View Full Version : New home, new prospects (cont)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 14th, 2003, 02:49:58 AM
Dasquian and a potential had just arrived from outside (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31258) into the bustling recruitment center. As soon as the Knight entered about five or six people approached him about joining - he was recognised now as the go-to man for becoming a Jedi, but he quietly apologized to each of them and told them that he had another to speak to.

“Now, Rhianna… before you join, I have to go through certain motions with you. Questions that need to be asked, you see. The first of these is usually… why do you want to be a Jedi?”

Rhianna Ravenloft
Aug 14th, 2003, 09:52:14 AM
Rhianna alternated between gaping at the very busy recruitment center, and following after Dasquian. Deciding she would have time to closer inspect the place later, she devoted her full attention to the questions being asked her.

"I suppose the most accurate answer to give you is that, I have always looked for a higher outlet for my talents than simply getting by in life using them. In fact thats what brought me to Coruscant. I wanted to find something better to do with my life."

She couldn't help but glance around, she was feeling very small and insignificant in the scheme of things at the moment, and losing faith that she could ever make a difference in this place. She put the feelings behind her and opted to give it her all, those sentiments would only hinder her and she needed to be at her very best.

"I like to help people. If I can do so by using the gifts I have, even better."

She hoped that would suffice because she really hadn't prepared a speech on why she was here, she hadn't even known she would end up here.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:11:07 PM
“I see. Now tell me what you know about the Jedi, Rhianna – what do we as a group and as individuals do? What are our ethics and ways?”

Rhianna Ravenloft
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:37:31 PM
"Well.. I actually know very little about the Jedi. The only experiences I have ever had with the Jedi have been from afar, so to speak."

Rhianna could probably count the number of Jedi she had encountered on one hand. But even though they were few, they were memories that stood out well. At the very least they had given her a positive enough outlook to follow this one blindly...

"The last place I lived.. It wasn't a very well run establishment, to put it kindly. All manner of dingy nasty sorts flocked about the place. It became a problem for even the travellers that were just passing through to be left in peace."

She looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I don't think that the Jedi were there to fix the problem. I think maybe they themselves were just passing through. But at any rate, they were the wrong people to try and kill for a few coins."

She smiled slightly remembering the way that the few children in the area emerged later, curiously gazes on their little faces..

"After that..things changed a little. It was a much safer place. The regular working people weren't afraid to leave their homes."

She met his gaze again.

"But as for ethics... Having ethics at all is a good thing, so a set up guideline of ethics can only be benficial. I am sure I don't know any specifics though."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 21st, 2003, 12:18:36 PM
“We are peace-keepers by nature. We strive to improve standard of life for everyone within and without the Republic. We do this through diplomatic negotiation, through our links to the Senate, and through more aggressive forms of negotiation – that being the reason why most Jedi a tutored in some form of combat.”

Dasquian smiled slightly.

“We are almost foremost students of the Force, however… what do you know of the Force?”

Rhianna Ravenloft
Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:56:02 AM
Rhianna frowned thoughtfully. Now here was a topic she could at least claim to know a tad about. That is, if what she believed was true.

"The Force. If I am not mistaken, it is something similar to the..umm.. skills that I was taught when I was small. The woman who raised me refered to it as the ether , or the source. When she was explaining how to reach out into the ether to pull answers from people she used stones."

From the small bag she carried on her wrist, Rhianna removed a handful of smooth, round stones with markings on them. She turned them over in her palm to show Dasquian.

"She used these to teach me. But by the time I was twelve I didn't see the need for them anymore. The answers these are used to divine, just came to me from that point on. But I kept them."

Replacing the stones to her pouch she looked up.

"When the Jedi came. I felt the change in the ether around me. It was more.. controlled I think. That was when I knew that on some level they were also using the source. If that makes any sense."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:33:51 AM
Dasquian quirked a brow at the stones, nodding slightly.

“Interesting,” he smiled slightly.

“… Now, a Jedi’s life is not an easy one. If you wish to walk the path you must be prepared to face danger – as you probably know, there are those who hate us and will do all in their power to stop, or in fact kill, us. Do you think you could live a life like this?”

Rhianna Ravenloft
Aug 29th, 2003, 10:44:21 AM
"I am not afraid. What difference does it make if I am in danger as a Jedi, or just in danger. Except maybe the fact that I may be able to learn to do something about it."

Her posture was very straight and proud. Too many years spent trying to stay unnoticed for fear that she would suffer ridicule, theft or worse had made her have reserves of strength. She was quickly getting over the notion that she would fail. She simply wouldn't let herself. She would study, watch and learn and whatever else was required of her. One way or another she would do this.

"If you will have me, I can do this."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:22:52 AM
“We welcome anyone who truly wishes to be a Jedi, and it seems that this can be said of you. Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, Rhianna. You are free to take up lodgings in our living quarters, and I would advise that you have a look around the grounds, particularly Yogs Bar and Grill… to meet some of the other Padawans.

You will not be assigned a Master right away, but when you are, you will be contacted. Until that time, I suggest you sign up or the group classes available.”