View Full Version : Mortal Gods: Theed (Feliciana)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 03:18:07 PM
De'Ville waited for clearance to land on Naboo, drumming her fingers lightly against the control panel of the Sith Infiltrator. Lights blinked, and the comm chirped. A human voice came on, giving her coordinates and a landing beacon. She keyed off autopilot, taking control of the yoke as she guided the ship into the atmosphere of Theed.

After landing she pulled on a light dust cloak and walked through the historic district of Theed, passing underneath huge imposing statues made of a marble-like stone. The Dark side master was headed towards a small cafe on the outskirts of the city. She was to meet a dark haired woman... the results of the meeting were...unknown.

But the unknown didn't frighten her anymore.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:05:44 PM

Hey baby -- I want to meet you for lunch today. I'll be flying in pretty soon, so be waiting at "Glacier's Peak" for me. I can't wait to see your beautiful smile. I love you.



With the scanned note tucked in an inner pocket of her robes, Feliciana sat down in a booth beside a large glass window that gave the most lovely view of a chain of lakes below. It was a desolate little diner that proved to be a wonderful place for peace and quiet -- something that Feliciana and Sasha cherished when together.

The young woman shifted her weight slightly and pushed the wrinkles from her black robes before placing her hands upon the table once again. The engagement ring that Sasha had given to her shone in the light and reflected it equally as much. It was like a beacon on her finger and, as he intended, it made other men stay away.

There she sat with her long black hair partially up on the back of her head. The rest of it hung down to reach the middle of her back and give a great contrast to her stunning blue eyes. Her strawberry colored lips curled up into a smile as she glanced out the window and shifted her thoughts to Sasha and their meeting. It would be good to see him again, but little did Feliciana know -- she would be in the presence of a stranger today.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:20:54 PM
"Your ring is beautiful." The voice came from the table next to Feliciana, and she looked over, slightly startled.

De'Ville had been in the cafe for several minutes before Fel had walked in, and had felt a nearly electric shock as the woman passed her. She was exactly how she had appeared in the vision. Whatever self doubts Lilaena had held now disappeared, and she'd waited a few minutes before starting up a conversation.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 8th, 2003, 06:50:22 PM
Feliciana smiled to herself and looked down at the ring on her finger. She blushed slightly and inhaled deeply as she thought of Sasha and how soon she would be seeing him, or so she thought. "Thank you." She said softly and glanced out the window once again, shifting her weight slightly.

Her thoughts rested on the stranger, though, instead of Sasha. It was not too strange to her that another woman would comment about her ring -- but it was strange that the woman was sitting at the table right next to hers and she had no company. It did not even appear that she was there to dine.

It seemed to Feliciana that she too was waiting for someone.

She turned her head to face Lilaena once again and she smiled. "The man who gave it to me is meeting me here for lunch." She beamed with obvious joy, uncharacteristic to her stoic state that was occasionally accompanied with rage now and again. When she was with Sasha, though, it was a different story. "Are you waiting for someone too?" The Dark Knight questioned out of curiousity.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 9th, 2003, 03:12:50 AM
"I was waiting for you. And now we are both here. Sasha sends his regards, but he was detained." De'Ville smiled slightly. "May I join you?"

Feliciana Devano
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:01:33 AM
Feliciana tensed for a moment as she eyed Lilaena suspiciously. "Did you harm him?" She questioned with a defensive tone. Her eyes locked with those of the stranger and, Feliciana calmed a bit. "He probably had something to do with this." She thought to herself and took comfort in knowing that he was probably alright.

"Yes, please join me." She nodded to the empty chair across from her and sighed. She would not be seeing Sasha today -- but someone who obviously knew him. "So you were waiting for me? But how? I've never met you in my life." Still a bit suspicious, Feliciana kept a close eye on Lilaena for any sudden movements that may call her to act quickly.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 9th, 2003, 04:31:45 PM
"Nor I you..." De'Ville moved quietly over to Feliciana's table. "In fact, I would not be here at all except that I had a most disturbing dream about you a few weeks ago." She lifted her shoulders lightly in a half shrug. "You called out Sasha's name, and then looked at me and told me you were lost. Ever since then I have felt compelled to seek you out. I apologize for the deception, but Sasha felt this was the best way to arrange a meeting."

A waitress came by, and De'Ville ordered an ice water. The view from the window was breathtaking, but she kept her eyes on the long haired woman in front of her.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 11th, 2003, 08:58:32 AM
The young woman felt a knot develop in her stomach. "I am lost." She thought to herself but kept this to herself. She noticed how intense Lilaena's gaze was on her -- and it made her slightly nervous. "That's very strange, but was that the end of your dream?" She questioned curiously.

Feliciana looked out the window once again, pondering the meaning behind the events that were slowly unfolding around her. She knew that she would have to be honest with the woman if she wished to gain the answers she sought -- but that would happen in time. First, she would explain a bit better this dream she had.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 11th, 2003, 09:43:25 AM
She raised an eyebrow. "That was the end. I woke up after that." De'Ville shifted slightly in her chair, and folded her hands together. "So. Are you lost?"

Feliciana Devano
Aug 11th, 2003, 11:33:11 AM
Feliciana looked out the window in thought. She knew where she was, exactly -- and in fact, was not lost in a literal sense. As far as her future, though, she was very lost. "Yes, I am." She said softly as her eyes focused back on the woman opposite her.

"I do not know my way to the right path for me. I thought I had it once, but I was very wrong." The Knight looked down at the table for a moment as if attempting to find her way in that instant, but it was not possible. "What does your any of that have to do with your dream, though?"

A questioning expression fell upon her face. "Is this woman able to see things and know things that the common man does not?" She wondered but did not bother to mention it to Lilaena. "I'm just not sure of a lot of things at the moment."

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 11th, 2003, 01:28:54 PM
She leaned forward slightly after the waitress dropped off her water. "The Force shows us things...whether the past, or the future. You have the gifting, as do I, but you have not reached your full potential."

De'Ville sipped her water, and placed it back on the tabletop. "I wondered what the purpose was of my visiting you, and why I dreamt what I did. I came blindly, figuring that I would figure it out along the way. And I had not, until now.

"You do not know your path, because it has not been set before you yet. But I set it before you now. Come with me. Let me finish your training, and put you on the path to your future." Her hazel eyes captured Fel's and the younger woman found it hard to look away.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 11th, 2003, 01:52:00 PM
Fel listenend intently as Lilaena spoke. Her words and the ideas that backed them were captivating, yet she was still having a difficult time comprehending exactly what was going on. It all began to make sense, though, as she continued.

"You do not know your path, because it has not been set before you yet. But I set it before you now. Come with me. Let me finish your training, and put you on the path to your future."

The Dark Jedi Knight nearly dropped her jaw onto the table but realized it was not very becomming of her. She could not look away from Lilaena's eyes, no matter how hard she tried to. There was something right about all of this. It sounded so promising and -- tempting. She knew this was her path, somehow. She could feel it.

"I -- never expected this." She said softly as her mind raced with questions and thoughts. Fel quieted them for the time being, though, and decided to save the rush of excitement and curiousity for later. "What have I got to lose." She agreed with a smile and nodded. "Where do we go from here, though?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 11th, 2003, 06:11:39 PM
"Well, first things first. I have you at a disadvantage, as I know your name, but you do not know mine. I am Lilaena De'Ville. Perhaps you heard about me during your time at the Sith Order with Kovalev."

Feliciana Devano
Sep 27th, 2003, 01:08:19 PM
Feliciana nodded. Yes, indeed, she had heard of Lilaena De'Ville. What an infamous name it was at The Sith Order. Smiling slightly, the young woman extended her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lilaena. Never had I expected this." She smiled to herself.

"Yes, much have I heard of you while I was there. Not many good things, surprisingly. It doesn't matter what they think, though. I'm sure I've gone down in the books as being rather -- well, traitorous." She laughed slightly and looked at Lilaena with curiosity. "So, how is it you know Sasha anyway?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:08:51 AM
"He and I are a part of a small group of ...similarly minded individuals." De'Ville did not offer anything else on that subject. "The Order is foolish and glutted with power to the point of not being effective anymore. You were wise to leave, yet it seems you left with no place to go."

She leaned forward slightly, her fingers playing with the rim of her glass of water. "Alexander Millard has nothing for you, if you cannot find yourself first. Why wait here for the man to arrive, when he spends his time on Balmorra? Should he not have been here weeks ago?"

Feliciana Devano
Sep 30th, 2003, 03:54:14 PM
Feliciana looked down as Lilaena spoke. Indeed, she once had a place to go but the group fell apart and offered little to no growth for Fel. "I took up shelter with a group who left with me -- but they were power hungry and wanted the very same things they tried to escape by leaving TSO." She stated and shook her head in a bit of disbelief at her own foolishness.

The next statement made by the strange woman was odd, to say the least. "Alexander Millard?" Feliciana repeated the name and searched her memory for a face to match. Nothing. "Balmorra? I saw Balmorra once, but never did I meet a man named Alexander." She thought to herself and shook her head. "Who would be spending his time there instead of coming for me?" She thought to herself, but all signs pointed to Sasha save for the name.

"I'm afraid I do not know of whom you speak. This Alexander Millard is not someone I am familiar with. The only one who I've been waiting for is Sasha, but he is busy and cannot always make it to see me. We understand that we both have our limits -- distance is not something new to us." She smiled sadly, but knew that she was right. That was something they were attempting to fix, though, and so Feliciana spent time on Naboo where the couple owned a plot of land that would one day be the sight of their getaway home. The thoughts made Fel smile, but soon she was brought back to the present.

"Perhaps there are a few secrets both Lilaena and myself are keeping." The young woman pondered the possibility but shook it aside and continued on with the conversation. "This small group you speak of -- how does one learn of it?" She questioned with curiosity, but in the back of her mind, Fel could not help but wonder about Alexander Millard and why Lilaena brought the strange name up.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2003, 05:19:21 PM
She felt the woman's confusion, and laughed a little. "I am sorry, I thought you knew. Sasha's real name is Alexander. I must confess I cannot get out of the habit of calling him Kovalev, but it is not his real last name."

Feliciana Devano
Oct 30th, 2003, 09:38:41 AM
Feliciana furrowed her brow and frowned slightly at what Lilaena said. "She must be kidding me." The young woman thought to herself and shook her head. "How can that be? I've been with Sasha for two and a half years now -- I know everything about him." She said with evident frustration.

How could this woman know more about the man she loved? It seemed impossible to Fel and she couldn't believe it. "Maybe Sasha is keeping secrets from me. What has he got to hide?" She thought and sighed to herself. "Why would he do that to me? It's -- impossible!"