View Full Version : And Roon be thy name (open)

Aug 19th, 2003, 12:36:07 PM
It was from the velvet of night that we came forth
Those of us for whom the torch of existence burns eternal
Time is to us but an endless repetition of history
In which our ways, our mischief remains infernal
From the darkness of hell, the blackest of angels keep watch
With not an eye for the living but a spectacle for the undead
Blessed are the hallowed and the gracious among them
For their persistent watching shall keep us fed.
Harken, mere mortals, the thunder of the beat of our ageless hearts
And be drawn to our luminescence like moths to a flame
To a place where the vampires wander
Where there is nothing but darkness and Roon be thy name

Since Alana had made him a knight, Kolarik had taken very seriously the goings on within the Shrine. The future she had revealed to him weighed heavily upon him, stripped him, perhaps of his innocence. But in doing so, it had brought back a hint of the mortal within. Brought back the mortal feeling of fear. Fear that if he did not learn to become more powerful, there was a potential that he would lose all that he had come to love. That he could lose Alana. And the pain of such a thing was something even his immortal heart would be unable to bear.

It was fortunate that his time was eternal. He was found most often now with tomes in hand, studying the past, learning what there was to know about what had come to pass, and preparing as much as possible for the future.

This was a tremendous change from his behavior before. Until the moment she had shared with him such horrors, he had been more of a party boy, sleeping all day, drinking blood all night without a care in the galaxy except when it came to Alana. That was the one thing he had always taken very seriously.

The one thing that he’d found in all of his recent reading, was that the records kept did not seem to give as complete a story as he might of liked. And so he had wracked his brains trying to think of a way to learn - of who might possibly know.

And in a random moment, had recalled the one who had, for some time, revealed himself to Alana and to himself. He had not seen the man in some time. And he wasn’t surprised, after the last scare he and Alana had given him. But now….now he wanted to find the one who watched. Or at least, the others like him. And he was determined to convince Alana to seek them out with him.

Alana was nearby, he could feel her as he walked the streets of Roon. And it was not only her presence, but the others who were out there as well. His cheeks flushed with recent blood, a cunning grin settled over the ever timeless features of his young face. Forever in appearance would he be a young man. In mind…he was growing up quickly.

Through the link between them, he beckoned to her.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 9th, 2003, 10:45:51 AM
Alana stood at the waters edge, basking in the cool night air. Purple moonlight spilled across the rippling water bathing her form in soft luminance. Her eyes did not blink, her face could have been carved from marble so still was her countenance. She, the Sith Lordess of the Shrine was listening to a distant voice, just one of many that filled her mind. A voice so powerful, so intoxicating in its ancient dialect. The mother always whispered of her past now, engraving them forever of her dark daughters’ memory.

Another voice sounded, washing over her. One she had come to love. His voice broke the marbleized stillness of her face, it made her smile. "I hear you my sweet Kolarik." She whispered back, sending the message on the wings of the dark side.

Alana turned from the waters edge, making her way gracefully up the steep embankment. The soft folds of her dress draped casually over her wrist, lest dirt mar the hem. Tonight they would hunt for reasons other than blood. Tonight she and her lover would seek information.......

Sep 25th, 2003, 12:40:06 PM
From the depths of hell and the blackest of nights, the young vampire smiled, white teeth gleaming in the moonlight. He threw his head back and stared up at the evening sky, a low laughter rumbling from his lips, ever increasing. OH, how he reveled in the darkness. In the life of a vampire.

In the breeze, the cloak he wore rustled, flowing out behind him as he raised his hands to the heavens and stretched. Oh, it was glorious, this evening. And he was looking forward to the hunt. Was looking forward to it more than he had ever before looked forward to hunting – for this prey, the prey they now sought, was not so easy to find, and even more difficult to capture. To capture in the sense of getting them to speak with him, to reveal all that they knew.

But he would know. He was determined to know.

He watched as she approached in all her glory. Though he knew every contour of her body, knew what it felt to have the fine point of her teeth against the white of his throat. Knew the ever changing colors of her eyes and what was reflected within them. He knew so much about this woman, this vampire seductress, yet still, he wanted to know more. It was timeless, his love for her. It was as eternal as his life – his love for her was its own immortal being.

“To watch you come to my call is even more enchanting than taking the blood of the sweetest of girls…” He spoke as she neared him. This was the highest of compliments, for Kolarik loved the blood of young women – of those who were just past the age of adulthood, yet had not yet experienced the evils of the world. Those who gave in to him because they could think of nothing more that they could do with their lives than to give in to one with such a power over them.

He loved to seduce women – but there was none he loved to seduce more than Alana.

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 26th, 2003, 09:30:32 PM
Alana inclined her head, a soft smile that tilted the corners of her eyes as her lover spoke. Her hands brushing back the soft tresses that spilled over ivory shoulders in a seductive manner, all for the sake of Kolarik, to seduce to make him want. Such was the game of the two. His mere presence made her want, made her arms ache to enfold his form close. To taste of his sweet lips and his even sweeter blood.

“To watch you come to my call is even more enchanting than taking the blood of the sweetest of girls…”

A gentle gleam of teeth, there sharp points standing out against her crimson lips answered the strong sentiment he had bestowed upon her.

"Ah my sweet Kolarik..... Your call is what I long for each waking night. How I miss you when we part. How I long to feel you near me again." Her husky voice fell gently on his ears, calling to him, enticing him. The purple moon of Roon spilled over her face as she lifted her chin, settling her hue shifting eyes on his own. Alana let her tongue slid slowly over her full bottom lip, licking away the last of the blood that had stained it crimson.

"So my love we hunt??" A mischievous grin curled the corners of her mouth as she moved closer so she could settle her hands against his unyielding chest.......

Dec 1st, 2003, 09:57:05 AM
He closed his eyes, content as she lay her head upon his chest. The graceful fingers of the vampire reached to brush her hair back from her neck, revealing pale, smooth skin, upon which his chocolate eyes gazed longingly. A smile stretched his lips enough to reveal fangs beneath them, fangs over which his tongue passed as he released the softest and hungriest of sighs.

“Your words suggest that I would allow tonight to be a hunt as any other….” He whispered as his lips found purchase on her neck, tracing teasing kisses.

“Surely you don’t think I’d allow eternity to fall into the same pattern night after night….” The young man added, breath lingering of the sweetest of blood upon her neck.

His words were somewhat teasing – for truthfully, he would have been quite content with the same thing night after night – so long as it involved Alana. But he was also young at heart, talented and ambitious, and he would never be content allowing Alana to ever possibly tire of him.

He considered it a challenge – his personal challenge – to keep her fully entertained. And tonight he would beseech her to follow him on a quest – a quest for those who watched.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 8th, 2003, 06:28:18 PM
"Ah my sweet Kolarik, the things you say, and even more so the things you think will never let our eternity be anything but fulfilling." Alana’s husky voice whispered into his ear as his mouth traced its path.

The two lovers came together as they always did, with want and desire, always rekindling the flames of their passion. The night was cold and the wind bitter to those of a mortal nature but the immortals of Roon did not feel winters icy fingers, no more than they felt deaths cold touch. The purple moon shone down, bathing the two embracing figures, luminescent skin giving the appearance to a casual passer by they were just mere statues.

"So my Kolarik, tonight will be a different hunt will it? Who, pray tell do we hunt my sweet, and will we feed or just talk?" Alana's eyes glittered with a mischievous look. She knew his thoughts well enough, as he hers. The blood they had repeatedly shared ensured that. Alana wanted to hear him speak the words, to see his eyes flash with excitement at what he had planned. His vitality, his enduring youth is what made her blood sing.

Crimson lips, found there way to his neck as she awaited his plan. Tasting of him as she always did when the night was young......