View Full Version : Evangelion enthusiasts.

Ryan Pode
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:10:02 PM
I am buying the box set. I am wondering though, to anyone who owns the 8 Disc set, are the extra features worth the money? Or should I just get the 4 disc set for a lot cheaper?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:18:47 PM
first off I would recommend not buying it, I thought it was good at first but it got boring and I have yet to watch any of it again and I've owned it for over a year now.....second, there's nothing special about the extra features, if I remember rightly all it is info about the angels in the dvd....

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 13th, 2003, 01:43:04 AM
The only good use of Evangelion is the Rammstein video port. That was hilarious, and contained the only good parts of the show. All three and a half minutes of it.

Beautiful mouth-to-German-lyric adaptation, too. Man, that video was a work of art.

Ryan Pode
Aug 13th, 2003, 05:55:48 AM
Rammstien isn't that good. Try Blind Guardian.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 13th, 2003, 06:07:28 AM
Rammstein isn't that good? whatwhatWHAT.

Blind Guardian are good. Try Nightwish and/or (:love) Rhapsody .

Aug 13th, 2003, 06:09:39 AM
Originally posted by Ryan Pode
Rammstien isn't that good. Try Blind Guardian.

I very much beg to disagree.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:49:13 AM
i love eva. always have. the concepts and underlying stories are what i love. and the red eva. i want one of those

i even went out and bought ome of the eva figures; the good ones, not the crappy ones. i got the blue eva, the orange, and the red eva

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Aug 13th, 2003, 01:40:55 PM
I don't really like Rammstein, but that video, which was not doen by them, but by somebody with too much free time, was very well executed.

Aug 13th, 2003, 03:53:09 PM
Sejah knows what's up. Evangelion's good for that video only. Waaaaaay overhyped and overrated is Evangelion. Your money is better spent on something else entirely.

Ryan Pode
Aug 13th, 2003, 06:57:24 PM
I find Evangelion to be a very eloquent story that has meaning on many levels and I'll spend my money where I want to. I was asking a simple question between the difference of the the two sets, not whether or not it was a good investment. If I wanted that, I'd call a social worker.

Mu Satach
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:28:04 PM
I'm an Eva addict, but saddly I can't afford to purchase it so I can't tell you whether the box set would be worth the money or not...

however, here's a link (http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews/category.php?category=1&view=4) to some reviews of the discs,
scroll about half way down the page to get to the NGE reviews.

though saddly, the review for the big box set looks like it hasn't been written (and probably won't be for a while unless they get an early release set)...
and the review for the perfect collection is kind of lacking.

Good luck in finding what you're after.

Ryan Pode
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:31:55 PM
Thank you.