View Full Version : Creatures of the night...(open)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Aug 18th, 2003, 06:15:52 PM
OOC: This RP is going to take place in a blood pit. The floors are coverd with dirt. Open to anything...


It was especially cold this night, the creatures were coming out like they always did to feed on prey. Vampires were creatures of the night, coming out into the night to hunt upon their prey. There was one Vampire that had awoke this night in search for blood. The lid of the coffin that was holding the vampire Ambrose Braeden opened with a click. Lights flashed as it moved aside, to let the vampire rise from his sleep. After he had aquired his clothes, he walked out of his illustrious room.

Walking down the hallway, passing ancient tapestries that had lined the walls for as long as he had known them to be, he headed straight for the one room in the Shrine of the Damned that he had known all to well.

The doors to the Blood Pitt were enourmous structures that were held fast by huge hinges strapped onto the side of the door. The front covering of the mohogony doors was carved with archaic roons, describing its past. The vampire placed his hand upon the door and pushed slightly. The door gave way to the vampires motion, opening without a sound. Walking into the large room, he could smell the blood that had been sheded here many times before. The bones of the weak were skattered across the sandy floor. He looked to the pillars that stood directly in the center of the room, and could see a skeleton of a man, or was it. The bones were mutilated, bent into shapes not human. He looked away, recalling the many times he had participated in a simple spar.

The vampire reached outward, trying to feel the force. Then it hit him like a blast wave hitting a major city. The thing that he had searched for was right there, waiting to be found. The darkside pulsated within him, throughout him. He sent a message to all of the vampires who found the Shrine to become their home, and said a few simple words.

Come ...If any wants to participate in a simple spar, please come...

imported_Gerbo Lang
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:41:22 AM
A dark skin man dropped from the ceiling with a fang smile. He wore no shirt baring all his upper body tattoos. Black on Black they where but still visible to the naked eye and the vampire eye. Each Tattoo a symbol of the vampire lore, each tattoo describing a horrible death of a night creature.

The man in a crouching position from his drop looked up with his sunglass covered eyes. A sparkle off his Katana could be seen and it was evident this man was not meant to be here. He smelled like a vampire but this man was no vampire. He smelled like a mortal but this man was no mortal.

Lore spoke of his kind they where gods above creatures who thought they where gods. Their races had given birth to the creatures of the night and in that came a mistake in which most where out to fix. They where hunters of there own creation and they where the true damned. Hence came there name the Dhampire.

"I bet you where expecting a spar how about we change the rules a bit make this a fight to your death."

At the sound of his voice to decapitated vampire heads dropped from the ceiling.

"Cause I got a feeling your friend aren't going to show."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:41:56 PM
His head in a downward glance, but yet off to the side, Ambrose grinned at the Dhampire who was now in front of him. Gerbo Lang supposed that his foe would be upset by the decapitation of his fellow Vampires, but the Dark Knight cared nothing for the pittiful beings. They were the scum of the Vampire race, an infection which was spreading. An infection in which found its way to the dark man in front of the Sith Knight. The blade of his Katana glinted in the candlelight, making it seem all that more extravogent.

Ambrose had read of the so-called Dhampire and their ways. Their only mission in life was to kill what they were a part of. Kill their own race. They were the Vampire hunters, although many have died doing what they thought was honorable, some still lived. After tonight, there would be one less Vampire hunter left in the galaxie. The Sith had talked to many of his kind about this matter, and they all agreed with him, the Dhampire must be eliminated.

Bending the force to his will, the hilt of a lightsaber which was attached to Ambrose's belt floated swiftly into the palm of the Vampire. The grip felt so familiar, it felt right to have this weapon in his hand. When Ambrose had taken ahold of the saber hilt, he flipped a swich at the same time, activating the lightsaber. The maroon blade extended outward from the hilt, pulsating with life. The scent of burning ozone was in the air.

With his other hand, while Gerbo focused on the lightsaber, Ambrose grasped his Sith Dagger and pulled it free from its sheath. The archaic roons that were etched upon the face of the dagger ran up the entire blade.

With both weapons in hand, Ambrose awaited for his foe to make the first move. To make his last mistake he would ever do.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 4th, 2003, 01:56:13 AM
Ambrose was waiting for Gerbo Lang to make the first move. How sad Gerbo had never come across a vampire that wanted to act first it must have been fear. Gerbo came to a standing position his black shades covering his eyes that where full of rage. His white shiny fanged grin found his face it was on the verge of being psychotic.

"I can't believe my Kind ever spawned yours how pathetic. You’re just a parasite that craves the blood of the innocent. I will glad to see you die."

Gerbo Katana went above his head ready for his charge it was only being held by his right hand. Gerbo stood there for a few seconds longer waiting to see if the vampire would turn tail. To Gerbo's pleasure he stayed waiting for the charge.

Gerbo came in at blinding speed, which caught the vampire off guard. Dhampires where not able to be force adept and most where not this powerful. Gerbo still came in at such a fast speed and swung his sword on a downward slash from Ambrose’s left shoulder to right hip.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Sep 6th, 2003, 07:40:41 PM
Gerbo sliced at his foe, but to no avail. Ambrose manuverd his body to the left, allowing the Vampire to attack the half-breed from behind. The Dhampire's over confidence would be his downfall in the end. With his sith dagger still grasped firmly in the palm of the Dark Knight's hand, Ambrose thrust the dark embuded blade deep into the scapula bone of his enemy. Ambrose retracted the blade from where it had punctured the skin of the half-breed scum. The sharp sith blades magical properties began to immidiatly take their toll on the flesh of the Dhampire. If he did not do something quick, the flesh eating disease would find its way to the bone.

With Gerbo's arm still forward from the downward stroke, Ambrose quickly thrust the blade across the side of darkling. The wound was clean and the muscle was visible now to the naked eye of any onlookers. Through and through the blade had gone. Gerbo lang immidiatly fell to the floor in a heap, as the pain registerd fully in his mind. Ambrose looked upon him with discust as he spit in his direction.

"You pathic half breed, your worthless skills are no match for the true blood line of my heratige. The dhampire are envious of our TRUE race, for they have had but only a taste of immortality, and they crave for that wich they can not have."

imported_Gerbo Lang
Sep 6th, 2003, 10:49:30 PM
It only seemed that pain registered but gerbo was more tolerable then first thought. He was trained by the best assassins and their number one trick was to play possum on so poor smucks butt. This Vampire was cockier then most much the one named Val. Ambrose stepped closer talking down to gerbo. The man reached the pointed when Gerbo leaped from his heap quick drawing his silver tipped wagashi and driving it into the vampire impaling him.

Gerbo gave a twisted grin as he turn the wagashi clockwise in the vampire’s stomach to torture him. Then gerbo reached onto his belt and pulled a light grenade free. Ambrose Just cackled at the site of it.

"Eat this!"

Gerbo shoved the grenade into the cackling mouth as flickers of light shot off. Burning Ambrose’s face severally. Of course it would all hell in time but during that time he would feel true pain for probably the first time in his life. Gerbo Pulled away with his wagashi and winced in pain as he came to terms with his wounds. Blood trickled down his back and side oiling his dark body.

"You sith Blade will have no affect on me vampire, just like you disease does not affect me. I maybe only half vampire but I can still kick your sorry....." He cut the line short "You under estimate me to much maybe your immortality has gone to your head?"