View Full Version : Somewhere I Belong (Open)

Aug 16th, 2003, 09:47:45 PM

One of the biggest fears humans have are the unknown. Why? It makes sense. If you don't know what the consequences are, you are afraid to find out if they are good or bad. Death is an unknown. We fear death because we don't know what comes after it. Do we feel pain when we die? Is there life after death? Or do we just die... and that's it?

Desperation comes to us when we fear something. We fear our future, our life, and sometimes ourselves. Humans tend to socialize with eachother and usually gather in a community to depend on eachother for material and emotional needs. But we all feel lonely despite how big a community can be. If we're not understood by someone, we feel alone.


In the darkness of the alleys lay a young man resting. The lights of the populated city created reflections on the oily alley walls. The young one woke up, hearing sirens circulate the area.

"Agh. Who're they looking for now?"

The mysterious man shook his head and pushed himself up. An officer was standing near asking questions to a common pedestrian.

"...he goes by the name Blaine... we believe he's armed..."

Those were the only words the young man had heard the officer say. In less then a second, he began to move out quickly. Pacing his way away from the area, the officer saw him and began to follow him.

"Sir!" The officer said.

"Sir! I need to ask you a few questions" The officer insisted.

The mysterious one began to run. Of course, he had been the one they were looking for. He'd commited many crimes that he didn't know what he would be charged for.

Shots began to be fired by the officer's blaster. All Blaine could do was run. He ran and tried to find a way out of this situation.

Zereth Lancer
Aug 18th, 2003, 04:07:13 PM
Zereth was walking down a street when He heard blater shots, He ran into the alley were the sound was coming from and saw the police chasing a man

Zereth grabed a throwing knife and with great aim, hit one of the officers in the chest, the officer slumped forward and didnt move

Zereth ran after the other officer as with his long sword in hand, soon He was running alongside the officer who stoped runing and slumped forward as Zereth pulled his sword out of his back

Zereth stood there panting as he sheathed his sword and looked at the fleeing man.

Ace McCloud
Aug 18th, 2003, 11:27:46 PM
Ace McCloud sat meditating ontop of a high perch reaching off of one of the taller buildings. He had felt the presense of another dark force in the area, but he was focused on his meditation and didn't have time for formalities. He had been at it for several hours now, building up his dark force powers like he had been trained to do.

Blaster shots rang out through the street and shot through Ace's mind. He needed some action anyhow... Ace stood up, scouting the area, quickly making observations of buildings, people, and other such things in the area - a map for the battlefield if there was going to be a fight.

He bent his knees and swiftly jumped high into the air, his cloak floating in the air, rippling behind him. He landed beside the fleeing dark force and ran along beside him.

"Whats the trouble," he said through the shroud of his hood. Red eyes pierced through the darkness as he looked at man.

OOC: I believe this rpg takes place in the past...like 7-10 years or something.

Aug 19th, 2003, 08:48:21 PM
"That guy's crazy but as long as they don't catch me I don't really care." Blaine thought in his mind.

Blaine kept running and made a sharp turn in another alley. He'd been chased many times so he'd gotten used to running. Suddenly, he felt someone land right next to him.

"Whoa..." Was Blaine's only reaction.

He didn't know who the dark figure was but it didn't matter, Blaine kept running.

"Why do you need to know?" Blaine said in a rude manner.

He'd always been the anti-social type. Blaine had never really gotten along with anyone and that was why he was lonely in life.

Ace McCloud
Aug 21st, 2003, 06:30:19 PM
"Just curious I guess..." Ace said, keeping up with the man. He was pretty fast but Ace was just as fast. He could already tell he was anti-social, as was Ace. He hated most of humanity, his masters had told him this was a good thing...But he wasn't exactly sure.

Aug 21st, 2003, 07:52:11 PM
"How do I know you're not with them?" Blaine pointed at them by looking in the direction of the sirens.

He stopped and hid behind a big dumpster. He was breathing hard and began to sweat.

"Guess I'll have to take a risk. You know anyway we can get out of here?"

Zereth Lancer
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:51:57 AM
Zereth cought up with Blaine and Ace, He looked over his shoulder where the sound of sirens was cominh from

he tuned to blaine "sounds like your in a lot of trouble" Zereth grined.

Ace McCloud
Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:29:33 PM
"Do I look like I'm with them?" Ace said as they stopped.

"Yes I do actually. The rooftops would be the best escape, or we could just...dispose of them," he said. Something...ached at him when he said the last 3 words, but he didn't show it.

Ace watched as the ninja looking person came running up to them.

Aug 23rd, 2003, 10:19:31 PM
A ninja-like person approached them. It had been the one diverting the authorites from his location.

"Is this your friend?" Blaine asked Ace.

As Ace explained Blaine nodded.

"We can't do anything to them... too many people around. We do something, it'll turn big. Lead the way to the roof."

Ace McCloud
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:17:23 PM
Ace nodded. The buildings in this area were actually someone small, compared to the rest of the city, manuevering would prove easy. He lept up to the top of the building they were on, and as Blaine and the other ninja person followed, he jumped from roof to roof.

Zereth Lancer
Aug 24th, 2003, 03:14:05 PM
Zereth followed Ace up onto the roof "I say we should stay and fight those officers" HE smiled menacingly

he turned to Blaine "what do you think?"

Aug 24th, 2003, 06:04:48 PM
"Think logically" Blaine told Zereth.

"You do damage, they'll be looking for you all over the galaxy and there would be a large price on your head."

There was a gap between two buildings that seemed a bit wider than the previous ones they had jumped. Taking a deep breath, Blaine jumped and landed, barely making it. Shots were heard from the ground.

"We gotta find somewhere to hide or they'll have this place surrounded."

Ace McCloud
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:59:42 PM
Ace looked at Blaine, then back to Zereth.

"They wouldn't be that hard to dispose of anoynoumsly. They don't know I'm here, much less if I even exist..." He said, drawing out the hilt of his light saber.

OOC: Btw what planet is this?

Aug 31st, 2003, 07:41:11 PM
"I can't take that risk. I'm sorry, you can take care of them if you want but I'm out of here. So either you do this quietly or you're creating too much chaos..."

He was right. Not only would the trouble intensify itself even more, but Blaine's charges would be more intense. Blaine closed his eyes for a moment. He stopped running.

"We gotta get out of here. Do you have anywhere we can hide?" He asked Ace.

Ace McCloud
Sep 13th, 2003, 09:14:26 AM
OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post, things got a little busy.

IC: "There are many places to hide, but I believe they have Thermo-detectors...so our best chance is to run if you don't want to fight." Ace turned away, trying to think of somewhere they could go.

"Follow me," he said as he started running and jumping from building again.