View Full Version : Re: Indiscriminate Justice

Rigel Bismarck
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:49:57 PM
This is the thread for the rules regarding the Indiscriminate Justice thread in the RolePlaying forum.

link: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=563045#post563045

The scenario is simple: Xazor is on trial for the crime of helpling a Dark Sider wanted by the Republic. There are two focal points to the thread: Xazor and Pierce. Anyone who wants to assist Xazor should contact her and anyone who wants to work against Xazor should contact me (Pierce). There is no planned outcome and any character is welcome to join the thread, as long as they join one of the two sides in place.

That said, have fun. :)