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Rook Enfer
Aug 17th, 2003, 12:05:06 PM
Me donner le seigneur de mort prend ma vie

The night, the charming night. Such a night as this would bring joy to the long dead heart of Rook. The night was something Rook loved, the sights, the smell...The freedom. But not this eve. This eve was something different for the gentleman, in fact something completely different.

He found pubs and bars to be rather grotesque, something that worthless idiots see to. To make their dismal, pathetic lives happier with drink and merry with illusions. The shouts and ovations from such liquored up worthless cretins completely annoyed Rook, but for this evening he would have to ignore such things.

This was the kind of dump Javier would be in. Infested with low lives.

' I have no weapons.' He simply said in a unmoved tone as the gaurds checked him and let him pass through. Rook was dressed in the typical darksider garb. A large, sweeping, black cloak swallowed his body whole, not a single element of his body could be made out except his hands and face. it was evident that he had large boots on, the heals tapped loudly against the floor as he marched towards the bar.

On top of his head sat an equally black hat,old but tidy. The brim of the hat neatly covered his brow so that his eyes could not be met.

He took a seat at a table not far from the door, he had always to be near the night. The very smell was amazing to him.

There he waited for a sign of the person he searched for, unmoving.

Gav Mortis
Aug 18th, 2003, 02:08:17 PM
Sat in a busy corner of the bar and grill, Gav finished his conversation with a pair of mechanics and stood above the thick, grey cloud of stim smoke which he had been buried beneath while he conducted his business with the men. He clapped a hand on one of the mechanic's shoulders then walked off in the direction of the bar.

The Sith never made any effort to stand out in a crowd except for that one time when he provided a distraction while Diego kidnapped a padawan. The only feature which would make him stand out was the red face paint, it was used thinly with two streaks over his right eyebrow and one which started under his right eye and arched down the side of his face and along his jawbone to his chin. Once at the bar, he propped himself upon a stool and caught the attention of the bartender.

"A Dorian Quill, please." He said politely in a low voice. There was Dark Sider in the establishment other than him, he could sense were the person was because it felt like an icy needle was poking his brain from behind. He sighed and tried to ignore it.

Rook Enfer
Aug 18th, 2003, 04:09:06 PM
Another Darksider is here...

Rook sniffed the air as if trying to pick up the scent, only exhaled smoke and the smell of drink filled the bar. Horrible stench. Quite sickning. That very same feeling Gav was getting, Rook was having also. The pin prick sensation to the face of ones head, digging into the brain like a ice cold probe.

A horrible feeling, but one that could not be ignored.

Rooks eyes shifted from side to side looking for the other, the one giving him such a terrible feeling. A man not so far away stood up above the cloud of drifting smoke and made his way to the bar, it was him alright, the feeling as if drawn by him was tugging towards Mortis.

As if being led by the tugging, Rook stood up and started towards Gav, standing at the bar. Finaly asfter a few moments Rook stoof next to Gav at the bar, a strange feeling, a feeling of connection if anyway.

' I am Rook, Rook Enfer, i take it you felt me also?...' Rook said quietly, calculating.

Gav Mortis
Aug 18th, 2003, 06:26:30 PM
"I am Princess Kinnewecca from Kashyyyk." Replied Gav quietly, not looking in the direction of the man who'd approached him. He thanked the bartender for his drink and paid him. He swirled the golden liquor in it's glass, surveying it, then took a sip. "And no, I haven't felt you yet although if I did I'm sure mine would be the last hands to ever touch you."

Rook Enfer
Aug 19th, 2003, 06:15:15 AM
' How odd...' Rook retorted, a thin smile lined his lips. He rarely smiled, or showed any sign of emotion, but this, this made him smile. The barman approached, Rook ordered a drink and then turned back towards Mortis.

' So...Princess Kinnewecca. Lets get one thing very clear, i can feel shadow. I can feel your hatred so i ask you; don't fob me off with one of your sarcastic comments because it wont do. ' Continued Rook dangerously. He new Gav was rather powerful the anger inside of him was great, but Rook lived dangerously.

' I search for a Javier Enfer, i know he resides close. Javier and i are linked, we are brothers and i ask if you know anyone by this name, or close to this name?' Asked Enfer coldly, turning towards Gav. His eyes searching Mortis for any sign of emotion.

Gav Mortis
Aug 19th, 2003, 06:30:01 AM
"You can feel my hatred?" He repeated in the same aloof manner although this time he allowed a grim smile. "Wow. I suggest you check out that antenna of yours, because it sounds like it's a bit frelled to me."

He took another sip from his glass and took a curious glance around the bad making sure not to look at the man who'd approached him. He faced the bar once more and spoke to Rook more casually, still not making eye contact.

"Secondly, don't presume to make requests of me or I'll kill you just like I killed your brother."

Rook Enfer
Aug 19th, 2003, 06:35:06 AM
' Hes...dead?...' Asked Rook quietly.

Gav Mortis
Aug 19th, 2003, 06:40:31 AM
"How would I know?" Asked Gav in response, successfully repressing a grin.

Rook Enfer
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:37:26 AM
' Ah, i see your still even now trying to fool me around, how interesting...' Rook said, feeling let down that his brother was possible still alive.

Gav Mortis
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:24:35 PM
"So, what is it you're really after, Rook?" Gav asked, this time finally acknowledging Rook's presence by looking at him.