View Full Version : I think its feasible....

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2003, 03:45:16 PM
I know not everyone will agree and some will roll their eyes at my idea but please hear me out.

Ive thought about this for some time and Morgans 'Olde Guarde' thread in OOC has only strengthened it. For those who would be willing to take a noob under their wing, why cant we offer our services to those who want them? Make an ongoing thread in OOC - much like the char database - and keep adding to per request.

For example (and these names are totally random), lets say that myself, Brian, Taylor and Ryla all volunteer to be mentors. We post the thread in OOC and the first noob who posts asking for a mentor would get me. The next noob would get Brian, the next Taylor and so on. It would be on a rotating basis for the mentors. Those olde guarde who feel that they could handle the responsibility of more than one noobie would be welcomed to take on as many as they felt plausible.

Perhaps someone with their own forum could or would offer a private 'room' for the mentors to discussion options, online time, etc.

This isnt based on Jedi, Sith or Dark Jedi. It is simply to help teach them the ropes, whats acceptable and so forth.

I hope this made sense to everyone and I hope that everyone will give it due thought and consideration.

Thanks. :)

Aug 5th, 2003, 03:53:34 PM
I was under the impression that part of the whole IC student/master training was to teach people the ropes.

If you want to do this, be my guest. Seems a bit odd, and I'm not really sure how it's going to work, but there'll be no harm done, that I can see.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2003, 04:04:52 PM
Most of it would be covered in the Master/apprentice training but not everyone has that to rely on. Some of the noobs arent sure which side they want to join or even if they do. Those are the ones that we could help.

Aug 5th, 2003, 06:05:31 PM
Daiqarooney: I think if you want to do this (and so do others) you could just start a thread. Just like any thread, if people want to participate, sobeit.

I didn't know if you were seeking permission (kinda) or opinions.

Figrin D'an
Aug 5th, 2003, 06:08:34 PM
Yeah... I'd say go for it if you want to do it. I don't think any admin-type people are going to get their undies in a bunch for taking it upon yourself to help out some newbies. If there are some people that want to pool their time and efforts on something like this, more power to you.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 5th, 2003, 06:24:35 PM
Well, I'm not sure that a one to one thing will work in the long run, but perhaps there could be a steady thing set up that signifies certain people as helpers... I'm not sure what that would be besides a list on the FAQ. It could just be a group of people who are totally willing to help people out with their specific questions. (Of course, ideally everyone would do this, but that's beside the point)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2003, 09:50:58 PM
So far, so good :)

I was kind of seeking permission but also testing the water to see what kind of reception it would get.

How many of the Mods here would be willing to be on the Mentor list?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 5th, 2003, 11:00:42 PM
My opinion is that this is what we have groups for. Like Shawn said "master/padawan/apprentice" relationships are supposed to bring about the RPing mentoring.

Unfortunately my apprentices keep disappearing on me. :cry It really isn't my fault!

That being said, as the GROUPS (most of the Sith/Dark groups don't even encourage noobs to join and those that do [TSO] sadly neglect them) are falling down on this, I am in full support of there being mentoring of n00bs.

Daiq, as others have said, you don't really have to ask permission for this sort of thing. It isn't like Brian asking if he can use a Death Star. :) However, asking for volunteers is another thing. In the "Olde Guarde" thread, many many MANY people have already said they are willing to help new posters out. I was one of them. If you're going to make a list, take down all our names and type it up and post it in OOC.

I'd title it: NEW POSTERS, ATTN PLEASE with bright neon lights or something.

Actually scratch the bright neon lights, you'll just attract Garrett Blade. ;)

Aug 6th, 2003, 08:58:26 AM
This isn't a bad idea. I don't have time for it currently, but maybe this fall.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 10:45:11 AM
So far I have seven people who have officially said they will help in this. Three more are considering it and one more said 'no'. I still have a few more to ask and those include Dale, Ogre, Dru, Hera, LV and Ryla. Jenny had mentioned Alpha but Ive heard a few others comment on his brushes with god-moding. Any thoughts on that...asking Alpha?

Pierce Tondry
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:34:41 AM
The thing to remember about Alpha is that age-wise, he is still young. His roleplaying over the course of time has grown, and I think he is doing a respectable job given how much maturity and insight people his age usually have. I do not think he shows quite as much inherent realism in his RPing as those people who have finished high school and are age 18 or older, but I think that will come with time.

So, IMO, it would be best not to ask Alpha to mentor others unless we come across another Zeke/Wei situation.

And what's wrong with me wanting to use a Death Star, Holly? :-p

*Mental note to self: type up SW RPing realism FAQ.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 03:18:45 PM
We need another FAQ? o_O Have you even read the new one? :p

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 6th, 2003, 06:39:28 PM
*Mental note to self: type up SW RPing realism FAQ.*

Covered under the Common sense clause of the FAQ :p

Dunno how much time I'll have up my sleeve, but I can sorta help out.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 06:57:48 PM
BTW....would it be possible for the thread (once I get it posted) to be stickied?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:09:35 PM
I would hazard that it is possible, yes. :)

Pierce Tondry
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:21:12 PM
Holly: Yes, I did.

Mark: No, it isn't.

The new FAQ does provide some realistic grounding for new characters, but as definitive source material it falls short. It mentions that better roleplayers are realistic and provides some helpful pointer questions, but it does not define what realism in Star Wars is or explain why realism is important to roleplaying. If I am going to mentor new roleplayers, having a Realism FAQ at my fingertips will allow me to explain this rather essential concept without constantly repeating myself.

Had said Realism FAQ been for anyone besides myself, other people would have heard of it prior to now. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:04:49 PM
The Faq does give some pointers to what realism is in SW and I see no reason it needs to be expanded. The FAQ gives a player a great deal of freedom and wriggle room, but there is statements about what is preferred.

IF you design a realism FAQ, you are then, in my mind mandating a you-must-do-things-this-way. That is not the spirit of SW-Fans, which has been, as long as I have been here, into giving the roleplayer the freedom to do as they wish within a simple, yet effective basis.

It gives us the freedom to wander completely outside of Star Wars if we wish. You should not have to do any more than to suggest to someone to generally make it look like it is possible in a Star Wars Galaxy and explain Fair Play. You might write something like that for yourself to use, but I for one will not find it helpful as I have found that the FAQ is more than enough for anyone who does not need beltign with a clue stick to comphrend and use.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:08:54 PM
Well, here it is. Thought it might be a good idea to let everyone look it over. Any suggestions to adding or deleting?

Hear ye! Hear ye! Ye have spoken and been heard!

Below you'll find a list of names. They are the people who have volunteered to help mentor the new roleplayers here at SWFans. Of course, anyone can ask for help...you dont have to be new to seek help or advice :)

Here is how it will work:

The first newbie (or noob, depending on which you prefer) who posts in this thread asking for help will get the first mentor at the top of the list. The second newbie will get the second mentor on the list and so forth.

One thing that will not be done is to allow 'requests'. Lets say that 'John Doe' becomes a member here at Fans and is very interested in becoming an Imperial. He has watched the forums and knows that Taylor frequently roleplays an Imperial character. 'John' makes a post asking that Taylor become his mentor because of Tay's interests in the Empire. It makes sense...they both share a commonality.

What happens when the next one or even two new members show up and share the same interest as 'John Doe'? Poor Taylor would be swamped and what time he did have for mentoring one newbie now has to be split between three. No one would fully benefit from Tay's experience and his own RPing would suffer. If a new member truly wants the help in learning the rules of the board and becoming a better roleplayer themselves, then they will have to accept who is available.

Please remember this is all voluntary. We are taking time out of our busy schedules to provide help for those who seriously want to learn. If youre not willing to respect that, then please dont post.

Some mentors will prove to have more time available than others. This is something that will have to be worked out between you (the newbie) and the mentor youre working with. Should a strong conflict of personalities occur, a different arrangement could be made but we urge all involved to have patience and understanding.

In all fairness, I feel that I should go first since this was my doing. I cant very well ask others to do what I wont, now can I? (Yes, you may throw rotting veggies at me should it be a dismal failure :uhoh) Now, for the list.

1. Daiquiri Van-Derveld / Denali Gue

2. Zasz Grimm / Andraq Novkar

3. Dae Jinn

4. Lilaena De'Ville / James Prent

5. Pierce Tondry / Evil Hobgoblin

6. Taylor Millard / Wargrave

7. s'Ilancy

8. Vega Van-Derveld / Dasquian Belargic

9. Dru / Loki Ahmrah

10. Marcus Elessar

More names may appear on the list at a later date, given availability. Though mentors will try to contact a posted request first, please dont sit back and wait. Make use of your Private messaging (PM) and drop a line to the mentor at the top of the list. It will be between you and your mentor if Instant messaging (IM) nics are to be exchanged.

As always, please read the FAQ first...it will save time and trouble down the road.

Happy roleplaying!

Aug 6th, 2003, 09:15:20 PM
Aside from a typo, it looks fine. I've seen a similar system implemented at another board, and I never really understood the necessity of it there, either. But people seem to benefit from it, so I have nothing against it.

We can sticky the thread for a while, then maybe look into other methods of keeping it available to the all newcomers (such as an addendum to the FAQ).

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:24:47 PM
You tell me I have a typo and dont point it out? :mneh

*hunts for it

Aha! *corrects the 2 typos she found, making Shawns post o b s o l e t e :mischief

Pierce Tondry
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:30:29 PM
Mark: Have I not already made it clear the 'Realism FAQ' is for my personal use as a teaching aide? I'm not debating this subject with you, and if you have that desire, you can find someone else to play devil's advocate. This thread is not the place for such a debate anyway.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 6th, 2003, 09:51:08 PM
No you did not make it clear originally, thank you now making that so.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2003, 01:09:19 AM
Looks good Daiq!! :)