View Full Version : A lesson in vengence...(bloodpack)

Epona Rhi
Aug 10th, 2003, 05:39:12 PM
Shadows danced as the neon lights flickered in the darkness of the backstreet she was hiding in. She had been following this vampire for a while now and decided to make her move. She lunged at the child of the darkness and swung both orange blades of her two sabers at the target and MISSED. This vampire was quick ...very quick. Quicker than she had anticipated, the woman got out of her roll and lunged back to defend herself. What was it about these vampires and their lover for swords....*vrrrrmmmmm* her bad!! Lightsaber! This one was either a sith or jedi before being turned. Orange and purple blades twirled and swirled and clashed together as they begun their dance. This one was well skilled in the art of saber fighting. Really good in fact, she almost took her head off a couple times, if it werent for her training as an assasin, she wouldve lost the fight. She did however manage to tag Epona on the leg and had her scuttling backwards hissing between clenched teeth. The over confidant vampire laughed as she swished her saber in the air next to her.

"What's the matter little girl? Can't keep up with me?"

Epona snarled and charged back in making the vampire back peddle only to get hit on the arm with a well placed strike from an orange blade. The vampire lashed out with the force in anger throwing epona on her rump and with a well placed strike, sent a lightsaber careening off into the darkness of the alley. Another few strikes and a good kick sent her other saber off in the opposite direction. Epona leaned back and winced as the purple blade neared her face.

"Now my dear little jedi wanna-be, you will die."

As she brought her arm up to strike her down, a silver streak flashed near her face and Epona rolled on instinct out of the way. The vampire dropped her own saber and clutched the shaft jutting out from her upper torso. Epona extended her hands and called her sabers back and quickly silence the vampire's screams by lopping her head off at the neck. Then the shadows themselves started to move and over a dozen figures stepped out, all bearing some kind of small arms. She nodded to what looked to be the leader of the rabble.

"Thanks for the assist. I was nee......"

He cut her off in mid sentence and spoke rudely to her.

"Save your thanks wench, We didnt intervene because we are bein' nice. We need you to help us find some people. Mainly the bloodpack."

Epona scoffed at him, who did this kriffing idiot think he was?

"Me help you bring the bloodpack out?? *psshaw* you're dumber than you look."

She ignited her blades and charged them. The melee took all of thirty seconds with her taking out two of his people only to have a peircing pain rip through her hip. She dropped her sabers and grabbed the shaft sticking out of her side, it had gone through her back and stuck out the front. She fell to her knees, wanting to scream but nothing came out. Her mouth was open and only silence came forth. Another shadow came out holding a crossbow and when he got next to her he kicked her upside her had causing her to fall back and unconscious.

"Fool!! I want her alive not dead!"

"She is alive....just hurt really bad. As long as we keep that spike in her she wont bleed to death, at least I don't think."

"You...pick her up, lets go back to the hideout and place our bait to wait for the catch."

They gathered Epona up and headed back to their lair.

Aug 10th, 2003, 06:33:25 PM
Redeemer swung her sword through the air, practicing her moves in silence. She closed her eyes, going through the motions she knew by heart. She heard the footsteps long before Dorian Gray showed his face.

Since they had hooked up being partners as bounty hunters, she had come to love the mortal as a brother these past four months. She knew his feelings went deeper for her...as well did her lifemate, Ice, who watched him quietly every time Dorian was around, as if waiting for Dorian to make a single mistake worthy of ripping his heart out.

'Dorian Gray...now there's an interesting mortal.' Redeemer thought to herself. 'As if Epona wasn't?

Redeemer suddenly laughed, breaking her concentration. She opened her eyes to find Dorian watching her intently. She nodded her head his way, turning around to replace her sword into its rightful place on her back.

Dorian had one of the Council with his willingness to help the Bloodpack find the people who run around calling themselves 'the Descendants'...mortals who deemed themselves necessary to wipe out any vampyre on any planet. Pure or mixed, they did not care. Dorian and herself had gotten enough information gathered to narrow down the search for the leader of the group only just a few cities away from them. Redeemer was itching to go after them, having almost been a victim of the Descendants herself. Luckily Dorian had come across and she does not know how he did it, but he managed to rescue her and hurt, even kill the other six.

Ice begrudgingly offered Dorian protection for his deed, feeling ashamed that he should have been there instead of the mortal. Redeemer knew Ice would get over his jealousy someday, it just had to be waited out. Dorian was also offered shelter there at what has now become the Bloodpack's choice of residence at Ice's massive home. Royce, Ice's butler, welcomed it with open arms, happy to see the house filled with laughter. Dorian was still considered the outsider to the other Packers, but Redeemer knew he was winning them over slowly.

Redeemer quickly thought of her mortal 'sister' Epona and a loving smile came across her face. Epona was out galavanting around the city on her own chasing down rogue vampyres who kill just for the excitement of it...the job welcomed by the members of the Bloodpack. Ice and Quinlin were back at the Council talking to Dante, Ice's father and Count Fulkrehm, two of the Council of Nine members.

Redeemer walked over to the bar, pouring herself a goblet of blood wine. She offered one to Dorian who laughed himself and waved it off, bringing up his own glass of whiskey to show her.
She laughed, taking a long sip of her drink and then set it down.
Redeemer opened her mouth to speak to Dorian when she got hit with a mental vision of Epona being attacked. The scene played out in her mind in slow motion and the goblet she was holding fell to the floor, breaking into a million shards at her feet.
She heard Dorian call out to her, but she could not move. Strong hands wrapped around her arms and she turned her flashing green eyes unto Dorian, the bloodlust for revenge obvious in them. Her soft features turned to stone as she moved away from Dorian and grabbed her holstered blasters sitting on the couch. Quickly fastening them onto her helt and then around her thighs, she looked at Dorian.

"You want the Descedants. Dorian?" She hissed, sending a silent message to the others, ordering them back home immediately. "I'm about to deliver their heads on a platter to you."

Redeemer walked towards the door, stopping to turn around at Dorian's puzzled look on his face.

"They have Epona. No one lays their hands on Epona without answering for it."

Dorian Gray
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:53:28 AM
Dorian let out a low whistle, watching his pale beauty storm out the front. One thing he has learned while being her partner, she did not take kindly to others tyring to hurt her 'family' and happily, that included himself as well. He shook his head, suddenly feeling sorry for who the poor nerf herder that had Epona.

Epona Rhi...now there was a woman! Dorian smiled as he remembered the first time they had met. Epona wanted to test his 'mettle' to see if he could keep up with the Bloodpack. He shook his head. She and those ever present lightsabers of her's. He laughed suddenly, grabbing his blasters and heading out the door to his speeder, the only way he would be able to even try and keep up with Redeemer now.

As Dorian sped off, he prayed that Quinlin and Ice would be helping out on this one. He did not want to see Ice's wrath again if Redeemer was hurt or even came close to it. Once was enough for him!

Quinlin Torr
Aug 13th, 2003, 02:27:50 AM
Walking out of the shadows of the neon lit back alley, Quinlin crouched down and picked up one of the two chrome cylinders left in a small pool of blood. The scent of it was all too familiar......Epona. He stayed there with his gunblade in its sheath on his back, his fingers of his left hand traced across the saber hilt of the mortal woman, as he looked around and smelled the air. The blood was cold and it may have been hours since it was spilled. He tasted it after he ran his fingers across the blood smeared hilt and he was right, it was a few hours old. Picking up the second saber he stood and again, looked around to see something other than Epona's twin sabers.

He spotted another cylinder and it was different. Looks like Epona got into a fight with another force user and may have won. He smirked when he pictured the short brunette taking on a jedi. Then again, this had the scent of a dark one, a turned one. She had hunted one down and took them out like the little bloodpacker she was. He sighed and slid the cylinders into his trench.

"Don't worry little darkling, we'll find you."

Aug 13th, 2003, 08:07:13 AM
Redeemer walked down the empty alleyway, not the least bit surprised to see Quinlin there already. Dorian joined her side, his blasters drawn as they made their way to Quinlin's side.

"Quinlin." Redeemer said, quickly reaching out to hug her oldest friend. She noticed him slipping Epona's lightsabers into his pocket. It was something she would have done, but let Quin have them instead.

"That is her blood." She said, more of a statement than a question, watching as Quinlin slowly nodded. His eyes glanced over at Dorian and then away, looking down at the evidence of the struggle. Redeemer willed herself to keep calm, wanting to run out into the night, find the monsters who did this to Epona and suck them dry.

"As much as I do not want to, we need to wait for Ice." She said, her hands going to check her own blasters. "I know where she is being kept and I want us all to go in as one."

Redeemer thought of their other Bloodpack member, Kariss, Ezra Darkmere's lifemate. This was something she would enjoy, but now that she was expecting the Darkmere heirs, the Council forbid her from anything dangerous like this. Redeemer smiled softly, knowing Kariss was probably climbing the walls. She was just as bloodthirsty as Redeemer was.

Aug 13th, 2003, 12:25:17 PM
The cloaked figure walked out and pulled the hood from over her beautiful head. The daughter of Fulkrehm stepping into the light and looked at everyone gathered so far.

"You forgot one other member Redeemer."

The witch said with a smile, she knew they wouldnt do that on purpose and that this thing with Epona had her on edge. Redeemer was very fond of the young mortal and so was everyone else. Izabell had spent time having conversations with the firey woman. Now Redeemer was right....Ice was the only one they waited on to complete the group.

"Dont worry Redeemer, We'll bring her back. Safe and sound."

Aug 13th, 2003, 12:40:09 PM
"Wait no more." Ice said, his silky voice echoing through the alley way as he stepped out from the shadows. His eyes immediately went to his lifemate Redeemer and a softness came over his face. Movement to the left caught his eye and he looked, spotting Dorian close to her. His features hardened as he silently glared at the mortal man who he knew, wanted to take Redeemer away from him.

Ice offered him a nasty smirk as Redeemer came into his arms, kissing him tenderly. His arms tightened around her, holding her close.

"It has been too long, My Love." Ice said, placing a kiss on her forehead at her hairline. "Father and Count Fulkrehm send their regards, as well as any help they can provide with retrieving our Darkling."

Epona Rhi
Aug 13th, 2003, 09:08:58 PM
Eyes fluttered open and vision was blurred, she tried to move but the intense stabbing pain in her side told her other wise. She slowly brought her hand down and felt the protruding metal shaft sticking out of her hip. She hissed as she was grabbed and roughly turned on her side. She yelped in pain as that same hand grabbed her by her throat.

"Well well, the little sith bitch has finally awakened. How's your side feelin babe?"

The husky voice sounded as he roughly pushed her head away. She slowly looked back up with a snarl on, as her raven black hair fell partially over half her face. He turned around to look back at her and arched an eyebrow and then crouched down and backhanded her. *SMACK*

"Ufff !...Ahhhhh!!!"

Epona cried out as the shaft moved in the wound. Pain shot through her body and her vision wavered and threatened to blackout, but she held on. She had a wild look to her eyes as she fought to keep conscious. A new set of hands helped her straighten up and a female voice came from behind her.

"Grez, knock it off! She isnt a vampyre, she's one of us...a human!"

"She is part of them and deserves what she gets....you keep talking like that and you'll get the same Tarin...hear me?"

Epona's head lolled to the right as Tarin picked her up and dragged her to the middle of the ..... where were they?? It didnt look like a room......on further surveilance, she figured they were still outside, but in another alleyway. Probably somewhere deep within the city that people wouldnt know or care what went on. She felt hands place what felt like binders on her ankles and wrists. As she looked around she could barely make out chains reaching up to the adjacent walls from her limbs. Then her breath caught as the chains were tugged and she went up. She was in pain as they hauled her up in the air. She was now about six feet from the floor and her four limbs stretched outwards. Her head hung backwards and she felt his breath on her face. Then she groaned in pain as he grasped the backend of the shaft that stuck out of her back. He twisted it and she gasped and held her breath.

"Too bad once we take care of your friends, you're gonna die.......I'm gonna do it personally too sweetheart......nice and slow"

She whimpered as he slowly twisted the shaft again and then screamed as he let it go and quickly punched her side where the spike jutted out of her. Her vision blurred and her head dropped backwards as she went into the black void of unconsciousness. Blood dripped from the shaft's end as she hung there suspended in the air by the chains. It pooled on the ground beneath her. The Descendants took their places and waited.

Aug 14th, 2003, 08:15:01 AM
Redeemer saw what was happening to her sister and let out a low guttural growl. She began to shake from the fury building up inside of her and Ice immediately stepped away from her to look at her fully. She watched in horror at what they did to Epona. She knew the other's could feel her pain, but Epona and Redeemer were connected on a different level. They could actually see what was happening with the other, which was strange for a mortal and vampyre without a blood exchange.

Redeemer dragged her eyes up from the ground to stare deep into Ice's eyes. When she spoke, her voice came out deep and raspy.

"My sister is badly hurt and they have her strung up like a piece of meat set for a trap." Redeemer's eyes flickered over to Quinlin and then the others before coming back to Ice. "Do NOT try and stop me from slaughtering these imbiciles. They are not worthy of living."

Redeemer removed her trenchcoat and threw it with accuracy into Dorian's speeder to reveal bare arms and her sword on her back. She wore a black leather band on each bicep. Tucked into one of the bands was a knife with a six inch serated blade. She reached back to unsheath her sword, the 'shink' of the metal echoing in the alley, the shiny blade reflecting the light of the moon as she brought it forward.

Redeemer brought her head up as if daring Ice to stop her. The two of them stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before she quietly stepped past him.

"Follow me." She hissed low. Reaching out to Epona, she found her unconcious and sent her waves of comfort, love and support.

'We are coming for you, My Darkling Sister. They will wish they had never touched you.'

Redeemer suddenly grinned, her fangs lengthening in anticipation.

Dorian Gray
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:20:32 AM
Dorian watched as Redeemer moved silently down the alleyway, leading them to Epona. He knew in his gut this was a trap, like they all did, but who the frell is really going to stop a gorgeous vampyre hell-bent on revenge? Not he, that's for sure.

Looks were exchanged between the other vampyres and then they suddenly turned to look at him, as if questioning him.

"You know I am in this all the way." Dorian said, his jaw set. "I do not like what they are doing any more that you do."

Dorian looked at Ice, finding the tall vampyre glaring at him. He returned his cold stare with one of his own.

"Are we following Redeemer or what?" Dorian asked with a smirk, not waiting for anyone to answer as he quietly moved by them, catching up to the blonde vampyre, gripping his blaster tightly.

Quinlin Torr
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:48:42 PM
They all felt a gust of wind and heard the fluttering of material. The group stopped to see Izabell point upwards to the building next to them just in time to see the black leather trench coat of Quinlin dissappear over the roof's top. He turned to look down at them and then took off running in the direction Redeemer was headed. He felt Epona's excruciating pain and that torture she did not deserve. The beast who put her through this was going to pay dearly for this. Whether it was Quinlin or Redeemer who got their hands on this person they would pay.

Bounding rooftop to rooftop, his coat fluttered in the wind high above the backalleys and walkways. He was a blurry shadow as he sprinted to where he knew she would be.

"Hold on Epona....I'm coming."

Aug 14th, 2003, 11:54:43 PM
She pulled her cowl over her head and brisk walked down a seperate alley, she stopped and looked back to them. Opening her hood to reveal half her beautiful face.

"We must approach from different angles. We are too much in harms way if we show up in one group.....anyone who wants to come with me feel free, I leave it up to you."

She turned and continued to walk quickly down the dark passage between buildings. The mist and steam from pipes started to cover her shoadowed form as she got further from them. If someone was to follow her it had to be now.

Aug 15th, 2003, 03:09:06 PM
Ice watched as the rest of them departed, noting Quinlin's quieter than usual mood. The little Darkling had a place in his heart he was probably unwilling to admit.

He swallowed his jealousy and moved behind Izabell. He hated to admit it, but the mortal Dorian and Redeemer were quite the team. The only thing he could not or would not get past was the very idea that Redeemer was ordered to take Dorian as her human slave. Ice's eyes were drawn to those bite marks on Dorian's neck every time he came across the bounty hunter. Just the very idea of her mouth on someone else fumed his anger, his jealousy...his lust for Dorian's head on a plate. Dante had ordered it so. It was the only way they could trust Dorian and since Redeemer was the one who had been saved by him, she would be the one to claim him.

Ice relaxed his jaw some, catching up with Izabell quickly. She had looked at him, noticed the look on his face and Ice saw her look away quickly, as if hiding a smile. Ice growled, knowing the whole 'Pack found Dorian a source of amusement when it came to him.

"Come on, Darkmere," Ice said to Izabell, his voice low and menacing. "I want to see what my lifemate has in store for Epona's kidnappers."

Aug 15th, 2003, 05:19:15 PM
Redeemer quickly climbed the building with ease, jumping on top of the roof, her boots making a quiet 'thud'. She turned to look back at Dorian staring up at her, his arms crossed at his chest with an annoyed look on his face. Redeemer quietly laughed, winking at him. She watched as he motioned for himself to go in through the ground and she nodded.

Redeemer turned around to find Quinlin making his way to the rooftop. She moved to stand infront of him and they stared at each other for a moment, a silent agreement being passed that which ever one of them came upon the leader first, no blood would be spared.

"Let's get our Darkling, Brother." Redeemer whispered.

Quinlin Torr
Aug 16th, 2003, 08:54:03 PM
"Let's get our Darkling, Brother."

A silent yet quick nod of the head was his only reply. His ebony eyes were hard and menacing, these mogur would pay and pay dearly. They have taken a member against their will, they had injured her badly and now tramp on her honor by hanging her helpless and displaying her like a slab of meat for the wolves. Well, the wolves were coming, and they knew where to find the sheep.
Stepping around her, Quinlin dashed off to the place she was being kept, not worrying if Redeemer was even alongside him. He wanted blood and he wanted it NOW.

Dorian Gray
Aug 17th, 2003, 02:55:56 PM
Walking through the dark, quiet building, Dorian raised his blaster closer to his face. He did not know if they were watching him or not or if their attention was focused on Epona. Each and every one of the Bloodpack knew this was a trap set for them, but they ventured on, blood lust filling their eyes as they moved in on the Descendants.

Dorian looked up at the ceiling, as if he could see Redeemer through the building as sent a silent prayer that this went swiftly and quietly.

He stopped, hearing voices in the room next to him. Dorian paused, his breathing slow as strained to hear what was said.

'Get closer so I can hear, Dorian.' Came Redeemer's voice in his head, making him jump slightly.

Dorian let out a quiet string of curses as he would never get used to having her in his mind. Since the taking of his blood from her, she has been able to keep tabs on him, hear his thoughts and see what he saw..something that was extremely foreign to him. He was thankful that Redeemer wasn't there all the time or he would be in deep trouble with her. Dorian smirked, doing what Redeemer said and got closer to the room, the voices loud and clear now.

"What if they don't show? What are we going to do with this vampyre slut then?" A female voice said.

'Oh, she's mine.' Redeemer whispered in his mind and Dorian had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing. He could just picture the look on the lovely vampyre's face.

"I told you, Nora, they'll come for her." A gruff voice said. Dorian had heard that voice before from the night Redeemer was attacked.

'Find Epona, Dorian.'

Dorian moved away from the room and ducked to keep from hitting beams that had fallen away from the ceiling. He heard laughing coming from another part of the building and walked towards it, his hand clutching his blaster tightly. Faint whimpers caught his attention from another side and he turned to see where it came from. He took a step forward when he felt hands grasp his arms and something hit the back of his head as pain wracked his body. Dorian fell to the floor in a heap, his blaster sliding to the other side of the room.

Epona Rhi
Aug 18th, 2003, 09:50:50 AM
They knew the Pack was there, They werent that incompentant. That is why the gruff and cold-hearted Ulric had decided to bring them out personally. With the voices of his fellow Decendants sounding thier disapproval, he marched out of his hiding place and towards Epona's hanging form. She had been awake for only a few minutes when she was roughly grabbed by the hair and her head yanked about. She let out a groan of pain as he yelled loudly.

"We know you're here, Bloodpack!! Show yourselves you kriffing cowards!!"

His screaming was met with silence as the Vampyres looked on, Epona could feel her sister watching and silently thought to herself ...' Ree......dont come out...sister......please' Warm tears streaked her cheek as she hung there trying to hold off the blinding pain she was wracked with. Again she groaned and whimpered as he shook her roughly by her ebony mane.

"No?! Then I guess we'll have to persuade you by other means neccessary."

Brandishing a silver blade, Ulric began to cut Epona with quick pulls across her arms and legs as he walked around her. Her violet eyes wide open and she screamed in pain. Fire like pain ripped through her limbs as he did his walk around and cut her. Her head dangled as she began to cry. And for the first time ever, Redeemer and the rest of the Pack, heard Epona beg. She was begging for him to stop as she sobbed in pain. She could feel their anger rising, their blood boiling. At hearing her do what she had never before brought herself to do.

"Please......stop.....I beg you...... stop......please."

"Don't you hear her?! The little sith wench begs for her life!! Yet you still hide....and you still allow her to endure this torture. Well she won't endure it much longer, for I shall give her release right before your eyes vamp scum."

Her eyes and face held surprise when he drove the blade into her back and left it there, the sickening gasp and gurgle sounded and Epona's head slowly went backwards.....her strength slowly ebbed.....as she whispered her sister's name.


Then darkness took her over as she felt them move, Ulric had just gotten what he wished for.....the Pack had answered his request.

Aug 18th, 2003, 10:48:59 AM
Redeemer knew they had found Dorian and she let out a few choice curses. She climbed down into the building, making her way quietly to the floor. Her eyes immediately caught sight of Dorian's blaster and she bent to pick it up, tucking it into her belt. Still grasping her sword, she began to walk the floor as Quinlin stalked the roof.

She came upon the room where Epona was kept and watch with horror as who she thought would be the leader yell out to she and the others. Her eyes glued on Epona, Redeemer felt herself shake with anger and what this monster was doing to her sister.
Knowing full well it was a trap, she would give her own life to keep Epona alive.

The stab to Epona's back caused Redeemer to gasp outloud, making a few of the Descendants turn around and look. Hidden in the shadows, they did not see her, but they parted, making a clear way to Epona and the leader, who's face was hidden by a low riding hat. Taking a step into the light, Redeemer's pale skin was marred by crimson red tears falling down her cheeks. The look of pure hatred as she glanced at some of the Descendants caused them to take a few steps back as she slowly walked towards him. She held her sword to the ground behind her, the tip of her sword dragging on the concrete behind her making an eerie scraping noise.

'I'm sorry, my Sister.' She sent to Epona. Redeemer stared at Epona for a moment, the red tears glistening on her skin. She slowly turned to look at the leader and hissed, her fangs dripping with saliva as she ached to drain him of every inch of his blood.

"I believe you have something I want." She said in a too-calm voice and she could feel Ice in her mind, suddenly worried. "You have my sister and you have my friend. I want them...now."

"Pah! You think I would give them to you?" He spat, reaching up with a hand to signal someone behind her. Redeemer did not need to turn around to know they were bringing in Dorian. He was thrown at Epona's feet, hands tied behind his back and unconcious.

"You want them, you'll have to fight for them."

"Do you really think you would be able to win against us?" Redeemer smirked.

He suddenly took his hat off and she recognized him as the one who had tried to kill her that night she was attacked. She grinned, noting the deep scars from where she was able to scratch him.

"Nice look." She said with a purr. Redeemer grinned evily as his eyes widened, recognizing her. She lifted her head up an inch, staring into his brown eyes with her own glowing green one's, daunting him to attack her. "My name is Redeemer, member of the Bloodpack. I have come for what is mine and will fight to your death if I have to to take it."

"Redeemer...interesting name for a vampyre whore."

"What is your name, so I may whisper it into your ear before you die." Redeemer said, tilting her head to the side, feeling the others around her in the shadows, ready to attack.

"It will be your name I whisper into your ear as you die...but, I will tell you it any ways. I am Ulric...leader of the Descendants and sworn enemy of all unnatural."He boasted, lifting his fisted hand up into the air.

"You got that right." Redeemer hissed, bringing her sword up to strike at him, hearing Ice call her name as she did so.

Ulric let out a yell of surprise at her quick attack but managed to side step her. Redeemer turned around to face him, suddenly greeted by blaster and bowcasters pointed at her and Ulric grinned.

"What, too scared to fight like a man?" Redeemer asked, throwing a smirk his way.

Ulric walked up to her, reaching out to yank the sword from her hands and threw it across the room. Redeemer watched as it slid into the shadows and she smiled, watching as a familiar hand reached out and grabbed it. She turned her eyes back to Ulric and smiled.

"Say your prayers." She whispered. "You're about to die."

Redeemer surprised him as she hauled off and hit him with an upper cut, sending him up into the air and to land several feet away from her. His followers gasped, unsure of what to do. One foolish woman charged Redeemer and she grinned at her, snaking her hand out infront of her to grab the woman around the neck, lifting her a few inches off the ground.

"Do you have children?" Redeemer hissed, bringing the woman closer to her. She quickly shook her head no. Redeemer did not say a word as she tightened her grip on her neck until the bones cracked from the pressure. Throwing her lifeless body to the floor, she looked up at the other Descendants, daring them come at her.

Ulric finally made his way to his feet, rubbing his jaw as he did so. Redeemer turned to look into the shadows, finding Quinlin.

'You want him, he's your's. I'm getting my sister down. Ice, Izabell...have your fun.'

Aug 18th, 2003, 01:49:47 PM
'You want him, he's your's. I'm getting my sister down. Ice, Izabell...have your fun.'

Ice shook his head in amazement, watching as Redeemer boldly turned her back on Ulric and his clan to go after Epona. Ice turned his head to look over at Quinlin, finding him watching Ulric's every move.

"You heard my lifemate." Ice said softly, but with a menacing tone laced around the words. He quickly moved as Ulric screeched for them to kill Redeemer. Ice yelled at Redeemer, throwing her sword through the air to her, smiling when she caught it.

Ice rushed in, unsheathing his own sword from his side. A few mean cirlced him and he smiled at them, his fangs sharp. He saw one of them raise his eyebrows and Ice swung his sword at him, grinning as he clutched his middle, but to no effect...he was sliced in half at the waist. Ice pushed him, watching as he body fell in two pieces and then turned towards the other two. They both yelled out and came out him and he dodged one, turning in time to grab his head and quickly twist it, breaking his neck instantly.

Turning to face the third man, Ice could tell he was scared by the look in his eyes. Ice drew on that, holding his gaze as he stepped closer to him until he was just a few inches away. Ice hissed, bringing his sword up to cut the man clean through his chest. The man's eyes widened as he slowly looked down, then collapsed to the floor. Grinning in satisfaction, Ice moved to cover Redeemer's back.

Quinlin Torr
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:57:15 AM
Boards broke as two arms thrusted through and gripped the unsuspected Decendant around the torso, then yanked her through the wall. Her scream was short lived as a head poked through the hole made by her body and had blood running down his chin. Quinlin had a sadistic leering smile as he gazed into the room. He shot through the hole and into another hunter who was coming out of the shadows. His gunblade pierced the man's gut and the roar of the blast sounded as the hunter's back blew outwards.

"We have come Decendants!! Now you shall know the true meaning of pain."

Aug 20th, 2003, 01:50:47 AM
Coming out of the shadows arms stretched forward, Izabell cast force lightning at two of the hunters. One had jumped out of the way and the other wasnt too lucky. The lightning whiped and licked around his body, causing him to convulse and scream. He dropped to the floor lifeless as Izabell released him.

She was about to strike another when out of nowhere a silver shaft went whistling by. It shred through her robes and she spun around to see a woman holding a bowcaster. She screamed an incantation.


And several ebony darts flew forth and cut through the woman. She pitched up and over and landed with a thud as Izabell was knocked over by an heavy impact from behind.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 08:24:38 AM
Redeemer quickly undid the restraints that held Epona strung up like a animal and held her as she slid to the floor on her side. She glanced over at Dorian, found him breathing and said a silent prayer that he was ok.

Hearing movement behind her, Redeemer quickly stood and turned around, the blade of her sword sinking into the stomach and out through the back of a female Decendant that dared approach them. Redeemer yanked on her sword, watching as the female slid off the blade. Her eyes quickly tracked Ulric and she spoke, her voice raising above the noise of the fighting.

"Before this is through, Ulric, I will bleed you dry."

She watched as Ulric's eyes widened in shock as he turned to look at her as she spoke her promise. Redeemer saw Izabell down and searched out Ice and Quinlin, breathing a relief when they were still fighting.

'Dante, Count...we are going to need your help.' Redeemer sent, allowing images of Epona's injuries to accompany her plea.

Redeemer bent over Epona, checking her vitals. She was barely breathing, but breathing. The wounds were great and Redeemer whispered assuring words to her sister. She stepped over to Dorian, her hand resting softly on his chest. She noted the bruising on his handsome face and smiled softly, knowing he would be fine and back to himself in a few days. The smile quickly faded as she looked up to find a man approaching the unconcious Izabell with bowcast.

"I do not thing so." She hissed, leaping from her squatting position to land on his back, knocking him to the ground. He was trying to struggle as she reached for his bowcast. Yanking it out of his hands, she aimed it at his head. "You think to use this on her?"


Redeemer barely squeezed the trigger and it went off, shooting into his head. The man's body seized up underneath her and she smiled, a smile of pure evil as he gasped and took his last breath. She looked at her new weapon, liking it. Liking it alot. Redeemer stood, helping Izabell to her feet.

"You are going to be fine, Iz." Redeemer whispered, moving her quickly to rest near Epona and Dorian. "Get your strength back, we need. you."

Quinlin Torr
Aug 25th, 2003, 12:15:27 AM
A body went flying by the girls as Quinlin threw one of the hunters at the far wall, the body crumpled after impacting the wall and dropping. He was walking to another when movement amoung the shadows caught his eye. Then a glint of something metallic and it was aimed at Redeemer's back. Using his vampyre speed, he crossed over as he heard the release of the weapon, the whistling shaft as it sped to its target.....he jumped at the last minute with a sounding "UGHN!" as he flew past Redeemer's back and caught the shaft meant for her.

He tumbled and came up to his feet again, stumbling backwards and grasping his chest. The shaft stuck out from it and he growled as he dropped to one knee. He raised his gunblade and sent a heavy slug to rip out the hunter's spine. He propped himself with his gunblade and fell the rest of the way to land on his back. The steel arrow protruding from his lower ribs. His breathing slowing.

"Take.... them out....Make the others.... run for thier lives.....Ulric......kill him now.....cut the head from the snake."

Aug 25th, 2003, 08:13:47 AM
Ice broke the Descendant's neck and let the body hit the floor. He turned just in time to see the weapon fired at his life mate and Quinlin leap infront of her, taking the hit. Ice let out a scream of hatred, running to Quinlin's side.

"Take.... them out....Make the others.... run for thier lives.....Ulric......kill him now.....cut the head from the snake."

Ice looked up Redeemer as he moved to help Quinlin in a sitting position. He could not help but let his eyes roam over her as she stood before them in her black vinyl, covered in blood. A smirk played on his lips as her eyes connected with his and he sent promises of later to her. She cocked an eyebrow at him and Ice turned his attention back to Quinlin and the protruding arrow.

"Do not move, Brother, you will be ok." Ice stated, moving to stand next to Redeemer.

Aug 25th, 2003, 01:52:52 PM
Placing her hand on Ice's muscular arm, she awarded him a soft smile before turning back to seek out Ulric. With her gaze still on the lead Descendant, she spoke to Ice.

"My love, stay with them. This I can do alone. Call your Father and the Count, we need help in healing our Darkling...unless she wants to be turned and we already know the answer to that."

With a quick glance at her friends, Redeemer ran, almost gliding over the the dead, mutilated bodies of the Descendants, watching in glee as the surviving ones ran for their lives. She kept her eye on Ulric's retreating back, a sneer coming to her full lips.

"You cannot escape, Ulric." She called out, taking aim with her new weapon. Quickly firing it, the silver arrow found Ulric's knee and he fell to the ground with a yelp.

Redeemer took her time walking over to him, enjoying the sight of him on his side, his injured knee in his hands. She smiled at him, resting the bowcast on her shoulder as she came to a stop infront of him.

"How ironic is this, Ulric?" She asked, kneeling down infront of him on her haunches. "You, the leader of a group that goes around killing vampyres...now your fate now rests in a vampyre's hands."

"You won't kill me. You'll be just like all the other's we've eradicated. You call yourselves the Bloodpack, protectors of human life from wayward vampyres, when you yourself kill mortals to feed!" Ulric spit out, his face pale from the pain.

"You see," Redeemer said, leaning closer to him. "We don't feed off of innocent mortals. We feed off of scum..like you. Drug dealers, thieves, rapists. Not only are we protecting mortals, but we're also relieving the planet of the scum that plaques it."

"You're nothing but a vampyre whore who thinks too highly of herself, that's what you are."

Redeemer cocked her head to the right and stood, placing her heeled boot on his knee, stepping on it with just the meerest pressure. Ulric began to scream in agony and Redeemer laughed, her voice echoing through the now deserted building. She stopped laughing and took a look around.

"Where are your followers now, Great Leader?" She asked with smirk, turning to look back at him.

"You kill me, they will avenge my death, I promise you that, Whore!"

"Oh, I highly doubt that, Ulric." Redeemer stood again, taking the bowcaster from her shoulder and fired it into his other knee. Ulric howled in pain and she could hear the snickers coming from the others. She looked back quickly to find Ice, Quin, Izabell and a now awake Dorian watching her intently. She smiled at them, then stepped away from Ulric.

"I tell you what." She grinned. "If you can stand, I will spare your measely life. If you can't...." Redeemer merely shrugged and hooked the bowcast on her belt then reached for her sword, watching with delight as Ulric's eyes widened as he stared at the gleaming metal tainted with blood of his members.

He knew he could not stand, but he would not go out like a coward if he was to die. Ulric silently cursed his 'followers' for their cowardice as he struggled to stand. Pain ripping through him, he was able to get to his feet for just a second before collapsing on his knees, crying out in even more pain. Turning red rimmed eyes upon this Angel of Death, he stared into her eyes, swallowing all the pain he could as he looked at her, ready to accept his fate.

Redeemer suddenly respected Ulric for a moment as she watched him struggle and kneel there infront of her. An silent understanding passed between victim and executioner as she brought her sword up. Ulric bowed his head and she rested her sword on his neck. She watched as he shivered from the cold steel. Redeemer raised it high and when she was going to bring it down, she changed her mind and turned the sword around to cut his neck from underneath. Ulric's head went flying up into the air, landing with a thud. It rolled a few feet and a smirk played on Redeemer's lips as she watched it stop at Quinlin's feet.

Ulric's body fell to the floor and blood began to pour out of the severed neck. Kneeling back down, Redeemer brought her hand out and let her index finger glide through the pooled blood. Movement caught her eye and she looked up to find a single Descendant...a female...watching her with wide eyes from behind a felled wall. Redeemer brought the finger up and stuck the blood covered finger into her mouth and licked it dry, grinning when the female cried out and ran off into the darkness.

Epona Rhi
Aug 26th, 2003, 01:37:14 AM
A cough escaped her lips and she groaned in pain. Her head lolled to the side as blood trickled along her cheek. Violet colored eyes that seemed to glow with intensity now was dim. She saw Quin leaning against a wall with a shaft sticking out his chest. Izabell was tending to him and Ice was next to her. His hand ran gently over her hair and he spoke assuring words to her. Epona smiled weakly and tried to speak, her mouth working to say something but no sound came forth.

"Shhhhh, dont speak darkling....save your strength. Less you want Ree to turn you to help you if thats what you want."

Her eyes narrowed at him and he laughed, even at her worse and dire hour, she still had the spunk enough in her to give him that look. Her smile returned as he smoothed her hair. Her eyes sought out Redeemer and finding her several feet away.


She managed to whisper, hoping it loud enough for her sister to hear. She wanted her next to her to give her strength now that she needed it. Her hand slowly stretch out and waited for that familiar touch she was seeking.

Aug 26th, 2003, 07:53:04 AM
As she slowly stood, Redeemer heard Epona calling out to her and her head whipped around to see Epona barely awake and in Ice's arms.

"Epona." She whispered, flying to her sister's side with vampyre speed.

Redeemer's eyes searched her face, then she smiled when she saw the fight Epona had left in her eyes. Redeemer brought a hand up to softly run it over her ebony hair.

"You will be just fine, my Sister." She whispered. "I got the scumbag who did this to you."

Redeemer watched as she closed her eyes for a moment and turned to check on Quinlin. Satisfied that he was ok, she looked over at the lesser hurt Dorian to find him resting on his back, propped up on his elbows.

"I see you are just fine." Redeemer chuckled sarcastically.

Dorian Gray
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:57:07 AM
Dorian laughed at her, then groaned in pain. He had been beated within an inch of his life and knew he had broken a few ribs and his face was starting to swell and bruise. He slowly shook his head, his brown eyes quickly scanning over Redeemer.

"You know, you are one sick bi---"

Ice cut him off with a glare and Dorian smirked at him for a moment, then turned to look at Redeemer.

"I was meaning that in a good way, Ree." Dorian whispered, laying back down. He closed his eyes and sighed when he felt a cool hand on his forehead.

His head was beginning to swim and he did the only thing he could do, give in to the darkness that threatened to envelope him for the time being.

Quinlin Torr
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:38:16 PM
His hands gripped the shaft and a growl escaped him as he pulled it out of his chest. Izabell helped him up and he stood straight. Not wanting to look weak for the pack he led, Quinlin kept his head about him and made sure his people seen the strength he possesed. He walked over to the kneeling Ice and pointed to Epona.

"Take her back quickly, she has lost too much to stay waiting around. If not we have only one recourse and that is to let her die.....And I'm hoping to not go there with this. Only other way is something she will not allow......so hurry my friend, get her to your place of haven and have Royce tend to her until the count or your father arrive."

He turned and stalked past Redeemer, tossing the steel arrow off against a wall.

"Pick him up and let's get the frell out of here. Our business is done for now, though I feel we will meet again with them.....they will think twice before taking another to bring us out dont you think?"

Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:46:29 PM
Redeemer watched her friend stalk off and then turned to find Ice carrying Epona.

"Careful with her, Ice." She whispered as she bent down to help Dorian up. She shook her head as he complained as he stood up.
"Quit yer bitchin', Mortal."

Redeemer looked around at the sea of dead bodies surrounding them and shook her head.

'What a waste.' She thought to herself.

"Come on, Dorian, let's go home." She whispered, her eyes suddenly going to Ice. She stopped, watching his retreating back. A shudder over took her and she had this sudden sense of dread. She stared at him until Dorian began to shift next to her and she smiled an apology at him. Within a blink of an eye, the vampyres and their family were gone.

Epona Rhi
Sep 5th, 2003, 02:08:56 AM
As she was being carried back, Epona's eyes flew open and she stared at Ice. It was a while she did that till he looked down at her and smiled at her.

"What is it darkling?"

Her hand came up and caressed his face. Worry took over her own and her eyes watered.

"Promise me.... you'll becareful.... when you go out alone Ice.....Promise me."

He was silent as he carried her along, her face causing him to think. What she had seen or felt?

"I.......dont.....want to......lose.....you."

Her voice trailed off as she fell under the blackness again. Her hand falling from his face to her chest.

Sep 5th, 2003, 08:03:53 AM
Ice looked down at Epona in his arms and he smiled, bringing her up to kiss her forehead. He laughed softly against her head, kissing it one more time and then smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere, Darkling." He whispered. "I'm going to be here for a long time just to annoy you."

Looking back at Redeemer, he caught her watching him carefully and he lifted an eyebrow in questions. She only shook her head and smiled at him. Turning his attention back to Epona as they entered the house, he gently placed her on her bed and sent for Royce to watch over her as he went to collect his father.

Stopping by Redeemer as she tended to Dorian, he pulled her away for a moment and brought her into his arms.

"I love you, Ree." He whispered, kissing her deeply. "I'll be back soon with my father so we can help Epona."

Redeemer nodded, holding him tightly for a moment before letting him go. He smiled at her, placed a kiss on her lips once more and then disappeared into the night.