View Full Version : Feedback appreciated please

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:37:56 PM
I've been doing some thinking.

This is usually a dangerous occupation and I try to avoid it, but last night i couldn't help myself until it was too late and the thinking was done.

There are a shortage of good Darkside/Sith groups on the board. The Krath, no offense meant, but it might as well not exist. TBH is much too elitist (not a bad thing necessarily) to be available to the new poster, and also has little to no effect on the boards as a whole.

TSO is available to n00bs, yet doesn't have the time or the energy to take care of them. It has been slowly falling apart for three years.

GJO is so full they've been hoping the fire marshall doesn't come around. :uhoh

Taylor's question about taking down the "Not Accepting Applications" thread is interesting, because I was thinking about starting a new Sith/Darkside group. One to rival TSO and eventually smother it (ok that part was all LD, not me!). One that is available to train and bring up n00bs, and that actually works as a group. Sort of a cross between TSO and TBH so to speak.

I'm trying to get Gav Mortis to join LD in this, but if you guys WANT to open TBH's doors, so to speak, TBH could certainly become this group. I think there is a void that needs to be filled, and we could either step up and fill it, or I'll make a new group.


Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:43:13 PM
I like this idea muchly (turning TBH into the new big thang) and support it fully :)

Morgan Evanar
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:47:58 PM
I've never been good at training people, but one of the things I really like about TBH is we don't have to teach people how to frelling RP.

But yeah, aside from whatever we're doing, the darkside representation is pretty thin.

I'll have to think about it.

Aug 6th, 2003, 12:51:22 PM
Im not sure how I feel about it. I agree there is a void that needs to be filled for new people, or even new characters for existing rpers.

I guess I like the idea of TBH remaining smaller, and I like the idea of a new faction (that actually lasts) starting a bit better.

But whatever ends up being decided, Im cool with going along with it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 03:03:47 PM
I really don't have a problem with trying to start a new group.

If we did however try to re-vamp TBH, there would have to be some internal structural changes. And the members would actually have to DO things. I mean, I don't want to put my stamp of approval on another TSO, if you know what I mean.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 6th, 2003, 07:06:16 PM
I tried to get us out there to shake tings up, and my head is spinning trying to figure out where I went wrong. So for the moment, I'm very willing to follow instead of trying to lead.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 07:21:24 PM
:lol the problem, dear Sorsha, is trying to get TBH to do anything as a group will always fail. :)

If it comes down to me starting a new group, I'm not doing it because TBH sucks, or because I hate you all, or anything of the sort. I'm doing it because IC it makes sense for LD to want to do this, and also OOC there is a void that MUST be filled. IMO.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 6th, 2003, 07:34:23 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville

If we did however try to re-vamp TBH.

Originally posted by Zasz Grimm

The Awakening (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30361)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:14:34 PM
Oh you're so smart.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:44:17 PM

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:49:45 PM
I am mulling this over in my mind (as I feel it requires careful consideration) and will speak on it soon. I'm just posting to let you know I haven't missed or bypassed the thread.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:50:44 PM
That wasn't very helpful, in other words. No one has any idea what you're saying in that thread Zasz. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:57:27 AM
You have just entered room "Chat 29310769252153372389 TBH."
Sniper Tondry has entered the room.
HollieBelle2: trying to get everyone in here to talk :-)
Sniper Tondry: Taylor mentioned wanting in.
LawWargrave has entered the room.
Sniper Tondry: And there he is.
LawWargrave: okay...let's chat
Lord Nupraptor has entered the room.
Sniper Tondry: Hey Shawn.
Lord Nupraptor: hello
LawWargrave: I take it we're gonna try to figure out what hte hell Phil's talking about in Awakening RP?
LawWargrave: Heya Shawn
HollieBelle2: yess
Sniper Tondry: You could've just IMed him, you know.
Unheard Dilemma has entered the room.
Sniper Tondry: He is online.
HollieBelle2: and also to figure out if I should bother with starting a new group
LawWargrave: Nah it's best we all find out
LawWargrave: Phil
HollieBelle2: no its not about Phil
HollieBelle2: I mean it is
LawWargrave: What the hell is 'The Awakening' about?
HollieBelle2: but its not
HollieBelle2: Taylor be nice
LawWargrave: Oh I'm only teasing
LawWargrave: It's actually interesting :-)
HollieBelle2: basically - what do you guys think...can TBH be re-vamped?
Unheard Dilemma: Yes
Lord Nupraptor: I really don't see what good could be accomplished by starting over...
Unheard Dilemma: And that was my original intention with The Awakening
Sniper Tondry: Conversely, I'm not sure any good is coming from things staying as they are.
Unheard Dilemma: to get things in motion, as a group, attack other groups.
HollieBelle2: what do you mean "starting over" nup?
Unheard Dilemma: it was my hope.
Lord Nupraptor: at least TBH has an established reputation. Starting a new group just introduces more difficulties without accomplishing a single thing
Unheard Dilemma: I agree with Shan on that.
HollieBelle2: I'm not even asking people to join with me if I choose to start a new group
Unheard Dilemma: shawn *
HollieBelle2: in fact I definetly would be doing it for the reasons I stated in the thread I made in the HoS
Lord Nupraptor: I'm not really a member, as I haven't actually RPed Nupraptor in some time, so I don't really care what you do. Just offering my view on it
HollieBelle2: we need on the boards another Darkside group that is open to noobs and that will take care of them, unlike TSO who abandons them
HollieBelle2: if TBH wants to fill that void, great.
Lord Nupraptor: point
LawWargrave: JH I understand your reasonings for a new group. It's not a bad idea at all
HollieBelle2: if not, then I'll figure something out. If TBH decides not to, that's fine, the members of TBH don't have to have a single thing to do with any other group that may or may not be started
LawWargrave: I think we ought to invite newer members in. Not get to the size of TSO...but atleast be more willing to take peopl ein.
HollieBelle2: I also am not a big fan of people making new characters to go into new groups
HollieBelle2: that never ever works
HollieBelle2: Size of TSO? TSO has a size??
Unheard Dilemma: I had actually planned on creating a new group previous to my "Awakening" thread with Snack.
LawWargrave: I need t'talk to Snack about something. Thanks for the reminder Phil
HollieBelle2: lol
Unheard Dilemma: But I really wanted Zasz to stay in The Hand, so I made the awakening thread
Sniper Tondry: That seems to be the general problem.
Unheard Dilemma: in hopes that it would kick people in the ass maybe
HollieBelle2: TBH is full of members who don't want anything to do with anyone.
LawWargrave: Or they do, but they're too busy OOC
Sniper Tondry: People want their characters to remain in the group, yet they're not happy with the conditions that exist.
HollieBelle2: well there are the Chaosians...who sort of band together at times
HollieBelle2: I don't mean OOC Taylor
HollieBelle2: I mean in IC, they don't work well with others
LawWargrave: See I liked what Kitty had planned for TBH
HollieBelle2: i totally understand IC
HollieBelle2: (OOC not ic
LawWargrave: I saw a heckuva lot of potential for it
Unheard Dilemma: Kitty's plan is what made me think of starting a new group.
LawWargrave: Of course the other problem we have is who at GJO is gonna be willing to face us?
Sniper Tondry: I think...
HollieBelle2: you mean kitty taking over?
HollieBelle2: or Vicet, sorry
Lord Nupraptor: I like the idea of opening TBH's doors. TBH is my much neglected child whom I occasionally send child support to
Sniper Tondry: ... that one thing Kitty's recent plans did is highlight a schism in the members.
HollieBelle2: I woudln't want to have a caterpillar shoved in my head so I could be accepted and CRAAAAZEEEE
Sniper Tondry: lol, you passed it off to me, you deadbeat dad.
Unheard Dilemma: LOL
Unheard Dilemma: Ok, so, is anyone still needing explaining on the thread?
Sniper Tondry: I'l have to sic the courts on you.
Unheard Dilemma: Anyone at all?
Lord Nupraptor: I haven't read it, so I'd appreciate a synopsis
LawWargrave: I'd love to know what you've got planned Phil
Sniper Tondry: Long story short, Zasz is speaking to the other members trying to persuade them to once again unite as a group.
Unheard Dilemma: Exacary.
LawWargrave: Right
Sniper Tondry: He just doesn't seem to have a plan to get there. :-)
Unheard Dilemma: BS, I do.
Unheard Dilemma: I did, rather.
LawWargrave: Then what it is?
Unheard Dilemma: until people went a TOTALLY different way.
Lord Nupraptor: I think that a new group would likely wind up like the Krath at this point in time. TBH at least is well known, and would be much easier to work with
Sniper Tondry: I'm inclined to agree, with a but...
HollieBelle2: BUT the krath is made up of secondary characters and things like that
Unheard Dilemma: The Krath went to shit because the leader of it was a shit.
HollieBelle2: and was started by JESETH and his henchmen
HollieBelle2: exactly
Lord Nupraptor: however, there's one thing
Sniper Tondry: I think the existing structure of the group MUST CHANGE and I think other respected Dark Side characters MUST JOIN.
HollieBelle2: it was started and then abandoned
Unheard Dilemma: I vote for snack!
Unheard Dilemma: Oh, did I say that outloud?
Lord Nupraptor: Everyone in TBH is a bit used to getting their way. It couldn't really be like that if it became a large group. It'd had to start being run more like the GJO
HollieBelle2: it would need a group of "leaders" like a council of sorts
LawWargrave: Guys guys time out
HollieBelle2: I'd say three or so
LawWargrave: We've got 3 different conversations going on at once
HollieBelle2: we do?
Sniper Tondry: That's why I'm doing more listening than commenting.
LawWargrave: WellI count three different conversations
Unheard Dilemma: Well, considering I was pulled in here to try and explain my thread, which I never did...
LawWargrave: Anyway...Phil...explain your thread please
LawWargrave: I'm interested in hearing what it's about
Sniper Tondry: Rather, explain your plans.
HollieBelle2: exactly I think we understand the gist of the thread :-)
HollieBelle2: but what are your plans you're going to lay before TBH?
Sniper Tondry: It's gotten to the point where we need to know OOC.
Unheard Dilemma: (( gr, my explanations are too long for chat, must c/p and give it to you in pieces. ))
Unheard Dilemma: AS Brian said, I created it in an effort to try and unite the group.
Unheard Dilemma: I thought it would be a good diea say if we all banded together and began to go after the others (GJO, TSO)
Unheard Dilemma: Like I said ICly in my thread, most of us (I guess the chaosians excluded) desire peace/order.
Unheard Dilemma: In my eyes, that should be a Dark Jedi's goal. I mean, without order to the chaos, does anything really get accomplished?
Unheard Dilemma: I was thinking, that perhaps we should attack the GJO, since most of us have bones to pick with them anyway.
Unheard Dilemma: But an en masse attack would be a huge clusterfuck. As we have all seen in the past.
Unheard Dilemma: everyone with me still?
Sniper Tondry: Yep.
LawWargrave: Mmhmm
HollieBelle2: hold on
Unheard Dilemma: k
HollieBelle2: ok yeah
Lord Nupraptor: You're basically repeating stuff we've all heard before
HollieBelle2: and said. But continue :-)
Sniper Tondry: We need to get to the meat of things quickly. I have sleep I need to be getting to.
LawWargrave: And I have a guest coming soon
Unheard Dilemma: : To be quite honest, I have the end material, I'm still hammering out the middle.
Unheard Dilemma: I was hoping that TBH as a group could align, and act as one.
HollieBelle2: *coughcough*
HollieBelle2: so what is the end result then Phil?
HollieBelle2: BUt we'd need to structure it differently
HollieBelle2: we NEED leaders
Unheard Dilemma: ((Tell christin I said hey. )) TBH to be known throughout the galaxy. Not as the group in the corner.
HollieBelle2: or else it'll remain as it is
Sniper Tondry: Mmyeah.
HollieBelle2: right now they're all equals and they all think they're better than all the others
Sniper Tondry: I think Phil has a goal but no plan.
Unheard Dilemma: I agree. But as I was saying, GJO first. Why, because they have more members
HollieBelle2: so no one appreciates anyones ideas IC
LawWargrave: JH I think you had the best idea...we need three leaders.
Lord Nupraptor: I'm not anxious to start RPing Nupraptor again, especially since I'm attempting to focus on some other characters. But I would like to be involved with TBH. Perhaps it would be possible to have one of those other characters involved
Lord Nupraptor: somehow
HollieBelle2: GJo has a glut of members
HollieBelle2: they have too many to handle
HollieBelle2: the masters and knights are so overloaded with secondary characters they can't pay attention to their n00bs
Unheard Dilemma: And then after that, I think we should go after TSO. Most of us at TBH hate members of TSO
HollieBelle2: argh lag arggh
Sniper Tondry: Allow me to summarize, please.
HollieBelle2: bah TSO first fool!
Unheard Dilemma: Ie: Zasz, LD, I thnk sasha doesn't like them, grev (zasz's apprentice, though not member)
HollieBelle2: ^_^; sorry LD got out :-)
LawWargrave: Guys!
Unheard Dilemma: alright, go ahead brian
HollieBelle2: and girls?
Sniper Tondry: First, as I've said, the existing structure of the group MUST CHANGE.
HollieBelle2: sum up!
Sniper Tondry: I do not see any way around reforming the group without some kind of split, unfortunately.
HollieBelle2: (lag sorry, pay no attention):-[
Sniper Tondry: Maybe something can be worked out.
Sniper Tondry: Maybe the Chaosians can be retained as a subsect of TBH like the Imperial Royal Guard was a subsect of the Imperial Army.
HollieBelle2: the 'leaders' would have to be the most active RPers.
Unheard Dilemma: I wholeheartedly agree with that, Brian.
HollieBelle2: at TBH we're all capable. We're just not all active. The leaders would have to be the most active ones or else it'll just turn into TSO
Sniper Tondry: Ahem.
Sniper Tondry: Still summarizing here.
HollieBelle2: sorry
Sniper Tondry: However it is managed, though, it is clear that the group can no longer survive with its current democratic way of doing things.
Sniper Tondry: I should add "and grow in importance and size" to that sentence.
Sniper Tondry: Because my next point is that all of us definitely want the group to become a big name on the boards, and to do that it must grow.
Sniper Tondry: It will not grow if it's members cannot come together.
Sniper Tondry: And that is one of the problems we are facing.
Sniper Tondry: *another oen
Sniper Tondry: *one
Sniper Tondry: Ah, crap.
Sniper Tondry: I have to be going- my dad wants his room to sleep in.
LawWargrave: Because TBH is a group of individuals, not a group group
Unheard Dilemma: Alright.
Sniper Tondry: Anyway- think about what all has been brought up and be sure to save the conversations.
Sniper Tondry: We'll want to refer to them later, I'm sure.
Unheard Dilemma: I have it logged since I entered.
HollieBelle2: I will post it up if thats ok with everyone
Unheard Dilemma: fine by me.
Sniper Tondry: Same here.
Sniper Tondry: Night guys.
Unheard Dilemma: night
Sniper Tondry has left the room.
HollieBelle2: gnight
HollieBelle2: darn lag
HollieBelle2: :-)
Unheard Dilemma: heh
LawWargrave: I got no problem with posting it

Morgan Evanar
Aug 7th, 2003, 08:39:16 AM
I really, really am not enthusastic about this.

Aug 7th, 2003, 08:39:34 AM
Alright....you guys have finally got me talking.

I like TBH as a smaller group. I dont think it needs to have a million members to be powerful or well known. I like it as a smallar group because the members of it are rather vocal (most of you) with very well developed characters. This simple fact, along with quality role playing, speaks for itself in making TBH a well known group.

Having such vocal well developed characters makes it a group that is very capable of accomplishing what it sets out to do, so long as there is a specific goal in mind that is as well developed as the characters and relationships among all of them.

And I think that is perhaps what is lacking.

I do think that there is a need for a council of sorts - or for all of the members to have meetings together as a council to decide upon actions to be taken, and reporting back in character to keep everyone accountable.

The idea behind TBH, as I understand it, is that it is a group of force users who normally would not team with anyone, coming together for a common goal.

I believe the common goal is 'order to the chaos', or something along those lines - please do correct me if Im wrong. While I think this is a good goal, Im not sure it is specific enough and maybe that needs to be defined. Are we looking to take over the galaxy? Rid the galaxy of the sith? Motivate the Jedi to take action?

I do think there is room for new members, but I dont think going overboard and taking just anyone in is a good idea. Any new members should be, in the eyes of the group, good roleplayers who are planning to fully develop and actively play their characters. The fact that we're all pretty much doing nothing as a small group isnt going to change just because we add numbers.

I think the Awakening thread is a good idea and a way to maybe get all of this started.

I said earlier that I like the idea of a new group starting - and I do - more to catch the newer people coming in who are getting lost in the enormity of GJO and the lack of attention in TSO. But....not at the cost of losing you, LD.

And on a side note, just cuz I caught it above, I do not hate any members of TSO. My char left there because:
1) Id always wanted to join TBH but the doors werent open when I'd first asked Taylor about it and TSO was already losing a lot of members and I agreed to stay on for a while so as not to add to the mass exodus
2) In terms of my character and the way he was developing, TSO wasnt the best thing for him, and
3) I was getting annoyed by the lack of activity by those running it (and still am with my other character there, Maxim).

Anyway, those are my thoughts. And yes, I'll admit, Im one of those who is somewhat intimidated by the Olde Guarde. But I am dedicated to making/helping TBH to work and felt it was time to speak up.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2003, 09:44:37 AM
'order to the chaos'

The group is literally split on this, as you may or may not have noticed.

On one hand we have Sorsha, Nupraptor, Vega, Mili, etc - the 'Chaosians' - and on the other hand the rest. Both groups are fairly united but still have some grievances between how exactly to approach what they are trying to achieve.

I don't think we are really going to get something done as a group unless we either get more people or sort out some sort of comprimise that will keep both sides of the divide happy, IC, if there is some sort of leadership made.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 7th, 2003, 10:54:00 AM
It seems we've come to the point where the group has splintered into Law and Chaos, literally. This is not unlike Jedi and Sith, Good and Evil, attempting to co-exist in the same temple. So if the conflict of goals here is Order vs. Chaos, then it comes down to which side is going to break away from Vjun first.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:10:12 AM
Sasha - I can't start a new character to start a new group. I don't have any other characters but LD who are Dark Side. She is a Sith Master, or Dark Jedi Master or whatever, and is fully capable and has the resources to fund the beginnings of a small group that can grow to be self sufficient.

I think I've stated my opinions and options quite clearly. Its up to you guys now, so hash it out please :)

I AM NOT TRYING TO DIVIDE TBH, if I go start a new group I will do it on my own if I have to. I also do NOT want people to start new characters to help me if I have to start a new group. That would suck. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:35:33 AM
Charley: what we *could* do is to have a front organization

Me: a what?

Charley: make a group, and that group takes noobs

Charley: and the best of the best get into TBH :-)

Charley: it would kinda work as a screen on the door :-)

Me: hmmm

Charley: letting the cool folks in, keeping the insects out :-)

Me: sounds like a lot more work

Charley: yeah, BUT...

Charley: the alternatives are stagnation and anarchy, respectively

Me: I mean, a lot more work than just opening TBH's doors

Me: my theory about the structure of TBH is as follows:

Charley: yes

Me: three person 'council'

Me: sorry, three person INNER council. Makes all important decisions.

Me: then a second ring just below them of all the masters of TBH

Me: seven or so

Charley: yup

Me: These people have almost as much control in the group as the inner council, but they can be shot down and vetoed by the council at any time

Charley: ah

Me: then everyone else, apprentices, knights etc, falls in under these guys

Me: I dunno about room for advancement...if the 'outer council' can just grow until it pops or what

Charley: cool

Me: like have the 'outer council' be "TBH" as you said

Charley: I like that

Me: Of course, only Masters of the Force would be in the Three, and hopefully only masters in the Seven

Charley: yup

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:37:27 AM
(random thought: possible title for the Three: The Dirus)

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:41:34 AM
Me: sorry, three person INNER council. Makes all important decisions.

Me: then a second ring just below them of all the masters of TBH

Me: seven or so

Charley: yup

Me: These people have almost as much control in the group as the inner council, but they can be shot down and vetoed by the council at any time

The Three pick the inner council? or am I reading wrong?

Morgan Evanar
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:49:50 AM
TBH has always been a semi-democracy. I don't know why you want to impose an articifical structure on it.

Whats the fucking point of adding all of this essential paperwork?

What do you think its going to accomplish. Sounds like a lot of wasted effort for very little actual gain.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:57:28 AM
It's just a thought Morg, you don't have to swear at me. :(

Vega, the inner council IS the three.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:07:14 PM
Answer the question. Whats the point of this added structure? Show evidence from the last three years that a "council" of any sort has really gotten anything done from both an OOC and IC perspective.

Fact of the matter is that it hasn't happend, because no one is being paid to do x. They do what they want because they want to have fun.

I'm sorry if our factory RP output isn't up to your standards, but there is no evidence that adding layers of beaucracy, IC or otherwise, gets anything done.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:10:48 PM
Fine I'll just drop it then.

Milivikal k'Vik
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:20:02 PM
I don't see the point of closing the thread.

If the rest of the group wants to do it, fine. I just don't see it accomplishing anything.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:54:04 PM
I think it's time for the group to divide, because the agendas conflict too much. Like De'Ville, I'm willing to go it alone and leave Vjun behind, but I welcome anyone here who comes with me. And there's no pressure to come with me if thay'd rather stay.

The reasons are entirely Character Driven, not OOC. Sorsha wants control of the Castle or she'll leave.. to merge her disciples with whoever comes with her from TBH as the new faction.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:49:53 PM
Sorsha would likely end up with a pile of rubble if she tried to take the castle by force. :)

I suppose I have seen this coming for maybe a little longer than a couple of months. When Sorsha started putting centepedes in the heads of more than just a couple of members is when I first had small misgivings, but I didn't really pay attention to them because I wanted the group to stick together and because I thought the ideas were cool. I've since come to realize that it's one thing to have strong loyalties between a group's members, and quite another to have them enforced beyond breakability by the potential threat of character death.

Because with said enforced loyalties is where the group finds itself now, with divergent factions.

I think the problem with the current democratic way of doing things is that there are no managers, no mediators, nobody looking at what the individuals are doing and saying "this idea is good for the group, this one won't work for the group- it's vetoed". We all still think like individuals even if on occasion we band together wolfpack-style. Even successful wolfpacks have alpha males.

Honestly, I find myself torn. I have liked the smaller group style of TBH, and definitely liked the idea that a small group could hold a galaxy in fear- small things being of great importance and power is part of my core philosophy for Hob. :) However, I don't see a solid connection between the two for TBH- I don't see something small holding the galaxy in fear and I feel it is in large part because we are too small and have no clear leadership. If there were a way to reconcile the two goals, I would go for it. I just don't think there is one, not any longer.

Ergo, I think a new group must arise that is willing to take large sums of members and have a clear leadership. Ergo, I think TBH must change and a new group must rise from its ashes. Which way the die falls is up to how we RP it out, I think.

So we might as well set this fucker off. :)

Taylor Millard
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:50:54 PM
Guys, no one make plans to leave just yet okay? Let me think 'bout all this discussion and I'll post my ideas later.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:53:06 PM
Unless you plan on coming up with some great epiphany, I don't think there will be much change, Taylor ;)

Taylor Millard
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:09:49 PM
actually I wanted to hold out until Brian posted but he did right as I was posting so n/m. I doubt I'll have some grand epiphany anyway.

'cuse me while I 'kthxbye' myself :lol

Mr. Happy
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:01:54 PM
I'm really cool with either way it goes. Mr. Happy is kinda off in his little world, and whoever tags along with him is :cool

I don't think putting a centipede in his head would be fun, so I guess he won't stick to the Chaos camp, which is ironic, considering his...uh....chaotic nature.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:07:51 PM
an excerpt from a PM I sent Sorsha:

I'm not trying to change TBH overnight. In fact I'm not going to try and change TBH at all. It just seems that there are other members who see the same problems that I do, and that we/someone should do something about it. But if Morgan doesn't think anything is necessary FINE but that's his opinion.

in my opinion TBH doesn't work. You know that, you've tried to change it, I tried, and now Zasz is trying again in his RP. But its like trying to herd chickens. Everyone wants to do what they want to do, and not what anyone else wants to do. Which is why I thought haveing some sort of combined leadership, like Vega hob and Taylor or SOMETHING would provide the kick in the -Censored- to get TBH out and going again. If there are people we've decided that IC we HAVE to do what they say, then somethings can be done.

Other than that, TBH will go the way of the Krath, imo.

And now I'm done. Up to you guys.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 7th, 2003, 11:33:28 PM


I really am not in the mindset to deal with this at all.. most know why. I can't even get a thought put together on how I feel let alone aboout a group :(

Morgan Evanar
Aug 8th, 2003, 06:05:22 AM
Goodluck and godspeed.

TBH is your rubadub now.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 8th, 2003, 08:25:26 AM
This is somwhat of a sidebar, but it’s become necessary so …

Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
When Sorsha started putting centepedes in the heads of more than just a couple of members is when I first had small misgivings, but I didn't really pay attention to them because I wanted the group to stick together and because I thought the ideas were cool. I've since come to realize that it's one thing to have strong loyalties between a group's members, and quite another to have them enforced beyond breakability by the potential threat of character death.

Because with said enforced loyalties is where the group finds itself now, with divergent factions.

That’s incorrect. There are only two instances where this happens, and the circumstances of each were unrelated to a takeover of the Hand.

May 24, 2001
<a href=http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=413>Nupraptor</a>
Nupraptor was Jedi at the time this thread, and the centipede was used to turn him.

October 4, 2002<a href=http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4036>
In this case, Vega came to Sorsha about Vicet, not the other way around. And he was given a warning that he failed to take seriously.

Milivikal is a special case, since she was introduced into the RP as a follower of Vicet, she already had one. Sorsha possesses a centipede as well.

Originally posted by Mr. Happy
I don't think putting a centipede in his head would be fun, so I guess he won't stick to the Chaos camp, which is ironic, considering his...uh....chaotic nature.

Not everyone receives the gift of a centipede, so this assumption is wrong on your part, otherwise Dalethria would have one and she does not. Furthermore, Dale has rejected Vicet in favor of Kashalla as her patron deity.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 8th, 2003, 08:36:33 AM
But more importantly than that

Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin


I really am not in the mindset to deal with this at all.. most know why. I can't even get a thought put together on how I feel let alone aboout a group :(

Talk to me when you can, Dani.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 8th, 2003, 11:14:39 PM
Milivikal is a special case, since she was introduced into the RP as a follower of Vicet, she already had one. Sorsha possesses a centipede as well.

Total of five including Tirsa, IIRC. Tirsa is recent and not really pertinent to the situation, though.

I wasn't assuming that you were overloading on the centepedes but trying to explain what I saw as the heart of the problem , that being that you were creating inadvertantly a situation where loyalty to something other than TBH could not be broken. I realize it wasn't your intention to do so and furthermore that each recipient accepted a centepede willingly OOC.

That's all.