View Full Version : Walks in the Night (open)

Chris Raynark
Aug 11th, 2003, 06:12:05 PM
He had been sleeping pretty well for the past few weeks, slugger slid under his pillow for extra comfort. Chris had enough creds from his last paycheck to order some pizza, pay his rent, plus have some spare for extra stuff like a movie or something.


Eh... Must've been the renters upstairs, sounded like them. Noisy bunch they were, even in the late hours. Hold on.. where did that breeze come from? His hand slid under the pillow as he mumbled something in his sleep.

He felt something knock against his bed and he opened one eye, peering out to see only wall. The 'something' bumped into his nightstand, and Chris sprung to action. Throwing his legs up, shifting his torso so his right arm could shoot out with the slugger gripped firmly in his hand..

"Meow.." It sounded, lapping at the suppressor attached to the barrel. It was the landlord's cat, Whisky.. or whiskers... some name like that. Chris face palmed with the weapon, clicking the safety on before sliding it back under his pillow. He tossed the cat out, dressed, and went for a midnight walk. He got about half a click from his apartment before he stopped at the corner, tapping out a cigarette from his coat pocket. Blue eyes scanned the roadway before stepping across and continuing his way..

(OOC: I’m leaving the cliffhanger for someone to jump in here, do whatever you think best..)

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:36:20 PM
A man was runing down an alley, He kept looking over his shoulder as he ran

the man made it to the street and ran up to chris, the man grabed chris's shirt "you've got to halp me" the man pleaded "there's a assassin after me" then the man put his hand in his pocket and pulled something out "I'll give you some credits if you help me" the man opened his hand to show a handful of credits

there was a click noice and the man fell to the ground with blood driping out of his side

A figure deceded from a nearby roof via the fire escape and walked over to the corpse, when the figure came into the light Chris couls see that it looked like a half man half cat with striped skin and cat like ears

Jaassuuvi reached down and picked the man's corpse up and slung it over his shoulder

The cat man hadnt noticed chris was standing there with a shocked expression, Jaas looked at chris then walked into an alley and came back out without the corpse and with a bag of stuff in his hand

Jaas walked over to chris again "jyou djidnt sssee anjythjing jya hearrr" the cat man said with a cold voice.

Chris Raynark
Aug 14th, 2003, 02:37:57 PM
Damn, one of those blasted Cizeracks. Chris stooped down and scooped up the cred chits the ex-living buisnessman had dropped and held them, fanned, up.

"Nope, didn't see a thing 'cept these creds in my face, y'know?" He replied, his free-hand slipping behind to his back..

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Aug 15th, 2003, 10:05:45 PM
Jaas looked at the creds and chuckled "jyou can keep them jif jyou want" he looked up at chris's face "ji jike a man who can keep hjis cool in the face of a kjiller" Jaas pulled out the blaster that had killed the man "ji could kjill jyou rjight now jif ji want to."

Chris Raynark
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:57:24 PM
"Yeah, you could mate. But do you really want to take the risk that I might have a grenade with a very, very short fuse sitting behind my back?" Chris responded cooly, raising his brow quizically, "You might get away from the blast if it's a normal grenade, but if it's something else... eh... I don't think you Ciz's can run that fast."

Kaytor Surna
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:30:37 PM
"Perhaps he can't. But that would mean that you can't eather, human."

A girl now sat on a nearby fire escape slightly above their heads. One leg was hanging down while the other was pulled up close to her body. She wasn't even looking at the cat or the human. She seemed to be staring off into the night.

"Neither of you would be fast enough to escape a large enough blast."

She closed her red eyes a moment then turned and looked at the two. She stood up and hopped off the fire escape landing near them. She looked at the two closely.

"Now what are two creatures like yourselfs doing wandering around at night? I have heard it has gotten pretty dangerous, what with these vampyres running around everywhere. Might want to watch yourself. You never know when they will..."

She bites at the air, showing her pointed fangs. She grinned slightly.

"Well I think you get the idea."

Chris Raynark
Sep 2nd, 2003, 08:42:36 PM
"You know it," Chris replied quickly, "But I just couldn't withstand a nice walk out in the weather tonight, with or without threats from felinoids or vamps." He shrugged, "And your right about the grenade crap, I wouldn't out run the blast, but if Mr. Whiskers here shot me here and now. Why would I need to run?"

Kaytor Surna
Sep 2nd, 2003, 09:02:01 PM
She shrugs at the question. She sometimes forgot that humans could not heal, and were not as immune, to injuries as she was. Someone shoots her and she heals it within a few moments. And usualy by then, the person is dead.

"But I know your not stupid enough to provoke 'Mr. Whiskers' into shooting you, now are you, human?"

Chris Raynark
Sep 3rd, 2003, 05:07:46 AM
"No. But if Whiskers want's to take the chance that I do hold a grenade, then it's all his choice weither to pull the trigger or not."

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Sep 3rd, 2003, 12:47:24 PM
Jaas chuckled "ji dont carrre jif jyou have a bomb or not, ji am not easssiljy ssscarrred, forrr death jis jussst a parrrt of ljife."

Chris Raynark
Sep 3rd, 2003, 06:52:34 PM
Chris smirked, "That's a good look on life, man."

He pulled out the hand behind his back which held nothing. He held both hands up into the air with the fingers spread out, "So... you going to shoot me?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Sep 3rd, 2003, 08:55:35 PM
Jaas smiled "no, ji am not gojing to kjill jyou" his smiled turned into a grin "that would be too easssjy."

Chris Raynark
Sep 5th, 2003, 10:18:24 PM
Chris dropped his arms and chuckled, "Swell! I don't die today, great news ain't it?" The last jit directed to the lovely girl to the side, "So.. body-bag-boy in the alley, who was he for?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Sep 13th, 2003, 04:34:25 PM
Jaas grined "he wasss a man who borrrrrrowed monejy and djidn'y pajy hjisss deptsss" the cizerack smiled showing his sharp teeth "mjy bossssss dosssn't like people who dont pajy up when ssshe sajysss to."