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Tyler Younger
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:27:38 PM
Rarely was he out and about without his brothers – one older, one younger. But on occasion, it happened. Actually, more what had happened this time was that they needed to stock up on food and they had flipped credits to see who would get stuck with the duty. Jessen had been the unlucky one, not Tyler. But when Jessen, the youngest of the three, had shirked his responsibilities, Tyler had taken it upon himself to make up for the slack of the baby brother. Though, Jessen was anything but a baby, now a days. He was in his late teens, and a royal pain in the……

But Tyler loved him all the same. And he wasn’t keen on hearing their oldest brother, Cal, rip in Jessen again. So he’d gathered the credits from the safe and made the trip down to the market.

He hadnt the faintest what to buy, really. And he did look particularly clueless as he strolled through the isles pushing a cart full of….well, stuff that a bunch of bachelors would eat.

He did make some sort of effort to be healthy, picking up a melon, or something he figured to be one. But one was squishy and one was rock hard and he wasn’t sure if it mattered or didn’t matter. As he went to put it back, deciding to give up altogether on getting anything he was sure would require effort, it slipped off the top, dropped to the floor and rolled down the aisle……

Aug 19th, 2003, 04:35:12 PM
A booted foot stops the errant food item. Saska slips his toe beneath it and pops it into the air, catching it and shooting Younger a questioning glance.

"...you were gonna eat this thing?"

Tyler Younger
Aug 20th, 2003, 08:48:53 AM
Tyler’s gaze had followed the item, the expression on his face that of a guilty kid. And it followed the melon still to the hand it rested in, and the face of the one who spoke.

He shrugged with a pleading sort of grin.

“I….” He rolled his eyes and grinned at his own lack of grocery shopping expertise.

“Yeah, I guess I was considering it….” The middle Younger brother admitted.

“Why? Whats wrong with that?” He asked a moment later, eyeing the melon and then the others still remaining on display.

Aug 20th, 2003, 09:08:14 AM
"Matter-o'-fact, nothin'," replies the elder man. "If you don't mind extraneous kitchen detail once you're done with it."

He returns the dirtied melon to the cart, ignoring the apalled look of the attendant and examining the other melons on display.

"Lessee here..."

Tyler Younger
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:22:34 PM
Tyler snorted.

“Extraneous kitchen detail is something Im trying to avoid…” He replied, knowing that if it ended up being Jay’s responsibility, it would ultimately be Tyler who ended up doing all the work.

“I live with my two brothers, and lemme tell ya, neither one of ‘em is any good at cleaning.”

He eyed the man as he examined the other melons.

“Maybe this is a stupid question, but shopping isn’t exactly my…er..expertise. How the heck do you know if they’re good or not?”

Aug 20th, 2003, 01:45:55 PM
"They're all good. Depends on how you like to eat it that matters most. If you like something soft and chewy, go for a soft one. Problem is, it leaks juice like a sponge, and calls for some extra cleaning up. If you like rock candy you'd like the hard ones, but they're a pain in the neck to open."

He takes one, hefts it thoughtfully, and hands it off to Younger.

"That one's about right. It won't leak everywhere and it won't dull your knife when you cut it."