View Full Version : Super Nintendo

Peter McCoy
Aug 9th, 2003, 02:47:59 AM
What were your favourite game son this classic machine?

So far, my favourite rpg is Zelda 3: Link to the Past as it looks and plays great (though my first rpg ever was FF7). As for action/adventurea games the Super Bomberman series gets the crown for me. I love that game - Bomberman 64 was a God-send for me :) For beat-em-ups, its got to be Street Fighter 2. Best platformer - easy! Super Mario World. The 3rd installment was amazing, but this one wa sosmething else entirely. Yoshi for a start was great. The leve;s were gorgeous, the amount of secrets and extra area's was unbelievable - Nintendo must've made a mint with that game. I also loved The Lost Vikings - which is rare for me since its a puzzle platformer.

What about you lot? What games kept you out of the sun as a child/larvae! and why!?

PS: Oh yeah - best multiplayer games for SNES were Super Mario Kart and of course the Battle game on Super Mario Bros. 3 :- now THAT'S addictive!

Park Kraken
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:44:15 AM
I think my favorite game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:46:15 AM
Was Golden Axe on SNES or Megadrive? Either way that was awesome. Street Fighter, of course, has my vote too :) I loved one of the Super Marios as well, with the little frog suit!

Morgan Evanar
Aug 9th, 2003, 09:13:12 AM
Genesis/Megadrive. Frogsuit was NES, Mario Brothers 3.

Secret of Mana was my favorite game for SNES. 3 people running around with a combat interface similar to Zelda's.

Ali Storm
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:05:53 AM
Breath of Fire 1 and 2, Earthbound/Mother 1(or is it 2?), Mana (Cute lil elf-thingy! lol) and, um..........


Was Battletoads on the SNES, cos I 'member playing it with my bro, and it was fun.

Peter McCoy
Aug 9th, 2003, 12:02:09 PM
Ooooh! I'll have to check out Secrets of Mana in that case :)

I liked Alien 3 on the SNES, although I'm not sure if I prefer the Genesis/Megadrive version or that one. If I remember correctly, Ripley seemed to glide when she jumped in the SNES version, whereas the Gen/Mega version actually held true to the laws of gravity. Having said that, few games can successfully animate a human jump in a realistic manner.

Was Robocop vs The Terminator released on SNES? I loved that game!

What was your favourite suit on Mario 3? Mine was the Hammer-suit. Revenge of the Handyman :D

Aug 9th, 2003, 02:48:59 PM
Oh, man... I'm trying to remember the name... Dark Shadow or something. The main character was a ninja-duck called Maui Mallard.

That and some Ranma 1/2 fighting game. There are a couple more favorites... can't remember... brain... aneurysm.

Figrin D'an
Aug 9th, 2003, 06:03:49 PM
Secret of Mana was awesome.... I love that game. A Link to the Past remains my favorite Zelda title. Chronotrigger was also a great game for SNES. Street Fighter II: Turbo was the best SF incarnation for the 16-bit systems. Another of my favs is Super Metroid... one of the best platformers ever.

I still have, and occasionally play, all of these games on my original SNES box that I bought the week the system debuted. Man, that was a long time ago...

Aug 10th, 2003, 10:15:11 AM
SNES was great. Actually I got into Star Wars after a friend of mine loaned me Super A New Hope, or whatever the game was. lol on the first level I thought the Sandcrawler was a big worm boss. haha after that I rented all 3 movies to see what this was all about and then i got hooked

Other than that my favorite games were Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario RPG, Link to the Past, Chronotrigger, Secret of Mana, Shadowrun, and of course all those fun Battletoads and Ninja Turtle games.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:17:59 PM
Originally posted by Peter McCoy

I liked Alien 3 on the SNES, although I'm not sure if I prefer the Genesis/Megadrive version or that one. If I remember correctly, Ripley seemed to glide when she jumped in the SNES version,

I still have my SNES. I still play Alien 3 (Though it's an obvious bastardization of the movie.) Also Mechwarrior was a good one for SNES. Really fun, have that too.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Aug 14th, 2003, 09:59:17 PM
Personally my favorites are Breath of Fire 1 and Wings 2: Aces high...they are cool...

Sejah Haversh
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:50:12 PM
Final Fight II and III were awesome. Definitely golden games to this player. NBA Jam was pretty fun, too, as was Knights of the Round.

Park Kraken
Aug 15th, 2003, 05:37:45 AM
*Pets Mongoose* No one else likes Turtles? Was that even a SNES game? I can't remember that well. The only other game that I played on SNES was a Zelda game, and I thought it sucked big time.

Aug 15th, 2003, 08:44:26 AM
The only Zelda game on SNES that I know of was Link to the Past, which, by my recknoning, is one of the all-time greats of Nintendo history.

There were a few little-known Zelda games released for another system... I'm afraid I can't remember which it was, because it wasn't a mainstream system. I've heard those games weren't very good, but I never played them.

Anybody else get the Super Gameboy? For those of you who don't know or don't remember, it's an SNES cartridge with a slot for a Gameboy cartridge. You could play a Gameboy game on the TV screen in four-color glory, and you could adjust the four colors to make the game look as realistic or as whacked out as the system would allow. This preceded the Color Gameboy, so it doesn't support those games. Sill, it was cool to play Link's Awakening and Metroid II that way.

My favorite SNES games have to include Super Mario World for the reasons Peter McCoy mentioned above. Yoshi's Island was also a lot of fun; it used its art style well, and the gameplay of aiming and riccocheting eggs is a lot more complex than it sounds. Zelda: A Link to the Past remains one of the best games Nintendo has ever made; a very skillful expansion of the original gameplay with challenging puzzles, creative bosses, interesting storyline, and, overall, a very complete playing experience.

Kirby Super Star hasn't been mentioned yet. It represents the height of 2d Kirby gameplay, and it has a very interesting way of doing two-player cooperative action. When Kirby swallows an enemy and steals its power, the second player can press A to join the game as the enemy Kirby just ate. There aren't quite as many abilities as in Kirby's Adventure, but there are still quite a few, and each ability has a set of moves that comes with it. The levels and storylines are all designed with classic Kirby whimsy. With all the games you can unlock, it has a high replay value.

My favorite SNES game, however, is Super Metroid. Superb atmosphere, plenty of creative touches to round out the story, and, by SNES standards, the game is huge.