View Full Version : New Horizons (open)

Aug 17th, 2003, 10:02:27 AM
Mid-evening Coruscant was the Coruscant that Warlock enjoyed the most. As the night was tirelessly drawing in the skyline lit up like a swarm of dozing fireflies. From the Canon Temple, level upon level below that which the Jedi Order was built upon, it was like watching a gigantic dazzling Winter Fete tree. As he stood outside of the door to the bustling Bar and Grill he allowed himself a moments respite to take in the sights from above – the world was a different place depending on which layer of Coruscant you looked at it from, and it never ceased to impress and intrigue the old Warlock.

“A table for one,” he looked up into the face of a tall brutish man who stood by the normal and surmised after a moments thought that this was not a waiter, but in fact a bouncer. With a wry smile he paced by the pair, his ‘walking stick’ clacking against the polished floor. He pushed down his hood and surveyed the new area before finding himself a seat. With a heavy breath of relief he sat, glad to have the weight off of his feet.

Within moments a small droid rolled over expectantly towards him. He eyed it warily, leaning forwards as it bleeped and whirred, “Just a water if you will, my little friend,” he whispered, patting the thing on the head before it turned and wheeled away to tend to his request. It was certainly a well frequented place, Warlock thought as he sat back up. Seeing almost fifty different species in one room was quite a feat.

Aug 21st, 2003, 01:21:45 PM
Tyme always liked coming into the Bar and Grill. There was always something happening there, and as things would have it he was bored yet again, so he headed on down for something, anything to happen.

As usual, Tyme never saw the reason to give up his weapons at the door. But each time he came to the Bar the bouncer "convinced" him to reconsider. After another brief arguement Tyme entered the Bar.

The place was packed tonite. All sorts of speices and the like were everywhere, enjoying drinks and food. As a matter of fact the place was so packed not even one table was open. But he noticed that a table of one, the only table of one, was open. He figured it would be a good chance to grab a seat and maybe meet someone.

Tyme approached the table. "Hey, mind if i take a seat?"

Aug 22nd, 2003, 04:28:06 AM
“Not at all,” the Warlock smiled warmly.

He regarded Tyme with a slight squint for a moment, mulling over whether or not he was a Jedi. There were so many of them around now and not all stuck to the traditional appearance, so it was certainly likely.

“Quite the popular venue, mm… is it always this crowded here?”

Aug 22nd, 2003, 11:49:58 AM
Tyme took a seat across from Warlock, there was something about him, a darkness about him, Tyme didn't let it bother him too much at the moment.

As soon as Tyme took his seat a serving driod approached him. Tyme ordered himself a drink and turned back to Warlock.

"No actually, this is the most i've ever seen." He said, looking around. "But there is usually something going on every night, but with the no weapons deal at the door it's never anything violent." He said, grinning.

The driod came back with Tyme's ordered drink, he took it in his hands and sipped it. " 'Name's Tyme," he said, extending his hand.

Aug 24th, 2003, 08:07:55 AM
“Warlock,” he smiled and accepted the hand shake, surprisingly firmly for a man of his age. He saw the irony in meeting a man named Tyme and couldn’t help but look amused.

“Tyme… what an interesting name. Are you a learner here, Tyme?”

Aug 24th, 2003, 09:35:05 AM
"I'm actually not too sure what it is that i am doing here." Tyme said, shaking his head. "But yeah, i live at the Order and take some classes there."

He grabbed his drink and took a swig. "At first i needed help finding my ship, but now it looks like i'm there for a while."

He put his drink down and folded his arms on the table, looking over at Warlock. "And you say Tyme's an interesting name? What about Warlock..... Does that mean you're a warlock?" Tyme asked.

Sep 3rd, 2003, 02:27:22 AM
“It does indeed.”

He smiled thinly.

“Not sure what you’re doing, eh? Perhaps the Jedi life isn’t for you?”

Sep 4th, 2003, 05:18:50 PM
"Well i can't be too sure." Tyme said shaking his head. "I will have to see where this whole thing takes me." He took a drink and looked up.

"So where's a warlock like yourself from in the galaxy." He said smiling.

Sep 5th, 2003, 11:54:17 AM
“This very planet,” he smiled.

“I’ve spent all my life on Coruscant. It may not be the most beautiful place in the galaxy, but it certainly can be one of the most interesting. A great deal of opportunities to be found here, there are.”

Sep 7th, 2003, 07:56:39 PM
"You're definately right about that." Tyme replied, taking a drink. "Alot more than where i come from.... Ever been to Nar Shaddaa?"

Sep 13th, 2003, 02:20:42 AM
“No, as I said, I’ve never left Coruscant, but I have read about places… including Nar Shadaa. Quite an interesting planet, eh? Not your usual world. Those walkways are death traps.”

Sep 13th, 2003, 12:37:49 PM
"I couldn't agree with you more." Tyme said putting his cup down. "I'm from that deathtrap. But, i would have to say that place is good for buisness. See, i was a pilot, a free lance pilot who would take anyone anywhere no questions asked, for a fee of course."