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Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:55:53 AM
“… then you’d understand, I’m sure.”

Vega scrunched his nose up and made a face like someone who had just swallowed a wasp.

“It’s not that bad,” Daiquiri chuckled, watching her husband as he covered his nose.

For the past ten minutes Vega had been complaining of a foul smell on the ship. They were traveling back from Coruscant towards the Outer Rim and Fascinataru, and had been in the rough confines of hyperspace for all of thirty two minutes. The Lupine had roamed around the small ship numerous times since the scent had caught his senses, but hadn’t found a location for it. Obviously it was on a frequency, if it could be called such, which Daiquiri’s human senses could not pick up.

“Vega, love, we’ll be home soon. I’ll have some of the staff come and set a high-pressure hose on the-”

A tremor rumbled through the whole craft. Both Van-Dervelds looked up, frowning. Vega moved to the control dash and glanced quickly over what data was being produced by the ships computer.

“The magnetic shielding around the ship is being stripped away…” his eyes darted back and forth,

“We’re… being pulled out of hyperspace by something.”

The craft suddenly rocked with such a force that sent the Lupine tumbling back off of his feet. The ships sensors were going wild. Daiquiri too was thrown out of her chair and against one of the walls, with her husband hitting the one opposite. The impact alone was enough to knock both out, as the Fenix rattled out into a great emerald star field – the Tinn System.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:12:17 PM
Only moments before they had been laughing - well, she had been laughing, teasing her husband about his overly sensitive sense of smell, when their ship suddenly lurched and flung them both against the bulkheads.

Until Daiq could look at the ships chrono she would have no inkling of how long she had lain there on the decking but for now it was enough just to deal with the throbbing inside her head.

The first noise she became aware of was the ships engines. They seemed to be running normally but why were they so loud?

Taking a slow, deep breath, Daiquiri opened her eyes......closed them again.....opened them.......closed them.........and opened them once more. Something was wrong with the vision in one of her eyes and despite repeated blinkings to clear it, nothing helped.

It occured to her that she hadnt heard a sound from Vega. Rolling onto one arm, Daiq pushed herself up into a sitting position and suddenly wished she hadnt. Everything felt wrong. Her head felt too heavy and her body was ....unweildy. It didnt want to obey her commands and Daiq felt 'disconeccted'.

Nevertheless, Vega could be in trouble and that spurred her on. Getting to her knees, she pushed up and gained her feet, turning her head this way and that until she finally spotted his legs stretched out over the arm of the copilots seat.

Taking a step forward, her frown deepened. Had the gravity on the shop increased? Why were her legs so heavy? Grabbing onto an overheard bar, Daiq hung on to it as she took another couple of steps then looked down.

Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. This wasnt right - this couldnt be right! How could she be standing there looking down at herself? It wasnt Vega lying there on the metal flooring of the ship.......it was her!

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:39:57 PM
The Fenix was not the only ship experiencing some problems. Another vessel traveling through hyperspace was about to be pulled off course and out into the Tinn System by the same phenomenon which had just plucked the Van-Dervelds out of their peaceful journey. The Mephisto, currently carrying three passengers – a chiss, a doz’rah and a wampa – exited hyperspace a couple of hundred or so clicks away from where the other ship had appeared. A far sturdier ship, it had not been so jilted by the happening, but the people on board were equally shocked.

Everything had gone well until the apparent malfunction which Naj reported had taken them off course. Daria had hit a wall or something and ended up unconscious. Only now was she beginning to come to. Her eyes opened as she struggled to see where she was – it was dark. She must have been still lying up against a wall.

“...Blar lakkozom,” she muttered to herself, her voice strained and a little husky. Her head was spinning and she couldn’t quite gather her thoughts together, but one thing stuck out in her mind – if Fluffy had escaped during (what she presumed was) a crash, she didn’t know whether Naj would be able to overpower it.

“Lohk Naj!”

That wasn’t right. Her hearing must have been damaged, she lifted a hand and gave the side of her head a gentle tap… it certainly was hot in here. The mentalist purred a few curses in her native tongue before gingerly beginning to pull herself up to her feet. Her feet. They didn’t look like her feet. In fact her legs and torso didn’t look quite right either. Either she was mistaken or she’d suddenly had breast implants, grown a few inches in height and … recently been pregnant?

“Naj, what is going on-…”

Stood up, she’d turned around and was looking right into the face of a man she’d never seen before. Instantly her mind expanded and reached out around her – she could no longer feel Naj anywhere. Her eyes darted down onto her body, then back up and beyond the man before her, where she could see her reflection in the ships view ports.

“What… in the name of the Goddess…”


Naj Arilov
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:01:16 AM
The lurch sent through the hull of the ship was one similar to Mephisto coming out of hyperspace, only rougher. Naj had been checking on Fluffy when it happened. The wampa tended to be very uneasy on trips through hyperspace, and as good as Daria was with animals, Naj was the only one who could calm the beast. As the ship rocked, Naj remember hearing Fluffy roar in terror/anger, and the lights dimmed, and his worst fear came true. The little red light on Fluffy's cage turned green right as Naj hit his head, the last thing the Chiss Hybrid saw before blacking out was the cage door opening, and Fluffy's 3 meter visage stepping out.


Naj blinked a few times as he came to. To his surprise he standing. Even more shocking was the fact that he was actually alive. He figured Fluffy would have ripped him apart in a rage. Then a grim thought hit him...He was standing there looking into Fluffy's cage, and Fluffy was nowhere to be seen....


A chill went up his spine. His voice was distorted beyond explanation. How hard had he hit his head? He turned to start back down the hall. He feared the worst for Daria. He was almost completely frantic, until he caught sight of someone laying on the floor. His heart nearly lept out of his chest as he realized just who that someone was. Somehow, someway, he was laying on the floor. If Naj wasnt completely frantic before, by the force, he was now. It was at this point he looked to his own arm - which was covered in thick white fur - and fainted.

<div align= "center">http://panic.hopto.org/swf/silus/fluffy2.jpg</div>

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:13:31 AM

Vega flinched and turned a little. He was about to protest to the loud noise when he suddenly realized what an awful headache he had. His hand clamped up against his head and the first clue to the awful happenings that had gone on struck him – he had something of a widows peak. Then the second, more obvious, trait tipped him off – his skin wasn’t looking too good.

He sat bolt upright and looked down at his body. He could barely hear, at least as far as Lupine hearing went. He felt so thin and weak, too, as though his bodyweight had just halved during the crash. Whatever had happened, it had certainly left him disorientated.

“Hm,” he turned his hands over – blue skin. That was certainly new.

“Daiquiri,” and there was the voice too, not like his at all. No growl, no upper-class accent.

“Daiq? Did something happen?” he got to his feet and brushed himself – or at least the body he was in – down. It didn’t look very impressive, he mused.

His eyes turned upwards and then he spotted he was most certainly not on his ship. A caged wampa, unconscious, was across the room from him, while barely clothed female lay in the same state on the floor. He paced over to where she was and gave her a nudge with the toe of his boot. She didn’t sir.

“What the bloody hezmana is going on,” he grunted, storming off around the room a few times before deciding that doing so was fruitless. He fell into a chair and growled, deciding to opt instead for brooding. Somehow, it just came naturally in this form.

This had to be Vicet’s doing. It didn’t matter if it didn’t seem probably, it just was.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2003, 11:44:23 AM
It was a nasty realization that was dawning on her and she span on her heel, clomping toward the back and to the small bathroom there.

Banging the door open, she leaned forward and peered single-sightedly at her reflection.

"I'll be damned....Ive got stubble."

Daiq had more than that, for staring back from the mirror was the face of her husband. Her mind tried to race but ended up only going in circles with no obvious real conclusion other than....if she were in his body, then Vega's mind must be in hers. But when had she ever heard Vega utter the phrase 'by the goddess'? Odd.

Turning in the small confines of the watercloset, Daiq took a step out and promptly tripped over the huge things that Vega once called 'his feet'. My gods, they were huge and how he managed to get around was beyond her.

Dragging up, she smiled sheepishly at herself - who was now staring back at her....er, him.

"Honey, are you alright?"


Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:47:43 PM

Fluffy nearly lept to his feet at the sound of a woman's voice.


Once again, he heard the woman's voice. Confused, he looked around for the source of the voice. Naj was sitting in a chair, and he didnt look happy. Though Fluffy wasnt very keen on angering Naj, he had to let it be known that he wasnt happy. At all.


It was then he realized that the woman's voice belonged to him. Needless to say, he was even more confused than the first day Naj had let him loose on Koros Major. Fluffy whimpered quietly, which sounded more fitting for him with this voice than a growl or roar did. He thought that Naj might have stuck him with another pointy twig, due to the feeling of weakness that was weighing on him. It was then that he looked down, and the stern realization of what had happened hit him.


It was a strange sight to him indeed. With no fur, he looked a lot like the woman that followed Naj around sometimes. Maybe she was a furless wampa too?


Daria Nytherciria
Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:53:18 PM
"Honey, are you alright?"

“No! Of course I’m not! This isn’t my body – and this isn’t our ship!”

Daria – or Daiquiri, even – threw her arms up into the air and stalked across to the viewport. She couldn’t see the Mephisto anywhere! What had happened and- and who the yotz was this disgusting creature calling her honey? Her mind reeled back to her days in the Kuto, of brutalizing and mistreating men, taking them for worthless slaves and breeding implements.

“You! Man-pig!” she lifted a hand, singling Vega out with a slim finger.

“I demand you tell me what has happened and what you have done with my body, or I will turn your mind inside out!”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2003, 02:09:07 PM
Daiquiri was taken aback and took a step to match...back away from whatever was wearing her skin.

"How it happened im not sure but I think I know a little of what happened."

Daiq - it was hard to think of herself as Vega watched the slim finger waving at her. She couldnt help but laugh. Even with personalities switched, she was still wagging at her mate.

The others eyes narrowed dangerously, taking the laughter as an insult and not wanting to get into a fight with her own body, 'Vega' held up his hands.

"Youve got my body. I dont know how but its true. Something out there grabbed us, gave the ship a pretty rough shaking. When I came to, I woke up in my husbands body."

Vega slowly extended a large hand.

"Depending on how you want to look at it, Im Daiquiri and Vega Van-Derveld."

'Daiquiri' didnt look as if she believed him entirely and withheld any comment.

"Whoever you are...please stay calm. I dont want anything to happen to the body youre wearing."

Vegas face creased in a large smirk. Daiq looked even better in person than through a mirror. I need to start believing Vega when he tells me I look good.

Naj Arilov
Aug 25th, 2003, 01:23:04 AM
When Naj came to, the realization of what had happened had finally sunk in, though the cause was too much for him to grasp. He stood up, forcing himself to look down at the body he was now inhabiting. He stretched his arm out, then stretched the other, then he started to walk out. He felt strong, very strong. Before he'd passed out, he'd felt the same way, but in his confusion he didnt realize it.

His next concern was his ship. He didnt know what had happened, but the power failure on board didnt just happen on its own. He'd have to figure out why he was now a wampa later, first order was to make sure he wasnt about to blow up or run into anything.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:51:02 AM
Vega was still sighing gruffly. It wasn’t helping much, but he wasn’t having an epiphanies about how to get out of this situation. He looked up around him, to see the ship that he had somehow gotten onto, and saw a wampa. Instinct took him over and he stumbled out of the seat, edging behind it – this isn’t how I should be reacting, go, kill kill- no! I’ll die!

“Back! Don’t come any closer!”

His eyes darted to the apparently still sleeping woman and shrieked:

“Wake up, you stupid bitch! There’s a wampa here and it’s trying to eat us!”

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 25th, 2003, 03:54:32 AM
Daria took a moment to think, then blurted out:

“You lie, man-pig! This is some ruse to try and bed me.”

Ever modest, even in another body. The Doz’rah did as she had threatened to – her hand outstretched still she furrowed her brow and began to concentrate on the man before her, trying to tear and pry apart his mind. After a few minutes silence, nothing appeared to be happening.

“You! You are a Force user!” she snarled and stalked up to him, her head tilting backwards to glare at the Lupine. For some reason, she felt oddly attracted to him, but over-rode this disgusting feeling with her own repulsion for the males of the species. Naj wouldn’t be pleased about that.

“What am I doing here, I demand you tell me or I will…”

Daria felt for her stiletto blade or dagger, both were gone. It hadn’t quite sunk in that she had left them with her other body on the Mephisto.

“Tell me.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 25th, 2003, 04:41:32 AM
Daiquiri looked down at her body and smirked. Whoever was prancing around in there had some attitude. When she spoke, the tone was dry and carried an edge.

"I believe I have told you or werent you listening? I know that body isnt deaf. I have perfectly good hearing, so use it!"

She took a deep breath, trying to remind herself that fighting right now wasnt going to help solve the dilemma.

"I think what we need to do is find a place to land the ship and go from there. Try to work out what happened, where you came from and how I got in here. Sound good?"

Daiq wasnt too familiar with the Fenix...it was Vega's ship and his setup was different from hers. If she was reading the systems right, they should be able to reach the planet with no problems.

Daria edged closer, peering down at the dash, her eyes darting to 'him' quickly with every move made.

"Relax,....y-y-...you. I promise that I wont ravish you until we make planetfall, alright? If you know anything about flying, you could help."

Daria sneered at the thought of doing something-anything with this swine before her. She cast about for a sharp object to stab him with.

Daiq kept her eyes ....well eye actually, shifting between the ships reading and making minor adjustments to their trajectory. A repeated flashing was finally noticed and she frowned.

"That looks like another ship out there...........this is the Fenix calling the unknown starboard vessel. Can you read me? I repeat, this is the Fenix.....can you read me?"

Aug 25th, 2003, 07:23:14 PM
Fluffy whimpered lightly. It wasnt his fault that his fur had fallen off, but now Naj was yelling at him. He wanted to protest and growl, but he knew better. He felt weak right now, and Naj wasnt someone you angered. He had magic. Shuffling up to Naj's side, Fluffy was about to whimper for apology until he saw it....

Another Wampa.

Fluffy sulked back for a moment confused, since he hadnt known another wampa was there. It didnt appear hostile, it acted confused itself. Seeing opportunty, Fluffy groaned once at it questioningly, hoping for a response....

Naj Arilov
Aug 25th, 2003, 07:34:56 PM
Naj stopped and whirled around as he heard someone yelling. Sure enough, it was him, or his body at least. Behind his body, he saw Daria getting up and whimpering. When she spotted him, she let out a groan...Naj thought for a moment...She was acting just like Fluffy. Naj mulled over this quickly. Maybe everyone's mind on mephisto had gotten shifted, but that meant Daria's mind would be in his body.

Whoever was inhabiting Naj's body wasnt Daria.

Knowing that he lacked the vocal chords to clearly speak basic, Naj strained and let out a slight growl, which sounded as close as he could make it to the word "who". Hopefully whoever it was in his body would be smart enough to figure it out, and soon, since someone was now hailing them.....

Whoever it was in his form was the only one who would be able to communicate.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2003, 06:11:35 AM
“This is the Fenix calling the unknown starboard vessel. Can you read me? I repeat, this is the Fenix.....can you read me?”

Somehow, the tramission had managed to come through – and apparently Vega was the one sending it. He edged away from the wampa, glad to see that it was somewhat docile, and towards what he thought were the controls.

“This is Vega Van-Derveld,” he barked into the communications unit, his tone somehow unbefitting of the chiss’ voice and body.

“I demand to know who you are and what the frell you are doing in my body.”

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 26th, 2003, 06:15:24 AM
Daria was incensed – but this anger subsided some when she heard Naj’s voice. Her heart, or at least the heart that was keeping her alive at this time, skipped a beat. It was odd, as she’d met Naj in similar circumstances to those she was in now – kidnapped aboard an alien vessel, but he had been somewhat more trustworthy, what with his not being a schizophrenic married couple trapped in a single body.

“Naj!” she called, hoping the communications were still open.

“This frelnik is holding me here. I don’t know what he’s done with my body but I think he’s a Force user. Help.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:22:11 AM
Vega's body sat straighter in the chair as a voice indentifying himself as Vega came crackiling through the speaker.

"Vega?? Is it really you?? Love, its me....Daiquiri! Are you alright? Are you hurt - I mean the body youre in, does it need aide? Are you with others?"

The relief she felt when hearing that her mate was 'alive' manifested itself in the stream of questions pouring from her lips.

Upon hearing the same voice, Daria leaned in, frantically calling to this 'Naj', who seemed to be hosting Vega's essence. Daiq had to chuckle into the open comm.

"Whoever is in my body seems to think Im going to rape her. Seems your reputation is better known than I thought."

Feminine hands reached in, trying to dislodge Daiq from the mic and pleading with Naj to rescue her.

Smothering a curse or two herself, Daiq shoved Daria down into the copilots seat.

"Oh, do shut up!"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:35:41 AM

Ignoring the voice in the background, which sounded like Daiquiri flustering over something that he didn’t quite catch, he listened to himself talk.

“I’m on a ship with a wampa and some mentally retarded, barely clothed woman who just keeps whimpering. I think the wampa attacked her, but it seems to have calmed down for now.”

He eyed Fluffy suspiciously.

“I’m in the body of a chiss… what the frell is going on!?”

Naj Arilov
Aug 26th, 2003, 09:32:14 AM
Naj walked over to the comlink. The person occupying his body wasnt that bright. The fact was, they could stand around asking questions for as long as they wanted, Mephisto's shielding was running on a backup generator, and the sublights had taken some damage.

Naj walked over and pushed himself out of the way bringing up the navicomputer screen. He pressed in the coordinates to the nearest planet then stepped away. Maybe this Vega guy could figure out the rest....

Aug 26th, 2003, 09:38:51 AM
Fluffy had been content to sit down and let Naj handle everything at this point, and thats just what the Chiss was doing, until the other Wampa stepped in. Fluffy quickly got to his feet and watched with morbid interest at what Naj would do about being bullied.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 26th, 2003, 02:55:38 PM
…some mentally retarded, barely clothed woman who just keeps whimpering…

Daria’s eyes flared with anger. That had to be her body – and whimpering? Just what had happened to it! If this Vega was in Naj’s body, she was in Vega’s wifes, the wife was in her husbands then … Naj and Fluffy were the only two left unaccounted for, so one of them most of have, by default, ended in her frame.

She dearly hoped it wasn’t the latter.

"Oh, do shut up!"

She felt angry but at the same time hurt. Some residual trace of the woman she was ‘inhabiting’ was making her feel awkward. She wanted to embrace the man before her, but at the same time hoped she had a knife handy when she did so, so that she could plunge it into his back. She sunk back into a chair and tried to calm herself down.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:12:44 PM
"Thank you!"

Daiquiri gave Daria one last look before returning her attention to the discussion.

"First off, I think we need to figure out what happened and to do that we're going to have to put down and check out the ships. You agree?"

While waiting for Vega to respond, Daiq could feel eyes on her and for just a second she had the urge to say 'But, Daiq...', just like Vega had to her before. She blamed it on all the male hormones she was packing around.

Grinning lazily, Daiq turned and fixed one cyan blue eye on her companion. Daria was pouting, her bottom lip pooched out but the eyes told a different story. Anger and hurt resided there and Daria glowered at the male.

Daiq leaned over toward her and winked.

"I love you when youre angry."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:19:37 PM
The wampa was on the move again! It was trying to destroy everything! Vega looked around for something to throttle it with, but before he could react it had mashed some buttons and probably set the ship on self destruct.

“Frellfrellfrell,” he gave the thing a horrid glowing red glare before looking back and realizing it had just set in a course for a nearby planet.

“Oh,” he depressed the communications, “The wampa just gave me directions for a planet nearby that we can land on and meet up. I’ll send them over now.”

With a few whistles and bleeps, the transmission from the Mephisto to the Fenix was done. He looked up at the wampa suspiciously and wondered if someone’s mind was in there, and couldn’t help but grin. Ha ha.

“I guess I’ll see you down there, love. Take care and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Vega out.”

He turned away from the controls and looked up at the wampa.

“So, who are you? The chiss or the girl, hm?” he gave his square jaw a thoughtful rub.

Naj Arilov
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:12:55 AM
Not being able to speak properly was seriously starting to anger Naj. He wasnt exactly what you would call 'happy', and he didnt especially care for the fact that some guy named Vega was walking around in his body. He had the urge to smash something, which was strange due to the fact that he never felt like smashing anything.

Maybe it comes with the body. He thought to himself. For a moment, his thoughts drifted over to Daria, who was now Fluffy. The poor guy couldnt have been taking this well, and the confusion displayed in the movements of Daria's body reflected this. Another worry of his was the fact that this Vega fellow didnt know how to properly act around Fluffy, which would not only mildly derail all Naj had accomplished with the Wampa, but could lead to more confusion later on.

Obviously, the situation was less than satisfactory...

Aug 27th, 2003, 02:21:07 AM
Naj was acting crazy, which was a bit frightening, since Naj had the pointy things that put Fluffy to sleep. The other Wampa was getting irritated, which provided Fluffy with a few guilty little thoughts.

Naj never actually mistreated Fluffy in the way of hurting him, but Naj was higher up on the food chain, which wasnt kosher.

Fluffy got strangely silent as he looked on, frightenly curious at the interaction between in the two.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:16:19 AM
"I love you when youre angry."

By the Goddess she was going to strangle that man and nothing- Naj’s voice suddenly came over the speakers again. She paused, having risen to her feet once more, and listened intently. Fluffy had told him what to do? That must have meant that Naj was inside of Fluffy and… Fluffy was inside of her body.

Daria cursed with a growl in Doz’rah and slid back down into the chair. At least she would be reuninted with her companions soon.

“This is ridiculous,” it was odd, but some of her accent had managed to slip through into Daiquiri’s voice, something of a husky purring Basic that turned ‘th’ into ‘z’ and I’s into e’s.

“And don’t you touch me,” she added, remembering Vega’s words as she frowned up at him.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:28:25 AM
Flashing a decidedly wolfish grin at her companion, Daiquiri set the coordinates that Vega sent through to the Fenix. In a matter of moments, they had fallen in behind a larger ship which Daiq assumed was the one Vega was in.

"Daria....why do you hate men so much? You were on that other ship with a guy, right? Were you trying to stab him, too? Or is it just me?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:45:18 AM
Vega looked to the side at the woman and began to approach her. This body seemed to be pleased with the thought of doing that as it felt a little- no, a fairly large- stirring. He ran an appreciative eye over Dari and wondered if this gangly chiss had captured her – she was dressed like a slave girl, so it wouldn’t have surprised him. Perhaps the wampa was there to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.

But then ‘Daiquiri’ had sounded eager to speak with Naj, and presumably that was who he was right now… the puzzle wasn’t exactly fitting together neatly, but once they had reached Echnos, Vega imagined it would.

Deciding to explore, the Lupine-chiss began to walk around some, taking in ‘his’ craft. It was quite impressive, but he couldn’t appreciate it fully when he had the irksome feeling of the wampa – not the actual wampa, however unnerving that was – watching him with those terrified eyes.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:59:11 AM
“You are inferior, that is why I dislike you.”

It wasn’t her fault, really. She’d been brought up that way, and it was even worse because she was a member of the royal family. She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

“Naj is my tutor, an equal.”

She was getting to like Naj, too. She didn’t like to admit it to him, but she was. It was odd, since she’d only ever seen men in such an unflattering light, but somehow she’d warmed to him in Detera’s absence.

“This body is uncomfortable.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:07:50 AM
Daiq/Vega snorted. inferior?? Give him five minutes alone with her - sans having to worry about landing - and this saucy wench would be singing a different tune! I should have just grabbed her while ago and....wait....what am I thinking?!

Daiquiri gave herself a mental shake and it seemed to help as Vega's bodily instincts settled quieted down. She ran a hand over her face and blew out a deep breath. 'Being' Vega might not be the piece of cake she had first thought.

Daiq glanced at Daria, who was now fidgeting in her seat.

"What do you mean uncomfortable? Thats a great body youve got there!"

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:13:53 AM
“It is in bad shape, physically. Look at this.”

Daria lifted a slender leg into the air and gave one calf a slap.

“Where is the muscle?” she frowned and lowered her feet back onto solid ground.

“I don’t know how people can breath with this,”

She nodded down at her chest – it was awkward after having been so light on her feet.

“It’s making my back hurt!”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:22:46 AM
"Ohh. Youre saying that your real body isnt physically attractive to yourself or men and thats why youre hanging out with a Wampa because it doesnt care how you look. That makes sense."

Using Vega's knowing male eyes, Daiq gave her body another once over and from the response Vega's body had to it, Daiq had no doubts to her feminine allure. Now it was her turn to shift uncomfortably. Daiq frowned.

"They never made my back hurt....thats just all in your mind! Ive got a great rack!"

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:24:49 AM
“They are impractical.”

Daria scowled. She was not unattractive – she was very attractive! And she didn’t ‘hang out’ with a wampa, it was Naj’s pet, not hers.

“For a woman, you are being incredibly insensitive,” she snorted, twisting in her chair so that she was no longer facing Vega.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:34:20 AM
Her frown deepened. Daiq wasnt being insensitive....she was being defensive. After all it was herbody that Daria was making the negative comments about. And from where she sat in Vega's body, Daiq's was looking pretty good.

"I]Im[/I] being insensitive? Youre the one whose being rude. You cant sit there and tell me that my body is flabby and unattractive and not expect retaliation....you...breastless drawf!"

Daiquiri's voice had risen an octave as she bickered with Daria. Vega's body straightened and now was looking down his nose in a most effeminate way at the smaller female.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:07:09 PM
Daria turned her nose up even further. She didn’t have to take this. Snapping up to her feet, she jabbed a finger into Vega’s chest… Vega’s firm, muscular chest. Oh god, what was underneath that shirt-… no! He was a disgusting pig of a thing. Look at the way he carried himself, that cocky smirk on his face. Gorgeous face. NO.

“We only have to be together for a little while longer, so I would appreciate it if you just stayed away from me.”

Her finger was still pressed against his solar plexus, but had begun to gently brush up and down his shirt.

“There must be another room on this ship, show me it, so I can be free of you.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:34:59 PM
Daiquiri watched, mesmerized by the finger scrolling up and down her husband's chest. Daria had stated that she wanted to be left alone but that wasnt what Daiq's eyes and body were saying.

Suddenly it became a tug-o'-war of wills. Daiquiri's mind against Vega's body. Had she more time to learn any real control, Daiq could have taken care of this situation, but Vega wasnt your ordinary male.

His manly urges were always in high gear but combined with the appetite of the wolf, it was losing fight for the female inside. 'Vega Junior' had other ideas.

Strong male hands reached for and grabbed Daria by the bicpes and drew her roughly up against his chest.

Hey! Heyheyheyhey! Stop that! Right now, do you he....hear me..? I said right......now...........

Vega's head bent down, his lips brushing against those of his wife's.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:40:23 PM
Daiquiri’s body reacted as Daria had expected, not willed. Her hands locked at the back of the Lupine’s neck and drew him inward. If Daria was thankful for one thing, it was that this was not her body that was being sullied by some man, it was Daiquiri’s. It was a odd to think that it was Daiquiri’s mind inside of the body that was kissing her own body … but that didn’t stop anything from happening.

STOP. NOW… please?

Something made a few pained bleeps as, with unexpected strength, Daria forced Vega back against the control panel so that he slumped into a chair. Whatever spark there was between this married couple, it didn’t need much igniting, as the Doz’rah found she was straddled over her ‘husbands’ hips within a matter of seconds.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:58:45 PM
Total silence had fallen on the Fenix. No further words or looks were exchanged and both passengers on the small vessel sat straight and still, avoiding any further contact. At least for now.

Two pairs of eyes were glued on the cockpit window, watching the Mephisto begin its descent towards the planet Echnos. Daiq mimicked the move and plunged Vega's ship towards the atmosphere.

Daiq cleared her throat which was still feeling rather tight after...

"We're going to be landing in a minute....are you alright?"

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:03:53 PM
Daria was exhausted. She was trying not to pant, but for the most part failing. Her cheeks were flushed all red and she appeared not to have bothered something her hair back down into a presentable fashion after what had just occurred.

I swear by the Goddess if you mention this I will slit your throat, she thought, as her hand inadvertently gave Vega’s thigh a squeeze.

“Yes. I’m fine,” she replied curtly, tearing her hand away in annoyance.

She felt half-violated, half-thrilled. That was a new experience for her and she wasn’t sure how to take it… well she’d already taken it, it was just a matter of reacting now.

What have I done to deserve this?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:11:12 PM
"Look, I tried to stop ...it, ok? Im sorry. I'll try not to..."

Daiq looked down as Daria squeezed her thigh, then shot a cautious look across at her companion. Something stirred.

Oh please....not again!

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 27th, 2003, 02:17:45 PM
“Look, look.”

Daria rose up out of the chair and tried to block out the trills and echoes in her mind as she waved towards the main view screen. Echnos was drawing closer now, and some structures could be made out on the planets surface. Mephisto was moving ahead of them, being hailed in by a planet side dock no doubt.

She turned her head and frowned, “Don’t you people have any restraint.”

She couldn’t blame the (wo)man. Intercourse with a Doz’rah was the most stimulating experience that a person could endure. In fact, some people couldn’t endure it. It constituted having memories rearranged and drawn out from the subconscious to maximize pleasure in the shortest time – for efficiency. Stop thinking about it, Daria.

The mentalist wrapped her arm around her body and sighed quietly, praying that Naj was alright - and that he would understand.

Naj Arilov
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:17:59 AM
Naj kept his (Fluffy's) eyes locked on himself for a few more moments before settling back into a corner. He'd always known that Wampa's defied their clumsy appearance, and were strong agile killing machines- Now he could feel it. Even with having to slouch his shoulders when walking, his balance was impeccible. Even with the immense weight his legs were carrying, he took each step tirelessly. Fluffy also had retreated to a corner, seemingly uncomfortable.

His eyes shifted back to Vega, who's own glare was fixated on Daria, or the body that belonged to Daria a few hours ago. Naj felt a growl starting to rise in his throat, but he choked it back....ripping his own body to shreds wouldnt be smart.

Aug 29th, 2003, 02:25:45 AM
After a few moments, the other Wampa had walked away from Naj. The thought of mutiny was pushed out of Fluffy's mind at that moment. If this other Wampa wouldnt stand up to Naj, then Fluffy surmised that he shouldnt either. At least, not right now.

Retreating back to an empty corner, an itch tugged at Fluffy's shoulder. He reached up to scratch it, but the green something covering him restricted him slightly. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was attached to him. After a few more moments of shuffling around, the Green cloak was now laying on the floor in front of him, and he was tugging at the leather thing that was underneath it, which strangely enough, wasnt attached either.

Naj must have put this stuff on him after his fur had fallen off, to keep him warm. Maybe it was a weird restrain, like the leather thing Fluffy had to wear around his neck when Naj took him into the big metal cave.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 30th, 2003, 02:37:36 AM
“This is Echnos ground control,” a voice said over the communications.

“Vessel Mephisto, We are transmitting co-ordinates to your docking station.”

Even from a great distance the towering buildings of Echnos could be seen, desperately stretching into the sky and threatening to demolish the whole world should one fall and create a subsequent domino effect. Both ships were drawn in quickly, with Vega watching the opening world before him for the longest time before glancing back into the ship …

… where upon he saw the young woman was naked. His eyes widened for effect as managed to stop his jaw from dropping. He gave the big wampa an accusing look before stalking over to Daria, picking up the cloak and quickly draping it over her.

“No, no… keep it on. We need you to keep it on,” he assured, as the sound of the ship clicking into its docking space could be heard.

He took the woman’s hand and looked back at the wampa, “Don’t kill anything while we’re here, right?”

And then lead the two towards the ships exit. He couldn’t wait to see Daiquiri.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:21:36 AM

Daiquiri felt a thrill of dread and anticipation at being here once again. The first time, she had been brought here against her will by the Master Vampire himself, Saurron. This was his home and the world he claimed as his own. While Daiquiri might be welcomed here, Vega would not. They would need to be cautious.

Both ships were pulled in to respective docking slips by central control, with the added verbal notice that a droid would be along soon to collect their docking fees.

Shutting down the Fenix, Daiq turned to look at Daria who was waiting impatiently by the hatch and sending her alternately scathing and come hither looks.

Rising, Daiq walked over by the Doz'Rah and stood looking down at her.

"Listen, I know the man who runs this planet and hes not the most pleasant of chaps. Anything out of the ordinary will draw his attention......so....please dont have hysterics and carry on out there, alright?"

"Stop speaking to me, you luscious Man-pig! Just open the door and let me out!"

Lowering the ramp, Daiq watched as Daria shifted from one foot to the other until she was able to squeeze through and jump down to the walkway, making a beeline for the Mephisto.

Vega was already off the ship he had been on and was on his way to see her. Hopping off the side of the ramp, Daiquiri strode off after Daria, eager to see what Vega now looked like.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:29:33 AM
Daria walked briskly, trying not to run, towards the Mephisto where she could see the crew disembarking. First came Naj, leading Daria out by the hand. From the slight movement of the wind she could see that her body was wearing nothing but the cloak on its back, and cringed. Then came Fluffy. Naj – or at least whoever was in Naj’s body – looked at her longingly for a moment, before his eyes turned to Vega.

The Doz’rah made for the wampa, and looked up into the big furry thing with sad eyes.

“Naj, are you in there?” she outstretched a hand, giving the creatures fur a cautious stroke.

Naj Arilov
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:34:41 AM
Naj started to try and choke out a 'yes' but with the vocal cords he was working with now, it wasnt really worth the effort. Even if she could understand it, it would be loud and attract unwanted attention. The sooner they figured out how, or if, they could get back to their original bodies, the better. Having to deal with the locals would slow that down.

Naj gave a slight nod and put his massive furred hand on Daria's shoulder, careful not to accidentally scratch her.

Aug 31st, 2003, 04:17:40 AM
Fluffy wasnt sure what to do. Instead of Naj putting the leather thing around his neck, and leading him by a rope, Naj was holding his hand. Of course, Fluffy didnt like being led around with a rope, and he didnt like being led around by his hand. He didnt like being led around basically. After they stepped out, Naj stopped paying attention to Fluffy for a moment, Fluffy snatched away and started to back into the big metal Cave.

This wasnt Hoth, and it wasnt Koros Major. Basically, Fluffy had just gotten adjusted to Koros Major, he didnt want to move again. Of course, the big metal cave wasnt exactly his favorite place either, but at least it was familiar.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:11:28 AM
Vega saw himself striding forward. He looked much taller than he remembered. Quickening his own pace, he met up with Daiquiri and looked up at her from behind his red eyes. This was an awkward moment – he didn’t feel right embracing her, so instead he held out a hand.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t imagine Saurron will pleased to see us here, he said into her mind. His body looked like it hadn’t taken any harm.

Who’s inside your body?

He glanced back to see Daiquiri petting a wampa, gazing longingly up into its eyes.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 1st, 2003, 01:37:09 AM
She didnt even notice the out-stretched hand and simply threw her arms around him, holding Vega close to her chest.

"I was so worried about you for a while there, love. Im glad that youre alright....I mean, not injured."

After just telling Daria not to make a scene, here she was with her arms wrapped around another man and calling him pet names.

Daiq/Vega released Vega/Naj just as the Chiss was shouldering free from the larger 'man'. Clearing her throat, Daiq took on a more manly stance and for good measure, punched Naj on the arm.

Daria seems to have taken up residence and she hates you..I mean, me.....men! She hates men.

Daiq's gaze drifted up to the Wampa, then down to Daria/Daiq and finally rested on the body of what could only be Daria's body. Now she understood why Daria was complaining about Daiq's own chest size.....no bossom to speak of. Must be embarressing.

Youre right. Saurron knowing we're here wouldnt be good.

"Does anyone have the first idea of who to see about getting our ships repaired?"

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2003, 02:55:45 AM
Daria turned to see that her body had scurried back into the ship. At l east it wouldn’t get hurt there – she hoped.

“There’s bound to be a repair shop somewhere,” she called out to Vega/Daiq, who was trying not to look like she wanted to embrace Naj/Vega.

“I think we should sleep first,” the Doz’rah glanced up at Fluffy/Naj and hoped they could manage to get him into whatever room they hired.

Naj Arilov
Sep 1st, 2003, 03:08:12 AM

Naj did his best attention drawing growl. Not loud enough for everyone to hear, just a little way to get everyone in their party to look at him. As they each looked toward him he pointed a clawed finger toward his ship. Aside from damage to his sublights, and the inevidable hyperdrive damages, all life support systems, including climate control, were fully operational. The floors on the observation deck were soft and comfortable.

This option was much more appealing to him, rather than trying to rent a room somewhere, which would bring all kinds of attention to them, considering Naj was now 3 meters tall and covered in snow white fur.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:45:55 AM
“I’m not sleeping in a ship. We’ve got currency back in the Fenix just waiting to be spent.”

Vega looked up expectantly at Daiquiri. Damn I’m handsome.

“What do you think?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2003, 04:58:23 AM
Daiq furrowed her brow.

A nice room with a big comfortable bed would do nicely, yet....she glanced up at the Wampa. How could she trust it not to tear into her body that Daria was now wearing? It was a sobering thought. If something happened to her body and the rest were able to switch back into their own physical selves....where would that leave her?

Can we trust the Wampa not to do anything to my body? Its not like I have a spare.

Daiquiri spoke slowly, not wanting to contradict her husband, yet....

"What if we buy blankets and pillows instead? It might be wiser if we stayed close to each other."

Naj Arilov
Sep 4th, 2003, 03:10:10 AM
Naj looked over at Vega, wondering just how someone so.....there wasnt a word for it, but it was bad, and he wondered how someone like Vega could end up in his body. With a sharp growl, Naj hit the side of his ship, causing a loud clang. Maybe it would help this Vega fellow realize just how hard it would be to get a wampa into a hotel room. And if he thought for two seconds that Naj was going to let his own body out of sight, then he was very sorely mistaken.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:30:35 PM
“Alright - you two go buy them and we’ll stay in the ship,”

Daria made the decision for the whole group and immediately started for the Mephisto, hoping Naj was in tow. A grin spread over her face as she felt the superiority that taking control of the situation gave her. She made a good leader, she thought and so long as she had that woman’s body she could boss her around all she wanted!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 5th, 2003, 09:40:14 PM
As Daria brushed past her, Daiq reached out and slapped her backside, receiving a glare for the effort.

"Make sure "white and furry" doesnt damage my goods."

Daiq/Vega glanced over at her blue-skinned partner, Vega/Naj.

"I think shes enjoying my body a little too much. But then, who can blame her, eh?"

Grinning from ear to ear, she turned and beamed down at Vega, giving him a playful slap on theback.

"Shall we go foraging, little man?"

Daiq guffawed, throwing her head back and roaring with laughter at the expression on Vega's face.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 7th, 2003, 07:20:05 AM
Vega’s brow furrowed as he started off ahead of Daiquiri.

“Don’t get too comfortable in there,” he called back.

“And please don’t do anything …” his head turned and he paused, waiting for his counterpart to catch up.

“Anything just because you can. I wouldn’t have done it in your body, I don’t appreciate you doing it in mine.”

Naj Arilov
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:58:05 AM
As they started away, Naj caught up and put a white claw on Vega's shoulder, stopping the lupine/chiss in his tracks. When Vega turned, Naj was pointing back toward Mephisto. He wasnt letting this idiot out of his sight wearing his body.

Naj also cut a glance over toward Daiq. If she had something to say about it, then he would glady oblige her.....she wasnt the one wearing Naj's body...

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:34:10 PM
Daria stopped and looked back at the awkward situation. No one was going to let anyone go anywhere in their bodies – except Daria, who didn’t really mind in the end. She could probably get used to this shape after a while, and it would give her an edge against the Kuto. She shook her head.

“I’ll go with him, then.”

The Doz’rah stalked across to where Daiq/Vega stood and motioned to continue on walking.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:54:23 PM
Quite pointedly, Daiquiri reached over and removed the Wampas hand from Vega's shoulder.

"It may be your body but inside, its my husband. Keep your paws off him."

Daria/Daiq slipped her hand in to Daiq/Vega's and gave a tug. Too much testosterone was building up and it would have to give somewhere and here wasnt the place.

"Come, handsome Man-pig and we will go."

With a warning glare at Fluffy/Naj and a quick dropped kiss on Vega/Naj's forehead, Daiq strode off with Daria who had now slipped her hand into Daiq/Vega's larger one.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:02:24 AM
Vega fumed. He turned from Daiq/Vega and Daria/Daiq and stormed aboard the Mephisto without so much a look at the Wampa. What was Daiquiri playing at?! Honestly, she couldn’t have been more all over Daria if she’d tried. He had to stop, realizing he didn’t know his way around the ship very well still, and look back towards the Wampa.

“Well come on then. Get in here.”

Naj Arilov
Sep 9th, 2003, 04:27:48 AM
"Do you think I like this any better than you do! Stomp and storm around all you want, its the most intelligent thing ive seen you do thus far!

Naj thought as loudly as he could, as if there were actually a way that Vega could here him. Fluffy was about to have a fit. Everyone was angry, and he was stuck in Daria's body. Theres no telling how confusing that was for him. It was confusing enough for Naj, and Naj was the most intelligent person he knew!

Sep 9th, 2003, 04:34:55 AM
Finally, Naj and the other Wampa had stopped paying attention to him. Back in his corner, he wrestled the green thing off of himself again. After taking a non restrained stretch, Fluffy plopped down on the floor....

and shot right back up to his feet!

He'd never noticed it before, but the floor was very cold. This was completely new to him, since he'd always had a nice thick coat of fur on him. His chest felt funny also. Something was going on there too. Now Fluffy had to weigh his options. First, he could put the big green thing back on him, and be able to sit in comfort, or he could leave it off, be cold, but non restricted. After some heavy contemplation, a lightbulb came on. Fluffy slid the green thing over to his corner and sat on it. Problem solved!

Now it was just a matter of waiting for his fur to grow back.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:05:11 PM
Daiquiri felt the anger from Vega and ducked her head, giving her form the impression of a schoolboy who had just received a scolding from the headmaster.

Shes holding my hand! I cant help it if 'her' body finds 'yours' irresistable.

Knowing that Vega was looking back over his shoulder, Daiq gently pulled her hand from Darias grip.....and was instantly awarded with an arm around slung low around 'Vegas' waist.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:52:03 AM
Daria looked up at Vega and forced a smile.

“Where do you think we will get these things from, then?” she asked, as she looked around at the dark streets. There were some unsavory people lurking about, but she didn’t imagine anyone would come anywhere near Daiq/Vega – he was just too big and threatening. And handsome.

“I don’t think there is going to be an all night linen shop.”

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:54:59 AM
“Shut up, you,” he jabbed an accusing finger at Naj/Fluffy.

The pair came back into the main chamber on the ship to find Daria once again naked, now curled up daintly on her cloak. She was comparable to a cat like this. A cat with breasts. Vega had to look away to stop a sudden flurry of mixed emotion. On one hand he wanted to laugh at it all, on the other he wanted to go join her, and then on the extra hand he wanted to blush and help her get her things back on. Just a mild bit of schizophrenia, then.

“Alright, so where will we be sleeping? I don’t have to sleep near you do I?”

Naj Arilov
Sep 11th, 2003, 03:53:55 AM
You can read my thoughts?"

Naj's whole thought process went stupid for a moment. He couldnt speak, coherently at least, so he'd taken to screaming at Vega with his thoughts, and somehow Vega had heard him.....

About that time, it clicked...

Why didnt you SAY you could read my thoughts, ive been walking around for the past half hour cursing your existance to myself, when I could have been cursing AT YOU instead...AND STOP LOOKING AT HER!....

Of course, Naj was looking also. He almost felt guilty, but this was a weird situation, surely she would understand....

At least...get him to put her clothes back on...im afraid im the only person that can give him commands, and well, you're me..."

Oh, this did suck.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2003, 07:59:51 PM
"We'll find something."

Daiq was confident and why shouldnt she be? Right now, she was everything all rolled inside one body.

"And if we cant find it, we'll take it!"

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:40:28 AM
“I would suggest that I sneak inside one of the houses, but I don’t know whether I could be as stealthy as would be required in this body.”

Daria held back a laugh, not looking up to see the expression on Vega’s face.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:43:54 AM
“Of course I can hear you, you idiot,” Vega tapped his temple, “Darkside, the Force, ehhh?”

Turning, he looked back to Daria and strode towards her.

“Hey,” the chiss crouched and waited for some sort of reaction.

Sure enough, the woman looked up, startled, within a few seconds.

“Come on, get up.”

With enough nudging, Daria stood and Vega lead her by the hand off of the cloak. How odd. He picked up the crumpled garment and pulled it back on over her shoulders.

“Be a good girl and keep it on.”

Sep 14th, 2003, 06:06:52 AM
Now Fluffy was starting to get ill. Naj was frustrated with the other Wampa, and had come to take it out him. Fluffy wasnt cold, he didnt need the green thing. In fact, his fur was already starting to grow back! It was only one small patch, and it wasnt white, but it was fur, and it was enough for Fluffy to accept as progress.

As Naj wrapped the cloak over Fluffy's shoulders, Fluffy grabbed it and slung it back to the floor. He let out the scariest growl he could muster and pointed down, directly at his small patch of fur, HOPING Naj would get the idea. Sure he needed the green thing to sit on now, but as soon as some of this fur grew over his butt, he'd be free of it completely!

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:17:02 AM
Vega looked at what Daria was pointing at, then back at the wampa, then back at Daria.

“… I think she’s trying to tell us something,” he said, his tone totally arid.

“So long as one of us watches her, she’ll be fine. It’s not like anyone is going to wander onto the ship and take advantage of her with me here.”

Naj Arilov
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:30:04 AM
"Fine, just dont make it a habit of watching her too closely"

Fluffy didnt want the cloak on, for whatever reason, and Vega, though he carried himself with an air of authority, didnt really know how to command Fluffy.

"Anyway, how was I supposed to know you're a Force User, you weren't exactly carrying a sign..."

Naj had felt a tugging in his mind when he first walked up to Vega, but it was faint, and easily dismissable, given the current situation.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:01:33 AM
"Frell this!"

Daria and Daiq had walked and searched for over an hour and sure enough, the sidewalks seemed to have been rolled up at sunset. Nothing was open.

Damn Saurron and all his bloodsucking kind!

Grabbing Daria's hand, Daiq strode back to one shop that held a lot of promise. Bethia's Bed and Bath

Comforters, blankets, pillows, soaps, shampoos, the whole works were there for the taking and taking was exactly what she planned to do. Daiq looked down at her compnaion.

"I know that body youre in can run, so thats what I expect you to do once youve got an armful. I'll hang back and see what happens, keep you covered so dont worry about being chased. Ready?"

Daria nodded and scanned the area while Daiq pulled Vega's shirt off and wrapped it around her hand. *Smash*

The tinkling of broken glass was loud in the night and so were the alarms the went off. Daria darted inside and returned as quickly with arms laden then set off at a run down the street.

Daiq squeezed through the opening, gaining a few small cuts along the way but was out almost as fast as Daria had been. Her feet hit the pavement almost the same time as the flashing lights turned the corner.


Daria Nytherciria
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:31:10 AM
“Elx’lyr bo’ato jtoh’hom!”

The words came out as nothing much more than a wobbling shriek, even odder when said in Daiquiri’s voice. Daria’s hand dipped instinctively for her hood to shade her profile, but there was no cowl on her attire. She cursed again in Doz’rah before turning and sprinting. This body had been exercised well and she found she could run flat out with ease, not quite caring whether or not her counterpart was keeping pace.

“Hurry!” she barked, whirling around as she cleared a fence with glorious ease, setting herself and the street apart.