View Full Version : GJO Admin: Asking for permision...

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:33:59 PM
I was wondering if I would be aloud to bring in a character from Shanaria's past... It would most likely be one of Shanaria's older sisters... As I have said in many RP's with Shanaria she comes from a long family line of Jedi that, most of the time, stay on the planet Omwat... The problem is... According to the backstory I have made for Shanaria all her direct family (Brothers, Sisters, Mother, Father) are already of the rank of Jedi Knight or greater...

I know you wouldn't let me bring in a Master... So That is why it would be one of her sisters or brothers. Who are only knights.. The youngest of her older sisters would only have been knighted about the same time Shanaria was banished from Omwat... So she would not be a highly devloped Knight, but still of a Knight status... I am wanting to bring this sister in...

My reasoning is, due to some of the things Shanaria did when she was talking to the King of Shandri's homeworld in the thread

A Trip Home: Conclusion in the Storytelling Forum

Shanaria's family would not be happy with what they would hear from The King and would send a member of the family to talk to Shanaria to find out her side of the story and Why she said and did the things she did.....

Also Since The GJO is low on teachers I was also thinking that maybe it would be an idea to see if it would be alright to have Shanaria try and get her sister to join the GJO to help out with teaching and so she could have some face to face contact with a member of her family before her 25 years of banishment have expired...

This is only an Idea... I haven't gone into great detail into making this character yet because I don't know if it would be approved... I could have her be skilled at something that the GJO doesn't have many/any teachers for... So then if she was aloud to join... she could teach that....

I'm willing to let others give subjestions on skill that are needed at the order, and I am willing to give full specifications in the character before I even make the account...

Pleese tell me what you think...

Morgan Evanar
Aug 8th, 2003, 03:01:44 PM
We've talked it over and decided we're not really comfortable with it.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:27:59 PM
Allright... but would it be too much to ask Why the admin are not comfortable with my preposal? And is there anyway I can change this to make it more exceptable?

I would still like to bring in one of Shanaria's family members, and I was only using logic to say it would be one of the knights in her family, since her whole family are Jedi, and it would be an important matter that they would be addressing, it only stand to reason that they wouldn't send a padawan.

I'm open to subjestion... and very willing to discuss this matter with the order...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 8th, 2003, 06:17:15 PM
I have a suggestion. Perhaps if this family member was played by a member with the current standing of Knight or Master? Maybe this character could be a temporary one that would only stick around for a bit?

I'm just trying to help here -- I really don't understand the full ins and outs of this situation, but if I can help in any way, I will. :)

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 8th, 2003, 09:12:09 PM
Shanaria - The reason that some of us are not so hot on the idea is simply because it seems to debase the hard work and time that others have put into getting a character to knighthood. Letting you just bring one in creates a precedent for others. I'm not sure that would be beneficial in the long run.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 9th, 2003, 10:29:12 AM
Alright.... Would it be better if the family member was skilled, well trained, and the family sent her out on this assingment to see if she is ready to be tested as a knight... but when she gets here she finds that the GJO could teach her a lot more, so she turns down being premoted, in order to become a student here...

Would that work? I would bascly give me a student that already knew how to do a large number of things with the force, but wants to prove herself to the GJO instead of only proving herself to her family, which she starting to beleave that her family is too quick to give out ranks....

Xazor: Truthfuly I would like to play the Character... I already know what kind of personality I want her to have.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 21st, 2003, 11:51:51 AM
Hello.... I'm still waiting.... I would like to know if my revised request is allowable..... Depending on if this passes or not depends on what I do next with Shanaria...

Aaron Belargic
Aug 21st, 2003, 11:57:55 AM
I don't know. You'll have to get the others to decide on this one, because I can't come up with an answer either way.

Marga Alton
Aug 28th, 2003, 10:11:34 AM
OK, I don't get this at all. Will somebody please tell me in detail why a chance for another teacher is being turned down when we have who knows how many masterless padawans here??

Yeah, understandably some would be upset about this idea, but some of us are getting fed up that there aren't enough Masters or Knights to go around to help the padawans learn. More and more of the teachers are leaving, making it so that more and more padawans don't have teachers. Somehow that doesn't seem right to me.

I've noticed that the teachers that are here have numerous padawans to train and are having a hard time keeping up with them.

Shanaria has made a suggestion which would help with our current problem with having to many padawans, and if my memory serves me correct, a good while back it was suggested that some ppl make up a new character which is a Knight in order to help train the influx of padawans.

I know I'd be willing to create a character specifically for training other, and I'd even be willing to let the Admin say what I can and can not do with that character.

If you don't like this idea, then promote some of the padawans which are ready to be promoted so there are less padawans and more ppl that are able to train.

Aug 28th, 2003, 11:32:10 AM
It is a matter of precedent. There's absolutely no reason to allow this, because if we do this once, where does it end?

As for the padawan situation, that's another matter entirely.

Figrin D'an
Aug 28th, 2003, 12:31:18 PM
The abundance of padawans is the reason why the instructional classes were proposed by Sage, and have been implemented. Padawans can get training through the classes until masters/knights become available to take on apprentices

Padawans have to be put forth for promotion by their masters or by a council member who can vouch for their training. The council doesn't just pick a slew of padawans that they "think might be ready" and promote them to knights.

Originally posted by Marga Alton
OK, I don't get this at all. Will somebody please tell me in detail why a chance for another teacher is being turned down when we have who knows how many masterless padawans here??

Because allowing a character to be introduced to the Order already having the rank of Knight or Master undermines all of the time, effort, and hard work that everyone else has had to put into their characters to develop them and see them promoted. It's the same reason why we don't allow characters from other RP realms to be imported into our own with the same status they may have achieved elsewhere. It would be a huge slap in the face to those who have started from scratch as initiates and worked their way up through the ranks.

Originally posted by Shanaria Fabool
Alright.... Would it be better if the family member was skilled, well trained, and the family sent her out on this assingment to see if she is ready to be tested as a knight... but when she gets here she finds that the GJO could teach her a lot more, so she turns down being premoted, in order to become a student here...

Would that work? I would bascly give me a student that already knew how to do a large number of things with the force, but wants to prove herself to the GJO instead of only proving herself to her family, which she starting to beleave that her family is too quick to give out ranks....

I'm still not exactly sure what your goal in this venture is. Even if said character were to decide to join GJO, she would still have to go through the entire initiate/padawan process, and isn't necessarily going to be promoted to Knight any more quickly than other padawans. Giving her some knowledge of the Force from the point of character creation isn't a big issue, but she's still going to have to go through the same training and classwork as everyone else. In that respect, it's no different than the circumstances under which a Sith or Dark Jedi joining GJO. The character may be skilled in many areas, but he/she still must start from the beginning with basic training and technique.

Marga Alton
Aug 28th, 2003, 01:57:52 PM
The reason why I've mentioned this is because I looked in this thread.


And well, it kinda shows to me that even though there are the Force classes, there are still numerous padawans without Masters or in classes.

Also, I wish to bring up Falcon Gyndar who was allowed to join the GJO as Knight. I hate being a nag about this, but something else will need to be done about this.

If not having ppl bring a Knight character in strictly for training, why not do something else as well. Maybe have some of the more skilled padawans take some of the newer ones and have them start on the basic Force stuff like how to use the Force. It's to get them started and something to do while waiting for a spot in a class or until they have a Master to teach them so they won't get fed up and just leave. That way it will give the more experienced padawans a sense of responsability to the Order where they are doing something other then just recieving their own training.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:02:22 PM
AFAIK, I'm the only person in recent time that has been given this - but I roleplayed for four months (over the minimum required to be promoted to Knight), hyper-active, during which I was all over the place and did some training with Navaria before I was promoted- and that was just because there was a really bad situation as far as masters went, ie. people with 10+ padawans each (some with 20.. I'm looking at Xazor)

Dae Jinn
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:06:17 PM
From the looks of the Padawan list, a lot of them are secondary characters of people with other, higher-ranking Jedis. I see a few names who havent posted in a long while (IMO, only). :\

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2003, 02:11:37 PM
That is true. You could probably slim the list down a lot with secondary chars and inactive people.

Ace McCloud
James Prent
Matthias Darkstone
Mitara Sinar
Sarr Koon
Simene Dawnstrider
Tony Maxwell
Tyme Odin

are the only ones I'm aware of that don't have other chars at GJO and are active.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 28th, 2003, 03:33:31 PM
Also, if they haven't joined a class, it's their own darn fault for not getting any training. It's all about initiative. :)

Figrin D'an
Aug 28th, 2003, 04:40:25 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
Also, if they haven't joined a class, it's their own darn fault for not getting any training. It's all about initiative. :)

Damn straight.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but the staff and the Council can't babysit everyone. The class schedule was posted and advertised quite clearly for a some time before they began. It's the responsibility of the individual to get signed up for them. If a padawan/initiate can't take 30 seconds to post a sign-up for the class system, then show up in the thread for their training, it's that person's problem.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 28th, 2003, 04:54:27 PM
You know, I've been a padawan with entry-level skills for over a year now. Even though I would love to someday get some skills and andvance throught he ranks, I realize that a lot of effort is needed to let a character develop.

I agree with the others in that a Master or Teacher character should not be jsut invented. True, a lot of the Masters are dissappearing or going inactive or something, but this isn't the first time it's happened. We just have to deal with it and move on. That's about all. And be thankful that there are classes now, it was far worse on the masterless padawans back when there were no classes.

Shanaria Fabool
Aug 29th, 2003, 11:58:11 AM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
I'm still not exactly sure what your goal in this venture is. Even if said character were to decide to join GJO, she would still have to go through the entire initiate/padawan process, and isn't necessarily going to be promoted to Knight any more quickly than other padawans. Giving her some knowledge of the Force from the point of character creation isn't a big issue, but she's still going to have to go through the same training and classwork as everyone else. In that respect, it's no different than the circumstances under which a Sith or Dark Jedi joining GJO. The character may be skilled in many areas, but he/she still must start from the beginning with basic training and technique.

Ok... Here is my goal in this venture... What I'm wanting is a student that is more skilled than Shanaria, and because of that I Think it would be pointless for her to do the initiate stage... I don't intend to have her get a master, but do a number of open training threads... I know that this is nothing new... in fact it was the way things went before the Group classes started... I don't expect her to be promoted any faster, I'm now only asking for her to be aloud to skip the group classes...

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 29th, 2003, 01:39:07 PM
Shanaria, if we let everybody in here who claimed to need a higher-level character, we'd be overrun. The classes are more than character development, they're a milestone that show that you have put in just as much, if not more, time into a character, and that they subsequently deserve to be at the level they are at. To pass over this level would undermine that.

Please, feel free to bring in a new character. Feel free to give her whatever skills you'd like, within reason. Just know that, as per stated policies, all new recruits must pass through the classes in order to get a master. That's the way it works.