Aug 6th, 2003, 01:31:55 AM
Class - Bloodfire
Designation - Battle Carrier
Demensions - 724 Meters
10 VLx-92H Pulse Heavy Turbolaser Battery
30 VLa-6L Pulse Turbolasers
10 GL-22 Anti Projectile Cannons
4 H66-T Nagnol Cannons
6 PR-10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Defenses and Equipment
Hull Armor - Quarda Tritanium Bonded Armor
Armor Rating - 2,000 RU
Sheilding - Duel Protector Shielding System
Shield Rating - 2,656 SBD
Back-up Shield Rating - 2,104 SBD
Sensors - Mask 2x Sensor System
Communications - Oracle Quadraciver
Countermeasures - Eclipse Countermeasure System
Fusion Reactor - 4 LRD 500 Antimatter Reactors
Stardrive System - 2 Cortusi JR-770 Ionic Drives
Hyperdrive Movivators - Cortusi ADM-1 Movitators
Sublight Speed - 16 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating - X1
Back-up Hyperdrive Rating - X10
Command - 55
Crew - 1,806
Gunners - 165
Flight Ops - 258
Troopers - 800
Engineers - 10
Onboard Craft
24 JFC-x1 Diablo Fighters
36 TF-10 Claw Interceptors
12 TF-8 Claw Craft
10 TS-26 Badger Assualt Shuttles
Onboard Vehicles
Though called an escort carrier this vessel is far from that. with weapons riveling a Victory Star Destroyer and a whole wing of fighters, the Bloodfire is a stout opponate for any vessel. The Bloodfire is the mainstay of the CEDF. Used in as a multiple role vessel the Bloodfire is the Chiss' primary Vessel.
Class - Bloodfire
Designation - Battle Carrier
Demensions - 724 Meters
10 VLx-92H Pulse Heavy Turbolaser Battery
30 VLa-6L Pulse Turbolasers
10 GL-22 Anti Projectile Cannons
4 H66-T Nagnol Cannons
6 PR-10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Defenses and Equipment
Hull Armor - Quarda Tritanium Bonded Armor
Armor Rating - 2,000 RU
Sheilding - Duel Protector Shielding System
Shield Rating - 2,656 SBD
Back-up Shield Rating - 2,104 SBD
Sensors - Mask 2x Sensor System
Communications - Oracle Quadraciver
Countermeasures - Eclipse Countermeasure System
Fusion Reactor - 4 LRD 500 Antimatter Reactors
Stardrive System - 2 Cortusi JR-770 Ionic Drives
Hyperdrive Movivators - Cortusi ADM-1 Movitators
Sublight Speed - 16 MGLT
Hyperdrive Rating - X1
Back-up Hyperdrive Rating - X10
Command - 55
Crew - 1,806
Gunners - 165
Flight Ops - 258
Troopers - 800
Engineers - 10
Onboard Craft
24 JFC-x1 Diablo Fighters
36 TF-10 Claw Interceptors
12 TF-8 Claw Craft
10 TS-26 Badger Assualt Shuttles
Onboard Vehicles
Though called an escort carrier this vessel is far from that. with weapons riveling a Victory Star Destroyer and a whole wing of fighters, the Bloodfire is a stout opponate for any vessel. The Bloodfire is the mainstay of the CEDF. Used in as a multiple role vessel the Bloodfire is the Chiss' primary Vessel.