View Full Version : Putting A Bad Lupine Down

Jacob Nives
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:00:30 PM
The wake of evil spreads far and wide. A brief indulgence of bloodlust for one darksider can lead to the complete and utter destruction of hundreds of lives. Whole families, communities and even counties can be wiped out on a whim. This begs the question why are they allowed to do this? Well, quite simply they aren’t, but there isn’t anyone to stop them. All a Jedi can do is postpone the carnage, and bounty hunters are stupid enough (for the most part) to pursue such a ridiculously dangerous quarry.

Luckily enough, there are a reckless few. Among them was Jacob Nives, brigand and nefarious space pirate. Tall, handsome, if a little rough around the edges, and strong, he fit the bill perfectly.

“So who exactly am I going after?”

“His name is Vega Van-Derveld… he’s a Sith Lord.”

The figure slouched languidly perked up somewhat, “Lord? How many others tried this before I was offered the job, exactly?”

Marriot, major of a wreck that had once been known as a city, waved a dismissive hand at the incredulous half-smirk that his associate was giving him.

“That doesn’t matter. I have the utmost confidence in you, Jacob.”

“I’m sure you do, and that you said the same thing to all my predecessors.”

“Don’t be such a defeatist,” Marriot hissed. He and the people of his city, currently rebuilding their lives, were thirsty for revenge and had been parched for too long now. Van-Derveld had taken the city in the stride of one of his killing sprees and so far seven hunters had been sent out, with no luck.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’ll do it and do it properly,” the brigand chuckled.

“Good,” Marriot smoothed out his slightly ruffled feathers, “Your fee will be waiting for you here when you’re done.”

Marriot found it slightly odd what Nives had requested as payment, but it was much cheaper than the others had wanted and it didn’t put him much out of pocket. All he wanted was a ship, YT-1300 model so that it could be manned by a single person, some blasters (some of which were to be paid up front) and other miscellanea. Smugglers and pirates were queer folk.

“I’ll be back for it all in two days time, right?”

“Right, Jacob. Right.”

“I’ll be on my way then,” he swung his boots down from the table and pushed himself up to his feet, mock-saluting the major. Marriot trusted Nives, but there was something about him that made him a little unpredictable. Not a lot was known about him and his past, so it was impossible to place his motives. Nives obviously wasn’t his name, he’d taken that from old Jacob Nive, the old Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirate - so what else was he lying about?

“Wish me luck, little man,” he beamed, grinning toothily.

“Good luck, you crazy drannit.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

And with that Nives swept out of the room, snatching up his blaster pistols as he went. The door slammed behind him. Marriot sighed. He would later swear to his peers that the man was suicidal and that they would never see him again.

Well, at least he was correct on one account.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:17:45 PM
The twin moons of Fascinataru were both high in the sky. At this point in the evening it was almost as though time had switched quickly back to the day, as the two satellites reflected the far-off suns rays. Down outside of the Volfstadt, home of the Van-Dervelds, two figures were emerging from the castle gates. On the left, Vega and on the right, arm linked with her lovers, Daiquiri. They both looked as though they were dressed for some special occasion.

“How are you feeling, dear?”

Things in the Van-Derveld household had been a little bumpy as of late. Thanks to a run-in with Vicet, the Demi-Goddess of Chaos to whom the Lupine had once been an acolyte, Vega had been cursed for life. Daiquiri hadn’t come off too well as a result, having been ravaged by the gigantic monster that her husband had become.

“Better,” Vega sighed. He was heavy with guilt over what had happened. He knew Daiquiri wouldn’t hold it against him but it was still an awkward burden to carry.

“And I’ll feel much better once we get to Coruscant.”

The two were set to have lunch, half as an apology for Vega’s actions and half just as a change from dining in the big empty castle they called home. It promised to be a good evening. Very good indeed.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:37:14 AM
Lightly squeezing his hand as they parted to be seated, Daiquiri smiled reassuringly at him. Their wedded bliss had taken a sudden dive, thanks to the twisted amusement of Vicet and both husband and wife were trying to discover the best way to deal with it.

A change of pace seemed a good idea and when Vega suggested a trip to Coruscant, complete with dinner at a well known restaurant, how could she have refused?

Vega looked quite dashing and handsome as he sat across from her, his easy, lazy smile finding its way back to his lips. The lupine had suffered more than his share as of late and to see him smiling gave a boost to her own lowered spirits. Daiq looked back down at the menu in her hands.

"Everything looks so good. Im in the mood for something a bit more exotic than my usual. The spiced Q'wayel steak smothered in a chocolate blood-sauce sounds interesting. What about you, love?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:57:31 AM
Cyan eyes flickered back and forth over the menu to pick something out as a waiter approached. He smiled to himself as he spotted what he was looking for.

“The spitted Tsa’zor meat, well done,” he handed his book-menu back to their tender, with Daiquiri following suit. He smiled with pursed lips down at the waist-coat with arms who was serving them.

“And we’ll have a bottle of the 49 Corellian vintage, too, thanks.”

The waiter nodded and scurried off, leaving man and wife together.

“It will be nice to have someone other than the Jeeves and company cooking. Nothing against them, of course, but I think they’re beginning to purposefully cook bad meals just to spite us.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:30:12 AM
"Not 'us', Vega....you. They like me because I dont yell at them."

Daiquiri was teasing him yet it was the truth. All the staff were terrified of the Dark Lord and it wasnt a conducive atmosphere for their creativity. She had thought about hiring a chef proper but why spend the credits when he would only walk out before the first week was up?

Vega smirked over at his wife, enjoying her little dig. For the first time in several weeks, the smile actually reached his eyes. Daiq had stopped noticing the cloudy film that marred the vision in his left eye and simply accepted it as part of him. She was glad to see that Vega was more comfortable with his appearance - for one who had prided himself on his looks, the lupine was handling it well.

Their waiter approached and held the bottle out for Vegas inspection. At his nod, the wine was poured. They both took anticipated sips and found it to their liking.

Beneath the table, Daiquiri slipped off one of her heels, confident that the decorative tablecloth would hide the indiscretion of her running her toes up along one of his calves. You couldnt blame a girl for trying.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:35:44 AM
“I can’t tell you!”


“No! It’s p-p-private information!”

Ter Kargen, a work-experience apprentice in the bookings department of Chez Coruscant – the owner of a chain of high-priced diners all around the technological giant – was now regretting having signed up to work in his particular position. After all, having a gun pointed at your head wasn’t in the job description.

“… are you sure about that?”

“HEL-!” a hand clamped over Ter’s mouth as he felt the butt of the blaster pressed firmly against his skull. His captor wretched Ter backwards by his arms, which were being somehow held immobile by a single hand (providing this scum had only two, what with the other being busy poising itself over the trigger of a gun).

“What the frell are you doing?”

There were a few incoherent mumbles from the waiter in training, which sounded something like ‘sorry’ and ‘I didn’t mean to’, only with the vowels jumbled around and spoken with a mouthful of marbles.

“Just tell me which one he is in and you’re free,” the smooth voice of Jacob Nives said, as he lifted his pistol a little away from Kargen’s head and allowed him room to breathe.

Ter gasped for breath, “Huntington.”

Chez Huntington was one of the finest restaurants upper-west Coruscant had to offer. It didn’t surprise Jacob that this was where his target was spending the evening. After all, if you’ve got money, you might as well spend it –Van-Derveld seemed to have been blessed with a money-tree – and spend it well.

So off to Chez Huntington it was! Jacob shoved Ter forwards and struck him in the back of the head with his gun, knocking him unconscious almost immediately and stepping on over his body out back into the night.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:44:56 AM
In mid-sip of his drink, Vega had to use a lot of self-control to not snort the expensive wine up through his nose as he felt the touch against his leg. For a moment a lewd smile slid over his lips but it was replaced with unusual haste with a more innocent expression. The Lupine wet his lips and leant forward slightly, whispering:

“Don’t you think we should be saving that for later?”

And gave a wink before sitting back in his chair, not hesitating to give Daiquiri a quick playful nip under the table with the Force. He couldn’t help but grin. There was a hint of mischief in his expression still and this came from another rather impish gesture he’d made.

For a short while now he had been leading astray a Padawan of the Jedi Order, whom he had invited to join the Van-Dervelds this evening for dinner. Quay was not set to arrive for another twenty minutes, at which point the couple should have been onto their main course. She wasn’t expected to stay and dine, simply to see Vega enjoying a meal with his wife.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 11:26:51 AM
Matching wink for wink, Daiquiri continued the light caresses, not daring anything more bold....a permanent ban to one of her favorite restaurants wouldnt suit at all.

"I am saving it for later. I just want you to know whats in store."

For a split second, her blue eyes widened as she felt a tweak along one thigh. Their gestures were small yet spoke loudly between the pair. While their love ran strong, the more erotically arduous side of the marriage had suffered. Maybe, just maybe.... tonight would be different.

Her expression sobered for a moment and Daiq leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Have I told you today that I love you?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 11:48:25 AM
“Yes, but don’t let me stop you saying it again.”

Both corners of his lips tugged up vertical into another smile as he took the opportunity to kiss Daiquiri. It wasn’t encouraged to be so publicly affectionate in these types of places, but Vega had never been one for following codes and rules anyway. He took Daiquiri’s hands in his and sighed lightly as he looked down and noticed the difference between his well-worn hands and the barely touched feminine fingers in them.

“That is really starting to nark me,” Vega hissed a breath through his teeth as he glanced off to the side where a family sat, their baby bawling and screeching at the top of its vile little lungs.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:13:15 PM
As a mother herself, Daiquiri understood that when a baby is unhappy, it will do its best to gain all the support it can - misery loves company. As a diner in an expensive restaurant, her feelings were quite different. She hadnt come to this establishment to have her auditory senses pounded and like Vega, this particular child was becoming more than annoying,

"Perhaps we could switch tables?"

Her suggestion came too late. Vega was already out of his chair and striding purposefully towards the parents of the offending infant.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:27:43 PM
“I don’t see why we should have to be inconvenienced because of some little brat.”

This was the point in a normal couples evening where the woman would calm the man down, and tell him that the baby would hush soon. Evidently, Vega and Daiquiri were far from normal and so it wasn’t much of a surprise that the Lupine was setting down his glass and making his way towards the table.

No doubt an exasperated sigh was passing Daiquiri’s lips, but with all the pent up anger Vega had been building up lately it wasn’t entirely his fault. There was just one man sitting at the table, facing away from Vega, presumably with the baby in his arms.

“Excuse me, do you mind shutting that thing up?”

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:36:41 PM
The man swiveled in his chair, and indeed the baby was in his arms – or at least, a bundle of something vaguely baby sized and shaped was. He held it in a distinctly un-fatherly manner, which would no doubt be noted by Vega, but alas it would be all too late. With an innocent, mannerly smile spreading over his face, Jacob Nives apologized.

“I’m terribly sorry, sir. Little Pip hasn’t gotten much sleep lately.”

Something dark and definitely non-baby-like poked out of the cloth wrap and found itself trained right on something which the Lupine would have held dear to his heart, were it not right between his legs. A smug smile danced across Nives’ lips as he looked up into the half-confused half-enraged eyes of the wolf.

“I suppose the gun isn’t that good a replacement for his teddy bear.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:55:35 PM
Hopefully, Vega had heard her quick whisper of, 'Please ask nicely.' And as voices were still lowered, she assumed he had. Now Daiq could see that she had been mistaken in thinking there were two adults...only one was there and it was the father.

Taking another sip from the glass of wine, Daiquiri glanced across at the table where Vega was standing, wanting the situation to be resolved quickly. The mood of amore was running high between them and she didnt want anything to ruin that.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:59:25 PM
Vega’s eyes moved to the gun leveled at his groin, then back to the man holding it, then back to the gun, and to the man, and so forth for a long few moments of silence. This was certainly not what he’d expected, but it didn’t mean that the situation was going to turn out any differently than he’d intended. Baring his fangs in a tight-lipped smile, he glared down at the up-start.

“If you have any intelligence what so ever you’ll lower that weapon now.”

His heart was pumping with anticipation as he willed the idiot to do exactly the opposite of what he’d asked. Just one more smarmy remark and he’d have reason enough to tear off his head and shove that shrieking baby down his neck.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 01:06:17 PM
“Mark me stupid, then.”

Vega obviously didn’t need anymore warning than that. By the time Jacob was squeezing the trigger, the Lupine was dodging, deftly moving to one side and allowing the shrieking bolt of the blaster to strike not at himself but at the table he and Daiquiri had been sat at. The leg splintered and shattered, causing the whole table to collapse, spilling the wine everywhere.

The whole restaurant had turned to look at the sound of gunfire. It had been deadly silent in the room before it, save for the whine of violins playing some sonata, so it was hard to miss. Jacob was on his feet, the faux-baby cast aside revealing the twin set of pistols in his hands. Another two piercing shots were fired, and Vega leapt cleanly over Nives and the table at which he sat – the air rippling and humming with the Force – while Jacob twisted to tried and keep his aim on the blur of grey.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 01:28:14 PM
Jerking as the sound of blaster fire shattered first the quiet ambiance of the room and then the leg of the Van-Derveld table, Daiquiri successfully dumped the contents of her wind glass down her chest, whirling in her seat towards where Vega ahd been standing. Only he could cause such a reaction in otherwise calm and collected people.

It was worse than she thought. The 'father' had thrown down what appeared to be nothing more than a wadded up blanket and now had two nasty looking blasters out, doing his best to keep her husband in the sight of his fire.

Standing quickly. Daiq took loose aim and chucked her empty wine glass at the back of the mans head then snatched up her chair to block the bolt she anticipated coming her way. Just a moments distraction was all Vega would need.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 01:33:16 PM
Staff were swarming to try and quell whatever was brewing up, but it was no use. Testosterone plus testosterone can only equal one thing. Vega was stand precariously on a table that had been previously occupied by a family and had already drawn his yellow-bladed saber. One of Jacob’s bolts was sent bouncing right back at him, causing him to duck down beneath the cover of a table and subsequently dodge the oncoming glass hurled by Daiquiri.

People were rushing to leave now. A whole evening had gone ripe and was only just beginning to get rotten. While Nives took cover, Vega leapt forward with an over-head cleave that sliced the table in two. The halves were blast aside with the Force and his saber moved to come directly down on the floored idiot before him.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 01:38:04 PM
Jacob rolled to one side as the hissing beam met the ground where he had just been laid. Again he twisted over, rolling this time over the shards of the broken glass with a wince. One of the broken table legs was conveniently close by, which he kicked up into the air with a neat little display of control. Between it rising and falling, Vega managed another two unsuccessful overhead strikes on Jacob, while Nives himself holstered a pistol.

He rolled forward and straight beneath Van-Dervelds legs, twisting and snapping up to his feet just as the bar came down to meet his hand. While his gun hand centered on the Lupine’s knees, the pipe came swiftly cracking down towards the back of his head. It was either get knocked out by the blow to the skull or floored by the shot to the knees – or even better, both!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:03:35 PM
It was going from bad to worse. Several patrons had already been injured, whether from flying bits of wood or blaster fire being re-directed by strokes of Vegas saber.

More than once, Daiquiri had been forced to dodge both. Seeing a clear moment, she took one and a half running steps forward and promptly fell in an indelicate heap, her long, form-fitting gown neatly wrapping her legs together.

Brushing her hair out of her face - it had originally been styled back in a loose bun but was now hanging over her eyes thanks to the fall - Daiq sees Vega in a bit of a quandry.

Throwing out the palm of one hand towards the man ready to bash her husbands skull, she lets loose with a strong force push, sending him tumbling up against the entrance doors.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:08:43 PM
Nives was tossed away like a rag doll by the Force, but this didn’t stop his blaster shot kissing Vega’s backside. The Lupine winched and turned, a deep frown etched into his brow and threw a hand into the air – adding to the pressure that was barreling Jacob backwards and subsequently causing him to slam into the doors at such a velocity that they buckled and spat him onto the street outside.

Of course Vega was no where near finished. Saber cutting back and forth in front of his body to clear his path of debris, he stormed out into the street where Nives lay, shaken, on the fairly quiet road. There was an audience gathered at a good enough distance away, however, many of the belief that this man with a saber was a Jedi – after all, they were quite close to the Temple proper itself.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:15:01 PM
It was no surprise to Jacob that others had failed in killing Van-Derveld – he didn’t appear to know when to give up, and was limping fiercely onwards. So long as he had that lightsaber, he was well guarded and going to be difficult to break, therefore the first port of order would be to damage it some how. Unfortunately his hands were tied right now, with shooting and then ducking and diving to avoid and returning fire.

“I had expected a bit more from you, Van-Derveld!” he bellowed, laughing as he crouched sharply to avoid a horizontal swing of the Dark Jedi’s blade.

“Any old Jedi Padawan can do this sort of stuff,” he laughed, this time jumping and tucking his knees in close to avoid having his legs sawed off from the thigh down.

He grinned as he landed body low to the ground, blaster hand out forward. Jacob grinned and planted a direct hit right into Vega’s body as the Lupine was raising his saber for another swipe.

“You’re just a big push-over!”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:37:18 PM
With a frustrated growl and a deliberate tearing off of the lower portion of her gown, Daiquiri gains her feet, kicking off the other shoe. Blaster fire and the humming of Vegas saber reach her ears before she can clear the damaged doorway.

The two males were still squared away against each other though Vega was boldly closing the distance between the two, his blade swishing angrily like a cats tail.

"Vega, finish it! Stop playing around with this upstart and take him out!"

Her eyes shifted about, looking for something else to fling at the man hunched down in the street when she heard a collective gasp from the crowd.

Vega jerked as the bolt caught him mid-chest and he was lifted off his feet and flung backwards. It wasnt possible. This had to be some kind of terrible mistake!

Bending down, Daiq snatched up several pieces of broken glass, not caring that her fingers and palms were cut and now beginning to bleed. Using all her strength, she threw them straight at the man while rushing out onto the street to reach her husband before the other could.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:44:24 PM
Vega hit the floor and rolled, his saber skittering away from his grip in a desperate attempt to ensure he was not skewered on his own blade. As he found his balance and focus once more, Seraphim was no where in sight. Both Daiquiri and Jacob were heading towards him, the latter of which was in the lead and falling into a comfortable tucked roll right over something that was glinting in the streets dull lamplight.

His eyes moved up to Nives’ as the two regained their footing, his attacker brandishing the saber blade, now disengaged and pocketed. Unarmed, and aching from the burning wound in his chest, he looked to Daiquiri for aide. A bloodied silver shoal of glass shards were firing out of her grasp towards Jacob. As expected, the figure-hugging dress held no place for a saber, and the curves and bumps in her figure were all natural – she was carrying no weapon either.

“You think that is going to stop me? My whole body is weapon,” Vega roared, a fanged grin cutting over his lips as he started once again stalking towards Nives, ready to tear him limb from limb.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:49:10 PM
“Oh really? And which is the more powerful? You, or this blaster?”

Jacob sprang nimbly backwards onto a bench at the streets edge, looking down on the tower of a man before him with an arrogant glare. He balanced with cat-like grace on the wood for a moment, before it was pushed backwards by a wave of the Force. Nives retreated then across the grass, giving a quick glance around – there was an even bigger crowd now, excellent.

“You insolent fool, that thing is no match for me!” Vega howled, almost foaming at the mouth.

Wow. He really was full of himself. Jacob had to grin at this. Street-side objects were flying off into the air of their own accord now, a garbage can here, a brick there. It was like being in the center of an intangible cyclone.

“How about I test your thesis, dog? Or would you prefer I put you down with my bare hands?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 03:00:16 PM
Vega was swinging around to Nives right while his wife dashed barefooted off into the grass in an attempt to get behind him, wanting to trap the man between them.

Bystanders were scrabbling for cover now as all sort of items and objects hovered and flew about in the night air. rudely, Daiq shoved and pushed people out of her way, cursing them for idiots as they stumbled into her path.

Finally, she had managed the near impossible and had come out behind Nives. A sharp whistle from her alerted Vega to her position.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 03:06:38 PM
“Your ego’s writing cheques your body can’t cash, boy.”

Whatever minute part of Vega’s personality had considered a merciful death had now just been swayed to the violent, bloody and brutal plan concocted by the rest of his being. He swiped a hand out to the side towards the tree from behind which Daiquiri had emerged. It began to quiver and within seconds one of the large boughs was groaning and pulling itself free and swinging through the air at Jacob.

The branch swooped and hung in mid air for a moment, trembling, before the Force released its grip on the wood, just above Nives head.

Jacob Nives
Aug 16th, 2003, 03:11:43 PM
The rush of air and tingle of fear pushed Jacob backwards, as the heavy branch landed mere inches away at his feet. Someone was watching over him this evening that was certain. Nives palmed the other pistol back to its sheath and with the most covert of slight-of-hand took the lightsaber from his pocket.

“That’s rich coming from you, Rex.”


The blade was active again, and now it was Jacob wielding it. He moved at Vega, who swung a Force-enhanced right hook out at him. Evading the shot with unexplainable ease, he swept the yellow blade straight out at the unguarded Lupine. Irony, being what it was, decided to rear its laughable head at this point, and just as the beam was about to scissor Vega in half, the hilt shortened out, spewing sparks into the air and jolting Jacob with an unexpected whip of electricity that forced him to throw the weapon aside.

“Bloody rubbish,” he cursed as he brought both hands up to catch another jaw-shot.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 16th, 2003, 03:20:28 PM
Her breath caught in her throat as the blade jumped to life and was swung with all the strength Nives could muster. Sparks flew and jumped as Vegas blade suddenly shorted out.

Dropping it, the man shook his hand which Daiq was certain was stinging like all get out. Served him right. Now, Vega was free to pit his wiles against those of Nives.

Daiq held her place on the grass, ready to dart in should her husband need her assisstance.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2003, 04:06:06 AM
It was unfortunate that Seraphim appeared to have shorted, but it made Vega laugh none the less. The look on the idiots face when the beam had vanished when it was just about to strike him was priceless. Now, driving an elbow into Nives’ gut, he sent his opponent stumbling backwards.

“You haven’t got a snowballs chance in hell, drannit.”

He was quick to regain his wits, however, and swept a foot up in an unexpected kick that snapped across Vega’s jaw. Another came, but he was just gathered enough to slink beneath it. Now executing a kick of his own, Vega twisted his whole body to bring his heel crashing down onto Nives’.

Jacob Nives
Aug 17th, 2003, 04:11:29 AM

The brigand weaved and bobbed backwards, not taking any hits but then not delivering any. Finally he saw a respite in Van-Dervelds barrage and began his own. The two moved back and forth over the grass, circling one another as each would throw a shot, parry and then continue. Jacob was the first to break the cycle and begin a combination, however, and delivered first an uppercut followed by a kick to the chest that knocked the Lupine off of his feet.

“I think this says otherwise,” the blaster was pointed right down at Vega, who looked up from the ground with a furious scowl.

“You know, I’ve heard so much about you, Van-Derveld… and I’m beginning to think you’re not worthy of half of it. You’re just…” he gestured the blaster butt in the air with contempt.

“Some stuck-up little rich boy.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2003, 04:30:32 AM
Somehow, Nives once again seemed to come out on top while Vega wound up on his back. She didnt understand it....had Vegas fighting skills been shaken so terribly by both the Jedi Anbira and the Sith witch Sorsha, that his self-confidence needed to prove itself in drastic measures?

Whoever this man was, he knew how to handle himself....and her husband. The blaster lifted again with Vega once more glaring down the wrong end of the barrel. Daiquiri eased closer, straining to hear the words launched back and forth between the combatants.

Nives arm lifted higher and instinctively she reacted. A pulling motion was made by her and the blaster obeyed her call - it jerked sideways, removing Nives aim off her mate and restoring the battle to a semi-state of fairness.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 17th, 2003, 05:16:56 AM
What was happening up ahead Quay'Na wasn't sure of. She heard blaster bolts and a lot of yelling and screaming.

A raid? A robbery?

Whatever it was, was right near the restaurant where she was to meet Vega. She remembered him telling her it would definitely be a night she'd never forget.

Tonight, he was going to tell her that he loved her, that had to be it. They had been together for a long enough time, and her feelings for him had grown rapidly. More rapidly than she had ever expected.

Quay'Na had been lucky to have gotten out tonight, Sage had planned a dinner as well with all his Padawan's, but she faked illness and waited until he left their quarters.

Now, she was coming up on the crowds that were standing around and she heard a very familiar voice. It sounded like Vega. Pushing herself through the crowds, she went to get a better look.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2003, 05:20:39 AM
The blaster shot from Nives’ missed Vega by a wide angle as the barrel was torn upwards by Daiquiri. Vega grin and with a grunt managed to swing a boot up and knock the gun clean out of Jacob hands. Not letting the moment go to waste, he then swept a kick right at the infidels legs only to find that Jacob jumped cleanly over them – and oddly high into the air.

He was outstretched to reach the gun, but Vega caught it first and sent a volley of screaming shots at Jacob, who had somehow managed to arm himself with a trash-can lid and was using it as a crude shield.

Jacob Nives
Aug 17th, 2003, 05:24:04 AM
A sharp laugh came from behind the circular shield as Jacob brought it up to meet another round. It was sturdy, but it wouldn’t take much more punishment, that was certain. Already holes were forming in the surface. Luckily enough no one seemed to have called the Watch yet, but the amount of those watching was thickening by the minute.

“Hey Van-Derveld,” he called out, whipping the lid down and bringing it across his body, “Fetch!”

The disc span out at high-velocity and struck Vega in the throat, hopefully knocking his Adam’s apple right out of the back of his neck. Just to make sure the job had been done well, Jacob darted forwards and launched roundhouse right across the dazed Lupine’s jaw.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 17th, 2003, 11:21:31 AM
Daiquiri winced as the can lid struck Vega hard and her own hand came up involuntarily to her own throat. If her mate didnt do something and soon.....she refused to finish the thought.

Vega was still struggling, despite having the advantage of the gun. Daiqs jaw firmed. If things didnt start turning around, she would have to step in.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 17th, 2003, 10:02:39 PM
Quay'Na stood in awe at what was going on, she almost felt the pain as she saw the lid hit Vega in the throat. She was weaponless and she prayed he would get up, before the insane idiot killed him!!

Get up, Vega!! Get up!!

Her mind was reeling!!

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 18th, 2003, 05:19:34 AM
Choking for air as he grasped at his throat, Vega was smacked backwards once more by a kick to his jaw. He grunted and managed a shot that hit Jacob’s shoulder but didn’t go any lasting damage. From the last hit to his head, his vision had gone a little blurry – it was bad enough that he could only see out of one eye, but with this two he was having difficulty focusing and aiming correctly. His depth perception was defunct.

Still, it wouldn’t stop him firing. This dren was going to fall and fall hard for what he’d done. No one who had ever ticked him off had gotten off lightly – even Anbira went home with bruises, and this upstart would have plenty of his own if he wasn’t already dead..

Jacob Nives
Aug 18th, 2003, 06:03:00 AM
It should have been as easing as shooting fish in a barrel for Vega – but he was still managed to miss somehow. Nives didn’t take the time to gloat, however, like he knew the Lupine would have done, but instead capitalized. He jumped and kicked, and jumped and kicked again, punch punch kick, his fist and foot knocking the Lupine back and forth as the blaster shot up into the air and out of Vega’s reach.

“Now we’re even,” Nives grinned and back-handed Van-Derveld. He was dazed, not only by the hits but by the slowly daunting awareness to the fact that he was being royally beaten in battle by a man with no apparent Force capability.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 18th, 2003, 06:20:43 AM
Vega......do something....anything!

Shifting from one foot to the other, Daiq was almost rocking as the fight went on, with Vega taking the brunt of the blows.

What was he doing and more importantly, why was he doing it? This was unlike anything she had seen before from her mate and it left her feeling uneasy. If it went on much longer in this manner, she would have to interfer.

Daiq winced as another heavy fist landed on Vegas face, driving his head back. Rocking faster, she continued to watch as her husband swung out blindly, his aim way off the mark.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2003, 09:01:09 AM
Something warm was pooling on Vega’s lip and trickling down his chin. He brought up a hand, during a pause in the onslaught, and wiped away the blood, smearing it across his cuff and jaw. His nose was going to need some serious work after this – the last back hand felt as though it had totally dislodged it. As he inhaled he could feel the blood gathering in the back of his throat, and hacked, spitting it out.


Nives shot across the grass, propelled by the Force. His throat slammed against Vega’s open palm, held up in the air, and the Lupines hands melded into claws which slid around his throat tightly, closing off his windpipe.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 20th, 2003, 03:00:57 AM
Quay'Na had never see Vega fight and his use in the Force was more than overwhelming. But, now he was down and a dark blanket clouded her mind, as a sudden chill came over her.

A burst of energy had erupted from him momentarily and she watched in sudden horror the man she loved start to strangle the guy. She wanted so much to scream 'stop', but couldn't find her voice to do so.

Jacob Nives
Aug 20th, 2003, 03:12:54 AM
Oh, lifting him up had been such a bad idea. Now his legs were dangling at precisely the right height to deliver a nice sharp kick to the nuts.

“AAH!” Jacob hit the floor as Vega hissed, flinching and trying not too collapse from the pain. He doubled over – another terrible move – and this allowed a nice easy kick to his head. Nives neck was, admittedly, aching some, but the giddiness building up over time from giving the Lupine a good trouncing was keeping him in high spirits.

“Oh, I think you’re almost done now, Van-Derveld. How do you want to die? By the saber, blaster or should I wring your neck with my bare hands?” he laughed, as he delivered a sharp kick to Vega’s gut.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 20th, 2003, 03:24:56 AM
He'll signal me if he wants my help. I know he will....there'll be some kind of sign......I know Id see it.

Daiq kept telling herself this as once again Nives took the upper hand and Vega took the battering.

It hadnt registered before but now Daiquiri clearly took notice of the female who stood apart from the rest of the gathering. Standing a few feet in front of the crowd, her expression was one of horror as Vega took a foot in the belly.

For a brief moment, Daiquiri wondered what it was to her - the two males fighting - then just as quickly dismissed the woman and turned her attention back to the combatants.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:54:47 PM
Quay'Na cringed as she watched Vega take another hit. She'd never seen him so vulnerable and wanted so much to help him, but his attacker could simply plow her over.

She held no weapon and her hand to hand combat skills were far from being any help at all, especially in the black mini-dress she wore.

All she could do is be there for him and hope that he would be able to gain some footing of some sort.

Please, Vega...get up! Do something...anything!!

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2003, 01:07:17 PM
Fetal, Vega curled as he rolled down onto the floor. Another two hits to his stomach and he felt like he was going to vomit. What the hezmana was wrong? He should have been on his feet thrashing this unknown back and forth across the park like a punching bag. His vision wasn’t doing too well – he couldn’t tell whether he was fainting or if his one good eye was just deciding to pack up for the night.

“You better kill me now because I swear… if I… don’t die I will hunt you down and HHT!”

Nives’ boot struck him again.

“… and swift bloody vengenHHT!”

And again.

“Will beHHT!”



Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2003, 01:29:56 PM
Both hands flew out, palms facing each other only inches apart. A swift backward and opposite flinging of both appendages instantly separated the two men who looked as if they had been grabbed by invisble hands and tossed away from one another.

Vega rolled onto his knees, his mouth hanging open, whether from retching or gasping for air, Daiquiri wasnt sure. But even in the darkness, she could make out the streaks of red that issued from one of her husbands ears and now from his mouth as his stomach emptied of both his half eaten dinner and the blood that had accumulated from the repeated kicks to his belly.

Her own stomach tightened but not from Vegas gagging. It was the fear that she had waited too long and now before her very eyes, her mate was dying.

Jacob Nives
Aug 21st, 2003, 01:42:59 PM
His body was yanked backwards as if something had a hold of his spine itself. He saw Vega too go flying, and perhaps without realizing it, Daiquiri had just hindered her husband rather than helped him. Slowly he pulled himself to his feet, and squinted, looking to see how his opponent was before looking at his wife. For a moment he allowed himself the liberty of a grin, before limping his way towards the Lupine.

Jacob shook his head, eyes rolling as he planted the sole of his boot down against the Lupine’s cheek, pushing his face down against the dirt so his good eye was now blinded.
The pressure increased quickly, as Vega could no doubt feel his temple straining under the weight of the man above him.

Nives dipped into his holster and removed his pistol, setting the aim right as he pushed the Lupine onto his back. And fired.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 21st, 2003, 01:53:39 PM
Quay'Na felt the urge to be sick as her stomach turned into a chunk of ice, with the echo of the shot. Her instant reflex brought her hand to her mouth as she screamed.

No!! No!! This isn't happening!! Vega, no!!

The shot had to have been Vega's last vision...it was too close to not be deadly.

Vega was not moving, as tears came to her eyes, her knees felt weak. She stumbled forward and fell. Everything around her became blur as all her feelings for Vega poured out of her in anguish....

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2003, 02:03:54 PM
The shot hit Vega in the chest, burning through his flesh. Another tickled and seared his ribcage as blood pooled out over his shirt. The final third shot struck him and his body shock, arching upwards off of the ground. Everything began to slow down, as the pace of the Lupine’s breathing rapidly decreased.


His pupil dilated as now he was sure his vision was going. It was blurred and marred at the edges. Everything was so slow, as if mired in some great swamp. Nives, swaggering over him like some drunkard, while the vague shape of the crowd drew closer. Somewhere in the distance he thought he heard sirens, but it could have been anything. His hearing was all to pot now too and…


Just a little parting gift, a finishing blow. Nives had booted him again in the face, knocking his head back so that his empty gaze and blooded face could be seen by all. The last thing Vega would ever see was the stars, before his life drifted away, sucked into the endless void of nothingness.

Here lies Vega Van-Derveld.

In life, he was hated. In death, he was forgotten.

May his black soul burn forever in the unforgiving bowels of hell, where he may be cleansed of all his transgressions and sin.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2003, 02:50:16 PM
This wasnt happening....it couldnt happen.....not to Vega!!

Her head swam with the realization that her husband was dead, yet she was in a state of shock, swaying on her feet, her knees trembling.

What had gone so wrong?? Vega had been in many fights before and with better equipped men than this. Battling with lightsabers was the norm but this snake had defeated him almost barehanded.

Not once through their mental link had he asked or called her for help. Only one thought had filtered through and that was at the end.....total disbelief. Vega had known that he would win - no one beats a Van DerVeld!

Daiquiri couldnt tear her eyes away from his body, staring at it as one might when happening upon some gruesome wreck. You tried hard not to look yet despite the intentions, you had to gaze at the carnage.

Someone had moved into her narrowed field of vision and was bending over his body, lifting him up and wrapping her arms around him, her head bent over Vegas chest, wetting his shirt with her tears.

Still, she remained rooted to the spot, her mind unwilling to accept the devastating lose........until the laughter began. Deep and loud, it echoed on the night air, booming its malicious pleasure at the scene.

"And here I thought the poor bastard wouldnt have anyone to mourn him. Now, who would this pretty young lady be? Certainly not his wife! Come now, Mrs. Van Derveld! Are you going to let your husbands' whore take your place at his side?"

Something snapped, then. Maybe it was her heart or it could have been her mind. Whichever it was took a violent exception to Nives taunts.

Her teeth snapped shut and her lips drew back in a snarl as her body flew into motion. Bare toes dug into the earth, digging for purchase as she charged Vegas murderer. Daiquiri had only one purpose in her life at this time.......she wouldnt stop until his still beating heart was in her hands.

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:06:43 AM
Nives knew when to fight and when to flee. Already worn from battle it would have been senseless to stay and take on another power such as Daiquiri. So he bolted. He turned and as fast as his legs could carry him – which was pretty darn fast – burst through the crowd. Now that the kill was complete, people were swarming inwards towards Van-Dervelds fallen body, some out of morbid curiousity, others weeping simply at the sight of it. It didn’t matter who he was, it was just enough that he was laying there, torn up before them.

Jacob hopped a bench, twisting in mid air and spotting Daiquiri still hot on his tail. The blaster still in his hand took aim upwards above the Mistress as he let two shots strike a tree branch which began to shift precariously as though about to fall.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:20:28 AM
And still she kept coming.

Daiq couldnt be bothered with the mere falling of a branch and with a wave of her hand it lifted, giving just enough time for her pass beneath in hot pursuit before crashing down behind her.

Up and over the same bench she went, her bare feet heedless of what they trod on. Nives' scent was strong in her nostrils - from his efforts in defeating the lupine, his body odor was like a beacon and Vegas blood clung like a magnet to his clothing. A human such as herself could have trailed him on a moonless night. But it wasnt moonless. It shone in all its glory, that pale orb, and lit the way for her.

Nives would not escape.

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:25:32 AM
Frell. Jacob turned again and skidded as he turned to dart off down a street. Some people were following, getting caught up in the mob spirit. It always happened – people didn’t need to know why they were jeering and waving torches, they just marched right on up to that castle and bayed for blood. Nives situation was no different. Daiquiri might have been the only real threat, but that didn’t eliminate the possibility of being trampled to death.

Up ahead, shops stretched down the street. He leapt for one of the signs – a thin pole – and swung himself around it, up onto the taught material canopy that hung out in front of the building. Lady Van-Dervelds form approached quickly, and again he targeted it. No, just Vega. You only came for Vega.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he barked out, “but I swear, if you don’t back off I’ll fill your pretty head full of shots so fast…”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:57:50 AM
Her blue eyes had locked on Nives at the beginning of the chase and she honed in on him like a photon torpedo. Did he really think that waving a blaster around was going to make her stop??


Daiquiri opened herself fully to the darkness, letting it take her mind and soul to a depth of hatred and anger she had never known. She could feel it twisting and turning inside, demanding an outlet, seeking a release. The Widow Van-Derveld would give it what it begged for.

She poured on the speed, the Force assisting her movements and ran beneath the awning. Out of instinct, Nives fired - once, twice, three times. Blackened, scorched holes appeared in the material where he now stood and combined with his weight, the canopy gave way.

Just in time, the pirate assassin jumped back, his feet hitting the rooftop. Blaster leveled down at the sidewalk, he carefully peered over, expecting to see Vegas wife trapped beneath the heavy awning. A frown grew as his eyes searched the ground below.

Daiquiri was nowhere in sight.

A sudden itching between his shoulder blades caused him to spin, his blaster following suit. A slender hand caught and held his wrist with un-natural ease - forcing the weapon away from its intended victim. A blinding left roundhouse caught him halfway between one eye and his nose.

His eyes watered and Nives staggered back.....right off the edge of the roof.

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:04:49 AM
There was a moment where he knew he was going to fall. It was only a few seconds, but in them he could feel his boots loosing grip on the ledge of the roof – and off he went. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation, falling that is, it just always seemed to take a long time. Sure enough he hit the floor, and silently hoped his back wouldn’t just shatter. Luckily it wasn’t a big drop so all he came out with was a few bruises and lack of air in his lungs.

Jacob pulled the trigger a couple of times, he wasn’t sure how many, before rolling over onto his stomach and pushing up to his feet. Would he really get penalized for taking Van-Dervelds wife down too? He didn’t know anything about her and he wasn’t sure if Marriott did either. Perhaps she was just as bad as her husband. In the end it wasn’t his call so he did what all criminals did best – kept running. He figured if he kept at it, he could outrun her in some dark alleys or something like that.

If not, someone was going to die.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:20:56 AM
His shots were too late. The second he dropped, Daiquiri was already off the roof and crouched down in an alley beside the store.

Nives had groaned as he gathered his feet under him, taking off at a run again. In the shadows of her hiding place, she watched as he trotted away, glancing over his shoulder.

A quick look beside and Daiquiri found the perfect poetic justice. A large trash receptacle rested there, its lid skewed at an angle. Her smile was deadly as she removed it and dashed unseen back through the alley, coming out on the street that paralleled the one Nives was still running down.

Force-aided, her long legs pumped, her figure a near blur as she raced ahead then cut down a connecting side road to intercept the brigand. Flattening against the corner shop, she strained to listen as his footfalls drew even.

Stepping out, Daiq whipped her arm towards him, the metal lid zinging straight at his blaster hand.

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:31:20 AM
Nives took option one of the three routes set before him – drop the blaster and snatch his hand backwards. Two and three, involving the gun being split in two, and his wrist being detached from the rest of his body, somehow just didn’t seem all too promising. Still, the lid managed to snick him and he brought his hand up to his chest sharply as hot pain darted through his fingertips.

What the frell are you doing! he turned, looking out into the street where Daiquiri was pressed up against the wall still, her expression comparable to a deranged psychopath. Snapping back into the comfort of his dark alley, Nives started off through the detritus and debris, ducking behind dumpsters. There was a ladder up ahead and he was sure if he could make it up it and onto the ladder around the building then he could loose Daiquiri by kicking away he only means of following.

So that was what he did – gingerly trying to pull himself up using his good hand only.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:49:15 AM
It came easily into her outstretched hand and her fingers curled around the warm butt of the blaster. Daiq stared at it, this weapon that had helped take her husbands life and ran one finger along the barrel, lovingly touching the dried spots of blood.

From down the alley Nives had ducked into, she could hear him trying to make good his escape. Daiquiri tucked the gun down in her cleavage as she blended into the surrounding shadows.

She paused only once, listening for the sound of the mob that had formed but thankfully they had been left far behind. This widow didnt need an audience to witness her grief. There was one person alone who would be with her at Nives time of reckoning....and that was Nives himself.

Relentlessly, she pressed on.

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:55:45 AM
It was a case of climb, wince, climb, wince, climb, and wince. For every rung he would pull himself up, he would have to pause. After a while it just became a dull throb in the back of his head, and was then bearable. He managed to get himself up onto the first level of the grating and griped the rail that ran around the outside of the platform. There were four flights of stairs that would take him upwards - and conveniently to where his ship was, assuming it hadn’t been stolen.

Running up the steps was easy enough, and with them being outside he could keep a good eye out for if Daiquiri did manage to get after him – which he didn’t think was too likely, after having pulled the ladder up out of reach. Unless she could jump… but he didn’t really want to think about that. Up the stairs and he was home free, that was what was important.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 04:16:24 AM
Like a wolf in the darkness, she watched as he struggled to make it up the ladder. There were other ways up to the level he was on.

Quickly, she went back out onto the street, studying the rooftops of the taller buildings. Just why Nives was so eager to climb that ladder hadnt been apparent to her at first but now....

One shop in particular was larger than the rest, broader by far and with a nice flat roof to match. It all added up and Daiquiri walked calmly up to the large glass doors of the store.

Two shots was all it took for the lock to give way. It also set off the alarm but the Watch would have to wait this night. Striding in, her eyes searched for the stairs that would lead her up to her prey. There, in the back of the shop large red electronic letters glowed, indicating the staircase.

Racing upwards, she could feel the ache of her muscles and the drain on her energy from her free and willful use of the Force. Daiq wouldnt argue the price...nothing was too great to settle this score.

Only a few stairs more and she burst out onto the roof, the blaster held snug in one hand. Scissor-stepping up to the ship, she peered castiously around the nose.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:23:35 AM
Nothing registered with Quay'Na, no sound, no movement. Just that the man she loved was gone.
She stared at the fallen Lupine with shocked and pain-filled eyes. She hugged his lifeless body to her chest as unstoppable tears ran down her cheeks. "Come back, come back..." she begged him, but it was useless. Quay'Na could not call his spirit back.

Vega had fled beyond the grave, it was over.

The sirens of the Watch and med-teams wailed announcing their approach. Red lights flashed from every direction, as emergency workers poured out from the vehicals. Quay'Na barely noticed.

She didn't notice the noise or movement around her, it was too unreal, like a dream. But, this was no dream, it was a nightmare. A horrible, gruesome nightmare.

Her first love was gone and Quay'Na felt as though a huge piece of her heart had been ripped from her.

Not even her former Master's death could match this. Her mind was reeling in devastation as her emotions threatened to crush her.

Someone had gently tried to pull her away from Vega's body, but Quay'Na refused to let go. This is all wrong! It should not have happened! Quay'Na felt sure of that, but she was unable to deny the reality of what she had just witnessed and knew the memory would not leave her anytime soon. If ever.

Something deep inside Quay'Na's mind had told her that something had gone terribly wrong.

"Miss? Miss, we can't leave his body here. I'm sorry, Miss. I'm so sorry." A young female emergency worker told Quay'Na as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Devastatingly, Quay'Na let go of Vega's body, it was only a shell now of what her love had been only a short while ago.

Numbly, she rose to her feet, amazed that she could still do so.

Quay'Na stood there with tears of grief and agony rolling down her cheeks as life resumed around and proceeded to rush around her.

She watched as Vega's body was taken away, though she was still unable to comprehend it. It had happened so fast.

The young Padawan felt numb with grief and wasn't sure what she was doing or where she was going. So, she just walked....

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:08:54 AM
Jacob had climbed into the craft mere minutes earlier. Cradling what he was now sure was a fractured wrist; he had fallen down into the captains’ seat and begun the various procedures needed for take off. If he wasn’t gone soon, someone would tip the Watch off to his location and there would be police swoops and speeders all over him.

“Stupid tralk,” he flexed his fingers and felt them ache and burn, almost jumping as he heard a noise coming from outside – footsteps. He swiveled in the chair and darted down against the floor, tucking himself into a little hidden spot beneath the control panel. Holding his breath, he hoped for the best. The ship was already beginning to take off - whoever was on had better get out soon.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:30:22 AM
As she had set foot on the small ramp, the engines rumbled to life, the vibrations tingling her toes. Hmm, loose deck plating. Have to remember that.

The conveyence wasnt big - in fact it was much smaller than Daiq would have imagined - and had she been remotely in the mood to tease someone, well...........a soft whisper of movement came from just ahead.

It was only an afterthought but it fit the situation perfectly. Beside the ramp was the open/close button. She palmed it. No one was getting off this ship....not yet. Not until she was finished with the business at hand.

Nives blaster was still in her hand and ever so silently Daiquiri eased up to the small cockpit. The tiniest of sounds became amplified within the confines of the small ship.

"Come out, come out wherever you are....."

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:35:37 AM
Nives heart was thumping in his ears, but relief came over him when he caught a quick glimpse of who had just stowed onto the ship. Oh. It’s just Daiq.

Jacob’s face peeked out from beneath the dash, straining to get a look up at the blonde from his hideaway. He pushed himself out slowly and up to his feet. He frowned, and rose his hands up, giving a nod to the one which was looking quite badly bruised. He edged forward a few paces, apparently trying to not move too much.

“What took you so long?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:49:58 AM
"What took me so long is that someone thought it would be funny to pull the ladder up after him....'Jacob'."

Daiq winced as she looked at his hand then lifted it up to her lips.

"Sorry 'bout that. Next time, dont make me run so far. Do you know how sweaty I am? I stink, now. Here, give me a kiss ....I'll fly and you get some ice for that, hm?"

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:54:54 AM
Jacob fell down into the captains seat and breathed a heavy sigh.

“Just wanted to make it look real, you know? … Well of course you know,” he gave his hand another sideward glance before raising an eyebrow at Daiquiri.

“Worked though, didn’t it? Shame there weren’t more people around, but I did the job and you played your part wonderfully.”

As Daiq wandered past Jacob to sit down, he snared her with his good arm and pulled her down into his lap, head nuzzled against her neck.

“I already started the automatic take-off”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:06:30 AM
From the dashboard, Daiquiri could hear all kinds of beeps, clicks and whirrs - a language that she never understood....but auto take-off could be a good thing if it were coupled with auto-pilot.

"How much time do we have before arrival? We are going back... right?"

His arm tightened more around her waist but her expression suddenly grew serious.

"I wonder who that woman was....?"

Jacob Nives
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:13:40 AM
“Of course we’re going back, and it’ll probably be… couple of hours before we arrive.”

The question of who the woman was left Jacob confused for a moment. Which one? There had been plenty watching the fight – but then it struck him. Of course, Quay had arrived and probably looked absolutely mortified when Vega had been struck down.

“That girl… oh yeah,” he held Daiquiri in a little closer.

“A friend of Vega’s. Jedi Padawan. From what I gather, she’d grown quite attached to him.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:19:41 AM
Incredulous blue eyes met his.

"From what you gathered? You dont know? Dont even act like....."

In a most effective manner, Jacob put an end to the blonde's ranting, silencing her wiht a kiss. After a few moments, Daiq forgot that she had been saying anything.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:42:18 PM
Quay'Na had no idea how long she'd walked around in her still numb state. Vega, was gone. The memory of his murder played over and over again in her mind and as it did fresh tears of agony flowed again.

At last hours later...she was back at the Temple. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31489)

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2003, 04:32:39 AM
Continued here (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8239)...