View Full Version : Change of Heart

Zasz Grimm
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:14:41 PM
OOC- This is based off of Xazor's post schedule/timeline, so after her imprisonment and other things.


Coruscant. Zasz was making himself well established on the planet city, making contacts with merchants, suppliers, incase things failed. He liked having that feeling of a back-up plan if something happened. He did, however, look around his current settings. Located in a rather bad part of town, his 'home' was located in a loft, high in what used to be an abandoned skyrise.

That, was a good walk from here, however. He looked around, shades clinging to his face, hiding his eyes. He wore them now merely because he wanted to, he thought they looked good on him. He walked down the large crowded streets of beggars, thugs, and other unsavory characters. And he employed his usage of the dark side, forcing those who wouldn't move for him, to be moved, whether they fell or not was their own problem.

He passed by an alley way, and heard something. It wasn't an unusual sound, the sound of someone getting beat up was normal for this part of the town. But what wasn't normal, was a female's voice in anger, as if she was the one infliciting damage.

He arched a brow and turned to walk down the alley, to investigate.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 8th, 2003, 06:13:36 PM

The words echoed powerfully through the alley followed by the sound of someone's head hitting a brick wall. "I will make sure that you do not see another day if you ever lay a hand on that woman again!" Indeed, the angry words were spoken by a woman -- but not just any woman. This time it was Xazor Elessar -- Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order, Warrior of The Lost Jedi.

There she stood in flowing black robes with her blonde hair held up in a pony tail at the back of her head. The braids and coins were bound tightly together and made no sound today. Upon her face was a pair of silver sunglasses with black flames on the sides. She looked anything but Jedi -- and the repeated action of slamming the thug into the wall did not seem very compassionate of her. "I -- I promise I won't!" He pleaded in a strained voice.

"You're right! You won't!" The woman squeezed his neck tighter and held his bloody head against the wall and growled deeply, baring her elongated canines. The man seemed to quake in his tattered boots at the sight of the unhuman teeth. "Don't hurt -- me!" He managed to squeak out but his fate was sealed as Xazor pulled him from the wall and slammed him into it once more. He was knocked out and slummped to the ground instantly.

"You'll never touch that woman again. You'll never touch any woman again." She thought to herself as her eyes moved along the shadowed walls around her. The Knight took in the faces of a few frightened by-standers, one being the woman who the thug had just mugged. Her face was bloody and bruised, but she was lucky to be alive. "My job here is done -- and you're safe to go home now." She said softly to the woman who did not speak a word. Instead, she turned and ran from the situation and with that, the others scattered to various places of shelter.

Now Xazor stood alone in the alley. Her eyes closed for a moment as she thought of the deed she had just done. "I killed this man. Who knows if he had a wife and children -- maybe he could have been helped." She thought to herself but pushed the guilt away and instead, focused on the positive that had occured. The woman was safe and could return to her family, and the Jedi name had been preserved in the fact that Xazor had done an act of goodness -- sort of. Leaning against the wall opposite the body, she sighed to herself and looked up at the sky, wondering what her life had come to.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 8th, 2003, 09:29:38 PM
The definitive sound of clapping could be heard echoing in the alley. It's origin was not unknown, in fact, if one listened they would be able to tell that someone was nearing them, someone who had seen most everything. The first thing viewable were his feet as the stepped from an area hidden from the light.

He looked her up and down, as if trying to analyze what was before him. He had to of seen this woman before, but for what? He raised up a hand just incase she was about to sleep, a finger causing her to pause before saying anything.

"Let me guess. Jedi actually bringing peace. The poor fellow on the ground, the by product?"

He chuckled, never had he thought he would see such an outright killing by a Jedi. His face turned to look at the man, crumpled onto the ground. What had he done to deserve such savagery? He then looked to her as he spoke..

"Aren't you supposed to talk things out? Not just blatantly kill the bad guy. How very un-characteristic of a Jedi. Guardian of Peace. Pfft. More like the promoter of vigilante killing."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:10:53 PM
Xazor turned her attention to the shadowed being who spoke to her. "How rude!" She thought to herself but pushed the petty feeling away. Her eyes moved from Zasz to the crumpled body on the ground. He was a pitiful sight and she knew that she had been partly in the wrong for taking it that far -- but it was out of justice that the Jedi Knight had done this deed. "You don't know what you're talking about." She said confidently.

Sighing, the young Garou decided that she had spent enough time here and she was now ready to set off again. Turning from the dead man, Xazor began walking toward Zasz. "What's done is done and yes, it was out of protection for the peace. This man mugged someone, a woman, nonetheless. She could not defend herself so I made sure that he would never be able to do that again." She growled and moved past the Darksider, no guilt on her conscience.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:25:33 PM
He stood silent for a moment, letting her pass. He let her have her haughty confidence, let her have her superiority, for a short moment. Then he turned and looked at her back as she walked away, before he spoke.

"You killed a mugger. A mere mugger. For no good reason but to kill him. You say peace, you say justice. I say desire, I say want. You could have easily taken him to the local magistrate and have him arrested. No, you were out for more than justice, you took pleasure in killing him. Do not deny it, Jedi."

He finished, staying where he was before he slowly removed his glasses, tucking them within his coat, before he let his dark brown eyes fall on her.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:33:01 PM
Xazor's steps slowed until she came to a stop. He was speaking the truth -- she did take pleasure in killing him. "I did, didn't I?" She thought to herself and slowly turned around, not about to accept the truth. "You don't know what you're talking about." She growled once again and this time, began walking toward him.

"Sticking your nose into someone else's business isn't a good thing, Dark One." She said as she gaped the distance between them and came to stop a foot and a half from Zasz. "What's your problem? Do you enjoy pretending to know everything?" Xazor questioned as she pointed her finger quite close to his face. "Listen to me and listen well. I did nothing of the sort. I did not mean to take his life, merely let him know never to do such a thing again."

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:52:26 PM
"If sticking your nose into other people's business isn't a good thing, then Jedi should cease doing so."

He looked to her as she spoke about not meaning to take his life. He merely smiled, as if he knew something that she didn't, and he did. He stayed where he was, however. He looked at her with the expression as someone who just heard a joke, until he finally calmed himself.

"You lie to yourself, Jedi. Most people who let someone know they aren't supposed to do it again, usually speak to them, not slaughter them. You contradict yourself."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 01:45:08 PM
The Garou growled. She had already had enough of this man's taunts. Stepping forward, the Jedi Knight moved her arm back and quickly released an angry punch toward his nose. "It would be wise of you to back down now." Xazor said in a threatening tone.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 04:05:02 PM
He moved his body the to the left, and turned a bit, letting her fist past by him, whilst he was completely unharmed. He looked down to her before stepping to the side and straightening his body.

"The truth hurts; doesn't it?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 05:27:32 PM
Xazor growled deeply and lost it mentally. She felt the best inside of her rear its head as she eyed Zasz with a deadly fire in her eyes. "You will not conquer me with words." She said in a defensive tone.

With that, the woman retrieved her lightsaber from her weapons belt and quickly ignited it. Two blue blades shot forth from each end of the shiny silver hilt, but it did not stay that way. Instead, the young woman detatched Love from its center and now bore two blue bladed sabers.

"I will fight for what I believe in." She said fiercly and took up her defensive position before him. "I am a warrior and I shall fight like one." The young woman thought to herself as her eyes locked with those of Zasz.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 05:38:39 PM
"Because conquering you with words, would be so easy. But if this is the way you wish it."

He canted his head to the side in a nod, as if conceding to her that he would give in, and fight her. He was totally making her seem like the bad guy, and he rather enjoyed it. He kept his head to the side as he showed her his palm, empty.

But instantaneously, Xazor was caught back in a powerful force wave. It caused her to be thrown back many feet, to only place her quite hard on her rear end. He looked down to her, not moving, showing no aggression.

"Let's see how you do against a man who isn't defenseless. Murderer."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 05:44:36 PM
Xazor rose to her feet and clenched her hands tightly onto the hilts of her sabers as she eyed Zasz. "I'm not a murderer, Dark One." She seemed to hiss the words. Advancing foward, the young woman gained a bit of control and decided to fight sensibly.

"At least I kill out of justice -- unlike you, life stealer. You are a Darksider, one who kills because he feels like it." She growled and looked intently into his eyes. "Now you'll feel the same pain your victims do. You need to be stopped as do the rest of those like you!" She ran at him just as she did, she touched his mind and projected an image of her doing a flip over his head while in reality, she was spinning around with her sabers in the air, one going for his neck and the other, his stomach.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 05:59:02 PM
Zasz's mind was not as weak as she had hoped. He saw through her illusion, his hand moved quickly into his coat and he withdrew the silver lightsaber hilt. He flicked the activation switch as he spun it upwards very qucikly, to easily thwart her attack on his neck, and then just equally as quickly, he blocked the one moving to his stomach.

He looked at her as he began to speak..

"I kill out of necessity. I kill to bring order and peace into the galaxy."

He stepped back, giving a bit of distance between the two, so he could talk to her through her blind rage.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:19:06 PM
Xazor growled and disengaged her sabers, then connected them at the middle. Obviously, they weren't going to get her anywhere. "That is exactly why I kill too, but obviously you're too proud to see that." She said as she clipped the hilt back to her belt.

"What do you want from me? You wanna fight? Bring it on like a man. You wanna talk, talk -- but I can't guarantee I'll listen. In fact, I feel like leaving." She growled and then began walking out of the alley once again, attempting to leave this whole incident behind her.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:37:45 PM
"Then I shall give you reason to stay."

As she turned and began to walk away, as she turned to walk away, and hide this incident from her past, hide this murder. He decided to stop her. He held his ignited lightsaber and he threw it. He let is spin around and around, making it a blood red blur. His aide, the dark side, helped him in this task.

If she didn't turn around and stop the saber, she would most asuredly die.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:59:00 PM
It came like a flash in her mind but several seconds before Zasz actually threw his saber, the young woman could see it flying toward her -- clear as day in her mind. "Another vision." She thought with a panicked gasp.

Spinning around quickly, the young woman outstretched her senses as well as her arm, and grasped the hilt of the saber. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her heart had nearly stopped. She looked at the hissing blade and then to Zasz. Her grip tightened on the hild of the weapon and she eyed it.

"This is a nice saber." She said softly, admiring the craftmanship of it. "I thought you only killed out of necessity." Xazor eyed him curiously, wondering why he thought her a necessity to get rid of.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 08:11:40 PM
And when she looked at Zasz, to see if he was there, to answer his reply with his saber, he was gone. Xazor saw nothing, and heard nothing. All was silent in the alley way.

For the moment. Quickly enough, Zasz's foot was slammed square into her back, causing her to spiral forward and drop his saber. He watched her stumble, as he picked up the deactivated saber and he held it somewhat nonchalantly.

"Thank you. It took some time."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 11th, 2003, 08:21:23 PM
Xazor growled to herself and looked at Zasz with a curious expression. "That was very crafty." She thought to herself when suddenly she noticed she was staring at him. "That was good, I must admit." The woman said with a smile as she got to her feet.

Walking toward Zasz, Xazor stopped just a few feet from him and folded her arms across her chest. "No weapons, just you and me in this alley -- okay? You, me, and the Force." She stated the challenge.

Somehow, though -- something else lingered on her mind.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 11th, 2003, 08:36:09 PM
"If that is what you wish."

He nodded and he put the saber hilt within the sanctity of his dark robes. He looked at her with a light smile now himself as he stepped back, moving his hand downwards to the ground, signifying her move.

"Ladies first."