View Full Version : A Test (River Kincaid)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2003, 11:32:55 AM
Natia was sitting in a back booth of the B&G, a few days after she had seen her sister Faith kiss (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31006) River. She had just been passing by when she saw it happen. Neither Faith, nor River know that she saw. Things are difficult at times. And now is no different. She had learned that River is a Padawan of her Mother, Xazor, and she had left him a message in his quarters for him to meet her at the B&G. That when he is to arrive, he's to check in with the bartender and he will be directed to her.

She tucks a lock of her black hair behind an ear as she waits for River to show. She reaches into a pocket and hands Poledra a cracker since Pol started to hoot quietly. She's wanting to be able to concentrate on her thoughts right now. Be able to know when River enters and when he approaches her. In short, she wants to study him before he gets a chance to even say hi to her.

River Kincaid
Aug 15th, 2003, 11:52:13 AM
River Kincaid was stopped by the guards, to whom he gives his boot dagers too. When he is allowed to pass, he steps on in and glances once around once and then heads towards the bar.

He is dressed in one of his usual attires, brown pants and a brown leather vest. His blonde hair was a bit umkempt, but that was normal for him.

"Bartender, I'm to meet a Natia Elessar here. Could you please direct me towards her?"

The bartender gruffed slightly and nodded his head. "Over there, with the...bird."

"Thank you," River nodded in return and turned to see a young woman not far away with an owl perched on her shoulder.

He began to walk towards her, she was an Elessar relation to his Master, but not real for certain why she would be contacting him. Nonetheless, he was here.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 16th, 2003, 11:08:27 AM
*Natia watches River enter the B&G and approach the bartender. She keeps her eyes on him the whole time. She already knows that he's curious as to why she would be contacting him. Through her observations and use of Kinetic Communication, she was able to figure that out. She's not 100% positive that he's curious, but close enough.

She lifts her glass of cola to her lips and pretends to take a sip before putting the glass back on the table. The 14 year old girl then tucks a lock of black hair behind an ear again as River stops before the table*

Please River, have a seat.

*Natia only says that and waits for him to have a seat. Also she waits for him to begin the conversation*

River Kincaid
Aug 16th, 2003, 12:28:20 PM
River nods and takes a seat across from her, he notices immediately that she's quite younger than himself. "I've received you message, Miss Elessar. But quite frankly, I'm unsure why I'm here." He watches her carefully and lights up a cigarette. Taking a drag, he awaits her answer.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 16th, 2003, 02:08:47 PM
If you were sure on why you're here River, I'd accuse you of using the Force to pry into my private thoughts.

*Natia picks up her glass and actually takes a sip of her cola this time. After she sets the glass on the table, she rests her elbows on the table and leans forward, keeping a very neatrual, expressionless face on*

I haven't met you before, and you haven't met me before. If you're wondering what relation I am to your Master, I am her daughter.

But that is not the reason why I have asked you here.

*Natia leans back in the booth and crosses her arms across her chest*

I've been researching you since I saw you kissing my sister a couple days back. My sister is Faith Lerf. And no, she's not related to your Master.

You may see this as none of my business, but may I enquire as to why you were kissing my sister??

*Natia keeps her face expressionless as she asks the question, and keeps it so while waiting for River to answer. She has never really been known to beat around the bush when she wants answers*

River Kincaid
Aug 17th, 2003, 02:09:18 AM
River blinked in amazement as he leaned back a bit and resumed taking another drag from his cigarette. "That was quite a bold statement, young one. I relly don't belive it needs any explaining. What goes on between you sister and I is just that, between her and I." He took another drag.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2003, 10:12:25 AM
*Natia tilts her head slightly as she listens to River's responce*

You may see it as that, but I just want to make sure that Faith is safe.

As for my making quite a bold statement, that's nothing compared to what I've done in the past.

*Natia keeps her face expressionless as she says this, watching River closely. All she wants to do is make sure that Faith is safe. She knows that Faith is safe with the Jedi, but with the past that Faith has had, she just wants to make sure that all will be well with her in any personal relationships*

Look River, I care about Faith. If anything bad were to happen to her, I'd probably take what I learned while being a student to a Dark Jedi, and put it into use.

You may choose not to answer my question, but as fair warning, if you do anything to harm Faith, I will punish you. If you do anything to seriously harm her, I will kill you.

*Natia says this with a very serious look on her face, wanting to let River know that she is not joking about this*

River Kincaid
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:43:00 AM
River leaned forward gazing in the young girl's eyes. "I would never harm Faith. She's the best thing that could've happened to me, Natia. I would protect her with my life, if need be." The fact of the matter was true, he would do that. He would do that for Faith.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:52:56 AM
*Natia, for the first time since sitting down smiles*

I'm glad to hear that River.

Now that that is dealt with, can I get you anything to drink??

*Natia asks in a cheerful tone, a smile on her face*

How are your kids doing??

River Kincaid
Aug 19th, 2003, 08:49:01 AM
"A Falycin ale would be nice." He sighed as he took another drag on his cigarette. "My children are doing quite well, thank you." He may've been a hunter, but he had been taught manners.

"Faith never mentioned that she had a sister." He said as he flicked some ash into a nearby ashtray.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:49:19 AM
*Natia waves down a serving droid and places River's order and her's which is a cola. The droid rolls off and is back quickly with their drinks, putting the ale infront of River and the cola infront of her before rolling off again*

I'm glad to hear that your children are doing well.

*Natia smiles slightly*

Faith actually has at least two sisters. I'm her youngest silbing. None of us grew up together. I'm still trying to figure out who had it better, her or me.

At least she doesn't have the death of Father on her hands.

*Natia mumbles this last sentence to herself*

Faith and I only got reunited a short while ago. It was more by accident then anything else, and well, I've grown attached to her.

River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:53:01 AM
"She has that power..."He says kinda dreamily and shook his head out of it and took a drink.

"You met by accident and found out you were sisters? That's strange."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:57:31 AM
It was more, Poledra here decided to start to circle Faith and so I decided to go over and investigate. I apologized to Faith about Pol and introduced myself. She then introduced herself and gave her last name. That is when I knew we were related somehow. After a short while, I remembered her from when we both were with Father.

River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 10:04:59 AM
River took a drag on his cigarette and leaned back. "Wow, that's quite a story. I couldn't imagine just bumping into a long lost sibling...of course in my case, I'd rather not."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2003, 07:55:02 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*

There's one sister that I would rather not have bumped into. To me, she's nothing but a pain who wants to control my life. She went as far as to even try and removed me from the GJO after I had joined.

River Kincaid
Aug 21st, 2003, 08:19:30 PM
"Sounds like my twin brother...but he left scars in my family that I or my children will never forget." River took another drink of his ale and sighed deeply.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2003, 10:29:44 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly, her mind drifting to her Father, and then to her legal guardian. Both of which have left scars on her that she shall never be able to forget*

If you don't mind my asking, what did your twin brother do to you and your children??

River Kincaid
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:25:15 PM
With a deep sigh, he knew he needed to tell her. "My twin brother, Ridge. Came to our home on Falycin and killed our father and my wife right in front of my daughter. My son was lucky enough not to witness it, but Hunter..." His voice trailed off with another deep sigh.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 26th, 2003, 10:19:46 AM
*Natia nods her head slowly*

I'm sorry to hear that. I take it that Hunter is having problems because of what she saw.

*Natia says this as a statement, not a question*

River Kincaid
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:35:24 PM
"Yes, she doesn't talk anymore. She'll only talks through the Force and that isn't very often. Your mother is going to help her."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 27th, 2003, 08:55:07 AM
Mother's good at helping ppl. I was a lost child when she adopted me, and now, well, I know what I am and who I am.

*Natia finishes her train of thought silently to herself...though there are times when I'm lost to a point where nobody can find me...*

I hope that your daughter will talk again soon.

River Kincaid
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:40:21 AM
"As do I, Natia." River nodded. "I hold great faith in your mother's abilities."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2003, 09:27:40 AM
Mother's done alot of good for many ppl, even those that might think that they aren't worth it.

*Natia takes a sip of her cola as she falls silent for a moment*

If you and Faith are a couple, I wish you the best. You're a good person and will do what is right.

River Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2003, 03:45:21 AM
River nodded, "well, Faith is very special to me."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:47:24 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly*

Take care of her for me River, when I'm not able to.

River Kincaid
Aug 31st, 2003, 04:03:38 PM
"You have my word as a Falycin Forrester, Natia."