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General Tohmahawk
Aug 12th, 2003, 01:33:29 AM
<font color=green> Dagobah
The Jedi were holding a wake with their allies, remembering the times they had shared with Mara, also catching up allies they had not seen for some time. The rain outside came down, pouring in rivers off the roof and on the ground, forming pools and streams on the ground. A warm fire kept the place cozy and Master Yoghurt served up his root stew to feed all the assorted beings.
But there was one who did not stay inside. At the other end of the
bar, outside in the rain, a lone Jedi paused at a stream that passed the hut, looking at the water as it raced by his feet. He slowly stooped and placed two red roses into the water, one each for the women he had lost in his life. He watched as the two roses slowly drifted away, swirling and spinning as the water took hold of them and finally out of sight. A sigh and a shake of his head and he slowly
trudged away to a small rise and then to pensively look out over the depressing sight in the forest, dark and pouring with rain. He pulled out a data pad, remembering words that were said to him some time ago
<font color=red>If anything happens to me… read this</font>
Well, something had certainly happened to Mara. He
pressed the on button, the glow of the data pad eerily lighting his face in green. His eyes opened in surprise as he read the words it held.
By the Force…..! What type of joke was this?
With considerable strength, he flung the datapad away, wondering how this cruel hoax could be played on him, how shoe could have known the way to hurt him the most.
A stray thought came by his mind, even while he drew his sabre to destroy this datapad – in all his time he had known Mara, he had never known her to lie to him. Never. And even when she lead the Sith empire, she had never been anything else other than 100% honest with him.
He lowered his sabre.
He walked over and picked up the data pad, reading it’s words again.
And read the words again.
And again.
The words burned into his soul and in an instant, he made his
He dropped the data pad as he ran for his space ship, knowing
everything had changed.
Watching the Jedi, an armoured figure, dressed in the red
of an Imperial Guard watched from a tree as the Jedi as he bolted from the area. The figure moved forward, to the place where the data pad was dropped. Red gloves picked it up and eyes inside the helmet scanned the message on the pad, assessing what he read. He then quietly pocketed the device. The figure walked away, merging into the twilight and into the forest
The two roses moved away from the Mud Hut and the lone Jedi
Master. Eventually, the stream that bore them moved into a river and the two roses separated. One went onto a sea, to eventually disappear from all knowledge.
The other came to a pool, where it was wedged against a bank.
The flood eventually subsided and the rose rested on dry land.
Years later, a Jedi exploring came across an unexpected and
glorious sight – a rose bush, in full bloom in the spot where that first rose had cme to rest, so many years before. The red flower’s scent filled the clearing, filling it with a wonderful smell that seemed to uplift the heart.
On closer examination, the flowers dripped with dew, dripping
to the ground below.
It was in all a most wonderful sight. There was something about
this plant, something that suggested great sadness in the way that the drops resembled tears, but also in the way the scent also hinted at hope for the future.
No Darkness could abide to be near it and the Light side of the
Force shined outwards, bright and strong, like spirit of truth.
Many people came over the next few years to see this wonderous
plant, many Jedi came with troubled hearts to be uplifted, many came with emotional hurts and in some way they all came back, touched and refreshed as if physically touched by some force they could not explain.
They called the area where it grew The Place of Healing.
"You sure about this?" asked Dwayne Hicks, NR corporal
"Bout as sure as my penis is longer than yours" snapped back General James T. Tohmahawk, a tall dour middle aged man with a temper that was legendary from here to the Unknown Regions.
"Then not at all. Gee, just what the hell are we doing here in this slimy poo hole anyway?"
"Taking a dump. Now shut up Hicks while I get my bearings" Tohmahawk took out a data pad, scrutinised it for a few seconds, then nodded, pointing. "That way"
Hicks looked in distaste in the pointed direction. ""Sir, that's got to be the worst way forward. It also heads to that bog the Jedi used be next to"
"And that's where we are going. Now shut up Hicks and keep moving"
For a few hours, Tohmahawk pushed through the swamp, ignoring Hicks' whining and the bug that tried to bite him. Most people that met the General thought he must be some sort of cyborg, so great was his single minded detirmination. Ohters, like Hicks, suspected Tohmahawk was just plain crazy as a crap house rat. He certainly acted that way and if it wasn't for his miliary genius, the General would have been quietly retired years ago into a desk job. Right now, Hicks was thinking it was a pity he didnt have a desk job. While he was mentally cursing his bad luck, Tohmahawk stopped.
"Are we there yet?" said Hicks, now exhaused and highly aggrevated and alomst ready to shoot his commander in the head. Oddly, Tohmahawk didn't bite back. His attention was only on the clearing. Hicks noticed the bad smells coming off his clothes (Man, what did I tread in?!?) before realising everything smelt bad. Except a faint perfume.
"Forward" said Tohmahawk quietly. "We're nearly there"
Hicks sighed, for Tohmahawk promptly stepped knee deep into some black gunge that erased any other smell for it's sheer puke value. "I'm not stepping in that s---" siad Hicks.
"You will unless you want to be reamed by Lochabre" growled Tohamahwk, wading forward. Hicks sighed. Tohmahawk never threatened and not followed through. Gettign reamed by the hulking 5 meter thing that helped guard the Jedi Bar and Grill was not on his list of likes, so he took a deep breath and followed. at least the crap wasn't too deep, but God, did it smell.....
Oddly, the purfume smell was getting clearer. Hicks tried to puzzle that one out - it smelt of some sort of flower. Maybe he was dreaming or something.
With a final splash, he tripped up and fell into a pond. Cursing and spluttering he didnt notice the water wasn't stagnant, it was clear and very fresh. Coming up though, he noticed that they were in some sort of clearing, the clearing was almost filled by the pond and the fragrance was now quite powerful. Hicks stood up, dripping water. "Okay, what now?"
Tohmahawk didnt answer. He was staring at something. Hicks, frowning, followed the General's gaze.
"Oh. My God" he breathed in. He was stunned into numblessness. Somehow, somehow in this bog hole the most wonderous rose bush was growing. It's fragrance was overwhelming. It's leaves were deep green and it's flowers blood red. The scent.... made him think there was hope for the future. Tohmahawk began to wade closer, Hicks not following straight away, because his midn was struggling to catch up. Eventually, entranced, he moved forward too, until he joined the General right next to the incredible flower plant.
"MY god, it's real" he breathed.
"Told you" said Tohmahawk. "But even the stories don't do it justice. It'll be a shame to clip a rose off this thing"
"we... what?" exclaimed Hicks, in a tone much like a religious person would react to a suggestion to desercate a shine.
"We are goign to.... errr...." Tohmahawk stalled as quite suddenly and with grace, a stem came away from the bush, falling into the clear water below it. "Errr... take that one. Give me the tube"
Entranced, Hicks took out a nutrient tube from his backpack, before handing it to Tohmahawk. The General gently picked up the rose, took a sniff, then held it up to contemplate. "Hardly seems possible. The water on it looks like tears. It's almost like its a being that can cry. But even then, feel the hope it's scent gives? Damn. This thing's got a Force presence too. How the frell did anything liek this occur?"
Hicks didn't have a clue. He didn't understand stuff liek the Force and what it could do. He was one the few who know Tohmahawk was a Force Sensitive. He also knew Tohamahwk had a hatred for most Jedi that made Hicks wonder why Tohmahawk did so much to make sure they stayed safe. He watched as Tohmahawk put the rose int he tube, dip it back in the water to fill it, then closed and sealed the device. He handed it back to Hicks.
"There. That'll make a nice gift for..."
".... for me? James! Where did you get this wonderous rose from?"
The woman was trying to sit up on the hospital bed. She was a dark haired woman of great and radiant beauty, the only hints she was not human was the pointed ears that were at present hidden by her long hair, a expression of pleasure on her face at the two military visitors.
"At the Place of Healing on Dagobah" replied Tohmahawk, dressed in a standard NR uniforn, black. His tone to Helenias Evenstar, Senator of Arcan IV and Jedi Knight was much different than what he used to Hicks or even other Jedi. Dwayne knew Evenstar and Tohmahawk were great friends, propbably only because Evenstar was the only Jedi worth a rip in the General's eyes. Actually, Hicks quietly agreed with that too. He had served with her in the NRSF and simply put, she was the Bitch From Hell. Not liek a Jedi at all in attitude and killing ability. He had to admit he rather liked her too.
"Oooh, you went out there to get me this? Really James, that was too much. But thank you" She managed to heave herself around, picking up an empty vase. That in itself was a miricle for her hospital bed was surrounded by flowers and well wisher cards. The rose was placed in it and filled with water from the pond. "Mmm, what a wonderful smell. Looks almost as pretty as I used to be too"
"Awww, come of it M'dam. You look much better" That was the other odd thing, Tohmahawk was always deferential to Evenstar. He did that to no one else.
"I'm 9 months pregnant! I look like a fat old bantha!" she said laughingly. Hicks privatly disagreed, thinking Tohmahawk called it right. Even pregnant, Evenstar was an absolute knock out. Hicks had heard her pregnancy had been problematic, but now it was nearly over, she positively glowed.
"Then can I have a woman that looks like fat old bantha for a wife then? I'd be quite happy" replied Tohmahawk with a smile. "Helenias, I've said it before and I'll say it again, will you marry me?"
"No!" she laughed, putting the rose onto the table next to her bed. "I'm already married!" But still, a frown crossed her forehead. "James, any word yet?"
"Sorry M'dam. Nothing.
She sighed. "I knew that trial would cause him to flee. it should never have happened"
Hicks raised an eyebrow. Tohmahawk caught on Hicks' interested and chanaged subject.
"Trail sir? Whos the Commander after?"
They were now both walking out the hospital, going back to their base that wasn't far away - this was after all the Senate Medical Centre and Tohmahawk was the chief of Senate security. "she's after same guy named Elessar. Apparently he's the father of the Knight who went AWOL from the Order"
"Oh, Xazor Elessar? Why would she want that? Xazor's a wanted woman with a bounty on her, right? I couldnt see Lady Evenstar wanting to knwo scum like that"
"I dont question her judgment Hicks. She's proven right far too many times and frankly, she's the only Jedi worth two hoots. Now, lets back to work
OOC : Open, but please contact myself or Natia Elessar frist before joining to get the idea what we want. There's an aim in mind here.
Helenias Evenstar
Aug 12th, 2003, 04:53:08 AM
The visit by James and Dwayne had cheered me up no end - which, given that I was not feeling sick or queasy as I had for the majority of this pregnancy, was uplifting. I sat on the bed, absent mindedly rubbing my disented stomach, feeling the lumps and bumps that were the child in the womb, staring out the window. It was early morning. And, rather unusually for Coruscant, it was overcast. In fact, it looked like a fairly good sized storm was brewing. That was most unusual, especially with the weather control and usual climate.
So, this was it I thought. The end of 9 months with the baby developing inside me. It was, without a doubt, 9 of the most misreble and nausiating months I had ever experienced. 9 months filled with fear, doubt, uncertainity, bad sleep and lonliness.
If the doctors were right, it would all end in three days. Truth be told, I was looking forward to the birth, even though I knew it would be painful. What was pain to a Jedi after all? I would at the end of it be holding my first born child and I would be seeing for the first time it's face, touching it's skin. Finding out it's sex, for even if I had the chance to find out, I did not want to know until the delivery. I would for the first time, be called a mother and know it was because I had re-produced from my own flesh. Unlike the woman I called daughter already, Xazor, I had a nice clear ward, I had attendants, I had well wishers by the score. It was not every day a Senator gave birth, add to that a Jedi Knight, then this was rare and well known indeed. It seemed I had hundreds of cards and the ward was filled with flowers and gifts. Public lift might have it's downside, but for once, it was proving useful.
But, there was one thing that blighted my happiness. It was the fact the father of the child wasn't here and in fact, as far as I was aware, didn't even know. Xazor, I hadn't been able to tell before she was arrested and taken away. That little incident had provoked a storming argument between Pierce Tondry, my Padawan and body guard and myself. We hadn't reached a settlement, but reached an understand never to speak of it again.
Where was Xazor today? I wondered. Probably far away. She was wanted by just about every NR security force, had been deserted and left on her own. Only one person had stood up for her and now he too was gone. Almost no one knew of the Jedi Master Elessar, but his name was carved into my heart and I truly hoped both he and Xazor had found sanctuary.
Wish he could be with me. Oh, I wished his dream of the farm on Ukio had come true. I wish...
I could wish so many things. All I could realistically expect was that he would be back some day. He always was.
But thinking of coming back.....
I reached over to a comm unit that was beeping. While I had a leave of absence from the Jedi and the Senate, I still had calls coming through for another day. Even if that wasn't the case, this call I would have taken. A simple verbal message, a woman's voice.
Message recieved. Will be back on Coruscant by your local afternoon. Red is safe and well
Least I could have Jina with me. I suspected though Sejah and Pierce would know when labor started and would be here too double quick. And knowing Pierce, there would be other surprises as well. And Navaria Tarkin too.
I decided to get up, hand still on my stomach as I did, so as to stretch my legs. I walked (Okay, waddled) over to the window, which had the first spats of rain on it. Outside in a park about 100 meters away, there was a stage being set up. Jump Lanes was playing, along with a few others acts - the Band of Electrical Current being one.
"Nail in my hand, from my creator" I sang softly, remembering the lyrics of a song I had heard from TBOEC, "You gave me life, now show me how to live..."
Rather fitting really. I prayed too that where-ever Marcus and Xazor were, they were safe.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 06:53:37 AM
The dawn was hardly noticed. It was already beginning to bucket down near the vicinity of the old fashioned eatery known as Dexter's Diner. This was the beiginning of a rain storn the likes Coruscant had not seen in years.
Dexter Jettster, the 4 armed alien who ran the Diner was slowly moving his way around chairs and tables, mopping up. The hired help hadn't really been able to get to this job before close time last night, it had been a busy night. so, he had sent them home and decided to get up early and do the job himself before the breakfast opening.
Not that there would be many customers this morning, he thought. The weather had been cold for several days, but now the dark clouds had rolled over, giving the area a gloomy, depressed look. The very few people out and about braving the weather would be no doubt more interested in shelter than food. Tho, you never know. Sometimes things worked out allright.
He let the curtain drop, turning his attention back inside. A low rumble could be heard outside, the rumble of thunder. "Wow. Aint seen lightning here in a while!" he muttered, once again turning back to the window and lifting the curtain so he could view. A flash, then some seconds later another rumble. Dexter blinked as another flash went off, before turning away again. Impressive.
The Diner was only lit by the kitchen lights, which might have seemed odd if you were cleaning, but Dexter saw muck better in low light, his reptilian eyes quite well adapted to darkness. Humming a tune he had heard on the holo (Something about dirty deeds doen to sheep he thought), Dexter turned back to the mop.
A loud snore suddenly caught his attention. He froze, then grabbed the mop. If there was someone in here, he was more than big enough to deal with them. also, Dex was an ex merc and knew how to brawl. One hit from his hammer liek fist could take down the toughest human. And by the breathing, it was human.
Two humans by the sound of it. Sleeping
The only humans who slept here were upstairs. He hefted the mop, advancing surprisingly quietly for all his size. He took some steps, then a flash from outside lit up the room, followed by a rolling boom some ten seconds later. The flash lit up two figures, one a roughly humanoid with a hood and flithy cloak, the other a golden haired woman, with a dirty face, leaning her head on the others shoulder.It was her who had snored. Dexter stared, then suddenly began to laugh.
"Hehehehe Hehehehehe. Heeeeeeeey wakey wakey buddieeee! "
The hooded humanoid stirred and the female started, abruptly awoken. She blinked, yawned almightily, ebfore spotting dexter who was by now grinning hugely.
"Hey Dex" she said. "Hope you dont mind, we came late after closing. Marcus decided not to wake anyone and sleep down here"
"Mind? Mind? Hey, no way! It's good to see ya again Xazzy! Give your ol pal Dex a hug!"
Xazor Elessar yawned and got up, before she was enveloped in a four armed hug. "Good to see you again Dex. How's things?"
"A lot less interesting without you two about. Where have you been?"
"Been laying low at Trilith. Ever seen the castle there?" asked Xazor. "It's so big! and the planet itself is so beautiful. So sad the memorial to Lady Mara Jade, Marcus told me the whole story and stuff...."
"Several times in fact" came a quiet, low and oddly accented voice from under the hood. "Nice place but boring if you have to be there for a few months. Food gets to you as well. Fresh rabbit gets repeditive" The humaniod got up off the bench, and threw his hood off. The being looked human, about late fourties, a lined and weatherbeaten face, stubbly face, long unkept hair. His clothes were old and patched and he had a few odd archaic weapons on his. But, his eyes were deep and powerful, alert even if he had been asleep just a moment before. "Dexter, good to see you"
"Marcus! You too! So, what brings you back?"
Dexter hugged the Numenorian before backing off and looking his old friend over - old was the right word too, Marcus was a Jedi Warlord of 115 years of age. Dex thought the Jedi looked somewhat worse for wear, as if he hadn't been sleeping well. "The Force, Dex. Been having bad dreams of late and Xaz got a warning that if we weren't back here, things would go badly for someone she loves. I'm afraid we dont know what that means, so.... we came back"
"Got past security okay?"
"Dead easy. Xaz did an illusion to change our looks and we were through with fake ids. No one has any idea we're back. Any idea how hot the hunt is for Xaz?"
"Yeah, that's why I'm surprised your back. Someone's not letting up."
"Why don't they leave me alone" snapped Xazor. "It's not like I did anything wrong. I hate this being wanted and chased down by the Republic and their frelling Jedi! I swear, if I meet Tondry again, I'll slit his throat for the trouble he's caused"
"Now now Xaz" gently admonised Marcus. "waht did I tell you about tondry?"
"Oh yeah, castrate first then slit his throat. sorry, I forgot"
"Better" grinned the Warlord. "we'll make a proper Lost Jedi out of you yet. And thinking of that..."
"They're still around, creating false trails" said Dexter. "Especially young Natia. She's a great little one"
Both Marcus and Xazor looked at each other, glad to know at least someone hadn;t gone against them. "Good" said Marcus. "Any of them here?"
"Maybe Natia. She's missed you both"
"Oh, good..... bloody hell, what the frell is going on with the weather? Is that actually lightning?!" queired Marcus.
"Yeah, the weather gearheads said there's a funny bit o' weather going on and to stay inside. Which I doubt most will do, there's this big Band of Electrical Current concert on tonight near the Senate building. I bet t'll still be on"
"Band of Electrical current? what a dumb name"
Dex shrugged. "Kids these days. They're weird"
"Yeah, that's true" said Marcus, glancing at Xazor, who giggled. "Allright. We'll get up stairs and sleep up there. It's been a long trip"
Up through the trap door in the secret office, they got to the still well tended office area that was home to The Lost. Marcus glanced about in satisfaction, even as another lightning bolt lit up the sky.
"Bags the couch!" cried Xazor, making a frenetic dive for it.
"Heh..... well, I'm getting shower first....... And.... aint it good to be home" Marcus muttered.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 12th, 2003, 07:38:51 AM
They didn't think it would happen again. They all said that it never could, not after everything that had gone past. They said it had been too long and that people just wouldn't understand. What do they know? Coruscant City park was teeming with life. The artificial greenery was slowly being flooded with people, forcing themselves through the slick grass and mud to get to the crowd. Already people were packing in, and the stage was not yet entirely complete.
For the event, "Coropollooza" (sponsored by Coruscant City Cable and Fizz Cola, among many), some of the finest acts of the century had been drafted in. The Band of Electrical Current made a welcome return, a group of decades past who were now just making it back onto peoples stereos as they became 'retro-cool' to the younger generations. Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes returned to Coruscants stages for the second time within a matter of months, more than glad to be back. These two would headline the festival, while other groups from all across the known galaxy catered for all tastes on all tastes. A troop of Rodians and a squad of about fourteen Wookies were milling about behind the makeshift durasteel stage, while grounds men got about finishing off the decorations - a gigantic moving poster which depicted all of the bands, along with the sponsors.
There was no band playing yet, but Mungo and the Jerries were warming up and sound testing on stage, while 'Tri-Nation State' pounded out through the speakers. It was a wonder that most of the bands still had their hearing left. What with the screaming fans and thumping bass, it was hard to even hear yourself think. Hilor Figgsen sympathized with this, but was so used to it that he was far beyond caring, and closer to reveling in it all.
He was a tall man with a bushy set of side burns and beard, with beetley little eyes hiding under his brow. He was dressed in customary black, a stark contrast against his fellow guitarist who was a Rodian rainbow in motion. A gigantic stone pillar with a pink wig on seemed to be walking past the vocalist, though on closer inspection it could be noted that it was in fact Tito Byzanco, the gargantuan Zabrak. Joe Sanderson was being held back from a swarm of rabid fans clamouring for his body by security, while Jenny Taylor slouched languidly on a table.
"Not long now," the walking tower of bricks said, stepping carefully - and rather dangerously for anyone nearby him - out of the way of another of Mihael Darkon's pass bys.
"I think you've drunk too much of that Cola, Darkon," it added, to which there was a general consensus of 'perhaps, but isn't he always like this anyway?'
"It amazes me that people still come, even in weather like this," Taylor commented, brushing long dye-red her from her eyes.
"You've got to hand it to them," Hilor made a face and spat out a mouthful of Fizz Cola before tossing the can into the rubbish, "They are dedicated."
"Or stupid."
Hilor 'Figgs' Figgsen chuckled.
"That too."
Somewhere in the crowd a Jedi stood and shook his head, wondering exactly what had happened in five hundred years to make people believe this was music.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2003, 07:42:37 AM
"It is great to be home." Xazor commented after Marcus. She smiled gently and laid down on the plush leather couch. The material was cool against her warm skin and she rather enjoyed the feeling. It reminded her of the temperature change outside. It had been rather warm when suddenly the storm moved in and made Coruscant chilly. The Jedi Knight inhaled deeply and closed her eyes as she stretched her arms above her and placed her hands under her head.
"You know, Tondry really screwed my life up. When I find him, instead of doing what we planned, I think I'll swap his eyes for his testicles. Maybe then I'll castrate what's left, or remove a few things -- slit his throat and shove the lovely objects through the cut." She laughed to herself as her cyan blue eyes opened onto the white ceiling. "I didn't deserve what happened to me." She thought to herself and Marcus could hear the words as if they were his own thanks to the Life Bond they shared.
The Garou yawned and lowered one of her arms before she reached into a pocket of her black cargo pants. From inside she pulled a small holo-pad and opened it. After pressing a few buttons, an image appeared. It was Valanya, her daughter -- her own flesh and blood. "I miss you, my little girl." She thought to herself. Tears stung at the back of her eyelids but the Knight did not allow them to fall. Pressing another button, Xazor brought up a second image, this time it was of her and another woman -- her mother, Helenias Evenstar. There stood Xazor in a beautiful suit of armour, the one she ocassionally wore beneath her clothing. She stood there beside the woman in a beautiful dress. "I miss those days."
The holo-pad closed with a snap and Xazor sat up as she glanced toward the bathroom. "So these bands that are playing tonight -- how are they going to continue with such a storm brewing outside?" Xazor questioned. The water was loud inside of the refresher and Marcus seemed a bit preoccupied with keeping a certain cat out of the shower. "Maybe the Band of Electric Current will short out if the water gets on 'em." Marcus chuckled but suddenly his laughter was followed by a loud crashing sound. "Son of a -- GET OUT!" He shouted and just following his words, a sleek black cat shot out of the bathroom and hid beneath the couch. He was completely soaked from nose to tail and despite these conditions, he was rather enjoying the ruckus.
"Are you okay?" The worried Xazor questioned as she stifled a giggle. It was no use and the Garou let out a laugh. She rose to her feet and walked toward the refresher, keeping her eyes on the ground. "I think he just wanted to help you." She said with a grin and placed a hand over her mouth to cover the impending fit of giggles. "Yeah, sure he was Xazor. He got my towel soaked too. This is just great." Marcus grumbled and the Jedi Knight glanced over at the shelf where the plush blue towels sat. There were no more. "I'm sorry to report this -- but -- it looks like you'll be changing into dry clothes and making them wet, or you're going to have to dry off by means of streaking." This time, she could not surpress it and laughter escaped her lips to fill the small refresher. From over the top of the door, Marcus shot a glare at the Knight and she took it for what it was worth -- and turned and left. "I'll shut the door behind me!" And indeed, she did. It slammed shut and the tired Garou made her way back to the couch to rest, only to find it had been taken up by a wet feline. "What a lovely day."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2003, 01:13:30 PM
*Natia had taken up some rather weird habits over the last several months. One of which was to sit on the floor under something just as she is right now. Sitting on the floor under a desk which had been moved from it's normal spot in the hidden area above Dexters Diner. She had been doing some planning on where next to go to put up a marker to say that Xaz had just left there. Early into the night though, she had fallen asleep sitting under the desk. Hiding came naturally to her. Ever since she was a little girl, she was constantly hiding from one thing or another. She suddenly awoke to hearing Marcus yelling.
"Son of a -- GET OUT!" Marcus shouted and just following his words, a sleek black cat shot out of the bathroom and hid beneath the couch.
Followed shortly after that was a soft think against the underside of the desk as she hits her head due to waking up under the desk.
From her position under the desk, she's not able to see who is talking, but the voices sound familiar. Welcome to be more exact. Then it clicked. Family, more importantly, her Mother Xazor.
^Thud^ She hits her head on the underside of the desk again as she tried to stand up without getting out from under the desk*
Who put that lousy board there?? Wait a minute, that's the desk.
*Natia crawls out from under the desk and pokes her head up over the top of the desk, a huge smile on her face as she sees Xazor standing by the couch. She can hardly believe that it's her Mother standing there, it has been so long since she has seen her. She reaches out with the Force slightly to heighten herself so she can move easier, she stands up and runs at her Mother, hoping to give her Mother a hug before she has time to react to the sudden burst of movement*
General Tohmahawk
Aug 12th, 2003, 08:22:27 PM
Today's security detail, Tohmahawk learned to his horror, was to make sure the misreants attending a concert didn't get onto senate grounds.
"Are you telling me, after all the objections and stuff, Council STILL allowed Coropollooza to go ahead in the park?!? I thought I had made it clear my opposition and put MY authority in an interdiction zone of at least 1 km!" His face was red and his temper was more than just a bit up. The poor senate bearucrat cringed in terror, hoping he would be alive after this.
"It's not our fault sir! We tried, honestly, but the Inner Council overruled! I'm sorry sir, but even the Chancellor said the concert should go ahead!"
Tohmahawk snorted. "Right, I'm goign to have some words with Leia tomorrow. This is dumb" While the concert was taking place too close to the Senate Zone for his liking, the real he was miffed was that he would have to look after security instead of taking a day off and attendign Coropollooza. He utterly loved The Band of Electrical Current and would have loved to be in the front row moshing. Hell, he had gotten laid under the stage at a gig many years ago.
He sighed, feelign his temper calm. One good thing about this mess was that Tohmahawk's 2IC had handled arrangements in his absence well. That meant Tohmahawk had someone else to blame if things went pear shaped and, he suspected they would. 100,000 people if the ticket sales were to be believed just at the park. Billions more on pay holo. Halls were being set up all over Corucant to be relays and areas set up with big screens and speakers as well. It was estimated there would be 168 million at least at some sort of Coropollooza event - hell it was rumoured the Jedi had a live feed to their Living Quarters. This was big.
And He didn't have tickets for anything. That's what really annoyed him. "allright, get outta here. Tonks has the duty rosters, we'll just get the job done" The public servant scuttled out of Tohmahawk's office liek his bum was on fire, grateful was alive. The General sat heavily down on the chair, rubbed his temples. even if the weather was threatening to be unholy foul, he would still love to be there, damn those lucky buggers detailed for security....
Hang on. Wait a sec. It was his security division on duty. Even Tonks had done the roster, he was the one in command of this chicken poop outfit!
He looked at the time on the wall. 7:45 am. And then a angelic grin came over his face.
7:58 am.
Oh man, the weather guys had got it badly wrong. They said it would be a nice day, when in fact Tohamahwk had never seen such a storm brewing. The fringes of the storm were already pelting rain onto the park, making footing trecherous. Tohmahawk was near the front, with a bright blue SECURITY wet weather cloak on, detailing final orders. He had to raise his voice to make himself heard over the final preps of the stage and the hasty weather shielding they were putting up for the acts. The crowd was getting none of that, though he noticed Cut-Me-Own-Throat-Dribbler, a notorious con artist was making a good and honest living selling weather cloaks. For once. though he had been forced to lower the price to somethign resonable by a hasty kick to the nuts.
"Right, got that?" Tohmahawk yelled. The assembled SecCorps nodded. "Okay, to your positions! Rememebr your roster times and dont take crap from anyone. Tonks has the rest of SecCorps on standby. Enjoy your day!"
From the murmurs of agreement, tohmahawk noted at least half of the soldiers were looking forward to this as much as Tohmahawk would have been. Hey, rank had it's privledges. The Major who was to have headed the day was relieved he had resposiblity off his shoulders andcould walk about and enjoy the day. Tohmahawk switched on his two way comms. "General Online. Security in place"
"Coropollooza Control, we read you General. first act is due on stage now"
"Roger that. Tohmahawk out"
The first act of the day was a old act, mildly famous for a few good songs a few years ago. Most of the group had faded away, though the lead singer would be back with his new group later in the festival.
The speakers whined with feed back and quite abrupty one exploded. Too small to be seen, an outraged small green bird that had been snoozing in the speaker itself was spat out, tail feathers on fire. It squarked in anger, before being literally blasted back 20 meters by a wall of sound. It screeched again in fury, it's little mind deciding to get revenge on it's rude awakening. But no one noticed, cause this was the Coropollooza MC welcoming everyone and declaring the festival open.
".... and for our first act today, welcome the reunited ....... GARDEN OF SOUND!!!!!!!!
The crowd, well beyond 50,000 and with waaaaay too much energy for this early hour roared back it's approval. Five figures leapt on stage with a group of roadies, plugging electric twnagers and boom taps in.
"How you all out there!' yelled the lead singer of Garden of Sound into a loud comm.
The wave of yells came back were filled of good's swear words and a squark as the green bird was trodden on, follwed by a howl as it managed to fluter up and bite the stamper on the ear. Of course, no one could make a thing out......
"That's good! Here one to wake ya all up! ONE.. TWO....!"
The tap padder beat out a tattoo on some drums, one of the electrical twanger players pciked up the beat. A bolt of lighting in the distance lit up the sky as Garden of sound began to play. Tohmaahwk felt the animalistic excitement grow as the crowd roared, as they recognised the song.
<font color=red> YEAH!!!!!!!
If you want a slice
If you want a piece
If it feels alright
Tohmahawk found he could hardly keep his foot from tapping. Hell, he rememebred this one allright. Oooooh yeah.
<font color=red>
if you like the sound
If it gets you up
If it brings you down
if it makes you sleep
If it sets you free
If it helps to breath
Don't come over here
And -Censored- on my gate
Save it just keep it
Off my wave
The more energetic ones were beginning to jump up and down and those who knew the words were sininging lustily. While it was danagerosu for a festival to get the crowd to expend it's energy too fast, the day had been planned so that there would be periods of rest and quieter bands to allow rest, food breaks and toilet stops. Dwayne Hicks pushed his way thorugh the crowd, patrolling, also rather gald his boss had done him a favour. This was too cool.
<font color=red>
if you want to cry
If it helps you see
If it clears your eyes
if you want to hate
If it keeps you safe
It it makes you brave
if you want to pray
If you like to kneel
If you like to lay
Don't come over here
And -Censored- on my gate
Save it just keep it
Off my wave
Keep it off my wave
Keep it off my wave
Keep it off my wave
My wave!</font>
MY WAVE!!!! MY WAVE!!!!!! bellowed back the crowd. The controllers and event organisers, in their temproary built VIP and sponsor stands were all exchanging looks of relief. The day they had planned for so long had gotten off to a thunderous start.
"Need +1db gain on channel 4" said one controller in a darkened sound output room. "Yeah.... yeah... that's it. Drop the singer's foldback a touch, we're sensing feed back. Good. Good. Has someone been detailed to replace that speaker? Right.... good. Looking good"
"Geez, Cornell's having fun aint he?" said another controller, pointing to the singer, who was leaping around like a monkey.
"Not half as much as the crowd. You feel that? They are pumped!"
"Ground's gonna be a mess if this storm reaches us"
"Weather Control says it's coming for us - gonna have to watch to make sure the marquees and stage doesnt buckle if the wind picks up. Make sure we get lightning insulators too install fast."
"how long before the full storm arrives?"
"Hours yet. But lets be ready"
<font color=red>
if you want to cry
If it helps you see
If it clears your eyes
if you want to hate
If it keeps you safe
It it makes you brave
if you want a slice
If you want a piece
If it feels alright
Don't come over here
And -Censored- on my gate
Save it just keep it
Off my wave
Keep it off my wave
Keep it off my wave
My wave!!!!!!!!
The song finished with a final frenetic. feral blast of sound, the singer took a bow and the crowd responded, a wave of approval shaking the park and surrounds. Tohmahwk couldn't help clapping too. Okay, it was wet, it was muddy, but there was nowhere else he would rather be.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 13th, 2003, 12:26:35 AM
Just before 8am SMT
The sound of rain falling outside his shop drew his attention from the drawer he was trying to get fitted right on the counter.
"Hmmm? I thought the forecast was for sunshine?" said a frowning Gregori Paladin, a hugely built man, dressed in a black Band of electrical Current t-shirt and black pants, black military boots too.
"Thought so too" said Chee, the shop assistant for Paladin's Weapon's Emporium. "But also thought the sky didn't look right for a sun day when I was walking here. Hopefully it aint raining at Coropollooza"
"Probably not, it's a fair way from there to there. Just be a local freak weather pattern" Paladin paused then belted the draw with one beefy hand. It slid home with a loud THUNK. "Got it. Allright, what's the time?"
"Err... bout 8 am SMT" (Senate Mean Time)
Paladin glaced at the clock on the wall himself. "Okay. You want breakfast?"
"Sure boss, the usual"
"How you can eat that slop is beyond me. Open the shop up for business after you got that auto gun tracker re-aligned."
Chee nodded - Chee was a small dark skinned and old human, peering at the Galaxy from behind a thick pair of glasses, almost the opposite of the 30 year old Paladin. He looked ungainly shuffling about, but Chee had a knack for weapons and electrical systems and was also 100% trustworthy. Paladin and Chee had been working as a team for a few years now, both had a healthy respect for each other. And in some ways, also looked out for each other. Brains and brawn.
Paladin didnt bother about getting a rain cloak, he simply opened the front doors and stepped out. He looked, then decided that maybe a cloak would be a good idea. As he walked down the footway a few moment later, he was glad he did cause the rain began to pelt down. Odd he thought. Rare to see rain at all, let alone a decent downpour like this. He decided runnning to his favorite cookery would be in order.
Five minutes later he was inside a clean eatery, where at the counter there was a tall alien, who looked up. "Paladin! How are you this morning!"
"Wet. The usual thanks, Delimeattray"
"Sure. Nerf rool with egg, soup with noodle and upchuc, two hot brews?"
"Yeah and add some of that other goop. I'm hungry"
Delimeattray mived to the cooker, grinning. The eatery was unusually empty, only an old drunk sipping a hot brew in the corner. Paladin didnt miss this. "quiet today"
Delimeattray shrugged, throwing a slice of nerf on the hit top. "It's the weather and the Coropollooza festival. There's a big screen about a click away and the tickets included a fry up breakfast."
"Ooooooh yeah, that big concert is on. So, dont that annoy you?"
"Nah, I got half my staff doing catering at the screen. I'm making a tidy amount outta it. Might even close up early and go watch at the screen myself"
"Good for you" said Paladin.
"Watta about you? Going to go to the screen?"
"Nah, I'm going to the actual Park. Me and Chee got tickets"
"Holy frell, your kidding me? Your going to the park?? How much did that cost ya and how the frell did you get tickets??Hey, why aint you out there now? It's 150 km away and Garden of Sound should be on!"
"Hmph, only going to see Jump Lanes. And The Band"
"Good luck to ya - hope the weather clears up for tonight"
Paladin glanced up. "Huh?"
"It's peeing down up there. Haven't you heard, there's a 500 km weather front causing havoc. We're getting the edges of it here. Heard about it on the news about 10 minutes ago - it's a big storm."
That made Paladin raise his eyebrows. "Who screwed up in Weather Control?!? "
"Dont know, but the gearheads are puzzled. There's no explaination why it's brewing"
20 minutes later, Paladin was back at the shop, eating his roll and sipping his brew, watching the holocast of Coropollooza, frowning. Garden of Sound were doing "Fell on Black Days" and playing pretty well too. The rain was not too bad at that point of time, but during the last break between songs, a crowd pan shot showed the sky was dark.
"Boss?" asked Chee. "What you thinking?"
"I'm thinking you shouldn't eat that crap in front of me. And also, that's an ugly looking storm. Aint seen one like that ever here"
Chee took a deliberat scoop of his creme of SunYugGu, knowing it would annoy Paladin, but still, he was thinking too. "Hunter"
Paladin paused, surprised that Chee used his Bounty Hunter id in the shop. "What?"
"Did you consider where the festival is?"
"Look to the left of the stage. Tell me what that building his"
Paladin wasn;t seeing what Chee was gettign at, but did so anyway. "Senate Medical Wing. Why is that....... frell me. Really???"
Chee nodded, putting away a card he had put up to show Paladin. "Best time Hunter. Half mill credits bounty right there"
Paladin stared at the screen. Chee had an ability to splice info together in ways he would never have seen. But now Chee had drawn his attention, he saw it too. "Damn. Damn! She wont be expecting it or able to defend well! and the perfect escape cover! Chee, we're closing early today" Force Master Hunter said, mentally bringing this all together. "We have a target to kill"
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 13th, 2003, 01:46:46 AM
Nimble fingers buttoned up the rain slicker, smoothing down the shoulders and pulling up the small hood so that every trace of red hair was safely tucked beneath. The woman worked in silence, making sure shoes were tied tightly as per specs, and that the palm blaster was secured in an inside pocket.
It was a small enough gun for an adult; for a child it was big enough to protect. After eleven months with Arya Ravenwing, Jina Jade was adept at defending herself. The holdout blaster was her very own, a gift from her bodyguard. After all, I can't be there all the time, Red. You gotta learn how to take care of business. Arya swallowed, checking buttons one more time.
A small hand took hers, gently stopping her. "I think I'm done up to death! Jina's frank face looked into Arya's and the six year old grinned impishly. "You went over the buttons three times and I've been dressin' myself for ever."
"Just wanted to be sure it was all right. You're going to see your stepmother, and I don't want her to think I've been neglecting you. Ah...dren!" Arya leapt to her feet and dashed a few steps to the cockpit where she silenced a proximity alarm. "Frelling forgetful droid...mind the aft guns you tinhead!"
Jina giggled, imagining Threepio with his arms full of groceries trying to apologize to the hull of the Chevette77. He was an old droid, always forgetting things like clearance codes. He needed a memory wipe and a clean restart, Arya always said, but she never seemed to do it. Secretly..she likes him like that. A good fusteration vent. Jina fidgeted, pushing her hood back away from her face.
Arya appeared in front of her once more. "Don't forget, not a word about Nal Hutta. I think I can take your stepmom in a fight but I don't really want to find out."
Jina held up three fingers. "Not a word!"
The smuggler grinned. "Right. Now, off we go." She tugged the hood back up into place, Jina's hair stubbornly wisping out around her forehead. Arya pulled her thin nerfhide jacket on over her weaponry, and turned up the collar to keep the rain out.
It had started coming down, despite the WeatherNet proclaiming sunny skies. The brewing storm had made landing a little tricky, what with unpredictable winds, but not too bad. Arya picked up Jina and let her slap the hatch controls, releasing the ramp. The girl giggled, not fully realising she would probably never set foot in the ship again.
Arya swallowed again. "C'mon kid, say goodbye to Threepio." She set her down on her feet, straightened her slicker one more time and took her hand, leading her down the ramp. Threepio scuttled up towards them, his arms full.
"Really, Mistress Arya, if the cargobay was more accessible from the inside of the ship, I wouldn't have to walk around the entire ship like this. And in this weather! I'll rust for sure."
"Bye Threepio!" Jina waved with her free hand.
"Goodbye? Oh my, its today! Mistress Jina, wait wait..." Threepio awkwardly put down his load at the top of the ramp as they waited in the middle. "Goodbye Jina. May the - oh!" Jina had released Arya's hand to run up and squeeze the golden droid around the middle. "Ah. Yes I will miss you too." Threepio stiffly patted the girl's back.
"Bye Threepio...take care of Arya, okay?" Jina sniffled.
"Of course, Mistress Jina, I will take care of her as though she were you."
"Jina... We have to go, we'll be late." Arya checked her chrono.
"Okay..." Jina skipped away from Threepio, turning around once to wave goodbye as the pair of humans walked off the end of the ramp.
The droid hit the hatch controls, sealing himself up in the ship. "May the Force be with you. Oh dear."
River Kincaid
Aug 14th, 2003, 10:01:22 PM
A warrior she was, a beautiful and angelic warrior of the Csai'De'Rhune; the Great Ocean clan. Angelina...face of an angel.
Daughter of Maciah and Je'keb, members of the Council of the Four Clans of Falycin.
Desert, Forest, Oceans and Plains.
Ni'in'Sa, warrior title given by her father, meaning 'Eye of the Storm.'
River Kincaid's eyes opened to the sound of a sudden clap of thunder and the bewildered look of his son. He sat up abruptly from his sleeping couch, while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Ry-Obi, what is it?"
The boy almost seemed trance-like as he gazed at his father. His eyes haunted. "I saw your dream, when are you going to dream of Faith?" His voice was hollow, with no emotion.
River shook his head. "When I'm good and...what did you say?" He was fully awake now as more thunder rumbled outside. The young father looked about his surroundings almost at a loss of where he was. The Lost Jedi.
"I know you like her." Ry-Obi's voice said, bringing River's attention back.
River wiped his hand over his face and sighed. He knew what was wrong. His son longed for stablity, something the Padawan had not been able to give since their arrival on Coruscant, they seemed to be constantly on the move.
But that was all about to change now, they were finally where they belonged at his Master's side.
Xazor Elessar.
She was the one who had accepted them into the Jedi Order to begin with, accepted him as her Padawan and had accepted his family. This was their lives now, he would never look back and never take it for granted.
"I never said I didn't like her, Ry-Obi. But, things are different now, we're no longer part of the Greater Jedi Order. She may never wish to see me again."
"But, Dad..."
River held up his hand and silenced him. "We have other things to work on, my son. Faith Lerf will not be mentioned again, is that clear?"
The boy nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Good. Now, I need to go find our master. Watch your sister for me." River told him as he walked over to a sleeping Hunter and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I'll be back shortly."
River left the two and walked down a hallway, he heard voices echoing from the floors below and quickly took the stairwell to find the ones behind the voices. Only one was recognizable.
Once on the lower level, he saw her laying on a couch in a nearby room. Stepping up to the door, he cleared his throat, ready to bow to her presence, when he was noticed.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2003, 05:38:40 AM
"Sometimes, that girl really is a worry" he muttered as the door closed behind the the Garou. He felt somewhat annoyed Stig managed to drag a towel into the shower, but fortunantly, there were more dry ones.
The hot water ran over his battered and scarred body, the marks and reminders of so many fights and battles over his long years. Even with the water revival, he was feeling so tired. Elessar wasn't one for using stim pills and caffine, but if the rough and sleepless nights continued, he probably would hit himself with a sleeping tab. Jedi Meditation was the only thing that seemed to keep him going and even then, his visions were tormented by images of death. The thing that really puzzled him was that the visions just made no sense. A jumbled mash of images that leapt out into his mind. Lettign the water wash down his chest, he leaned back onto the shower's tiled wall, feelign their coolness on his back, contrasting strongly with heat of the water on his front.
Where had it all gone wrong? he thought. Where had all his plans gone so badly astray? Just when the stroke against the crime lordd was to happen, Tondry had arrested Xazor. He remembered how badly she had been treated, the accusations, the injustice of the trial. She hadn't stood a chance.
Treason! Why? Why did you screw up so much work and careful friendship, Tondry? Why had you gotten her involved? Why didn't you see that a Jedi did not enforce the law, they enforced what was Right? We nearly had De'ville! we could have turned her into a Jedi... but no, more important to hold up laws and not see what was really needed
He sighed, no longer angry. Short sighted the Jedi had become, which is why he buried a glorious history. Why he had turned his back on the power and privledge, turned away from being a legend and turned himself into nothing, a mere shadow. He could have continued to hold onto being the Grand Master. There were none more powerful or learned and yet, knowing what had to be done, had turned his back and walked away.
You have to sacrifice. Look what I turned away. Look at all the friends who no longer know I live. Look at all the times I starved and I went cold and dirty, just so I can take out one more crim who hid in some law technicality.
That's why Marcus Elessar, Lost Jedi Warlord did what he did. He believed in what was right. That's why Xazor Elessar, Warrior and his adopted daughter did as she did. Because she knew what he would have done and thence did what was right.
And that's why she was on the run, hunted by nearly every security beauru known and he was guarding her. Becuase they did what was right, the Law said they were what they fought against.
The Law was a Bantha's bum (Honestly this zeal for non swearing is becoming a farce)
The last few months had been lonely. Even with Xazor's company, Trilith was a lonely and empty place. Quiet. The last place he had seen Lil, had talked to her. Had healed her.
The last place he had been with his beloved Helenias Evenstar. So many months ago, before this hell started. He screwed his eyes up, feeling the bitter sting of tears that threatened to blur his vision. He fought back the emotion that threatened to overwhelm. He had even been denied the comfort of her arms. Just to see her face, just to let her know he still loved her.
"Damn it god, this just isn't fair" he complained. "What did I do to deserve this?"
There was no answer, there never had been. Eventually, depressed, he turned the shower off, got out and grabbed the dry towel.
The clock on the wall said it was 8:30am. On the comm unit he had playing, they had some sort of live gig going, with Garden of Sound playing "Fell on Black Days". Hmph. Appropriate.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 18th, 2003, 05:01:19 AM
8:30 am
"Mornin', how can I help ya?"
The customer coming into Paladin's Weapons Emporium took a double look when he saw that it was the huge man who owned and named the weapons store at the counter. "Errr.... where's Mr Chee?"
"He's busy right now, so I''m looking after things personally. Bit of a change of pace"
The Rodian looked up and down the big human. He had never seen Paladin except in the background and had never spoken to him. However, the human had one hell of a reputation. "Oh. Mr Chee was modifying a range finder for me - "
"Ah, yes. Feddo it is? The Kuat Sub-Systems AK-47? Interesting mod you wanted. chee had some trouble achieveing what you want but he got it done. One moment... " Padalin ducked under the counter, quickly located the box that contained the range finder and came back up. "I think you'll find this suits your requirements"
It was indeed most unusual for Paladin to be working the counter, he was usually in the back room either working on weapory or in the secret rooms cutting deals or sorting stock. Chee was the front of Paladin's Weapons Emporium. today however, Chee was the planner of the nefarious secret organisation that had named itself Assassin's Incorporated, one of the up and coming Bounty Hunter and assassination groups on Coruscant. Force Master Hunter had made a spectacular entry onto the fringe stage with the killing of the top Jedi, then hitting a group of Sith Masters. No one else would have dared, let alone succeeded. Renowned for toughness and brutal force and direct methods, Hunter was now claiming some of the top jobs availible. Difficult ones that ones less skilled would never claim.
The job that Chee was researching was probably one of the top paying jobs ever. Five attempts on the life of this person had been made, all of them ending in the attackers killed. Now, no one would touch this job with a barge pole, the bounty had risen till nearly 1 million credits. An unheard of amount - but even that amount had not gotten any takers. Chee and Hunter had been thinking about this job but even Hunter had taken pause and had been reluctant.
Attempt one had been 9 beings - 8 dead, one arrested after being bashed into a coma.
Attempt two was a missile - 12 dead
Attempt three - a cunning trap that she somehow turned around, 10 dead, 7 wounded.
Attempt four - lone assassin bludgeoned by a bodyguard
Five was gut churning. Caught alone, she had annihalated the attackers, 8 dead, cut to pieces and mailed back to thier boss, 2 so badly wounded they had not come out of hospital and the fianl one beaten within an inch their life with their own leg. The arm had to be surgically removed from their rectum. Chee still winced reading on that one.
Since then, no one had dared and Chee didn't blame them. If there was one target that was poison and a death wish, it was Helenias Evenstar.
Another tap of the board gave Chee the map he was looking for and he leaned forward, his brown and old face wrinking in thought as he studied the screen. There had to be a way and that's what Hunter paid Chee for. To find a way.
I dont think we can do this alone. Hmmm. Wonder if they would lend us a few bits and pieces?
In the background, Garden of Sound played "Fell on Black Days"
Jina Jade-Elessar
Aug 20th, 2003, 06:49:58 AM
Coruscant looked the same to the young eyes - everything still seemed huge and overwhelming, but for the girl holding Arya's hand as they left the Rawen's Wing, it was not as scary or as foreboding as the first time she could remember coming here. Then, that was in the company of the man she knew was her father. Jina had no real concept of adoption as yet, but she knew that he was trustworthy and he looked after her, even from far away. She understood he had put Arya in charge of looking after her for a while, while he went and dealt with bad men, like the ones that occasionally tried to get Arya. She understood, in some dim way the bad men were after her too.
Why, she had no idea. If it were any other child, they would be wettign their beds in fear. Jina was however, definantly no ordinary child. She knew her real mother was dead as well as her real father. she had seem them together once, like ghosts or wisps of smoke. He was tall and proud, she was willowy and beautiful with the same flaming red hair and green eyes Jina had. Like her real father, Jina had a firey temper. But most importantly, she had every bit of Force potential and power of both mother and father, Lady Mara Jade, then leader of the Sith Council and Turbogeek, then leader of the Jedi Order. A match of real potential, expressed into a child born 6 years ago in a lonely room somewhere in the maze of buildings that was Coruscant.
Jina spent her first 2 years being looked after in secret, especially after Mara went to the Jedi herself. she hardly saw her mother, being raised by a nanny droid. Too young to know any better, she was taken by a red armoured fiend who destroyed the nanny droid and took Jina, just as a group of Imperials and Sith swooped to get the child. The Fiend was Lord fire Blade, feared warrior and destroyer of the Jedi Temple. Jina however, remembered Fire Blade differently, for the little girl was the first to know the Royal Guard's most well kept secret - the warrior was Helenias Evenstar, who somehow found out about the child and knew what a child of her parentage meant.
Evenstar wandered the galaxy for 18 months with Jina, becoming a mother to her. Jina didnt really understand some of the things Evenstar said, but now she knew she wa getting the first bits of training - learning about The Force.
Then came Father. Evenstar left Jina with a man whom she trusted, a bearded middle aged bounty hunter. Ah, the places they went together...! He was the one who bought her back to Coruscant and to the Jedi Order. He also began the serious process of traing Jina to be a Jedi.
She always remembered the bed time stories Marcus Elessar would tell her. Also the things he showed and the secret power in her mind that he began to help her unlock. He guided her and protected her - to Jina, becoming the first thing she ever had that she would call a family bond.
It seemed to her that Marcus and Helenias knew each other well, as for a while she lived with them combined while Helenias looked after Jax. Then came in the golden haired Xazor who seemed to join the small family. Jina never had been happier, being loved and looked after.
Then one day, Marcus disappeared after saying good bye. Helenias was sad. Another few days later, then came Arya Rawenwing, who took Jina away again. The little girl didn't understand, but she accepted Arya because Helenias told her Arya would look after her. And so, Arya did. Not quite in the same way Helenias or Marcus did, but Arya was more fun. They did stuff. Arya showed Jina how to shoot, how to fight, how to fly. Admittedly, Jina showed a great deal more applitude to these things than a regular 5 year old could have..... The Force was growing in power within her, she was learnign to use to learn faster and better.
Coupled with the things Marcus would sent Jina now anf then, plus the visit to trilith a few motnhs ago, Jina Jade-elessar was becoming quite an extraordinary girl. Now 6 years old, also quite a deal more mature than her age would normally have. Already in 6 short years, she had a lifetime's worth of experience.
Now she was back on Coruscant after Arya got a call from Lady Evenstar. Jina hadn't been allowed to listen, but she now had the idea that Mother wanted her back. Why, she didn't know.
Maybe Marcus would be there!
The thought cheered her up even as the rain began to lash down as the two of them ran to the nearest shelter. Strangely, Arya was acting like this was the end, she would never seen Jina again. Jina knew better. There was a certain feeling she had that Arya was wrong.
Maybe Marcus and Arya would take her together away from here! That would be good! Except when Jina said something to that effect to Arya, the older woman got a funny look on her face and changed subject. While Jina loved Marcus to bits and couldn't wait to see him again, she would prefer Arya to Helenias for a mother. Arya was more fun. Helenias was a too stern spoil sport.
"You think Marcus will be here?" asked Jina. "I think he will be. I saw him in a dream"
Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2003, 08:48:19 AM
Xazor glanced up at the crono as she heard Marcus talking to himself. He did that often, moreso now than ever. She could hear his thoughts as if they were her own. He thought of her often -- sometimes he worried, sometimes he merely pondered. This day was the former. He bore such a heavy burden in his hand and at times, the young Jedi Knight wished she could take it from him. It was not her own to carry, though.
The Garou noted the time absently when her ultra-sensitive ears picked up on something. A song, she concluded. The words were faint at first, but they slowly grew in volume until the woman no longer had to rely on the sensitivity of her hearing. Indeed, it was a song -- one playing over the crono. "Hasn't this one played already?" Xazor thought to herself with a bit of frustration. It was exciting to have so many bands playing in one place, but the repitition of the music was getting very old -- very quickly.
Whatsoever I've feared has come to life
Whatsoever I've fought off became my life
Just when everyday seemed to greet me with a smile
Sunspots have faded and I'm doin time
Cause I fell on black days
The words caught Xazor offguard and caused her to stop in her place and think. These thoughts were interrupted quickly, though, but sounds of feet flying across the floor drew her attention to a figure off to her left. "Natia!?" The Knight thought to herself, but then recalled many conversations that Marcus had had with his granddaughter. It was no surprise that she was here, but it still rendered Xazor a bit shocked. "My little girl!" The woman cried out and ran toward her daughter, wrapping her arms tightly around Natia.
"Oh how I have missed you so." She said softly as she buried her face into the girl's shoulder. Stroking her hair gently, Xazor held back tears of joy at the sight of her child. "You, my child, are amazing. I would not be here right now if it was not for you." She grinned toothily and pulled away from the child who had grown up so quickly. No longer was she a little girl -- only in Xazor's eyes. She was a young woman now, one who was maturing with each passing moment. Just as Xazor set her eyes on Natia's face, her attention shifted to a figure standing in the shadows. With the bit of light that was shining from behind him, Xazor could clearly make out his muscular frame and strong stature. "River." The Knight thought to herself.
Standing to full height, the Garou glanced down at Natia and smiled. "Hold on a minute." She said softly and walked toward her Padawan. Once a foot and a half away, Xazor made the motion to bow -- but instead of doing so, she reached forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling River in closely to her. His reaction was a bit delayed, but soon his arms were firmly around her waist. His embrace was comforting -- it was something the Jedi Knight had been looking for but could only find with him in the recent. "I have missed you so." Xazor whispered softly into his ear. Her affections for River had grown deep, as if he was a brother to her. They were very close, and he knew how much he meant to her.
"It's so good to be home."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2003, 09:41:08 AM
*Natia embraces her Mother in a hug, a huge smile on her face at getting to see her Mother again, even though her Mother is on the run*
I've missed you to Mother. I've just been waiting for the day to come when I was reunited with you.
Sorry about...
*Natia's voice trails off as her asked her to hold on a moment. Instead of staying where she was, she walks slightly behind her Mother as she makes her way to River. She stops a few feet away from her Mother and River, crossing her arms across her chest as she watches her Mother embrace River, a smile on her face, showing the youth that she actually is*
General Tohmahawk
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:45:06 PM
8:50 am
The rain had backed off a bit, but still the lightning flared some kilometers away. The wind had also backed off and some portable heaters bought in to bring the temperature up a touch. The initial burst of crowd energy had died away to a more quieter listening or beginning to do their own thing. After all, you could not expect a crowd of this size to only listen and dance to good music all day. There was entertainment and other stages for other bands. The main stage's amps had been turned down so as not to clash with the other stages, around 11 pm they would be boosted up as the two main headlining acts came on and the outer stages shut down.
Rides, side shows, other acts, souvenir shops - the place had it all. Credits were already changing hands and the food tents were already doing a good business. Tohmahawk was right now eating a nerf and egg roll, provided free of charge, sheltering under a canopy as he ate and sipped a hot brew. Pretty soon, he would go to the main security tent and change into the waterproof and heated battle armour, because even with the weather coat, he was still wet. Quite a few of SecCorp had changed, covering the armour with cloaks. It was really a reflection of the conditions at his squads were preferring the uncomfortable combat protection. Tohmahawk could see the point too.
On the main stage, Garden of Sound were widing down a song, "Day I tried to live". The crowd (Those more concentrating on the music, not the various other attractions or trying to stay dry and warm) cheered and clapped, still quite a substantial noise.
<font color=red> "Hey, thank's for listening to us, but we gotta go, our set's up. You enjoy your day now, you hear?"</font> yelled the singer into his loudcomm. Some boos, some cheers. Tohmahawk finished off his roll and took a final sip of his brew, depositing the cup into a rubbish cremator that flamed and turned the cup into ash. Beside the bin, two Band of electrical Current fans were arguing what their best holo was. Tohmahawk grinned as he put up his hood and began to jog out back into the rain - everyone knew it was Back In Black, the holo produced after the original lead singer died of a Fizzyglug overdose. Or was that they drank a Jedi Toilet duck? Something like that, anyway. Pretty nasty death it was told, died choking on his own crap made the rounds.
Thankfully the security tent wasnt far and he made it quickly. It wasn't a tent tho, it was a portable building, resonably large with a changeroom, control rooms, relay comm links and bunks for officers to crash out. Plus a clean toilet. A relief cause the public ones were already beginning to stink.
"Hey, what do you think so far sir?" asked one SecCorp patrolman to Tohmahawk as he threw off his wet cloak.
"Not bad. Pretty well behaved crowd so far. Has my armour arrived yet?"
"Errr... yessir. It's in your office"
"I get an office out here as well? Nice. Like I'll be using it with so much to do outside.... hey, is that Garden of Sound doing an encore?"
The officer glaned up at one of the monitors in the room. "Looks like it. Hope the over run and take up Spice Twil'lek's time. I hate those talentless dweebs"
Tohmaahwk agreed quietly, wondering who's love tool those no hopers had sucked to make main stage. No talent was an insult to those genuinely without talent - the Spice Twil'leks were just plain terrible. It had to be a gift to be that bad musically. Hell, that Jedi who used to keep all those cats.... Rmiao, that was him, he had cats that could dance and sing better. Still, took all sort to make a Galaxy. Maybe the crowd would rebel and torch the Teil'leks. But that would mean lifting a finger to stop the crowd and to be frank, Tohmahawk would be first in with a lighter and accelerant. He grinned a bit, going to his temporary offce.
Inside, there was a pretty simple desk with a comm scanner, a few security monitiors and a monitor set that showed the various stages. He chose Main Stage for the large display, turned on the sound feed from it and listened to Garden of Sound as they did their encore. Pity they broke up, they were pretty good and still played well.
They had just finished "Black Hole Sun", it was just before 9 am and the stage managr was indicating time up. However, Cornell, the lead singer of Garden of Sound wasn't ready to give up the stage yet. "One more guys!" he yelled.
<font color=red>"Come together with your hands and feel the rhythm!!!" </font>
The crowd roared in reply. They knew what song was coming. A true classic. The lead twanger man slapped out some chords, with the drummer catching on (Tho, he was already rather drunk it must be said).
<font color=red>
Feel the rhythm with your hands
Steal the rhythm while you can, Spoonman
Speak the rhythm on your own
Speak the rhythm all alone, Spoonman
The crowd had the beat and were clapping in time with the percussion set. Most of them were also singing along, except for a patron who quite abrupty was attacked by a screaming wet bundle of feathers.
But the sounds of battle between man and budgie were lost as the band played on.
<font color=red>
Spoonman, come together with your hands
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me
All my friends are Tuskin raiders...
All my friends are brown and red, Spoonman
All my friends are skeletons
They beat the rhythm with their bones,
Spoonman, come together with your hands
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me
Save... save me... Save me!
a raucous instrumental break came on, with two beings dressed up as Tuskan raiders coming out on stage, beginning a Tuskan war dance. The movements were copied by the crowd, stamping and leaping in the mud. The Budgie ruffled it's feathers and pooped on it's fallen foe, flying off to ambush someone else
<font color=red>
Spoonman, come together with your hands
Save me, I'm together with your plan
Save me
Feel the rhythm with your hands
Steal the rhythm while you can, Spoonman
"Thank you, good day people!"
The crowd roared approval as the band finally left the stage while two ther beings notied the falled man in the crowd and began to drag him out for medical attention/
River Kincaid
Aug 20th, 2003, 08:15:20 PM
River had been somewhat taken aback by his Master's affections, but soon settled into it comfortably. He had longed for an embrace himself, since leaving behind a very distraught Faith.
"It's good to be here, Master. I've missed you as well and so have the children." He spoke softly as they parted. "Ry-Obi is feeling very unprotected at the moment. He's not sure why we've left the Order, but his reasonings are in the view that he is only eight. I'll have to deal with it, it may take some time. I'm not exactly sure about Hunter's feelings yet..."
He stepped back slightly at the sight of Natia. "Natia, it's a pleasure to see you again." He nodded towards her.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 23rd, 2003, 09:06:29 PM
He initially grabbed his usual blue doublet that he wore inside Dexters, but he thought about it for a moment, before deciding on something a little bit different. He did a mix between the doublet and also his travelling clothes, which were comfortable and for once, clean. Old leather boots completed his dress, along with his almost ancient weapons belt. The belt held on it his sword (Long sword, hand and a half style), on the other hip was a dagger he had worked on for a long time, creating a weapon that could repel a sabre and also would be poison to a Dark sider to handle. That was in a leather sheath right next to the sabre that had once been called Athona, a unique and deadly looking sabre, with sword hilt in the middle. Twice the length of a normal sabre, it too had Jedi Arts placed on it that set it apart from anything else. It was a Flamesabre, that took a highly skilled Master to even weld it, let alone fight effectively with it. In the hands of a Master like Marcus, it was truly lethal.
A sigh as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. The tiredness from a lack of decent sleep was really coming through, the lines on his face were more pronounced and his eyes had a blood shot look to them. The last few months had been a nightmare.... Again sighing, he decided to scroll through a few local news items that could be displayed on a wall unit near the toilet. Hey, if you had to go, why just sit there when you could do something useful, like read what was going on? A touch on the pad had the first lot of headlines come up. Mainly about some huge concert going on. Some Senate dealing. Notes on the Jedi Order and even an update on a Xazor Elessar sighting somewhere to the north. That made him smile.
And here was an odd one. Something about a Senator going on leave. The words Arcan IV made him rise an eyebrow. Helenias, going on leave? That was odd. Curious what was going on, he initiated a search.
Hospital? Persisent health problems?
Oh great. His betroved was ill and he had not been around. Now really depressed, he turned the screen off before reading the rest. And left the bathroom.
"Stig, if you dont want to be stepped on, dont get in my way" he snapped as the cat bolted for the safety of under a chair. Hey Xazor, I'm... I'm..... NATIA???? C'mhere young lady and give me a hug! And errr... who the hell is that your hugging Xaz?"
well, at least seeing Natia hadn't abandoned them cheered him up. The stranger threw him tho. Obviously he was known to Xazor and Natia, but not him. Of course he could cross the Life Bond and find out in a snap, but these days he preferred to give his daughter mental privacy. God knows she needed it with all the pressure she had been under.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 24th, 2003, 12:24:56 AM
Originally posted by Jina Jade-Elessar
"You think Marcus will be here?" asked Jina. "I think he will be. I saw him in a dream"
"Sure kid, maybe he will be. Now, be quiet, and keep your eyes open for trouble, okay?" Arya tugged her under an awning as she waited for a speeder to pull up to a cab station. Rain was starting to fall around them. It wasn't the gentle showers the WeatherNet usually provided, but a true downpour, complete with big thick drops of water and rapidly forming puddles.
Red giggled, reaching her hand out under one of the corners of the awning, letting the drip puddle in her palm. The smuggler couldn't remember ever playing with rain. On Ryloth she'd lived underground for years. Before that... only sunshine. Rain storms were foreign to her. Her free hand fiddled with the medallion under her shirt, and then a cab stopped by the curb. "Ah, c'mon Red."
The two women climbed into the waiting vehicle, and Arya directed it to take them to the address she'd been given in the transmission from Helenias Evenstar. She better have the money I'm owed too. I'll need to replace that back up shield generator that Red took out on Nal Hutta. Jina pressed her nose to the window, looking out on early morning Coruscant as the cabbie drove them towards their destination.
Helenias Evenstar
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:57:08 AM
The medical droids hated it, but I had been insisting on walking to the cafe for breakfast since I had come here. I had done my best to stay active and fit during my pregnancy, but now at the end it was hopeless. I had to cut back on my workouts and practice because my ballooning body could not take it any more. Now it was in a dressing gown and slippers, walking (Walking? More like shuffling) about as much as I could. Some of the toning had come off in the last month, but the side effects had been some aches and pains had healed, now tendons and muscles had been rested. Still hardly a scrap of fat on anything. Except my breasts. They had definantly gotten bigger.
Humming a tune, I reached the cafe, noting that they were carrying a holocast of the concert that I had seen earlier from my window. I hadn't really paid any attention to any news of it (Other, obvious things on my mind) but it seemed pretty big. Some of my staff were going. I had given most of them time off during my leave of absence.
Troy was the cook who did the morning shift and I was getting to know him resonably well. He was a short human, dark skinned with widely set eyes and a goatee. apart from being a good cook, he also had unbelieveable knowledge of the local shockball teams and stats. Yesterday I had threatened him with a steel chair if he didn't shut up - I was certainly no sports fan. It bored me to tears. Apparently something of my reputation had come here, for he took the treat seriously. Beaten to death by a pregnant woman would look rather bad as a obituary, true?
"Hello Miss" Troy said, stirring some white sauce. "The usual?"
"No, not today. I'm in the mood to be adventurous. Surprise me"
Troy gave me a look over. Despite yesterday's threat of violence, we did get on pretty well. "Err, yeah sure, I'll hook something up. Want a caffine first?"
"Medics say I shouldn't" I replied, a slight smile coming to my face.
"So you want that with firewhiskey or not?"
"Why not. Cream too"
Alcohol at a hospital? Well, this was the one used for Senators and staff. High security, but also there were powerful men and women who came here, so rules were bent all the time. The best of staff and medical droids were also here too. Troy I would have to look at to snaffle up for my own catering. He was excellent. And quick, for in no time my caffine was before me and I had a seat, looking out at the rain coming down in a garden outside. Food was also put before me - not anythign I quickly recognised, but it was delicious. The caffine warmed up and woke me up. Whoo.
Not long before 9 am, I was back in my room. In my absence, the bed had been remade and the room tidied up. The rose Tohmahawk had bought immediatly lifted my spirits, even as outside was dark and dreary. I settled back on the bed, cursing as a cramp once again surfaced. It wasn't painful, it was however uncomfortable. I closed my eyes, hands on my stomach, feeling the baby inside was for once rather settled and barely moving.
"Wonder what your going to look like?" I pondered out loud. "Are you a daughter or a son? I can feel you in the Force and I know you have potential, so maybe you'll be a Jedi too? Hopefully a better one than I am. How much longer you going to wait before demanding to be born?"
The cramp went away, with my thoughts dwelling on the demanding to be born thought. Hadn't I had had some cramps earlier...?
Still frowning, I leaned over and touched the call button that would summon a medic.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2003, 10:14:08 AM
*Natia turns as soon as she hears Marcus, a huge smile on her face and she's bolting towards him before he even says her name. Thank goodness for the Force or she'd be flat on her face right now.
When she reaches Marcus, she gives him a great big hug, that is after jumping slightly into his arms, trusting him to not drop her*
Hi Grandpa, I've missed you.
*Natia keeps her arms wrapped around Marcus as she continues to hug him, exceedingly happy to see him as well. A person doesn't even need to Force to tell them that Natia is exceedingly happy right now*
River Kincaid
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:48:47 AM
River bowed to the man. "Sir, I am River Kincaid, newest member to your Lost Jedi." River knew his manners when they were called upon and he also, knew when they weren't needed. He wasn't a total barbarian.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 26th, 2003, 12:48:18 PM
Disembarking outside of what appeared to be a hospital, Arya helped Red out of the cab, paid the driver, and started up the steps. Red wrapped her hand tightly around the smuggler's fingers, looking around her like a good girl.
There was a crash, some sort of feedback sound from behind them, and Red flinched and ducked in front of Arya as the smuggler quickly looked around. She located the source - a huge outdoor concert in the park that was built on top of a nearby building. They were high enough that she could look down on the massed crowds. "It's ok, Red. C'mon, almost there."
The unlikely pair entered the hospital, and headed towards Evenstar's room.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:31:22 PM
Xazor smiled gently and listened intently as River spoke of his children. The Jedi Knight loved the young ones very much -- even in her short time of knowing the Kincaid family. In her heart, she knew that her feelings for all three of them ran deep. Her eyes fell to the floor for a moment as Marcus spoke and she touched his mind with a bit of insight.
"Yes, this is my Padawan -- River Kincaid. He joined me in leaving the Jedi Order so in essence, you have yourself two full Lost Jedi standing before you." Xazor winked a bit and watched as Natia embraced Marcus with joy. "Wow, you two have grown close in my time on the run." She spoke softly in Marcus's mind. It was good to see Natia taking to a man so well. The Garou woman had never expected it after everything Natia had been through.
Shifting her weight slightly, Xazor's attention fell back on River. "Hunter will be speaking in no time, my friend -- I will talk to you about that later, though. And as far as Ry-Obi is concerned, I'll be having a talk with him too -- he will play a very integral part in this small group of Jedi, seeing as though he is so young and impressionable." Her eyes locked with River's and she felt a calm and peace that had been lacking for so long. He seemed to have that affect on her -- and Xazor could not help but like it, a lot.
"I wish to discuss these things with you later, if you don't mind." She said softly, nearly forgetting that there were others gathered around and she was ignoring them. At the moment, though, Xazor couldn't get her mind off of River -- he was like the calm during the great storm in her life. "I don't know what I would do without you, River -- you've been such a light in the darkness for me." The Knight whispered softly in his mind, touching as she had just done to Marcus.
It was then that a mass of people down on the streets began to scream. "CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT!" The chants continued followed by more screaming. It seemed as though the crowd was having their own pre-concert riot. Their numbers continued to grow and soon sirens could be heard, followed by the sight of flashing blue and red lights. "Break it up people -- break it up!" Someone yelled but that did not deter the crowd from their continous rioting. Soon glass could be heard being shattered as objects flew threw the air in an attempt to turn away the Coruscant City Watch force, but it did not work and it was then that the police called for the backup of batons and pepper spray. A full riot broke out and the crowd began to push on the authorities while they attempted to beat the crowd back and tear up their eyes with gas.
"Wow -- looks like the force has their hands full." Xazor laughed to herself. It was then that the small comm sitting upon a table across the room began blairing music once again. This time, the lead singer hopped on and shouted a few words that could barely be understood. "ARE YOU READY?!" He yelled -- obviously it had been pre-recorded. Soon guitars jammed and the drums rolled as before, and the song that blaired seemed rather appropriate. "Shook me all night long!" The lead singer shouted and Xazor rolled her eyes. "You could say that again."
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2003, 03:04:08 AM
Slipping his arm off Natia's shoulders, the older man approached River Kincaid, assessing him for a few moments, sizing him up with his mind and also, with his eyes. He was soem years in view younger than Marcus - and probably nearly a century in true age younger too. Approaching thirty it seemed and if he had heard right, had children.
"You joined us too? Have you been helping in covering our tracks like young Natia here?"
"I have, sir"
Polite and nicely spoken too. Elessar had the feeling he could get to like this young man. Further speech however was negated as Dexter poked his head through the hole in the floor.
"Hey buddies, you want breakfast? The grill's on!"
Someone - Marcus didnt know who - told Dexter they would have breakfast upstairs, in this room. The big alien nodded and dropped back down the ladder. The group turned back to each other... and with a few startled curses realised Marcus wasn't there. It was so startlingly fast that it was like he teleported. Xazor knew tho - she also knew his mood.
"No... it's okay. It's allright"
"But he just disappeared! How the hell did he do that?????"
"Doesn't matter. He wants to be alone. He'll join us again soon"
He had moved with incredible stealth and speed around the corner of the computer banks. As Xazor had correctly surmised, he did want to be alone - the sudden and unexpected meetign of family and a newe aly had bought memories he had been struggling to keep below the surface. He had tried his best to hide them from Xazor in thier time on Trilith, but sometimes, even of a man of supreme and subtle control as he was, the heart can betray you when you least expect it.
When was the last time I saw her? Nearly a year ago? at the opera that she took us to - her, Dasquian and Xazor, Marcus as well, dressed in an immaculate suit, the escort for the Senator of Arcan IV for the evening, in the company of Jedi Knight Elessar, heavily pregnant and Knight Belgaric. The gossip pages said he was some sort of body guard. How little they guessed the handsome long haired and bearded human was really a Jedi Warlord? He had a headband of gold on his forhead, that set off his ragged looks. Later that night, they had gone to a private restaruant, where the group could have privacy. While Dasquain and Xazor sat in a corner, Marcus and Helenias danced. He had his arm around her waist, smelling the perfume in her hair, feelign the blue silk under his hand and the warm skin under that, feelign even smoother. The tall woman was supremely fit, so his fingers could trace out the ripples of lean muscle on her arms and torso. Her face, so beautiful and full of youth, shone even the subdued light - her eyes glittered and told him of her love. His hand touched her face as their lips met...
Had he even been happier than in her arms? They were intending to go back to her homeworld and be married in the tradions of her people, she had promised to bind to him. was there anything more profound or meaningful than that? Despite all his faults, she had chosen him. He felt her hand on his back as she put her head onto his shoulder.....
Marcus Elessar stared out the window, watching the lashing rain. Life had been so good then...... he bowed his head, a moment later a sob could be heard. His face couldn't be seen because of the long and untidy hair, but it was clear he was having the emotional breakdown that had been threatening over these long and terrible months. Sounds of crying could be heard as his head touched the window and his fist slammed onto the window ledge.
This just wasn't fair. all his life, he had been fighting. Finally he had found the one thing that made it all meaningful and it was taken from him.
Helenias Evenstar
Sep 1st, 2003, 07:40:21 PM
It didn't take long for a medic to arrive. After all, I was a senator and rather pregnant. I was paying quite a bit for this type of service, thank you very much. Even better, it was a live human rather than a droid. I had no problems with droids, but there were times when humans were preferable. Being poked and prodded by a machine really was not pleasing.
"Hello Senator, what's the problem?"
She was tall, well tanned and about fifty. Much to the disgust of male patients, she was in a sensible uniform.
"I seem to be getting a bit of cramping earlier this morning and I seem to have just recovered from another lot"
At the mention of a second lot of cramping the medic raised an eyebrow. "Notice anything else?"
"The baby seems to be well settled. Not moving much"
"Wait a moment pleasse" she ordered. "Please stay ont he bed and make yourself comfortable. I'll be back shortly" She hurried out, which made me also raise an eyebrow. My thoughts were confirmed when I saw the medic return with the doctor booked to deliver the baby in three days time.
"Cramping Miss Evenstar?" he asked, puliing out a portable scanner.
"Baby quiet?"
"Hmmm" he said thoughtfully, looking at the results of a quick scan. "Looks like the child's decided today is it"
"Really?" I replied, voice going higher with unconcealed excitement.
"You sound like your going to love the labor" he said.
"Oh no, I know that's going to suck. It's just..... "
"You want to see your baby?"
"Oh yes, do I ever. How much longer, do you think?"
"About..... 18 hours. You better rest now, Senator and get some fluids into you. Are you sure you dont want caesarian?"
"I'm sure. I would rather do this naturally. Oh, and my apologies in advance, doctor"
"What for?"
"If I king hit you when I'm screaming in pain. I tend to do that, you know"
He smiled. "You won't be the first. I'll come back and check on you every hour. When the dilation reaches 8 cm, we'll move you to the birth room. Fine with you?"
"Absolutly". I waited till the doctor and the medic left, before with some difficulty, drew up my legs to either side of my now huge stomach. So. This was it. Time to see if those Jedi pain negation exercises really worked.
General Tohmahawk
Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:37:14 AM
9:45 am
A mud splattered Tohmahawk came into the temporary HQ, dropping his riot chest plate to the ground. He wiped rain out of his eyes, cursing a blue streak as other officers came in. Some were cut and bleeding. All were wet or mud splattered. The roar of a speeder gettign away with injured coudl be heard going away and there was beginnings of some sort of normality outside. There was an announcement that the show would go on , back on schedule at 10 am. But for now, Tohmahawk didn't give a rip. He wanted somethign hot to drink and to dry off.
"Would somone get me a brew, or do I need to keep fighting?" he yelled. "And if that GNN reporter tries to come in, rip him a new butthole!". He slammed the door of his office closed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.
"Well, least there wasn't any stage damage" commented Hicks, who was already in the office. "Had any fun?"
Tohamhawk glared at Hicks, then quite abruptly, began to laugh. "Oh hell yeah! That was a brilliant punch up! I never would have expected the crowd to do that!"
"What, rampage the stage to get that awful excuse of music off stage?"
"And here I was thinking no-one had musical taste anymore"
It had happened so quickly. The Spice Twil'leks, a group of five aliens with .... errr... big lungs, had been beginning their am act when there was a power brownout. Tohamahawk couldn't figure that out, but a manicly grinning tech suggested some quiet sabotage and it was revieled the Twil'leks had been miming. Now, given Corpollooza was about live acts and good ones, that hadn't gone down well with the crowd, still hyped about Garden of Sound. Then, for some reason the lead 'singer' had tried to defend herself. No one knew what happened next but a moment later, a roaring mass had surged the barriers and gotten to the stage. It happened so fast that no one had time to react at first and Tohmahawk had been left gaping as he watched the monitor, before hitting the emergency button.
The SecCorp officers ran to the stage, riot batons flashing as they beat down rioters. a mini battle had ensured that ended with SecCorp reclaiming the stage and beating back the rioters. what was brilliant was that it was more like a game than a full blown punch up. Tohamahawk had wading in, throwing punches, getting tackled, kicking, and in one glorious move, headbutted a huge alien, flattening it. It had taken nearly half an hour to calm the situationa nd another ten to clear beings so that the stage could be assembled. For some odd reason, a green bird tried to dive bomb Tohmahawk, but was warned away by a baton.
A brew was taken into Tohmahawk's office, while he got changed into a dry uniform.
"And in other news" said his second in command, Tonks, "Just got a personal note addressed to you from the Senate Medical wing. Marked urgent"
Tohmahawk raised an eyebrow, pulling on a shirt before taking the datapad. A quick scan and his mood improved. "Hicks... HICKS! Your off duty for the rest of the day!"
"Oh?" replied Dwayne, poking his head through the office door only a moment after he had left.
"Looks like Helenias is dropping the sprog early. She began labor an hour ago"
Hicks grinned. "Hey, cool! You dont mind if I go up there?"
"Nah. She'll like the company. God knows she dont have any normally. Go on, scoot"
Hicks grinned as he left. "Commander cross is in labor?" asked Tonks.
"Yep. I'll go up there after the concert is over, see if she's okay and finished"
"Man, who'ld frell with that hard butt bitch?"
That, thought Tohmahawk, was a good question. However beautiful evenstar was, she was extremely hostile to male advances. No one was surprised more to hear of her pregnancy than he.
Lucky bastard to have a night with her.
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 4th, 2003, 08:47:21 PM
10:02 am
Arya poked her finger into the chest of the male nurse who was blocking her way down the passage. He backed up a step to get away from her accusing finger. "I told you, she wants me to come! Look, this is her step-daughter." Jina smiled beautifically up at the hesitating man, and he looked at her for a long hard moment.
"It isn't visiting hours. And we prefer to keep non-family members out of the ward - ow! Miss, I - " He fended off another poke in the solar plexus as a matched pair of hulking NR guards approached.
"What seems to be the problem here ... ma'am?" The slight hesitation over the last word suggested that he wasn't quite sure she was or not.
"I was ordered by my employer to deliever her daughter to her," Arya indicated Jina with a nod of her dark head, "But nancy-boy here won't let me into her room. In fact, he won't even tell me what room it is." She glared at him and the nurse subtly stepped behind the protection of the nurses' station.
The guards looked at each other, and then the other one queried, "What's the name of your employer?" No 'ma'am' this time.
"Helenias Evenstar." She raised an eyebrow for emphasis. "I don't know why she wanted to meet in the hospital, but if she's dying I suppose the least you could do is let her little girl come visit her."
The guards bristled when Arya mentioned Evenstar's name. "Dying? Miss, this is the obstetric's ward. And Evenstar has no children. I'm afraid you're going to have to come with me." They moved imperceptibly to flank her, and Jina's hand tightened on hers as Arya tensed, trying to decide what to do.
River Kincaid
Sep 5th, 2003, 04:07:21 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
The group turned back to each other... and with a few startled curses realised Marcus wasn't there. It was so startlingly fast that it was like he teleported. Xazor knew tho - she also knew his mood.
"No... it's okay. It's allright"
"But he just disappeared! How the hell did he do that?????"
"Doesn't matter. He wants to be alone. He'll join us again soon"
River questioned no further as he looked at his Master. Life here would be quite a change to the one he just left behind. As another clap of thunder sounded, River walked over to a window. He could hear the music blarring. "Is that really music down there? It sounds more like noise." He wasn't at all used to the music on Coruscant, as a Forrestor of many years music on Falycin was much different. No big pavilions, no huge ranting crowds and definitely no lightshow. "I grew up with more peaceful music, something that our clans could actually dance too. Someone down there needs to be put out of their misery."
He turned back and faced Xazor, she was smiling. Even with those sharp teeth she bared, she was still amazingly beautiful. He noticed that he was staring and quickly looked away. "I'd better go check on the children." he began to walk towards the door.
Dwayne Hicks
Sep 12th, 2003, 07:35:05 AM
Dwayne Hicks was a quite likable soldier. Dedicated, no nonsense and a tough guy in a fight. About 30, wiht a look in his eyes like he had seen vastly more in his life than he ever really wanted to see. So it had been - he had survived a wild alien attack that had mowed down his comapy, been with Commander Cross in horrific gunfights, been on arcan IV on the night of the civil war.... in summary, until he had been drafted out of the NRSF due to it's downsizing, a man who had been on the front line of NR warfare for a decade. It rankled him that since he was delisted from the NRSF, all he had really done was guard duty. All that had thankfulyl changed when his old boss, Tohmahawk gave him a call and got his backside in the new SecCorps.
Now in a new uniform, new duties, he was feeling better about himself and his life. Things were looking up, especially when he was quietly transferred to the staff of his former Commander, Eileen Cross. Of course, her real name was Helenias, but he always thought of her as the hard hitting and nasty Commander. Somehow he never managed to disengage the bitch from hell image Helenias cultivated from the truth. Oh yeah, she was nasty, she had a temper and she could brawl with the best of them, but there was a much softer and kinder side she hardly ever showed openly. The public had the image of a pregnant woman, guns blazing as she cut down another assassination attempt. Dwayne knew that Cross would prefer to be somewhere else. Where, he wasn't privvy to, he felt sure even Tohamahawk didn't know. Might it have somethign to do with that Elessar guy Hawk said she wanted to get a tab on? Who knew. Eileen was a closed book when she wanted to be. A lady who played for keeps and kept her cards hidden until it was too late for her opponent.
Hicks went around the back of the temporary headquarters (Thankfully the rain had backed off for now, tho it was clear it was not finished by a long shot) to pick up his equipment bag. a bulky softform bag, a coat and his favoured shotgun, just perfect for 'close encounters'. He slung the gun on his shoulder, put on the coat and then picked up the bag. It was rather heavy, but that didnt really bother him, for a second or two later, a SecCorps captain grabbed it to carry it for Hicks. Those around would wonder why a mere corporal was being waited on... but there was a good'offical' reason - Eileen and Tohmahawk had cooked up the cover story that Hicks was the father of Evenstar's child. And as the 'partner' of a Senator, he had gotten some unexpected privledges.
The real reason was somewhat different.
"Orders confirmed sir" said the Captain, quietly as they walked away from the compound. "Redline as of 12 hours ago is approved and in motion. Congratulations"
"You sure congrats are in order? You know what redliners are in for"
"Sir, I hope to be a redliner one day. Commander Cross would be an honour to server with, she is one dedicated and tough SOB. Is she really liek what the rumoures say?"
"Which ones? The fondness for detaching limbs or beating up Wookies?"
The captain stared at Hicks' impassive face. "Oh. She really did that?"
"Ouch. Was it really up to the elbow?"
"More I think. That guy didnt stop screaming in pain for a week. Nearly made me puke. Never thought his own arm could be forced up hhis rectum like that against his will. Still, not a good idea to try to shoot the good Senator, no?"
The Captain winced. "No"
The hospital wasn't far. There was a few words needed to clear Hicks' gun, but given he was listed as father AND bodyguard, plus a high clearence, he got through. The Captain follwed him, but they didnt get far until a security officer came up to them.
"Mr Hicks! Mr Hicks! Could you please come with us, we have a situation"
"Is it Miss Cross?"
"No sir,... it's a woman claiming to have orders to bring Evenstar's daughter. Do you know anything about it?"
Hicks raised an eyebrow. "Buggered if I know. Take her to the office and I'll just drop by Cross and ask and get to the bottom of this"
10:10 am.
Corporal Hicks walked into the office where a group of guards had a rather nice looker, dark hair and a thunderous expression of annoyance on her face.
"Okay guys, leave us. Evenstar's order"
The guards looked reluctant, but they moved, a minute later leaving Hicks, this woman who he had been told was Arya Ravenwing and the red haired girl alone.
"Senator Evenstar apologies, Miss Ravenwing that she could not come here in person. She's... uhhh.... got a prior engagemet"
That didnt go down too well. "Hey, look" he backpedalled, thinking ravenwing was goign to kill him, "Senator Evenstar is about 18 hours away from giving birth! She uh, didnt think it was wise to let you know till now. Can I get you soemthign to drink?"
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 12th, 2003, 09:48:13 AM
"I don't need a drink, I just need to see Evenstar. She wanted me to come today. So here I am. Either we see her, or I leave and I'm taking the girl with me." Arya looked around, and yanked the door open. The whole place smelled like a trap to her.
Only thing was, she wasn't dead yet and Jina was still attatched to her hand.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 12th, 2003, 12:20:40 PM
*Natia had kept herself quiet for awhile. She had noticed that her Mother is happy about the way that she has taken to Marcus. She had actually taken to him the first time she had met him. And that's saying something to say the least. She is concerned about Marcus and the way he seemed to just disappear, but she listens to her Mother when she says that he just wants to be alone right now.
She then walks over to her Mother again and gives her another hug, knowing that she's really missed her lately*
Lady Panther
Sep 17th, 2003, 06:08:01 AM
"Who in weather control screwed up? They should be thrown into the stockade for this mistake!"
"Oh belt up with your whining Tony, I'm sick of listening to it. Dont you ever shut up?"
The young (and admittedly rather attractive young man) turned to face the red haired woman whose bed he had shared the night before - she was still getting dressed, her torso still naked as she pulled on a skirt. "When I want your opinion Pyr, I'll ask it. since when do high class sluts like you have worthwhile things to say?"
"Oh.... really" she said coldly, picking up her bra and snapping it on. "You didn't say that last night!"
"You were useful then" he sneered.
The woman snarled, her eyes narrowing. The anger in her gaze was bare matched by the fury in her voice. "Use this then, pin dick!". The man seemed taken aback, before he suddenly grabbed at his groin. His eyes popped as the veins on his head throbbed visibly. His mouth opened, but the scream was trapped - his vocal chords refused to work such was te unexpected pain that was crushing his genitals. He couldn't breathe, such was the sheer intensity of the agony.
"High class slut, am I?" she said, her voice icy. "Then let me tell you something. You disease infected tool didnt touch me. While you thought you were being entertained, I was taking every cent in your credit account. Tomorrow, you'll be Gamorrean food. No one remembers seeing you come in here, no one will see the bits of you leave. How nice it is to see scum like you get what's theirs to have". Her face twisted into an ugly veneer of hate as her mind twisted. There was a wet ripping sound and blood sprouted from between Tony's fingers. His eyes somehow popped even more, but the howl of pure agony never escaped his lips - the kick she applied to his jaw had enough force to break his neck. The lifeless body fell to the floor as she watched, the anger sated by the violent act.
Pyr Caveat finished dressing, pulling on a dark blouse and a set of high heels that she had used so effectively to trap her target, a notorious bad boy. Men, she mentally sniffed. So predictable. Show em a nice set of breasts and they were so open to manipulation. Tony Beggarts was no exception. Caveat decided to kick the lifeless body again, before reaching over for her hand bag - in which was a powder mirror that was in reality a disguised comm unit.
"Target eliminated" she said into it. A acknowkedgement could be heard as she snapped it shut.
"What is with the traffic around here?"
"I'm sorry Miss Caveat, but the weather is playing havoc with all the local control systems. I can't really do much better"
She fell back into the rear seat of the limo speeder, sighing. Money could get you a lot, but it was true, it could not buy you everything. She sighed, looking out at the wet Coruscant landscape - here was home. A normally fenetic, chaotic place, today it was just simply wet. No one would go outside if they could help it. "That's fine Jeeves. But make a note that I wish to complain to weather control. This really isn't good enough"
"Certainly, M'dam. Where to now?"
"Home. I want a bath. I want to wash the stench of that scum off me"
It was nearly 10 am when the young Noble woman, Pyr Caveat, finally threw the towel she had been using to dry herself with out of the refresher and came out, hair still wet, but dressed in comfortable, abeit expensive, clothes. Her "I want to root" outfit from last night was in the process of being burnt to eliminate evidence. The apartment she had lured Beggarts to would be decontaminated soon too and the body used as she had told the dying man. Not a bad scam, she thought. Knock off a few scumbags, take the money, live a good life - not that her life wasn't already essentially paid for already. The sole heiress to a staggering fortune, she had the best of everything. Her real home was on top of one of the huge skyscrapers that dotted Coruscant, she had sevants, business interests... everything a young woman of 21 could possibly have.
Even a dark secret that she kept locked away in a locked drawer. A picture fo her when she was 16, standing next to a man somewhat older than her. How things could have been different if that man had lived, she thought. If he had lived, she might not have fallen. she might still be a Jedi. But now, she knew well she had given into hate and anger, knew she had fallen into darkness.
No regrets, she had. None at all. well, maybe one. who the hell had left the holo of that stupid concert in the park on in the living room?!? Who cared about such stupid things as that?
Helenias Evenstar
Sep 18th, 2003, 02:07:56 AM
Unfortunantly for Dwayne, i was having a cramp when he turned up around 10 am. Not a bad one but still, it was painful enough that I was rather snippy.
"Maybe I'll come back" he said
"Don't you go bloody anywhere, Hicks. Gaaaaaaaaahh........... " I breathed heavily, the cramp going eventually. "Damn, this is going to suck. What are you doing here, thought you were on duty?"
"Hawk told me to get my backside here. Moral support"
"Yeah right, Hawk wants a witness to someone else giving me a hard time"
"That too. Oh, there is someone here to see you apparently... a... errr Arya Ravenwing with a young girl that she claims..."
"Is my daughter??!?" I said, my eyes lighting up. Hicks looked back at me in some surprise.
"How did you know that?" he asked.
"Because, I paid Ravenwing to look after her, that's why"
" Your daughter??????" Hicks said, surprised. "Since when did you have a daughter?"
"Since I adpoted Xazor and Jina. Long story in Jina's case. Well, get along, go welcome Arya! Scat!"
I leaned back and looked at the ceiling, a smile on my face. A minute after Hicks left, I got up carefully, then walked carefulyl barefoot to the door. Closing my eyes, I reached out with my feelings and then turned left. The altercation wasn't hard to miss. My smile got bigger, for really, Arya was a woman much like I was. I could well imagine she would be ready to kill someone.
And it proved quite right. Hicks was backpedalling as I quietly walked in. No-one noticed I had arrived until there was a small shriek and a red headed unguided missile came at me.
"Mommie! Your all fat!"
I hardly had time to catch Jina as she pounced. "My word, haven't you grown!" I said, picking her up. she had her arms around my neck in a blink.
"Why you all fat Eileen?"
Oh dear. This could be interesting. Did Jina have any idea about this? "I've got your brother or sister growing in me" I stated.
The look on Arya's face was worth holographing. The sheer surprise was priceless.
Arya Ravenwing
Sep 20th, 2003, 07:19:47 PM
Arya turned around as Jina detatched from her hand, and saw - "Emperor's black bones, Evenstar, what the hell happened?" A rhetorical question, if there ever was one. The smuggler turned around and stuck her finger in Hick's face as he was trying to sneak around the women and get the frell out of the office. "If I ever see or hear you around me again, it'll be too soon."
Then she dropped down into the previously offered chair, and took a deep breath. Jina was home again, and obviously excited at the prospect of a new sibling. Not a blood relative, of course, but children rarely cared about such things. Evenstar wasn't the type to have a baby though. At least, I thought she wasn't. Apparently the warrior-turned-senator was determined to re-invent herself. Warrior turned senator turned mother. Enough career changes in the last few years to last anyone else a lifetime.
"So, I brought her back to you. Unfortunately the krasst-head that's been hounding us for the last year hasn't given up. I took a detour on Nal Hutta that threw him off the scent, but I don't think he's the type of dren that'll give up. Ever."
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 26th, 2003, 07:43:08 AM
The rain was washing down the windows, streaking the glass as the wind blew the drops across it. It was indeed a dark and dreary day, one that matched his mood perfectly. He was at present leaning back in his chair, feet encased in the old boots up on the window sill, pipe out. Smoke curled out his lips as he took another drag on the stem and with a slow, measured puff, streamed out his mouth as he exhaled. The smoking of pipe weed was an odd habit to develop, he had been doing it for most of his already long and eventful life. Some medic told him it was bad for his lungs. Elessar had replied that facing off 10 blaster wielding mercs was also bad for the lungs. Considering all the risks and action in his life, smoking really was a low risk activity.
Not that he would encourage it in others.
Another inhale, another puff of smoke that hazed the atmosphere around him. Another thought, another memory crossed his mind. Rarely he tried to face the thoughts in his head, but since losing control and letting his emotions flow only an hour ago, he did not have the strength to bury what was welling up once again. So, if that were the case, he would let them flow. Maybe, a solution to the present problems could be had. If only the Force would speak to him, to guide him. Even if he was a Jedi Master of considerable power, he still needed the guiding hand of The Force to tell him which way to go. But ever since their flight from Coruscant, the Force had been silent. It was like it was refusing to speak to him. Even mediation hadn’t helped. To his grief, he had discovered what it was like to be truly alone.
Marcus sighed as the window rattled to a particularly heavy gust. He could have had it all. Power as a Jedi on the Jedi Council, friends, influence…. All cast aside and erased because he thought that the paths the Jedi were taking were wrong. He could not, in all honesty, even consider standing by as the Jedi became introspective and lost sight of what they were supposed to be. The way Xazor had been turned on and riviled had been the sealant. All the long years, he had taught students that the Jedi were not about codes or power… or even upholding the law. Jedi were about honesty, compassion, servants to a greater good, beings who chose the hard path and did what was truly right… not necessarily what others saw as right or legal. Or moral even. How could the Jedi be so blind as not to see their mistakes? How could some not see what Xazor did… was right? He had great hopes that Lilaena could be turned and become a Jedi. In one staggeringly stupid act, the Jedi had ruined all that work and in effect cast Xazor out into the cold.
Where was the compassion? Where was forgiveness? Where were all the things he had tried to impart to others? Why was it he had given others second chances, time to prove whom they were and the rest of the Jedi did not? Why was it that spite, envy and just plain stupidity had crept into the GJO? Oh, not everyone, he had hopes some saw things differently. But there were some Jedi Masters that needed a damn good panning. To see sense and to turn from the paths that lead to stagnation and ruin.
The code is wrong. I see it now. I saw it a long time ago, that is why I never even considered going with it. Why deny what we are? We have emotions, we have passions. We should be harnessing them and using them to drive forward. Yes, I hate. Yes, I have anger. But it's an anger at injustice. I hate those who would run ruin over the Galaxy. Is that wrong?
There was no answer. There never was one. Not to that small inner voice that questioned what he did. The fact was, he ran out of faith in the Jedi and the Republic years ago. He had no faith it could work. But, he was only one and one could do nothing.
A man with the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains said that small voice in his head.
“But I don’t have faith… not anymore” he said quietly.
And THAT is why you fail
He froze. That wasn’t the small voice. It hadn’t accused him or mocked him. It just said it bit with…. The voice of someone correcting a loved child? A voice of authority it had been…..
“Hello?” he asked. “Anyone there?”
Marcus’ head snapped around to the speaker. It was the male he had just met barely an hour ago. “Oh…. I didn’t hear you come here. I was wondering what the voice was I just heard. Did you say anything?”
“No sir” he replied. “And I didn’t hear anything either”
The Jedi Master frowned, thinking. “Tell me…. Errr… you name was again?”
“River Kincaid, sir”
“Right. Tell me River, do you believe in God?”
“I do. Least, I used to. My faith has been surely tried lately. I used to look up and see the handiwork of God in the sky…. Now… I just see stars. I don’t see the miricle a tree is. I just see… wood and leaves. I lost my wonder of the universe. I wish it wasn’t so, but where is hope? What are we living and striving for if there is nothing out there? Why should we even bother if there is no God?”
“Do Jedi believe in religion? I thought they only believed in The force”
“I don’t deal in religion or belief. I deal in fact and truth. The Force exists, it is around us and is within us. God created it all and set out the laws in which we live. Without Him there is no base of good and evil to compare. There is no sin. There is no point. We become empty vessels with no hope for the future. I don’t want that”
“No one does, sir. And forgive me for saying it, but you don’t sound uncertain about God. You have conviction”
“Never believe what someone says – words lie. Actions on the other hand, do not. Nor does the deep recesses of the soul, where there is only truth. Sometimes I wonder what God would think when he looks at my soul – what a poor sad excuse I am. I am nothing. I have nothing. I have no faith left. Where do I go from here?”
“I don’t know” he said diplomatically. “That’s not for me to decide. But, you are wrong about one thing”
“You have Xazor. You have Natia”
Marcus thought about that. “Hmmm. Yes, true”
“And what’s more important to us than family in the physical world? I have two children sir. I wanted to become a Jedi to protect them and give them a future”
“So, why are you here? We’re not Jedi, young man”
“Because, I believe in what you believe. I believe what Xazor does. I believe it so much that I left the Order after she did. I believe it so much, I was prepared to come here and follow you. Xazor and Natia told me who you are – they told me you helped found the Jedi order. They told me you don’t back down, that your strong and wise. They told me you fight for what’s right and your prepared to do whatever it takes to see what you need to do through. Xazor told me of how you have sacrificed yourself and became nothing because that is what you saw had to be done. You were willing to become an outlaw all because you know how badly Xazor was treated. Your more Jedi than anyone I know”
Silence permeated the small area. Silence that lasted until Marcus spoke again, slowly.
“And the Jedi just let you go? I’d have fought and conjoled to see you stayed. But really, I’m not much of a Jedi….”
“Xazor also told me you are the greatest Jedi that has lived since Skywalker and Yoda. Sir, is it not the case that greatness is not counted by how much rock you can lift with your mind…. But by who you are?”
“Are you reading my mind? That sounds like something I would say”
“Blame me… That’s what I told him”
Both men glanced at the new arrival – arrivals Marcus mentally corrected. Xazor and Natia.
“We have faith in you Marcus. You have always guided me right – that’s why I sought to become your daughter. Because I could trust you and you always respected me and never was harsh with me, even if I did something stupid. You always showed us love and trust. How could we not follow you?”
Marcus stared, surprised at Xazor. “But…”
“But nothing! I don’t understand it at the best of times how you have sacrificed and been turned on by others you thought were friends. Why did you do this for me…. And expected nothing in return?”
“Because… it was the right thing to do?”
“And would you still do it?”
“You know the answer to that. Yes”
“Then we can do more than follow you in return. Marcus, you have to show the Order why they are wrong. You have to lead. You have that power”
“I never wanted it Xazor. You know that”
“That’s why you’re the best to have it. Even you would be the first to admit that those who want to lead are almost by definition not fit to do it. You always said that a Master was in fact a servant, first and foremost. Marcus, you cant give up now”
He thought about this. “And what do you think, Natia? What would you have me do?”
imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 26th, 2003, 05:26:09 PM
*Natia is silent the whole while which her Mother and Grandfather are talking. And she remains silent for a few moments after she is asked a question*
What I would have you do Grandfather is what feels right. What is right for you to do. But I agree with Mom on the fact that you need to show the Order why they are wrong. You don't want to lead, but that in itself makes you one of the best leaders.
*Natia raises a hand as she sees Marcus about to speak up*
Please, hear me out.
When I first met you, I took to you like a fish does to water. You being an adult male and all, it is rather surprising. Mom is happy by how well I like you.
And what I think has caused my liking for you from the beginning is the aura you have about you. You will do what needs to be done. No matter what you or anyone else says. You will do what needs to be done. If it's the right thing to do.
*Natia is speaking with a wisdom not normally found in a thirteen, almost fourteen year old. But it is the wisdom that she has always had. Always able to say things which are beyond her years*
And I as a Padawan of yours will go with you. I will stay by your side and learn what you can teach me. If you feel that it is right to teach the Order where they are wrong, then I shall support you and help you in any way I can.
*Natia takes a deep breath as she pauses for a moment, glancing briefly at her Mother to see her reaction to what she is saying before turning her attention back to Marcus*
To be a true leader, you do not do what is best for you, but what is best for those who follow you. Your ppl are your children and you do your best to raise them properly. You have the firm, yet gentle hand needed to show the Order where they are wrong.
*Natia's voice drops to a whisper at this point as she raises her head and straightens her back, her hand gently gripping her walking stick*
A Master IS a servant to his student and to those around him.
So again I say, you will do what is right and needs to be done.
Joe Littrell
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:44:38 PM
There was another man in the hospital, not in the same room as Hicks or Evenstar not even in the same wing, but rather in room 209 B of the Long Term Care. He stood alone in the corner watching as another man lay on a bed sustained only by the electronic hum of the life support machines. He wasn't tall or short, standing around 6' even and athletic. His posture was close to that of one standing as an honor guard, his eyes were dark pools that darted back and form over the room every so often as if to make sure nothing slipped in under his watch. This was Joe Littrell and the man laying on the bed was his former commanding officer, Captain James Kuato, CO of the 127th NRSF.
"How's it going Jimmy," The silent sentinel's voice finally broke the silence. "It's been a long time, you've lost weight again. You really should take better care of yourself.."
The conversation continued on, just Joe and Jimmy catching up on old times, though Jimmy didn't have much to say. It was rather like a man in a confessional, pouring his soul to one whom had no power to forgive or condemn.
"I'm sorry Jim, I shouldn't have let him go. I should have kept him, procedure's be damned. He didn't get away the second time either, but I guess for that matter I didn't either. " Joe continued to speak about the day that caused Jim and Joe to be where their were today.
"Sounds like they are having one hell of a party out there..."
Marcus Telcontar
Sep 30th, 2003, 03:54:28 AM
He could not pretend he wasn't moved. He could not pretend Xazor's and Natia's words had not spiked a ray of light through his dark and brooding thoughts. But, he wasn't quite the type of man whom would make an outward display easily. Hell, his idea of affection to Helenias (except for that night) was barely a touch on the shoulder. It just wasn't in his nature, because over his long life, it always seemed joy and happiness had been beaten out of him. His life was one full of turmoil, toil and battle. His hands, his lined and weathered face reflecting the long and dark roads he had walked. His eyes told the story even more - dark and brooding, powerful with a cutting stare. right now that stare was boring in on Natia, whom to her credit, wasn't looking away.
"If I had any regrets letting you become an Elessar, in becoming my learner, I would not have have had them for long. You have all the markings of greatness on you Natia and your mother is justifiably proud of you. So young and yet, so well spoken. You do the name Elessar justice and then some, no higher I could speak of you. If you Master Kincaid are as well spoken as she is, I will be most pleased to have you here too. Will... you all sit with me a while? I'm sorry i disappeared liek I did, but it really has been a very, very lonely and trying time in the last few months. It really seems like the Galaxy is against Xazor and myself"
"You mean it's not?" queired Xazor, with a hint of humour on her voice.
"Apparently not. And also excuse me if I seem rather tired. I have not been sleeping well"
He glanced at Xazor, whom nodded slightly. The mental link made further words between father and daughter unnecessary.
"Natia, tell me what's been going on with the Jedi and on Coruscant since we have been gone. Are you still part of the Order?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 30th, 2003, 07:35:50 AM
*Natia holds her Grandfather's gaze until he breaks it somehow*
I hope that I never disappoint you Grandpa, or you Mom.
*Natia said looking between her Grandfather and Mother. She then finds a spot for herself to sit down on, a spot where she will not have difficulties standing when they are finished talking*
You have to remember that though the galaxy may seem against you, there will always be those that side with you. Who will stand by your side, helping you in any way that they can. Even if you are not here, you will still have some who will be with you helping any way I can.
*Natia falls silent as she thinks of who to respond to her Grandfathers question about what has been going on here*
I am still part of the Order, but for how long, I can not say. I can not say to much about what the Jedi have been doing or what has been going on here on Coruscant. I haven't spent much time here since the two of you left. I've been out creating trails for ppl to follow to keep them off of the two of you.
Helenias Evenstar
Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:02:35 AM
"Nal Hutta?" I frowned. "Hutt space? That's some detour.... yes, yes Jina, one moment"
I managed to pick the girl up (Ouf! she was heavier than I remembered), who then immediatly hugged my neck, quite clearly far too excited and energetic for her own good. And talking 1600 words a second, almost babbling in her enthusiasim to tell me what she had been up to for the last year of so.
Year? Had it really been that long?
"Hang on Jina, one moment, I need to talk to Auntie Arya for a moment" I said, doing my best to calm her down. Oh boy, what fun your going to have I thought. And a girl on a permanent sweets high. I'd rather have a Senate debate . "We'll talk about that guy who wants to get Jina later. But for now, I was wondering, can you stay around a bit? Just for a day or two at least? If you cant do it out of the goodness of your heart" and here I added a knowing smile, "The pay would be better than anything else you have on. Dwayne, could you get my credit book? Say double what your owed? And make this quick, I really should be lying down. The first labour stage began an hour ago"
What the frell was she doing at Nal Hutta? Hopefully I'll remember to ask before she goes. Luckily, if it's not to my liking I dare say I wont be able to do much about it... now
Arya Ravenwing
Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:30:47 AM
Ayra pulled Jina away from Helenias' neck as she made for the bed. Jina instantly wrapped her arms around her neck, clinging tightly. "A few more days..?" There was that thing coming up, Van Wesal, or Wan Vesal...he was throwing a huge art bash and all the muckety mucks had been invited. s'Il had messaged her about it a week ago.
The timing was perfect. Still... "I dunno, I sort of have another job lined up..." Helenias looked up from programming a few credit chits with a shedloads of cash look on her face. "Still, I suppose it can wait a few days."
Jina squealed, ecstatic that Arya would be staying with her a little longer. Arya put her hand over the little girl's mouth, and Jina quieted, contenting herself with an extra squeezey hug. The smuggler plopped Jina into a chair. "Try not to talk, ok? Lives depend on silence sometimes." Jina dutifully closed her mouth.
"So that makes it 10,000 credits for the last month...and then twenty thousand more for staying an extra few days?" Arya quirked up an eyebrow. "Well, hell yeah then. The little bugger sorta wore on me. A couple of days more won't hurt."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 18th, 2003, 05:12:47 PM
11:15 AM
*Natia looks first at Xazor, then Marcus, and then River*
I'm sorry if I've disappointed you with not having really anything in the way of information on what's been going on with the Jedi.
*Natia turns her gaze to River*
River, do you perhaps have anything to add about what's been going on with the Jedi??
River Kincaid
Oct 19th, 2003, 03:34:01 PM
Master Kincaid? It was strange to hear that out of one of the greatest Jedi's known in the universe.
He had hoped to follow in the great man's footsteps one day, along with his own master. Master Kincaid. Yes, one day perhaps he could carry and hold that title with the same greatest as Xazor and Marcus.
"I can only speak of the wisdom that I know as a Falycin hunter and a Padawan, Master Elessar." He looked at Natia and shook his head. "I'm afraid that I can't help you in that region, Natia. I wasn't in contact with that many Jedi in the Order. I was only there for a short while." River looked at Xazor and smiled kindly. He held no regrets of leaving in the least.
General Tohmahawk
Oct 20th, 2003, 04:53:35 AM
11:15 am.
Tohamahwk was just setting down to a sandwich in his temporary office when Tonks came in, wet and looking like a drowned womp rat. She threw her helmet off, cursing a blue streak.
"What's the matter?" asked Tohmahawk, taking a bite of his lunch.
"Frelling rain. Whomever screwed up should be reamed by a Krayt Dragon. I've livied in this dump all my life and I've never seen conditions this bad. And what's worse is all those damn droogs all dancing and having fun! And we get to stay out in it all till 3 am or later. How is anyone going to be awake by then?!?"
"Illlegal substances, I bet"
Tonks gave her superior a foul look. "Be serious. Not even stim pills going to keep people on their feet in this weather"
"Well, looks like some tents are being set up for anyone wanting to crash out or dry out. Plus, Control has a few large air scrubbers being set up, for warmth. Your right though, with this foulness, I would have expected a call out and reschedule. No doing on that front, so I guess common sense isn't a high point of the organiser's attributes. I bet the crowd will manage and I know there's a few hucksters selling wet weather gear around the place"
"Hmph. Least we got a good place for Ops"
"Yep. Thinking of ops, have you arranged rotations?"
"First rotation done. 100 troops drying off and bunking down. we're goign to rest as many as possible and keep em dry until 11 pm"
"That's when Band of Electrical Current come on?"
"Yes sir"
"Good idea. Make a note I'll be out and about for that shift"
Tonks grinned. She knew Tohamahawk loved his music loud and raucous. "Of course. Oh, got word from the hospital. Hicks says Evenstar is giving the doctors all sorts of hell and not relaxing"
The General snorted. "Typical. Bitch dont know when to sit down. Imagine her as a mother"
"Sorry sir, I have a broad imagination, but not that broad. I have trouble any man getting lucky enough. You sure this aint a IVF?"
"Apart from the obvious question as for why the hell she would do that...... you know, I have no idea if that might be the case. That's never really crossed my mind"
"Cause she rather frellable? Even Leso's wouldn't mind a piece of what she's got"
Tohamahawk raised an eye brow - even if he knew Tonks was a lesbian, her statement was still a surprise. "Get in line Tonks. But.... I've known her for years and not once have I seen her even think about looking at anyone to share some bonk time. I am at a loss whom it is"
"So that's why the unoffical line is Hicks is the father?"
"Yep. Still, I wont pretend to have cast my mind to the question. Allright, so anything else from Hicks?"
"Only that Blackbird is back with red"
Tonks shrank back slightly, seeing the anger suddenly close over Tohamahawk. "That's what he said sir..."
Tonks looked lost. "Who?"
Tohamahawk realised he had said too much. "Just someone who should be a long way from here. Sithspawn! Allright, guess we'll have to deal. Tonks, get me caffine. Black. NOW"
A clear signal to her that Tohamahawk wanted a moment alone. she scurried out, leaving the General to glower.
Arya's back here with Jina? God damn it, Those two are a distaster waiting to happen.
Xazor Elessar
Oct 21st, 2003, 04:43:03 PM
"And I have not much to say about River save for the fact that he is an amazing person with the heart of a lion. So courageous is he. The spirit of the Light flows strongly through his soul." The Jedi Knight smiled gently and looked to Marcus, noting the tiredness in his eyes. Indeed, he had not been getting much sleep lately and it was affection Xazor as well. She worried about him a lot, and though he knew this, there was nothing either of them could do but wait out the storm.
It was now nearly 11:30 on Xazor's crono and she shifted her ultra-sensitive ears to the noise coming from the streets once again. Riots were breaking out everywhere and it sounded as though the Coruscant City Watch had their hands full. Chants echoed through the alleys as people gathered in groups to support their favorite band and knock those that they dispised. Rolling her eyes, Xazor sighed to herself.
"I doubt that the noise is helping your sleeping habits." She smiled at Marcus and received a weak one back from him. Things were so different now that they were on the run. So different.
Oct 23rd, 2003, 01:31:22 AM
Chee rubbed his eyes.
Too long staring intently at the monitor and using the terminals. He had been working without a break since 8:30am, but now his diligence and speed were now paying off. Hunter had access to some of the Galaxies info sources, plus a supply line that was second to none for a bounty hunter. qyuite a bit of it was chee's doing, but there was also that strange ability Hunter had, in being the right place and the right time. Although the other didnt admit to it, Chee suspected there was some sort of Jedi training in Hunter's past. No matter how much Chee had gone looking, he had found nothing and Hunter wasn't talking. One day he knew curiosity would get the better of him and he would try to slice the GJO's systems. For that, you needed a miricle. They were some of the best and most secure in the Galaxy - plus, Jedi had that same way that Hunter did - people who tried to break in tended to get caught.
But that was later. Right now he was organising this job.
"Any luck?"
Chee looked up at the huge human at the workshop's door. "Ahh yes, we have Hunter. How business outside?"
Hunter made a face. "Bad. No one coming in at all. All I've had to do is watch that concert and frankly, right now they have a boring act on. I'd rather claw my own eyes out than watch any more"
"Well, with this weather, can you blame the shoppers for staying away?"
"Hell no. What the frell is going on with weather control anyway? This rain is ridiculous"
"I checked on that. Seems there was an incident in the control rooms and a few sector points burned out. a satellite or two set this lot off and the local air currents are fueling the storm, which is expected to hit the concert area nearly full on. Why they aren't cancelling is a puzzle"
"Dont ask me either. Must add to the atmossphere or something. Anyway, what have got for us?"
Chee indicated for Hunter to take a seat. "As expected, the Senate Medical centre denies all knowledge of a Evenstar staying there. Their offical computer records are clean. However, one of the press organisations has a being on the inside and got the number of her room - I 'borrowed' that info. a bit of slicing and I got into the security systems and had a look. Normally evenstar doesnt like a bodyguard and doesn't need one, but right now someone used Archangel authorisation code and put SecCorp on her. Personal bodyguard seems to be our old friend dwayne Hicks. Plus, unnamed woman that I've seen near her room via the holo cam. She's got the look of a pro on her. added to perimeter guards and other assests SecCorps have, Evenstar is well guarded"
"Figures. If SecCorp is involved, then you bet Tohmahawk's into it as well" There was a degree of grudging respect in Hunter's voice, which Chee agreed with. For all his legendary evil temper, Major General Tohmaahwwk was a man to be reckoned with. The liberator of Arcan IV was a man legendary for his ability, which was probably the only reasn he hadnt been retired out. Tohamahwk took no nonsense and ran a tight ship, surrounded himself with good beings and had cutting edge tech weaponry, some of which even they had not been able to get a hold of.
"Yes, it's as well done as you would expect form the General. The medical center would need to be flattened from orbit to get past them"
"So, we're saying she's too hot a target?"
"Hear me out" replied Chee, holding a hand up. "For conventional sneaks or front on assault, yes. But I have an idea to breach perimeter so we can sneak in"
"Oh? so, what do you need?"
"Assassin TRD droids, and good timing. Plus, for the weather to be as bad as possible at the concert. Crowds can be quite useful, if herded right"
Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Herded?"
"Yep. So, what we need to do first is make sure weather control doesnt regain control of the storm and settle it down until we are finished. Feel like closing early today?"
Hunter never grinned or smiled, but he did have his way of showing approval. This time, it was just a nod.
"After that, grab the storage key card. I need to go shopping"
Hunter definatly looked surprised, but right now until the shooting started, Chee was in charge. Shopping? That could only mean......
As Hunter got up to lock up, Chee leaned back, thinking this through. Yeah, they would need to raid the exotic weapons Hunter had stored elsewhere. they would need some serious firepower.
Joe Littrell
Oct 23rd, 2003, 01:58:12 AM
Joe had taken a seat in room 209 B still in the same corner and still with the look of a man searching for something. He listened to the bands outside and the rain pouring down, it created a sort of primal rythm that was both soothing and intoxicating.
"You never cared much for Industrial stuff did you Jimmy, just let us grunts play it so we could pump ourselves up for the things we had to do. Never understood why they treated us ex-grunts the way they do, release us back into civilization after they chew us up, then expect us to play nice with the disrespectful punks on the street. I nearly got tossed back in the brig for breaking some punks arm who was trying to mug me, only reason I didn't was because I didn't pick up his firearm when he dropped it. Was durn hard too, kinda hard-wired to take advantage of the upper hand aren't we?"
Joe fell silent again as if he were expecting the comatose man to reply.
"Guess they figure that we can just forget all those things that they made instinctive to us all those years ago. Prolly ought to just shoot us old dogs, keep us from hurting ourselves..."
Joe stood up and rubbed his eyes. He had been sitting with Jim for a few hours and the storm didn't seem to be letting up. The crowd outside was getting more and more restless by the moment, he could feel the rage and emotion coming off the crowd, it was almost like he was feeding off of it, his muscles tensed as if he were ready to perform some sort of riot patrol.
"I should go get some coffee, want anything?" He looked at James with his soulful eyes, tears seemed to try and leak out, but they didn't.
"Guess not, take it easy buddy. I'll be back in a few."
Joe walked out of the room and made his way down the corridor. There was a lift at the end that would take him to the basement and the 24-hour cafe that the hospital had. Caffenine was probably the last thing the wired warrior needed, but he didn't feel like sleeping, something was nagging him in the back of the neck.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 05:04:33 AM
He leaned back, thinking the answers over.
"Well, we have over ways of getting info out of the Order. The computer backdoors are still active it appears, so we can use that. But not today - I'd prefer to rest if possible. Maybe a walk a bit later, have a look about." Glancing at Xazor, he asked her a question across the life bond they shared. She nodded, in agreement.
"We're not back here voluntarily" she said out loud.
"No, that's right. we didn't come back here for a visit. It's..... I feel something bad's about to happen and it was more important to be back here than to hide out on Trilith. Xazor had a premonition, what was it, two weeks ago now? That we had to come back or else soemthign bad was goign to happen to someone she loved. And I have not been able to sleep well, I get assaulted by nightmares"
He scanned the suddenly concerned faces.
"I'm sorry, but the news had to be broken early. It seems we have work to do - but I dont know what it will be, or whom we are here for"
"But we did narrow it down" Xazor interjected. "There's few I truly love - Marcus of course, my child Valanya, Natia, you my Padawan too"
"And Helenias" added Marcus
"Her, yes"
"So, now you know. One of those named is foretold for something bad and it's likely someone in this room. I wish we had better tidings and reasons to be back" He left it unsaid that he had even worse foreboding with the news that Helenias had taken ill.
she's ill? asked Xazor across their mind link
Yes. Saw it on a GNN news while I was changing.
Xazor seemed to withdraw as her thoughts followed the same reasoning that his had.
I dont like the sound of that. we should try to make contact.
I know. But she will be watched. We must be careful
imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 07:30:53 AM
*Natia not being in on the conversation, still knew that something was going on between the her Mother and Grandfather*
Ok, Grandpa's here, I'm here. Valanya, I'm not to sure where she is right now, and Helenias, I also don't know where she is.
*Natia takes a deep breath before contining to talk*
If there's anything I can do to help, I will.
*Natia frowns slightly, feeling like she's missing something rather big and obvious right now*
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 07:50:31 AM
A glance at the young woman and he had an idea.
Xazor, we might not be able to personally check on Helenias and Valanya... but Natia can. She can move around the GJO.
Yes... but I feel that Valanya will be in the Temple.
"Natia is here, she is well looked after if she is with us. Valanya, my guess she is in the Temple, that would be folly to try anything there. River is with us and I'm here with you. That leaves only Helenias unaccounted for"
The logic tracked clean and he was feelign like the bottom of his world was falling out. The bad dreams, the foreboding - the riddle was becoming clear and it was pointing straight at Evenstar. He closed his eyes, fought for calm over the rising sense of panic, then looked out the window at the rainy skies.
"We need to find where Helenias is and what's wrong with her. Natia, feel up to a bit of a walk?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:09:04 PM
*Natia follows her Grandfathers verbal talk easily. The logical one would be Helenias*
I'm always up for a walk.
Helenias Evenstar
Oct 27th, 2003, 12:58:08 AM
What was the time?
I glanced at the clock on the wall, blinking away some sweat. That last cramp had been a right beauty, so big that I had been forced to rush to the bathroom. I sincerly hoped I didn't do THAT when the birth was really on in earnest. How humiliating would that be?
Then again, I'd be in a great deal of pain trying to push a bowling ball out of a hole the size of a lemon, if that. Somehow, an ill timed bowel movement would the least of my problems. Right now though, I was getting my breathing back under control. Ravenwing was somewhere outside, leaving me with Jina in my room. Twice I had been hit with cramps in the last hour so bad that I swore. To my surprise, Jina knew exactly what one of those words were.
"Arya says it a lot" she explained.
I bet she did. I bet Arya knew lots of exclaimations that should not be heard in polite company. Jina was certainly getting an education in how the Galaxy really worked and talked.
"Do you say it around Arya much?"
"She doesn't like me saying Frell. Says it's rude. Why are you and her allowed to say it and I can't? How come it's not rude when you say it?"
Despite myself, I had to laugh. How literal and direct minded children were - and Jina especially. I had forgotten just how so. It was such a change fromthe usual political double speak I had to deal with all day. "Because big girls are allowed to get away with it. You will too when you grow up"
"I'm 6, is that grown up?"
"No honey, not yet. Soon"
Jina pouted, but seemed as children are want to do, to cheer up and switch topic. "Did I grow in Mommy's tummy?"
"Yes dear, you did"
Jina thought on this. "I miss my Mommy" she stated.
I knew Jina occasionally saw the spirit of Lady Mara Jade, which struck me that the long dead Jedi was still watching over ther only child, wherever she was. It showed the extent of a mother's love, that she would try to reach out to the girl, even across death. Was Turbogeek also watching? I really didn't know the answer to that, wish I did. My hand touched my stomach, my thoughts dwelling there briefly. How would this child turn out? I didnt know the sex as yet, I didn't want to know until I saw it for the first time with my own eyes. I knew hardly anything, other than the child was smallish, as many first children are.
What woud Mara have thought, carrying a Jedi child? What would she think of the Sindarian and the Numenorian who now looked after her child? Somehow I thought, she would have liked Marcus. Jina certainly did, for the first thng alomst she had asked for was Marcus - she had acted so strange when I told her Marcus wasn't coming. No explaination why, but the girl had immediatly dropped the subject and switched. Very strange behaviour and it was a reminder that while Jina was 6, mentally she was much older. It was as if she knew something I didn't. I wouldn't put it past her, Jina's innocent face hid a cunning and knowing mind. She was goign to make one hell of a Jedi if she ever got trained.
If...? When she came into the room, I sensed she had grown in The Force. she's been learning. But who from? Not Arya. Another question to ask
I sighed. Jina was going to be a right handful. Not for the last time, I wished Xazor was here. I really wanted both my adopted daughters here.
And Marcus. Oh, how I wish things were different
"What's the smell?"
I glanced to the door, where Ravenwing had suddenly appeared, two containers in her hands. One she tossed to me. "Looks liek you could use a drink"
"Oh hell yes. May you be blessed with 1000 grandchildren" I said, ripiing off the sealant and throwing it back. It was only water, but it was cold and it killed my thirst. "Damn, that was good" I sighed. "About as good as a Corellian ale - and you really dont want to know what the smell is"
"Helenias pooped her pants!" interjected Jina.
I stared, open mouthed.
Arya burst out laughing.
If it wasn't for Marcus and what he would think, I would have strangled Jina right there and then.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:52:38 PM
He glanced at Xazor and River, who hadn't commented or indicated they wished to also come. But, in a clarity of vision, he realised that River and Xazor were......
Ahem. He had forgotten about that other walk with Natia and what Xazor had revealed, a few months ago, just before he and Xaz had barely gotten off Coruscant ahead of the hunters. Even then he knew it was a mistake not to tell her - he had hoped to do so much earlier than this. Hiding things from Natia was not somethign he liked doing at all.
"Coming mother?" Natia asked.
"No, just you and me" countered Marcus with more strength than he inteneded. The young woman glanced back surprised. "I'll explain outside" contined the Master, herdign Natia gently out the door and closing it behind them. "We'll be back about 2 pm" he called out, then moved to the ladder that lead to the exit of the upstairs floor
1.....2....... 3.......4........ crap, didnt even get to five. Ahh well, good luck to them. Maybe Xaz has found someone who really can make her happy
Outside it was howling down with rain, but that was also just right for the now cloaked Jedi Master and his.... well..... Granddaughter and Padawan. As good a student as he could ever want.
"What's this about?" she demanded.
"Making sure Xazor can't overhear us. You see, I can't keep my thoughts from her, unless she is distracted. Right now, there is a distraction going on and there is no way she'll know I am deliberatly blocking her out for now. You lead the way, I'll just speak. There's things I wanted to tell you before we were forced off this planet and I will not make the mistake of forgoing this opportunity. Or maybe you should ask questions. I'll answer what ever you ask"
And here was I looking forward to a nap when I got here. Oh well, I dont sleep well anyway
Force Master Hunter
Oct 30th, 2003, 05:13:36 AM
It was still belting down and tahnks to a few fixes Chee had done, would stay that way. The huge human and his smaller counterpart dashed across the road, their rain cloaks bare adequate to deal with the deluge. Right now the lightning cells had moved on, but tonight.... tonight was when Hunter was hoping for their return. The revellers at Corpollooza were goignt o get a fire works show they were never going to forget.
They ran for a pedestrian tunnel, Chee almost losing his footing. There was a good few centimeters fo water in here from overflowing drains. An absurd thought came through Hunters mind - What if it flooded? - and dismissed. There would have to be an unholy amount of rain for a flood. But with the whacked out weather and Chee's touch up.....
"You think it could flood?" asked Chee
"Hell man, you tell me. There's aint been a flood in this dump since .... since.... mate, has there even been a flood???"
"I do not know. Tonight, we may find out. You do realise, if the hit works we will be too hot to stay here?"
"Yeah. That's not a problem, we got plenty of places to lie low"
"And if it doesnt work?"
Hunter looked at Chee. "We're dead then, who cares? That's why the frelling bounty is so high and we're probably the only takers"
"Ha ha, that's what I like to here from you Hunter. Death or Credits. You make us rich.... okay, richer than we already are. Okay, run time!"
Back out in the rain, the unlikely duo ran. for several minutes the dodged and weaved, eventualyl gettign to a warehouse that had a decidedly seedy look. Hunter pulled out an id card, ran it by the scanner, checked to make sure they were not watched, then entered quickly, Chee doing the same. Inside, a set of autoguns stood down. Hunter found the lights, switched on.... and began to slowly actually break into a grin. His was his "Shopping center" - a collection of illegal and exotic devices, weapons and other things that were worth millions.
And in the middle of it all was a woman. 21, sexy and rich. She also had beside her a 2 meter tall TRD droid, it's skull like face and red 'eyes' turning to view the newcomers.
"Hello Chee honey" she snipered. "You called? and whoah, Hunter babbbbeee, where did you get those muscles? Are you packing downstairs as well? wanna go out back?"
Chee was amazed to hear Hunter laugh outloud. "Pyr! C'mere you lusious gal!"
Oh, Chee knew that Lady Panther and Hunter were close, but the noise of Hunter laughing somehow sent a chill down Chee's spine. Hunter and Panther hugged and kissed, the sexual tension immediate and very noticable. The small Azn waited then coughed to remind them there was a job on.
"Oh Chee, spoil our fun why dont you. I'm just all feeling up Hunter here and yum, what a feel up he is. What are you feeding him?"
"Well, as long as he's still fit for some bedroom time, he can have all the blondes he wants. Now Chee baby, you called me?"
Hunter noted the Azn was relived to be getting back to business. "Yes. We have a hit tonight and we need every TRD you can get."
"Ohhh, must be a big name to want even a TRD, let alone all I have. How about twenty with six hours?"
"We need them in postion by 1 am" interjected Hunter. "That change the numbers?"
"Why yes". The look she gave Hunter suggested she'd rather be doing something else at 1 am, Chee roleld his eyes "another 12. Allright, so what's the deal here? 32 TRD's? You hitting the senate?"
"Close. Senator" replied Chee.
"Ohhhh yeah. Anyone I know?" she purred.
"Senator Evenstar" Chee stated. Panther stopped and stared, mouth agape. she rememebred to breathe and speak an moment later
"Your kidding. Your going to hit Evenstar?" she asked, mouth gone dry. My God, that 2 mill...
"No. Not kidding. 32 TRD droids, 1 am, Senate Medical Base. How much?"
"Errrr.... " She got her thoughts together, frowning. "55 G and a week with Hunter. Plus, I want in on the hit. 20% and I go too"
"Only 20? You must want Hunter here badly then."
"Chee, Hunter's an added bonus. Evenstar is the biggest hit going and I know your going to need me. I was a Jedi Knight once, you know"
"And a good one. Hunter, any problem?"
Hunter shrugged. "None here"
"Good. Deal. Can you to behave for an hour?"
Panther glanced up at Hunter. "No"
"Very well. I'll be back in an hour"
Chee left via another exit, while Gregori stared at Pyr.
"How long has it been Pyr?" he asked.
"Too long Gregori. I've missed you"
"I've missed you too"
There really wasn't much else left to be said. Once, a great Jedi Master told them in a training room that words meant nothing, it was your actions that dictacted what you really were. The actions of Gregori and Pyr right now were of a need for each other. Two desperate and lonely beings, rejected and betrayed by a Jedi, bought together by a common purpose of revenge - and out fo that had once sprung love. what it was now, neither could say. Neither cared as Pyr ripped the shirt off Hunter's back.
River Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:33:14 PM
River waited to see if his master was going to inform him that they too would be going along with Master Marcus and Natia.
She remained silent, though and River felt somewhat relieved. He wanted to spend some quality time with his master. They both needed it in his opinion.
After Marcus left, River approached Xazor with a coy look on his face. "So, Master, seems we have a couple of hours. What do you suggest we do?" River's eyes searched hers for an answer, an answer he already knew.
There was once a time that River would've never looked at another woman, while in the heart of another. But, things didn't seem very promising with Faith, but Xazor....River looked upon his master's beautiful face dreamily. He couldn't seem to help himself when it came to his master...her cyan blue eyes seemed to hypnotize him every time.
Xazor Elessar
Nov 2nd, 2003, 04:34:42 PM
Xazor grinned as Marcus and Natia took off quickly leaving River and the Garou alone. "Finally!" She thought to herself and attempted to shut her mind down to the Life Bond that she and Marcus shared. Of course, this made little difference to him for he too was trying to keep her out for once. Smiling at River, the young woman sighed to herself as her eyes connected with his and thoughts entered her mind -- thoughts that she never would have had long ago, but times had changed and now, both of them were extremely lonely and knew they needed one another.
"I think you might have an idea as to what I am going to suggest." A sly smile crept over the Garou's lips as she eyed River more intently than before. Looking back toward the door where Marcus and Natia had exited, Xazor reassured herself that they would not be returning any time soon giving River and herself the time they needed and derserved. "We're both really lonely, River -- today I think we'll both be learning a lesson in how to stop this lonlieness." She turned to face him once again before slowly walking toward the man. Her eyes held his gaze all the while until she stopped just half a foot away from him, close enough that he could feel her warm breath upon his lips. "We need to learn how to fill the hollow inside of us."
General Tohmahawk
Nov 4th, 2003, 05:12:50 AM
Some dumb martial arts exhibition was onstage. The plan was for the organisers toureset equipment, make repairs and regroup for the afternoon, but the weather had made putting up covers even more important. There was even a weather shield being erected, a localised field effect that gave the whole park a "roof". a lot of surrying around for that one, he would bet. Now, the blowers had an even chance of keeping concert goers dry and warm.
Even the weather shield couldnt keep out the biting gale.
Still, General Tohmahawk was now dry, sipping on a hot brew as he stood at the entrance of the security portable, frowning. The news of Jina Jade returning really troubled the man, for what reason he couldn't put a finger on. Something at the back of his mind was quietly warning him that trouble was brewing - not now or even close in the future.. but there was somethign that just was not feeling right. Damn it, what was it?
He glared at a hippy lout, making the being hurry up and get out of his sight. what was more annoying him tho, this wasnt natural intuition, this was The Force speaking and he knew it. Tohamahwk hadn't even told Evenstar of his latent Force abilities, but after some years of practice by himself, Tohmahawk had control if he had to. His hatred of Jedi was genuine, but if it meant it saved his life, he was not above using Jedi abilities. Didnt meant he would have to scrub himself later to get the feeling of being contaminated.
And right now, he felt about as contaminated as the mud around the mosh pit. The Force was speakign and he was beign forced to listen to it, to work out what was wrong. But, as per normal the frelling Force had stopped being THAT useful. Why was it something could give you a clear alarm bell, but then shut up about the nature of the alarm? It sucked bantha, it did. Drove him mad. He threw down the half filled cup onto the ground in disgust, before going back inside - to get changed. Five minutes later he was a markedlydifferent being - dressed in a an old faded coat, red scarf around his neck, gun belt on. His boots had metal spiked wheels on the heel that jingled as his boots thumped onto the floor.
"Tonks..." he said, grasping the door handle.
"Yes.... James? WTF are you doing in civvies?"
"Something's up. I dont know what, but I just feel it. Look after the shop and call if you see anything unusual" He swept his hat on, before opening the door and exiting without another word or waiting for a reply.
"What the...?' asked another SecCorp trooper, before noting Tonks was lookign very thoughtful.
"I dont know how, but 'Hawk is never wrong if he says there's a problem. Alert all units and shift to first level. "Hawk isnt likely to call in. But we'll know if he's found anything"
"The screams and gunshots"
Tohamahawk let his feet carry him as he strolled about, still thinking this one over. He brushed up a rain cloaked being and nearly was knocked off his feet.
"Hey.... what was the..?"
He rubbed his shoulder, for the being under that damn coat was as solid as steel. That hurt. Tall bugger too....
And no Force presence at all
That woke him up. He narrowed his eyes, before he realised that whatever was under there was no living flesh being. If he was forced to guess, it was a droid. Now... what the hell was a disguised droid doing here? Curious, he decided to follow and see where Rain Cloak was going.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:58:58 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly at what Marcus says to her*
Why can’t you keep your thoughts from Mother?? And why do you think that she’s going to be distracted??
*Natia isn’t wanting to admit that there might be something going on between River and Xazor*
And what did you want to tell me before you were forced off planet??
*Natia pulls the hood of her cloak up over her head which she grabbed on her way out*
Arya Ravenwing
Nov 4th, 2003, 03:06:25 PM
She laughed at the look on Helenias' face, and tousled Red's hair. "Hey, that's her private information, and she probably didn't want to share that. Remember what I told you about private information?"
Jina looked down, "Sorry..."
Arya sat on the edge of the bed, as there were no other chairs, and pointed to the water Helenias clutched in her hand. "You're lucky, the nurse only wanted to give me ice chips for you, but I ...well actually Hicks used a little persuasion and we got some real water."
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 7th, 2003, 08:33:13 PM
Helenias is having her baby...or at least it was on it's way. Was the first thought, Padawan Quay'Na Rakai had as she rushed through the hospital on her way to the room.
She was stopped momentarily by her guards, until they realized who she was and allowed her passage.
Quietly, she walked in. Her mind was bursting with excitement, though she kept it to herself. Her cloak was dripping with rain as she removed her hood. "Master..." She spoke softly as she approached her. "I'm here, I came as soon as I heard."
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 10th, 2003, 12:33:25 AM
Outside it was certainly bucketing down. He looked up as he was about to step out into the downpour.
Never known for this much rain to hit anywhere on Coruscant. Wonder why?
Not answering Natia's questions yet, he pointed across the street where there was a bit for a park that had a shelter. They darted out across the road, Elessar giving Natia a help over the fence. As soon as they got to the shelter, he sat down hard with a sigh.
"This weather is amazing, I have not seen anything like it on this planet. It reminds me of the storms Ukio would occasionally get, but that was among the mountains and fields, then only rarely. Something must be really screwed up to allow this rain. Odd...." he watched the rain for a bit longer, before speaking again. "Well..... we had to get out of Dexter's for a bit, if we wanted to talk quietly. I saved Xazor's life once and in the process we formed a life bond. That bond basically means we know exactly what the other is doing, is thinking, what they know and what they intend to do. It means I can converse with her over any distance without fear of being overheard. It can be blocked, but now until one of us dies, we share the link. It has it's advantages, but there is little or no privacy at close range. so while Xazor is busy, I'm blocking her out"
"That was one thing I was going to tell you. The other was that your sister.... Faith Lerf I think her name is? is pregnant. To River Kincaid. And now Xazor and he have feelings for each other. And... you already know this?" he asked, surprised that he was getting the indication this was no news to Natia. "Oh. So.... what do you think?"
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 10th, 2003, 06:57:58 AM
Oh thank the force for the interruption. I was glowing red with embarrassment at this point in time and realyl at an uncommon loss for what to say and think. I turned towards the new entrant to the room, recognised it as the woman I had met three months earlier and agreed to guide, at least for a while. I had to admit, I had grown to rather like Quay. She had a similar attitude as I did, of no holds barred. I had also glimpsed the single mindness of purpose. I wished she would stay with the Jedi, but we had a deal. Until we found Marcus, then she would leave. That day would sadden me greatly.
Jina I noted was suddenly quite interested in the newcomer, staring openly as only a child could get away with. For someone so young, she was remarkably perceptive and able to sum up a person quickly. It was her developing force abilities that allowed her to do it.
You can see the possibility of the power she's heir to. what a Jedi she'll make, if she chooses that path.
"Hello Quay" I said, smiling. "I'm glad you could be here, I can do with all the support I can get. This is a friend of mine, Arya Ravenwing. The girl who's staring rudely is Jina Jade, who is also my daughter by adoption. Arya, Jina, this is my Padawan, Quay'Na Rakai"
Outside, a muffled roar went up from the concert in the park. A announcement was being made. And Jina was still intently staring at Quay. Odd. Very, very odd.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 10th, 2003, 10:49:29 AM
*Natia nods her head slighty, now having a better understanding of some things which had perked her interest months previous, but never had time to question*
Yes, I know Faith is pregnant with River's child. As for River and Mother having feelings for one another, I truthfully wish it wasn't so because Faith and River make a good couple. But I wish Mother to be happy.
*Natia falls silent at this point as her own thoughts take to wandering*
General Tohmahawk
Nov 10th, 2003, 11:51:52 PM
It was bizarre how Rain cloak was just moving about normally. Just mingling, bopping a bit when it came past one of the smaller stages, even stopping off to have something to eat. Tohmahawk had gotten a glimpse at what was under the cloak, saw that for all intensive viewing, the droid looked completely human. It acted, moved and displayed quirks like a human. If it wasn't for the absence of a true alive Force presence, you would mistake the mechanic for a a real human.
It's a HRD? No, that's not possible, there was only 9 of those and the creator is long dead. What the hell is that thing and what the hell is it doing here?
It was so perfectly human. Too perfect.
"Tohmahawk, please respond"
His comm unit was beeping. He swore as the speaker drew his attention away fromt he droid. "You bloody better have a good reason Tonks"
"Oh, I have General. You will want to see this. Go to the medical tent"
"Dead person"
"Ask me if I care"
"You'll care when you see how they died"
" WHAT??? "
"Too hard to explain over the comm. You need to be here, I've never seen anything like this"
Tohmahawk bit back his reply with the coded word message. He glanced about, but the droid was gone. He really didnt have much excuse not to go to the medical tent now, as much as that annoyed him.
The body looked normal enough. About 20, male, bombed out on trank if the blood test was right. Typical party goer. Except the typical party goer didnt have a face that was melted.
"We think the injury was caused by something at the bacl of the head - there is a small burn hole that is clean. Much like a lightsabre, but with less charring. The brain was boiled by heat, the face as you can see sagged and partially burned. There is a small exit hole above the right eye., as you can see here. Time of death was 1 hour ago. One of the security officers found the body near the perimeter. There was drug use tools near the deceased, as well as sexual tools in him"
"What he does by himself aint my concern" replied Tohmahawk to the medic, "My concern is cause of death. What did this?"
"Sir, I dont know. Some sort of heat source. It's not a blaster or a sabre nor any other weapon I know"
Tohmahawk nodded, still examining the face closely. "Thank you. Please leave us. I wish to speak to the security offiers alone"
The medic left Tohmahawk, Tonks and another two secCorps officers alone in the room. There was silence for another moment.
"Tonks, what do you make of this?"
"No idea sir. Never seen anything like it and neither has anyone else"
"How many know of this droog?"
"Only us and the medics. The two officers that found the body were quick to seal off and cover the area. We found a set of footprints but nothing else. The only clue was that a tree had a burn hole through it."
Tohmahawk glanced up. "Through it? Clean?"
"Yes sir"
"so.... let me get this. Droog here has a burn hole through him. The tree has it too. Droog shows signs of being severely heated. Nothing else?"
"No sir"
As much as loosing the droid annoyed him, this dead droog was definatly a problem. "Entry hole looks like a sabre. But there isnt enough charring. Pin point weapon. It's no blaster nor a slug thrower. Hmmmm"
"Sir, might I speak?"
Tohmahawk glanced at one of the other officers int he room. "Sure. Knock yourself out"
"Thank you sir. Sir, I believe this could be a lasgun"
"A what? Speak Basic lad"
The soldier paused, took a breath to continue. "A laser. I saw something much like this a few years ago. Some guy walked into a power beam. And I remind the General, the Old Republic used to have true laser guns"
Tohmahawk mulled it over, looked back at the body, then swore. "Tonks, before you called, I saw what appeared to be some sort of HRD"
"A... what?"
"Human Replica Droid. What do you think now?"
"Sir, that makes no sense. There are no HRD's anymore"
"Just like there are no lasguns anymore. Damn it, this was a hit. Get me some id for this meat head"
As they scrambled to do it, 'Hawk leaned on the meat tray, beginning to think this one over. Dead droog. Maybe killed by a genuine laser. a HRD running about. Something wasn't right here. The Force had been right yet again - Something was very wrong.
River Kincaid
Nov 12th, 2003, 04:32:30 AM
As much as River thought he should shut out his feelings for Xazor, he could not. They were there, staring him in the face, undeniable. And now they were alone.
"I am lonely, Master. Life has changed, for both of us and I've felt this void in me, dying to be filled." He lifted his hand and touched her face, forgetting that she was his master, forgetting that he was her student. Thinking of nothing but them being a man and a woman with desires and needs. He needed her, he wanted her, but it all came down to the same question, would she allow it?
When was too far, too far? It didn't matter, As he touched her face, it reminded him of silk. So soft. He was closer now, their bodies touching as he did the unthinkable...slowly his lips touched hers and an electricity seemed to explode him him. At first it was just a soft gentle kiss, but within moments, passion was flowing between them. They broke for a breath as he stared at her. "God, I want you so bad." He spoke and kissed her again, as he brought his arms around her body in a strong embrace.
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 12th, 2003, 04:55:07 AM
Quya'Na nodded to both girls. She could almost feel Jina's eyes penetrating her. It was a strange feeling, really.
But, nonetheless, Quay'Na passed it off and brought her attention to back to Helenias. "What can I do? Is there anything you need, Master?" She'd never had a baby, though she was in an elevator once with Master Ira while she delivered a Bith child. Now, that had been an experience that the Padawan would never forget, even if she tried.
Animals, many times she'd seen and helped animals being born, couldn't be much different.
It was a big day for Helenias and Quay'Na was thrilled to be part of it. As much as she loved children, this one would be very special.
Dwayne Hicks
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:15:53 AM
Hicks knew his place. Not in this room, where the women were gathering. Which was quite fine by him, he was rather uncomfortable with the whole birth thing anyway. Of course he knew Helenias had two Padawans, the first had turned up. There was no denying that Master and Padawans were very easy on the eye. That Ravenwing was hot as well. The way the leather wrapped around her.... ahem. Yes. Well.
Hell, even pregnant as Helenias and Faith Lerf, the other Padawan was, they were better eyefillers than just about anyone else. Except Hicks wouldnt dare have thoughts about Helenias. He did not want to slip and end up dead. Now Faith on the other hand.... Hicks hadnt seen her with a man, so manybe she was availible. Man, a body like that, it'll be worth having kids about.
What the hell was it with gals around Helenias, anyway? There were no fugly ones at all. Sometimes this job really was pretty good.
Dwayne closed the door quietly as he slipped out, unnoticed. Still grinning from his not so innocent thoughts, he decided it was high time to get something to eat. There was a canteen around this dump somewhere and if he remembered right, it was around this corner....
.... Ten minutes later, he realised he had remembered wrong. Frell. A quick look around found a floor map and a pointer for downstairs. sighing, he got to the lifts, keyed for basement, then rode the lift alone to the indicated floor. Once there, he noted the place was fairly busy, but not too bad. A few other soldiers, some patients. The odd visitor who had gotten clearence to get this far. With Evenstar one of the Galaxy's most feared and wanted women, SecCorp were taking no chances. Even if most staff were out at the concert.
He managed to stay on his feet, just.
"Hey, look out you clumbsy...." Hicks was about to curse out the other man, before doing a double take. Holy bantha, it was a comrade from the NRSF days!
"Joe? Joe Littrell? Hey man, what the hell are you doing here?????"
Faith Lerf
Nov 13th, 2003, 10:32:42 PM
Faith crept into Helenias' room, shortly behind Quay'Na. With not much trouble for the gaurds because of her currect condition as well, she entered the hospital. She placed her hand on her pouched out stomach and nodded and smiled to the guards. They just assumed she belonged in that part of the wing.
Faith nodded to Helenias. "I'm sorry I'm so late. I got her as soon as I heard." She spoke up quietly from the doorway. She looked to Helenias and all she could think was, "oh my goodness, I'm going to be in this position sooner than I think."
Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:04:15 AM
She stared into River's eyes, trapped by his look. She felt that her soul was possessed, that she couldn't breathe without his touch, that she couldn't live without another kiss from his lips. All the months of desperate lonilness surged back and threathenedd to overwhelm her, the sleepless nights wondering if River would still be here for her when she came back. If she came back. She never dared hope that she could ever be back. Never dared hope that she could be here, hypotised and frozen in time with a spell that began with his touch on her skin of her arm. She could feel the tensness of him and knew that here was what she needed.
"I... I'm not your Master Rvier" she whispered, hardly able to speak, such was the emotion she could hardly contain. "I... can't be anything else than what you want me to be. I want you to be with me, now. I can't live being lonely and apart from you anymore"
For her now, there was only one thing that mattered - blissful surrender. She closed her eyes as River bent over her once more, she felt the heat of his lips caress hers, the touch of his fingers going higher up her arm, the contrast of cool air and hot skin as her clothes came off......
"What's it like out there?"
"Hmmm?" she asked sleepily.
"Out there. Where you went"
"Oh. Trilith. It's beautiful and has a huge castle that's been deserted for years. It's peaceful and that but..... it's lonely. It's a terrible place for that....."
It was their first week at Trilith. Xazor was still stunned at how beautiful this place was and how big the castle really was. Nothing that Marcus had said could have prepared her for it. Here she felt freedom like she didn't have for years, a lack of pressure to be anything else other than herself. She spent her time exploring and walking around the area, marvelling at this wonderful place. The Force was so strong here! Alive and free!
One day, she wandered into the gardens and much to her surprise, she saw the only other man made thing apart from the castle that she had seen here - a black stone, set in the ground. Much to her surprise, she read on it...
<center>Here fell the Jedi Lady Mara Jade
Mother of Jina
Loved by all</center>
And below that, in smaller writing
<center> I will remember my Rose... DT </center>
She stared at it, wondering at it's meaning and failed to notice the fottsteps behind her. And thence, almost jumped at the voice.
"There was a battle here once. You see, there was a Sith Mistress, who fell in love. She had a baby in secret and turned her back on the Sith and her husband. Right here, Venom cut her down. Her husband died here as well. The Jedi she fell in love with, he never returned her love until it was too late. It ate him inside and sent him mad"
She glanced over her shoulder to see Marcus there. "Who was he?"
"A good friend of mine. Turbogeek. He began the Jedi Order. It is a sad story of his end, such a waste. He died by the hand of his own Padawan. Shot I think, then the body was burnt"
"Oh. Is.. Jina who I think it is?"
A ghost of a smile crept over his face. "Yes. Lord Fire Blade found the infant and took care of her. The power and potential of such a union is not to be ignored"
"You mean Mother"
"Oh, she told you, did she? Yes, Helenias adopted Jina. wasn't realy her choice I might add"
He fell silent for a while, so long she thought he wasn't going to answer. "I'd rather not talk about it"
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 17th, 2003, 05:58:36 AM
"Oh... right"
Solar wind out of sails. Nice big speech prepared, arguments and here was Natia, just saying she knew outright, in her own direct and thoughtful manner. No need to worry after all.
"Well, to be honest I was worried what you would think. You see, out there on Trilith, I had some time to think. Natia, I'm a loner and always have been. I never knew my family..."
Who are you kidding? You HAD no family.
".... Correction. I never had one. Thence this experience of you and Xazor, let alone the brief time with Helenias, is not just completely new and unexpected - it has become quite welcome. I will admit I missed you Natia. I've come to understand what a grand-daughter can mean. That she is also my Padawan and while I was gone proved her loyalty and skill has become a bright point in a very dark time. Thank you - I can only hope I can do that loyalty justice in your training"
The rain was letting up a bit, but judging by the wind, there was more coming. His eyes glided around the park, looking and examining. Yes... this would be the right time. Time to reward Natia's loyalty with the truth that not even Xazor knew.
"You humans have many strange concepts. When I first came to Coruscant over 100 years ago, it was facinating to observe all bio-life forms, but humans were especially rewarding. So much emotion to gain knowledge of. In some ways, your race has rubbed off onto me, making family possible. What an odd concept, but now I see it makes sense"
His eyes flicked back to glance at the young woman, knowing full well she would be wondering what the hell he was leading to.
"As you might now guess, I'm not human. I'm not even part human. My race is called Numenorian and for us, there is no family. I am the last there will ever be, for many centuries ago, the breeding lines failed and the Numenorians resorted to bio-engineering to keep our failing race together. There hasn't been a Numenorian child for so long.... I myself no nothing of childhood. For me, life started full grown. That is the way I was created. I wasn't born, I wasn't grown - I was put together in an attempt to perfect the Numenorians, to give them a chance of survial after all but me were dead"
"Nano-tech, m'lady. The bioengineering of a being, putting together somethign atom by atom, redsigning what God intended and trying vainly to make better. Aye, better is impossible. Different, well now.... Well, different I was. For a start, no Numenorian had The Force. I have that power so greatly, it makes me wonder how it is possible. Ah, but however that may be, I am the last. My race is lost, their playing God was all in vain. I'm alone. Or I was until you and Xazor came along"
Arya Ravenwing
Nov 17th, 2003, 06:11:46 PM
"Wow, you're fat!" Jina blurted out her thoughts before anyone could stop her, and Arya belatedly clapped a hand over the small girl's mouth.
"Aaand with that, I think we'll be leaving." The smuggler, infinitely uncomfortable in the estrogen fest that was occuring around her, scooped up the little girl and nodded to Helenias. "Jina needs some sleep, and to be frank, so do I. I'll find a hotel nearby, and we'll be back in a few hours, okay? You know how to reach me if you need me."
Jina hung limply in the loop of Arya's right arm, and then stiffened up and grabbed the smuggler tightly around the middle, grinning at her adopted mother in the bed.
General Tohmahawk
Nov 18th, 2003, 03:46:49 AM
1 pm.
<font color=red>I like your pants around your feet
I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favourite damn disease</font>
The martial arts exhbition was over, the stage was reset and the concert was getting back into the swing, with the Silver Backs stepping up to the loud comm. A heavy 'metal' band, they were new but building a fan base quickly. The lead singer was an ugly SOB tho. But hell, couuld he sound angry when singing. Full of energy, he was beginning to get into the set as Tohmahawk ran up the steps to the main control demountable. He paused at the entrance door (No admittance of course) listening as the band gave it's energy to get the crowd going again. From his vantage point, the General observed that there was a fairly sizable crowd around the stage, but there was no animalistic almost fury that marked Garden of Sound.
Still, wasn't bad. Silver Backs rocked.
<font color=red>And I love the places that we go
And I love the people that you know
And I love the way you can't say no
Too many long lines in a row
I love the powder on your nose</font>
He gave them five seconds after his knock, before he barged the door open. People looked up at the General, continued to stare as he walked in, as if he owned the place.
"Hey, who the frell are you?" snapped one burly tech.
"General Tohmahawk, SecCorp. I want Belzaar"
"Got id?"
"How about you look down the barrel of this rail gun and after you finished peeing your undies, you get Belzaar. Got it?"
The barrel was aimed directly at the tech's forehead, which was suddenly spotted with sweat. A cold chilly silence went over the room as they stared at the General.
"Ummm, one moment General" said a pretty human female, getting up. I'll go get him"
"Good girl" he snarled. "Make it quick. I aint got all day. And go clean yourself up fatso"
"Y-y-es sir!"
He sighed as the tech scurried away and he holstered the gun, the smell of pee trailing. Gutless fat lump of lard.
<font color=red>Ooooh
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
I like the freckles on your chest
And I like the way you like me best
And I like the way you're not impressed,
While you put me to the test
I like the wine stains on your dress</font>
"Ahh, the redoutable Mr James Tohmahawk, head of security for today. Welcome. what can I do for you?"
He turned, seeing the newcomer with the cold and high voice. Now, there was a voice that said the speaker was without emotion and capable of any evil. Tall, thin, balding, Belzaar Atu was the promotor, the man in charge today, the man running the entertainment for an entire planet for a day. Ice cold blue eyes met Tohmahawk's gaze and the General for the first time in a long time realised he had met someone who didn't blink in the heat of confrontation.
He liked the promotor already.
"Want to speak to you Atu" he said.
"Anything in particular?"
"Your pee weak flunkies, somewhere private"
Atu glanced around the room, still a feelign of tension in the air. "Allright, back to work!" he snapped. "Get back to it!"
Tohmahawk was rather interested how fast they jumped back to their jobs.
<font color=red>And I love the way you pass the check
And I love the good times that you wreck
And I love your lack of self respect
While you're passed out on the deck
I love my hands around your neck
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out </font>
"Might I interest you in something to drink?" asked Atu, entering a room that was probably his office for the day, filled with comm equipment, monitors, sound equipment and flimsys. "I do hope this justifies the interruption, I am a busy man and hate time wasters - although I hear your not one to waste time ever, Mr Tohmahawk"
"No, I dont. There's been an assasination"
Atu was about to get into his chair, but instead he froze and gave Tohamahwk his full attention. "Pardon? At my concert?"
"Yes. Minor noble it might be true, but in this crap hole planet, any minor noble is a major pain in the donkey"
Atu was relaxing, slipping into his chair. "Mister, I dont care. deaths occur at any concert. There are the occasional murders. Big deal. It happens."
"Not with a HRD droid and a las gun"
"I am not familiar with your venicular, Tohmahawk. Explain"
"Laser gun. Hand held and about as rare as a credit escaping your fist. Human replica Droid, you'll need every credit in said fist to buy one. Do you think I'll pee around with a jerk like you if this was an ordinary job?"
"Amusing" Atu said, folding his fingers on is chin. "Your as charming as they made you out to be. Are you sure you dont want a drink?"
Tohmahawk stared flatly at the ice blue eyes.
"Hmmm. Thought not. Continue then Mr Tohmahawk"
<font color=red>I love your pants around your feet
And I love the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favourite damn disease
And I hate the places that we go
And I hate the people that you know
And I hate the way you can't say no
Too many long lines in a row
I hate the powder on your nose </font>
Atu really was a piece of work allright. It was like trying to argue with Helenias on her coldest days. Pointless and you got freezer burn. "Right, we'll want your co-operation. We're goign to do weapons search and step up perimeter security"
"Going to?" asked Atu, politely.
The evil grin said it all from Tohmahawk. Of course, what he had just mentioned had been put into motion 10 minutes ago. "After that, we are going to have regular patrols and for each potential target, we're assigning a security shadow. And I want the band on stage to amp it up if a fight breaks out"
That surprised Freezer Man. "But that will make a fight get worse. You know what excited drugged out louts are like. Why do you want that?"
"To cover us. We'll be the one starting it because we're got someone or we're in a shootout. The less attention we get, the less chance of a stampede"
"Ah. Good point. Anythign else?"
"Good. You will of course have our full co-operation"
"As always. Good dat Mister Atu"
Tohmahawk turned on his heel to leave the office, slamming the door shut behind him. Out side, the techs and others in the control room pretended to ignore Tohmahawk, except a fat tech, who noticably went white again and backed away. The General waved mockingly and exited, back outside where the noise of the band and the crowds was indeed somewhat noisier. Damn... this WAS a good song. "Too many long lines in a row, I hate the powder on your nose" sang the General, walking down the steps.
<font color=red>And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out</font>
Atu stared at the spot Tohamahawk had been, his cold blue eyes narrowed, his fingers tapping against each other. After a moment, he broke thought and picked up a piece of equipment. In a few seconds, his hands had put together the secure comm.
"Chee, this is Atu. We have a problem"
River Kincaid
Nov 18th, 2003, 04:19:43 AM
The blaring music outside was barely heard between the two lovers during their escape to ecstasy. The aching the both shared was now spent as they lay beside each other.
River smiled, awash with male pride, he nuzzled her stomach again. He breathed long sigh of relief and kissed her stomach, then further up until he reached her tender lips. "All this time and here you were right before me." He told her gently and kissed her again. He would ravish her in kisses. "And we still have an hour left, what to do...." He slyly smiled down at Xazor and brushed his hand over her body again.
Joe Littrell
Nov 19th, 2003, 12:32:03 AM
Joe had been lost in his own little world of regrets, remorse and ghosts that haunted him whether he was sleeping or awake when he bumped into someone who seemed to be just as sturdy if not sturdier than his own ex-NRSF frame.
"Excuse m-..." he began to say in a hushed and apologetic tone. He had to be on his best behavior now or the judge had promised to make good on his threat of extending his sentence at the Coruscant Military Prison.
Joe? Joe Littrell?
Oh frell just what I need someone who recognizes Jackboot Joe Littrell, the first officer to ever be dishonorably discharged from the NRSF...
"I'm afraid you're mista--- Dwayne Hicks? Is that really you?" The shell-shocked vet asked; "I'm visiting Captain Kuato down teh hall, what are you doing here?"
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 21st, 2003, 05:37:56 AM
"hello Faith... bye Jina, Arya". I had to bite back a laugh, for I could tell Ravenwing was deeply uncomfortable with this mother's club meeting. "Oh, go upstairs and give them this.... pass" I said, throwing a chip from my table. "It's a guest access, authourisation from myself. It's better than any hotel, it's rooms for Senators and their visitors if they have to stay here. Mini bar tab is on my account, so make yourself at home. I'd drop this sprog in there, but the carpet sucks. But the holo projector is stunning quality"
Not to mention it was a place of luxury that I was deeply uncomfortable with. I preferred something more normal for a medical wing, like this. A little more intimate.
Waiting for Arya to leave, I glanced at Faith and Quay, my Padawans. "Thanks for being here. I really appreciate it. Now.... ehhh...... I think I feel another contraction coming on. Do you mind closing the door so I can have a scream in peace?"
Faith Lerf
Nov 21st, 2003, 02:45:50 PM
Faith nodded as Helenias spoke and she closed the door quietly. She moved a little closer to Helenias, giving her some moral support as her contraction began to come on.
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 22nd, 2003, 05:51:59 AM
Quay'Na's heart ached as she wondered if she and Anthony would ever have children, they had spoken of it a few times. He had done some things to ensure that before he'd become a vampire. He always told her not to worry.
But, even then it would still be hard, if at all. She loved children so much and not to be able to ever have any, would hurt so much. Master Ira told her once that she would make an excellent mother, Jacoby had proved that.
How she missed that little boy, but he was safe in the loving arms of her aunt, so it wasn't like she'd not see him again. She would some day.
As her Master's pain came on, Quay'Na knew she'd take any pain she could to simply have a child. She looked at Faith knowing full well, it would be about three more months before she was here having her twins, a boy and a girl. They were so lucky and they didn't even know it.
The Padawan stayed by her Master's side as the pain progressed, she would've given her a hand to hold, but thought better of it. It probably would've gotten broken.
Arya Ravenwing
Nov 22nd, 2003, 02:31:47 PM
Arya ducked out of the room, closing it behind her, and looking both ways down the hall. There was no one in sight, which was a bit strange. She walked down to the nurses' office, seeing Helenias' bodyguards sitting in there with a few white smocked women. She leaned over the counter. "Hey, is there a Hicks around here anymore? I have a question for him."
"Hicks? He went looking for grub about ten minutes ago. You might find him in the basement, someone reported in and I heard him in the background." The corporal winked at her, and the smuggler forced a smile.
"Thanks." Jina grinned at the soldiers from under Arya's arm, and waved as the older woman made for the lift.
The girl wriggled, and Arya put her down, holding on to her hand as they walked into the turbolift. She punched the button for the basement, and Jina frowned. "I thought...upstairs? Mommy said -"
"Yes, but remember what I told you?" Arya leaned against the back of the 'lift, closing her eyes lightly.
The red head screwed up her face in concentration. "Um... Throttle at the apex of a turn?"
The smuggler laughed, "You don't even know what apex means. No, Red, that's not what I was getting at. We still have bad men after us, and if we go upstairs to your mommy's rooms that she's wisely not using, then we'll be right where the bounty hunters can find us. So we're finding somewhere else to stay the night."
The 'lift pinged and Jina hung back as Arya poked her head out. There were soldiers and some off duty doctors wandering around. She tugged on Red's hand, pulling her out of the 'lift, and the doors closed behind them.
"Hey! You don't have clearance to be down here!" A huffy looking sergeant stopped Arya with a firm hand on her shoulder. She reacted without thinking, grabbing the offending hand and twisting it backwards. The sergeant found himself buckling at the knees and folding up like a pretzel. "Ah..ow!"
"I just wanted to talk to Dwayne Hicks. Is he down here?" Jina was clinging to the back of her leg, peeking around at the red-faced soldier from relative saftey.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 24th, 2003, 12:43:48 AM
9 months previous......
<font color=red> Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey </font>
<font color=green>
it was the music that woke him up. Light, soulful and not unlike the more classical and sombre music of the concert last night. Some sort of string instrument, playing a haunting melody. Actually, it was the music from the concert, he could recognise it now. He rememebred Xazor leaning against dasquain, rapt as the performers wove their magic of harmony. Helenias, tall, impossibly beautiful, sat with her eyes closed, her arm on his. Her scent filled his nostrils. Her touch electrified him. Mysterious man partners Senator to concert, he could just imagine the holos reporting - Helenias was an important person in the Republic now, a Senator and a Jedi Knight. Her moves were watched as she was now a public figure.
What would have the scum news reporters have given to know what the blond haired, chiesl jawed and clean shaven man, seemingly just a handsome man that had the Senator's favour, really was?
"I must be dreaming" he said, barely awake.
"Then you are having a good dream"
Marcus opened an eye to see a small speaker on her dresser, the source of the music. He saw her, stretching out, doing morning exercise, a tight fitting training top and pants on. She had one arm stretched out, every line of muscle defined as she flexed and stretched. Slim, athletic and incredibly fit. And very, very beautiful. A vision from some other dimension.
"Well, dream or not, it's something I would wish to see" he said, opening the other eye. She stretched her other arm, obviously in the middle some sort of calistenics. Slow movements, tension and relaxation. She was sweating a fair bit, it glistened on her forehead. "Do you always begin the day like so?"
"Longer than I can remember" she replied. "Even now when I'm not beating up rebels and Jedi, it keeps my mind sharp and focused. You sleep very heavily Marcus - I've been awake for nearly an hour"
"You didn't give me much sleep last night"
"Didn't hear you complain at the time"
"And lose a limb? Helenias I may be a Jedi Master, but I'm no fool. Besides, I'm sure you kept the neigbours awake as well"
She turned her head, a grin lined on it. "Oh yeah. I remember now. Where did you get the idea to do that? You are a most useful Jedi"
She paused. "Serious?"
"Yes, porn. About a 100 years ago, I did a few to create a disguise. Jedi Long Sabre. Cant remember the names of the holos now, not exactly the high point of my career"
"Oh my... that was you??????? I remember seeing that in barracks!" she broke into laugher, before returing to her exercise. "But you looked a lot different and were some what... ummm... bigger down there..... oh God, dont do that where I can see it. It makes me throw up"
Where there was a blonde clean shaven and even slightly overweight man, now there was a long dark haired, beared man whose body was a cross stitch of muschle and scar. A truly awesome scar was on his back. "Do the change?"
"Yes, you should see how revolting it looks. How the frell you can have that type of mollecular control is still amazing and I've known you can do it for years and it still amazes me"
You dont know the half of it he thought, getting up out of the bed. "Practice. Practice and natural ability I guess. Now, where's my underpants?"
"I threw them away near the bathroom door" Helenias said, trying not to laugh. "You threw my bra near the front door"
"You mean I took it off you at the front door"
"Ripped it off I remember. About five seconds after my shirt departed. Where is that, by the way?"
"On the lounge" she grinned'.
Her apartment was pretty big and had quite a few rooms. While a fair bit of it was used as an office for her Senatorial duties, it was still quite an impressive place, well decorated. He was feelign quite out of place, dressed in his well used travelling clothes and cloak. He looked more like he should be in the gutter, not in the living room of a Senator.
And certainly not betroved to her.
"So, where you off to now?" Helenias Evenstar asked, sipping on a drink, dressed in an emerald green dress that strongly reminded Marcus of her home.
"Dexter's first. Then I'm probably going off planet for a while. Should be back in a few weeks at worst"
"All right. take care of yourself Marcus"
He nodded, went over to Helenias and kissed her. "I will. Goodbye. I'll contact you soon"</font>
Today, Coruscant, rainy park
But he hadn't, much to his sadness. He had never talked to Helenias even once.
"Anyway", he said to Natia, "Lets go find out where Helenias is. I very much desire to meet her again"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2003, 01:28:26 PM
*Natia nods her head at what Marcus had been saying, making a mental note of everything which was said, and flagging things which had caught her interest like the nano-tech*
You shall never be alone again if I have anything to say about it. I know the pain of being alone, and it's not plesent(sp?)
*Natia falls silent for awhile and speaks up when Marcus suggests they go find Helenias*
But yes, let's go find Helenias. I wish to meet her.
Xazor Elessar
Nov 26th, 2003, 05:56:35 AM
He slyly smiled down at Xazor and brushed his hand over her body again.
"Oh, I'm sure I could think of lots of things..... So shut up and stop me thinking"
Half and hour later,s he was resting again, her head on his shoulder as they silently touched. There was a spell here that both wished would not be broken, but they both knew would. Xazor broke the silence first, speaking as her finger traced a pattern in the drops of coolign sweat on River's bare chest.
"I missed you so much. But..... I'm scared"
"Hmmm? Of leaving again?"
"No. Of that this wont work. Always I've had someone whom I thought would be right, but something has always come between us. I dont know. I'm scared of it happening again. I dont want my heart broken"
Now he was paying full attention. "What? why would I do that?"
"I dont know. It's just.... I thinking of a story Marcus told me. Of a Jedi Knight who died a few years ago."
Some days later, after she had found the gravestone of Lady Mara Jade, Xazor awoke to find Marcus was nowhere in the castle. Oddly too, the Life Bond was muted in such a way that she couldn't exactly tell how close he was. After breakfast, she wandered about, careful not to get lost in the unchartered corridors of Castle Trilith - but still, she found no sign he was anywhere. Now getting worried, she went outside into the afternoon sunlight, into the gardens that surrounded the walls. She walked about, ever widening her search until she came to the small grove where Jade's grave was to see, to her shock someone unfamiliar.
"Hey... who the hell are you????" she cried, getting ready to apply a smackdown. The fugure, a tall cleanshaven man glanced up. Her anger at the unexpected visitor abated when she saw the strained expression, like there was some deep inner pain.
"Who am I?" he repeated. "Who am I.... I dont know. Do you know who you are?"
She stared back blankly.
"That's the secret to inner peace. To know thy self. To true power and knowledge"
"I'm sorry, I dont understand. I dont understand why your here either. Who are you?"
"I said I dont know. That I am honest about. What little I know, I will tell. Would you care to listen?"
He seemed friendly enough. "I guess so. But first, why are you here?"
"I always been here or at least a part of me has been. You just didn't see me when you visited"
That made no sense at all and she indicated so.
"I know. But I was there, believe me. Marcus Elessar saw me"
"He did?"
"Of course. He saw Darth Turbogeek. He remembered that there was a woman whom died here and that she died because Turbogeek didn't love her in return, not until it was too late. She could have been saved. Much like you can be saved if you take the chance. Otherwise, your fate is to end like DT did. Just a memorial to a Jedi that died for nothing. Aye..... for nothing" he said softly.
She stared, surprised and shocked. "Who in the Force are you??" she asked once more.
"Search your feelings Xazor Leo Kama. The truth is before you if you dare look. Look at what the grave says"
She did, then looked up in amazement. "But... Turbogeek is dead! How can you be here?"
"Turbogeek is I - but I was never real. I never lived. Never truly. And here, I died. I've been a dead man walking ever since this day. Here, I found what to cry truly was. Ah, forget ending like her, you could end like me, a broken and lonely person"
Xazor felt she could understand that. "I know"
"Yes, of all the people in the Galaxy, you would understand. I've hoped Dasquain could have worked, or Terran. Or Shade. But they didnt and they were not your fault. That's why I am here.... I lost Mara. But little did I know she was not what she seemed. Still, I gained Jina. Your sister"
A pause.
"You see now?" he asked.
"No... way... " she said. "No... I don't believe it. That cant be. That's not possible! How could you hide that from me!"
"I cant - you didnt look. I'm sorry you saw this, but...... maybe it's for the best. Maybe now you understand"
"Your scared of loosing Helenias. I know. It keeps you awake. You regret ever returning. But even more, you regret what happened here. Turbogeek... Marcus.. whoever you are, why not just leave? Why not go?"
"Because of wounds that dont heal"
Later that night, after walkign away in a daze, she thought about what he had told he and what she had seen.
I dont want that.... I dont want to end up like that
She finished speaking.
"Oh my" River said. "I.. dont know what to say"
"Dont speak - Love me. Dont leave. Dont let me become like Father. I've been feelign his pain for too long. I dont want it anymore, I want to be free - that's why I persuaded him to return. We need to be free and while he is chained to the past, it will never happen. I need your help"
"No buts. Love me. That's the start"
"I do. I love you Xazor Elessar"
<font color=red>I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all of my childish fears
and if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And i've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now i'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
And though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me </font>
River Kincaid
Nov 27th, 2003, 07:07:08 AM
River felt as if he were against a rock wall and a hard place. What had he done? How could he possibly love two women at the same time, one he could love and hold whenever he wished and the other, he had to hold at a distance.
Faith, pregnant with his twins.
What had his life come to since the loss of his beloved Angelina? He had never been this way, his love had been for her and for her only. But, she had been gone for so long, thought dead and her return was more than strange and then their reunion had been less than favorable. He had moved on a bit less gracefully than he had hoped. River had hoped to become a good example to his children, that was all he had left. But, it seemed things were beginning to spin out of his control.
River would gain that back, but how? He had deep feelings for his Master, held deep feelings for Faith. He felt viciously torn between the two and though Xazor was breath-taking, wild and imaginative....Faith was the quiet, gentle type, both held the characteristics of Angelina. How had that happened? How could he have fallen into sinc with two females with her personality? But, there was no hope for the two of them now, but she wanted to see the children and the only one who knew she was around was Natia.
River shook the thought away as he looked into the loving eyes of his master and kissed her forehead. "We should get dressed." He told her as he sat up and groped for his pants. Marcus and Natia would be arriving back soon. "There is something I need to discuss with you and now is as good as time as any." River pulled on his pants and fastened them, then grabbed his leather vest and put it on.
He sat down and waited a few moments while Xazor dressed, she was so beautiful. When she was done, he looked at her and sighed, he was so happy to be with her.
Even though Faith was pregnant, he knew they would more than likely hold no chance of being together, they were in two different worlds and besides that Xazor knew of this, it was no secret. He had told her a while back, and she knew that the bond he and Faith shared would go no further than the children they had reated. It was sad to think about, but for the most part there was nothing that could be done. Besides, Faith had the Order behind her and her new master, she would be alright.
But, Angelina? What would become of her and she wanted to see the kids. This was really turning out to be quite a mess.
Xazor sat beside him, he had her full attention, he always had. Ever since they had met, she had been there for him. This would be no different. "I've recently found my past coming back to haunt me." River said quietly as he sighed deeply and looked at his master.
"Angelina...has returned from the dead...."
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 28th, 2003, 05:34:31 AM
I had not missed the look Jina had been giving Quay. Jina was powerful in The Force and had a clarity of vision that others much older struggled to match. Even if she was only 6, in her case, that was highly deceptive. It gave me somethign to think about as the first real contraction hit me like a out of control speeder into a wall. I made good with the promise of a decent scream, for it felt like my insides were being torn open. Eventually, the contraction eased and I dropped back heavily onto the pillows, gasping, wide eyes.
The stream of profanities were unprintable.
"That hurt" was about the only thing that could be repeated in even semi polite company. "Oh God, this is not going to be fun. How the frell you could have twins, that is beyond me. Faith, remind me that we shall go over pain deadening exercises. I'm very much afraid you will need it. But to both of you, thank you for being here. I would have preferred that it were not just only you two, but others. I would have had Xazor here. Oh, by the way Faith, the little girl you passed, that is Jina. She is a daughter by adoption. The woman was Arya Ravenwing, a smuggler, but dont let that put you off. She has a good heart, even if she doesnt like others to know it"
I glanced up at the clock on the wall, while the rain pattered on the window. Just past 1 pm. The baby was due to be born at 1 am. Dang, 12 more hours?
"Stuff it, let's review pain control now. Either that or one of you two go get every pain killer you can find and put it in an IV for me"
Faith Lerf
Nov 29th, 2003, 10:55:27 PM
Faith watched with slight terror as Helenias tried to endure the pain. Helenias was a strong woman, so much stronger than Faith would ever be, how could Faith ever take this kind of pain? She nodded though and opened the door and moved quickly down the hall to find a nurse or doctor. Once she came upon one she told them the situation and what she needed. They nodded and turned away quickly to see what they could do. Faith re-entered Helenias' room. "Someone is coming for you."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 9th, 2003, 03:34:20 AM
Afternoon turned to twilight. Twilight turned to dusk and dusk to night. Outside, the concert went on. The rain came down and the storm gathered pace, perplexing overwrought weather controllers, who found systems not working as they should. In places that had not seen running water for centuries, there were floods beginning. Lightning crackled and lit up the sky. Winds ripped through alleys, creating wind tunnels that made mere walking dangerous, let alone flying. The occasinal plexi panel blew out, showering splinters. The tops of towers were obsured in the huge storm that was now bearing down on the Senate sector. Over 500 km's wide, it was unlike anything seen in so many years.
But in the building that served as the Senate Medical wing, I could not hear either the storm or the concert. I could only hear what was in this room - my Padawans, a few friends, the medic droid Gronk monitoring my vitals and that of the baby, the mecial computers and occasionally, my own howls and screams, sobbing as I felt like I was being torn in two. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced. An hour ago, my waters had broken. It was 10 pm and this was now the beginning of the serious part. The baby was coming This was the end of 9 months, the final hour.
I just wished it wasn't so desperatly painful! I could feel the sweat drenching every centimeter, the blood between my legs. I ha d refused any painkiller, relying on the pain deadening execises of the Jedi. How foolish - this was just too much to cope with. But, even as I was offered a pain killer, somethig in the back of my mind wouldn't let me.
Keep your wits about you girl!
11 pm. I dropped back onto the sodden pillow, gasping and just trying to hang on. "I need water"
Faith Lerf, her face pale, got me the blessed wet drink. Poor girl for seeing this.
Jina had somehow snuck in and until had managed to stay unnoticed. Until she spoke.
"Hurry Helenias... they're coming"
The others in the room turned in surprise. some began to usher her out. I instead sat bolt upright, the pain suddenly no longer at the forefront of my mind. Her words had suddenly touched off the feeling of unease. I reached out with my mind...
It was distant. But it sent a chill through me.
My eyes went wide as I sensed someone die near the Senate perimeter.
"Oh my God. Not now. Not now. Hiiiiicks! We got company coming!"
The room froze.
"No... way" said Hicks. "No one can get through"
"I'm telling you, Jina's called it right. We have company coming. 15 minutes if that!"
He swore again, then paused when he saw the look on my face.
"Miss Evenstar! Please, you are being excited? Lie back, you could cause complications if you move!"
I simply pushed the medic to one side, a fire burning in my eyes like had not been there for years.
"No one is going to harm my baby" I snarled, furious and trembling. "No-one. Hicks, my case. NOW"
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 9th, 2003, 04:26:55 AM
Quay'Na couldn't believe this, someone was going to attack her master while she was in the middle of having her child! Not now they weren't. Quay would guard her master with her life!
"I've got it, Master!" She called as she grabbed the 'case' Helenias was talking of and quickly brought it to her.
Once the item was in her master's hands, she quickly unclipped her lightsabre, she could feel the danger approaching as well.
With a quick flick of the switch. Snap, hisss! A tourquise blade formed from the hilt.
She stood in a defense position beside her master.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 10th, 2003, 05:17:11 PM
Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
Arya ducked out of the room, closing it behind her, and looking both ways down the hall. There was no one in sight, which was a bit strange. She walked down to the nurses' office, seeing Helenias' bodyguards sitting in there with a few white smocked women. She leaned over the counter. "Hey, is there a Hicks around here anymore? I have a question for him."
"Hicks? He went looking for grub about ten minutes ago. You might find him in the basement, someone reported in and I heard him in the background." The corporal winked at her, and the smuggler forced a smile.
"Thanks." Jina grinned at the soldiers from under Arya's arm, and waved as the older woman made for the lift.
The girl wriggled, and Arya put her down, holding on to her hand as they walked into the turbolift. She punched the button for the basement, and Jina frowned. "I thought...upstairs? Mommy said -"
"Yes, but remember what I told you?" Arya leaned against the back of the 'lift, closing her eyes lightly.
The red head screwed up her face in concentration. "Um... Throttle at the apex of a turn?"
The smuggler laughed, "You don't even know what apex means. No, Red, that's not what I was getting at. We still have bad men after us, and if we go upstairs to your mommy's rooms that she's wisely not using, then we'll be right where the bounty hunters can find us. So we're finding somewhere else to stay the night."
The 'lift pinged and Jina hung back as Arya poked her head out. There were soldiers and some off duty doctors wandering around. She tugged on Red's hand, pulling her out of the 'lift, and the doors closed behind them.
"Hey! You don't have clearance to be down here!" A huffy looking sergeant stopped Arya with a firm hand on her shoulder. She reacted without thinking, grabbing the offending hand and twisting it backwards. The sergeant found himself buckling at the knees and folding up like a pretzel. "Ah..ow!"
"I just wanted to talk to Dwayne Hicks. Is he down here?" Jina was clinging to the back of her leg, peeking around at the red-faced soldier from relative saftey. Arya stood waiting for someone to answer her.
Xazor Elessar
Dec 16th, 2003, 05:01:48 AM
The late evening echoed from another bolt of lightning that ripped across the sky. Xazor stood by the window of Dexter's, entranced by the fury of the storm that had gathered and was now unleashing it's full fury onto the face of Coruscant. Power was out in a lot of areas, back generators struggling to cope with the widespread outages. The rain hit the window in sheets. Even at Eden, there was hardly weather to match this.
24 hours ago, decending onto coruscant, the beginnings of the storm could be seen. and the bleak weather would have matched her mood. But now.... she glanced back to River, sitting on the lounge, reading to his children. But now, she felt like she hadn't felt in months. She had forgotten what feeling happy and loved meant. Marcus might be a great Jedi and her father, but it was a long way short from fillign the hole she had in the soul. Had. Yes, had. She kept her gaze on River, a small smile on her face.
River glanced up, finally realizing he was been looked at. A smile corssed his face too. It was hardly anything - it meant everythign to her.
"Some two hours" he said. "Must be close to 11 pm. Remind me to thank Master Elessar for this time"
She started a bit, feeling guilty and suddenly curious. Yes, it was nice, but most unlike her father to do that.
Marcus? Where are you? she asked, tryign to reach the Master across the Life Bond they shared. The answer came back somewhat slower than she expected.
Didn't want to disturb you. Natia and I are near the Senate, there's some sort of huge concert going on. We've been tryign to find out where Helenias is. we think we got her located
Oh? Where?
Senate Medical Centre. Why, I dont know. We might try to visit her if security is breachable. How about you? enjoy your day?
You know I'm not going to answer that!
Mental laughter. Good. If I need you, I'll call. You and River enjoy yourselves
"Oh, we will" she said quietly to herself. "We will"
River Kincaid
Dec 19th, 2003, 08:45:21 PM
"..and everyone lived happily ever after....the end." River smiled as he closed the text that he had been reading to Ry-Obi and Hunter. "I think, it's way past your bedtime."
"Aww, Dad." Ry-Obi yawned.
Hunter was almost asleep already as her father stood and scooped her up into his strong arms.
River smiled at Xazor, "I'll be right back, Xaz. Let me put these two to bed. How about going out for something to eat? I'll ask Dexter if he can watch the kids. I could use a good steak. Think about my offer and I'll be back in a few."
River took his two children upstairs to their room. He carefully put Hunter into her bed and gave her a light kiss on the forehead then tucked her in. Her older brother, pounced up into the top bunk.
River put his covers over hjm. "G'night, slugger. If you need anything Dex will be downstairs, okay?"
"Yeah, Dad. G'night."
River smiled and walked over to the door, shutting off the light. He turned and just watched his children for a long moment, hearing their light breathing as they slept. He couldn't lose them, he wasn't going to allow Angelina to take them away from him. They belonged to him and her attitude had changed so much, the drinking and he had even felt that she was into drugs possibly, from the link the two of them still shared. River couldn't seem to pass it off.
With a deep breath, he closed the door and headed back downstairs. He commed Dex on the way and was relieved to hear, he could watch over the kids, while River and Xaz went out.
"Everything is set, are you ready to go?" River asked with a bright smile.
Marcus Telcontar
Dec 20th, 2003, 04:20:41 AM
Thank God this part of the park was resonably quiet. It had been set up for food retail and a few demountables served up food for all types of beings and tastes. Marcus glanced at the steming trays, still trying to defrost after the chilling wind and rain outside. Natia was at a table they had procured with a bit of credits he had been able to get. Since his departure months before, his bank accounts and investments had grown a bit, the legacy of 80 years spent onthe wrong side of The Force. The Dark Side was great for a bit of theft and graft and corruption. These days, the credits were for the activites of the Lost and little did the Jedi know, he was one of their biggest anonymous donors. The credit supply would outlast even the most spend happy noble life time, even the length that Marcus was expected to have alive. The Numenorians once had lives of over 700 years. He was hardly more than a teen in their terms, even if he was somewhere over 150 years standard.
Musing credits aint getting your Granddaughter food, mate
Back to the buisness at hand, he scaneed the menu, picked up a plate and ordered. With a slight mind trick, he even got the chef to load up another plate with a hot drink, then take it to Natia. For his trouble, the chef got an uxpected large tip. But for some reason, the chef could never work out where it had come from. The two cloaked beings at a corner table he never remembered.
The Master grinned, satisfied. Food, shelter and somewhere to sit. and about time, they had been walking / running about all day and well into the evening, trying to locate Helenias. It had lead to them sneaking into the Jedi Temple, then also to Helenias' apartment in the senate district. Both her room at the Temple and the Senate complex were remarkably bare. No clothes, only a holo of her with some diplomats. Business papers and holos. Some computer equipment, a weapons rack (with her Pike, which didnt make much sense, he knew Helenias was welded to that thing), crockery. Training manuals. A few notes about ther Padawans Faith Lerf (Now that rather surprised Natia, seeing her big sister was a Padawan of Evenstar) and also the mysterious Quay'Na Rakai, whom Marcus had fought against in a dream not long ago.
After a long aday, they finally tracked her to the Senate Medical wing, which was why they were here, eating in a makeshift tent, at the edge of a muddy filed where at least 100,000 beings were being entertained in some sort of musical concert.
"Couldn't have picked a worse day for it" he commented, spearing a squid with his fork. "That field must be knee deep in mud by now"
Natia grimaced, looking over the plate. "What is this stuff?"
"Oh the pink bits? Fish from Scalia, the blue is Nerf from Ukio, the brown is a herb sauce. The white is squid. Believe me, it's all good"
She did, but still looked doubtful aftrwards. "So, what are we going to do now?"
"Well, not sure yet. It's what, nearly 11pm? I reckon mingle for a while, wait till about 2 am and sneak in. Shouldn't be too hard, security in medical wings is never as tight as it should be. Just have to work out what a Matinee ward is for and where it is. Hope she's not too bad"
They ate in silence for a bit longer. Really, it had been a damn good day. Natia was a very intelligent young lady and was good company. And a most capable student too. Much they had talked and discussed.
I rather like this young Padawan. She will make a great Jedi one day, if she is taught right. I will make sure that comes to pass
Marcus paused, a piece of nerf near his lips. No one noticed. He frowned. There didn't seem to be anything his eyes or ears could tell was wrong. The thump wasn't soemthign that could be heard over the noise of the concert and the yells of the crowd. He closed his eyes, trying to work out why he suddenly felt on edge.
"Marcus? Is something wrong?"
He didnt answer for a moment, then opened his eyes again. "I dont know. Xazor just said hello, by the way"
"That's changing the subject"
"I know. I..... someone just died. I felt their passing in the Force. Near.... again, someone else died violently. I feel there's trouble"
He once again closed his eyes. Then suddenly reopened them, wide and shocked.
"The medical wing! It's being attacked! Crap, my weapons are back at Dexters!"
Xazor Elessar
Dec 20th, 2003, 06:40:51 AM
She smiled at River, giving her indication it was indeed fine for river to put the kids to bed. Gettign somethign to eat, even in this bad weather was attractive too, after all she had been rather... errr.... active through the afternoon and evening.
"Oh, why could not every day be like this?" she asked of her reflection in the window, lashed as it was with rain. A bolt of lightning lit up the sky, revealing hardly any traffic and rivelts of water everywhere. Downstairs, she sensed Dexter curse as he tried to mop up the floor, which was rapidly becomming a losing battle, the drains outside were losing the battle. She cahnged her mind slightly - every day like the beauty of Trilith, mixed with the love she shared with River. Maybe Marcus would agree to the Kincaids visiting the huge castle one day?
She heard River puttign the children to bed, heard his good nights. She smiled, thinking how lovely it all was.
Then, abruptly, she smiled no more.
River came out of the bedrooms, cloaked and ready for the appalling weather. "Everything is set, are you ready to go?" River asked with a bright smile - a smile that fell as he saw Xazor clipping a weapons belt on. On it was the lightsabre Marcus had made for her, a sword and a rail gun. In front of her was the sword belt of the Jedi Master. She lifted a hand and summoned Athona to her grasp, from it's place on the wall. River was nailed with the flat, detirmined stare.
"Get your weapons. Master Elessar has need of us at the Senate. Hurry!"
She once again made sure everything was secure, then tried Marcus again over the Life Bond.
Marcus, what is it? What is wrong?
Someone is attacking the Medical Centre - all the communication lines are down, there's a bloody great big crowd covering up any sounds, the weather is concealing fighting...... Whatever is going on, it's serious. And.....
There was no reply, just despair. Xazor suddenly worked it out too.
She was already down the trap door and running for the door before a confused River came back.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 21st, 2003, 11:21:11 AM
*Natia's already standing up from the table before Marcus is finished saying that his weapons are back at Dexters. Her own lightsaber is clipped at her side, though out of sight from everyone*
Ask Mother to bring your weapons and meet us at the medical wing.
*Natia says this, not knowing that Marcus has already done so. She has had enough of her supper to keep her from being hungry until the morning*
River Kincaid
Dec 26th, 2003, 10:36:33 PM
River grabbed his sword, daggers and a lightsabre and followed his master, he wasn't exactly sure what was going on. But, whatever it was, it had to do with Xazor's mother and he hustled behind her as fast as he could. He was ready for whatever lay ahead of him!
"Where are we going, Xazor?" He asked as he paced himself beside her.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 2nd, 2004, 10:16:07 AM
Xazor could hardly breath as the wolf inside her howled. She so desperatly wished to change, but not here and now -- this was neither the time nor the place. As River caught up to run beside her, the Jedi Knight could not speak a word but allowed the silence to take over as she bolted out the door of Dexter's Diner and down the sidewalk. People jumped out of the way but the rest, the woman just pushed over as she struggled to somehow secure Marcus's large sword and belt around her. Upon finally doing so, the pair gained speed and turned down several other small alley ways. It hit her then -- not only River's question, but the fact that he had never really faced combat, with her at least.
She stopped suddenly and the Padawan continued for a moment until he realized her quick motion. Turning back to face Xazor with a questioning look, he spoke. "What is it, Master?" The Knight shook her head as thoughts ran through her mind at miles per second. "River, we're going to the Senate Medical Center -- there has been a massive outbreak of fighting and we have to work to stop it, my mother is there." She inhaled deeply, attempting to regain the breath she had lost. River seemed to stare blankly at her for a moment until he put it together in his mind. "Whatever happens, tell Marcus --" But Xazor's words were cut off by River as he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. "No, we'll be fine and so will your mom." He whispered before lightly kissing her cheek.
With a nod, the Garou smiled sadly as she firmly tightened Marcus's blade to her back. "We're the Lost Jedi -- we play by our own rules now, okay? Do what you must -- ethical or not, we have to save lives so if you must kill -- do it without question, River. Do you understand?" She questioned with the most serious expression. With slight hesitation that only she would notice, River nodded and then the Garou was off again, running toward the end of the alley. For a moment, she stalled and then grabbed hold of River's arm and pulled him with her as she jumped into traffic. Luckily enough, and not to the woman's surprise, they had hitched a speeder. Out of fear, the driver had abandoned the craft, allowing Xazor the space to take over the controls. "Hang on!" She shouted at River before cranking the controls around and flooring it all the way in the direction of the Medical Center.
River Kincaid
Jan 2nd, 2004, 10:49:40 PM
"We're the Lost Jedi -- we play by our own rules now, okay? Do what you must -- ethical or not, we have to save lives so if you must kill -- do it without question, River. Do you understand?" She questioned with the most serious expression. With slight hesitation that only she would notice, River nodded and then the Garou was off again, running toward the end of the alley.
The word held new meaning for the young man. He would fight to the death, if need be. River would stand firm and would not let the Lost down.
Whenever I draw my sword, I don't think of what I'm about to kill, but what I'm allowing to live. You must always remember that, River. Even if you never follow the ways of the Jedi....
His father had told him that and it was something that had stuck with River all his life.
He remained silent as the two of them ran. His heart beating so hard he was sure that his master could hear it.
Heavy fighting, massive outbreak, people in danger. Xazor's mother... It all seemed to run together in that very instant.
Tonight, he would kill. Tonight, he would act upon his loyalties to his master, to Master Marcus...for the well-being of his children. For this was where his heart and soul had taken him. River would not fail them, he would die for them if need be...if it meant for Xazor or Marcus to live or even Xazor's mother, who he'd never met.
But, that wasn't going to happen tonight, this night. No, not this night. He felt it in the Force...something was going to happen, but he wasn't sure what or exactly where for that matter.
River kept pace with his master, but was suddenly surprised when she grabbed his arm and rushed into the traffic.
The speeder Xazor has hitched zoomed to life once the Garou was behind the controls. River barely had time to fasten his restraint as she dove the vehical into a lower space lane.
River felt bile in the back of his throat and swallowed hard as his master zipped in and out of traffic, like a pro-racer. His piloting skills never could match this.
A rather large star cruiser was crossing the intersection they were coming up at, followed by an airbus.
"Master..." River gasped as he grabbed the dashboard and felt his face pale.
"Got it!!" Xazor smiled as she pressed on the excelerator.
River felt his throat go dry as he closed his eyes ready for the impact, but instead they dropped and he felt his stomach come up into his esphogas. River released the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding as Xazor banked to the left, narrowly missing a few speeders parked nearby.
"That was close, Master!" He yelled over the roar of the little engine as he turned back around from looking backwards, it only made him dizzy.
"No worries, Padawan!"
He was very glad she could say that, he had his doubts a few moments back. His stomach settled once again where it belonged for a brief few seconds before Xazor shot upwards to the upper levels of Coruscant. The Lost Jedi had to think quickly and dodge a cummuter train right above them.
"AAAHHH!!" River cried and ducked reflexively as the speeder somehow came out clean and untouched.
"I'm glad I didn't eat, Master!" He grunted as he took a few deep breaths as the speeder came back to it's horizontal position and resumed in heading towards the Senate Buildings which were now, just ahead. River could see the Senate Medical Center from here as Xazor laid on the excelerator.
If the Padawan could survive a ride like the one he'd just been on, he could survive anything.
General Tohmahawk
Jan 13th, 2004, 02:02:23 AM
The most ridiculous named band in the Galaxy, Slaves to Audio, were finishing their set. While the band name was stupid, the music they crashed out wasnt. It was catchy, it was complex and the being on lead twanger could make sound waves that defied belief. And with some speed too!
Nail in my hand
From my Creator
You gave me life
Now show me how to live!
Somehow rather appropriate, given what was happening in the Senate medical wing. Helenias would have to be getting close, last word he had was that she was deep into labour and was giving everyone hell. Typical Evenstar.
The band played one as Tohmahawk moved to the edges of the shielded area. He knew outside the storm was getting worse, the rain harder, the wind more biting. The lightning curled and played across the sky, making it's own light show, visible even through the blurring effects of the shield. From last report, the storm was well and truly out of Coruscant Central's control and carving a trail of destruction like no one had seen on this planet for years. And here they were, at a bloody concert being holocast around the galaxy as the worst bore down. Everything should be okay as long as the shield held. He knew it should, it was not being stressed even by this storm.
But what was stressing this concert was the assassinations with the lasgun. Not a damn lead. Not a trace of any evidence except for a melted face. It had been undeniably worrying the General the whole afternoon and evening. He had no idea what now.
Nail in my hand
From my Creator
You gave me life
Now show me how to live!
He glanced at the stage, nearly 100 meters away. The group were dancing about without a care, the massed concert goers leaping in some giant wave in time. The sheer energy of the crowd was staggering. Now witht he two headlining acts near, the crowd was getting hyped up and ready to really let their har or featehrs down.
Or scales. Cant be too discriminating.
Guard at the door. He turned, seeing several cloaked figures. One raised soemthing. Red flash. Burn..... falling.... darknesss......
General Tohmahawk froze. The native force talent he had had shown him something. Then, he felt the disturbance - small, but he knew what it was. Someone had died violently. As a warrior of battle, you tended to get used to the disturbances or you went mad. This one had been so unexpected, it caught Hawk's attention immediatly.
and in your final hours
I will stand,
ready to begin,
Ready to begin,
ready to begin.....
Nail in my hand
From my Creator
You gave me life
Now show me how to live!
Then he saw it. A red flicker. almost unnoticable in lightning and events lights. Tohmahawk swore, pulling out a comm unit. The thing squealed with static. Damn it, the storm had broken local comms down - only hard line was working. And guess who had all the hard lines? Not him. The damn concert.
Another onimous red flicker. He swore again when the noted the direction and quite quickly put the numbers together.
"Helenias" he said under his breath, reaching out with his mind. "Someone is coming for you....."
"Oh great, she knows". He cursed, opening his eyes and breaking out into a run. What brilliant timing. The storm, the comms breakdown, the concert - someone was taking advantage of of it all and taking a swipe at Evenstar. Almost as if it had been planned out.....
Nah. Not possible.
He did however run for the demountable that was for SecCorps. He burst in to find, much to his shock was empty, except for two dead bodies. And one cloaked being, who turned and raised something in it's hand. The General moved with all the spped he could muster, leaping away as the wall behind him flared. Even as he rolled, he was drawing his rail gun, even as the flare tracked him, he was aiming. Even as the flare nearly cut him in half, he fired.
The damn thing in the cloak was only knocked backwards! Tohmahawk squeezed off another couple of rounds, hitting the being square in the chest. The last one was a head shot that exploded spectaclarly. Tohamahawk ducked as metal shrapnel hit the walls and floors, some bouncing. One piece speared his left forearm, drawing out a intaked hiss. As the being fell backward, lifeless, he looked at the short metal pole sticking out of his flesh.
"What the frell?"
He ripped it out, roaring in pain. Then looking at the blooded piece. Then over to the being. Normal beings didnt spark and crackle when their heads were blown off. They sort of oozed.
Remember that being hours ago? No Force presence?
Yes, he did. And this sparking droid had a lasgun.
"Oh crap" he exclaimed. "Crap, crap crap! TRD Droid! There's no one at the Medical centre capable of beating one of these things!". He got up, grabbed the lasgun, bolted for outside. No one had somehow noted the noise inside. No doubt the thunderous speakers had done the trick.
"Frell you, you bastards!" he yelled. There was nothign for it but to race to the medical centre.
In the control room, alone for now, the Controller grimly switched the holo off that looked into the SecCorps demountable. With the Corps coms blocked, the General would never be able to get back up. Even if the assasin sent to get him failed, the others would have warning. What could one man do, even if he was the famous Tohmahawk?
"Paladin, Chee, you have Tohmahawk on your way"
"Thanks. We'll be able to deal with him"
The controller looked over the screens, not noting the two hooded figures hurrying for the exit.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 14th, 2004, 01:42:58 AM
Today of all days.... why?
I knew the reason. After other traps and diversions had failed, it was the one day they (whomever 'they' were in this case) knew I would have my feet nailed to the ground and almost helpless to resist. Even as the case was thrown open and I picked out a rail rifle and my sabre, I felt blood touching my thigh. I was in no state to fight. The baby was now too close. I knew it, the doctors knew it, Hicks probably knew it - I glanced at Quay and I knew she also saw it.
There was only one call to make.
"Hicks, Quay, Faith, Jina - stay. The rest of you...." I pointed the gun at the medical staff - "Get out of here. They want me. RUN!"
Faced with a choice fo facing me, the coming attack or a GTFOH, they bolted.
"Hicks, take Jina. Do what you can"
"Shut up Hicks. Quay, you, me and Faith are going to find a hole and hide"
Without waiting for an answer, the rifle was slung over my shoulder. Quay was given the sabre. "You going to have to help me, Padawans. I cant run. I'll put my arm around your shoulders. Carry me as best you can"
This was insane. I was trusting my survival to a pregnant Padawan and another - both of whom were not as well versed in the Jedi arts. But did I have a choice? Not when I had another, much larger contraction coming on.
"Come on - go. Into the lower levels. We'll find a storage room and hole up in there"
Dwayne Hicks
Jan 14th, 2004, 06:42:58 AM
He could only stare. He knew that Evenstar had guts and courage, but this... this was just incredible. The respect he had for his Commander grew as she walked / carried out of the room, the door closed behind the three women. Hicks reached over and locked the door, then for good measure shot the electronics so the door deadbolted.
"Where's Eileen going?" piped up Jina.
"No idea and it's best we dont know" he replied
"What are we gonna do?"
He sensed the question was not all it seemed. Jina he knew from Helenias, was no ordinary six year old. She had Jedi skills. And pretty damn good ones from all accounts. "Dunno. What can you do?"
"Auntie Arya taught me to use gun"
He eyes opened wide in shock. Holy frell, what???? The simple, matter of fact way she said it told him it was no lie. His expression must have been priceless.
"But only little gun. Not allowed big guns yet"
Oh, well now that was a relief. A six year old who could shoot only small guns. For crying out loud, who in their right mind started kids that young with weapons? He shook his head in now amusement. "Okay Jina. I think I have a little gun for you..... hey... HEY! What are you doing?!?!" For she had reached into Helenias' case and had pulled out a blaster.
"Crossfire holdout blaster. Aunty Arya thinks they are okay. Can I use this?"
Good grief, she was serious! "Well.. okay. But you be careful now. What else is in the case?"
"Eileen's spare sabre, Mk III Rail gun, Mk II assault Gun, 50 M2DA grenades. Clips"
"Wow, you know your guns, Jina. You sure your only six?"
"Auntie Arya teaches me. And Father too"
"Who's your father?" he asked, looking the guns over. Fully loaded, spare ammo. Typical Helenias.
"Eileen calls him Marcus. Auntie calls him Hunter"
He filed that mentally. "Okay. Lets go find out what coming. which way they coming from?". It sounded wrong to be asking a young girl while way danger was coming from, but even as Dwayne slung the guns over his shoulder, he accepted Jina possibly knew more what was going on than anyone else.
"That way" she pointed. "But..... they feel funny. Can't see their minds"
"As long as I can see their bodies, I dont care. Lets go"
Force Master Hunter
Jan 15th, 2004, 06:32:45 AM
"You couldn''t have picked a better day, Chee. It's almost like you engineered it"
The smaller man grinned, shifting in his seat of the speeder they were using. "Aie, that is true. But someone has to be workign while your humping your piece of tush, right?"
Lady Panther scowled, while Hunter broke into a very rare smile. "Ah come on. Just because your still a virgin doesnt mean you need to get narky".
"Ha! I was knee deep in boobs before you were born"
"Plastic dont count"
Chee flipped Hunter a rude hand gesture, before pointing at the screen. "Looks like all our TRD Droids are in position, as well as our friends. Time please"
"Good. Where's our test droid?"
"Ummm...... close to the demountable that was set up for the SecCorps. Tracking indicates it's not been discovered. Chee, you shouldnt have ordered it to shoot earlier today. What if they worked it out?" queired Panther.
"Theyy wouldn't. It created a diversion that took any focus or care away from our real target. As you can see, no one suspects anything and we are about to attack. Now lets see how good your droids really are, Miss Craet"
"They'll do the job" she replied haughtily. "You seriously expect anyone to defend themselves against this?"
Hunter frowned, looking at the tracking screen and the readouts, the camera views and the telemetry. The whole setup was impressive, the hacking and slicing incredible, the bribes paid large. This was the best setup he had ever heard of and it was a trap with jaws of steel. Still..... Evenstar had gotten out of other so called perfect traps. His hand wandered down to his own lasgun, restless. A few minutes ticked past. Chee's expert hands continued to fly across the interfaces, directing and controlling, whist outside the shelter of the sppeder, the wind howled and the rain came down in a torrent nnot seen for years. Lightnign flickered, showing swirling clouds. No one was on the streets, the only activity the concert inside it's huge portable shield. The odd bit of noise could be heard when the wind went the right way, but in the main, only the crash of the rain could be heard on the speeder's roof.
Something wasn't right. He could feel it. Even if Chee and Panther couldn't. Or could she? Panther had been a Jedi Knight and a good one too. But no, her face showed real concern. Maybe it was just Hunter.
One of the tracking lights went out. Chee glanced up. "Hmmm. The one we sent for Tohmahawk. Looks like he got it instead. No matter. He cant get help. We proceed" In front of them, the odd flash could be seen as the other TRD Droids beat down the other, now meagre defences of the Medical centre. The first droid was in fact smashing it's way in, the others not far behind.
""Paladin, Chee, you have Tohmahawk on your way"
"Thanks. We'll be able to deal with him" replied Chee. "No problem. We'll just give the droids a quick program twist... HUNTER WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING??"
Hunter had the lasgun in hand, hand on the opening latch. "Screw this. I'm going to make sure that bitch dies. And I'm going to take that freak General with her". He ignored Chee, opened the door and was assaulted by the wind and pelting rain. In a second, he was soaked to the skin with freezing rain, but he didnt care, nor notice. He slammed the door shut and began to run to the centre, leaning forward to fight the huge hurricane force gale.
"Craet, go after him. Make sure he doesnt do anything stupid"
"Sure you can handle the droids?"
"Yes, no problem. Just make sure he doesnt ruin anything"
She grabbed a lasgun and nodded, bracing herself for the conditions outside. She gave an involuntary squel as the rain soaked her, even before she had properly gotten out. Chee made sure the door was closed, then returned his attention to the monitors.
Another of the TRD droid's trackers faded. He noted soemthing... then relaxed. And grinned. Perfect.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 17th, 2004, 11:51:51 AM
The seconds ticked by faster than Quay'Na had wanted, there wasn't much time left. Her master was in the far reaches of giving birth, there was no stopping it now and with the assasination attempt....God, give us strength.
Without delay, Quay'Na quickly attached her sabre to her belt and took the one that Helenias was handing her. She positioned herself on one side of her master while Faith took the other and lifted their master carefully.
It wasn't easy, especially with another contraction that hit when they were halfway down the corridor. "Breathe it, Master. Breathe it." Quay begged as they got her to the lift at the other end. They still had a ways to go and that was in hopes that Helenais didn't give birth along the way. If they were able to make it to their destination, things might be halfway managable, but that was a big might.
And that was if luck was on their side....
Xazor Elessar
Jan 21st, 2004, 06:34:07 AM
With cold precision, she did a duck and roll - going under a large transporter. a balst of the gale, funneled between buildings so it was in effect like a wind tunnel nearly knocked the speeder into a power assembly, but with a last second throttle adjustment, they got away witht he slightest of singes. The rain and the howling wind made flying hard - to be tryign the type of speed Xazor was attempting was near suicide, even for a Jedi. It took every bit of her Jedi reflexes and danger sense to track anything like a safe passage. The rain was making seeing anything outside impossible. The lightning flickering in the air also created an additional problem. This was no night to be out at all. Yet, there was ntohign for it, Xazor knew she just had to make the Senate Medical Building or die trying.
Another swing of the control module had the speeder's rear end sliding, clipping a building as it did. Collision alarms went off, which she smashed off with a well aimed palm.
"There's the Medical building!" she heard River yell.
"Got it". she hit the power bar forward, giving the speeder extra power as it came head on into the howling gale. It was tossed by a updraft, flciking upwards then down in an stomach churning plunge. She managed to regain control, before the canopy abruptly exploded. She was blinded by the sudden rain onslaught, the wind tearing at her skin and clothing. "Hold on, I'm goign to try to land!" She screamed, knowing full well River couldn't hear a damn thing - she could only tell he was there by his presence in the Force. Fighting the suddenly sluggish controls, she tried to slow down.
Up above, the clouds flickered, then a huge bolt of lightning was cast down. It's aim couldn't have been better if it was deliberate - it arced through the speeder's engines, blowing them out. The small craft fell, completely out of control. It shot past the Medical centre, tumbling until it hit the pavement near the concert's shield with a sickening thump. Wreckage skidded along the ground, the wall of rain putting out the fires in a few seconds. Hot metal hissed as rain splattered down.
A piece of metal was thrown away, to reveal Xazor, which River in her arms.
"How... how the hell did we survive that?" he stammered.
"The Force can shield you if your ready. We're okay, but I'm drained - that took a lot to shield us. Marcus?"
Nice entry to the party. I'm just getting out of this bloody concert area - holy frell, this weather is incredible! Hold station, I'm trying to help Natia. It's almost impossible to walk, even for me
She nodded to the mental speech. The rain was now so heavy, the Medical centre was only a blur.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 24th, 2004, 07:13:37 AM
The crowds were one thing - shoving through them and even leaping up and walking arcoss them was one thing. Once they got outside, the vile wind nearly hit the two Elessar's off their feet. The rain was also much, much heavier, which made footing treacharous and uncertain.
"Grandfather, I can't do this! The wind is too strong!" Natia yelled, slipping again. Marcus reached down and grabbed her arm, hauling her upright.
"I'll hold you! Come on!"
If it was any human, there would have been almost no chance. Marcus however, was no human and had the strength of someone born on high gee. Plus, he was used to these blasting winds, Arnor was a hell hole. You learned to lean into the hurricanes and frankly, he was grateful it was rain, not sand being hurled into his face. He saw xazor's crash, saw both her and River crawl to a corner of a building to try and shelter.
But even as they made it, some of the bricks of the building glowed white and exploded.
"What the...?" Marcus exclaimed, surprised. There had been no blaster bolt and the brick exploding was not like that of a rail gun hit. Just a flare of light and a detonation. quite suddenly, he pulled Natia down, ducking as well - right in line where his head would have been, a wall exploded into flame. He googled, shocked. what in the name of the Force...?
The surprise nearly cost him his life. Alomst too late, he rolled, the road where he had been stitched with flame and exploding pavement.
FATHER!! he heard Xazor scream.
wihtout thinking anymore, he grabbed Natia's should er and uncerimoniously threw her with his strength and with the Force, throwing her to where Xazor and River was. He didnt see Xazor bowled over, all he had time to do was to get up and leap as only a Jedi could, just a spilt second before the place had been boiled with fire and explosions. His aim was too high - he hit the wall above where Xazor and river were now untangling themselves from Natia, sliding down to flop onto the ground.
"Ummm... missed"
"Marcus, are you okay?"
"Never mind me... what the hell have those goons got and firing at us?!? Those aint blasters!"
The corner of the building flared again, the weapon eating away their cover. "Well, if we dont do something, we're gonna have to run!" yelled River.
Appropriate name for this deluge thought Marcus. "No crap Skywalker, how did you figure that one out? We aint running lad. We're here to fight. Now excuse me..."
He clicked his fingers and a flame appeared, dancing on his fingertips. He closed his eyes, connecting to the Force, feeling Xazor also doing what she could, lending power. The wall above them splintered and rained mortar and brick chips onto them, but Marcus ignored that. He concentrated, stood up and deliberatly walked out from behind their cover.
He saw several shadowed figures near the entrance of the Medical building. The flame danced on his palm as his mind targeted, then Pushed
His plam seemed to ignite as the force energy was released, the flame becoming a fire wall that roared as it rushed unto their attackers. A speeder int he way exploded, adding to the carnage, several garden rows were set alight. A scream came from the attackers, most went down as the flames and heat reached them. One or two stood, their clothing in flames. The flame wall dissapated, the Jedi Master opening his eyes to survey.
His eyes opened wide in realisation and he leapt back behind cover, just as the road at his feet was ripped apart.
"Oh my God, Xaz, their some sort of military droids - that's why I cant sense them in the Force. and they seem to have Lasguns!"
"Lasers! They have lasers! Our sabres will probably be useless!"
"Ummm.. so what do we do?"
"I was very much hoping you tell me"
General Tohmahawk
Jan 24th, 2004, 11:23:38 PM
Even as Tohmahawk made it outside the shield, he realised just how hard it would be to make the Medical centre. The weather was far worse than he realised, it was nearly impossible to move. Lasgun in hand however, he tried his best. He just had to make it!
The rain drove inot his face, blinking he saw a speeder crash. flickers of lasgun fire lit up the crash site as two being crawled and rolled for the cover of a cross street. Maybe someone had come to help Helenias, which was why they were being shot at? with comms down, that could mean Jedi - they had ways to communicating that didnt need comms units. So far, no one had noticed him. To his right, he noted two others moving with a great deal more success from the concert shield. He looked in alarm - they were walking into cross fire!
"OI!! GO BACK!" he yelled. His words were swallowed by the screaming gale and he could only watch helplessly as the lasguns flickered again, this time at the two newcomers. They were floored - Tohamahwk could only presume they were dead. Anger welled up in him and he took aim at the shadowy figures around the Medical Centre, knowing it was only a matter of time till he was spotted.
The smaller of the newcomers flew through the air, followed by the larger one, cloak flying in an impossible leap. Tohamahawk paused, realising that they were Jedi. Never in his life had he felt so relieved those force waving barstards were about. He changed direction, running for the alleyway as well. Pieces of wall were blown off the shelter the Jedi had, then the larger cloaked one stepped out deliberatly into the line of fire
"Holy frell!"
The wall of fire the Jedi produced was spectacular. It lit up the area and hissed lilke a Krayt dragon against the wind and rain, leaving burning gardens and a speeder exploding in it's wake. It knocked down most of the TRD's but two stood still, their disguises burning off as they returned fire.
He remembered that time before - when a black clad figure blasted fire agains the waves of attackers. He and Helenias watchwed in awe as the Jedi burned thier opponents to a crisp...
"Marcus...? Hot damn, it's Marcus! ALLRIGHT!" He made a run for the same cover the Jedi were using, diving in just as the TRD droids noted him and tried to open fire on his butt. He crashed into the smallest of the Jedi, going down in a bundle.
"What the...? What the frell? Xazor!"
A strong hand grabbed his throat and he was dragged to his feet, a blond haired woman with a very, very PO'ed expression on her face. And a hand full of claws ready to rip his face off.
"Who are you?" she snarled, a rather large set fo canines exposed.
"Xazor! Back off! He's a friend!"
"He's no friend of mine" she replied. "But if you insist..." He was thrown against the wall, loosing his grip on the lasgun. "Who is he?"
"Marcus, will you tell you bitch here to back off? Tohmahawk snarled. "You really pick your time to appear, mate. You know who's being attacked?"
"Right. Your facing TRD Droids with lasers. There's at least 12 on the preimeter. God knows how.... how many inside" the General said, ducking as another part of the wall above his head splintered.
"Awww frell. James, WTF happened to what I told you when we last met? I'm going to take this out on your butt if she's hurt!"
"Fine. Now shut up Jedi - I'm goign to make a run for the Centre. You can either back me up or rot here". Teh General picked up his gun and without waiting for a reply, darted out from their cover, opening fire with the lasgun, ignoring the cry of "OI! Tohmahawk! IDIOT!"
He didnt feel the shot. there was the rain and the slap of his feet on the pavement. The next.... blackness and nothing.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 25th, 2004, 06:04:18 AM
"Breathe it, Master. Breathe it." Quay begged as they got her to the lift at the other end.
"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?!?!" I grunted. "Moo? Oh frell this hurtssssssssss!" I could hardly breathe. I could hardly move. The pain came as a solid hammer blow, leaving me weak, disorientated and crying. My legs could hardly move. I could feel fresh blood run down my legs.
Oh god, the baby! It's coming!
"Get out of here!" I yelled at Faith. "You cant do any more good here, get help! Anyone!"
"GO!" I yelled, somehow gathering the strength come up on my elbows. Whether she ran or not, I didn't know - but I felt strong arms around my chest, hauling me upright and supporting me.
"Thank you Quay" I said quietly. "I dont want you to leave me - if I die you need to survive and get my child to Marcus. Now, get me down into the basement.... TURN AROUND!"
She did so in surprise then obviously winced in pain from the sound of the assault gun being fired right next to her face. The thing that had just come around the corner flew backwards, its head shattered by the force of the blast. I saw sparks from it's exposed neck and it's weapon clatter to the floor.
"Okay, now take me downstairs, but before you do, grab that thing's gun. I feel you mind find it useful"
Even as she did so, I felt it. The wave of someone using the Force. I felt the power. Even with my senses being battered by what was happening within me, I sensed them outside, not too far and recognised the presence.
"Xazor..... " I said quietly. "Quay! We have help coming! We have hope! My daughter is coming with her Padawan!"
River Kincaid
Jan 26th, 2004, 05:04:55 AM
A gasp escaped him, but no one could hear it as he watched the man get hit adn go down. The lasgun Tohmahawk had flew out of his hand and landed on the ground mear him.
He heard someone scream, but River's mind was on that weapon and the fact that those droids were beginning to close in.
River quick took a hold of Xazor's shoulders, "Master, if I don't make it through this, please...take care of Ry-Obi and Hunter and tell them, I love them." Before she had time to answer he quickly kissed her and then he took off like a bat out of hell.
In fact, River heard nothing but the pounding of rain, but then everything around him began to spark into flames as he ran, he had to get to that weapon!! The gale wind nearly blowing him off his feet, but he kept going, he had too!
He let his mind flow with the Force, jumped and then rolled as a blast just missed his head. Only a few more feet...
He thought he could hear someone screaming his name, but River really couldn't tell, he was too focused on that weapon to even care.
With another roll, the Padawan was there and grabbed the lasgun, within second he was firing back as he jumped and took cover by a dura-steel post. He kept an onslaught of firing until a few seconds later brought one of the mechanical monsters down as he blew off it's head. Sparks went everywhere from it as another blast came out of another direction, just barely missing him.
River lay on the cold, mushy ground and continued to fire upon the beasts, hoping to keep them occupied long enough for Xazor and Marcus to get out of the hell hole they were in and get into the building.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 26th, 2004, 12:32:52 PM
*Natia remains silent, but alert throughout all this. Even when she was thrown towards Xazor and River, she kept silent, more focusing on not hurting herself or those that she cares about. She's crouched as Tomehawk goes bolting for the medical center, and then when River starts up his attack.
One thought remains in her mind. Get to the medical center. She looks at Marcus and Xazor and nods, letting them know that she's up to the run. Picking herself up from the crouch, a slight wince of pain on her face as she does so though, she stands up, resting a hand against the wall for support, cursing her weakness as she does so*
We have to get in there. If Helenias is in there, then there is a chance that Faith is also in there.
I'm going.
*Natia with that said, takes a deep breath, drawing the Force to her, using it to strengthen her, she takes off away from their cover and towards the medical center, trusting the Force to warn her if a shot comes near her.
A couple times she stumbles and almost falls to the ground as her footing slips on the wet ground. Through some miracle, she makes it to the side of the medical center building in one piece. With being their, she spots some of the perimeter droids. Bad news, she's got no cover now and their pointing their weapons at her.
Remembering that her lightsaber is probably going to be useless, she draws on the Force even more as she charges the droids. Only thought going through her head is she has to clear a way for the others to get inside. Drawing her lightsaber as she runs, she starts zig zagging, doing her best to avoid getting hit. The ground around her starts exploding in flame.
Deal with one at a time. And keep moving. She's putting alot of trust in the Force to warn her about the danger near her. As she reaches the first droid, she activates her lightsaber and slashes at the neck of the droid.
Her lightsaber goes through the front half of the neck, but it's enough to sever much needed wires. That droid goes down. But so does she as her legs give out from under her. Those that are watching might believe that she got shot from one of the other droids*
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 26th, 2004, 09:11:10 PM
If I must survive,,, What was her master thinking, she wasn't going to die, she couldn't die. The Padawan wiped the thought from her mind as she struggled to get her master to the lift. The shot nearly hit Quay as her master told her to turn around, she didnt' even know why, but found out soon enough.
A second later, Quay'Na called the weapon to her that the droid had had.
The Padawan struggled, but finally got her master to the lift, just as another shot exploded some of the dura-crete wall. Quay'Na eased her Master to the floor in a hurried fashion and fired back as she hit the basement level button.
Another shot hit the inside of the lift, showering sparks everywhere as the lift doors closed.
Quay'Na closed her eyes for a second to catch her breath and then went to her master. "What can I do, Master?" She asked wildly as she saw Helenias' fce contort with another wave of pain. Quay'Na had never felt so helpless!
Xazor Elessar
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:10:44 AM
Originally posted by River Kincaid
River quick took a hold of Xazor's shoulders, "Master, if I don't make it through this, please...take care of Ry-Obi and Hunter and tell them, I love them." Before she had time to answer he quickly kissed her and then he took off like a bat out of hell.
Xazor had no time to say anything to River as he darted off to do one of the most foolish, yet necessary things possible. Gasping as the shot nearly took his head off, the Garou lept to her feet as the group began to scatter. Natia ran off toward a group of droids as River continued fighting against his own. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion now as Xazor's eyes moved toward Marcus and the General. He seemed so calm and possessed no hint of fear in that moment. The Jedi Knight drew from this power as his eyes locked with hers and he simply smiled. She knew what she had to do and decided not to wait any longer.
In a flash, the young woman spun around as the wind and rain beat against her cloaked body. Her sensitive ears picked up the heartbeats of those inside the building as her mind felt the auras they belonged to. As Natia fell, Xazor nearly stopped at the thought of her daughter being shot, but there was something behind the girl -- an opening! "Marcus! Natia's been hurt! Look after her for me." She simply stated, not finishing with the sentence that had been going through her mind. "I'll make it out alive, I've cheated death several times before -- I'm Garou. I can do this." She promted herself and turning her head away from Natia and the other Lost Jedi, the woman took off toward the opening. The building that was the Medical Center shook all around her as she ran through the door. Thousands of voices filled her head all at ones, screams of terror, prayers, cries of help, and lonely whispers as the Force opened her up to a world she had attempted to ignore for so long.
Pushing past a large stack of boxes nearly blocking the entrance, the Jedi Knight took up a flight of stairs but stopped. There was a deep feeling and a longing sense in her heart, one she could not ignore. It seemed to pulse and pointed her in the direction across from the lobby where another flight of stairs was. Shaking her head, the woman rushed up the stairs once again, but stopped. There it was a second time, but stronger. "What would you have me to do?" She questioned the Force with her mind, frustration evident on her face. Suddenly four alien like creatures with the most hiddeous green skin hobbled to the top of her stairs and pointed large black guns at her. A hard lump formed at the back of her throat as they aimed at her body. "She's the one we've been looking for." One of them said in a deep voice that cracked every other word. They grinned and looked at one another with pleased smiles, but when they turned back to view their prey once more, she was gone. The woman had jumped down the side of the stairs and landed hard on the ground before taking off across the lobby. With disgruntled looks, the creatures cursed her name and rushed back from where they had come, figuring she had slipped past them somehow.
"Xazor!" Suddenly a voice shot through her mind, causing the Knight to stop. She spun around at the top of the basement stairs as the building shook once again. The ground rumbled beneath her feet as she attempted to place the source of the telepathy. "XAZOR!" It came again, this time louder and clearer. The voice was something she had heard many times before, yet at this moment, she could not recognize. Too much noise filled her ears for her to concentrate and so, she ducked down the stairs and nearly tripped over a few dead bodies on the way. "What has done all of this?" She questioned herself as she continued to the place she was drawn. "Xazor, please!" The voice came once again and this time, she stopped in her place and stood for a moment, listening. There was so much going on and it was difficult for the Knight to separate all that she heard, but what stood out the most was heavy running, heavy breathing, and -- two auras. The one she felt familiarity with fell just above her. "Could it be?" She pondered, but shook her head. "Not possible." Her eyes moved to the ceiling where once again the two beings began running in the direction of the stairs. It was then that a realization hit her.
"HELENIAS! HELENIAS! MOTHER?!" Her cries echoed through the large room and carried up the stairs. Perhaps time was on her side, or it was the Force -- or maybe she was all wrong and darkness awaited her at the staircase. She knew not but stood in waiting with her hand upon the hilt of her lightsaber.
Faith Lerf
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:47:09 PM
Faith stood shocked for a moment. "...get Help! Anyone!" It took a moment for her master's words to sink in. She quickly exited the room and as quietly as possible slid past the creatures as they ran past. Who could she get to help? Who could possibly be able to help here? Using the force, she made herself seem as invisible as possible. Thanks to the help of her sister, she had become decent at it. Not as good as Natia though. The force was only working so much, it was hard to miss a pregnant woman.
She made her way down the hall and just as she turned to run down the hall she ran into them. It wasn't a big group, just two. But still, Faith was helpless. She had no weapons on her and she was in no position to fight. She grabbed her by the arm and she yelled. She screamed. She voice echoed through out the stairwell and rang out in the force. An ear-scattering, high-pitched screech could be heard. "Noooooo!!!! My babies!!!!..." Was all she could possibly say as they began to drag her down the stairs.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 29th, 2004, 12:11:11 AM
First he saw one of his friends cut down. Then, he saw two Padawans get a dose of stupid pills and run out into the shooting gallery. Then so did Xazor.
"Wait... wha...... oh crap" Everyone had gotten a dose of stupid and bravery, except him. He was left behind, ducking as another blast took apart more of the wall he was sheltering behind. This was insane - no one stood a chance with these odds. Not even a reckless Jedi Master whom has beaten the odds time and time again......
Like that time on Arcan IV....
He realised he was wearing the cloak he had been all those years ago. Tattered and muddied now, it was one of the few items that survived that turbo laser hit. He had found it while the smoke of the civil war was fading.
And then, there were his eyeshades in the coat's pocket.
He looked at the Jedi weaving their way to the medical centre, then at the glasses, retrieved from his pocket. what had he done there, what had he survived? what had he become? The man whom fought till he could hardly move did it because he believed. Here, it wasn't belief - it was something more. As much as he hated the word at times, he knew he loved Helenias deeply and truly. He wouldnt be risking his life for a planet, a movement, a Republic - it was for a single woman. A woman whom he cared for very deeply, even if he didnt say it much. Life wasn't worth living if he let her die. Teh Galaxy might call the things he had done in the past more important, but this... wasn't this why he started down the road of the Lost?
Even as Natia moved against her first droid opponent, Marcus flicked the glasses open, then put them on his rain streaked face. His form became still, then his head bowed as he breathed out, clenching his fists. As he breathed in, no one saw the eyes open, a look of calmness on them. Acceptance.
"Death take us all" he said. "DEATH! TAKE US ALL!"
He walked out from behind the wall. Natia he could see was down and at least two droids were targeting her. He lifted his palms and with a twist of the The Force, ripped the guns out of the droid's hands. Both came flying to him, but even as they did, a flash of sliver flickered through the air. Hurled high from the speeder wreck, 1.2 meters of lethal steel sword arced through the air, spearing the closest droid to Natia with it. The other was shot with it's own weapon. The sword glittered in the rain, it's highly polished and above all reflective surface and it's steel handworked hilt pointing at Natia, ust waiting for her to use.
His feet began to move faster, now he had drawn attention to himself. The guns, one of them not a lasgun other droids were using, but some sort of slug thrower, blazed as he ran, leaping over the body of Tohamahawk. The water spashed away as he ran towards River, diving and sliding to rest.
"Hey Marcus, nice shades...."
The Lost Jedi pointed the slugthrower at River's face
"You do anything that frelling stupid again, I'll shoot you myself. You go help Natia and you two deal with whatever is out here, then follow Xazor, if you can" without waiting for a reply, he rolled away, came to his feet, then ran at the Medical Centre's wall. Opening fire again, he just seemed to switch gravity 90 degrees, running up the wall that was at least 5 floors high, disappearing over the eaves and throwing himself onto the roof, the path he had just stepped on stitched with flame from oncoming fire.
He rolled to a stop, face upwards, gasping. That was insane, it was rash and he had made it. He glaced to the left, waited a few seconds. His lightsabre, bought int he speeder with Xazor, came flying through the air, landing next to him.
It was relatively peaceful on the roof. It was waterlogged of course and wind blasted, but it didnt have anyone shooting at him. Good view of the concert in the park too.
Damn this was sweet timing. Anyone near the area wouldnt see all the fireworks here. It was attention fully on the concert. He turned away from the glowing blue shield, looking for what he wanted.
The hall was quiet, except for the sounds of rain on the roof. The corridor was dark, all but emergency lights out. No one moved - if there was anyone in here, they would be cowering after the report of an attack had been announced. A terminal, left on, scroleld through some text.
A skylight exploded inwards, shrads of glass and rain pouring in. A dark thing leapt in, hitting the floor with a thud and crunching glass under its feet. It stood slowly, revealing the form of Marcus. He bought the guns up out in front, then turned, his eyes behind the shades and his mind scanning the area as he turned. When he was satisfied he was alone, he began to move in the direction of the stairs.
River Kincaid
Jan 30th, 2004, 04:46:48 AM
Marcus was gone within seconds, right up the wall, but River was too busy shooting the lasgun to even take notice.
Another shot zipped right past his head, he rolled, it barely missed. He even felt the heat off that one. The Padawan could barely see Natia as she got back to her feet, he saw another droid headed for her.
"No, you don't!" He stood and sprinted as a battle cry escaped him, everything seemed to be going in slow motion as if he were in a dream. But, this was no dream, it was a nightmare! He shot like there was no tomorrow. If he was going to die, he'd take out a few along the way!
River jumped and rolled as two more shots came from his right. Nearly clipping him.
Three more appeared from the left.
How many of these frellin' things were there? He shot another one down on his right, but the ones on the left were coming in fast and firing as he reached Natia.
River fired back and watched as another exploded into bits, but they were going down too slow. "Don't happen to have a grenade on ya, do ya?" Now, they could do some real damage with one of those.
Laser-fire was on them faster and faster. "We can't stay here, Nat! Or we're gonna die!" A shot partially hit River in the upper left arm. He ground his teeth together to keep from crying out. It had cut into his arm, burning a good inch off the area where it scathed him.
That's when he heard her voice cry out to him in the Force. It was Faith! The mother of his twins had been in there and was now caught!
Within the next few seconds, his anger grew from this pain and the intense feeling of helplessness for Faith. It changed him, changed his attitude as he fired on the droids with a merciless fury. A relentless burning, kept his mind focused as he took a step forward. Go to hell!!! His mind screamed and he knew Natia heard him, he knew she knew he'd been hit.
A new wave of fury crossed over him, a hidden fury which he didn't even realize he had as he stood his ground and fired, bringing another down. Hell or highwater, he would destroy every one of these robotic nightmares!!
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 2nd, 2004, 09:23:17 AM
*Natia grabs the hilt of the sword when it was there. It seems as if ppl are now getting into the habit of moving into action. When River gets over to her, she's just gotten to her feet, though in pain. She is relying heavily on the Force to help her out. She is not going to let it cripple her to a point where she is useless, especially when she has family who needs help*
River, calm yourself. You need to think clearly. We can be the biggest help by keeping the droids out here occupied until they are destroyed.
*Natia, sword in one hand, grips a lasgun in her other hand, a spark appears in her eyes which few have ever seen*
Lets hurt these suckers River. Let's hurt them to a point where they will never hurt those we love again.
*Natia, having said that, opens fire on the droids that are arriving from other places around the perimeter to aid those here that have already been taken down. She trusts River to get the droids that are at her back, and she'll get the ones at his back*
Force Master Hunter
Feb 9th, 2004, 05:16:54 AM
The rain was bloody incredible - and even washing into the doorway of the medical centre, puddling and pooling into rivelets of water that were turning the road and the entrance paths into a shallow lake. He passed the perimeter TRD droids at a flat run, skidding on the wet floor and through the front door, which was already blown off it's hinges by the droids already now fanning out through the building. Hunter stopped, taking his bearings and tryign to recall where Evenstar's room was supposed to be.
"Hunter, that he hell are you doing?!?"
He turned in surpprise, to see a very wet and bedraggled Pyr slide and slip inside. "I could ask the same question - I'm making sure the job is done right. Now why aint you back with Chee?"
"Making sure you dont screw up the job" she snapped back.
"Riiiiggggghhhtttt. Hope you came armed"
She dug out a blaster, then also a lightsabre. Hunter paused, starign at the weapon. "I thought you swore never to use that again? After father....?"
She nodded. "Yes, I know. But I fought Evenstar once before when she was Fire Blade and I remember the butt kicking she dealt out in that hellish armour of her's. You know she was the only Imperial Turbogeek respected"
"You dont think the driods will kill her?"
She shrugged. "Lets say I want to see her dead for myself... what was that?"
They both noticed the disturbance in the Force. Hunter and Panther braved the rain, to see a speeder crash onto the road outside. Two beings could be just seen crawling out, then taking cover. Hunter tried to get a sighter, but the droids on perimeter opened fire first. Laser fire flickered, then the poitn of targeting shifted - out of rain Hunter saw two others approach. They ducked, laser fire lanced the air above them. It became clear the two newcomers were Jedi.
In a few seconds after that, he threw himself inside and grabbed Panther as a roaring wall of fire swept the area outside, the heat reflecting inside the entrance. Thank the force, they were already wey, thought Hunter. The heat was enough to burn. Steam hissed off the walls and floro as the two bounty hunters got up, gaping.
"NO.... way!" Panther stammered. "No Jedi can do that!"
"It's no Jedi" said Hunter frowning, poking his around the corner to see the destruction. The droids were okay, but their disguises were burnt off, leaving steel exoskeletons. "It's..... " His face dropped and fear was in his eyes. "Oh... no. No. Pyr...!"
She sensed it too. "Split up. Try to hold him off. I'll get Evenstar"
He nodded. "Pyr..... what if... it really is?"
"I dont know Gregori - I dont know. I cant face him, if it is. I love you"
"I love you too... go!"
She nodded and ran off, into the buidling. Hunter glanced back outside, seeing a figure do a suicide run across the road outside. He sighted and cut the figure down, before turning as well and running deeper into the Centre as well.
I killed you once before... I can do it again
But this was no insane clone. This was the real thing. What in the Force did he have to be here and why was he here???.
Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2004, 04:42:09 AM
"What can I do, Master?" Quay asked.
The point of my assault gun came up and was directed at her face.
She did so, just before I pulled the tigger, blasting a round into the body of a droid that had tried to wrench the doors of the lift back open. I reloaded, then blasted the droid backwards, allowing the lift doors to shut. I slipped to the ground, desperatly exhausted, yet still aware this was no place to stop. "Use some of my blood and smear it onto the lowest basement level button - keep the second lowest clean and also press that. I hope that'll throw them for a bit longer"
"But not for long enough"
"No" I said, opening the breech of the gun, reaching for shells, "There's no hope for enough time. There's only hope that I can give birth and then try to stand one last time. I'm barely in control of the pain and my own strength. I'm afraid that this is it for me Quay. Now I understand why I can not see into the future any further than tonight - I wont live. You however, you have to live. You have to take the baby and deliver it to Xazor - she'll know where Marcus is"
I wasn't game to look at Quay. I was barely in control of my emotions.
"Take a message to him - tell him who's baby it is. Tell I love him and I fought until the last - and the last I am. The last of the Imperial Guard. After me, there is no more. Who would have thought Lord Fire Blade's final stand would be like this?"
The final shell was racked and I worked the weapon load slide. Maybe this was my end. But there was one thing that would happen first - I would make sure my baby was delivered into the Galaxy and it was safely on it's way away from here.
Let me hold my child, I pray. Just once, let me hold it to my breast. That's all I ask. Grant me this, I ask Oh Most High. Let me be a mother before I die
The doors opened and somehow, I found the energy and courage to get up and stagger out of the elevator.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 15th, 2004, 07:57:43 AM
I won't live.
Quay'Na listened to her masters words as they echoed in her mind. This isn't happening!! I've already watched one master die, please God, not another!!
She swallowed hard and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill, she had to be strong. Not only for herself, but for Helenias.
"I can get you out." She said grabbing at words, grabbing at hope, grabbing at anything. "Please, master you can't die. Not now!" Quay was desperate. But, deep down she knew it was all for naught. The only way to get the child to safety was for her master to draw the droids attention, long enough for Quay'Na to escape.
Her head went down. "I'll get your child out of here and to Marcus. He will get the message, Master and I'll guard your child with my life for the rest of my years, I promise." A tear fell down her cheek as she reached past her despair and felt for her strength again. Helenias needed her strength and by God, she'd give it to her.
The elevator doors opened and Quay'Na helped her master to her feet and out the door. Darkness was upon them, it was only a matter of time.
Dwayne Hicks
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:00:17 AM
The gun swung slowly as Dwayne scanned the now silent hallway. It seemed liker everyone had either buried themselves in the nearest cupboard, or under a bed. He glanced back towards the way he had come, then to Jina, following him silently and, if anything, like a true professional backup. He had seen doofus reg army with 10 years experience do a worse job. Who the hell had trained her in this and why so young?
Hicks tapped the girl on the soldier, ppointing and makign a hand sign. Cover me
She nodded, getting into position. Hicks took a breath then slid intot he corridor, senses on full alert as the assault rifle moved to cover the halls. No sounds other than the roar of the weather outside, muted by walls and doors. He nodded, then began to advance, finger on the trigger for anything. Years of trainign kept his nerves sated, years in soem of the best battalions the Republic had to offer, including the NRSF. His boots made hardly any noise as he advanced, scanning.
Abruptly, a movement caught his eye. He swung and opened fire, the assault rifle stuttering as it threw lead at the movement.
"HICKS!" yelled Jina
He stopped, then swore. "Crap man, I'nm sorry" he said, wavign away smoke.
"So you should be, soldier!" screamed back an Orderly. "Do I look dangerous???"
"Hey man, look, it was a mistake, allright? We're all jumpy with whatever the hell is going on. Be glad I missed"
"Frell you" snapped the orderly, making a run for it. Hicks leaned back, eyes up as he breathed out a huge sigh.
"HICKS!" screamed Jina
Only just in time, his gun came around and pointed at the hellish nightmare that came around the corner. 7 foot tall, all steel and glittering chrome, red eyes that glowed, it was one of the most frightening and inhuman devices he had witnessed. The droid had it's gun up and was tracking the NR soldier, even as he took aim and opened fire again. The droid's aim was thrown, but it stood, sparks flying off as bullets bounced off it's armour. Jina fired, but her blaster was hardly enough to make a glow of the metal.
Hicks hands flew to the pump action under barrel. He worked the slide, then from the hip, fired.
The droid raised it's gun to fire, ignoring the device now embedded in it's chest...
The grenade went off, blasting the droid to pieces. Hicks ducked, shrapnel bouncing all round him, even as the boom echoed off the walls, mixed in with Jina's scream. That was too close!. He glanced up, seeing only a set of legs intact, still standing. Not worrying if Jina was hurt, Hicks grabbed her shoulder, then set off at a run, knowing the noise would draw attention to his location.
"Hicks! Stop! Hurt!"
"Shut up and move or more of those things will give you bigger hurt!"
Their feet pounded the ground, they slid as they past a staircase and slammed into another person. a woman. Hicks grabbed her arm, trying to force her down the cover of the stairs. She screamed. Her voice echoed through out the stairwell and rang out in the force. An ear-scattering, high-pitched screech could be heard. "Noooooo!!!! My babies!!!!..." Was all she could possibly say as he began to drag her down the stairs.
"SHUT UP!!" he yelled. "I'm nto going to... oh frell this...". He let go of her arm and gave the hysterial woman one hell of a slap across the face. "Listen to me! I'm a soldier, I'm here to protect you......"
Oh frell.
Oh crap.
He suddenly recognised whom he bitchslapped.
"Oh hell man, I'm sorry to do that, Miss Lerf. I'm real sorry. But I aint gonna hurt you, I want to protect your Master. Okay? Stick with me and you'll be safe"
But no unbruised. She was pushed aside as Hicks raised his gun again, even as Jina tried to turn in time. Bullets hit the TRD droid, unbalancing it long enough to work the slide.
He threw Faith to the ground and lept on top of her, protecting her wiht his own body as the second droid detonated, blasting the stairell with metal. Jina was ready for it this time and had leapt over the bannister.
"Awww crap,we gotta stop meeting like this" he quipped, wincing, for he had caught a piece of metal in his arm.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 16th, 2004, 08:13:57 PM
"HELENIAS! HELENIAS! MOTHER?!" Her cries echoed through the large room and carried up the stairs. Perhaps time was on her side, or it was the Force -- or maybe she was all wrong and darkness awaited her at the staircase. She knew not but stood in waiting with her hand upon the hilt of her lightsaber.
There was a muted explosion that caught her sensitive hearing, even as she moved closer to the stairwell. She tried to look up the stairs while staying covered, but failed. The angles were all wrong. She gripped her sabre harder, breathing harder as she tried to sense what was going on up there. She heard runnign feet and a male voice, yelling. A child shrieked. Xazor winced.
Not innocent children too!
There was more footsteps and then a commotion up above her. She held her breath, getting ready.
"Noooooo!!!! My babies!!!!..."...."SHUT UP!! I'm nto going to... oh frell this... Listen to me! I'm a soldier, I'm here to protect you......"
Two.. no three. Female and male. And a smaller one. Xazor let her breath out, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. Just more scared people trying to work out what was going on and maybe, just maybe by the sounds of it, a potential ally.
Shooting. Bullets bouncing. Then a sound that made the colour drain from xazor's face. The unmistakable sounds of a rail gun being fired.
The blast rattled the ceiling, pieces of metal flew down the stairs and ricochayed off walls. The Jedi ducked, then was unexpectantly knocked off her feet, something smallish and definantly human.... she untangled herself angrily, noting her sabre had been knocked away.
"What in the blazes? Who or what are you?"
"Xazzy? XAZZY! Please help, Eileen's in trouble!"
Xazor goggled in surprise. "Jina? what the hell are you doing here?"
"She's with me"
Xazor glanced up to see someone she dimly recognised coming down the stairs with what appeared to be a pregnant woman. The Garou part of her snarled at the hated NR ensignia's the ones that were hunting her. "Frell you. She's with me now, scum"
"You leave my sister alone Hicks! She's here to help Eillen!" shrieked Jina.
"Hey whoa, angst alert! I'm not gonna arrest you, Miss. I want to save Helenias too - she's gone to ground with her other Padawan somewhere underground. and since when the hell were you to sisters?!?!"
"Long story" snarled Xazor. "Now.... LOOK OUT!"
Another droid appeared, coming down the stairs, it's gun already levelled.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Feb 16th, 2004, 09:03:19 PM
Originally posted by River Kincaid
Laser-fire was on them faster and faster. "We can't stay here, Nat! Or we're gonna die!" A shot partially hit River in the upper left arm. He ground his teeth together to keep from crying out. It had cut into his arm, burning a good inch off the area where it scathed him.
That's when he heard her voice cry out to him in the Force. It was Faith! The mother of his twins had been in there and was now caught!
Within the next few seconds, his anger grew from this pain and the intense feeling of helplessness for Faith. It changed him, changed his attitude as he fired on the droids with a merciless fury. A relentless burning, kept his mind focused as he took a step forward. Go to hell!!! His mind screamed and he knew Natia heard him, he knew she knew he'd been hit.
A new wave of fury crossed over him, a hidden fury which he didn't even realize he had as he stood his ground and fired, bringing another down. Hell or highwater, he would destroy every one of these robotic nightmares!!
Ridge Kincaid wasn't too far away driving in his Z86 sport speeder. He gasp deeply and almost crashed into another vehical as he felt a tremendous burning pain in his upper left arm.
"Ugh!!" He groaned between clenched teeth and then it went away and he felt his twin brother. But, it was a different feeling, River was on the verge of anger, the likes Ridge had never felt before in his life.
Ridge touched the Force and honed in on his brother, River was in trouble. He could feel it.
With a quick turn into a passage tunnel, Ridge gunned the accelerator. He made his way towards the Senate buildings, the rain was slowing him down.
It wasn't long before the Darksider made it to the med center and when he turned the corner, all he could see was, that wasn't blaster fire. It was....laser fire! A group of guys were beginning to surround two people with their backs to each other.
One of them was...River!!!
Ridge gunned the accelerator and shook his head at what he was about to do.
The crunch of metal was heard and sparks flew everywhere as Ridge flew into three of them with his speeder. Metal? What the frell? There went that paint job, his bro better be grateful!!
A second later, a laser shot fried into his engine and he lost his steering. "Frell!!!" He yelled as he grabbed his sabre and jumped. He hit the cold, wet pavement and rolled.
The speeder hit the side of a building nearby and exploded.
"Ugh!" Ridge groaned as he held his side and quickly turned over and saw his brother and....Natia? Being fired at.
River, what the frell are these things? He asked telepathically as he stood, with his sabre in his hand.
Snap-hiss! The red blade came to life.
Ridge, lightsabre's are useless, get a lasgun!! River returned as he fired again.
Ridge quickly shutdown his sabre and latched it to his belt as he was running towards his brother and Natia. The darksider dodged laser fire as he dove and rolled. He grabbed a lasgun that was lying near a crumpled up droid and opened fire, bringing another droid down. Little did he know, one was still operational behind him and was moving a lasgun towards the back of Ridge's head.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 17th, 2004, 09:10:36 AM
*Natia looks towards Ridge when he's out of the speeder. She spots the droid that is raising it's lasgun at Ridge's head and she instinctively uses the Force to pull Ridge to the ground as she swings her lasgun to face the droid and opens fire, laser bolts flying over Ridge, pelting the droid.
She silently curses her Lightside training since it's not much, but refuses to touch her Darkside training at this point*
Watch your back you idiot. You almost got killed.
*Natia yells at Ridge as she motions with one hand for him to stay low to get to her and River. She keeps firing her lasgun at the droids that are around them*
Feb 23rd, 2004, 06:12:21 AM
Machines dont have uses for music or dancing. Or food, or anything biologicals needed. The 8 foot tall cyborg scanned the crowds, steel body glinting from the reflected stage lights and the occasional blot of lightning outside the shield. It was here... well why was it here? There was no reason that the oddest Jedi Padawan would be here, it should be shut down, recharging at the Jedi Temple.
Except there was a bit of human left in the machine and he was lonely. There had been so few chances to interact with anyone or anything. The cyborg was treated like some dumb droid and frankly, the human brain that was that was left was starved of ... well... just seeing and remembering how it was before the accident that took his bodyy and replaced it withthis steel monstrosity. It had seemed liek a good idea at the time, to gain a form of immortality, a chance to live on when death was the only other option.
But what it had turned out to be was a life sentance. His friends were gone, his family gone. All there was, was the daily existance and he had sought to find meaning. Even gone as far as joining the Jedi to try to understand how to live, to find a reason to go on. But the master he was assigned was gone, a wanted criminal. The law enforcement programs internally battled with his human feelings, for he understood what the law didn't - his Master did the right thing. He had on file some interestign facts he was sure no other Jedi had.
That was one advantage of being a Cyborg. Interfacing with computers was so easy. You could think in the same language.
The machine paushed through the crowds, it's visual pale signalling it was 11:10 pm. The Band of Electrical Current was on, making some sort of noise the cyborg tuned out. It passed a SecCorp officer, whom nodded, for Robot was known to SecCorps. After all, it's primary program was law enforcement. It had the habit of keeping it's scanners tuned to the local comm channels, to listen in and to occasionally help out if trouble broke out. Right now, there was a conspicuous absence of chatter, which puzzled it. That was not normal. Usually, even at a relatively peaceful place like this concert, comm chatter would be there. It wasn't. If anything, there seemed to be some sort of signal jamming. The cyborg decided to run a routine that would check to see what was going on. it's reciever changed bands, then changed again, shifting and lifting power.
"....bzzzt ..."
Something there. It stood, processors trying to decode the hizz of static. Quite abrupty, the static cleared as it's processors worked out the jamming signal and used another routine to cut the jammer out of the pickup.
"...... under attack, multiple hostiles! For frell's sake, is there anyone out there?!?! The Senate medical centre is under attack! Where the hell is everyone??"
"Jedi Padawan Robot responds" communicated the cyborg. "What is your situation?"
"About time! There's like 50 odd war droids coming at us and...."
The communication dropped in a burst of static, then nothing. The last sound Robot heard was the sound of a gun. It requested a GPS map to be displayed on it's visor display, then mentally requested Senate Medical building. A local map came up, with full schematics of the building in question. Robot turned, then began to push it's way to the nearest exit.
The blasting wind didnt challenge the cyborg's balance, it would take much more than just a hurricane to knock it over. The rain didnt bother it, even as it smashed onto it's steel plating. It's feet splashed through puddles, hardly affected by conditions no biological would work effectively in. It used image enhancers to spy out the Medical Centre as it's leg cavity opened, presenting one of the biggest hand guns in existance to it's steel fingers. It saw someone cut down, then what appeared to be fellow Jedi racing to the building. Priority thence became the fallen human, in case it was still alive. It's motors were not built for running, but it still could move at a good pace, it made the distance quickly.
Id match : General James T Tohmahawk. Vital signs - critical. Wounds......
Robot had seen some bad cut jobs, but Tohmahawks was up there. He wasn't going to live.
Threat assess : Danger immenant. Targets....
Nothing on infrared. Odd. Nothing on UV too. Radar showed at least ten hostiles. Visual suggested droids.
Robot raised the huge Mark V rail carbine, then pulled the trigger. Flame blasted out the barrel and out the side vents with a three round semi auto burst, the huge projectiles smashing into the neared droid and flinging it away into a pile of scrap metal, pieces flying everywhere.
The battle was now well and truly entered as some of the droids began to exchange fire with the huge newcomer or with the Jedi. Robot noted the droids had soem sort of military programmng as they all began to fall back to cover, then open fire once again. The cyborg dropped to the ground just before a beam of light cut it's way where it's head had been, the rail gun answering and blowing the droid's cover to pieces.
Helenias Evenstar
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:03:06 AM
I could only take a few steps, before the contraction seemed to explode in side of me. Howling with the agony, I went to my knnes, hardly able to comphend anything around me. All my world was pain filled and I nearly passed out. The gun clattered to the ground as I went down onto my side, tears coming out of my tightly screwed together eyelids. I could not imagine anything worse than this - had never felt anything like this. I couldn't hear Quay, could not understand her yells. Dimly, I was aware of the Assault Gun's boom and the explosion of a droid blown to pieces. I barely felt the needle beam cut my arm. I could not feel shrapnel bite my leg. All I could think and feel was the hideous ripping inside my stomach.
The pain wave receeded, I began to realise I was being dragged. Dimly aware of Quay urging me to get up. The wetness on my legs clung to my dress and with some detached horror, I knew it was my own blood. I reached down to feel just how bad... and felt something that should not have been there. A lump.
"Quay... into a door! Any door! Anywhere!" I gasped, shocked to the core. Up to now I had not conencted the birthing process with the end result. At my urging, she tried a door, when she found it was locked, she tried another.... The droid came around the corner, it's gun levelled and about to fire. My Padawan I heard scream, tired to raise the gun. With some sort of cold blooded detachment, I already had a hand up and pointed.
Your not going to harm my baby!!!!
The droid seemd to be caught in a giant vise. Seams popped, electronics squealed as I crushed it with the Force. Metal tore and split with the pressure, hydralics burst. And with one final twist, the wreckage was flung away.
"Frell you" I snarled at the remains. I must have looked quite a sight, the fury and detirmination on my face, spreadlegged on the floor, cut, bruised and bleeding. "Well? Have you found a open dorr yet Padawan?"
I bent my mind again and unlatched a door with the Force. "Is now. Lock it behind you"
Inside, I could see that it was some kind of powder room. Another door was inside, which I indicated I wanted to go into. In this room, I was dragged onto cool tiles, this was a bathroom for humans. I settled back against a wall, a smile on my face that could be barely seen in the darkness of this room.
"Well Quay.... this is it. We go no further. I know that you might not like it, but will you midwife for me? The baby's head is coming out"
Give me the chance to hold it at least once..... I want to know if it's a girl or a boy. Please, let it come fast
I tensed, for I felt the contraction coming, the return of the pain. This was it.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 25th, 2004, 06:21:17 AM
Step by step, he walked, scanning the area and also the various doors. He glanced up and around, his haste now dampened by the need for caution - he was no use to anyone dead. He did have a reputation for recklessness, but that was unfounded - Marcus tended to be confident. Right here, right now, caution was warranted. So, step by step, he advanced. The stairwell was a good 20 meters and by the time he got there, he sensed the danger. Someone or something knew he was coming.
:: Someone outside tipped em off that someone coming through the roof, so they set up a trap at the stairs. That means these droids are under control or in contact with the controller. Okay.... ::
Three droids were positioned tocover anything coming down the steps. The stair case itself was typical of most - went halfway up then changed direction. The droids waited, knowing from a comms signal from Chee a Jedi had gone to the roof. This was the fastest way down.
Something dropped down from the upper level. Three lasguns came up and then dropped, as visuals id'ed the object as a chair. It fell to the floor with a thump. The droids continued to wait.
:: Damn. Now that was a waste of effort. ::
They should have opened up on the chair, allowing him to dive over the bannister and take out whatever was down there. Damn the programmer for being clever. The Jedi looked about, wondering what next. A door caught his eye.
The grin appearing on his face was not pretty.
The droids knew there was someone up there. They could hear footsteps and a door. They heard a thud and a few rips. a moment, then yet again, a chair was tossed from the floor above. again, the droids ignored it. Just as before, the chair clattered tot he floor. However, unlike last time, this time the chair had somethign tied to it.
The quickly contructed bomb, made out of medical drugs and a few cleaners lit up the hall, blinding the optical and infrared sensors. It was obvious that there would be something coming after the bomb, so the droids, unaffected, stood and opened fire blindly.
Marcus threw the chair over, waited for the explosion. When he heard weapons fire, he kicked the second chair over the edge. This was cut apart in mid air, igniting a gas bottle. Now this explosion was a bit more effective - it tore holes into the stairwell, sent debris flying. In all the smoke and confusion, the Jedi disappeared.
"Cease fire"
The droids stopped firing, unable to detect anything in all the dust. Infrared, motion and optical were useless. Bits of brick and mortar fell off damaged walls. The droids hefted their guns, trying to use any sensor they had to work out what was going on.
The unmistakeable sound of a rail gun was behind the machines! In all the chaos, the Jedi had managed to sneak by, then turn the trap back onto the droids. The head of one was blown to scrap, befor ethe other two could turn. Another was smashed by a barrage of metal. The third found itself locked in position, unable to move. From within the smoke and dust, a lightsabre was lit, the blade a deep red, before changing and beginning to colour shift. Attached to it was the shape of a man. His features couldnt be made out, but the vocie was cold, chilling and horribly familiar to many Jedi from years ago.
"Whomever you are, I'll say this once only. I know you can hear me from this comm channel your droids have, so listen. You might succeed tonight, but that will be your death mark. I am no ordinary Jedi...... you dont know my name, but I was once called Turbogeek. You will feel my wrath!"
And with that, the transmission was cut. Chee stared at his monitor,, out in the speeder. He opened up the comm channel to Hunter
A pause. "I know. Pyr and I will face him"
"You cant win"
"Maybe. But we have to. No one else can"
Hunter glanced at Pyr. "Why now? Why did father have to turn up?!?!"
Pyr looked white, but in control. "I dont know. He betrayed us, Gregori. I'll go after Evenstar, you take Turbogeek"
Xazor Elessar
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:10:31 AM
The droid that had leveled its gun at Xazor's head was blown to pieces in a few seconds. Smiling toothily, the Jedi Knight brought her railgun down to her side as she eyed Hicks and her sister. "There are more out there, I saw them with my own eyes. They're setting traps all over this place and if we don't move out soon, they'll come here and find us. I'm sure they're already on their way!" Xazor informed but as soon as she stopped speaking, there was a loud explosion. Both Hicks and Xazor hit the floor, taking Jina with them. The scared little girl covered her ears with her hands and shrieked.
"What the FRELL?!" Hicks demanded, but the Lost Jedi knew very well what was going on. Her Life Bond with Marcus came in very handy at this time, and that's when she got an idea. "Marcus?! I need to see what you do." She touched his mind gently, and cleared her own thoughts. It was then that she was able to look through his eyes. There was a great deal of smoke and dust, then suddenly, another explosion. She watched him take down a few droids and then heard what he said. Shaking her head and bringing her sight back to her own situation, she looked to Hicks. "We haven't much time. There are comm units on those droids -- cameras too, if I'm not mistaken. They are transmitting back to a third party and they know everything that's going on in here!"
With that, the Garou grabbed hold of Jina and handed her to Hicks. "I know you're here to help my mother as well, but right now, I have to go alone. Jina can't stay here! You have to get her out and right now, I can't do that. Please -- you'll be helping Helen by doing so." She pleaded with her eyes. Before the NR officer could answer her, the Lost Jedi took off with incredible speed. All around her, her sensitive ears picked up the littlest sounds. Even heartbeats of those several floors up were picked up by her. Running through the door she came in, the woman cautiously glanced about, noting that there were no droids present. "Good, maybe I can find her." Xazor spoke to herself in a whisper as her mind raced. "Marcus -- where are you? I need to know!" But just as her thoughts reached his mind, Xazor heard an explosion from behind her. She was pushed against a wall by the force of the blast and soon found herself on the floor. Dust rose up around her as her keen eyes attempted to focus on the cause.
There was nothing, nothing but silence.
It was all too suspicious and ominous for the Lost Jedi to accept, and so, she rose from her place on the floor and took off down another corridor where she heard a great deal of commotion. It was dark down there, but it seemed that there was no immediate danger anywhere close. However, the Knight did notice something. There were cries and mild screams coming from inside one of the rooms. As she closed her eyes, Xazor reached out with the Force and felt the auras, saw them. "HELENIAS! MOTHER!" She yelled as her hands formed fists and her arms came up to allow her to bang on the door. She tried the knob once, but her suspicions were correct and it was locked. "OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE?!" She howled as her heart began to pound. Obviously making this much noise had been a bad idea, and just as she was about to scream again, two droids appeared at the mouth of the corridor, their lasguns pointed right for Xazor. "MARCUS!!!!" Her mind echoed the powerful telepathic message. It was so powerful, in fact, that all Force adept beings within a two mile radius would be mind blasted by it.
It was now that Xazor was sure she would die.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 26th, 2004, 06:15:15 AM
The roof above the droids caved in, sending them to the ground along with masonry and steel. A figure came down in all the storm of debris, a bright flash of a lightsabre arcing. One fo the droids had it's head speared by the sabre - the other managed to get up, only to be staring down the barrel of a rail gun.
At point blank, there wasn't much left. Just a smoking stump of a body that fell over with a crash. He turned away, before running over to where Xazor was.
"Mother's in here!"
He glanced at the door, tried the lock, listened. "Fine. Step back....."
The door flew off its hinges from the sheer force of his kick. It crashed into a shelf, sending items tumbling off. Not caring what they were, both Lost Jedi moved in. Another door. This one nmet witht he same fate as the first.
The young couple, whom until 2 seconds before were in a rather compromising position, cringed as they were exposed. The Jedi looked at them for a second. "Damn it. I was sure of it!"
"So was I". Marcus glanced at the couple in disgust, then turned on his heel and marched out.
"No frelling idea. I've got not a frelling clue" he spat, fury and helplessness clear in his voice. "I cant get a mental lock on her at all. Where the hell she is in this sithhole is beyond me -" He was walking fast, back unknowingly in the direction Xazor had come from "- And it's only a matter of time. These damn droids are good. FRELL!" He lashed out at a wall, putting a hole in it with his temper - he was getting quite notably frayed and upset.
"Hey! Marcus! we're all uptight, but stay calm, okay? We need you to stay in control"
"Crap... crap... yeah..." He took a calming breath, closing his eyes. "Yeah. Okay. Your right. I'm just.... yeah, I guess you can understand. Come on"
And a few seconds later, walked into the group Xazor had left behind.
"Jina? What the..."
A hurricane of motion hit Marcus, Jina picking herself off the floor and hurling herself at the Jedi. His surprise was so great, it took a few moments to register Hicks and a rather heavily pregnant woman.
"hey... I know you!" exclaimed the soldier. "Your that guy from Kuat!"
"Hmmm? Oh.. oh yeah. Hicks right?"
"Yes sir!"
"Right. Who's this?"
"Faith Lerf, Helenias' second Padawan"
"Second? She had a first?"
"Yeah, Quay Na' Rakai"
If it were possible for Marcus' jaw to hit the ground, it would have. as it was, he was gobsmacked enough that he missed what Hicks said "..... and they went downstairs into the lower levels. You think they'll be safe?"
"Eh... wha? Safe? No idea. But if this Rakai is the person I'm thinking of, they'll need more than droids. You bought me good news. Now Jina... you go with Xaz'"
"But daddy.... "
"No, not now. No daddy. Your hurt, you need to get out of here. Xaz, take Jina and Faith, get them out of here. Hicks, you get shooting them droids. And dont use the Life Bond, I need to try to sense where Helenias got to. I'm sure Helenias and Quay will be fine, got it?"
He turned without waiting for acknowledgement and sprinted down the hall.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 26th, 2004, 06:32:48 AM
Xazor stood there, too shocked to the core to answer or even respond. She didnt say a word as Marcus handed off Jina, nor could she say anything as she watched Marcus run off - she felt Marcus' confidence everything was allright. Nothing could be further from the truth. She hadn't missed what Marcus had.
She looked at Hicks and knew everything was even more screwed up than before. Now she knew what the stakes truly were and that her mother and this Quay didnt have a hope in hell. She was shaking and almost ready to cry.
"Xazzy? You okay?"
She could hardly bear to look at Jina, her sister. The blazing red hair were the tell tales of whose child she was, but there were other markers as well, signalling the father. Xazor had never noticed before, but now that she knew what she did about the carefully hidden past of Turbogeek, she knew. She could see.
"Excuse me... but who is that, really? He's not just some guy Helenias knows and I heard Jina call him daddy. Explain?" asked Hicks.
"That's Helenias' husband. And he doesnt know" she replied, still quite obviously shaken and shocked. "He... doesnt know! I didnt know! If it wasnt for your damnable NR buddies hunting me, Helenias wouldnt be here about to die! We'd be able to protect her Her and her... baby! MY brother or sister!!!!"
Her temper was really up now, so upset she was. Jina hugged her leg. "Be good Xazzy! Be good!"
"Frell being good! This is a low act, attacking a woman giving birth! Hicks, you take that Padawan. Jina, with me. Come on, we gotta do something!"
Even as they moved off, Xazor tried to contact Marcus, but failed.
God no... this cant be happening. He'll go ape if Helenias is harmed!
"Xazzy! This way!"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 26th, 2004, 04:22:52 PM
Originally posted by Helenias Evenstar
"Well Quay.... this is it. We go no further. I know that you might not like it, but will you midwife for me? The baby's head is coming out"
Give me the chance to hold it at least once..... I want to know if it's a girl or a boy. Please, let it come fast
I tensed, for I felt the contraction coming, the return of the pain. This was it.
At any other moment or any other person, Quay'Na Rakai probably would've froze, but not here and not now. Her master needed her, more than anything and she wouldn't fail her.
The Padawan did wince slightly, this was not a good place to be having a baby, Helenias would run the risk of infection, but things were past that point. There was nothing else to be done, that baby was coming into the world right here, right now!
Quay'Na nodded. "Okay, Master." She quickly took off her outer robe and quickly put it particially under her master. Please, God...don't let anymore droids come!!! She begged silently.
With a deep breath, Quay'Na quickly took charge of the situation, she would come through for her master. The head was crowning, that much she saw. "Okay, Master on the next contraction I want you to push, I'm here and I'm not going to let anything happen to this baby."
She wished her hands were sterile, but there was nothing she could do.
Helenias was breathing out the pain as another contraction hit. "Push, Master! Push!" Quay said as she tried to keep her voice down, but it was nearly impossible. The child would be out momentarily, but it seemed like an eternity.
"That's it, Master, keep pushing! You're almost there!" Quay'Na couldn't believe what she was witnessing, as she held the child's head in her hands and then it's torso. "One more push, Master! Just one more! Oh, my God."
Quay'Na's hands were covered in blood and she wasn't sure what else as the final push brought the child fully into her hands. "It's a girl, Master." She cried out happily as she quickly grabbed her daggar and cut the cord and tied it up.
It wasn't crying.
"Oh no, you don't." She said as she held the child carefully in her arms and placed two fingers on her chest and touched the Force. Within a second, the child coughed up a mouthful of clear liquid. "Yes!" Quay'Na cried as the baby began to cry out. The Padawan blinked back her own tears as she looked at her master. "Here you are, Master. The mother of a beautiful baby girl." She carefully handed her the child, nothing else seemed to matter at that very moment.
Quay'Na took off her outer tunic and quickly helped Helenais wrap the child up in it and then she grabbed the rail gun and waited, her inner tunic bloodied by her master and the child.
But, they weren't safe yet.
"We're going to be alright, Master." Quay'Na said as she closed her eyes and touched the Force. Anything attacking the door that she couldn't sense would be history.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Feb 26th, 2004, 07:50:38 PM
Originally posted by Natia Elessar
Watch your back you idiot. You almost got killed.
*Natia yells at Ridge as she motions with one hand for him to stay low to get to her and River. She keeps firing her lasgun at the droids that are around them*
Ridge jumped up and rolled as another shot was aimed his way, he open fired and blew the droid to bits.
"Thanks, Natia!" Ridge called with a smile on his face. He side glanced at his brother. "Man, still getting you out of trouble, little bro!" He fired again as he touched the Force and with a strong Force push, bowled one of the closer droids over.
River Kincaid
Feb 26th, 2004, 08:00:56 PM
"Don't get cocky!" River yelled back as he watched his brother take out another droid. "Cover me, I'm going in! I've got to get to Faith and Xaz!!"
River took off back across the muddy lawn towards the med centers front door. He dodged and ducked all the firepower that was just waiting to sizzle him. But, he made it!
He was up one flight of steps before he even knew it, River felt himself fall into the vastness of the Force and reached out to hone in on Faith and Xazor, he couldn't feel them....anywhere.
"Nooo!!" He yelled as the fire of anger flared through him and he ran up more flights of stairs his lazgun ready.
Helenias Evenstar
Feb 27th, 2004, 01:35:46 AM
The pain was incredible. I had experienced anything like, never known anything this bad. I didn't notice biting my own tongue, or the fists balled up, nails cutting into my palms. Sweat came down my face, stinging my eyes and blinding me. I thought I heard someone scream, but my ears were dead. I couldn't hear, smell, touch or taste anything more than the agony.
Somewhere, I passed out. It all was too much to cope with. Consiousness came back slowly, like a muddy wave. I heard dimly heard something like an object being drawn from mud. I could not understand, but in my mind I felt a bolt of searing light in my eyeballs. Sounds that seemed all new. Terror and panic. Coldness. things that seemed new. I felt a touch.
The sensations seemed to split off from me, becoming something else. The part that divirged was small, so small and defenceless. Foriegn, yet, so much a part of whom I was, I reached out mentaly to caress it. Words were not spoken, but I held it, acting out of some sort of force that was overwhelming.
"Oh no you don't..."
The words were like a thunderclip to the small presence. It was then I realised - I was experiencing the first moments of my child out of the womb. A link in the Force had been forged, a mother and her child. I had never understood the life bond, but here it was, two beings joining in the Force. I reached out mentally.
Your mother is here...
I let love flow, the terror of the second presence starting to calm as it accept my comfort. There was to my ears, the sound of a small, rasping and choking cough. Another, this time clearer. Then, to my everlasting joy, I heard the first breath that my child inhaled, another cough then the baby beginning to cry. I tried to move upwards to see, but I was spent - the birth and this running battle had taken a heavy toll. Instead, I listened as the baby cried, the sounds of life erasing the pain in a way I could not understand or even believe. Absolute and complete joy making me forget the situation we were in.
" is it?" I managed to get out, tasting the blood and the dryness of my mouth.
"Here you are, Master. The mother of a beautiful baby girl."
Arwen..... I was hesitant to touch, but as the little child was placed on my chest, still streaked with the muck of delivery, red and wrinkled - and, a much different sight to the textbooks on childbirth, no one mentioned the mess - I raised wearied hand and hesitantly touched the tiny head. She had dark hair, I noted. Her skin was oh so soft and unblemished. Even as I caressed my daughter, she seemed to settle, knowing whom I was. I felt the bond grow stronger.
I had decided on a name long ago, wether it was a male or female. Now, the baby was real. She was real.
"Arwen... Quay, isn't she just so beautiful? My little baby Arwen...."
I held her to me, even as I began to cry with pure and total unrestrained joy. I sobbed, for this was the most inexplicably wonderful thing that had ever happened. The end of 9 months and so much pain for the last hours, ended as I held my daughter.
Oh my God. This was a feeling I could not describe. There and then, I understood there could be no humanly way possible I would be parted from my child. I understood why my abilities to defend myself in The Force had grown. I understood I wouldn't lose them and my prior life as a Warrior was truly over. It meant nothing.
I was a Jedi Mother.
Smiling at Quay as she wrapped Arwen, I nodded slightly to her statment and did my best to croak out a reply
"Oh, yes, we will be. Your staying with me, my Padawan and so's Arwen. I was wrong - I cant let her go. A true mother won't do that. She will share our fate tonight - and she will NOT die. I want to see the look on Marcus' face when he sees his daughter. Will you help me? I can't do this alone"
With Arwen back on my chest, I held her softly. No, never alone, I thought - I could sense her strength in The Force. I owed it to her at the least. How could you not defend and protect your child? There was nothing more wonderful or beautiful. Here was something truly worth fighting for.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 27th, 2004, 08:34:02 PM
Quay'Na gave her master a smile. "I will help you, Master. You know I will."
The Padawan looked down at Arwen and smiled at her. "You've been blessed, Master. You and Marcus. Arwen is proof of that."
Quay'Na felt that they were safe for the time being. She stood and looked around the bathroom, there were some little paper cups at the sink. The Padawan washed her hands and filled one of the cups with cool water and took it to her master.
"Here, Master. Drink." She said soothingly as she held the cup up to her lips.
Force Master Hunter
Feb 27th, 2004, 09:12:30 PM
He glanced at Pyr as they took seperate turns, Pyr heading lower into the basement levels to the last known psition of Evenstar.
Who the hell bought a frigging cannon with them when they gave birth? Chee had mentioned just how fast the droids that had gotten close had been blasted and with some difficulty managed to id the gun, even if the droid visuals had only gotten a partial look before being blown to scrap. It was new, so new that no examples had gotten into the black market - an enhanced version of the NRSF Assault Gun Mk II. Hunter was very familiar with it's precessor, having sold a group of them not long ago. No wonder the droids were proving no more than speed bumps, that type of gun was truly awesome.
Hunter took out one of his Mk V rail guns, a slightly bigger version that were fairly new too. He checked the ammo clip, then slammed it home once again, the gun beeping as it registered the clip. The other he had on his hip was likewise drawn out and checked. Heavy firepower and normally would be enough. His coat licked around his ankles, drips of water coming off it from the dash in the rain before. He glanced down another corridor, using one gun to cover anything that moved. Nothing. It was empty. Hunter closed his eyes, then breathed out, hardly realisng just how tense he was.
Steps echoed as he moved again, slowly but surely. A few yells sounded, a bang, a rattle fo gun fire. An explosion. A child scream. Hunter ignored it. There was a thump up above his head. He ignored that.
The roof came down on his head. Pieces of tiles rained down, along with wall. He didnt have time to jump away, he could only put his hands above his head to protect himself. Something struck his back. He went down, spilling one of his guns. More gunfire and explosions, this time much closer. He cursed, trying to get up, but finding he was partially buried. In the time it took him to untangle himself and retrieve his gun, whomever had caused the destruction was gone and he could see the remains of one droid up above him, on the edge of the hole. Hunter snarled, for he sensed who had done it. a quick jump and he was on the same level.
Voices. A yell. More talk. Hunter hid in a dark corner, trying to hear what was said. He couldnt make anythign out, so he instead tried to work out who it was. That failed too. Then, there were running steps. They didnt pass him, but went down another corridor. Hunter ducked out of his hiding place, leapt down the hole he had come from, then towards a stairwell. He was down two flights in a flash, then running down another corridor. He could sense his quarry take a different stairway.....
He turned a corner, skidded and raised his guns. Even as he fired, his wrists were hit by somethign metallic, forcing them to fire wide. He stepped back, hoping to get a clear shot - the figure moved forward, its own gun trying to get a clear shot as well. a bullet screamed by Hunters ear, blowing out a light panel. In the burst of sparks and light, Hunter saw whom it was... a man, appraoching middle age, long hair, unkept beard. Old clothes, cloak and hood. Like somthing from an old time forest adventure. Nothign like what he expected, for the form was completely different.
But the presence hadnt changed, except in power. Hunter tried to twist the gun, firing as he did. With both his and the other's guns touching, this was a game of 'sticky hands'
"Frell you, old bastard!" yelled Hunter. "I killed you! You died Turbogeek!"
He didnt answer. Hunter tried to twist his wrist to fire low but the other countered, firing and barely missing Hunter's arm. Quite abruptly, Hunter played a different game - he kicked the man whom he once had trained under in the balls. The cloak snapped in the air as he was knocked backwards, hitting a wall. Finally, Hunter had a clear shot, raising and and pointing the gun at Tubogeek's chest.
Chris Raynark
Feb 27th, 2004, 09:15:47 PM
“Ah frelling-hell…”
It was raining hard. What devil of an idiot lets it gale on a concert where some damned good music was playing? Raynark cursed, shoving through the screaming, ranting, and hell-raising crowd toward the parking lot. This was supposed to be his day off, hell, he requested for it! But no, the higher powers of the lot decided: Let us drop some massive storms and unleash some hell on the concert shall we, with… let us say, Lasgun-toting TRD’s?
Raynark cursed, shoving some punk kid out of his way.
”I do not have time for this crap, outta’ my frelling way!”
He waded through the mass of wet, swooning, screaming fleshes with the speakers shooting out ACDC as loud as they could for a good ten minutes before he broke free to the ‘parking-lot’. Breaking off into a wet sprint, thankfully for the sheltered hover-car lot there wasn’t much of a windy situation there, he started climbing the stairs, reminding himself to take the hover lift on the way down.
Raynark hadn’t had a clue where the TRD’s were going, but he knew where he was going to be if they decided to show up. SecCorp had put out a little reminder that that Evenstar Senator would be paying a visit to the respected Medical Center, and Raynark had shrugged that off for his concert ticket.
“Red 33-R, 433-F…”
He ran down the line of parked speeders, eventually stopping at an older black vehicle and opening the rear hatch. Inside sat a toolbox – he always used it for this lugger – a spare something, and a black duffle bag. With duffle in hand, keys in the other, he cranked the speeder and pulled out of the multi-story lot. Shifting gears, Raynark piloted with his knee and left hand while his right fumbled with the zipper on the duffle. A tight left brought him to the highway of Ye’ Ole Senator Medical Center in wrec-
Raynark let the throttle loose and dropped the speeder roughly in the center of the street, parking the sonoffacar would’ve proved hell on earth in this weather, climbing out with his hand stuck in the innards of the duffle and fighting the gale, Chris crouch-ran towards the Med center’s joining alley. Something red ripped through the air above his head, and he could’ve sworn singed his hair.
He couldn’t see the shooter, not in this frelling weather. Continuing on, Raynark drew a blaster from his jacket and shot the lock off the emergency exit and entered the building. First thing that got his attention was the carelessly littered medical supplies, the dull roaring deeper in, and the fact that someone left their coffee on a cot, which had spilt over and stained the cotton-white sheets.
A clonking noise rocked from ahead as a droid rounded the corner with its weapon raised and trained on Raynark.
”He-“ He started, then hit the floor as the red beam-o-death-and-burning-and-stuff flared.
”-l-“ He extended the arm with the duffle-bag on the end. The droid corrected for a second shot.
”-l no!”
The duffel’s side blew out as a rail bolt shot from the hidden Mark II issue slid from the chamber and ricocheted through the droids torso, another blast send the droid down.
”Nobody’s shootin’ me tonight,” Raynark growled, pushing his self up off the floor, “Not to-frelling-night!”
He had to find that Evenstar...
Dwayne Hicks
Feb 28th, 2004, 06:27:59 AM
Hicks was by now a good couple of steps behind the situation and mightly confused. Jedi outside it sounded, Jina turned out to have a much older sister, Helenias actully WAS married and the guy she was married to was a ugly, unkept, out of fashion git. And that git was no Proball player, liek he had believed. He hadn't missed the rather large and brutal lookiing sabre that guy was carrying. Hicks had been around Jedi for a while and knew that was no ordinary sabre, it was a custom build. Only Jedi Masters did that.
But... I aint seen nor heard of that guy before. How the hell can he be a Jedi Master, if his face aint on records?
wait, yes he had. At the Bar and Grill, a long time ago. a hooded being, smoking a pipe. If memory served right, a highly dangerous character everyone tippy toed around. Well. A Jedi Master capable enough to erase himself from existance. Now wasn't this interesting? Certainly now explained the reason no father had turned up to claim Evenstar's baby.
"Okay, so where now?" asked Faith. "and who was that?"
"No idea" he said, thinking. Quite abruptly, he grabbed Faith's arm, dragged her to a closet, pushed her in and slammed the door shut. In a blink, he had the door locked. "Your staying in there for your own good - you wait there!"
He turned, then paused. He saw one of the las-guns the droid whom was splattered had dropped. He picked it up, had a look.
Just in case, he thought, claiming it now. You never know whom you might run into. He checked he was alone, then went for the stairs.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:01:52 PM
What the frell!! River get back here.
*Natia exclaims as River bolts for the medical center, knowing that there is no way she could keep up with him tonight. She glances at Ridge and shrugs*
Ridge, we're following River in. I can't move as fast so we go at my pace.
*Natia says as she fires her lasgun at the droids appoaching and she starts to move closer to the medcenter as well, trusting Ridge to help keep her safe as she helps keep him safe*
Remember, don't shoot innocents here. Only the droids and those attacking us.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Feb 28th, 2004, 08:02:27 PM
"Just like'em to go running off to save the day!!" Ridge grumbled as he covered his brother.
The Darksider heard Natia and nodded as he fired the weapon again and then suddenly a blast came out of nowhere and blew a droid to bits.
"What the...." another blast. That was when Ridge noticed some kind of mechanical being was approaching from another direction, with one of the largest weapons he'd ever seen. "Who's that, Nat?" He called as he fired some more as the two of them inched their way through the mud and the muck, attempting not to slip and slide. That would be disasterous.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 29th, 2004, 05:22:32 AM
Hardly he had time to grunt fromt he blow in the balls, when he saw the gun pointing at him. Reacting out of instinct, he lashed out with Teh Force, knockingthe gun off aim just as it fired. The bullet still bit his arm, going through and into the wall behind. Paladin recovered his gun, going for a second shot, but Marcus was already up, even if his nuts were a tad uncomfortable. His own guns barked as he came, spraying the air with deadly projectiles. Paladin leapt over, diving right at the Jedi Master. Marcus met him head on, bodies clashing. They disentangled, trying to get a good and clear shot, the guns flicking against each other as they twisted and turned. Bullets flew off to smash into walls and ceilings, Marcus even managed to deflect one shot from Paladin witht he barrel of his own gun.
It was done so fast, both figures were like a blur.
Paladin tried once more to fire at Marcu's gut, but he found his gun swept aside, his other wrist grabbed and held away. The Jedi had the rail gun pointed right into Paladin's eyeballs and too close to do anything. Paladin hardly had time to grasp that he was beaten when Marcus pulled the trigger.
The rail gun sparked and failed.
The Jedi pulled Paladin forward and gave him a savage knee to the ribs. He drew back and crashed his leg into Paladin's chest three times more, breaking ribs, before grasping Paladin's hair, pushing him back and belting him with a roundhouse punch that sent Paladin spinning away and to the floor. Without any emotion, Marcus tossed aside the falied rail gun, recalled the other gun, the lasgun to him. He pointed. Paladin looked back and up, seeing the gun and his death, yet again. he did the only thing he could, grabbed the Jedi's legs via The Force and tripped him up. The laser blast ripped the wall and ceiling, leaving a charred and buring cut.
Marcus tried to fire from the floor, but Paladin was up fast, the shot still catching the bounty hunter's side. He lept at Marcus, hands open. Marcus put a leg under the flying body, then used thsi to throw Paladin over his head and slamming into floor. Marcus rolled, got up first and had the lasgun pointed at Paladin,w ho froze, kneeling and one hand on the floor. Unbelieveably, the lasgun also failed.
"Oh for crying out loud. No one builds anything that stays working" snarled Marcus, pulling out his sabre.
Paladin was hurting and decided to buy time to try to recover. His ribs were feelign liek knives and he wasnt sure if a lung was damaged. He tasted blood and was breathing with some difficulty. He had to give Pyr time! "Your... just goign to cut me down, father?"
"Don't father me, Paladin. Your not my son. I regret ever taking you into my tutulage, you and that bitch Pyr. The mark of a Jedi is to keep going when things get tough and frankly, Pyr's sister's death was her own damn fault. Only a fool faces a stronger opponent without some sort of get even. Lord fire Blade was an opponent even Turbogeek feared. What is a mere Padawan going to do, facing that?"
"You are Turbogeek" snarled Paladin, standing unsteadly. "your the one who is at fault. You let Mara Jade die. You walked out of the Jedi. You betrayed us all, you scum. Your no better than a Sith!"
"Hmph. Maybe I once was Turbogeek, but that name is nothing now. If I recall, you killed Turbogeek on some sithhole planet. Tied to a chair, if I recall. Shot and then blown apart. Not bad really. That was my real mistake, letting that clone take my place. Now, let me tell you something, Paladin. Lady Mara Jade was once a lover of mine. She and I had a child. It was however my clone who let her die. It was my clone who allowed Pyr's sister to die. Your revenge is over, you killed him, did you not?"
"However, I loved Jade. I reared Pyr's sister. You think I dont feel their passing as strongly as you do? And so, that is why I will not allow you to kill Evenstar. I will not allow a third woman to die because of me. Now.." And he, he lit the sabre and switched it's mode so the balde began to strobe and colour shift... ".. either you step aside or you die"
"Yeah? And what's Evenstar to you? Your whore?"
"My.... WIFE!" Marcus snarled and with that, his sabre swung up, over and down, seeking to split Paladin's head in half.
Force Master Hunter
Mar 2nd, 2004, 03:33:52 AM
Crap... if he had been any slower getting his sabre out and lit he would have been dead. as it was, even if he was quite a deal taller and a good deal more musclar, Hunter found himself being slowly overpowered as he tried to force the multihued blade back. He hardly dared to look away from where his red blade and the other crossed, sparking and crackling.
"Did your tool shink and die form the diseased that whore has, like everyone else?" Hunter growled, struggling to win this contest of strength.
"No, that was your sister"
"Dont you dare talk about Shay like that!!"
"And what you going to do Paladin..... curse me some more?"
With one giant heave, Hunter managed to throw off Turbogeek.... but even as he watched the older man circle and swing that mother of a sabre around, he was suddenly starting to doubt who he thought this madman was. He was far too strong. He was concentrated and purposeful, didnt waste words. who the hell was this man, really?
"I sense your doubts, Paladin. Weak you are. In the Dark Side. How disappointed your father would be. How you have failed"
"You failed, you old bastard. Your the one that let Shay die!"
"Ohhhh no, Paladin. I didnt let her die. She joined RSO. She faced me five years ago, foolishly. It began Turbogeek's madness, watching her being cut down. It began your too, I now see"
Hunter laughed, even in the anger of Shay's death. "You?? You are Turbogeek! You did nothing, I saw it all!"
"You saw what I wanted you to see"
"And wha.... no... THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!" For Hunter, to his horror saw a sight he could not comphrend. He saw the worst nightmare appear before his eyes.
"Oh, it's possible" snapped back a cold, hard as steel voice, far removed from Turbogeek's one. "You see me as I was and now, as I truly am. Now, I see you following your worthless Sith of a sister"
The assault was so fast that Hunter barely got out of the way. Blows rained down, his sabre leaping and dancing, the blade becoming a blur as he tried to duel the Master. He now knew what type of Master too. He had witnessed the clone Turbogeek taking on a Jedi Master once and the frightful beating DT had scored. One of artistry, savagery and no remorse. A cold blooded warlord.
It's the real Jedi Warlord!!! He still lives?!?!? I thought he died!!
There really was only one for it. Hunter managed to unclip a device from his belt, click a switch, then turned and bolted for all he was worth.
Three seconds later, he was knocked off his feet by the blast of the grenade.
Chris Raynark
Mar 2nd, 2004, 07:26:57 PM
Good Deus, this place was a trash heap.
Raynark grumbled as he jogged along, his pockets bulging with extra clips for the railgun in his hands. He turned a corner sharply and kept on going. Where the hell are the stairs? Another left. Right. Left. Right. A door is slightly ajar and he could hear voices, rather, giggling from the other side. Bringing the railgun to his shoulder, he crept up by the wall and paused.
”This stuff is gre-hate, man.”
”No frellin… that concert an’ crap really cleared this place out…”
What the?
”Pass m’ nother one of those knickers.”
Druggies. Raynark relaxed and started back to a jog. As soon as his boots squeaked against the tiles, the druggies busted out of their cubby, waving needles and blasters. Raynark spun on his heel and leveled the rail, “Shut the frell up and get back in there!”
They did, faster than jackrabbits.
Raynark blinked and shot a grin, turning around to almost being cut down by a red beam. He fell back on his rear, bringing up the railgun and blind firing.
The droid, what was left of it, teetered over and crashed into the tiles. Its torso was nothing more than a hole-filled chunk of metal from point-blank rails. Raynark used a moment to catch his breath, then reloaded and went off with a run, hanging a left and finding the staircase. He busted through the door loudly, a floor up from Hicks.
"Protectin' a frelling senator..." he shouts, starting down the first flight, "... messin' with drug-freaks and droids...."
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 3rd, 2004, 05:08:35 AM
The grenade trick was an old one, but if done well, it was effective. Even a Jedi Master could be stopped in his tracks. No time to think as the grenade hit the floor, he twisted backwards, took a stepp and leapt/dived for all he was worth. The blast tumbled him, but he had reacted fast enough that the blast could be shielded against. He crashed into a wall as blast debris flew about, rolling to a stop. His sabre was a few meters away, still glowing and on. Calling it back to his hand, he tried too look through the smoke and flames, to see where Paladin had gotten to. It didnt take long to sense, but he knew Paladin had enough of a start to make good an escape.
:: If escape is what he wants. I bet this was an attempt to buy time ::
He got up, noting that he was cut from shrapnel. Coughing from the smoke, he moved forward quickly. The sprinkler systems came on in response to the fire, beginning to drench the Jedi. Oh wait. Not like he wasnt already soaking from the downpour outside. If anything, the sprinklers were warmer than the rain. as he walked by one burning spot, his hand swept out, 'catching' the fire in his palm. No sense wasting this - if he met Paladin again, he would bet that the bounty hunter would be rather upset to find his clothes and skin melting. He turned his palm upwards, the fire dancing there, hissing in the water droplets. Marcus advanced towards the stairwell that led downwards, fire in one palm, sabre in the other.
To his surprise, he made the stairwell and went down a flight without being attacked. Glancing about in the silent corridor, he had a think where to go
Master..... !
They were in a dark ... soemthing. two of them. Helenias was a mess, but she seemed to be happy, more than he would have thought possible. Quay was there, concerned, but also seeming pleased....
What the.....? What the frell was that supposed to mean, he wondered. whatever. He had finally a clear location idea, not of Helenias, but of Quay Na'Rakai.
:: This must be the reason for that strange dream ::
Down and to the left. And fair distance, the basement levels were quite big. He carefully glanced down the next set of steps, then sighed. More bloody droids.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 3rd, 2004, 08:43:23 AM
*Natia glances in the direction where Robot was coming from and shrugs*
Sorry Ridge, Don't know.
*Natia says as she lets off a couple more shots at the droids, downing another one*
Lady Panther
Mar 8th, 2004, 05:18:33 AM
She drew out her sabre as Gregori ducked off to face the nightmare they both shared. The nightmare of Turbogeek and their past, her former Master and what she regarded as Father, of some sort. He never accepted that label, but that is what Pyr thought him as. In some part of her mind, there would always be some sort of respect for the man that saved both her and Gregori several times, had mentored her and showed her The Force in all it's power. He had been with her as she was knighted. Been together in the fights, the dark times and the good times.
It meant she knew almost better than anyone what Gregori was going to face and it scared her. So few knew the secrets of that man. Even with what had been done, she could never tell Gregori exactly - he was going to have to find out for himself.
But for her...
Lord Fire Blade had taken Cal. Her twin. Beheaded like the red demon had done to other Jedi. Long years of searching had found that the Imperial was alive. In fact he was indeed proud of what he had done. The destruction of the Jedi Temple she had called home. The severe beating Pyr had been dealt at his hands. The Jedi deaths. It was all there on public record - and even more, he wasnt whom he had seemed then - he was a she, a traitor, someone whom had managed to worm her way into the republic and rise to high station.
Helenias Evenstar
Tonight was the chance Pyr had dreamed of. To kill that murderous SOB, to behead her like she had done to Cal. Right when she was unable to strike back, for Pyr was under no illusions what would happen in a normal fight - Evenstar had wiped the floor of Jedi and Sith Masters, executed Lord Venom, defied entire Orders. To face her single handed was madness. But right now, at her weakest....
Her hand tightened around the lightsabre even more as she found the stairs and decended. The thought of revenge was intoxicating, the mental image of the bitch burning. Frankly, Pyr had hoped secretly, the TRD droids, good as they were, would fail in thier appointed task. This way would be more satisfying.
The lower levels were darker. She trod carefully, taking her bearings. From data from the droids, relayed to Chee and now to her, she knew the approximate location of the bitch. Hopefully, she was takign a difficult birth. Maybe Pyr could kill her child first, before dealing with Evenstar.
The thought made her grin.
Helenias Evenstar
Mar 9th, 2004, 12:23:20 AM
"Oh thank you, do I ever need this" I said, taking the proffered cup to my lips and then, drinking deeply. The water was cold and nearly threw it up, for I had tried to drink it too fast - and there was the fact my mouth felt as raw as sandpaper. I asked for a second cup, this time allowing the water to soak my tongue as I slowly sipped it. Whilst I was drinking (and Arwen was beginning to stop crying) I tried to kick my mind into gear and think about what to do next. Tired as I was, that was no easy task.
"We can't stay here, I feel. We will be too easily trapped. We have to get moving again and get out of here.... or better yet, get to where Xazor is. I feel her presence - and I feel she has some help with her. Hicks will be doing his damnest to hold them off too and get more help. We can make it, I know we can!"
"But... how? How are you going to move?"
"I just have to" I replied, thinking about times in the past where I had forced others who were wounded to move against their will. "Is there a choice?"
I decided that Quay would be best unburdened with the baby, for she would need all her ability to guard myself and Arwen. We found a sheet and created a sling of sorts, so that Arwen would be held against my chest and I would have both hands free. My daughter protested against being moved, a small cry that quickly was quelled.
I'm sorry Arwen... I would love nothing better than for you to fall asleep in my arms. I promise I'll let you soon
Quay helped me get up, caught me as I stumbled. She kept me upright while I worked out which way was up. I helpd onto The Force, using it to help energise tired muscles, to force unwilling limbs to move. Quay had the sabres. I had the Assault gun. I nodded as I took another small step. "Okay. Open the door"
I reloaded the gun as the droid fell to floor inside the bathroom.
"How... did you know something was there?"
"I guessed" I deadpanned. It was the truth however, I hadn't known for sure. I just had the feeling. "Grab it's gun too. Let's get out of here"
Xazor Elessar
Mar 9th, 2004, 05:58:03 AM
"Which way?"
"This way Xazzy! Eileen's this way!"
She couldn't really tell if what Jina was saying was the truth, but she had nothing much more to go on - no sense, no direction, nothing. Not even a guess. So, there was nothng else for it, but to trust Jina knew. Knowing whose daughter she was, Xazor wouidn't put it past her - the girl had the same type of raw power her father did. Still, Xazor had her doubts.
She followed Jina back towards the stairwell, which they decended. When they were at the next level, Xazor took hold of Jina's shoulder, stopping her from going on. The Knight ignored the squirm of pain the girl had. "No further. I sense danger ahead"
Jina froze as Xazor raised her sabre. With a flick of the wrist, she sent it flying, using her mind to send it scything around a corner. A thud, then the sound of electronics frying could be heard, then a crash.
"All clear Xazzy?"
"Yes. Let's go"
Hang on Mother, I'm coming.... !
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 9th, 2004, 03:53:20 PM
Quay took a deep breath and lit the sabre's, she drew herself into the Force as the three of them now went into the corridor. All was silent at the moment, except the hum of the sabre's....too silent. She didn't like that at all and stopped.
Suddenly, a Force warning bowled into her as they neared one of the corners that led into the next corridor. Quay'Na took off towards it, faster than a bat out of hell.
One of the sabre's up above her head the other in front of her while she let out a battle cry, seconds later she swung the sabre above her head in a downward motion just as the firing end of a laser rifle was coming around.
Sliceee!!! Clang!!! The end hit the ground as she quickly brought the other sabre around and sliced through the metal, shearing the droid in two with a quick sweep. It sparked and popped loudly as it crumpled to the ground.
"All clear for now, Master! Let's go!" Quay'Na called with another deep breath.
Lady Panther
Mar 16th, 2004, 04:27:57 AM
She crept quietly down another flight of steps, listening carefully as she eased into the corridor at the foot. Nothing - it was quiet. even the sounds of battle upstairs were silenced by the concrete and steel between her and whatever was going on upstairs. she looked about again, before beginning the walk down the corridor. Her hand had her sabre, which in times gone past was named Minty. What an absurd and childish thing to do. It could be caleld Hate now, for what she felt and what drove her. Her footsteps were muted by carpet, she was silent and she moved. Caution slowed her.
Another flight of steps she nearly took down, but somethign glistened in her path. a part of a droid, a blast mark - and what was clearly droplets of blood. Not wet. Still had a strong iron smell. Less than an hour old. Someone had been hurt here. Panther could only guess, but it would be a good guess.
"How much did that hurt, Evenstar?" she asked out loud, grinning. Good. Hurt and giving birth. Weak and ready to fall. The blood lead to an elevator, where she saw the remains of another droid. Despite her hate for the Jedi, she did feel some sort of admiration for the fight the other was putting up. Panther switched on her sabre and cut the elevator's doors open, they fell away to land in the darkness below with a thud.
what's the bet...
She leapt into the elevator shaft.
The top of the elevator, still on the dorr where the Jedi and her Master had gotten out, sparked and arced as the sabre cut a hole in the roof. The cut fell away, thudding to the floor, smoking. Panther came through quickly, moving fast as she went through the still open doors. More blood. There was a trail. Sabre still on, she picked up pace, but still cautious. Up ahead, she heard some noises. A yell. An explosion. Sounds of fighting and a sabre being used. Panther came to a stop, surprised, for the sounds were not of a weak woman. It was of someone fighting with a good deal of ferocity.
She began to creep forward, now realising there was nto one, but two presences she could sense. There was a lot of pain and exhaustion in one, but the other was full of fight. Crap!
But not that learned. Padawan?
Made sense. Fine. Padawan would die too if they were foolish to stop Panther.
"All clear for now, Master! Let's go!"
Panther was right. One was a Female, young woman, clearly a Padawan. Teh other, moving slowly, beaten and battered and looking a right mess was Evenstar herself....
"Oh why lookie here" Panther sneered. "Hullo Miss Evenstar... or should I say Lord Fire Blade? What would have the Emperor thougth to see his Guard was nothing but a flithy whore?". she advanced, swininging her sabre. "Step aside Padawan. The bitch dies. I dont care if you die first. You aint going to leave the room"
We will never leave,
We aint ever gonna leave the Room
We could be here for life
We aint gonna leave the room
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 17th, 2004, 04:48:31 PM
Quay'Na was on her second wind and there was no way in hell she was going to let anything happen to her master or Arwen!
The Padawan didn't step down, she held the sabre's in a defensive position and stood her ground between her master and the threat. "I don't think so." Was all Quay said in a low growl.
Panther's advance was met with Quay's duel sabre's. With fire in her eyes, she felt no she fell into step with the Force. Allowing it to guide her, she blocked and parried not thinking for a second of the outcome, if she were to lose.
Mar 20th, 2004, 05:11:28 PM
The battle outside of the medical centre was really beginning to hot up. The huge cyborg had been driven to shelter behind the burnt out wreckage of a speeder, reloading the huge gun he carried.
Control : Officer under fire at Senate Medical Building! Repeat, under fire....
The buzz of jamming came back to the aural processors. It snapped off the conenction in annoyance, before taking out from an arm guard, a small device. It pressed a button, before placing the oval onto the ground. The rain immediatly swept it away, but it didnt matter, for the the aural processors went clear. The Anti Jammer was punching a prequency hole the cyborg could use
SecCorps! Officer down! I repeat, Officer down at Senate Medical Building!
Robot finished reloading, radar scanners noting where the other droids were.
"Who is this?" came a female voice, sounding annoyed. "This is Tonks of the SecCorps. Who are you?"
Robot, formally of the NR protection services and Jedi Padawan. Your commandign officer is down out front of the senate Medical centre and I am under fire by 1 dozen war droids. Jedi are here, but are having trouble subdueing. Requestiing backup!
A pause. "Oh crap, they jammed other frequencies, except of r ours for security fo the concert! Robot, SecCorps is now responding. Hold position, backup will be arriving shortly!"
That's nice, Robot considered, as it readied itself. A secodn later, the droid was up and it's gun was roaring and spitting fire as it began to return fore at the droids
"What is it?"
Tonks glanced up from the body of the SecCorps officer in the demonatable. "Tohmahawk is down. I want every damn man and woman out at the Medical centre now. Jedi are there, but they are overtaxed. Move the lead outta you - and..... I want to speak to..."
The Controller was feelign pretty relaxed. He knew the attack on evenstar was going well. The concert was going well. and SecCorps was nicely in his pocket, with no idea what was going on. He reached for his wine...
His door exploded into a million pieces.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!!" He screamed as heavily armed men and women burst through.
"Shut up. I'm asking the questions now" snarled Tonks. "the first one is why is there a comms jammer in here?"
Lady Panther
Mar 27th, 2004, 05:58:51 AM
"Useless Padawan" Panther snarled over the clash over the sabres. "There isnt any way you can win this!"
Her blade leapt up and around, her hands a blur of speed and power as she attacked again. She sensed it - this Padawan wasn't fully trained in the art of the sabre. But more than that, what drove her anger was the sight of Evenstar, frozen, staring at the two duelers. The woman was a mess - bloodied, battered, gazing calmly and coldly, seemingly without emotion. Panther stepped back, sneering.
"Your Padawan is only a distraction and you know it, Evenstar. She can't stop me!"
With that, Panther renewed the ferocity of her attack, seeking to sweep the Padawan out of the way fast in her eagerness to get at the bitch who killed her sister. Just one obstacle and it would be over - Panther's revenge would be taken.
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 27th, 2004, 06:25:44 AM
Distraction or not, Quay wasn't about to give in to this darksider, not by a long shot.
The Padawan blocked and parried the woman's vicious attacks, she didn't know how long this had been going on, but she was beginning to grow weary. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep this up.
Quay reached into the Force to guide her, to strengthen her.
Helenias Evenstar
Mar 28th, 2004, 06:45:04 AM
I hardly had time or energy to pay any attention, before Quay was attacked from the side. Numbly, I watched as she was set upon by a woman with red hair, someone trained in the Jedi Arts. A fair user of the sabre, one that might have given me a few pauses to think about how to defeat her. My Padawan, not well versed in the art of combat as I was, she was going to lose, I saw this. But I was frozen, too tired to react. The punishment my body had taken was catching up with me.
Time seemed to slow down.
A red beam cut through the semi darkness, intersecting with Quay's side. A flicker and it was gone - With a cry she crumpled to the ground. There was a scream from this other woman's lips, a rasping triumph as she turned away from the falling Padawan. In my mind, I saw some one younger. Her hair was not curled as it was now, she was only 16. I recognised the sabre she carried. I recognised the way she moved, the marks of exactly whom she had trained with and whose Padawan she had been. I knew whom she had called father in that moment, for I knew there was only one Padawan who matched that.
I saw another, dying as my Pike speared her throat. Her death was swift, I had kicked the lifeless husk of a Jedi turned to evil off my polearm. I had taken off my helmet and spat on the corpse, for there was nothing more I hated than a traitor. Another Padawan of the same man.
Another dead Jedi at my hand.
Now I saw the link. In the frozen time, when all seemed to be immersed in mud, I saw what had happened. I saw the reason. I knew.
Even as Pyr Craet came at me, screaming in victory, to cut me down for the death of Shay Kaylon, from behind my back the black steel of the Assault gun came into view. It seemed to arise slowly, too slowy to save myself and Arwen. Craet was leaping, a blur in real time - but she seemed to hang in this frozen time.
It was such a tiny sound, but now, it rang and echoed. It seemed to be the harbringer of something far larger than it was, such a tiny click, such a tiny sound.
The Assault gun erupted with a fury of flame and smoke, the blast like an earthquake as time sped up. Her victory yell became a howl of anguish as the blast blew her right leg, below the hip, into a fine spray. There was nothing left between the hip and the knee, the severed limb spiralling away to land, unfortunantly on Quay, who was splattered with gore. Pyr landed, tried to balance, but fell to her remaining knee, howling. With a deadly coldness, I used my only really working arm to work the loading slide, tossing the gun in the air and catching it one handed.
Grey eyes, filled with purpose and calm stared into blue.
"You betrayed your family. Your betrayed the man you called father. For that, you should die" I said, my voice ice cold.
"You... dont... know... him!" she stuttered through the pain of the severed limb. "He... is ... a ... monster!" She still had the sabre in her hand. She tried to draw it back and swing.
Her forearm flew away, sabre still in the fist. The Assault gun blasted the arm off at the shoulder. She stared at me, shock and even more agony written on her face.
"But for trying to kill me and my daughter... I'm going to leave you alive"
Pyr Craet, former Jedi, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed, falling backwards. She fell unconcious. Arwen began to cry once again, as I stepped forward, looking down at the former Jedi.
Dimly I felt the approach of others. I felt the approach of Jedi. I fel the approach of Xazor. I sensed she was getting close and I knew, when she was here, I was safe.
I screamed as the red hot lance cut through my thigh. I dropped the assault gun, it fell to the ground with a clatter as I fell to my knees. I tried to turn my head to see what was behind me - but I knew in my mind. There was a cry of "EILEEN! NO!" and then the sound of metal hitting flesh. Jina. I felt the brief pain before she too fell out of knowing.
I breathed in then out, relaxing.
"Why Hicks?" I croaked through the pain as Dwayne Hicks walked around to face me. "Why now? Why do this?"
"2 million Commander - Force Master Hunter will pay me. But even that much is not enough to kill an innocent child. Your baby lives, you die"
I raised a hand, as if pleading for him not to do this. But I knew it would not matter - Hicks would not have mercy. He would do as he said. He raised the lasgun in his hand, targeted my head and pulled the trigger.
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 28th, 2004, 07:52:42 AM
It happened within an instant, the missed block cost her as the woman's sabre caught Quay's side. "Ahhhhh!" The Padawan cried out in agony and fell. Grasping her side, her sabre went flying from her hand. She had failed.
Quay'Na had tried to get back up to help, but fell back unable to do so from too much pain.
She watched in admiration as her master took over, her strength was amazing.
Helenias blew the woman's leg off and the Padawan winced and turned her head to keep from getting sprayed in the face, by the gore. She threw the now amputated leg that landed on her to the side, no more use would come out of that.
Then went the arm and the woman fell, their side seemed to be winning...finally. It was about that time that Quay'Na heard the shot and watched in horror as her master fell.
Hicks!! That son-of-a-jackel!! It was him!!! The Padawan tried to get up again to no avail, she cursed herself as she fell back down. Seconds ticked by as she watched Hicks point the weapon at her master's head. "Noooo!" Quay'Na heard herself scream. There was nothing the Padawan could do!
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2004, 06:14:56 PM
The last droid crashed to the ground as the sabre swept through it's torso. The fight had been vicious and quick, Marcus dispatchign the mechanised terrors to the scrap pile. Now, wiping the sweat off his brow, he glanced about, trying to work out the odd feeling he had in The Force. Something just didnt feel right.
"Xazor? I thought I told you to take care of the others!"
The younger Jedi ran up to the much older one, puffing from obviously running hard. In her arms was Jina."I... had to come!"
"And bring Jina here too? I... Hicks!"
The soldier had also joined them, looking the worse for wear, but still going. "Yeah, I'm here. How's it going?"
"Was okay until Xazor here broke orders. I want you to take Jina out of here, okay?"
"Sure thing boss. Here... we...go!" He said, taking Jina out of Xazor's arms. The girl was as white as a sheet, looking like she wanted to cry. The soldier was good to his words, running fast away.
"You have some explaining to do young lady. If I give an order, I expect it obeyed."
"I know... but hurry! Helenias is in more trouble than you realise - I had to come!"
"She has another Jedi with her. What can possibly be bad enough to cause two Jedi, especially if one i Helenias a problem?"
He doesn't know.. he cant feel it and he's blocking me...! "Just... come on, father! we have to get to her, I can't explain now!"
"The Master frowned, but nodded. "Have you a fix on her?"
"No, I was using Jina to do that"
"Oh. Right..."
Red hair. Sabre. Dark Side ....
"Oh frell. Quay! This way!"
Down a set of stairs. then a corridor. But he knew this was a losing race. His feel flew, outpacing Xazor. A doorway lay ahead, he dropped his shoulder and slammed through it, the door coming off it's hinges. It barely slowed him down. He could feel Quay trying her best but then there was the flare of pain, signalling the dark sider had won. He put on more speed, smashing against a trolley in his haste, half falling. He rebalanced, then slammed through another doorway as the roar of a gun echoes through the corridor. A scream. Then another roar.
what happened next hit him so hard that he nearly fell to the ground. In all of this, he had not been able to sense his wife, but abruptly, he did. He sensed her pain, her exhaustion and even shared partially when she was cut down from behind. Marcus felt the roar rip his throat, bellowing in desperation at this last race, he came around the final corner...
There she was. On her knees, hand in front of her. Dwayne Hicks, pointing a lasgun at her head. He froze in horror, even as Xazor slid to a stop next to him. They could do nothing as Hicks pulled the trigger, the deadly beam lancing her hand before it burnt it's way to her skull...
Helenias fell first, collapsing to the front on her side, then rolling so she was face down. Hicks seemed to look surprised at the smoking remains of his gun, before he too fell, stiffly like a fallen tree backwards.
"Oh God... HELENIAS!!!
Both the Jedi dashed forward, crying out in distress. Marcus made the fallen woman he loved so much first, sliding to her and gently rolling her over. Her face, unmarred it seemed, was so beautiful, became blurred as his eyes filled with tears.
"Are... we too late?" gasped Xazor.
He bowed his head, feeling like his whole Galaxy was destroyed, crupled into nothing. He had no words as he took hold of his wife's hand. It was singed from the lasgun, but warm, soft as he remembered. His other hand reached out and stroked her cheek, numb disbelief he had been too late... too.. damn... late.....!
A rasping cough suddenly smashed through the darkness that was gathering around him. Very slowly, Helenias opened one bloodshot eye, cough ed again, a trace of blood on her lip.
"Who... is... that?" she murmered. "Xazor?"
"Mother?" Xazor asked, coming to her knees next to Marcus. "Mother? Where are you hurt?"
Marcus stared. But.... she had been shot with a Lasgun...?
That wasn't possible?
Hicks pulled the trigger. The beam of light hit her hand. The energy tried to burn through, but she absorbed most of it, the parts she could not burning her hand - and then she threw the energy back, hittign the lasgun and overloading it's powercell. The gun detonated, blowing Hick's forearm off and shrapnel piercing his heart....
"By all things holy.... you reflected a laser beam? When in the Galaxy did you learn how to do that?"
Helenias moved her head slightly. She was in great pain and totally exhausted, her senses blurred in such a way she could not identify the male voice. She felt Xazor's warm hands on her side. "My ...daughter... who is ... with... you?"
"Your husband" Marcus choked. "Please... be quiet. We'll get you out of here. Conserve your energy. You have to live!"
Xazor gasped as she saw what was in the sling. She stared, unable to speak.
"Xaz..? waht is.....Is... no...."
The bundle in the sling moved. A tiny hand could be seen. But more importantly, there was a cry of a baby who'd been jostled and bumped, had a gun go off in it's sensitive ears, too many bright lights and all it wanted to do was sleep. It had had enough and it was now goign to make it's feelings known.
She began to wail. She howled and cried at the indignity of it all. Even as Helenias took hold of her husband's hand and gently placed the calloused and war roughened palm on her cheek. She didnt care. She just had enough.
And for once in his life, just as he saw his daughter for the first time, he was without an idea what to do. Or think. Or say. He was rocked so deeply - so badly shaken from seeing what he thought was the death of his wife, to realising she had Jedi powers that he didnt, to this.
To this miricle.
A miricle so unexpected, there was no word or thought or action to express what he was feeling. a torado of emption, a tidal wave that had him swamped.
Helenias had both eyes open, shining with pleasure as her husband touched the new life they had created together. "Her name is Arwen, Marcus. She's your duaghter"
The Jedi Master, a man whom had been ranked as a Warlord, a survivor of so much, a man whom had done so much, could do no more than bow his head once again and surrender to the moment. His eyes filled once again with tears as he sobbed, the emotion hitting him once again.
Not of sadness.
But of pure, undescribable shock, intermingled with joy
"Marcus... we have to go"
He wiped his face, before looking up. Xazor's face was also dirtied with tears, her eyes imflammed red. "Did you know?"
"No... I didn't. I think someone has a lot of explaining to do - but in a good way. Ummm... you there, who are you?" He had finally noticed someone was in the room, looking at Xazor and Marcus with some curiousity. It was a woman, youngish, obviously injured and in pain, but sitting up and alert.
"Jedi Padawan Quay Na'Rakai, sir. I'm Helenias' Padawan. Who are you?"
"This is Jedi Xazor Elessar and I'm Helenias' husband"
"The Lost Jedi Master, Marcus Elessar?!?!?"
Pardon? "Well... I'll ask how you know that later. For now, can you move? We have to leave and leave in a hurry. Xazor, i think Jina is waking up. Go get her"
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:57:00 PM
The Padawan wouldn't have believed it had she not seen it herself, she had been so sure that the blast had killed her master. For those few moments, her heart had been torn from her. There she had been to witness the death of another master and it was her fault, she should have fought better...she should have...
A man and woman entered at that moment cradling her master in his arms.
A few tears fell as she heard the man sob and then as if a light had shone down on them, she heard her voice.
Quay'Na stared through her tears to see her master move, to hear her voice, it was incredible!
The Padawan made herself sit up, it took a lot of effort, but she managed, she wasn't going to let her master down again, she had to be strong.
"...who are you?"
"Jedi Padawan Quay Na'Rakai, sir. I'm Helenias' Padawan. Who are you?"
"This is Jedi Xazor Elessar and I'm Helenias' husband"
"The Lost Jedi Master, Marcus Elessar?!?!?"
"Well... I'll ask how you know that later. For now, can you move? We have to leave and leave in a hurry. Xazor, i think Jina is waking up. Go get her"
Quay'Na nodded and winced deeply as she grit her teeth and got to her feet, she didn't even want to see what the injury looked like, so she ignored it as much as possible.
They had survived...all of them.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2004, 09:55:15 PM
Such a roller coaster of emotion. she was exhausted just by that, let alone the battle to get in here. As Marcus cradled her woman she called Mother, Xazor got up to where Jina lay. she was bleeding from a head wound, but she sensed it was not to grevious - she would have one hell of a headache in the morning, however. Hicks must have clubbed her before he made his treacherous move on Helenias
Xazor picked up the unconcious form, before heading back to where Marcus and this... Quay? were. Not noted before, she now noted the red haired woman whom was missing some limbs, but still alive - just.
"Who's that?" she asked. "Anyone we know"
"Unfortunantly, yes. Once, she was much like you Xazor. She had a good heart and she also once wanted to be as you are - a daughter to me. But unlike you... she turned to the dark side and blamed me for much that went wrong. Even if she tried to kill Helenias, I pity her. Leave her here. If she dies, she dies. If she lives, she's had her punishment for what she tried tonight"
"What about this scum of a solider?"
Marcus sighed. "He was a good man once. I owed him much too." He paused in thought. "Make it look like he died defending Helenias. That way, the memory others of him wont be tainted, as it should not have been. He was a heroic man and did much for the Republic. I'm sorry it came to this end for him"
Xazor felt more like spitting ont he body, but she did as she was told - Putting the assault gun in his remaining hand and arranging a few things to make it look like the woman and Hicks were fighting. she bit down her anger and even felt some sorrow as she glanced at this fallen Jedi. What had made her turn?
Something to think about, once they reached safety.
"Where to Marcus?" Xazor asked, Jina once again in her arms.
"Heh?" He said, sounding guilty. Xazor knew what was takign his attention and it made her smile. The tough and brutal Jedi a true father.... it bought a cheer to her heart, thinking she had a new sister, so unexpected.
"Where are we going now?" Xazor asked again.
"Oh... Dexter's. No idea from there for now. We have to get Helenias and ... Arwen to safety. You come with us too Quay."
"There may be more out there to stop us" Xazor stated.
"Point. I'm sorry Quay, your in no condition to do more. You carry the girl. Xazor, feel free to use my sabre" There was absolutly no question whom Marcus was carrying out. Helenias groaned as she was picked up, putting her arms around the Jedi Master's neck. She said something quietly to Marcus, which made him smile. He replied just as quietly.
Without asking, Xazor picked up her father's sabre, lighting it's blade. She took point, senses reaching out for any trouble ahead.
"Allright - follow me. Dont drop Mother now"
"You kidding me? I'd rather drop Arwen first!"
for the first time in a long, long time, Xazor felt happy. She nodded at the two following Jedi, before beginning to move away from this room of death.
In some ways, it felt like she was learning to become alive and love the Light after so long in the darkness and depths of dispair.
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 29th, 2004, 09:34:16 PM
The Padawan knelt down and scooped up the child into her arms, pain raged through her side, but she ignored it. A moment later, she called Master Ira's sabre to her hand and clipped it to her belt.
Quay'Na was more than exhausted, mentally and physically. Helenias and Arwen were going to be alright now, they were in the safety of Marcus now.
The Padawan followed the group, numbly. Her mind was full of everything that had happened and sometime it would really sink in and what kind of emotion it would bring, God only knew.
She had faced death more than once tonight and now she was going to...Dexter's...wherever that was. She felt sure that this would be the beginning of a new life for her, everything was changing.
Chris Raynark
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:51:15 AM
Raynark had gone up a few flights, decided for worse, turned, and clomped back down the stairs. He cursed, spat, and wholly ranted through the trip, something about losing his only day off this month or similar?
A recussion, most likely an explosion, echoed up the stairwell and Raynark doubled his decent, nearly tumbling head over heels on the 1ST FLOOR landing. He shot out his elbows and "bounced" off the wall back down the staircase. After a long silence, only interrupted by the falls of his boots upon steel, he spun the railing and started at a slow crawling crouch-walk torward a open door. He could faintly hear voices on the other side cloaked under the absence of light.
The figures began to move out torward him, responsively, Raynark lifted the railgun level through the portal.
"SecCorps! Come out with your hands up, I am really not in the mood to play fireworks tonight!"
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 30th, 2004, 07:24:32 AM
"Are you pleased, my Lord? Have I done well?"
The words as he picked Helenias up were quite a surprise - but a reminder of home. Of Arnor. And a reminder of the fact she was a princess of the royal house of the Sindar. It was disturbing a Numenorian and Sindar had produced an heir. If the races knew... there would be a lot of trouble. There hadnt been a mixing of the races for 5000 years, not since the War began. Thinking about it, wasn;t begun over a disputed heir like they had produced?
But that was for later and maybe, if they were careful, no one would ever know whom arwen's father was.
"Oh yes" he said, smiling. "You have indeed. I accept the gift of your body and call her mine". The old ritual. The acceptance of the child into his family.
"Father will have a fit"
"Ask me if I care. You should try to rest, I sense this has been a sore trial for you. I also sense you have grown in The Force"
"I'll tell you later - somehow the pregnancy unlocked something in me. You mind if I sleep in your arms?"
"Go ahead" he said. "Your safe now with me. You and Arwen"
"Even as Helenias slipped out of conciousness, giving in to her injuries and exhaustion, Arwen likewise began to settle.
Xazor had stopped, sabre at the ready. They had come up a few floors are were nearly at the front lobby.
"Anything wrong?" asked Marcus.
"I sense someone"
"Dont know"
They moved forward.
"SecCorps! Come out with your hands up, I am really not in the mood to play fireworks tonight!"
"Crap!" swore Xazor. "now what?"
"Hey mate! I have a rather injured mother and baby, plus two Jedi! I dont want you to get hurt, we're not in the best of moods either, okay? Put your gun down!"
"What??" hissed xazor. "Are you mad Marcus?!?!"
"I recognised the voice. He's ex-NRSF"
"So was Hicks!"
Marcus sighed. "We cant look for shadows all the time. Besides, if he makes a move, split him in half"
Out of the semi dark firstly came a blonde tall woman, a huge sabre in her hands and obviously ready to be used. Next came Quay, limping with Jina in her arms. Then, came Marcus with Helenias and Arwen.
"SecCorps, is it?" Marcus asked. "what's the sitrep outside? Can we get the hell out of here?"
Chris Raynark
Mar 30th, 2004, 10:22:31 AM
The officer only lowered the tip of the rail-gun, slipped his trigger-finger around the trigger guard. Two Jedi sounded safe, as opposed to the freaks of metal and clunkers before.
"SecCorps, is it?" One asked. "What's the sitrep outside? Can we get the hell out of here?"
Raynark took a moment before responding, eyeing through the shadows as the group bled out of dark gray and black. One held something weapon-like with the shape of a tire-iron. His finger twitched against the trigger guard.
“I don’t know, I was shot at gettin’ in here out of hurricane force winds. Head reported backup units on route about five-ten minutes past. No idea in what numbers, my radio took a hit before I caught the rest,” He responded. “Whatever the cause, unless that hurricanes dead, they’re going to get some delay getting here.” He looked over the group, then focused on the woman in Marcus’s arms - She looked familiar, he motions. “…Senator Evenstar?”
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 1st, 2004, 01:12:18 PM
*Natia was trying to get to the doors of the Medical building with Ridge, but her physical handicaps were definately slowing her down, plus with the need to dispatch the droids that were shooting at them.
The Lost Jedi Padawan takes a deep breath as she stops, knowing that if she keeps walking, she's going to collapse, she opens fire on anything and everything that is firing at her and Ridge. The first shot hits a droid in the head, knocking it backwards and onto the ground. Her second shot misses the next droid, but her third hits it in the chest, falling that droid as well.
She is careful to avoid firing at Robot since he seems to be helping. Her shots both miss and hit the droids that she's firing at, but the longer she's firing, the more she's missing as the pain from her age old injuries shoots up and down her body.
Shortly, there are no more droids firing at the group of them. They've all been destroyed or are regrouping for another assualt. When she notices this, she collapses to the ground in pain, no longer using the Force to keep herself standing*
River Kincaid
Apr 4th, 2004, 09:11:41 AM
River could feel Faith's presence and locked onto it. He slipped from stairs to corridor to stairs to corridor on silent feet. Only a couple of times, did he run into a threat and blew it apart.
He was very close now as he made his way down an empty corridor. He used his sensing abilities to locate her, she was unhurt. Thank God.
And a closet.
River stopped for a moment and reached out with his abilites to search of any oncoming danger, nothing.
He made his way to the storage closet and unlocked it. Opening it, he found Faith and sighed as she rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him.
She was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. The twins that the two of them had produced were more than evident. It was amazing as he felt her belly push up against his in their embrace.
"Are you alright, Faith? Are the babies alright?" He asked as their embrace eased off and he looked deep into her eyes.
"Yes, we're fine. I'm not hurt."
River sighed in relief, the thought of having anything happen to her disturbed him greatly, but it still didn't cover the emotion he felt as that same night he had just been intimate with his Master.
He felt the first pang of guilt, but recovered. He couldn't possibly have known that he would be standing here right now, with Faith in his arms. She was part of the Jedi Order, he was with the Lost, the two were on different levels.
But, they were here and they were here together, is was like a sign, a very good sign.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. The others are downstairs, we need to get back with them." He took her hand and began to lead her back towards the stairs.
River's sensing abilities were back up to par, any danger ahead of them would be non-existant if and when he came face to face with it. He had a family to protect and he would.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Apr 4th, 2004, 04:02:52 PM
The Darksider fired again and again, until there were no more droids to be seen, just the one robot thing that had been helping.
Ridge felt Natia's pain, he could feel that she was near collapse. He could also feel his brother, he was alright.
Searching once more out into the darkness for anymore trouble, the Darksider feels nothing. "Let's get you out of here, Natia." He says as she scoops her up into his arms and starts carrying her deeper into the med center.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:21:10 AM
"Yes, that's her" Marcus replied. "She needs medical attention and to get to somewhere safe"
TheSeccorps grunt nodded, pointing with his gun towards the exit. Marcus glanced at Quay, then at Xazor. "Xazor, point again. You... ummm... what the hell is your name?"
"Chris Raynark"
"You go with her. Move it"
The group fanned out, making their way carefully up the stairwells, back up the now silent corridors, back past battle damage and destruction, back to the main hall and the howling blast of the hurricane, which was ripping through the front doors. There, the group paused - for Marcus had placed Helenias onto a couch and had disappeared. Surprised, the others began to wonder what the hell had gone on, when theyre was a sudden disturbance in the Force. Liek that of a annoyed Jedi Master, wanting to scare the willies out of someone.
A moment later, a man was marched back to the group and much to everyone's surprise, had Natia. The look on Marcus' face was decidedly dangerous. He turned again and slipped away - this time to reemerge with River Kincaid and Faith Lerf.
"Now, would everyone like to stay put this time?" Marcus snapped, "Or are you willing to risk my displeasure? There's been enough damn heros tonight"
Strangely enough, no one wanted to risk that. The Master, clicked his fingers, pointing to the door. Xazor nodded, relieving the SecCorp trooper of his gun, throwing it to Marcus, who racked a cartridge into a chamber. They both without comment went outside intot he howling gale.
Outside, Robot had been cut down by the remaining droids. However, before they had much of a chance to regroup, they were uncerimoniously destroyed by two Jedi, working like a force of nature themselves. Through the driving rain, a speeder could be seen lifting and going like crazy, just after the last droid fell. Marcus fired at the retreating lights, failign to hit anything.
Over there!
Got it. You go back to the others. Warn them
She was like a drowned womp rat as she slipped back into the foyer. She got back up and ran clear of the front doors.
"Everyone!! Take cover!"
Even as she dived out of the way, a speeder bus smashed through the lobby, grinding to a stop as debris fell all around. From inside, Marcus leapt out.
"In! Move it!"
With a grind of metal and a roof collapse, the bus backed out, repulsor lifts struggling to make any difference in the turbulance. It rose, turned, smashing into a wall. Marcus, fighting the controls, swore as the craft was tossed about. "HANG ON!!"
"Thank you for the warnign Captain Obvious!" yelled someone back, with he ignored, instead punching the drives. A breif flare set fire to the lobby as the bus accelerated, old drive motors screamign in protest at the abuse dealt out by the Jedi's flying. The speeder barely rose high enough over the shield protecting the concert, with the Jedi cursing and willing the old bus to make it back to where he wanted to go. Lightning blasted the air, the wind tore at the control surfaces, rain pleted down.....
----------- * * * * * * --------------
"... and in todays lead story, Major General James Tohmahawk of secCorps has been the lead casualty in a brazen act of terrorism on the senate Medical centre, right next Coropolloza. The huge hurricane apparently was caused by a distruption to Weather Control, an event unprecedented in it's scale and ferocity. as the senate Preceint counts the massive cost fo the storm and the attack, the question everyone is who would be low enough to target a woman giving birth? For more, here's Joc Yohannson"
"Thanks Mar - Yes, its' the question everyone who has seen the incredible security footage is askign themselves. It appears a small army of droids was sent out to kill Senator Evenstar, whom fought incredibly to stay alive. Above that, it appears two Sith tried to also kill the Senator, a well known and some would say dangerous Jedi Knight. It appears several passerby intervened, but not before General Tohamahawk, whom had gone to investigate a disturbace was killed, along with Dwayne Hicks, his main assistant. Hicks it apepars critically injured one Sith, an unknown fighter battled the other. Curiously, this unknown saviour's face never was visible.
we do knwo the Jedi Renegade and wanted criminal Xazor Elessar was here helping Evenstar. Three other Jedi Padawans also were in the vicinity, their condition is unknown, as is Evenstar. She has been whisked awa to a secret location, apparently quite badly hurt"
"What about her baby? Do we know what happened?"
"No, we dont Mar. Investigators however are sifting the wreckage of the Senate Medical Centre and are hopefully going to get answers. The Jedi council have been asked to comment, but, they have admitted knowing nothing either. Right now the scence is chaotic as you can expect, but as dawn breaks and the weather clears, we should know more. Back to you"
"Thanks Joc, More information on todays leading story as it comes to hand"
Two men watched the broadcast without comment. The taller one seemed ice calm. The smaller, anxious.
"We should get out of here Hunter"
"Agreed. we get off planet until this blows over.
Going to so kill you Turbogeek. I swear, if it's the last I do. You die
The cluds were beginning to break as the last bits of rain fell, now a shower rather than the torrent of a few hours before. Crews were beginning to come out to begin the task of a clean up that would in some places take days, The Concert park was a mess and cordoned off by rather angry and tigger happy SecCorps. Reporters and investigation crews were picking over the mess of the Medical Center. Early risers were picking their way through rivers of water and debris, the sun peeking above the buildign and clouds to create a lightshow of the freshly scrabbed areas, clean of grime, but wet.
The first crews were lookign at a crashed speeder bus, wondering how it had wedged itself into a tunnel and how they were going to clear it out.
And a few hundred meters away, a small diner of no real importance had it's doors shut and shutters down, with a sign saying they would not be open today. Owner was cleaning up.
A rather believeable excuse. No one would question that, not today when the whole sector was cleaning up.
Inside, it was anything bar typical. Dexter Jettster was runnign about feeding those who were able to eat, those aforementioned eyeing each other off uneasily, all the more nervous for that his unassuming diner had an upstairs that woudl do a NR war room proud.
There was also wounded to look after. Helenias was by far the worse off, she was going to need a bacta tanking in all likelihood. She was presently stretchered out in a Jedi Healing trance, a IV drip beginning to replace the blood she had lost. Most others had soem sort of damage to fix, which the Jedi Master and Knight, father and daughter were looking after.
And in a makeshift cot - which was in fact an old fruit box stuffed full of blankets and pillows, was Arwen, now finally safe, dry, and sleeping. those who could were quite unashamably coming to look at the new life, even those whom were not part of the family.
Especially the still shocked father, who was no where near coming to terms with a third daughter.
The dawn turned into day. The group slept except for Dexter, who tended to beings as needed. Eventually he too went to bed.
Day turned to afternoon, afternoon to dusk. There was movement at Dexters, a few lights could be seen shining out from the shutters. The sounds of music, of loud talking.
Of a group bonded by a shared hardship celebrating their survival. Two brothers, River and Ridge. Faith Lerf. The NR SecCorp officer, Chris Raynark, now sworn to secrecy for what he had seen in here. Dexter, the owner of the bar.
Of a family, bonded by a new and unexpected arrival. Natia' expression on her face when she found out was priceless and bought joy as she swore in surprise.
Helenias Evenstar was still out and still in dire need of medical attention, but her life was no longer at threat.
Xazor, eldest daughter, adopted. She had removed the coins from her hair and become truly a Elessar. Her cares and troubles forgotten as she laughed at a dirty joke told by Ridge
Jina, six years old, a Jedi in training. She was quiet, watchful. Second eldest, adopted.
Natia, Granddaughter. She was sipping a juice, listening as her adopted mother, Xazor explained some of what had happened in the medical centre.
"Hey... where did Grandfather go?"
Xazor closed her eyes, then smiled. "No need to ask"
Natia grinned. No, indeed.
Upstairs, there was one shutter opened. The fresh air was being let in and on an old layback chair, sat what appeared at first glance an approaching middle aged man, smoking a pipe. It was hard to believe that not 24 hours ago, he had been sitting here, a mental and emotional wreck, lost and confused.
Oh, he was lost and confused still allright. Just not in the same way. A good way, if the truth be told. He leaned back, inhaling on his pipe, letting his mind wander as it would. A few plans, one was to evacuate everyone to Trilith as he had told Quay earlier. Another was to think about who to see to Helenias. Maybe Gronk.
The other his mind wandered back to was the tiny girl, asleep inside. Now it had happened, now he understood what the dreams and the warnings really meant. How much he could have really lost.
But in return, how much had he gained? How could one put a price to this wealth he now had? A wife, three duaghters, a grand daugher. He had a real family now. A rather large extended one too, if he had a few things right.
Going to have to sort this all out soon. Maybe a get together..?
His thoughts were broken by a snuffle and a half cry. He put the pipe on a table, got up and went inside. He walked quietly to the box where Arwen was, had a look inside. The tiny girl was unhappy, seeming to be restless. He stared, then bent down and gently picked her up, cuddling her.
"Hey... what's up there? What's wrong?"
Arwen squirmed, before beginning to settle. a slight smile creased his face. The feelign he felt just could not be discribed. Arwen was a wonder beyond all imagination.
In one fo the corners, Helenias was in a very deep sleep, laying on her side. Her face had a few more lines on it, she had put on weight due to the pregnancy, but she was still beautiful. One of her hands was on the pllow besides her face, the gold band shining in the dim light. It's mate, on Marcus' hand, shone in return. The Jedi Master sighed, a foppish grin on his face. He was utterly dead tired, bone weary. Surely it wouldn't hurt....
An hour later, Xazor, Natia and Jina came up the stairs. all three quietly saw Marcus, sleeping on the bed with one arm around Helenias, which also encompassed Arwen, all three fast asleep. Jina walked quietly over, then softly climbed on the bed, curling up next to Arwen.
"Is that Grandmother?" asked Natia.
"Yes. she's a wonderful woman Natia. I love her dearly"
"I wish I was a bit younger. I'd join Jina"
Xazor smiled. "I dont think anoyone's going to mind, Natia. It's our family too, Arwen's my sister"
Another hour later, Rvier Kincaid came upstairs with Faith Lerf. They were all rather surprised to see the group of six soundly asleep.
All six of the sme newly reunited family. sharing a moment of peace in a Galaxy of turmoil and unrest. Learning to be a family, for most of them were admittedly dysfunctional. Learning to look out for each other. Learning to share, to love, to support.
But more than that..... Learning to Live together.
<font color=green>Within the rubble of the Medical Centre, some days later, they found inexplicably a small rose bush growing. No one who smelt it's fragrance had the heart to destroy it. Instead, it was carefully uprooted and placed ina garden that would eventually be dedicated to those who died in the storm and the Medical centre. Dwanye Hicks' ashes were returned to his home planet. the nameless sith was put into a secure medical jail, to be nursed back to some semblence of health for a attempted murder trial. Her injures would probably never heal.
For some reason, Tohmahawk remained head fo SecCorps, though no one knew where he was or if he was truly dead.
But int he years that went by, visitors to the rose bush marvelled at it's healing properties. It fame spread and it was eventually shifted to the Jedi Temple. Someone noted it was much like the famed rose bush at the Place of Healing on Dagobah.
On closer examination, the flowers dripped with dew, dripping
to the ground below.
It was in all a most wonderful sight. There was something about
this plant, something that suggested great sadness in the way that the drops resembled tears, but also in the way the scent also hinted at hope for the future.
No Darkness could abide to be near it and the Light side of the
Force shined outwards, bright and strong, like spirit of truth.
Many people came over the next few years to see this wonderous
plant, many Jedi came with troubled hearts to be uplifted, many came with emotional hurts and in some way they all came back, touched and refreshed as if physically touched by some force they could not explain.
Maybe it was the decendant of the rose bush at the Place of Healing
No one truly knew.
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