View Full Version : Research (open)

Aug 15th, 2003, 11:05:07 PM
The library was going to be crowded tonight, the team of Sith had just arrived from the Coruscant Galactic Museum with plenty of stolen information. Cloning was the subject but whether or not useful information on it had been taken was yet to be seen.

Southstar took a random disc from the large pile and inserted it into the reader. Words and pictures appeared on the screen in front of him. This was going to take a long time to scan through all the information on the disc, let alone the entire pile.

Hopefully the others would receive the letters he'd left them soon and meet him in the library. Southstar had no desire to search alone.

Aug 16th, 2003, 02:43:47 AM
“The library…”

Warlock strode in and swelled with pride. How he loved libraries! He had been a clerk in one in his younger days and it had been a rewarding job. There was so much knowledge, and indeed power, to be found in books. Ahead he saw one of his fellow apprentices hunched over a screen studying some information, and so approached.

“What is the agenda for this evening then, my young friend?”

Aug 16th, 2003, 03:43:08 PM
"The agenda is to look through all these discs," He said and pointed to the pile on the table. "and make sense of it all. Most of the information is on the subject of cloning. As far as I understand there are plans to create clones for a Sith army." He paused " Sit down and get comfortable, this could go into tommorrow morning."

Aug 17th, 2003, 07:55:53 AM
Warlock wondered whatever the Sith would need an army for, when they themselves were soldiers of the highest power. Still, he had no aversion to sifting through the knowledge catalogued within the discs. It would be a pleasant change from the usual daily routine.

“Pray tell, where did all of this come from?” he inquired, as he casually slipped the first data disk in to browse.

Aug 17th, 2003, 10:00:11 AM
"There was a raid on the Coruscant Galactic Museum not too long ago." He said and inserted a new disc into the reader. "Hopefully it won't have been for nothing."

Aug 17th, 2003, 10:05:47 AM
“Aahhh,” Warlock squinted as he read the quickly changing text on the screen, that looked as if it had been stored in the most impossibly small font that writer could find.

“Well, I’m not sure a public museum would carry information enough to provide you with the means to create an army. Shame on the Senate if they have allowed such things,” he chuckled, as he skipped over a useless passage.

Aug 17th, 2003, 10:18:22 AM
"The galactic museum hold more than just books for general knowledge. It acts as an archive for the New Republic." Southstar said and sighed, this was getting ridiculous. He hadn't come across anything yet. "Information on the Clone Wars, the Kamino, and the Emperor's last attempt to resurrect himself should all be in here... I bet there even some Imperial information mixed in as well." He finished as the name Armaiil Kryatir appeared on the screen.

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:48:02 AM
Maxim entered the library and made his way over to where Southstar and Warlock were going through the disks that had been taken from the museum. He would have come earlier, only he’d had to finish reporting back to Lady Vader regarding several different issues. And then he’d grabbed a coffee, knowing that it would be a late night. He intended to remain there for hours on end, searching to find something, anything that might be helpful. He wanted a promotion, and he was working hard to get it.

“Hey….” He called out in his typical unanimated greeting to both the younger and elder man.

“You find anything yet?” He asked, reaching for a disk from the numerous piles and then slipping into a seat at the next computer terminal.

Aug 20th, 2003, 02:05:38 AM
Warlock looked up to Maxim with a momentarily smile and nodded his head in greeting.

“Nothing so far. I don’t imagine we will for some time. Things are usually in the last place you think to look for them.”

Aug 20th, 2003, 07:42:59 AM
"Sad but true." He said to Warlock.
Then someone walked in and Southstar turned to see, "Maxim." Southstar said and nodded. "Glad you could make it. With all this info here the more eyes to go over it the better."

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:56:13 AM
He rolled his eyes only slightly as a grin took momentary presence on his face. True, the old mans words were so true. Maxim had a great amount of respect for the old Warlock and was more than pleased to see him here to help out. His insights would likely be very beneficial.

He nodded to Southstar's greeting and his gaze scanned the pile of disks. And then he took a drink of his coffee and watched as the computer took its time in starting up.

“So, I read over the brief you sent on what we’re looking for….is there anything more specific that’s developed since then?”

He leaned back in the chair he sat in and swiveled slightly to face Southstar and the Warlock, dark eyes meeting those of his comrades.

Oolana Taine
Aug 21st, 2003, 08:39:56 PM
Oolana walked in to join the others and settled into her own terminal for the nite. She took some of the discs to her station and started searching. She had heard Maxim's words as she walked in and waited for Southstar's reply before joining in on the conversation.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:20:29 AM
Warlock wasn’t a man of the technological word. His computer had been beeping incessantly for about five minutes before he eventually managed to stop it by pushing some random buttons. Books – that was what he needed, books! He’d have their information before you could say Vaders bones if it was books, but no. This was what they had and they had to make do. A sad shame indeed.

“I’m not sure how we’re supposed to tell when its all moving so fast.”

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:13:08 PM
Maxim nodded to Oolana as she came in and grabbed a few disks from the pile near where he sat. He’d been spending more time with her lately, though they still had much to learn about each other in their developing friendship.

He couldn’t help but grin at the old warlock’s comment. There was such a big space between the generations at times, though often it could be bridged with other common themes.

Maxim leaned over toward the Warlock and took a look at his screen to see what he meant. It was still booting up, and as it finished, it sat there waiting patiently for its next command.

Aug 23rd, 2003, 12:27:06 AM
Southstar broke his stare from the screen and looked back at Maxim and Oolana. "Sorry. I haven't seen much besides technical info but I have seen a name appear twice now. Am- Ameal?.. No, Armaiil. Armaiil Kryatir." He said. "Nothing about him has appeared though. Who he is. Dead or alive..."

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 28th, 2003, 08:25:51 AM
Ah, here it came. The part of the daily routine that Je'gan Olraen loved the most. A visit to the library.

He turned the corner to find his customary study spot taken by a large group. Recognizing both Southstar and Warlock, he sent brief but respectful nods in their general direction, then sat down at a nearby table and buried himself in a thick book on lightsaber theory.

After a moment he spoke. "Want any help with that stack of datacards?"

Aug 28th, 2003, 02:02:14 PM
"It would be appreciated." Southstar replied to Je'gan. "He took a handful of cards and handed them over to Je'gan. "We're looking for information based on cloning technology and any scientists that may still be around."

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:27:15 PM
Nodding agreeably and beginning to hum quietly to himself, Je'gan settled down at the other table with his datapad and began to scroll through the first disk in his stack. Even speed-reading, he wasn't covering much ground; he seemed to have gotten some terribly dry and abominably detailed historical records from the Clone Wars.

A stray phrase caught his eye, in the middle of a report on some sort of criminal.

...created from a contaminated sample. Eagerly he read on.

The disappearance of the Carbassi shipment resulted in a cascading loss of the capability to repair the sample properly...

Carbassi shipment? Switching focus, he scrolled back up the page...and up the next...and up the next, until he found what he hoped was a clue of some sort. It looked to be the damage toll from some sort of natural disaster, and smack-dab in the middle...

Courier Alahorowi , Carbass to Filve. Cargo: 10 autobinders...

He highlighted both sections, sliding the pad across the table to Southstar.

"I, ah, think I may have found something," he said softly. In truth he wasn't entirely sure; cloning technology was slightly out of his experience. Whether 'Carbassi autobinders' were an important piece of the mechanism or not, the second reference definitely had something to do with the esoteric science.

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 29th, 2003, 09:27:06 AM
Maxim looked up from his work and curiously over at the pad that was slid to Southstar. Dark eyes narrowed as he wondered what had been found.

"What is it?" He asked, turning his gaze upon a member of the order he had not yet run into until now. It didnt seem to bother him. He was easygoing enough that slipping into conversations with people he didnt know came naturally.

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 29th, 2003, 11:26:51 AM
Je'gan furrowed his brows.

"Something called an autobinder, from a planet called Carbass. They seem to have something to do with cloning equipment, at any rate, more specifically with the proper replication of the DNA samples."

Aug 29th, 2003, 12:12:56 PM
Southstar scanned over it and switched the data card in his reader to an encyclopedia an searched the terms "Carbass" and "Autobinders". Nothing came up.

"I'm not sure what this really is. I have very little experience with cloning technology and the planet doesn't ring a bell." He said "But this information shouldn't be overlooked." He didn't know quite what to do with it at the moment, "Save it on a seperate disc and keep it in mind... Unless you know anything more."

By now Southstar had come across the name Armaiil Kryatir for the third time, so he brought it up. "Has anyone come across the name Armaiil Kryatir at all?"

Aug 30th, 2003, 02:14:34 AM
“I think …”

Warlock squinted at his screen.


He leant forward a little further.

“Yes, yes he is mentioned here.”

Aug 30th, 2003, 02:33:51 PM
"What's it say?" He asked Warlock. This Kryatir guy seemed to pretty popular in the cloning industry. Perhaps he could help with the Sith Order's plans, or be presuaded to at least.

Je'gan Olra'en
Aug 30th, 2003, 03:18:32 PM
Je'gan nodded, saving the relevant portion of the file and continuing on. He kept a special eye out for 'Armaiil Kryatir', but seemed to be finding a great deal of nothing.

He finished the datacard, tossed it aside, and went on to the next.

Sep 1st, 2003, 06:03:51 AM
“Just some mention of some scientific project that was published in the news, nothing of use,” Warlock murmed. He wasn’t having much luck at all.

Sep 1st, 2003, 07:58:38 AM
Southstar didn't say anything in response. He moved back to his chair and continues scanning on his own.

Hours had passed at a grueling pace, and nothing had turned up about anything. Southstar inserted a new disc with an imperial insigna on it and immediatly searched the name Armaiil Kryatir. What he got was not what he wanted: a list of the dead. He ran his finger down the screen looking for the name of the scientist and there it was: KIA.

He threw his reader down on the ground in anger. This search for this scientist was nothing but a wild goose chase. He wanted to hit something, break something, release his anger. But instead he thought, if this guy worked under the Empire, more than likely he worked with someone. Southstar highlighted Kryatir's name and looked up information concerning his death. He retrieved the name of the planet, specific location, and date and entered it into the holonet on a different computer.

Out of many different items that matched, Southstar was able to identify the one he wanted. He watched the local news clip of what had happened. In it, some had died, but only a few stormtroopers and an officer. The men in labcoats continued to live. Static erupted on the screen and the picture came back. Another stormtrooper was dead and the group of men in labcoats had disappeared. Presumed dead... He thought to himself.

Southstar organized the information so it was presentable and called the group of fellow researchers over to him. "Here's what I have so far..."

Maxim Vasilijev
Sep 2nd, 2003, 09:58:27 AM
He finished with the last of his disks before he stood to gather round. It had been a frustrating experience so far - particularly since Maxim was so short on patience to begin with. and then, to find so very little when looking at so very much.....

He cast a glance at the others gathered round, musing on what an ecclectic group it seemed to be. Funny how everyone could come together for a common purpose.

Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:19:00 PM
"... and that would be it." He finished. He took as sip from a glass of water and then decided to present his idea. "So, what I suggest is we send a team, of about four or so, to investigate whether or not this guy is really dead. Surely, someone must know him and know the truth about him."

"Since the Empire has him reported dead, I would expect he wouldn't be in any of the territories. So really all that leaves is New Republic space and a few independent areas..." He finished by trailing off into thought to see if he had forgotten to mention anything or think of anything that might come up. "Can anybody think of anything else we may need to consider before sending this team off? Also, how about some volunteers?"

Oolana Taine
Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:24:52 PM
"I'll go." Oolana said from her spot behind Southstar's console, "I could use an assignment."

Je'gan Olra'en
Sep 2nd, 2003, 04:35:46 PM
Je'gan shrugged. "I've been looking for something to do anyways...I'll definitely go."

Sep 5th, 2003, 11:55:55 AM
“I think my talents would be better spent here in the library,” Warlock replied, smiling vaguely, eyes drifting between Maxim and the others.

Sep 5th, 2003, 02:29:03 PM
"Well, I can go. unless someone would want to go in my place." Southstar said offering the suggestion to the group.