View Full Version : Broken...(Marcus, Lost)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:03:37 AM
It had been three days after The Lost Jedi's encounter with the terrible Tree that nearly took the life of Daetana Jinn. Their fierce battle with the Darksiders had left many of their ranks bruised and battered, but the one who seemed to arrive on scene late, took the most damage. She now lay in a cot in an isolated room in the upstairs Lost headquarters of Dexter's Diner.

The Garou had been forced to change back to humanoid form shortly after being taken to the Medical Center. They were not able to work on a creature as large as she was when changed. It had been a painful experience but it was for the best. She now lay with her eyes close, wrapped in white blankets with her right arm atop her stomach. It was broken, shattered, and casted. Massive lacerations to her arms and legs were visible if the sheet was absent. She had a bone deep cut on her broken arm that throbbed with pain.

Luckily for her, she was healing well. The Garou healing powers that she possessed were incredible and allowed her to heal at a rate that blew others away. Though this was true, she was still in a massive amount of pain and had only come out of her deep coma just hours before. Sleep was still the best activity for her, though, until she healed enough to walk better. The wounds caused by the silver thrown at her were aggravating and stung, still. Ocassionally she would moan in frustration or pain because of the discomfort that they caused. Now the Jedi Knight lay there, silently in the dark. She felt cold and alone, and occasionally wondered if she would ever regain full use of her right arm. Hope was dim and the other members of The Lost Jedi were no where to be seen as of yet.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 7th, 2003, 04:58:51 AM
There was a small knock on the door and in came Marcus, bearing a bwol of what smelt like stew.

"Good morning. Sleep well?"