View Full Version : Delivery Boy (FMH)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 9th, 2003, 03:38:36 AM
She'd sent the coordinates to Paladin's secure comm channel, and now, three days later, she waited in empty space somewhere between Coruscant and Chandrila. The Corellian gunboat The Devil's Advocate lay still. Anticipating.

Captain Michel Delving would be taking his crew for some R and R on Ithor after this transaction was completed. He followed orders with absolute impunity, but rarely got any from his mistress, the Lady De'Ville. Lilaena was sitting in her quarters, reclining on her bed for a nap. The Hunter had a few more hours in which to arrive.

Just as she was drifting off into dreamless sleep her comm chirped. De'Ville jerked awake, and rolled over, manipulating her comm on with the Force. "Yes, Captain?"

"He is here. We were just about to give him permission to dock, as the bay is..." ..still half full of highly illegal Spaarti cloning cylinders?

"Certainly, I will be there in once you have docked with his ship." The comm switched off, and De'Ville knew rather than felt the subtle shift of the Advocate beneath her feet as the helmsman aligned the ship slightly, revealing a dock complete with magnetic clamps to its visitor. Once clamped against the hull of the gunboat, a smaller ship would not be leaving..unless it was interested in leaving bits of itself attatched.

De'Ville ran her fingers through her hair, and then began the walk to greet Paladin.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 9th, 2003, 04:22:26 AM
A sleek frieghter docked, clean, well maintained, if somewhat plain looking


Hmmm, not bad. I'd wonder where she got the money to run the gunboat, but I think I already know

Dressed in the same type of clothes she had seen him in at Coruscat (Except he had a black Jump Lanes T-Shirt on), he had twin Mk IV rail guns in holsters and a set of dark eye shades. Even the NRSF didnt have these ones and up to a week ago, no one even knew of their existance. PPrototype DNA locking mechanism and voice command variable ammo types. One try of them had Hunter won over - they had to be the ultimate hand gun right now.

Rather unusually, in addition to the guns, he had a silver lightsabre on his belt. Not often he bothered with that thing, but he for some reason got a mental hint it would be worthwhile to carry. Once, Gregori had been a Jedi Padawan, looking to become a Knight like his sister had been. But that hadn't saved her, did it now? And if it couldn't do that, then it was contemptable.

He waited until the sensors said the air outside the lock was breathable, before triggering the lock and stepping out.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 9th, 2003, 04:36:46 PM
On the other side were five armed troopers, clad in simple grey uniforms that held no insignia. They kept their weapons holstered, and stayed beside the walls of the passageway. De'Ville walked through them, and stopped in front of Paladin as he stepped through the airlock. She wore a simple black jumpsuit, her short hair pulled back in a stubby ponytail. A few stray wisps teased about her forehead and ears as she nodded at the weapon's dealer.

"Welcome aboard the Devil's Advocate, Paladin." She stepped to the side, motioning him forward to walk beside her. "Please, the items are this way." Three of the troopers fell in behind them, two remaining by the airlock. As she walked, her ivory lightsaber swung gently against her leg.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 10th, 2003, 01:46:12 AM
There wasn't a real lot of guards about, which wasn't too surprising. Hunter reckoned he could mow down them, but there was the issue of a Sith Master..... you did not play silly buggers with one like that. Not that Hunter intended in causing trouble.

"Thank you" he said, walking exactly 1 meter behind and to the right of De'ville, in proper deference to the client. He was also looking around a bit, guaging how new the craft was and how well maitained. It was rather large to be in private hands.

Clean, maintained well. Hmmm. Someone had a good supply of credits.

"is there any timetable for sale, or will you be satisfied for it to take as long as it takes?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:06:20 AM
She didn't glance back at him as she answered the question. "Within a standard month is preferred, sooner is better. If all goes well, there may be more such deals in the future." Dangle the bait gently...he'll take it all right. De'Ville could almost feel his thoughts as he jumped to the correct conclusion.

There were more Spaarti parts than she was letting on. Of course he couldn't fathom how many more. "Ah, here we are." Two more guards stood outside a blast door, and she nodded to them. The burly men stood aside, giving Paladin the once over as she entered the codes to the door. The blast doors opened with precision, and she quickly opened the secondary doors behind them. "Follow me, Paladin."

Stepping through into a plain storage room, the Spaarti parts for auction were displayed on tables. In a corner the casing and monitoring equipment for a cylinder leaned against the wall.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:15:47 AM
Frell me.... beign told about it is one thing - seeing it is anither entirely!

Hunter had one expression normally - a frown. It was varioation fo the frown that let people know what marginal emotion he was feeling. At this point, he was in danger of a slight smile. "In good condition too, by the looks of this. You'll get a buyer within a month, no doubt. Collectors like this stuff"

There wasn't enough to make one full cylinder, but still......

This deal is getting better.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:23:34 AM
The doors closed behind them, and she turned to face him. "Yes, collectors. Or the unscrupulous who would tamper with natural genetics." Her disdain for such was apparent.

Then she abruptly changed the subject. "You wear a lightsaber. But you are no Jedi." Her tone suggested he explain himself, quickly.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:40:17 AM
"Was" he corrected. "I once was a Jedi, until those bastard let my sister die. "

The only emotion he would clearly show. Anger. And only at the accursed Jedi.

"That Rat freller turbogeek was my Master. He let her die. I took much pleasure shooting his face off in return"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:45:56 AM
"Well, that certainly explains a lot. My men will assist you in taking these items to your ship." She slid right back onto the subject at hand with barely an eyelid flicker. The door controls were manipulated with the Force, and they opened once more.

"Take care that these do not all go to the same 'collector.' " De'Ville handed Paladin a datacard. "Encoded in this card is the information you'll need to contact my accounts."

Force Master Hunter
Aug 10th, 2003, 02:51:06 AM
"Sounds fine to me" he stated, voice still a touch angry, not at ther but at the memory of the Jedi. "Don't worry, I know how to make sure this stuff is scattered about. Much as the credit amount for a full cylinder is extreme, I doubt I'd like to see the Imps or someone else worse get a hand on em. "

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 10th, 2003, 03:00:15 AM
She nodded lightly. "Then we will part ways here. I will be in contact with you." Paladin was frowning mightily as she took her leave, the three troopers who'd followed them from the airlock stepping inside.

They began gathering up the items, one carefully placing the twelve flash imprint data cards into a box. The main cylinder casing would be more difficult, but the doors were wide enough, and the other two troopers began to set it upright, getting ready to carry it out to Paladin's ship.