mostly about thier families and old aquaintances, doing some general catching up with one another.

The physician departed with a hug and promised he would call back in a week to check how Kaimana's shoulder was doing.

Brielle cleared away her plate and glass, then showered quickly, preparing for bed. In nightgown and robe, she waited downstairs for Kai's return, reading the current orensics journal that had just come earlier in the day.

Sep 27th, 2003, 11:30:46 PM
Kaimana sighed and stood up, knowing it had been longer than an hour even without a watch. She put her hands in her sweatshirts pocket and started towards Brielle's house. She opened the door slowly, her hood still on and her hands still in her pocket. "Sorry I'm late."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 27th, 2003, 11:40:47 PM
Brielle glanced over her shoulder at the girl, then back down at the book.

"For how long have you known you were late?"

Sep 27th, 2003, 11:44:37 PM
Kaimana shrugged, "Since I stood up I guess." She went and sat on another chair, leaning her head back. She closed her eyes and felt herself starting to drift to sleep, it'd been a long day. One of the longest in her life. "Sorry." She wasn't really sorry, but she wasn't really anything right now. Kinda numb. It was nice to be in a house finally, but... something felt kinda odd. She started thinking back to her past, and thinking back was never good. She opened her eyes to prevent images from her past from flashing in her head and stood up. "I think I'm going to bed."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 27th, 2003, 11:48:09 PM
"Im right behind you."

Marking the page she was on, Brie rose from the couch and went to the front door, setting the locks and security systems.

Kaimana had already started up the stairs when Brielle fell in behind her, both turning in opposite directions at the top.

"I'll see you in the morning, Kai. Try to get a good nights sleep - remember, we having shopping ahead of us tomorrow."

Sep 27th, 2003, 11:52:19 PM
Kaimana rolled her eyes, "Joy." She went to lay down on the bed, not even bothering to take off her clothes. Oddly enough once she laid down her exhaustion slipped away and she started thinking again. As she laid there on top of the covers and sheets she waited until Brielle went to sleep. Once she did, Kaimana planned on going out and walking again. "I'm screwed..." Everytime she closed her eyes, images flashed in front of her. Images she never wanted to see again.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:16:46 AM
The morning came, with bright sunlight streaming through the automatic window shades which Brielle had set to open promptly at seven o'clock in the morning.

Allowing Kai to sleep a bit longer, the Watch officer did her now daily workout routine, one she started after the night of touring the Jedi complexes. It pleased her that she was now in better physical shape than she had ever been and would no longer be dragging up the rear during training couses at the stationhouse.

Showering and dressing for the day, Brielle made breakfast then went upstairs to rouse Kaimana out of bed. The girl grumbled and fussed but her guardian was adamant and soon they were sitting together at the kitchen bar.

The stores were open by nine in the morning and with a relunctant Kai in tow, off they went to some of Brielle's favorite shops.

The older female hung back while her charge picked through the large variety of styles and colors. Brie let Kaimana choose what she wanted with one or two exceptions but overall was pleased with her selections.

Since the girl was absolute in her stand against dresses of any kind, Brielle instead let her choose a couple pair of nice trousers and shirts - clothing that she could wear when Brielle took her out to dinner or the theater.

Shoes, undergarments, jackets - the whole gauntlet was run and by four o'clock in the afternoon, Kaimana was begging to return to the penthouse.

Relenting with a laugh, Acaana turned the speeder for home and another easy dinner, once new clothing had been hung up and put away.

"What sounds good tonight? How about you come help me decide since you didnt care for my choice last night?"

Sep 28th, 2003, 12:23:25 AM
Kaimana shrugged, wearing one of her new pairs of black cargo pants, a plain grey shirt and a new dark blue hoodie over it. It wasn't that she was cold, just that she liked to wear her sweatshirts. "I'm not hungry." She trully wasn't, she wasn't a big fan of eating. She rarely ate on the street, and even when it was offered to her she usually didn't eat it.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:30:42 AM
Brielle sighed. It bothered her that Kai didnt eat as she should...it just wasnt healthy but she wouldnt push it tonight. There was plenty of food in the suites if she wanted something later.

Fixing herself a quick meal, she called out to Kai, who was staring out the back wondow at the reflective blue of the swimming pool.

"I took off tomorrow, too. Lets go shopping again tomorrow, for your room. Different bedcovers, shades..stereo if you want one..what do you think?"

Sep 28th, 2003, 12:34:39 AM
Kaimana cringed, "How about we don't go shopping anymore." She sat down on the couch putting her hands into her sweatshirt pocket. She looked at the pool from the couch, thinking of sitting by the pool later that night... maybe sleeping out there. "Can I have my old blaster back now?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:40:21 AM
"For what? And 'no'."

What was the child thinking?

"You do realize that you now live with a cop, right? Youre not even legal age to buy a blaster much less have possession of one. Not only that but you are on a probation, Kai. Start using this, will you?"

As Brielle sat down with her food, she lightly tapped the girl on the head.

"Youre not out on the street anymore."

Sep 28th, 2003, 12:46:14 AM
Kaimana turned to stare at Brielle, "You mean I need someone else to protect me now that I'm not on the street? That 'you'll always be there for me'? There comes a time and place when you stop believing that." She sighed, turning away once again. She didn't mean to be rude to Brielle, but it just kinda came out. If Brielle wasn't going to give her old blaster back, she knew people on the street who owed her a favor and could easily hook her up with a blaster. "Sorry... It's just... yeah..." She let her voice trail off, unsure of how to continue.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:55:08 AM
"Why do you need protection now? Youre not on the street, Kaimana and youre not going back, not if youre living here with me. Is there something youre not telling me about all of this?"

Sep 28th, 2003, 01:00:08 AM
Kaimana shook her head, "Nothing, just being stupid." She looked back at Brielle, looking her honestly in the eyes. "You won't be able to protect me 24/7, just like I couldn't always protect myself on the street. I'm not a kid, you know that. You're not my parent, I know that." She sighed, looking at the ground. Standing up, Kaimana pulled her hood on. "Can I go sit by the pool?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 01:04:07 AM
"Who do you need to protect yourself from, Kaimana? What is there that you havent told me yet? Do you owe someone money? Did you see something you shouldnt have - what?"

Sep 28th, 2003, 01:09:47 AM
Kaimana shook her head, "I told you, nothing." She opened the door and walked slowly down to the pool. She took off her boots and rolled up her pants, sitting beside the pool and letting her feet drop into the cold water. "She wouldn't understand." Kaimana would never tell anyone what really happened in her past, not unless there was no other choice.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 01:16:45 AM
She watched the girl go out to the pool and dangle her feet in the water.

There was so much that Brielle didnt know about this kid - next to nothing, actually. The Jedi Master Morgan Evanar had warned her about this but she hadnt listened. Being stubborn ran in the family and she was no exception to that rule.

Kaimana needed some time to herself and Brie was fine with that - everyone needed their space, especially a kid who had been on the streets for who knew how long.

The question and answer game was put on hold for now but Brielle was determined that she would get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

Sep 28th, 2003, 01:20:34 AM
Kaimana took her feet out of the pool and put her boots back on, rolling her pants back down. She laid down on her back beside the pool, her hood still on and one hand in her pocket and one hand dangling in the pool. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Kaimana slept for about ten minutes when she was shocked back to reality by a bad dream. She rolled over onto her stomach, bringing her hand out of the pool. She pulled her hood completely over her head so as that the only part of skin showing were her hands. She closed her eyes and once again started to fall asleep. This time, she attempted to ignore the bad dreams and instead tried to change the outcome of the dreams.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 01:26:37 AM
She had watched for several mnutes and decided to let kai sleep outside but not without keeping an eye open.

Settling down in one of the chairs in the family room with her book, Brielle covered up with a light throw blanket. Glancing from time to time out to the pool, she let Kaimana sleep undisturbed as she kept watch over her.

Sep 28th, 2003, 01:31:23 AM
Kaimana woke up later in the night. She didn't check to see if Brielle was up or not, but she stood up slowly. She swayed for a second, taking a few seconds to wake up. She wished desperately that she had a blaster, but it wouldn't be the first time that she'd be without a blaster.

She coughed a little bit and started out again. She stood just in front of the house, not sure if she should leave or go back in. Kaimana decided on the first choice, leaving back to the spot that she had sat at earlier the other night.

She put her hands into her sweatshirt pockets and sighed, not even worrying about the threats out there. "Come and get me for all I care."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2003, 02:05:46 AM
She must have dozed off briefly for when she awoke, Kaimana was gone from her place beside the pool. Brielle searched the house and came up empty handed.

I knew I shouldnt have let her sleep outside! I didnt set the alarms and now shes off god knows where!

Pulling on some warmer clothing, the Watch cop banged out through the door, her badge on a chain around her neck and her Watch issue tucked safely in an underarm holster.

With no idea of where to go, Brielle was starting off blind once she hit the lower levels. Left was as good as right, so off she went, blinking the sleep from bleary green eyes.

Sep 28th, 2003, 12:44:27 PM
Kaimana turned around and moved over to a building wall. Leaning against it she pulled her knees slightly up to her chest. She watched quietly from the shadows as two kids, about her age, walked in front of her obviously unaware that she was there. They appeared to be arguing about something. She smiled at their childish behavior, not expecting either to throw a punch.

The one closest to her threw out a punch and it nailed the other kid, a boy, in the solar plexus. He doubled over and the other boy started to rain in an array of punches and kicks.

Kaimana stood up, walking calmly over to the pair. "You two! Stop it." When the kid didn't stop punching, she reached over and pulled him off the other kid. "Cut it out." The younger of the kid who had been lying on the ground got shakily up to his feet. "Kid, stop it or get through me. I'm not gunna let you pick on the young 'un over here."

The kid glared at kaimana and unexpectadly threw a punch at Kaimana. A fight followed, it ended with the other kid swearing and walking/limping away. By this time Kaimana's shoulder was giving her hell and she had a split lip. The younger kid walked up to her and thanked her. Kaimana smiled back at him, "Anytime kid, anytime."

She couldn't really explain what she had just done, but she had this thing about people picking on other people who didn't deserve it. She watched as the young kid walked away and she finally winced. "Jeez... I need to practice my street fighting soon..."

She moved back over to the building wall and leaned against it in the same position as she had earlier. She closed her eyes and wiped her lip.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:56:05 AM
Brielle had watched the whole thing but did nothing to stop it. No weapons had been drawn, so she stood there, watching her new charge give and receive a pounding.

After it was over and done with, the off duty cop quietly moved up to where Kaimana sat in the shadows.

"Its three o'clock in the morning and Id like to go home now. Are you coming?"

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:06:14 AM
Kaimana jumped when Brielle talked to her. She rolled her eyes and stood up, putting her hands back into her sweatshirt pockets. "Yeah, I'm coming." She couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to just go out at night and sit outside, but she would make sure to ask Brielle in the next few days.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:17:15 AM
They walked along in silence for a bit, with Brielle glancing now and then at Kai's busted lip.

"Hurts, huh?"

The girl nodded but shrugged it off as no big deal and Brie let it drop.

"We're going to have to talk again, arent we? And I think this time, youre going to have to be straight with me. No more hiding things, Kai."

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:20:17 AM
Kaimana shook her head, but she knew it wasn't something she could avoid forever. "Sure, whatevers." From under her hood, Kaimana watched the older woman, not sure if her "talks" were because she was caring, or it was her responsibility. She hoped it was the first, but wouldn't be surprised if it was the second. "I never lied to you." This was true, she had never lied to Brielle, and probably wouldn't in the future unless it was absolutely necesary. "Just thought you should know that."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:25:38 AM
"I never said that you lied to me - never thought it, either. You just havent told me everything that I should know."

She sneaked another look at Kaimana.

"Its not just you alone any more. There are two of us now to think about. I need to know if Im going to be able to protect us both."

Sep 29th, 2003, 11:03:50 AM
"You don't need to protect me, how many times am I going to have to tell you that? I can protect myself." Kaimana took a breath, another of her outbursts and she wouldn't be surprised if Brielle cast her off on the streets. "I can protect myself, and I have been for years."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:09:55 AM
A deep sigh.

"Theres also a legal standpoint here, Kai. You keep forgetting that while I cant afford to forget it - its who I am and what I do. Im not just looking out for you, Im looking out for myself as well. I took an oath and its one that I will uphold in spite of how you feel about it."

Their building loomed up and togehter they stepped through the low-level entry, with the doorman tipping his hat and punching in the penthouse number on the lift.

"You have to understand that its just not you any more...theres me, too!"

Sep 29th, 2003, 11:12:04 AM
Kaimana sighed, "I know. But I've gotten used to bein' on my own." She didn't say much more as they stepped into the penthouse Kaimana went straight to the window and rested her chin on the windowsill.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:19:20 AM
Pausing by the front door, Brie didnt hesitate in setting the security this time. She wouldnt forget it again. Turning out the lights throughout the suites, she climbed the stairs and walked to her room, dropping on the end of the bed and rolling herself up in the comforter.

Sep 29th, 2003, 09:45:19 PM
Kaimana watched Brielle go up and turned her head to look back outside. A few minutes later she followed suite and went to her room. Looking at the bed, Kaimana took the comforter off the bed and put it on the ground and laid down on it. "Much better." She didn't really know why, but she was more comfortable like that. It took only a couple of minutes before Kaimana was asleep, however uneasy.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:30:50 PM
Tossing and turning on the bed finally took its toll on the young officer. Flipping the covers back, she rose from her bed and quietly padded her way downstairs.

A glass of wine sounded good and the temptation for just one drink pulled at her but she was strong and held fast to something Dasquian Belargic once said to her.

"Drinking to excess is a weakness."

He was right, of course and in what she hoped was a 'recovery' period with a brief go-around with alcohol, Brielle removed herself from the allure of the liquor cabinet and went outside as Kaimana had done earlier.

Entering the glass-housed swimming area, Acaana stripped off her street clothes - down to her skivvies - and dove in the deep end, hoping that a few laps would not only tire out her body but her mind as well.

Sep 30th, 2003, 12:11:47 AM
Kaimana woke up early in the morning but didn't leave her room. She made sure the door was at least mostly closed and leaned up against the wall opposite from the door. She closed her eyes and thought, letting her thoughts run loose to wherever they felt they must. Past memories, futrure thoughts, present debates, all of which ran free. Some hurt, but she didn't do anything to stop them, knowing she would have to think about them at some point. Some were pleasant, and she smiled with each of them.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 1st, 2003, 07:47:41 PM
Brielle had reached a decision, one she had wrestled with all night long.

As good as her intentions for and about Kaimana were, she didnt seem to be reaching the girl. The street waif seemed intent on retaining her former way of life instead of the new one the forensics cop was offering her on a silver platter.

Maybe its too much for her to take in at once. Maybe Kai isnt used to someone caring about her.

The early morning swim she had taken seemed to have had the opposite effect on the Watch officer, and sleep refused to show its face again. Now, with breakfast out of the way, Brielle went to her room to shower, taking particular care in her dress.

A meeting with Jedi Master Morgan Evanar was first on her agenda for the day and she only hoped that without prior notice and it being very early morning, he would still see her. If he were unavailable, she'd ask to speak to Dasquian. Between the two Jedi, help for Kaimana would be forthcoming.

Brielle didnt check to see if the girl was awake - a note taped to the refrigerator sufficed, indicating her absence and unknown time of arrival. An admonition to stay close and not get into trouble accompanied the few lines, along with a reminder not to lock herself out of the suites.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:34:27 AM
Kaimana left her room rubbing her eyes about five minutes after she heard Brielle leave. As she read the note Kaimana rolled her eyes, "Now would I do something that would get me into trouble?" she said sarcastically to herself. She grabbed a cup and poured out some blue milk and sat in front of the window looking out. Taking a sip, she felt her split lip. It wasn't necessarily scabbed over, but it wasn't too open. "Good... I think..." She shrugged, "It's not something I can help, that whole getting into trouble. Trouble finds me."