View Full Version : A long Drink(open)

Aug 15th, 2003, 11:41:30 PM
*As he walked into the bar he scoffed at the smell. It was like someone had taken a doctor's office and turned it into a restruant of some kind. Oh well what ever they wanted to do to the bar was the owners busness after all. But being a Sith Master and all had it's advantages. However with the group he belonged to gone right now he had no where else to get a drink and relax, so keeping his cool was needed here. So Firebird1 just went over to the bar and sat down, and spoke to the bartender.*
Just a drink, please, something to drown sorrows.

Hayes Muirso
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:31:12 AM
The bartender nodded, squinting slightly at the rather odd looking man before turning away to rummage behind the bar for something suitable. Usually Jedi wanted perky drinks, with names like ‘Sunshine Twist’ or ‘Rainbow Surprise’, not something that you could drown your sorrows in. The best he could come up with was a bottle of old rum that looked as though it had been barely touched.

Hayes stood up, spun a glass into his hand and poured the liquid out before setting the bottle down on the bar top.

“Rough day?”

Aug 17th, 2003, 09:01:58 PM
Rough life really, but so far not a rough day.

*Firebird takes the rum and drinks a part of it, saving the rest for later, he then stops for a moment, and then begins to speak again.*

Strange this place, feeling more like a hospital then a bar. But then again considering the clients that come here that should be normal. Oh,well let me cut to the chase of the reason I'm here. I'm just waiting to be noticed, and to notice the new ones here.

Aug 17th, 2003, 09:30:19 PM
"That stuff will kill you, you know."

The man looked up from his own glass of water, dreadlocks falling into place at his shoulders. I tired look in his eyes, he regarded the man with thinly veiled indifference.

Hayes Muirso
Aug 18th, 2003, 04:28:10 AM
“So will a lot of things,” Hayes picked up a glass and continued his previous task of shining it. It was pointless really, when they had a machine that would do it, but he felt like he should always be keeping himself busy.

Looking back to Firebird he asked, “You want to be noticed, huh? Why’s that?”