View Full Version : Alive and Well(open)*

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:47:19 PM
The young mother wandered into the bar for the first time since Inu and her had gotten "together" so to speak. It had been a hectic time but she was happier with how her life was now. She was clothed in a cloak with the hood up since by all accounts, the KAR thought she was dead. Her youngest, Hiroaki babbled in her arms while the bouncer checked her for weapons. Inu was back at their room with the other three but seeing as Hiroaki didn't share his father's present hair color nor his mother's, Sorr thought it would be okay to take him along.

Once checked, she wandered over to a table and sat down. A droid came up to take her order, Sajoi, she had been craving them for months since leaving this planet before. It wasn't long before her order returned with the droid. She ate one, ignoring its squeaking while her son looked curiously at the new squirming items, the mother was pondering if he was old enough to try them all the while.

*no KAR please, still don't want to rp that yet

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:45:20 PM
He had spent the evening cavorting with various New Republic senators in the Bar & Grill, discussing various dry bits of politics. Politely, Keerrourri excused himself from the table for a moment, and meandered his way to the bar for a drink, refreshing his glass with 50-year old Naboo brandy.

As he brought his glass up to his lips, his eyes connected with another familiar blue pair. He paused, arching an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Mossst jinterrressstjing."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 20th, 2003, 05:08:57 PM
Sorr being a half-breed had no idea who she had glanced at. Her eyes went back to her son who was babbling for some of her food. She looked to the one she was about to eat, bit it in half then handed over the hind end to him. Hiro eyed the odd looking meat, fluttering his ears curiously, his mother had never given him food that he had seen alive before. Sorr had by now moved on to another although still watching her son look at his. Hiro sniffed the prey a bit before putting it in his mouth and biting down on it with the few teeth he had. Soon he purred softly, it was good!

*no trouble please, Keer....

still open ppl.....:(