View Full Version : I'm back....and Master-less

Matthias darkstone
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:18:45 PM
::Matthias entered the Temple Avalon to see many people training, and being instructed in the ways of a Jedi. He approached a cloaked figure with their back towards him, and said boldly:

I wish to have a Master. Are you able to teach me further in the ways of the Jedi?

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:21:55 AM
It was unusual to see a new recruit right in the Avalon, since many of them arrived via the recruitment center. It was no real matter, since a session of the council had just ajurned for the afternoon and many of the council were milling about.

"Well, there are many among us who have that ability, but only a few who have the call."

Drawing back the hood from my face, I turned to face the young man, giving him a smile that was both welcoming and enigmatic. My long black curls lay neatly over my shoulders, and under my cloak I wore a casual tunic of soft grey.

"What do you come here intending to learn? Do you seek the way of fighting or the way of knowledge? Or perhaps... Both?"

Matthias darkstone
Aug 6th, 2003, 05:59:49 PM
Matthias jumped. The tall imposing figure turned out to be a young woman, not much older than himself. He regained his composure, and bowed his head in respect and greeting.

"I am Matthias Darkstone, former padawan learner. I wish to rejoin the order. I want to learn all that there is to learn...if I haven't done so already. Shade Magus was my previous Master...perhaps you knew him?"

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 6th, 2003, 10:17:14 PM
"Yes, I knew him from long ago..."

I remembered Shade, but did not remember this young man in front of me. No matter... it would be unusual for us to refuse to admit him back to the Order.

"Tell me, why did you leave, and why now do you wish to return?"

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 7th, 2003, 12:07:57 AM
::Azhure hung around the door for a second, her face showing none of her foreign pleasure that her brother had returned. He had not been around long but he had as good as promised to stay around longer. Nodding silently to herself she moved from the door and dissapeared into the long hallways.::

Matthias darkstone
Aug 8th, 2003, 10:01:45 PM
::It was that question again...'why did you leave us...?" It was not a topic that he really wanted to talk about, but he guessed it'd have to come out eventually, and this young woman looked like she could be trusted. There was an inner wiseness to her eyes which he had never before seen in someone, except for maybe his sister.::

"I had fallen back into my old ways, thanks to an old conrade of mine, Nash Ngut, and was captured by CrimsonSun as a result. Only now do I know of the big mistake that I'd made."

::He looked at Ryla, and tried to read her face.::

"I ask to be re-entered into the Jedi order, and continue my journey to becoming a Jedi Knight beside my sister."

"Will you allow me to rejoin?"

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 13th, 2003, 03:55:59 PM
"I see no reason to keep any willing recruit from joining."

He seemed honest enough, and I tried to detect any hint of malice or subversion in him. I could find nothing on the surface, only shame, I assumed, over his previous actions.

"I'll go and speak with the rest of the Council and see if I can find a master for you."

Matthias darkstone
Aug 13th, 2003, 05:43:04 PM
Matthias bowed. "Thankyou. I'd appreciate that very much."

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 22nd, 2003, 07:01:38 AM
::Azhure waited outsidethe hallway entrance, playing with a throwing knife blade, running her fingers along it without slicing her skin. Precision. How long would he take. They must accept him, they had to. Somehow she felt her success here would also depend on his support. They may never be close twins but he could still be a friend.

She continued playing with the knife nervously. She wanted his company here.::

Matthias darkstone
Aug 22nd, 2003, 11:03:59 PM
Matthias stuck his head out of the doorway, and watched his siter silently playing with a knife. She threw it up, up, and away, and it came hurtling down...into Matthias's hand.

"How many times do i have to tell you...don't play with your knife!!! It's dangerous! It's ok to play with your lightsaber...but not your knife!!":p

He handed it back to Azhure, with a look of mock disapproval upon his face.

"Think they'll let me back in, sis?" he asked. "The council are very particular with whon they want to enlist...or reinlist in this case."

He stuck his head back in to see if Ryla had returned, and came out again.

"She has been gone for an awful while. Is that meant to be good?"

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2003, 01:12:39 AM
::Azhure took the knife with a small half smile and put it back back into the snug position in her chest, she had always found having a knife handy in the most unexpected areas. She watched as he looked back down the hall and then at her.::

Perhaps you should not put your hand in the way.
As for Ryla, a long time can mean a good or bad outcome depending on which way you choose to look at it. You've always been a positive person.

::She leaned back on the wall and looked at him. he was strong and fit, his dark eyes sparkled with mischief as it had always done and he always looked on the verge of cracking a joke. A contrast just as their sex was a contrast to each other. Standing again, she looked down the hall.::

The council have always been just in their decisions. Your ruling will not come with ambiguity.

Matthias darkstone
Aug 24th, 2003, 07:19:31 PM
"I sure hope not. I don't know where i will go if they don't take me back. Probably just somewhere on a desolate planet with millions of slave girls satisfying my every request....picking grapes and popping them into my mouth....heck with it, what the hell am i on about?" He looked around and shook his head to clear out its muzziness. "I want to be here!"

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 25th, 2003, 02:42:03 AM
::Azhure looked at him bailfully before pondering if she should leave him with his fantasies, but then he'd always been good with women. She shook her head and almost half smiled before throwing her knife in the air and catching it by the sharp edge of the blade.::

You belong here far more than I do Matthias, stop worrying.

::She sat on the ground and said nothing, waiting. She closed her eyes and felt the force around her, calming her. For some reason this was of great importance to her as much as it was to him, and she stopped the doubt from eating into her confidence. He would be a jedi. Her body told him she did not want to talk any longer, and she felt him sit beside her, somehow making the world a little less wide and denseless, also feeling the emotionally large gap between them.::

Matthias darkstone
Sep 7th, 2003, 08:00:20 PM
Matthias sat down quietly beside his sister, and got the feeling that she was not in any mood for talking. He was nervous, and that was not a good thing to feel.

His breath slacked as he closed his eyes, trying to reach out to the force for the first time in nearly two years (ooc:??). He felt it fall apon him, like a protective blanket, enveloping him in calamity and an inner sense of belonging. He did belong here, along his sister.

Somehting made him slightly uncomfortable. He felt a gap between he and his sister. Maybe she did not trust him as much anymore, and he didn't blame her for it.

Azhure Darkstone
Sep 10th, 2003, 01:01:42 AM
::Azhure couldnt bear the sudden gap that became wider as he sat beside him and stood up in agitation. They had a long way to go. For now the issue of a master must be settled. She looked at him wordlessly, saying sorry silently for something she didnt even know she was guilty of and leaned on the wall not looking at him. She looked down for a second before speaking.::

I have heard a rumour that a certain Master of yours has come back. I do not know for sure but you may verify it.
I..I have to go. Good luck.

::Saying this she attempted a fuller smile, which looked alien on her face, and turned. The twins had a very long way to go.::