View Full Version : Plan of Attack

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:54:42 PM
Quay'Na Rakai's day was coming. It would spell the end of her so-called life with the Jedi Order as she knew all too well.
Perhaps to others it would be a sad unfortunate act of ruthlessness.
But, nonetheless in Jescenia's opinion, Quay'Na's mind was not clear. The Jedi had twisted her thinking.

Quay'Na owed her duty to her family, first. A duty that she had neglected for the past five years....but no longer. Jescenia would see to that.

All her daughter needed was to be broken and reformed. The reforming Jescenia would take care of, but she lacked the physical stnima for the breaking.
But, that wouldn't stop her, she had her own special contacts and held no doubt in her mind that she would find the perfect assistant.

The time had been long awaited as a dark-hooded being stepped into a dingy pub in the lower levels of the Coruscant, it’s face was completely concealed within the fabric. It slowly glanced around and found who it was looking for near the back. The air system in the pub had to be on its last leg because the stench was a mixture of bad whiskey and bathing neglect.

The hooded being continued through the pub to the other side, where it stopped at a table with another patron in a black hooded cloak, it’s face concealed as well.

"Grimm, I presume?" The voice definitely that of an older female who seemed very apathetic.

Aug 14th, 2003, 06:01:17 AM

Unlike the other, this being was neither female, old or apathetic. It was gruff and deep, baritone, so presumably male. The tone had a certain verve to it that suggested youth and the figures frame itself seemed far too large to be considered aged. Instead of apathy there was a slight edginess, like a spring that is just about to uncoil and breakout.

“And you would be…?”

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:48:35 PM
The figure removed it's hood and revealed a tight-faced older woman. "Jescenia Rakai." She answered cooly and took a seat. "I've come to offer a job to you and the credits are quite...pleasing to say the least." She removed a small bag from inside her cloak and set it in the middle of the table. She sat back and waited for him to look. Her features not changing.

Jescenia knew these types and credit often spoke for itself.

Aug 15th, 2003, 08:43:46 AM
One large, and distinctly non-human, hand plucked the pouch of credits up and gently shook the bag a moment before setting it back down.

“Most pleasing,” the voice purred, “What exactly is this job that you have for me?”

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 15th, 2003, 12:53:05 PM
"The aiding and assisting of capturing and breaking of a Jedi, my daughter. It's been several days since our last encounter, but I've been watching. I know her steps well. I also know of her weaknesses, rather a weakness to all Jedi, not just her. How familiar are you with Jedi?" Her voice spoke with a wicked snarl, how she hated the Jedi for twisting her daughter's mind the way they had.

Aug 19th, 2003, 01:08:31 PM
Beneath his cowl, he smiled a silver smile.

“I know enough to be able to capture one,” the Grimm replied.

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:12:47 PM
Jescenia smiled as she sat back slightly. "Good, when would you be available? The sooner the better and the credit will only get better with time."

Aug 19th, 2003, 01:15:32 PM
“Whenever you are ready, I am. I would prefer to get this over as quickly as possible in the interest of good business, so tell me where and when to go.”

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:36:12 PM
"Good, we begin tonight. I'll have my driver pick you up at Boulevard and West Skyler Avenue, only a few blocks from the Temple at eleven o'clock. Be ready." Jescenia grinned evily, this would be all too easy.

Aug 19th, 2003, 01:46:19 PM
The Grimm nodded and rose to his feet, and nodded. Both departed, going their separate ways. The creature made its way, as it had been instructed to do, to the meeting point at the given time. He waited barely a few minutes before a sleek dark car stopped by the curb side in front of him and the door was pushed open. Ducking to accommodate his height, for he was a tall thing, he sat down into the backseat.

“This shouldn’t take long,” he murmured to himself, as he canted his head to look out of the window at what the speeder was passing by.

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:59:49 PM
"Not long at all, Grimm. Especially, with this." The older woman gestured towards a cage with a salamanderlike creature. "This Ysalamiri will keep my daughter from ever sensing any danger. And this." She handed him a sleek looking dart gun.

"The drugs injections should keep her out for hours. I've got a ship waiting for us on standby and then we're off to Corellia, where your job will just begin."

She looked out the window as they began making their way towards teh temple. "This will be a night to remember, my dear daughter. A night to remember indeed."

The drove around one block and parked outside the Bar and Grill. Jescenia gestured, "she's in there and there are three darts in the gun, so if need be use them. I want a clean get away. So, now we wait."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:15:44 PM
Quay'Na laughed as she finished off her drink. "You guys, it's been a pleasure tonight."

Jacali had just finished telling them of some of her combat lessons and how 'graceful' she'd been. Mylia was in tears, she'd been laughing so hard.

"We'll have to do this more often, Quay." Mylia smiled as she looked around the nearly empty Bar and Grill and wiped away her tears.. "I'll be leaving shortly after I finish my drink."

"Me too," Jacali answered and then added. "Ya know. It wouldn't have been so funny if ithat were you."

"I'm sure it wouldn't be." Quay'Na smiled as she stood up. "Well, I'll see you too tomorrow. G'night!" She turned and looked at Pierce who had been rolling his eyes at them all evening, but it was often added with a grin. "G'night, Pierce!"

"Night, Quay."

Still smiling, she waved and walked out.

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:22:58 PM
Jescenia had been watching her daughter like a hawk for the past several days. She's studied her moves and reactions outside the Temple and knew nearly all her steps.

Just like clockwork, she watched Quay step out alone at the Bar and Grill, just as always. "Sy! Now!" She hissed and sat back further in the seat and covered her head with her hood.

Sy, the driver with a strange looking hat on his head rolled down the window and called to Quay. "Miss! Miss! can I have your assistance?"

Jescenia Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:28:45 PM

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:29:56 PM
An unsuspecting Quay'Na smiled and walked over. "Sure, what can I help you with, Sir?" She sensed no danger, in fact she sensed nothing at all.

"Can you give me directions to the Durgo Coliseum?" The man asked.

Not having seen Sy in over five years, she didn't even notice him.

She also didn't take notice to the back window silently going down behind her.

"Sure," she said as she pointed forward you just take this street here and go down three blocks..." She rambled on the directions