View Full Version : Indiscriminate Justice

Rigel Bismarck
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:38:39 PM
(Notice: Please read the thread in the OOC forum titled Re: Indiscriminate Justice BEFORE posting to this thread because it contains the rules for participation.)

Jedi fight for justice, because justice is the fundamental bedrock on which civilization rests.

But what is justice?

Is it the collection of written laws whose form has been decided on through debate from some of the most brilliant and most corrupt politicians and which hold sway over the greater portion of the galaxy? Is justice the wild and malleable wanderings of the compassionate heart that seeks the best for all but must adapt to each new being it encounters? Is either set of morals any better or worse than another?

Xazor Elessar, Knight of the Jedi Order, has been arrested on charges of helping Lilaena De'Ville, known Dark Jedi and agent of treason against the Republic. The man who on whose word she was charged and into whose custody she has been placed is Jedi Padawan Pierce Tondry. His additional title of Major in the New Republic Intelligence Agency lends great credence to his damning charges- charges that have unknowingly called into question the very nature of justice. Xazor's actions have come from her heart, and Pierce's response, from the law.

Though the matter has greatly surprised the Jedi Council and the various circles it has reached, those same circles have shut themselves tightly away, keeping the information quiet. The Jedi, the Senate, and certain branches of the military have been informed out of necessity, but the general public is unaware that there is a Jedi Knight named Xazor Elessar, much less so that there is a man named Pierce Tondry currently escorting her to her first hearing of inquiry...


The lift tube stopped, sharply but smoothly, and the doors opened. The blindfolded Pierce was the first out of the lift, with Xazor only a step behind him, partly forced to keep up due to the binders that locked the pair of them together. Both of them wore Jedi robes that signified them as protectors of the galaxy, but the binders explained that one was protecting the galaxy from the other.

The pair passed by two guards and were followed from the lift by seven visibly armed men, only one of them smiling cheerfully.

"I thought I was allowed a lawyer present," Xazor said. "I haven't been able to contact anyone."

"The Republic has the right to seek your own unbiased account of what happened," Pierce replied. His voice was not cold or stern, but it was most definitely hard and authoritative. "You'll be told this again later, but you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to."

The two of them entered a set of double doors and found themselves in a room of highly polished wood ornamentation. At the far end of the wall, five men in austere black robes sat behind a large wooden desk. There were two seats at a large table in the middle of the room, but other than that the room had no furniture and no other people.

Behind them, a metallic clunk echoed from the door mechanism as it was locked from the outside.

Pierce inserted a keycard into a slot on the binders and the clamps released from around the wrists of the Jedi. The pair sat at the table.

"Jedi Knight Elessar, we are the official Special Hearing Committee on your case," said the chairman in the center, reading from something in front of him. "This is not a trial. Due to the status as Jedi Knight and your accuser's status as an Officer of the Republic, the Senate has determined that it is necessary to seek an account of the incident that has led to your charge and subsequent arrest from both yourself and your accuser. Either of you may choose to refuse to answer any of our questions and may choose to end your specific questioning session at any time. Everything said is part of a closed record that will be presented to any further panels or judges you may appear in front of."

The Chairman took off his reading glasses and looked up at Xazor. "If you have no objections to this please state so now and proceed to give your account of the events in question."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:56:18 AM
Xazor rubbed her temples as the Chairman spoke. The words flowing from his monotonous voice made the Jedi Knight close her eyes and drift off from the situation. "This isn't happening to me." She thought to herself when suddenly the room went quiet. Xazor realized she was being spoken to.

Looking up from the table before her, the young woman nodded after the Chairman finished speaking. Her eyes shot to Pierce and she smiled. "I am a Jedi and I am compelled to do what the Force instructs me to." She stated boldly as her eyes flickered to the face of the Chairman.

"I need not say more and I shall not for it is injust to expect a testimony without a lawyer." Xazor nodded and became quiet, finished with all she was going to say.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 14th, 2003, 06:17:49 AM
"Such is your right and privelige under New Republic law," the Chairman replied, leaning forward. "However, this panel is merely one of inquiry. Choosing not to speak before us may harm your case, and the Force cannot be questioned on a witness stand in a court of law."

The Chairman leaned back and began looking through the papers in front of him. "The Jedi Knight has refused to make a statement, as is permitted under article 138-77B of Law for the Accused," he announced.

With another forward lean, the Chairman addressed Pierce. "Pierce Tondry, it is under your word that Xazor Elessar is accused and imprisoned. Officially you have already made a statement that will be recalled at any further hearings or trials (should the matter come to that). If you would like to give us another account of the events in question, you are entitled to do so at this time."

"I would," Pierce replied.

"Then please begin by stating for the Committee your name and any titles you may hold."

"My name is Pierce Alexander Tondry. I am officially recognized as a Jedi Padawan, honorary Master of Honoghrian Combat Arts, and Major of the New Republic Intelligence Agency as of 5-06-208 Post-Empire date."

"And you maintain that Xazor Elessar deliberately interfered in an official arrest of a traitor?"

"That is correct. I was informed as of 12-18-207 Post-Em by the NRI Briefing Memorandum on Arcan IV that Lilaena De'Ville was among those wanted for questioning regarding an attack on its capital and outlying districts. Though there was little hard evidence on most of the attackers, Lilaena and an unknown girl broke into a water treatment facility and their activites were caught on security footage. An investigative team later determined that the water supply had been poisoned. De'Ville is also suspected to be involved in five other incidents where the safety and security of New Republic member planets were threatened or harmed."

"It was Lilaena De'Ville that you were attempting to arrest on the day in question, then?"

"That is correct," Pierce confirmed. "I have recently been covering watch shifts in the Jedi Bar and Grill as favors for Jedi Knights suddenly called away from duty. It was in this role as watchman that I was in the Bar when I saw someone who looked like Lilaena enter with two other companions, the three of them looking as though they'd recently been in some kind of scuffle. The three of them took a table and were approached by Xazor. At first I believed she was going to take the matter in hand, so I simply held back and watched."

"Some small time-a minute or so, say- passed and it became clear to me that what was going on was not an arrest, but conversation. I moved from my seat at the end of the bar to one further down, where I was better able to hear what was being said, which confirmed my suspicion about the nature of the conversation. After a brief trip to the restroom, Lilaena returned to the table when she was asked by one of her male companions whether she minded if that man's sister joined them, presumably speaking about Xazor."

"At this point I stood and told them that I did mind."

"I was told to go back to the bar by her other male companion, which I ignored. I then announced to Lilaena and those at the table that she was wanted by the Republic for questioning on various charges including murder and treason. I was threatened by the second man, but backed up by another Jedi Knight."

"It was at this point that Xazor claimed to have a sudden bodily emergency that required female assistance. She requested Lilaena's assistance- by name- and took her to the restroom."

"At first I was puzzled by this opportune emergency, but then it began to dawn on me that Xazor might be out to help Lilaena escape. I made a pretense of leaving in order to keep an eye on Lilaena. To do this, I circled around the building to the window where the ladies refresher was and looked inside the window, which I had no trouble with. When I got there, I could see Xazor inside an air-duct, reaching a hand down to Lilaena. It was clear that she meant to help her escape, but also clear that Lilaena had rejected the idea. The women's refresher door had been blown from its hinges and Lilaena was fleeing the room. I gave chase, but Lilaena did get away, which can be credited to Xazor's assistance."

When it became clear that Pierce had said all he was going to, the Chairman nodded. "Thank you both for coming, and thank you, Major, for your account. The Committee appreciates your time and will be reporting our recommendation to the Senate very soon. Major Tondry, please escort Xazor back to her holding cell."

Pierce nodded, stood, and pulled out the binders again. "You ready to go?" he asked Xazor.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2003, 02:18:46 AM
Madam Evenstar

If there was one beginning to a communication I did not trust, it was one that began with Madam. It would be someone looking for something off me, a favour or similar. I picked up the wine glass, swirled around the red fluid inside, contemplating how it sparkled in the lights in my office. Days ago I had attempted to leave the Jedi Order, but found myslef stalled and then turned about by Navaria Tarkin. Much things I had to think about, not the least the very strange augmentation in my defensive powers in the last month. During that fight where it seemed I had developed a handy talent of defence, yet up to then I had no idea I could do it. Study of the problem afterwards had not revealed any reason why it could be so, though as I leaned back and put my other hand on my faintly bulged stomach, I did have an idea why. Mothering instincts and a desire to protect the baby developing inside my womb.

Maybe. I would know soon enough after I spoke to Master D'An, who knew much more on these things than I did. Wish it could have been Master Elessar, he knew even more. But he had gone to ground some months ago. I had only word he was alive.

I smiled slightly as I took a sip of my wine, imaging his face when I eventaully told him face to face. Content with that thought, I pressed 'Recieve' on my console, the message addressed to me scrolling forth.

Your communictaion has been denied under NR authority. Xazor Elessar is currently under investigation for treason

"BBBBMMMFFFFFPPPPPPHHH!" The wine sprayed my desk and console as I choked. I got my coughing under control, before getting up to hopelessly try to allow some of the liquid to drip off my dress.



Something was wrong here. I picked up a piece of paper to mop up the wine from the console, before toggling some keys. Luckily for me, my security clearence was very high - being a Jedi Knight, a Senator and a commissioned officer would give you that. within a few minutes I had the whole story - in shock I sat back down, gaping.

My Padawan?

Arrested my daughter???

"My God Pierce, what have you done?" I moaned. "Xazor? Why?"

I really didn't need this dilemma.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2003, 05:29:43 PM
Xazor growled deeply within her chest as Pierce gave his recollection of the incident. The claims he made were insane. How was he to know that she was helping Lilaena in the first place? Didn't he realize that he blew a major chance to make her see that the Jedi way of life isn't so bad. The woman sighed and shook her head as he finished speaking to the panel.

Finally, Pierce stood and Xazor looked up at him with not only a hurt expression, but a deep anger and even -- hatred in her eyes. She snorted at his question and stood to her feet. "Would you be?" The Knight questioned as she looked intently into his eyes and nodded. "This is absoultely ridiculous! What the hell is his problem anyway?" The Garou woman's thoughts carried her away for a moment before she realized that they were moving and she was being drug, nearly.

"Why did you lie to me?" Xazor questioned after a few moments of silence between the pair. Pierce appeared to be a bit confused and the Knight did not allow him any time to question her. "You said that I wouldn't have to give a testimony -- you said that I could have a lawyer! You promised me a phone call! What happened to all of that, Pierce? I thought that the Jedi were people of their word!" She yanked on her arms from him but it was no use, his strength outmatched hers and using the Force in a place like this would only get her shot. Growling out of frustration, the young woman looked away from the Padawan and continued walking.