View Full Version : Through the hands of Faith...(Faith Lerf)

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 15th, 2003, 01:49:23 PM

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 01:53:54 PM
River Kincaid sighed deeply as he sat in a booth and awaited for Faith's arrival. The conversation at hand would be hard for both of them. But, he had made his decision, he had to leave the Jedi Order.

There would be no turning back now, or ever. But, he knew it would still hurt both of them, it was hurting him now.

Even though, River had only known Faith for a short time, it had seemed like he'd known her forever.

Lighting a cigarette, he sighed again and wondered how he could put what he had to say into words...

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 06:08:15 PM
Faith entered the B&G. She nodded with a smile to the gaurds as she passed. She looked around and stopped River. This message was rather strange, but she was still happy none the less. She made her way over to him, smiling the whole way. She bent over and planted a kiss on his cheek before sitting down. "Hey, River. How are you?"

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 08:58:14 PM
"I'm...well, today has not been the greatest for me in some ways more than others. Would you care for a drink, Faith?" He asked kindly.

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:10:06 PM
Faith looked at River strangely. She raised an eye-brow. "I'm sorry to hear that. I drink sounds good as well."

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:19:18 PM
He signaled for a server droid. He needed something strong for this. The droid came over a moment later. "I'll take a Corellian whiskey on the rocks. Faith?" He looked at her.

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:20:27 PM
Faith shrugged; she usually wasn't a big drinker, but exceptions could be made. "Surprise me." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:27:05 PM
River pursed his lips in concentration. "Hmmm....let's have a Falycin berry Margarita for the 'las." He finally ordered and watched the droid roll away. He took another drag off his cigarette. "Let's enjoy this evening, shall we?"

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:28:18 PM
Faith nodded, she barely noticed the cigarette. After spending so much time with River and his family the past couple weeks, she's learned to live with it. "Oh, I'm sure we shall."

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:34:38 PM
"I hear that some sort of string band is going to be in here this evening, perhaps you could interest this two-bit hunter in a dance later on?" River had alway loved to dance and he loved the older music, no words just simple music.

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:38:00 PM
Faith smiled mysteriously. "I'm sure we could work something out." She looked at him again, studying his face. "I can't help but wonder, is this what you called me here for? To drink and dance?" Even through all the time they had spent together recently, Faith still felt this behavior was rather odd. "Don't get my wrong, River, I'm happy to be here with you."

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:44:45 PM
River sighed deeply. He didn't want to ruin the evening. That would happen soon enough on it's own. "I do have some things to discuss..but later...let's just enjoy this time we have together."

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:46:47 PM
Faith laughed slightly. "You sounds as if you are dying or something." She said as a joke, but then suddenly she began to think of that option seriously. "You aren't dying are you!? I wouldn't know what to do without you!" Even though they didn't know each other long, Faith still felt very strongly for him. Maybe even more strongly than he felt about her.

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:52:36 PM
He winced slightly, "no. I'm not dying. But, I am going through some rather...interesting changes to say the least. Changes that have just come to my attention in the past couple of days. But, let's not worry about that right now." Their drinks came a moment later. River held up his glass. "Let's make a toast to friendship."

Faith Lerf
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:54:44 PM
Faith nodded and let the idea of River's death and anything else they would talk about later and just focused on the here and now with River. "To friendship." She raised her glass and took a sip. "Wow, this is good. I don't know why I haven't had one of these before."

River Kincaid
Aug 16th, 2003, 06:04:38 AM
River smiled. "I'm glad you approve." He took a drink of his own and let the burn rush to his stomach.

Faith Lerf
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:05:06 AM
"So, River, how are Ry-Obi and Hunter doing?" She asked as she took another sip of her drink.

River Kincaid
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:37:13 PM
"They are both doing well, Hunter has been mroe assertive these past couple of days. Ry-Obi is... Ry-Obi. The mischievious one, got caught the other day throwing water balloons off the hover pad. So, he's kinda grounded right now."

River laughed in spite of himself, it was no different then one of his pranks he pulled in the Forrester Clan when he was a child. But, this was the Jedi Temple and he was caught by no other than another Master. So, punishment was expected.

Faith Lerf
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:23:57 PM
Faith laughed. "That's Ry-Obi for you. I'm glad Hunter is doing well. I have missed them lately, you guys have been pretty busy."

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 02:03:39 AM
"Yes, we have been." River nodded absently. "Our lives seem to be more and more on the go as each day passes...." His voice trailed off not wanting to say too much yet, the time was not right.

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 08:50:34 AM
Faith nodded. "I can understand that. With all the training and classes and such, it can really take over ones life."

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 08:38:16 PM
"Well, I'm not attending classes at the moment, things were kinda in limbo there for a while. But, I've found my place now..." The server droid rolled up to take their food order. "I know what I want, Faith. Are you ready to order?"

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 08:40:43 PM
Faith raised an eyebrow. She wondered what he was talking about. "I thought you were with Xazor. . . " She began to ask as the droid rolled up. She thought for a moment before answering. "Just a small leaf salad and a root and chicken stew." It seemed her question was forgotten as they began to order.

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 08:47:56 PM
River smiled briefly then looked to the droid. "I'll take a bantha steak medium rare and baked potato." The droid took their orders and rolled away. "So...Faith, I want you to know, that I want this night to be a night you'll always remember." He did want that for her, even though it would no doubt be their last. He tipped up his drink and swallowed.

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 08:54:51 PM
Faith raised an eyebrow again. "I hope it's a night I'll never forget either." The converstation began to sound more and more like it was leading towards death and Faith didn't like that. She began to get nervous. "So, would you like to dance while we wait for our food or just sit and talk?"

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:01:28 PM
"Dancing? Yes, dancing sounds good." He told her as he stood and held a hand out to her.

The band was playing a very soft song, perfect for them.

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:04:13 PM
Faith took his hand and her heart began to speed a little bit. She smiled to him. For some reason she was just attracted to him, even though she knew that he wasn't attracted back, or so she though. Even though tonight was beginning to change her mind. She looked into his eyes as he pulled her close. She looked up at him as they began to sway back and forth. "This is nice."

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:19:43 PM
It was nice, it was very nice and because of that River felt confused. He constantly battled with his feelings for Faith and the guilt of the death of his wife that only happened a short while back.

He held on to her, she was his only link to sanity and even that was coming to an end very soon.

Faith's blue eyes seemed to pentrate him right to his heart. She had done that the first time they'd met. His feelings for her were deep, deeper than he'd expected. "Yes," he breathed into her ear. "It's very nice, Faith." He meant every word he said and with those words, it hurt even more.

River held Faith close and closed his eyes as they swayed together to the music, it was as if everything else around them had disappeared.

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:25:51 PM
Faith felt the tingle of River's breathe on the side of her face. She liked the feeling of having River so close, but she had a feeling this wasn't going to last with the way he was talking. She looked up at him; her big blue eyes reading his face. She wish she knew what he was thinking at the moment. She wished to reach up and kiss him, but thought of the last kiss lingered and she didn't want a reaction like that again. She looked at him, a gentle smile spreading across her face. "River, I want to kiss you again, but I won't if you don't want it."

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:31:57 PM
River smiled as he felt the surge of alcohol relax him. "I want that, Faith. I want that now..." he whispered as he gently touched her lips with his. Her closeness sent a new shock into his system that he didn't want to end. He pressed harder and felt the passion between them grow as she responded.

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:38:24 PM
This kiss was nothing like Faith had experienced before with the few relationships she had be involved in. It seemed the last forever, and she didn't want to end. She moved her hands from River's shoulders to the back of his neck, holding him there. After a while, their kiss was interupted as the droid noisely rolled up. They finally broke apart as the droid began to beep with annoyance. Faith glared at the droid as they walked back to the table holding hands.

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:48:31 PM
River sighed as they went back to their table, his heart felt heavy. He knew his feelings were genuine, but he was leaving the Order to follow his Master. And he was very torn, more so now that he had allowed his feelings to show.

He held her hand and sat across from her. How could be possibly say good-bye to her? Tonight, of all nights. But, tomorrow he was leaving....

Faith Lerf
Aug 17th, 2003, 09:53:28 PM
Faith let go of River's hand as the droid began to sat their food down. She smiled and nodded to the droid. She looked to River with a smile. "It all looks good." She took a small bite of her salad and looked back at River, this feeling was causing her to not stop looking at him, as if it were to be the last time she'd see him.

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 10:08:45 PM
He couldn't hide his feelings for her as he looked down at his plate and then pushed it aside. "Faith, we need to talk. And what I have to say will undoubtedly put a big impact on the both of us."

Faith Lerf
Aug 18th, 2003, 04:34:36 AM
Faith looked up at River, she also pushed away her food. She began to feel nervous and worried. "What is it, River?" She tried to hide the fact that it was already putting a big impact on her and she didn't even know what it was.

River Kincaid
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:49:32 AM
How could he possibly tell her? But, he had too, there was no choice in the matter, not anymore.

He took a hold of her hands. "Faith, the time I've spent with you has been precious. And I would never trade it for anything. But..." he sighed. "But, it can't go on. I'm...I'm leaving the Jedi Order and the kids are going with me."

Faith Lerf
Aug 18th, 2003, 07:17:24 PM
Faith's jaw dropped. She suddenly lost her appitite. Faith looked into River's eyes, trying to hold back tears of her own. She'd become so attached to the children and even more attached to River. "A-are you serious?" The shock of the news was still sinking into Faith's as she spoke.

River Kincaid
Aug 18th, 2003, 09:15:30 PM
He nodded silently. "I have no choice, my master has requested me to go with her, so I must." He regretted this more than anything. "Faith, please don't be angry with this. I beg that of you. You...." He held her hands tighter, she was trembling. "You must go on and forget about me, I'm nothing."

The words were so hard for him to say, his feelings were so right for her, yet he had to let her go. It was for the best.

Faith Lerf
Aug 19th, 2003, 04:51:02 AM
Faith looked at River.[/i] "I'm not angry, just upset and sad. I could never forget you or your children, you all will stay with me wherever I go." [b]Tears swelled Faith's eyes again as she spoke. "I understand why you have to go, she's your master. . . "

River Kincaid
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:24:27 AM
"I don't know the road that lies ahead of me, Faith. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to come back." He pursed his lips. "In my heart I'd ask you to wait. But, that is asking way too much. You deserve better, much better than I can give you at least right now."

Faith Lerf
Aug 19th, 2003, 03:16:53 PM
"You have to come back for me." She said and then got quiet really quickly. "I mean, I love your children, and I want to seem them again.... I think I might love you too, River. I want to wait for you."

River Kincaid
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:52:23 PM
River should have been stunned, but he wasn't he knew she loved him and he knew deep down...he loved her. "I don't know how long I'll be, Faith. I can't ask you to do that...even though...my feelings run deep as well." He squeezed her hands.

Faith Lerf
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:55:25 PM
"Well you aren't asking me, I'm the one that wants to wait. I don't want to give up."

River Kincaid
Aug 19th, 2003, 08:32:31 PM
"And...I don't want give up either, Faith. I never thought that I would find someone like you that could fill that void in my heart. But, it was you, it always was." He leaned forward and brought his lips to hers in a long passionate kiss.

Faith Lerf
Aug 19th, 2003, 08:51:17 PM
Faith returned the kiss, feeling the passion between River and herself. She then pulled herself away, she wanted this badly, but she knew that no good could come of this. "Do you really want to do this? I mean, I want this, but I don't want to hurt you."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 09:12:58 PM
Ergg!!! Delete!!!

River Kincaid
Aug 19th, 2003, 09:19:43 PM
River sighed and sat back again. "It's too late for that, Faith. My leaving has already hurt me as it will you. But, I can't turn my back on my Master. So, I struggle with this situatio, not only have I opened my life up to the Jedi, I've opened it up to you as well." He needed a cigarette, took one out and lit it. "Leaving the Order was hard, but leaving you....is worse. I know no way around it. But, if you're willing to wait for me to return, I will as well."

Faith Lerf
Aug 20th, 2003, 10:27:36 AM
Faith nodded her head. "I am willing to wait, as long as it takes. Anything for you, Ry-Obi and Hunter."

River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 10:57:38 AM
River nodded. "I will be back, I promise you that." The music was again playing something soft and sutle. He put his cigarette down and stood. "But, right now I want to hold you, will you join me?" He held out his hand to her.

Faith Lerf
Aug 20th, 2003, 01:24:33 PM
Faith nodded and took River's hand. As they made their way out to the dance floor she looked at his face, studying every curve, every scare, every dimple. She smiled as they got close together and River wrapped his arms around her. She laid her head on his shoulder as they swayed, she never wanted this night to end.

River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 02:22:41 PM
River held her tightly, he never wanted to let her go. But, he was going to lose her for sometime, but hoped when he did return they could love each other forever. He would make sure of that.

Faith Lerf
Aug 20th, 2003, 02:34:53 PM
Suddenly something overcame Faith, anger. Anger twoards River for leaving her. She pulled away and marched over to the bar. She glared over at him, how could he does this to her now? Why show her all this affection and emotion and he's just leaving! She pulled several credits out of her pocket and ordered two shots. The bartender quickly made them as she slid the credits across. The handed her both shot glasses and to his surprised she down them both, within minutes. She coughed a little bit and pulled out somemore credits. "A big glass of whatever this with buy me." She waited for her drink, typing her fingers on the bar impatiently.

River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:49:03 PM
River was shocked, he felt her anger and watched her drink the shots. With his lips pursed, he walked over to the bar. Okay, if she wanted to do this, so could he. "Give me a bottle of Corellian Tequila." He handed over the credits and the bottle was given to him.

River looked at her, he knew she was mad and she had every right to be. "Do you want to drink, drink this." He handed her the bottle.

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 04:49:22 AM
Faith grabbed the bottle from him, she wasn't scared to drink anything. Even at a young age, she could handle some of the heavy stuff. She chugged almost half first. Then she smiled at River. "Would you like any of this, before I finish it?"

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 05:08:13 AM
River cringed as he watched her chug half the bottle. Oh, that's not good...

He quickly took the bottle from her after her question. "I think you've had plenty, Faith, Anymore and you'll regret it for about a week."

He took a drink of it himself as he led her back to their table. "You need to eat something and rather quickly so that alcohol will be soaked up by something." He grabbed a roll. "Here, this."

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:22:34 PM
Faith snatched the roll from his hand and began to eat it. "If you are going to leave me you don't have to act so much like this, if you love me so, why leave? I don't understand why you are leaving me!"

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 08:15:15 PM
"It's not like because I want too!" He shot back at her, his own anger beginning to flare. "I told you why..." He shook his head and chugged a good couple of glups from the bottle.

Placing the bottle down at his side, he looked at her. "Do you really think I would willing leave you knowing how we feel for one another if I didn't have to? I do love you, Faith. I never thought I would ever love anyone again since I lost..." He couldn't finish as all his emotions came flooding back to him for an instant. Not knowing what to do or say, he turned and abruptly walked out the door.

Once outside, he quickly wiped away the newly formed tears in his eyes. No one was around as he paced back and forth on the sidewalk. River looked up into the sky. "Why?" He asked aloud. "Why did you leave me? Was I not a good enough man or husband?!" He was so confused and so full of guilt that bit at him.

"Am I wrong for loving her?" He finally dropped to the curb with a heavy sigh. But, will she have me now? River raised the bottle to his lips and finished it off.

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:05:42 PM
Faith sat down for a couple moments, trying to get her emotions straight. She began to think about her anger, and why she got so upset. She was an emotional basket case right now and she hated it. She loved River, and she truly did understand why he had to leave. After sitting for a few more moments the drinks finally began to hit her stomach, she could barely keep from gagging. She put her hand over her mouth and ran outside. Right as she made it outside and to the curb, she couldn't hold it any longer. All the food and drinks she'd had that day came back up. She stood, hunched over, trying to hold her hair back, but failing miserably.

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:18:21 PM
River noticed Faith run out with her hand over her mouth and cringed, he knew what was about to happen. And sure enough, it did.

Heaving the empty bottle into the bushes nearby he stood and quickly walked over to her.

She had fallen to her knees by then and he knelt beside her and helped hold her hair back. "Easy...just let it run it's course. It'll be over shortly." He told her gently as he began rubbing her back.

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:21:06 PM
After all Faith's earlier intakes finished making a reappearance, Faith looked up to River with a single tear running down her cheek. "I'm sorry. . . " Was all she could say.

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:26:23 PM
He shook his head, "you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who should be saying I'm sorry. This is all my fault." he kept rubbing her back, she still didn't look to good. "Are you okay now?"

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:29:06 PM
Faith nodded. "I think I'm ok-" Just as she was about to finish her statement, she began to heave again. But this time, nothing came up. She clutched her stomach, it began to hurt and she began to feel slightly dazed. "I just want to go home."

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:36:31 PM
River nodded. "Okay, I'll take you. Stay here for a minute while I go get my blade and pay for our meal." The meal they never ate. He stood and walked back into the B&G for a minute, when he came out he placed his dagger back into his boot clip.

He helped Faith to her feet and put an arm around her to steady her. He closed his eyes for a brief moment as the alcohol that he'd drank had begun to hit. "Okay, let's go."

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:38:43 PM
Faith reached up her hand, needing River's hand for help. As she took his hand she stumnbled towards him. She looked up at him. "Sorry"

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:41:23 PM
He smiled gently down at her. "No need , luv. You've had a rough night."

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:45:09 PM
Faith straightened herself help and tried to walk back towards to the Grounds, but she wasn't very succeesful at it. She almost tripped several times and kept grabbing onto River for support. Her head was still very cloudly, but finally after a while they made it to her room. She reached in her pocket, trying to pull her key out. She finally got it, but dropped it right away. She bent down to try and pick it up but lost balance and fell to the ground. "Owww..."

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:50:39 PM
River shook his head and sighed slightly as his own balance was starting to waiver. He had tried to catch her, but failed to react quickly enough. He gave her his hand to help her back up and reached down himself to get the key. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Faith Lerf
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:53:09 PM
Faith smiled a goofy smile. "Yes, I'm fine." The cloudiness kind of fading and a new sense of humor set it. She laughed slightly as she tried to stand back up. She put her key in the door and pushed it open. She stumbled in and sat down on the couch. She looked to River and patted the seat next to her. "Come. . . sit. . . "

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 10:04:08 PM
River loped in and sat down. His own mind was beginning to get foggy as he grinned at her. She was so beautliful.

But, then he remembered that she had jut been ill. "You know, it would be a good idea for you to drink some water, so your body won't dehydrate." River stood and walked into the small kitchenette and found a glass. Filling it with water, he brought it back into her and handed it over.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 04:51:33 AM
Faith nodded. "Yeah, yeah yeah. .. gotta drink water." She took the glass from him and some how managed to get most of it in her mouth. She put it down on the table. "Man, I stink. I need to shower."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:04:12 AM
"I really don't know that you could manage one without breaking your neck. Why don't you just leave it for in the morning and go to bed?" He waivered a bit himself and shook his head again. "Oh, man. I never should've finished off that bottle. I'm going to pay for it in the morning." It wasn't too much the morning he was worried about it was in a few more hours, when he was taking his family out of the Order's facility.

"I really probably should go, Faith. But, let me help you into your bedroom, first. I'll feel much better to know you're all right." He held out his hand.

Faith took it, but as she was standing up, she stumbled again and nearly hit the coffee table had not River caught her in time.

"Easy, ok. Let's do it this way." He easily lifted her into his arms as she began giggling.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:23:43 PM
Faith wasn't doing very good as she attempted to make it to her room. She ever began to fall. She laughed as River picked her up. "Thanks, River." She said in a sing-songy kind of voice. She held on to him around his neck as they made their way into the bedroom. She smiled at him and started to kiss him, on his cheeks and lips. As they got into the bedroom and he was about to put her down, she shook her head. "No, you're not allowed to leave."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:29:36 PM
River gave her a devilish grin as the alcohol surged through his veins. "I'm not? That could be quite a dangerous combination for the both of us, Miss Lerf. But, I'm willing to take the chance....if you are..." He responded with a new onslaught of kisses as he gently laid her down.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:37:52 PM
Faith returned the grin, it seemed that night, their last night together, they shared the same thoughts. Faith wasn't sure if it was the fact that this would be the last time they might ever see each other again or if it was the alcohol, or maybe both, but she was up for whatever he was up for. She reached up and pulled their bodies close together as she planted a passionate kiss on River. "I live for danger. . ." She said in between kisses, letting River know she was as willing as he.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 01:47:57 PM
The night became a blur to River and hours later, he awakened with a slight headache, no doubt from the effects of the alcohol. He moved and realized he wasn't alone as he thought he should be.

He moved his head and noticed a very beautiful Faith lying beside him nestled against his arm, asleep.

River moved slightly, just enough to slid carefully out of the bed, so not to disturb her, grabbed his clothes and exited the room quickly.

Once dressed he walked into the kitchenette and began to make some coffee. Something he definitely needed.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:07:38 PM
Faith heard raddling in the kitechen and began to get worried. She opened her eyes and moaned; her head was killing her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She carefully got up and began walking into the kitchen. She then relieved--she wasn't dressed. The past previous hours were a blur and they were suddenly coming back to memory. River must have been in the one in the kitchen. She grabbed a robe and threw it over her body. She peeked out into the kitchen and made sure it was River before she exited the room. She quietly slipped into the kitchen and looked to River as he was making coffee. "I think I could take some also." She said placing her hand on her forehead.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:19:42 PM
River turned and looked at her with a slight smile. "I guess our plans have changed a bit, I was supposed to go home a few hours ago."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:23:44 PM
Faith walked over to him. "I'm sorry I held you up."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:27:49 PM
"That, you definitely did." River smirked with a satisfyied smile. "Care for something to eat?" He was slightly hungry, since he hadn't eaten his dinner.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:32:00 PM
Faith blushed as he made his comment. She then nodded. "That sounds good, thanks." She began to think about the past couple hours. She looked to River, wishing she knew how he felt about it.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:49:06 PM
River nodded and turned away. A new sense of guilt was beginning to form within him. "I'll get right on it, Faith. Have a seat." he began looking through the cabinets for the pan he needed and then he looked into the refrigerator.

Bringing out a carton of eggs and an package of bacon, he began to cook.

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:53:13 PM
Faith knew something wasn't right. She didn't have a seat like suggested instead she went over to River and pulled him around towards her by his arm. "River, I have to know what you feel about all this."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:01:29 PM
River sighed as he looked at her through tired eyes. "I'm okay with it, Faith. Really, I could have probably stopped myself had I not really wanted to stay."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:05:17 PM
Faith shrugged and went back over to her seat, she knew what River said wasn't the entire truth. Even though he may have wanted to stay, there was something deeped brothering him. "I'm happy you stayed with me, even though things were kind of. . . odd. . . I could not have thought of a better way to end our time together." Faith said as she sat on a chair in her kitchenette. At that moment she began to feel sick again and ran over to the trash. She stood over it and began to heave, but nothing happened. She moaned and put her hand over her stomach. "Oooooh...."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:12:01 PM
River cringed and looked at the bacon. It had to be the bacon, so quickly put it away. "Sorry, would you like some juice or a sip of water?"

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:15:36 PM
Faith nodded, still keeping bent over the trash. She still choked and heaved, but nothing happened. This was beginning to annoy Faith, why couldn't she just throw up. "That'll be great, thanks."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:30:05 PM
Grabbing a clean glass, River poured Faith a glass of juice and held it out to her. "Here ya go. Small sips."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:31:23 PM
Faith nodded and took the cup, she took small sips and finally was able to stop heaving. She looked to River. "I want to go sit down." She knew that she wouldn't be able to make it by herself.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:47:09 PM
River smiled. "Let me help you." He steadied her and walked her over to the couch and helped her sit down. "You really should try to sleep it off. It's not as painful."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:48:34 PM
Faith nodded again. "That sounds like a good idea, let's go back to bed. We can sleep it off and in the morning things should be better."

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:54:24 PM
River scratched the back of his neck and looked at her. "I can't, Faith. I need to leave. I informed the council I would be gone by morning."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:56:28 PM
Faith looked to River and shook her head. "After all that---you can't even finish the night off with me?"

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 09:58:03 PM
"Faith, I'm not supposed to be here, techically I'm not even part of the Order anymore. I have to leave."

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:00:12 PM
"Not even just a couple more hours? I'm sure they will understand, you are still visiting with someone from the Order." Faith looked at him in disbelief. She knew he would be able to stay if he wanted to, no harm would come of it if he left in the morning. She felt he was holding something back, keeping a hidden motive for having to rush off.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:08:12 PM
His guilt was overpowering him, he felt as though he needed to distance himself from her. What had happened to their quiet moment, why didn't she understand? He had to leave!

"Look, Faith, I don't now why you don't understand, but I have to go and I want you to know that I will be back! Trust me on that, Faith!"

Faith Lerf
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:12:50 PM
Faith looked at him and shook her head. "I understand you have to leave the Order, but I don't understand why it can't wait til the morning." She walked over to him, gave him a kiss. "Just one more before you leave." She said as she pulled away. "Just in case I don't see you again." Deep down Faith knew that River would come back to her. She walked towards her room and then she turned around to look at him one last time. "Tell the kids bye for me. . . and enjoy you life. . ." She closed the door behind her, leaving River standing in her kitchenette. She then layed down on her bed and began to weep, letting all her emotions flow out.

River Kincaid
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:29:13 PM
River knew that going to her now, would only make things worse. It was painful enough already for her. With a deep sigh, he headed for the door, but stopped short. He reached down to his boot clip and brought up his dagger. Placing it on her kitchen table he found some paper and a pencil and wrote her a note:


I know you think that my leaving will only be a quick means of never coming back. But, that is not true, I love you and I will always love you. And to prove my love to you, I give you a token of my most precious treasure, my dagger. It has been handed down in my family from generation to generation and I dare not part with it under any other reason. I'm leaving it to you, to prove that I will return for it and I will return for you...

My deepest love, River

With a deep sigh, River left the note under his dagger and left.

Faith Lerf
Aug 23rd, 2003, 09:22:22 AM
Later the next morning Faith got out of bed with a moan and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. She didn't get much sleep with the crying and the heaving. She got all the stuff needed for her breakfast and sat in the table, that's when she noticed the dagger. She picked it up, a sad smile came to her face. She then pulled it close to her heart and hugged it. She then knew that River would be back. She lifted the letter of the table and read it. A single tear fell down her cheek as she placed it back down. Faith then noticed an address at the bottom where River could be reached. She would write him, but not then. She placed the dagger back down and finished with her breakfast.