View Full Version : Future Trade Deals

Hapan Expeditionary Fleet
Aug 18th, 2003, 10:17:06 PM
We are still working on getting settled in, but as of now, it appears that we are settled on Corulag, pop.: 1,500,000,000.
We have all we need to get our economy going, but we need someone to sell either our raw/refined materiels, or the finished products. Right now it appears that our chief raw materiels will be Ores, such as the basic Ore used to make Durasteel, and Titanium Ore, Crude Oil, and some native animals that make fine meals. Refined Materiels will include Durasteel, Titanium Alloy, Coolant, and Steaks. Finally, finished products will include labor droids, Titanium Armour, Flash Coolant, and many other products. We need funds to sustain our fleet, and we are interested in trading this resources to help expand our fleet, no matter what kind of warships well be getting our hands on, a Rag-Tag Fleet, if you would.
Hope to Make Arrangements,
Commander Drake, H.E.F.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:49:12 PM
"We can perrrhapsss agrrree to a mutualljy benefjicjial trrrade agrrreement. Ourrr prrrjimarrrjy exporrrtsss arrre bjio-medjical, fjinancjial, and agrrrjiculturrral prrroductsss, jif jyou arrre jinterrresssted."