View Full Version : Show me the toy (closed)

Chris Raynark
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:34:25 PM
Location: A1m245 Grid; 242.32m above warehouse.
Time: 1900 Hours.

It was early. A little too early.

Not that he was one for being late, though sometimes being early could pack a few punches. He hung over the side of his speeder, arm draped over the door as he examined the building below. It looked alright, somewhat rusty around the edges from rain.

He would wait for some sign of activity before descending, well… just for precautions.

Frell it.

Leaning back into the chassis, Raynark dropped the speeder into gear and slowly descended to the panel. A quick flip of his wrist, keys in hand and pocketed like that. Pulling out of the dark red speeder, Raynark gave a curious glance about before throwing on a black jacket over his shoulders.

He would wait here.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:48:49 PM

Force Master Hunter slowly strolled around the warehouse, looking casually about for any one that was not supposed to be here. COnfident that there wasn't, he took out a lock breaker and quickly entered the deserted and unused warehouse. This was a very seedy and run down part of Coruscant, there would be very, very little chance of being disturbed.

Inside, there was a 200 m long empty space. On one side, he placed down a locked box he was carrying, before scanning the darkness. He had been here before, so it wasn't much to find the light switch. Old glow rods came on, lighting the area up to reveal plenty of left behind rusting equipment and wooden container boxes. A fewe drips from the leaking roof splashed into puddles as he unlocked the box, removing from it two sleek and deadly looking guns, plus a case of what turned out to be ammunition. He began to load one of the guns up, to fill in time while he waited for the prospective buyer.

Chris Raynark
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:58:42 PM
As the building lit up like the morning christmas tree, Raynark moved torward. It was late, either that or the Seller didn't belive that he needed lights to work deals. After a short walk, Raynark slid up close to the building (yet not close enough to come into contact with the metal) and took a peek.

Well... he didn't look like an Imps or Rebs.

Raynark shrugged, giving himself that mental 'What the hell, lets do it' pep-talk. Stepping in, his eyes took in the surroundings first, then the Seller.

"Ey'..." Raynark half-yelled, shoving his hands into his pockets, "...What 're you doin' here, pal. Las' time I checked, this wa' private property."

A little quiz, seeing if the guy did his homework. Raynark's face relaxed slightly, tilting a little to the left. Jesus, those things looked wicked...

Force Master Hunter
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:11:36 PM
The gun spun fast, the barrel pointing at the newcomer.

"Really" he said in a flat, quiet voice. "The only thing I want to see in your hands in 2 seconds is some id or a reason your here. Otherwise, I guess the next time the owners come to inspect, they'll find a 6 month old corpse"

Of course, the only reason he didn't pull the trigger was that he suspected this was the potential buyer.

Chris Raynark
Aug 7th, 2003, 03:17:32 PM
"Ey, 'ey now," Raynark spoke, raising both hands up, "Tha' the toy there, mate?"

Course it was, what else could be in the shed other than rusted metal and rats. He dropped his hands down to his pockets, keeping a slight distance to keep reason away for the guy to go trigger-happy, "M'names Raynark, Chris."

Force Master Hunter
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:35:18 PM
A bit of a moment passed as FMH felt the flow of the Force, screening for a hint that this guy was telling the truth. While naturally suspicious, he also did know the Force was a pretty good guide to truth telling.

"Yeah, so you Raynark, eh?" He assessed the other man for a moment before speakign again.

"Here's the deal. You show me proof you can pay, I'll them demo and show you how to work this thing, tell ya what else comes in the deal. You like, we trade. Fair enough?"

Chris Raynark
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:00:33 AM
"Fair enough," He replied., drawing out a slim datapad with a flip-out keyboard attached. Pretty confident that he wouldn't get a new hole to feed hisself with, Raynark slowly advanced until he was within reaching distance, holding out the pad between his thumb, indiex, and middle fingers.

"10 thousand to start, five more depending on if I like, transferrable at any time,"

Force Master Hunter
Aug 8th, 2003, 07:48:22 AM
Hunter was a big man - 6'5", muscled and extremely fit. The grin on his face had no amusement.

"Good. Very well, observe"

And for such a big man, he could move incredibly fast. He had loaded up in a particular order before, now he spun, twirled the gun like it was a toy and aimed at a cargo box.

"Pellet ammo" he announced flatly, then pulled the trigger. The gun roared, spat flame - at seemingly the same time, the cargo box was shredded, splinters and planks flying backwards.

"To reload, it's a simple pump action - and this is explosive round"

He pumped the gun once, took aim at the far end of the warehouse (200 meters) where a drum stood. Once again, the gun boomed, a split second later the drum detonated into shrapnel and flame.

"And if you liked that, you'll love this. Solid ammo" he yelled over the sound of the drum's detonation. Once again he pumped the gun, the old cartridge flying out as the new one came in. Another loud boom, this time accompied by a ear slpitting crack. The wall on the other end of the ware house had a hole blown through it the soze of a human head.

"And I bet the next three walls will be the same. Gauss acceleration rings, three ammo loads, your ammo is thrown into the acceleration rings by percussion powder, the rings spit your projectile out at 7 times sonic. Sabots come away in flight leavign your projectile to do the work as you have seen. Lightsabres wont block em, your average Jedi is simply shredded raw meat. Lightweight, comes in a carry case, 50 rounds. One of the best in raw killing power"

Chris Raynark
Aug 8th, 2003, 07:34:02 PM
"Jesus Christ," Raynark whistled, massaging his forehead. It was worth the payment, down to the very last chit. "The ad wasn't joshing, real Jedi kill'r you got there..."

He strolled down to the wreakage, stamping out a small flicker of flame. Two quick passes lent him what he seeked, the shot through the wall was clean, the boxes shreaded... and was that a drum in the first place?

He turned slightly to FMH, "What of the legal jit on these things, I won't have wherever ya' got this machine at on my <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont> will I?"

Force Master Hunter
Aug 9th, 2003, 02:39:29 AM
"Nah, you'll be okay. No one's gonna notice them gone and in a big place like the Galaxy, there's gonna be no one who really will notice until it's used. And even then, these things are so rare, no one's going to think of em until your long gone after usage."

"Tho, having a rail gun might cause eyes to be raised. You know only the NRSF use em regularly?"

Chris Raynark
Aug 11th, 2003, 02:13:02 PM
"Yeah, pretty well enough," Raynark replied shortly, scratching the back of his head lightly. "Nota problem, I think. I'll only be usin' 'er on armored folks in private. Got me a nice slugger for those everyday crap that flips out.."

He returned to the table, "What's the ammo issues on this babe? Th' advertisement mentioned fifty-so-mixed rounds, would I be safe to assume tha'-" He twirled one of the shells in his fingers, "- the ammo' is very difficult to obtain commonly?"

Force Master Hunter
Aug 11th, 2003, 06:06:28 PM
"Yeah, only availible place so far is from NRSF stores and I dont feel like dipping into those. Right now, I've got a gearhead putting together something. Give it about 4 weeks and we'll have ammo on hand all the time. Fair enough?"

Chris Raynark
Aug 11th, 2003, 07:32:23 PM
"Fair enough," He replied, "Check the transfer before we close off this deal, someon' been avidly tapping my funds lately. It all should be there, tho."

Force Master Hunter
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:43:05 PM
"Fair enough - You might be interested in a secure transaction service one of my contacts has. Money launderign a speciality for them."

A check and a transfer. Then, the credits disaapeared in the money system automatically. They would reappear clean and untraceable a day or two later.

"Good doing business with you. Let me know if you want anything else and I'll let you know if we get anything else. Oh.... one sec..."

Even if he was wearing gloves, he took a cloth out and wiped the gun over. "Make sure you clean and oil it regularly. Okay.... carry case and ammo. All yours"

Chris Raynark
Aug 13th, 2003, 07:20:02 PM
Accepted the weapon with a slight grin, spun it once before gently snapping it into place with the ammo into the case. Hefting it up, he brought two fingers to his brow and tipped off to FMH.

"Our buisness is completed then," he said, going to the door. Stopping short of turning the corner, he glanced back at FMH, "'Ey.. If you ever need another hand, I'm always looking for a job.. eh?"