View Full Version : let sleeping dogs lie

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 13th, 2003, 05:25:36 PM
ooc: this is a training thread for kraken. if anyone wants to join in, pm me and we can work something out.


Yuri Moroketh sat silent, almost brooding as he stared at the starlines stretching out before him on the viewscreen. They were calm; peaceful, and the Yevethan found himself in a rather pensive mood as he continued to watch the streaming stars; a rare thing for the large alien.

Unlike most Yevethan, who fear humans and other races in general to the point of hatred, Moroketh had no such feeling of animosity to any race. He'd been raised by humans since almost birth, and was brought up in their society as one of their own. He'd excelled in all that he did, soaking up knowledge like a sponge whenever he could. While most Yevethans were thin, Moroketh was built fairly big, his body not bulky in any respects, but definately fit and trim. He wore his uniform well, which even had been altered to accomodate his dewclaws, and carried the weight of Terrisz'Voss' military commander like a second skin. It fell naturally on his shoulders, as he was a born leader. Tactics had always appealed to him, and he spent many nights alone in a library picking through historical records and military reports.

When he was recruited by Hyde (whom he'd known since early childhood), he gratefully and eagerly accepted the title, as first head of security for the growing Terrisz'Voss, and kept climbing the military ladder as each rung was added until finally becoming the company's military commander.

He oversaw everything the company's departments put out, and more often than not had been known to frequent the files of the 'Offense Exotics' division.

But now, he was on the bridge of Hyde's ship, the Kiavedd (http://www.freehomepages.com/jweyand1/whitestar.jpg), staring serenely at the lines of stars before him. He was running a test simulation, to see how the new UCRM's behaved in battle. A batch of the later models had been set aside for modifications, and when the new weapons upgrades had been added, they'd been sent off with Moroketh. Fa'Rawn Lin had also been sent; of course that was explainable considering she was their creator.

A helmsman broke the silence. "Ten minutes to reversion, Captain," he stated, not bother to look back, knowing his commanding officer had heard and registered.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Be sure to let Lin know as well."

The helmsman nodded imperceptably, and Moroketh once more fell quiet.

- - -

The Kiavedd dropped from Hyperspace with grace, a lone carrier (http://www.boomspeed.com/loklorien/sulaco-1.jpg) flanking it. The two ships sat silently in space, one graceful and flowing, the other one much larger and bristling with weapons. Both were formidable in their own right.

Moroketh stood, glancing down at the nav officer to his right. "Where are we."

"The middle of nowhere, Sir."


The test runs would be simple, uneventful, and from previous experience, a good show. The dogs had proven their battle worth countless times over, and the Yevethan always enjoyed watching them. In many ways they were graceful, their mechanical bodies manipulated by intricately detailed AI. The were practical, and had th e power to rip apart larger capital ships.

They were wonderful.

Park Kraken
Aug 13th, 2003, 10:21:42 PM
::Admiral Kraken sat brooding over the information screen he had been watching. According to the data, the smuggler's ship he wanted to intercept should be in this area, with it's hyperdrive damaged from their brief but intense last encounter. The smuggling ship went by the name of the Derran, and should have been captured the last time they had encountered it, but unfortunatly they figured out how to break the tractor beam's lock. The Indomitable still has scorch damage on her underside where the Proton Torpedo destroyed the Tractor beam projector. It should now be time for them to drop out of hyperspace. Kraken turns to his helmsman::

"Kliff, bring us out of hyperspace." Orders Kraken.

"Yes sir. We are exiting now."

::The starlines fade away to reveal a large patch of empty space. No, not quite empty. Forty-Five kilometers away sits a pair of unidentified spaceships, warships of some kind from the looks of them. No other vessels in the region. Kraken hisses in disappointment, then turns to his aide, Commander Pollock, to consult with him.::

"Well, it appears that our estimates were wrong as to the location of the smuggling vessel. Unless, of couse, those ships have had something to do with the smuggling vessel not being here, or no longer being here. We will close with the targets, and attempt to communicate with them."

"Yes sir, we are now closing to open a signal to them. Should we prepare our weapons, and launch some of our fighters as a screen should they attack?"

"Yes, warm up all of our batteries, and launch three squadrons of TIE Droid Fighters, two from our bays, one squadron from the Indomitable."

"Yes sir!"

::Kraken then sat back into his comfortable chair, and waits for the alien response.::

Fa'Rawn Lin
Aug 14th, 2003, 12:02:53 AM
Fa'Rawn Lin stalked towards her modified mobile unit, the alpha dog (http://www.boomspeed.com/loklorien/ucrm.jpg) at her side like an obedient puppy. Metal claws takked on the metal deck, and it swiveled its metal head left and right, optical sensor taking everything it saw and processing each detail with care and precision. Lithe metal body moving gracefully, the dog stayed by its master's side.

Rawny herself was as unkept as always; block combat trousers, flight boots, an old red shirt, and a black flight jacket all she'd chosen to wear. Stopping before the mobile unit, she ran her hands over the smooth metal surface of one of the legs before stepping in and situating herself. Neural connection jacks connected themselves to the ports at the base of her neck, and with neural energy flowing through the machine's synapses, it came to life, closing its canopy and leg casing, sealing her inside. Fingers running ofer a visual/tactile hud, she ran system checks like routine.

Moroketh had reported Imperial ships dropping from hyperspace, ordering his ships to hold their position until the situation was assessed. And when the Imperial fighters had been launched, decided to allow Rawny and her dogs to test the new upgrades on the fighters; should it come to a conflict or skirmish. She'd only nodded and said she'd see what happened; to which he'd firmly ordered her to do nothing unless fired upon.

And so, as the mobile unti turned, its twelve foot tall metal frame surprisingly agile, the alpha dog scurried onto the unit's back, lodging itself in the port built into the mech's back. Nine other dogs were ready, already hooked up to their drone flyers, and beginning the trek to the bay doors, Rawny called for them to follow her.

Firing her thrusters, the Mech Dog Momma flew out into space, followed diligently by her small force.

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 14th, 2003, 05:53:24 PM
Moroketh watched as the two Imperial cruisers closed the distance, his eyes narrow. He didn't have a particular fondness for the Imperials, and it showed in his voice.

"Take us back, and keep our distance from them constant."

The helmsman nodded, and the Kiavedd backed away gracefully. The carrier as well reversed it course, and the two Terrisz'Voss ships retreated to what was considered by the captain to be an acceptable distance.

"Good. Keep at this distance; they can hail us still, but I want you to maintain and match speeds should they advance further."

"Understood, Sir."

Moroketh hated being surprised, and that was what'd happened not long ago, with the appearence of the star destroyers. And yet, he'd still ordered a small UCRM group out, under the hopeful pretense that should things come down to a skirmish, the dogs would be able to prove their worth in combat. He had faith in Lin, but knew she had a tendency to answer comm calls and shoot her mouth off; something that was constantly trying to be avoided... it was getting better. Somewhat.

And so, he sat, watching the viewscreen at the two destroyers before him.

Park Kraken
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:46:57 PM
"Sir, the unknown Warships are backing off at our pace of advance." Mentioned the Sensors officer.

"Very well. They obviously are hiding something, else they wouldn't be backing off, less they had something to hide. Open a channel to the smaller of the two warships." Ordered Admiral Kraken.

"This is Admiral Kraken of the Imperial Soveriengty. We are here on official buisness, and believe that you may be harboring criminals we seek aboard your carrier. We are sending Assault Shuttles over to investigate. Cooperate, and we will be on our way in no time."

::Three bulky Assault Shuttles are dispatched to inspect the vessel, with it being escorted in by two squadrons of TIE/Droid Fighters.::

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 14th, 2003, 09:28:08 PM
A fist pounded the armrest of his command chair, and Yuri Moroketh shot to his feet. A dewclaw extended in anger, and he barked at the comm officer to open comm lines.

"You will keep your distance from my ships," he barked, his deep bass voice rumbling through the bridge, "I'm not here to play games with you; I have business to conduct and tests to run. I came here under the pretense that I would be able to complete such tests in solitude, and not badgered by anyone; let alone the Sovereignty."

Moroketh still had a very bad taste in his mouth the last time he'd dealt with them. Still standing, he looked down to his helmsman.

"Maintain your speed, and have Lin set up a front screen with the dogs. I don't trust them."

Both the Kiavedd and the carrier kept up a constant retreat, and from the underside of the smaller vessel, a strange sight came into view. It was, for lack of a better word, a pack of dogs; and in the lead, a lone mobile unit (http://www.consolenetwork.it/rec_prev/ps2/armored3/wall3.jpg), heavily modified. They didn't attack, instead simply placing themselves between the two Terrisz'Voss ships and the advancing Imperials.

Park Kraken
Aug 15th, 2003, 09:05:12 PM
Aboard the Illoustrious, Flagship of the Imperial Taskforce 1.2:

"Sir, the alien warships are continuing their withdrawal, and have deployed what appears to be a starfighter screen of some kind after their last transmission."

"Okay, they obviously don't want to cooperate, let's give them good incentive to. Guns, fire two warning shots over their heads."

::Turbolaser Fire from the forward Batteries flashed torwards the alien warships. By pure dumb luck, one of the turbolaser beams impacted, and obliterated one of the Alien fighters.::

" Shizit!!!, recall those shuttles now. Send an apology to the alien fleet, and prepare our ships for combat. Prepare the rest of our fighter squadrons for deployment, we may be in for a fight."

::Kraken turned to watch out the viewport, and awaited for the Alien's response to this unfortunate turn of events.::

Fa'Rawn Lin
Aug 17th, 2003, 12:34:30 PM
One of the dogs disappeared in a blazing explosion, and a string of curses came from Rawny's lips. One of her babies was gone; destroyed by some careless gunner. She didn't even wait for the order from Moroketh or acknowledge the 'apology' broadcast by the Imperials. They'd destroyed one of her dogs, and she'd make sure they knew the consequences.

Gunning her thrusters, she closed the distance between her and the nearest shuttle, flanked by the UCRM's. The Alpha, snug in its housing on her mobile unit's back, sprang to life as they neared the shuttle. Two other dogs flew past, and disengaging themselves from their drone flyers, landed on the shuttle.

The others went for the other shuttle as the carrier launched another squad of UCRM's. The dogs swarmed all over the two shuttles, using the ion pulse emitters in their 'paws' to break through the shields with ease before beginning to tear apart the hulls with vibro-tipped claws.

Rawny herself veered off, letting loose a volley of fire at the droid fighters to throw them off; to give her dogs the support fire they needed until the other arrived; which wouldn't be long at all.

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 17th, 2003, 12:43:55 PM
Yuri Moroketh surged to his feet, eyes burning with rage as he watched one of the dogs disintegrate, and then as Rawny launched her attack.

"Get me those Imperials!"

The helmsman nodded, and Moroketh glowered at the screen, watching everything that happened before him. At a nod, he spoke once more.

"Poor taste to attack a peaceful force," he started, addressing the Imperial admiral, "I would suggest you pull yourself back before my trigger happy subordinate out there has her way."

He continued to watch, as the dogs from the carrier converged on the rest of the droid fighters, swarming over the fighters like a pack of starved rancors. It was a grim sight to say the least, and the Yevethan gave a grim smile.

He spoke once more. "You should learn to let sleeping dogs lie, Admiral."

And then the transmission was cut.

Park Kraken
Aug 17th, 2003, 05:24:39 PM
Aboard the Star Destroyer Illoustrious.........

::As the enemy gunboats assault his shuttles, Admiral Kraken comes out of his seat in a snarl, and activates his comm unit::

"Let Sleeping Dogs lie, eh? After this battle is over, I'll let all the permantly sleeping dogs lie. Time to teach you who's the master, and who's the pet."

"Guns, launch several salvos at the Gunboats, and deploy half of our remaining fighters against the enemy Carrier. Send a message to the shuttles ordering them to self destruct if their hull is breached. Fire our Ion Cannons at the shuttles."

"Sir?, our shuttles will be disabled and helpless."

"Right now they are helpless, this is their best chance at survival. The Ion Cannons will also short circuit the things trying to gain entrance to the shuttle's holds."

"Yes sir, firing is commencing."

Fa'Rawn Lin
Aug 28th, 2003, 05:16:30 PM
Whipping the mobile unit about like it was a child's toy, Rawny provided cover fire for her dogs. The others had arrived, and were assisting as well, and with gritted teeth, she fired her thrusters; bringing her up and over an advancing TIE in a graceful backwards arc. Bolts of lancing blue shot out at the shuttles, and with a muttered curse, ordered the dogs who'd jumped to the transports to recall their drone flyers. Only three were able to escape the salvo, and as they reformed behind her, Rawny started the charge.

The charge on the Illustrious.

It looked paltry; one lone mobile unit and a contingent of UCRM's heading straight for a star destroyer, but at this point it wasn't so much the need to defend the Kiavedd or the carrier. It was the desire to see if her upgraded dogs could handle what was now being dished out to them.

One more dog went down in the fire from the Imperial cruiser, but still she pressed on - and slowly her anger rose until the need to lash out shone through. Opening a comm through her neural connection, she watched as the cockpit transparisteel flickered briefly before breaking into a comm image. She saw the bridge of the enormous ship, but most importantly, the Admiral who was in command.

Rawny knew he could see her as well, her signal causing the holoprojector to flare to life. The angry face of a young woman, no more than 20 years old, glared at the Admiral. Her short black hair was slicked back, her orange eyes blazing at him. Even her slender, seemingly delicate features were twisted in near-hate as her voice growled at him, dangerously low.

:: You picked the wrong bitch to mess with, Pal. ::

Roman Teeg
Aug 28th, 2003, 05:27:03 PM
They'd been given the signal. Launch and engage the enemy at will. It was an order Kodesh Squadron would fulfill with eagerness; they were still sore from the last run-in with the Sovereignty, and had been aching for the chance to rightfully attack the Imperial faction. Of course Roman would never let his superiors know - his Squad's business was no one else's, and what they wanted was something he knew he couldn't give.

Until now.

And Roman himself was chomping at the proverbial bit, waiting for the order from above.

And it'd come. Straight from Moroketh himself.

With a uniform precision that looked exotic all at the same time, Kodesh Squadron launched from the carrier, thrusters carrying the squad of mobile units off of the open launch deck.

They headed for the fighters that'd been sent after the carrier.

Roman Teeg and his squad were itching for retribution, and now was their chance.

Park Kraken
Aug 28th, 2003, 08:50:17 PM
"Sir, the enemy starfighters have broken off their attacks on our shuttles. They are en route to attack us now. We........." The Ensign's chatter was cut off by a sudden holographic transmission to the bridge. A young woman spoke some rather harsh words, then cut the transmission. A signal tracer told the Admiral that the transmission had come from the lead starfigthter.

"Guns, prepare your tractor beams and Ion Cannons. Let's see if we can reel in that lead starfighter. Meanwhile, shift your fire from the incoming ships to the enemy Carrier. Let Indomitable deal with those enemy starfighters. If they attach, those things, to our hull, should they manage to get past our shields, the Indomitable's captian knows what to do. Meanwhile, have Alpha and Beta Squadrons attack the enemy starfighter squadron that is ripping apart Charlie Squad."

"Yes sir." came the chorus of acknowledgements.

Fa'Rawn Lin
Aug 28th, 2003, 09:45:03 PM
With graceful movements, Rawny manipulated the mobile unit, twisting it fluidly to dodge the incoming fire. Following suit, the dogs broke off as well, each knowing where they had to go; where they needed to be. And so, with the Alpha still in its alcove on the unit's back, she continued on course - hoping her babies would get the star destroyer's shields down in time.

There were four of the upgraded dogs left, and each one was racing for the Illustrius' shield generators; breaking off in pair to attack each dome in twos. Following closely though, a squad of TIEs was closing the distance, bolts of energy lancing outwards.

Salvation came in the form of more dogs, each one launching off their flyers to collide with the TIEs and knock them off course, TIE and dog entangled in a mass of spinning, writhing metal.

Rawny herself was too busy dodging ion blasts to worry about anything but whether the shields were going to go down. A blue bolt singed one of the shoulder thrusters, and she cursed.

This would be a little harder than she originally thought, but pressing on, she dodged the oncoming ion blasts...

... but failed to notice the TIE that'd dropped down behind her...

Park Kraken
Aug 29th, 2003, 08:45:35 PM
"Sir! enemy starfighters are making runs on our shield generators!" sang out the ensign.

"Where the blazes is our starfighter screen?!? They should be easily repelling those ungainly craft! And what of Indomitable's counterfire?"

"Sir, Indomitable is preparing a missile salvo to deal with the remaining starfighters, but their targeting computers are malfunctioning. Our own starfighter screen is scoring kill after kill, but many of the ones stationed to defend our generators have been attacked with the drones, and been forced to self destruct. Our own fire is causing considerable damage to the enemy Carrier. The other capital ship currently is maintaining it's position." reported the sensors officer.

"<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, reassign starfighters screening Indomitable to come to our aid, and shift power from the Tractor Beams, and Reserves to our shields. We must keep them up for as long as we can. Shields, what is your status?"

"The main shields are currently holding at 37%, when the Reserves come up, they should be boosted to 180%."

"Excellent. Go ahead and pour in half the reserve power, then rotate us 90 degrees port to throw off their aim, and give Indomitable a better targeting solution on those enemy starfighters."

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:22:36 AM
Moroketh sat quietly, occasionally barking out orders for his subordinates while observing the battle. While taking a vicious beating, the carrier was holding its own, and the Yevethan let his hands ball into fists. The Kiavedd herself was fighting off her assailents easily, as the main bulk of Imperial fighters seemed to head for the carrier. It was a problem he'd have to remedy soon, else for al itsl strength, even it would fall. Rawny was a different problem altogether; as she'd gone off the deepend. He knew she was angry for the destruction of her dogs, but he hoped she'd be able to get herself out of the scrape she'd flown into. He couldn't help her now - his duty was to his crew and those under his command - and the men and women on the carrier needed him and his ship.

Kodesh squadron was holding their own; anger and thoughts of revenge fueled them, and Moroketh knew that Teeg would more or less come out on top before the battle was over. The small tactical holoprojector built into the arm of his chair flaired to life with the tap of a finger, and the Captain frowned. Two more squadrons of enemy fighters was being dispatched, currently heading for Teeg and the carrier.

With a grunt, Moroketh stood, pulling down on his jet black tunic to straighten any unseen creases. "Helm. take us around to support the carrier; and put us between Kodesh and those incoming TIE's."

"Yes sir."

With a graceful arc, the Kiavedd cut through space on its way to the carrier's aide. The sleek hull seemed to shift as it flew, sectioned panels sliding open to reveal hidden gunports throughout the entire craft, and it seemed to even change its shape as it brought its weapons to bear.

On the bridge, Moroketh placed his hands on the seatback of the helmsman's chair.

"Open fire."

It was like the calm before the storm - those seconds before the Kiavedd's weapons erupted in brilliant bursts of energy. Energy which lanced out, catching the approaching TIE squadrons full on.

Roman Teeg
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:43:15 AM
Moroketh's assessment was right; Roman and his men were most definately feeding off of 'vengeance'.

The battleground out near the carrier was intense, as squads of TIE's clashed with squadrons of mobile units. It was fairly an even matchup, but the manueverability of the mobile units seemed to give them the upper hand - as well as the strategies involved. Teeg and his men swarmed the TIEs, raining down upon them with no mercy, tangling with the more delicate enemy fighters; where TIEs were built for flight and no collision, the mobile units were designed for such - they were sturdy, tough, and packed a punch not many would care to remember.

And so it was with this tactic that Roman and his squad attacked the Imperial TIEs. Mobile units landed on the enemy fighters, keeping both from spinning out of control using their own thrusters, and even using the TIEs as 'shields' from incoming fire.

And then the Kiavedd had appeared, opening fire on the approaching TIE reenforcements. It was a welcome helping hand that Roman took all too eagerly, as he and his squadron continued their fight.

Fa'Rawn Lin
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:26:25 AM
The four remaining upgraded dogs had made it to the shield generators; pairing off in two to attack both towers. With support from the other UCRMs, the 'breaker dogs' as they were dubbed, went to work. Massive ion pulses beat into the shields already surrounding the star destroyer, and each burst brought the shields down that much more. It was only a matter of minutes before the shields were down compeltely, and the dogs would then go about destroying the generators completely.

Rawny herself had her hands full, dodging ion blasts still lancing out from the Illustrious - and all seemingly aimed at her.

Twisting around in a smooth motion, she let off a shot at the TIE that'd snuck up on her, causing it to break off to come around once more, and in the brief respite she shifted her angle of flight, heading straight for a passing TIE. With expert grace she grabbed ahold of the fighter, bracing herself with her feet. The TIE juked, trying to get its assailent off, but it did no good. Rawny was beyond words now, and her actions suggested just as much.

With a cold precision, she angled her gatling rifle flush against the cockpit front. She could see the pilot, and she knew he could see her face through the transparisteel, but it mattered little as she pulled the trigger; sending a spray of bulletfire into the cockpit of the TIE.

Unfortunately, she didn't see the blue ion bolt that lanced toward her.

Rawny looked up seconds before being hit, her orange eyes narrowing, her teeth grinding.

And then the botl hit, shorting out not only her electrical systems, but causing a feedback overload that traveled through her neural connection and knocking her unconscious.

Rawny was out of the game, floating dead in space beside an equally dead TIE.

Park Kraken
Aug 30th, 2003, 09:07:33 PM
"Sir, the enemy cruiser is coming into the fight. It has opened fire on our TIE reinforcements. Also, the lead starfighter has been disabled, and is currently being held in position by our tractor beams." reported ensign Clutt, freckles standing out on his face due to the nervousness he had to be feeling.

"Okay, he has finally comitted his cruiser. Now, let's launch a real counteroffensive. Order Indomitable, and our fighters to launch their salvos. We will follow up with fire with our Turbolaser Batteries, and Ion Cannons, except for Turbolaser Batterey Number Four-One. I want that one to target the dead starfighter, and erase it from existence. Oh, and as for those little zombie bots attacking our generators, bring the KDY Reserve Grid to full power, type 3 shielding, and launch a half squadron of Skipray Blastboats to help get rid of those large mobile units. Finally, in case they should breach our shields, and destroy the generators."

::With the orders issued, Admiral Kraken sat back and watched the carnage as it unfolded. First, the Indomitable, and Starfighters launched a massive missile salvo aimed at the cruiser as it entered the fight. Fifty or more CM-9 missiles from the Destroyer, another thirty or so CM-6s from the starfighters, most of the missiles survived to impact against the cruiser's shields. Quickly following on heels of the massive missile barrage were large volumes of Heavy Battery fire, from at least fifty different batteries. Several large explosions were observed during this period. And then, Admiral Kraken watched as the Reserve Grid activated, and the Ion Beams the little critters were pouring into his shields were suddenly blasted right back at them. Kraken allowed himself a smile, and continued to observe the battle from his command chair.::

Yuri Moroketh
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:08:52 AM
The Kiavedd's shields held wonderfully, their power only down to about 76 percent damage thanks to help given by Teeg and his squadron. They'd split; half staying to fight the remaining TIEs while the other half layed down a screen of precision fire, taking out many of the incoming missiles that had been fired by the star destroyer. The others, fired by the Imperial fighters had impacted; but their damage was absorbed by the Kiavedd's particle shields, and what remainder of the fighters were left after Moroketh's merciless barrage were chewed up even more; being caught in the crossfire between the star destroyers and the Terrisz'Voss ships.

On the bridge of the Kiavedd, Moroketh sat calmly, watching everything before him with narrow eyes. Rawny had was out of the fight, and in danger of being captured; something that rankled the captain to no end - Hyde would have a fit if the woman was taken by the Sovereignty.

And then, as soon as the blaster fire had started, it stopped, and the ion pulses that had ricocheted off the suddenly and very briefly boosted shields shot off wildly into space, missing the dogs as they scrambled for better purchase on the generators. But then the shields had died completely, and the UCRM's went to work, their vibrotipped claws and plasma casters carving into the generators - ensuring it'd be a long while before the ship would ever be able to shield itself.

Back on the Kiavedd, Moroketh watched with growing interest at the sudden turn of events. "What happened," he queried, remaining in his seat.

"Sir, the Illustrious just lost her power; she's sitting dead in space... "

Moroketh looked down at the readouts that were displayed on the holo, and laughed aloud. "Well. Apparently this Admiral Kraken doesn't know the limits of his own ship. Seems the man has overloaded his entire power grid; I would have thought he would have known better than to activate his reserves while his mains were on - there's only so much the resistors can take before turning to glass. He saturated his circuits, and now they've blown... the man is without power of any sort."

Moroketh grinned to himself, but ordered his small force to hold their positions; he was an honorable individual, and refused to attack any so-called enemy in such a situation; after all, he had been merely defending himself and his people.

Moroketh waited, anxious to call back his fighters and retrieve Rawny, but he was also cautious, and very much interested to see how the Imperials dealt with this new problem.

Park Kraken
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:17:56 PM
"Sir, we have lost main power, including shields, and weapons!" reported Ensign Brebb.

"How the hell did this happen?"

"Well sir, when our emergency power came up, it overloaded the resistors, and melted them into glass. We have limited power, including propulsion, but the majority of the systems, including life support, are now offline, and won't be coming back up without a refit."

"Damn, wait.....emergency power? I thought I specified for you to reinforce shields only?"

"Uhhhh....." The Ensign trailed off, his face turning a ghastly white.

"Grrr. Okay, we obviously screwed up, and now are in a tight spot. We need to figure out a way to get out of this siutation. We need to withdraw, and escape into hyperspace, in order to reach Thyferra, and inact emergency repairs."

"But sir, life support won't last before we reach Thyferra!"

"Okay, here is what we'll do. We'll evacuate the crew via all the shuttles, Barges, and Transports we have to the nearby planet of Hilari, then we'll seal off the Command Tower, and bring up a couple of generators from deep storage to help maintain life support in the bridge, and command tower."

"Aye sir, crew evacuations are now beginning."

"Also, have Indomitable launch a Sentinel shuttle to retrieve that bitch starfighter that started the whole mess. I will look forward to interrogating her. How many starfighters do we have left?"

"Out of our original 144 starfighters, only 39 are left."

"Hmmm, very well then, here is my orders for them. vector twelve to cover the enemy pilot capture, and have the rest cover our shuttle convoy while it escapes into hyperspace. Have Indomitable lay several salvos to cover ours, and the shuttle's escape."

"Yes sir, starfighters, and Indomitable copys your orders."

::Kraken then strode over to the viewport to watch the action. He ordered several oberserves up as well to monitor the situation, since sensors was now inoperable as well.::

Fa'Rawn Lin
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:03:33 AM
The mobile unit that housed Rawn was dead in space. And there was nothing she could do about it either, as she herself was unconscious, overloaded from the shock of the ion blast she'd taken. Her rested, unmoving over the shattered husk of what used to be a TIE, and the two floated aimlessly through space.

The shuttle that picked her up worked fast, it's crew pulling the entire mobile unit in before making their escape from what they knew would be an enraged enemy at having lost one of its men.

And so, as the mobile unit was dragged into the shuttle, its single occupant didn't even move, her internal network of neural implants shorted out.

It would be a while before Rawn opened her eyes.

Roman Teeg
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:14:20 AM
Teeg and his squadron had been split up, one half helping support the carrer, and the other going after Lin as soon as her mobile unit had been shorted out. Retrieving her was almost paramount, as she was incidentally one of Hyde's sub-department heads. Teeg knew she'd practically founded the AI exotics projects, and he also knew what his orders would be without having to wait for them. Moroketh didn't even have to tell him; Teeg had taken half of his squad to get her back.

He watched though, as the Imperials launched a shuttle, and soon enough it became a race between Kodesh and the shuttle to see who would get to Lin first.

It wasn't Kodesh.

Teeg watched, anger building up as Lin's mobile unit was pulled into the shuttle, but there was nothing he could do as the Imperials had sent their last TIEs to cover themselves and their escape.

It was maddening, and Teeg knew that the debriefing from Moroketh would not be pleasant in the least.

Park Kraken
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:38:05 PM
::Admiral Kraken watched as the battle reached it's conclusion. The shuttle has successfully captured the enemy starfighter, and had withdrawn. The Indomitable was covering their retreat with a salvo of anti-starfighter laser barrages. He knew this fight was a draw, for both enemies had inflicted heavy amounts of damage to each other, as Kraken glanced out the viewport at the heavily damaged enemy carrier, then glanced down at the bow of his moderatly damaged Star Destroyer. Then the starlines elongated as his destroyer made the jump into hyperspace.::

::Soon after this, the Indomitable made her jump into hyperspace as well, leaving tons of starfighter, mobile dog, and pieces of captial ship wreckage scattrered around the battlefield.::