View Full Version : Jedi Academy goes gold
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:28:11 AM
This was as of yesterday it comes out September 17. I can't wait for this game :)
Morgan Evanar
Aug 14th, 2003, 12:43:44 PM
Yay. Would rather have KOTOR and H-L 2, but yay.
Aug 14th, 2003, 02:09:16 PM
Yup, already in transit for me ^_^;
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2003, 04:06:37 PM
Jedi Academy looks a lot better than KOTOR, IMO. But I am biased towards the Jedi Knight games myself :)
Darth Viscera
Aug 14th, 2003, 04:37:18 PM
Jedi Academy better than KOTOR. HA!
It's a JK2 expansion pack, basically. Nothing groundbreaking.
Aug 14th, 2003, 05:03:24 PM
KOTOR > any Star Wars game I've ever played, sorry.
Figrin D'an
Aug 14th, 2003, 05:47:58 PM
Yes... KOTOR plain rocks. Play it, and you'll see why.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2003, 07:58:32 PM
But Jedi Academy just looks awesome. Also I don't have an X-Box so it will just have to wait maybe I will get it for Christmas. I am more waiting for Jedi Academy and I think it looks better but that is just my opinion.
Darth Viscera
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:25:57 PM
Not noticably awesome. You probably wouldn't even notice that it's not JK2 if they hadn't hyped up a few screenshots.
Park Kraken
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:49:49 PM
KotOR is the best SW game I've ever played too.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 01:30:24 AM
How would you know though? The game hasn't come out yet.
Park Kraken
Aug 15th, 2003, 06:44:08 AM
He probaly hasn't played it, but there are probaly hundreds of screenshots posted at various fan, and gaming sites.
Aug 15th, 2003, 07:25:25 AM
One is one of the best RPG's ever made to date.
One is an EXPANSION to Jedi Knight 2.
It's not that hard.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 15th, 2003, 07:29:01 AM
KOTOR is a totally different game style to any other SW game ever made (that I'm aware of). Academy is the same format as the other Jedi Knight releases (again, as far as I'm aware).
I'm much more looking forward to playing KOTOR than Academy.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 09:38:13 AM
Yeah but I don't have an x-box so this all mute and doesn't matter and most PC versions aren't as good as the orginals.
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:44:15 AM
Moot is the word you want. Moot.
And KOTOR on PC isn't a ported thing. It is being released for both equally. Do you know nothing of Bioware?
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 12:36:01 PM
There is also an issue of money I can't afford to buy that many games or time for that matter. I am using a lot of time playing Galaxies and Academy is a game I have been looking forward to all year, so that is my first priority as I said maybe I will get it for Christmas its just not a game I am going to rush out and get.
Aug 15th, 2003, 01:37:26 PM
Galaxies over KOTOR? HAHAHA. Ok, your loss.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:41:23 PM
Hey I am addicted to it, and love it to me it is better than KOTOR but hey that is just my opinion and it is my time and don't think I am missing anything.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:58:38 PM
Um, have you played KOtoR?
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 03:38:59 PM
How can I if I don't have an X-Box. That reason alone is why I can't play it until the Fall at the earliest (that could even be pushed back it hasn't gone gold yet for the PC) I am not paying 200 for an Xbox to play the game that would be insane. As I said I might get in for Christmas or something but it is not a priorty right now. And sure I love Galaxies it is a great game for a lot of reasons.
Aug 15th, 2003, 04:14:13 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Hey I am addicted to it, and love it to me it is better than KOTOR but hey that is just my opinion and it is my time and don't think I am missing anything.
But you just admitted you haven't played Kotor, ergo you really don't know what you're talking about?
Aug 15th, 2003, 04:59:08 PM
Now that I finally have a computer that can play games again, I'm anxiously awaiting the PC version of KOTOR. As if everything good I've heard about the game wasn't enough to sway me, I heard Simon Templeman voices the main Sith Lord dooder. That, I gotta see. :)
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 05:07:45 PM
I was basing it off screenshots but lets drop it okay, there is no point in debating which game is better and lets only discuss Jedi Academy here that is why I made this thread.
So far the game looks great to me it looks better than Outcast which I loved. Also you can be a dark or light jedi and I have read that Luke and Chewie is in the game. Haven't seen much else besides the trailer but so far I can't wait.
Aug 15th, 2003, 05:12:57 PM
Luke was in Outcast also.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 05:16:29 PM
Yeah he was they bringing him back as a teacher. Also I should point out you don't play as Kyle you make your own character and that character is an apprentice. It also sounds a lot different than outcast because of the whole light/dark choice. To me it resembles more JK which is cool.
Aug 15th, 2003, 05:24:18 PM
Jedi Academy seems pretty neat, but only as an expansion pack to JK2, much in the same way that Vice City is basically an expansion pack to GTA3. The engine is the same, the gameplay is essentially the same, etc. Still, I'll check it out for the lightsaber-y goodness. I found JK2's multiplayer to be an absolute blast, but I had difficulty finding many people who played it.
Darth Viscera
Aug 15th, 2003, 07:09:30 PM
You have to go pretty far in Jedi Academy before you can use two lightsabers, or a lightstaff or anything. For much of the game you're just using an old fashioned lightsaber. That is, I'm pretty sure that later on in the game you get those advanced lightsabers. It's nowhere near the beginning.
And choosing to be a Dark Jedi doesn't really do anything major to the (already lacking) storyline. You might see a crappy animation of Luke's head telling you in one sentence that you're on the dark path every 5 missions, but that's it. That leaves choosing your own skin for single player, and the selection there isn't nearly as wide as the JK2 multiplayer mode.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2003, 11:22:33 PM
Hey that is your opinion I have heard other early reviews that say it is better tha JO.
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:01:36 PM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
Galaxies over KOTOR? HAHAHA. Ok, your loss.
You played Galaxies? I just asked you, you said "A little". So you didnt let the game fill out, you just got the dull start. I can't give a fair opinion of Baldurs Gate 2 as I got bored of it, partially due to my choices. Had I done a better start, it might have been excellent.
You love a game, fine. But you're opinion is as it says, YOURS.
To me, it's the choice between a Star Wars FPS (Which hasn't failed me yet) and a RPG (Which is a genre I only like when done right). So, I look forward to Jedi Academy A LOT more.
That leaves choosing your own skin for single player, and the selection there isn't nearly as wide as the JK2 multiplayer mode.
I hated the JK2 skins. There wasn't one that I really wanted to use until I find out the code to use ghost Morgan or Generic Jedi.
Further more Vis, don't spoil the game using Pirated material.
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:25:42 PM
Apples and Oranges, people.
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:39:07 PM
Fett, I gave up due to the game being buggy, tedious, and generally not worth the time or money invested to play. Spent an evening at a friend's house in frustration.
Anbody who has to mulligan the game out of the box due to a screwup in ORACLE needs to eat more rat poison, or stop making buggy games.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:42:20 PM
Galaxies isn't that bad now really this is the problem with MMORG games they never are ready when they come out. But the game is getting there. About Academy I agree with you Reaper that is why I want to play it more as well.
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:54:55 PM
Galaxies is a MMORPG last I checked, so the problem is also inherent in Galaxies. They really could have fixed their problems before gold, but chose instead to grab the sensationalism, and milk the fanboys with a poor-quality product. Are you trying to make excuses for games that are that buggy right out of the box? A patch here and there happens, but come on. They had to completely wipe the first few entries because they couldn't manage a rudimentary database system. That is reaaally pathetic.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:58:12 PM
Everquest was worst from what I have been told so this is nothing new all of these MMORPG have these problems. Sure they should have waited another month but I guess some executive at Lucasarts wanted it released at that was it. The game has gotten a lot better with the latest patch which corrected a lot of the bugs. I am not making excuses for it since all MMORPGs are this way it is to be expected.
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:00:35 PM
They had to completely wipe the first few entries because they couldn't manage a rudimentary database system. That is reaaally pathetic.
Known problems are only known when someone finds them.
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:02:48 PM
Expected, perhaps. Tolerated? No.
So how can you argue that Galaxies is good, then? It's improving, but from horrible to tolerable is still low man on the totem pole.
I look at a game's success on whether I would pony up the cost to play it, and with Galaxies being rather exorbitantly expensive now, and for gameplay that is monotonous on a platform that is more rickety than a wholesale soviet submarine on the black market, the answer is a resounding no. Maybe in a year, but then again...WHY DIDN'T THEY RELEASE IT THEN?
So, I think even putting Galaxies in the same ballpark as KOTOR is ludicrous.
Aug 16th, 2003, 09:24:32 PM
From what I have experienced and read, Galaxies is in the little league, KOTOR pitched up into the league with Morrowind IMO.
Darth Viscera
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:06:28 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Further more Vis, don't spoil the game using Pirated material.
Well that's your opinion. IMO I'm being very good about not saying any more than I have to in this thread. A spoiler tag isn't really needed anyway, unless the guy reading the thread has never played Dark Forces, Jedi Knight or Jedi Outcast.
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:09:19 PM
Well that's your opinion.
Mod > you.
Sorry, just wanted to say that. I never get to try and be imposing ;) :D
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:12:07 PM
I see no rule that he's breaking here.
Aug 16th, 2003, 10:55:32 PM
Not using spoiler tags. It's light in that post, but that's why I warned, not took action or something.
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:27:57 AM
I found some high res screenshots of JA that I hadn't seen elsewhere, so I thought I'd re-upload them and share with you all:
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 19th, 2003, 11:28:32 AM
cool thanks, the graphics do look better than JO,IMO.
Darth Viscera
Aug 19th, 2003, 12:45:34 PM
You won't be able to run at that graphics setting smoothly (looks like 1024x768 w/everything maxed) unless you have a P4 3.06ghz and a Radeon 9800 Pro, so IMO you should ignore those screenshots.
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:04:45 PM
I'm nearly there :)
Aug 19th, 2003, 06:33:58 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
You won't be able to run at that graphics setting smoothly (looks like 1024x768 w/everything maxed) unless you have a P4 3.06ghz and a Radeon 9800 Pro, so IMO you should ignore those screenshots. Sorry, that's not correct.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:31:52 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
You won't be able to run at that graphics setting smoothly (looks like 1024x768 w/everything maxed) unless you have a P4 3.06ghz and a Radeon 9800 Pro, so IMO you should ignore those screenshots.
Its the Quake 3 engine. With more polys. It will run great on anything 1.7 GHZ/512/Ti4200. It will run fine on lesser systems with less detail.
Where do you get this stuff?
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:40:24 PM
I hear that one of the graphics settings is kind of buggy, and cuts your framerate in half if you leave it enabled... he may be making his judgement based on that.
Darth Viscera
Aug 20th, 2003, 03:22:58 AM
Yeah, it must have been that setting.
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