View Full Version : Hide and seek (Open to anyone)

Aug 12th, 2003, 01:37:07 PM
As long as Oriadin was still on hiatus, Kale's knowledge of the Force was limited, but he had a few things going for him. One was that his life on the streets of Coruscant had taught him how to fend for himself in an unfriendly environment. Another was the peculiar talent he'd discovered a few years ago.

It wasn't actual invisibility; he didn't know if that were possible. It was more like hiding in plain sight, for lack of a better way of saying it. Somehow he could make himself inconspicuous in such a way that a spectator would only register his presence on a subconscious level. If you were looking hard enough, you'd see him and the trick would amount to a mild case of déjà vu; if not, he'd appear no more remarkable than a crack in the sidewalk.

Of course, Kale didn't understand the mechanics of it. All he knew was that it had worked at least twice, and saved his life at least once. He figured it was a handy enough skill to practice, especially if he ever had to go back to his old profession.

The fifteen-year-old ex-streeter was wandering in the temple garden with nothing much to do. There was a clear sky overhead, and it was just about time for lunch, which meant there would probably be Jedi of all sorts coming to the garden to take advantage of the weather by eating outdoors. He planted himself on the lawn just off the main garden path amid a grove of fragrant dogwood trees and called on the Force. It still took a great deal of concentration for him, but within a minute, he felt himself sinking into the scenery. Now all he had to do was wait for somebody to happen by and hope they didn't see him.

Aug 12th, 2003, 02:47:09 PM
Tyme walked into the garden for some thought. He sat on a bench, slumped over, and tried to 'reach out' to the Force. He had just learned something like this in his Acadamy classes but still didn't quite get it. As he sat back up he couldn't help but feel he was being watched.

Aug 12th, 2003, 03:27:56 PM
Kale saw Tyme... sorta. He was still fuzzy on the whole "sensing through the Force" schtick, and in some ways his hiding trick had a double blinding effect. His connection to the Force was still so weak that he was afraid he'd lose it if he gave it less than his full concentration.

But then, he'd never get better at it if he didn't experiment. Tyme hadn't reacted to him yet, and Kale took that as a good sign.

Slowly, relying as much as possible on mere muscle memory, Kale stood up and walked toward the man on the bench. So far, so good... he thought. And then he tripped on a root and fell flat on his face with a thud.

Oof... he hadn't figured out a way to mask sounds, but Kale did his best to keep up his Force disguise, and maybe... just maybe... Tyme would miss him.

Aug 12th, 2003, 03:58:40 PM
Tyme was startled by what he thought was a noise behind him. He turned his head slightly but saw no one.

"Man, i gotta switch to decaf." He mumbled to himself.

Tyme then grabbed up a small flower and fumbled around with it. He still couldn't shake the nagging feeling that someone was around.

Aug 12th, 2003, 08:16:37 PM
Make that two people. SonLee was watching the two men in mild amusement, and crept up on Tyme, knowing that the other man could see her. She had no idea of why he chose to hide in such a way. Tyme seemed to ignore her until she stuck out a slender hand. "Hello. I'm SonLee." She looked over at where Kale was hiding, and he didn't look happy. She decided not to blow his cover yet, and decided to play about for a bit. "I was watching you, if you don't mind." She felt slightly ridiculous, and put up a sheild around Kale, wondering what he would do.

Sometimes, it paid to be a Witch.

Aug 12th, 2003, 08:50:24 PM
Tyme was startled out of his concentration on the flower, he tried not to act suprised. "Oh i don't mind at all." He remebered the noise he had heard, "I knew someone was around here!" He exclaimed. "And i thought i was just imagineing things, heh."

"My name's Tyme." He extended his hand, "Nice to meet you."

Aug 12th, 2003, 10:46:34 PM
"The pleasure's mine." She shook his hand warmly. "Nice flower you have there. It reminds me of Rydesia's - I grew them back home on Correllia." She bent over and sniffed it - yes, she was certain that it was.

She got up quickly, remembering that her robe was low cut, and young men had tendencies to taker a peek now and then, but Tyme seemed not to have noticed. She smiled. She liked this guy already.

She hadn't forgotten Kale of course. She thought about turning him into a Har'Honnah bird for a bit of fun, but dismissed the idea.

"So, you are new here, i presume?"

She took a seat beside him. A wave of sadness quickly washed over her as she looked over at him. He reminded her of someone she had known on Correllia long ago. He was killed in a shuttle accident only 3 years ago...or so the story went. No bodily remains were found. That was probably the most difficult bit.

SonLee looked back at Tyme, and noticed that he was watching her strangely. "ooops...was i speaking out my thoughts?"

Aug 12th, 2003, 11:25:19 PM
Tyme placed the small flower in his shirt pocket. "Yep, new to this Order, but certainly not the planet." He said, looking around. Still feeling as though someone was with them, but not visable.

"What about you? Have you been here a while?"

Aug 13th, 2003, 10:30:20 AM
Kale flinched, and he almost lost his cover. Somehow he'd completely missed SonLee, and she hadn't even been hiding.

The teenager stayed low as the two other garden-goers began conversing. There was something about the newcomer that pricked Kale's danger sense. She didn't seem to be an immediate threat, but the look on her face when she glanced his direction gave him the willies. Maybe she'd seen through his Force camouflage, or maybe he was just feeling jumpy.

Kale rose to his feet and drummed up the resolve to try something really audacious, something that would test just how well this trick of his worked. Very quietly, he mosied up behind Tyme and slipped a hand into his pocket in search of a billfold or some other small item he could pinch. Then SonLee got up, and Kale's eyes flashed toward the movement.

Woah... low-cut robe.

His concentration blew straight to frell, and his disguise went with it, leaving him standing quite perceptibly with his hand in Tyme's pocket and his eyes where they shouldn't be.

Aug 13th, 2003, 12:36:28 PM
Tyme thought he felt something and looked down. He looked and noticed a hand in his coat pocket. That's funny, he thought, he could have swore his hands were on rested on his side...... They ARE at his side! If those weren't his hands, who's were they!?

Tyme got up franticaly, almost losing his balance. He stumbled back, his eyes rested upon a young man, directly behind the bench.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Who are you and where the heck did you come from!?" Tyme exclaimed. His eyes darted from the younger man and the woman he had just met.

Aug 13th, 2003, 05:51:46 PM
SonLee smirked. "He's been watching you for quite a while." She glanced at Kale again, with eyes where they shouildn't have been, and she cleared her throat. "I don't know him, before you ask." Kale began to look sad and sorry for himself, and SonLee shook her head. "Pity, though. Jedi aren't that stupid to blow their cover like that...and they are especially not pickpockets! I've been here only three days, and even I'm not blonde enough to not know that." She tossed her blonde curls as added effect.

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:18:57 PM
Kale leapt back as gracefully as was possible under the circumstances, and he nearly fell backward into a forsynthia bush in the process. Once he'd regained his balance, he put up his hands to calm Tyme down. "Hey, easy there, cowboy! I wasn't gonna steal nothin'. I was just practicin' my stealth."

He glanced back at SonLee's--er, better make it her eyes this time. "You don't have to get all self-righteous on me, sister. I train my way, you train yours. But no harm done, right?"

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:27:33 PM
"Riiiight." Tyme said, a confused expression was on his face. He really had no clue what was going on. There were two people, who he didn't know, sneaking around in this garden. He thought the situation peculiar to say the least.

"What's with all the sneakin' around out here anyways?" He grinned, "there's only so much suprise a guy can handle."

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:34:09 PM
SonLee put her hands on her hips. "I do not 'sneak'". She pouted, and looked over at Kale. "He was sneaking."

She adjusted her robe, just to make sure that Kale's eyes didn't wander to her...ahemz...

"So,who are you?" she asked Kale, looking at him pointedly.

Aug 14th, 2003, 12:26:43 AM
Kale shoved his hands into his pockets and threw SonLee a defensive scowl. "Look, there's nothin' wrong with sneaking. Say you need to get through a cantina full of angry, drunken wookiees. Now, you ain't gonna barter passage with 'em, and I hope to frell you ain't gonna try brawlin' your way through that mess..."

Sensing he was getting far afield of the point, Kale pulled out his right hand and thrust it toward SonLee and Tyme. "Sorry. Didn't start things out too well. I'm Kale, and I've been Padawan here a few months now. I'm just tryin' to keep busy until my master gets back."

Aug 14th, 2003, 12:37:54 AM
SonLee blinked at the man's sudden change of attitude.

"I'm SonLee. Nice to meet you. Oh, and i don't have a problem with Wookies by the way. If they annoy me, I just turn them into mice."

Aug 14th, 2003, 08:51:02 AM
"If they annoy me, I just turn them into mice."

Did Tyme hear that correctly? What was he dealing with here. A guy who is practically invisible, and a girl who can turn things into mice!? He was in over his head, but he went along with it anyways, despite the strangeness.

He took Kale's hand in and shook it. "I'm Tyme, and you have your point about sneakin' around, but i'm no Wookie." He said, looking down at himself as though checking to make sure he was right.

"Quite an odd way to keep busy," He said to Kale, then as though he was distracted he turned to SonLee. "and did you just say Wookie, into a mouse?"

Aug 14th, 2003, 11:34:53 AM
Hmph, well, at least Tyme seemed to be cool with Kale's little clandestine ops; he'd been expecting to have to duck and run to avoid a call for temple security. He met Tyme's handshake with a thin smile, then rubbed his sore knuckles. There was no question who had the better grip.

The look Kale gave SonLee mirrored Tyme's general befuddlement. "Uh... good for you," he said ambiguously. "So, you both Padawans here, I take it? I've been here a little while, but I ain't exactly been keepin' up with the recruit rosters."

Aug 14th, 2003, 05:19:24 PM
"Care for me to give you a demonstration?"

SonLee looked around and saw a bird up high in a tree. She pointed a finger at it, and a green bolt of energy blew out and hit the bird...leaving a monkey in its place. "Sorry. There were no Wookies around."

She could tell they were both beffudled at her little bit of magic, and she smiled at their confusion. "Who needs a padawan when there's magic around?" she asked both Tyme and Kale.

Aug 15th, 2003, 11:53:35 AM
Tyme looked up at the tree. "Well, now i've seen everything." He said in awe. He was thinking that he should probably run away at this point. With magic flying out of SonLee's hands, and there was a great chance that by the time Tyme looked back Kale would have dissapeared, he wasn't exactly thinking this situation was normal. But he stayed.

"I'm not quite a padawan," he said, still looking into the tree, "I still have to pass those classes, so i'm an Initiate."

Aug 15th, 2003, 04:14:33 PM
Kale ducked when SonLee pulled off her "demonstration" and stumbled a few paces back. "Oh, geez, I didn't think you were serious! Okay, just... please watch where you point that finger of yours."

He really didn't believe in magic, and, even now, he wasn't sure there hadn't been some trick involved. But he'd seen plenty of weird things since joining the GJO, and he didn't want to risk getting himself turned into anything unnatural.

"Well, I, uh... I got my master before those classes were created, so I can't help you there.... uh..." Kale was still warily watching where SonLee aimed her finger as he replied to Tyme. "Hey, you said you weren't new to the planet, didn't you? Where're you from on Coruscant?"

Aug 15th, 2003, 04:38:47 PM
"Yeah, i think it's best you keep that finger, or any other part of your body that shoots things, pointed in a safe direction." He said to SonLee, eyes still fixed on the monkey that was once a bird. Tyme wondered how the bird must feel.

Tyme looked back at Kale. "I'm not from here at all, actually. "I'm from Nar Shaddaa, it's a moon, a crime infested one at that. Or at least that's where i grew up." He said smiling, "Rough little place."

"Where are you guys from?" He returned in question.

Aug 15th, 2003, 09:50:03 PM
SonLee turned the monkey back into a bird again, and faced Kale and Tyme. "Don't worry, I won't turn you into anything...for now." She smiled. "I have to figure out whether i like you or not first." They squirmed, and she could help but laugh. "Don't worry, I do, ok, I do..."

She realised that Tyme had asked her something, and she turned to him. "I come from a dead planet, DarQuarth. I am, was, a warrior Princess, and I'm also a Witch. A good Witch, mind you." She smirked. "Not like the wicked witch of the west."

Aug 15th, 2003, 09:51:50 PM
Kale was somehow relieved when SonLee put the bird back in proper order, and he imagined it was, too.

DarQuath? Kale had never heard of it, and he wasn't sure what SonLee meant by a "dead planet." He also didn't know who the Wicked Witch of the West was, but the idea of talking to a witch, particularly a royal one, put him a bit off-kilter. Streeters and important folk usually didn't mix well.

"Ahem, er... what're you doin' here, then? Didn't know the Jedi Temple was a hot hangout for princesses... or witches."

Aug 15th, 2003, 10:14:01 PM
As if things couldn't get much weirder, Tyme now knew that he was in the general area of a witch. This did not settle well with him.

"I've also never been to that planet, but that whole 'dead' thing may be the reason i haven't." Tyme said, guessing that a dead planet was no longer inhabitable.

He heard Kale's question and he was also curious about why a warrior princess/witch would be here at the GJO.

Aug 16th, 2003, 07:27:41 PM
"My Planet was destroyed many years ago. I came to the GJO to find a new direction in the course of my life. I hoped this would help."

She smiled at the two men graciously.

Aug 17th, 2003, 04:00:33 PM
Tyme had really never heard of a planet being destroyed. He would ask her how that happened later.

"How about you Kale? Where are you from?"

Aug 17th, 2003, 10:17:10 PM
So, what do you say to the chick who says she's a witch, a warrior-princess, and a refugee from a planet that's been deep-sixed? Kale didn't know, and it was probably best for all parties that Tyme saved him from hazarding a guess. Sympathy had never been one of his strong points.

"Me? Ah... Nowhere real important," he said with a shrug. "Used to live on a hole of an asteroid called Kuwaruk Re, at least until my owne--uh, my... boss... moved us to the Southern Underground here on Coruscant. He's dead, good riddance, and I've been patronizing the streets until some Jedi tells me I have Force powers, so... I mean, hey, free room and free food, what's to argue?"

Aug 18th, 2003, 08:18:37 AM
"Can't argue at all." Tyme agreed, this place was great, never would he have thought that he would ever be considered Jedi. But the galaxy was one crazy place.

"Have either of you made it out as far as Nar Shaddaa?" He asked. "I know it's not exactly a vacation resort, but some people do travel there on their own will..... of course, they usually don't want to be found either."

Aug 18th, 2003, 04:49:22 PM
Kale shook his head. "I've never had much of a travel budget. I think my old roommate's boss had offices there... My roommate in the ghetto, not here. But he never talked much about his work, an' I don't blame him. So, what'd you do on Nar Shadaa? Or would you rather not talk about it either?"

Aug 18th, 2003, 07:34:56 PM
Tyme shook head and began to speak, "Well i was a pilot. You know, taking smugglers, bounty hunters, and anyone who needed a lift. For a fee of course."

He shook his head again and smiled. "And of course, some didn't feel the need to pay my price. So they paid a different one," He had a lopsided grin, he knew the two understood what that could have met.

"What did you guys do before coming here?"

Aug 19th, 2003, 10:40:00 AM
Kale laughed. "What do you think? If it was two months ago and I'd been usin' real stealth instead of tryin' out a Force trick, you'd be out of your wallet, pal. In this galaxy, you gotta do what you can to get by. You can't count on no one else to help you. Er... not that that's the case anymore, you understand. I mean, why would a Jedi Padawan need to pick pockets? I'm all past that, obviously; I just use it to keep my skills sharp, so, uh... I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything about... you know... to anybody. I wouldn't want 'em to get the wrong idea or nothin'."

Aug 19th, 2003, 02:31:53 PM
Tyme looked over to SonLee as if looking for some sort of explaination for what was just said. He looked back at Kale. "Uhhh, your secret's safe with me man.... i think.."

"And besides," He said, pulling an empty credit pouch out. "I'm broke as all hell." He chuckled and put it back in his pocket.

Aug 20th, 2003, 09:43:04 PM
SonLee pursed her lips and looked over at Kale. "What about him? What's those things hanging out of his back pocket?" She motioned to him .She saw what Kale did in Tyme's pocket earlier, and laughed silently to herself.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:39:50 AM
Kale turned and gave SonLee a guarded look. "I don't keep things in my back pocket," he said. "That's the easiest one to pick. What are you grinnin' about, your worship? I work hard for all the money I make."

Aug 22nd, 2003, 10:55:28 PM
"What? By stealing it out of Tyme's pocket? Listen, my friend, if you need money, why don't you just say so?

Give it back to him, and I'll give you twice of what you took from him. I assume you want it for food."

SonLee waved a few credits in her hand. "Now, there's more where this came from".

Aug 25th, 2003, 06:57:37 PM
Any protest Kale could have made was quickly dispelled by the cool scent of credit chips on the air. There was a clear dilemma playing on his face--whether it was nobler to keep his thin facade of Jedi goodmanship or to snatch the credits and, by snatching, end it. But SonLee's offer looked like more than just a bluff, and Tyme was from Nar Shadaa, so it wasn't like he'd never seen a pickpocket before.

Kale dug a small handful of chips from his pocket and held 'em out to the pilot. "Fine," he said. "Not like it matters; if you weren't broke, buddy, you were darn well near it."

He really didn't need the extra credits for food anymore, but stealing was just the sort of thing he did--at least, that's how he felt about it. He had no other source of income, and even thought he Order provided bare necessities, it didn't provide much else.

Kale stretched out his open palm toward SonLee, but a question crossed his mind. "Don't take this the wrong way, I mean, I appreciate the creds, but... why do you care? It could just as easily have been your pocket I picked."

Aug 25th, 2003, 07:55:59 PM
Although Tyme hadn't seen many petty theives in Nar Shaddaa, he was sure that whatever it was that Kale did he did it well. Tyme took his feeble ammount of credits and placed them in his back pocket again. "I have to admit, that was some good work."

Tyme shook his head, he was never really one to carry much on him. Robbers and theives alike were common where he lived and even here on Coruscant, so he usually left his money on his ship.

"By the way, you wouldn't know anyone by chance who would steal an entire ship would you." Tyme asked Kale. He figured that the theives either knew each other or competed for the best things to steal. And maybe Kale would know who took his ship.

"Because mine came up..... uhh... missing." He said, slightly emabrresed that he had let his ship get stolen or dissapear, or whatever in the first place.

Aug 26th, 2003, 01:00:48 PM
Kale turned back toward Tyme, a bit surprised by the nature of his question. "Uh, grand theft nautico? That's way over my head, buddy. I know one or two brokers who might keep track of that sort o' thing, but they sure as frell wouldn't tell me. A stolen ship's pretty hot, so if somebody took it, he's probably lookin' to unload it or get it out of system as fast as possible."

Aug 26th, 2003, 05:11:22 PM
"Yeah, i figured. Of course, i'm the only one lookin' for it because i didn't report it." Tyme smiled, "I have flown many of you criminal types around the galaxy in that baby, so it's usually fired upon by the authorites, knowing that." He shook his head. "I'm sure i will find her sooner or later.

Aug 27th, 2003, 08:12:42 PM
"Hey...did you want these credit chips or not?" SonLee waved them tantalizingly arouind under his nose, watching the way he follwed their every move, almost begging. She smiled and dropped them into his hand. "Here, don't let me catch you stealing again or you'll know about it!"

Aug 28th, 2003, 06:15:01 AM
Kale closed his hand around the credit chips and stuffed them quickly into his pocket. "No need to worry about that, ma'am, I'm a changed man. I'll never let you catch me stealin' again if I can help it."

He turned to Tyme and stuck out a friendly hand. "For what it's worth, buddy, good luck on findin' your ship."

Aug 29th, 2003, 08:50:58 PM
"Yeah yeah," Tyme said, putting his hands in his pocket, he couldn't been too safe with someone like Kale around.

Tyme walked back over to the bench he was at before Kale had startled him. He took a seat. "So do you go waving credits around like that everywhere?" Tyme asked, eyebrow raised.

Aug 31st, 2003, 10:53:30 PM
"That's the benefits of royalty i presume. When you have millions of thyem, you no longer care about where they go." She halted for a moment, thinking. "Did you say you needed a ship?" She was thinking about a small spare fighter ship that she had tucked away back on Correllia, the GoHlong, and was willing to lend it to him if the need to arose. If it ever got lost, it had a homing beacon that would bring it back to her if she ever needed it in a hurry.

Sep 1st, 2003, 08:15:56 PM
Tyme held his hand up and shook his head. "Not just any ship, my ship." He said smiling. "Best ship in the galaxy for that matter."

Tyme knew there were more heavily armed, quicker, more manueverable ships out there, but in his mind his ship had all of that covered, in it he was invincible.

"Definately the best."

Sep 1st, 2003, 11:44:22 PM
"Maybe I can help you find it then. Surely it can't be too far away. Tuskan Raiders can't hide something like that, but anyone else maybe, well, thats a different matter entirely."

Sep 4th, 2003, 05:26:18 PM
"Well actually i belive the person who took it was my last passenger, he didn't reveal his name though, which makes things interesting." He smiled.

Sep 4th, 2003, 06:59:34 PM
"Well, surely you'd recognise him if you saw him again. Did his have any distinguishing features, like a scar or anything? He can't have gotten too far...i am sure my ship could pick up his trail if he's gone off planet with your ship...if you feel like a bit of a chase"

OOC: You could organise this with your passenger, couldn't you? Might be a bit of fun i reckon!

Sep 7th, 2003, 08:02:49 PM
"Well the thing is i'm not entirely sure where he was heading, my first move might have to be heading back to Nar to get some info... and if you guys wanna help me with it then its welcomed." Tyme replied looking up at the two.

OOC: I'm workin' on it ;)

Sep 7th, 2003, 10:29:48 PM
SonLee's eyes narrowed. "I have a better idea...was your ship the small one parked next to mine? I have cameras set up all around it, and Scra, my pilot, is keeping an eye on things. He did tell me that the ship flew off...and the pilot didn't look anything like you...you kinda met him earlier...he's a Wookie..."

OOC: Okay...here comes the fun bit!!!:smokin

Sep 8th, 2003, 05:12:22 PM
A Wookie was with the man he took with him. The Wookie was loud and very tall, but didn't say much... well for a Wookie.

"A Wookie huh? There was one with my passenger! That guy and his furball took my damn ship!" Tyme slammed his fist on the bench. He paused for a minute and looked back up. "That was a damn big ship, i landed next to you hoping someone would take yours instead of mine and look what happens!" Tyme shook his head.

Sep 8th, 2003, 08:43:08 PM
"Hey? Are you saying my Wookie pilot Scra stole your ship??? Hmm....that would explain the long distance
tranmission...from...the utopia shipyards....oh my God...well, what are we waiting for?" SonLee began to panic, somehow knowing Tyme's temper was rising. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Sep 8th, 2003, 08:59:17 PM
Kale had long stepped away into the background, and as the conversation escalated, he decided it was time for him to make a discrete exit. Tyme had seemed friendly enough--especially considering Kale had just tried to rob him--but there was a time and a season for every purpose under heaven, and now it was the time to scram.

OOC: Have fun, guys. :)

Sep 8th, 2003, 11:27:21 PM

Sep 9th, 2003, 03:09:44 PM
Tyme turned and looked to see if Kale was still around, and not much to his suprise he wasn't, ah well..... it seemed like that was his style of doing things.

Although Tyme didn't know SonLee long enough to trust her he decided to go along. What did he have to lose anyway? Beside his life....

"Sounds like a plan to me," Tyme said, turning back towards SonLee.

Sep 9th, 2003, 06:06:33 PM
Rats...Kale was gone, and she was hoping he'd help navigate...she took a deep breath, and turned to face Tyme. "Want to drive then, while I pick up your ship's signature? It'll take a bit of work, but I can do it!"

They both headed to the docking bay, where her ship stood. It had a couple of battle bruises upon its hull, but nonetheless looked luminously...enticing...in the darkness. She unlocked the hatch and went inside, pausing to let Tyme in before her, and made a beeline for the pilot's seat. She heard Tyme make a noise, and remembered that he was piloting.

"Get so much as a scratch upon this and I'll kill you!" She warned, moving to the navigation seat. "So, how do you like my ship?" she asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Sep 10th, 2003, 05:54:36 PM
"Hah, a scractch. I wouldn't do something that stupid." Tyme said, but he knew he would have a rough time piolting such a large ship. His ship was a bit larger than a fighter, and about a fourth of this ship.

"So here's the deal... We shoot at my ship in NO circumstances." He exlaimed. "And if we do see them we follow them to find out where they are goin', i don't want any scratches on my baby in a high speed chase." He said smiling.

Sep 10th, 2003, 06:04:59 PM
"They'll detect us though...and shoot at us, provoking us to shoot back. I'll just activate the cloaking device so we wont be seen or heard." SonLee smiled.

Sep 10th, 2003, 06:46:09 PM
Tyme once had chased a ship that tried to use a cloaking device.... it disenigrated during the change.

"Uhh yeah, let's stay away from that cloaking nonsence." Tyme said holding his hand up. "I think i can do this without being detected."

Tyme knew there was a clear seperation between methods at hand here. It was gonna be a long day.

Sep 11th, 2003, 05:48:57 PM
SonLee pursed her lips. "Hey buddy boy, my ship, my rules. We get your ship, you *follow* my rules. Capice?"

She looked at Tyme, with a slight grin curving along her mouth. "Now, drive!"

Sep 11th, 2003, 06:47:19 PM
Tyme mumbled his disagreement instead of continuing the arguement. This wasn't his first rodeo that's for sure, but she was right, it was her ship.

"Yeah yeah," Tyme said, punching many switches. Most starships were alike in the respect of piloting controls, but this one was definately different.

After a while of preperations and warm up Tyme got the lumbering starship off the ground. Despite it's size it moved quite fast as they exited the docking bay.

"Well i gotta hand it to you this thing flys pretty smooth, although there are some things on it that i've never seen before... and believe me, i've seen quite a bit." Tyme said laughing.

Sep 11th, 2003, 07:08:26 PM
"Thankyou." SonLee smiled. "I can teach you about a few of these things if you'd like...and I'd hate to brag, but a few things here are way more advanced than to what you are used to." She gasped, and quickly grabbed his hand, stopping it from bashing another button. "Jeez, watch it. That's the self destruct button! Do you want to get us killed??"

Sep 12th, 2003, 09:34:14 PM
"Well sooory." Tyme said sarcasticly. "I'm used to a self-destruct button that's big and red and says 'never touch this button.'" He shook his head and took into account that he really knew nothing about this ship and that SonLee could probably help him in many areas. And was he going to ask how to do things? Of course not....

Tyme exited Corusant's atmosphere (which was a thin one to say the least) and began his assent to a safe place for a hyperspace jump.

"Advanced?" Tyme said looking around. "More like complicated." He muttered to himself aloud. "See, if we find my ship you will get to see some quality work, much of which i have done myself." He said proudly. "Then you will see advanced." He said with a smirk on his face.

Tyme put what he belived to be correct coordinates into the navicomputer. "This look good to you?" He said pointing at the map screen.

Sep 12th, 2003, 09:56:06 PM
SonLee pointed her finget at the control panel before giving an answer. As she did, a thin bolt of light hit the panel, and as it diminished, left labels on each of the buttons and instructions on how each of them worked. She then looked back at him with a sly smirk.

"Whatever you think gives you a fair suck on the sauce bottle. Oh, wait, you're two parsecs off course. How about if you just sit back and let me take care of stuff for awhile?" She punched a few buttons, and a holoscreen emerged before Tyme, showing two trails, one green, one blue. The blue one was Tyme's ship.

"They're about to hit hyperspace now. If we are lucky, and get close enough, we might be able to duck in behind them undetected..." She looked at Tyme, waiting for his opinion.

Sep 13th, 2003, 12:27:44 PM
Tyme had one hand on his chin and the other on his lap. "Well knowing my ship and the radar equipment she has, if we got that close she'd pick us up in an instant." He moved out of his chair and walked over towards the map screen. "But, if we take this course," He said punching up a new coordinate. "We would come out just ahead of them. Then you can work that cloaking magic of yours with this ship and we can follow from there." He awaited SonLee's interpretation of the plan.

Sep 13th, 2003, 09:41:36 PM
{Rats, and I thought I was the one who was supposed to have the brains!} It was a good plan, and SonLee agreed, a sshe again surrendered the helm to Tyme, letting him work his magic at the console in front of him.

Sep 14th, 2003, 01:41:18 AM
Tyme finished his work on the navicomputer and sat back. "Ok, let's rock." He said, punching the ship into hyperspace. "I sure hope this works."

Sep 14th, 2003, 07:16:13 PM
SonLee hoped so as well., as the ship lurched into hyperspace. She could feel the tiny drag of inertia pull her into her seat a little before settling for a smooth ride. It wouldn't be too much longer now. {Here comes the fun bit...and damn, i hope he does know what he's doing...}

Sep 14th, 2003, 09:42:44 PM
Tyme put his heads behind his head and leaned back in the seat. "So why exactly do you think your pilot is going around stealing my ship?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Does he do this often.." Tyme laughed as he said this. He had met his fair share of criminals in the galaxy but had never heard of a Wookie doing such.

Sep 14th, 2003, 09:51:18 PM
"No...not that I know of..." SonLee looked distressed, and paced the deck. "I'm so sorry for this!"

Sep 15th, 2003, 09:16:44 PM
"Meh... Don't be sorry. Look, your helping me out here in getting my ship back, and that's about all you can do. I'm sure your Wookie has some reasonable.... reason... for this whole mess.... i hope." Tyme said as he took his sunglasses off and put them on the neck of his shirt.

Sep 16th, 2003, 03:08:21 AM
"He'd better do," SonLee growled, feeling not very happy toward her ex-pilot. "I'll make sure he compensates you for what he has done...you can do with him what you wish."

She then sighed. "Well, looks like I'd better revisit Watto for a new pilot...unless..." She stared piercingly into his eyes, "you want the job? You seem pretty smooth with the Nathene now..." She smiled hopefully.

Sep 16th, 2003, 07:54:20 PM
Although a legit job sounded good with him studying the Jedi ways.... but if he were to get his ship back things would be how they always were, just alittle different.

"I dunno, we will see if we can get Star Runner back before i make a desision like that." He said taking his hands behind his head and into his pocket.

Sep 17th, 2003, 02:53:51 AM
"That is fair." SonLee remarked. "We are near the ship...shall we drop out of hyperspace now to intercept them?"

Sep 17th, 2003, 05:11:07 PM
Tyme turned out his chair to the navicomputer and looked at it. "Yeah we should come out soon, we have to make sure we do it before they do so we can use that cloaking device you were talking about." Tyme said pointing at thier position.

Tyme took the ship out of hyperspace and turned to SonLee. "So what turns on this cloaker thinger you got on here?"

Sep 17th, 2003, 05:29:59 PM
"This!" she said, punching a blue button on the control panel, and the interior of the ship dimmed to a dull red glow. "Right, take evasive manovres, and prepare for possible combact. Intercept.....NOW!"

The ship turned in a graceful ark, and hovered in fron of the Star Runner .

Sep 18th, 2003, 05:15:16 PM
Tyme looked at SonLee. "Shouldn't we be behind my ship? Ya know, so we can follow it to where ever it's going?"

Sep 18th, 2003, 05:49:07 PM
SonLee moved the ship, and locked in a course to follow. "Well, at least the cloaking device is working this time." She cast a grin in Tyme's direction. "They haven't blasted us out to space yet!"

Sep 20th, 2003, 05:52:08 PM
edit: double post

Sep 20th, 2003, 05:54:25 PM
Tyme returned a smile to SonLee. "She wouldn't blast us out of space even is they did see us, look at the size of my ship compared to this one. Although she does have concusion missles, but it takes one heck of an aim to hit with those." He said smiling.

Then Tyme saw what appeared to be an array of lazer blasts heading right at Star Runner.

Tyme fumbled over the controls of Nathene's radar.

"Who's shooting at my ship!?" Tyme yelled at the screen. SonLee leaned over and pressed a small button, showing a ship that was all-too familiar to Tyme.

"Ah hell! It's Duncan.... he's thinks it's me in there! We gotta help." Tyme said turning back to SonLee.

Sep 20th, 2003, 10:54:02 PM

A green bolt extracted itself from the Nathene , and hit Tyme's ship, keeping in a grip, until Duncan's ship shot them, and the tractor beam was disabled. "DAMN!" SonLee yelled. "Sheilds are down to 80%!"

SonLee turned to Tyme. "Who the HELL is Duncan, and why is he shooting at us?"

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:36:55 PM
"Duncan.." Tyme started. "USED to own that ship, but his gambling ways lost it to ME... and obviously he's a sore loser." Tyme said as he took Nathene in closer.

"And ususually he's always there at the wrong damn time!" He said as he slammed his hand into a button, releasing a few shots from the Nathene's lazer cannon.

Sep 21st, 2003, 08:52:24 PM
SonLee watched in horror as 3 laser beams shooted out from her ship, and hit Tyme's, hitting his warp drive, and prompting a further array of lasers from the Star Runner . The Nathene was hit again, and sheilds again diminished.

"Tyme, lock on to his bio signature. If we can't stop him shooting, we can beam him over here by the transmat."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:08:44 PM
"Alright, not sure if this is gonna work." Tyme said un-easily. He looked out the Nathene's main deck window, he could see his ship getting slammed, he knew his shields were strong but they couldn't take much more of this. Where did this Wookie learn to fly anyways?

"There seems to be more than just Duncan's ship out there, it must be his little band of friends.... we have to get in there close to keep fire spread out... and who knows we might take some with us!"

Oct 1st, 2003, 11:36:34 PM
SonLee was sent hurtling as another laser hit the ship, causing her to hit her head on the bulkhead and sending her to near unconsciosness. She head Tyme say something, and she tried to get up, but dizziness overtook her.